Yr Athro Marco Hauptmeier
Athro Gwaith a Chyflogaeth, Pro Deon ar gyfer Astudiaethau Doethurol
Mae Marco Hauptmeier yn Athro Gwaith a Chyflogaeth ac yn Ddirprwy Ddeon ar gyfer Astudiaethau Doethurol yn Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd. Mae ei ymchwil ym maes cysylltiadau cyflogaeth rhyngwladol a chymharol yn canolbwyntio ar actorion ar y cyd, gan gynnwys undebau llafur, Cynghorau Gwaith Ewropeaidd a sefydliadau cyflogwyr, gan holi sut mae gweithredu ar y cyd yn bosibl ac arwain at fanteision cydweithredol. Enillodd grant Arweinydd Ymchwil ESRC y Dyfodol ar gyfer astudiaeth ar sefydliadau cyflogwyr y DU ac mae ei brosiect presennol, a ariennir gan Sefydliad Hans Böckler, yn ymestyn yr ymchwil hwn i'r lefel Ewropeaidd, gan ganolbwyntio ar sefydliadau cyflogwyr Ewropeaidd. Mae wedi dal swyddi gwadd academaidd yn Sefydliad Juan March ym Madrid, Sefydliad Max Planck ar gyfer Astudio Cymdeithasau yn Cologne, Prifysgol Boston ac Ysgol ILR Cornell. Mae Marco yn Gyn-fyfyrwyr Crucible Cymru a Dyfodol Caerdydd yn ogystal ag arweinydd academaidd Undeb Cyhoeddus Caerdydd, cyfres o ddigwyddiadau, lle mae mwy na 120 o academyddion wedi cyflwyno eu hymchwil i'r cyhoedd.
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2024. Beyond liberalization: Employers' organizations' varied responses to employment law. Employee Relations 46(7), pp. 1550-1565. (10.1108/ER-06-2023-0285)
- Erne, R., Hauptmeier, M., Pulignano, V. and Turnbull, P. 2024. Introduction to a special issue: Social Europe: The changing contours of transnational employment relations in the European Union. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 77(5), pp. 643-658. (10.1177/00197939241273523)
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2023. Union coalitions and strategic framing: The case of the Agricultural Advisory Panel for Wales. Work, Employment and Society 37(5), pp. 1226-1243. (10.1177/09500170211069787)
- Pulignano, V., Hauptmeier, M. and Frans, D. 2023. Determinants of union strategies towards the twin digital and green transitions in the German and Belgian automotive industry. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 29(1) (10.1177/10242589231158)
- Aranea, M., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. Beyond social dialogue: the varied activities of European employers' organizations. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 263-276.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. Employers' organizations and the territorial divergence of employment relations in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 213-228.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. The adaptation and resilience of employers' organizations. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 1-20.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. 2022. Contemporary employers' organizations: Adaptation and resilience. Routledge Research in Employment Relations. New York: Routledge.
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2021. Revisiting voluntarism: private voluntary regulation by employer forums in the United Kingdom. Journal of Industrial Relations 63(5), pp. 684-705. (10.1177/00221856211038308)
- Aranea, M., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. What do European Employers` Organisations do?. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008113
- , M., , P., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. Handbook of European employers' organisations. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008096
- Morgan, G. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. The social organization of ideas in employment relations. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 74(3), pp. 773-797. (10.1177/0019793920987518)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. A typology of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom. Economic and Industrial Democracy 41(1), pp. 229-248. (10.1177/0143831X17704499)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. The decay and revival of sub-UK employer organisation: a response to Dr. Ritson. Labor History 61(5-6), pp. 417-422. (10.1080/0023656X.2020.1830958)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2019. The unexpected survival of employer collective action in the UK. Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations 74(2), pp. 353-376. (10.7202/1062087ar)
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2019. Employers' organisations and public value. In: Lindgreen, A. et al. eds. Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice. Routledge, pp. 236-251.
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. The decline of Employers' Associations in the UK, 1976 to 2014. Journal of Industrial Relations 61(1), pp. 11-32. (10.1177/0022185617750418)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. Employer organisations transformed. Human Resource Management Journal 29(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1111/1748-8583.12222)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. The evolution of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom: extending countervailing power. Human Resource Management Journal 29(1), pp. 82-96. (10.1111/1748-8583.12193)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2018. Contemporary employer interest representation in the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society 32(1), pp. 114-132. (10.1177/0950017017701074)
- Bowkett, C., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. J. 2017. Exploring the role of employer forums - the case of Business in the Community Wales. Employee Relations 39(7), pp. 986-1000. (10.1108/ER-11-2016-0229)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2017. New Worlds of Work: Varieties of Work in Car Factories in the BRIC Countries by Jürgens Ulrich and Martin Krzywdzinski. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, 368 pp., ISBN: 9780198722670, £55.00, hardback.. British Journal of Industrial Relations 55(4), pp. 883-885. (10.1111/bjir.12262)
- Hann, D., Hauptmeier, M. and Waddington, J. 2017. European Works Councils after two decades. European Journal of Industrial Relations 23(3), pp. 209-224. (10.1177/0959680117715190)
- Heery, E., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2017. The petroleum driver passport scheme: a case study in reregulation. Industrial Relations Journal 48(3), pp. 274-291. (10.1111/irj.12179)
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2016. Management whipsawing: the staging of labor competition under globalization. ILR Review 69(1), pp. 29-52. (10.1177/0019793915602254)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2015. Book review. Private equity at work. Socio-economic Review 13(4), pp. 815-818. (10.1093/ser/mwv026)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2015. Book review. Employer and worker collective action: a comparative study of Germany, South Africa, and the United States. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 68(4), pp. 969-970. (10.1177/0019793915587909)
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2015. Marketization and social dumping: management whipsawing in Europe's automotive industry. In: Bernaciak, M. ed. Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe. London: Routledge, pp. 125-139.
- Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2014. Ideas at work. International Journal of Human Resource Management 25(18), pp. 2473-2488. (10.1080/09585192.2014.936235)
- Anner, M., Greer, I., Hauptmeier, M., Lillie, N. and Winchester, N. 2014. Determinantes industriais da solidariedade transnacional: política intersindical global em três setores. Estudos Avançados 28(81), pp. 229-250. (10.1590/S0103-40142014000200016)
- Morgan, G. and Hauptmeier, M. 2014. Varieties of institutional theory in comparative employment relations. In: Wilkinson, A., Wood, G. and Deeg, R. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Employment Relations - Comparative Employment Systems. Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 190-221., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199695096.013.009)
- Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. 2014. Comparative political economy of work. Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisations. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vidal, M. and Hauptmeier, M. 2014. Comparative political economy and labour process theory: toward a synthesis. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-32.
- Hauptmeier, M. and Morgan, G. 2014. Ideas and institutions? The evolution of employment relations in the Spanish and German auto industry. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 162-185.
- Hauptmeier, M. 2012. Institutions are what actors make of them - the changing construction of firm-level employment relations in Spain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 50(4), pp. 737-759. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2012.00891.x)
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2012. Identity work: sustaining transnational collective action at General Motors Europe. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 51(2), pp. 275-299. (10.1111/j.1468-232X.2012.00677.x)
- Delbridge, R., Hauptmeier, M. and Sengupta, S. 2011. Beyond the enterprise: broadening the horizons of International HRM. Human Relations 64(4), pp. 483-505. (10.1177/0018726710396388)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2010. Reassessing markets and employment relations. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 171-194.
- Hauptmeier, M. and Greer, I. 2009. Between local interests and international solidarity: Negotiating restructuring at General Motors Europe. Working paper. CERIC (Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change, Leeds University Business School). Available at: http://lubswww2.leeds.ac.uk/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/Greer_Hauptmeier_WP7.pdf
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2008. Political entrepreneurs and co-managers: labour transnationalism at four multinational auto companies. British Journal of Industrial Relations 46(1), pp. 76-97. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2007.00667.x)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2007. Political insiders and social activists: coalition building in New York and Los Angeles. In: Turner, L. and Cornfield, D. B. eds. Labor in the New Urban Battlegrounds: Local Solidarity in a Global Economy. Frank W. Pierce Memorial Lectureship and Conference Series Vol. 12. Ithaca: ILR Press/Cornell University Press, pp. 129-146.
- Hauptmeier, M. 2007. Dunkle Wolken über Detroit: Die Krise in der amerikanischen Automobilindustrie. Fokus Amerika, article number: 1.
- Anner, M., Greer, I., Hauptmeier, M., Lillie, N. and Winchester, N. J. 2006. The Industrial Determinants of Transnational Solidarity: Global Interunion Politics in Three Sectors. European Journal of Industrial Relations 12(1), pp. 7-27. (10.1177/0959680106061368)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2005. Aufstand gegen den Niedergang: Die Spaltung der amerikanischen Gewerkschaftsbewegung [The insurgency against the demise: the split of the American labor movement]. Die Mitbestimmung 51(10), pp. 46-49.
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2024. Beyond liberalization: Employers' organizations' varied responses to employment law. Employee Relations 46(7), pp. 1550-1565. (10.1108/ER-06-2023-0285)
- Erne, R., Hauptmeier, M., Pulignano, V. and Turnbull, P. 2024. Introduction to a special issue: Social Europe: The changing contours of transnational employment relations in the European Union. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 77(5), pp. 643-658. (10.1177/00197939241273523)
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2023. Union coalitions and strategic framing: The case of the Agricultural Advisory Panel for Wales. Work, Employment and Society 37(5), pp. 1226-1243. (10.1177/09500170211069787)
- Pulignano, V., Hauptmeier, M. and Frans, D. 2023. Determinants of union strategies towards the twin digital and green transitions in the German and Belgian automotive industry. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 29(1) (10.1177/10242589231158)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2021. Revisiting voluntarism: private voluntary regulation by employer forums in the United Kingdom. Journal of Industrial Relations 63(5), pp. 684-705. (10.1177/00221856211038308)
- Morgan, G. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. The social organization of ideas in employment relations. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 74(3), pp. 773-797. (10.1177/0019793920987518)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. A typology of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom. Economic and Industrial Democracy 41(1), pp. 229-248. (10.1177/0143831X17704499)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. The decay and revival of sub-UK employer organisation: a response to Dr. Ritson. Labor History 61(5-6), pp. 417-422. (10.1080/0023656X.2020.1830958)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2019. The unexpected survival of employer collective action in the UK. Relations Industrielles / Industrial Relations 74(2), pp. 353-376. (10.7202/1062087ar)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. The decline of Employers' Associations in the UK, 1976 to 2014. Journal of Industrial Relations 61(1), pp. 11-32. (10.1177/0022185617750418)
- Demougin, P., Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. Employer organisations transformed. Human Resource Management Journal 29(1), pp. 1-16. (10.1111/1748-8583.12222)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2019. The evolution of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom: extending countervailing power. Human Resource Management Journal 29(1), pp. 82-96. (10.1111/1748-8583.12193)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2018. Contemporary employer interest representation in the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society 32(1), pp. 114-132. (10.1177/0950017017701074)
- Bowkett, C., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. J. 2017. Exploring the role of employer forums - the case of Business in the Community Wales. Employee Relations 39(7), pp. 986-1000. (10.1108/ER-11-2016-0229)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2017. New Worlds of Work: Varieties of Work in Car Factories in the BRIC Countries by Jürgens Ulrich and Martin Krzywdzinski. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, 368 pp., ISBN: 9780198722670, £55.00, hardback.. British Journal of Industrial Relations 55(4), pp. 883-885. (10.1111/bjir.12262)
- Hann, D., Hauptmeier, M. and Waddington, J. 2017. European Works Councils after two decades. European Journal of Industrial Relations 23(3), pp. 209-224. (10.1177/0959680117715190)
- Heery, E., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2017. The petroleum driver passport scheme: a case study in reregulation. Industrial Relations Journal 48(3), pp. 274-291. (10.1111/irj.12179)
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2016. Management whipsawing: the staging of labor competition under globalization. ILR Review 69(1), pp. 29-52. (10.1177/0019793915602254)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2015. Book review. Private equity at work. Socio-economic Review 13(4), pp. 815-818. (10.1093/ser/mwv026)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2015. Book review. Employer and worker collective action: a comparative study of Germany, South Africa, and the United States. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 68(4), pp. 969-970. (10.1177/0019793915587909)
- Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2014. Ideas at work. International Journal of Human Resource Management 25(18), pp. 2473-2488. (10.1080/09585192.2014.936235)
- Anner, M., Greer, I., Hauptmeier, M., Lillie, N. and Winchester, N. 2014. Determinantes industriais da solidariedade transnacional: política intersindical global em três setores. Estudos Avançados 28(81), pp. 229-250. (10.1590/S0103-40142014000200016)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2012. Institutions are what actors make of them - the changing construction of firm-level employment relations in Spain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 50(4), pp. 737-759. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2012.00891.x)
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2012. Identity work: sustaining transnational collective action at General Motors Europe. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 51(2), pp. 275-299. (10.1111/j.1468-232X.2012.00677.x)
- Delbridge, R., Hauptmeier, M. and Sengupta, S. 2011. Beyond the enterprise: broadening the horizons of International HRM. Human Relations 64(4), pp. 483-505. (10.1177/0018726710396388)
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2008. Political entrepreneurs and co-managers: labour transnationalism at four multinational auto companies. British Journal of Industrial Relations 46(1), pp. 76-97. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2007.00667.x)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2007. Dunkle Wolken über Detroit: Die Krise in der amerikanischen Automobilindustrie. Fokus Amerika, article number: 1.
- Anner, M., Greer, I., Hauptmeier, M., Lillie, N. and Winchester, N. J. 2006. The Industrial Determinants of Transnational Solidarity: Global Interunion Politics in Three Sectors. European Journal of Industrial Relations 12(1), pp. 7-27. (10.1177/0959680106061368)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2005. Aufstand gegen den Niedergang: Die Spaltung der amerikanischen Gewerkschaftsbewegung [The insurgency against the demise: the split of the American labor movement]. Die Mitbestimmung 51(10), pp. 46-49.
Book sections
- Aranea, M., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. Beyond social dialogue: the varied activities of European employers' organizations. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 263-276.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. Employers' organizations and the territorial divergence of employment relations in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 213-228.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2022. The adaptation and resilience of employers' organizations. In: Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. Contemporary Employers' Organizations Adaptation and Resilience. Routledge, pp. 1-20.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2019. Employers' organisations and public value. In: Lindgreen, A. et al. eds. Public Value: Deepening, Enriching, and Broadening the Theory and Practice. Routledge, pp. 236-251.
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2015. Marketization and social dumping: management whipsawing in Europe's automotive industry. In: Bernaciak, M. ed. Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe. London: Routledge, pp. 125-139.
- Morgan, G. and Hauptmeier, M. 2014. Varieties of institutional theory in comparative employment relations. In: Wilkinson, A., Wood, G. and Deeg, R. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Employment Relations - Comparative Employment Systems. Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 190-221., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199695096.013.009)
- Vidal, M. and Hauptmeier, M. 2014. Comparative political economy and labour process theory: toward a synthesis. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-32.
- Hauptmeier, M. and Morgan, G. 2014. Ideas and institutions? The evolution of employment relations in the Spanish and German auto industry. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 162-185.
- Hauptmeier, M. 2010. Reassessing markets and employment relations. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 171-194.
- Hauptmeier, M. 2007. Political insiders and social activists: coalition building in New York and Los Angeles. In: Turner, L. and Cornfield, D. B. eds. Labor in the New Urban Battlegrounds: Local Solidarity in a Global Economy. Frank W. Pierce Memorial Lectureship and Conference Series Vol. 12. Ithaca: ILR Press/Cornell University Press, pp. 129-146.
- Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. eds. 2022. Contemporary employers' organizations: Adaptation and resilience. Routledge Research in Employment Relations. New York: Routledge.
- Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. 2014. Comparative political economy of work. Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisations. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Aranea, M., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. What do European Employers` Organisations do?. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008113
- , M., , P., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2021. Handbook of European employers' organisations. Working paper. Hans Böckler Foundation. Available at: https://www.boeckler.de/en/faust-detail.htm?sync_id=HBS-008096
- Hauptmeier, M. and Greer, I. 2009. Between local interests and international solidarity: Negotiating restructuring at General Motors Europe. Working paper. CERIC (Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change, Leeds University Business School). Available at: http://lubswww2.leeds.ac.uk/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/Greer_Hauptmeier_WP7.pdf
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2020. A typology of employers' organisations in the United Kingdom. Economic and Industrial Democracy 41(1), pp. 229-248. (10.1177/0143831X17704499)
- Gooberman, L., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2018. Contemporary employer interest representation in the United Kingdom. Work, Employment and Society 32(1), pp. 114-132. (10.1177/0950017017701074)
- Bowkett, C., Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. J. 2017. Exploring the role of employer forums - the case of Business in the Community Wales. Employee Relations 39(7), pp. 986-1000. (10.1108/ER-11-2016-0229)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2017. New Worlds of Work: Varieties of Work in Car Factories in the BRIC Countries by Jürgens Ulrich and Martin Krzywdzinski. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2016, 368 pp., ISBN: 9780198722670, £55.00, hardback.. British Journal of Industrial Relations 55(4), pp. 883-885. (10.1111/bjir.12262)
- Hann, D., Hauptmeier, M. and Waddington, J. 2017. European Works Councils after two decades. European Journal of Industrial Relations 23(3), pp. 209-224. (10.1177/0959680117715190)
- Heery, E., Gooberman, L. and Hauptmeier, M. 2017. The petroleum driver passport scheme: a case study in reregulation. Industrial Relations Journal 48(3), pp. 274-291. (10.1111/irj.12179)
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2016. Management whipsawing: the staging of labor competition under globalization. ILR Review 69(1), pp. 29-52. (10.1177/0019793915602254)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2015. Book review. Private equity at work. Socio-economic Review 13(4), pp. 815-818. (10.1093/ser/mwv026)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2015. Book review. Employer and worker collective action: a comparative study of Germany, South Africa, and the United States. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 68(4), pp. 969-970. (10.1177/0019793915587909)
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2015. Marketization and social dumping: management whipsawing in Europe's automotive industry. In: Bernaciak, M. ed. Market Expansion and Social Dumping in Europe. London: Routledge, pp. 125-139.
- Hauptmeier, M. and Heery, E. 2014. Ideas at work. International Journal of Human Resource Management 25(18), pp. 2473-2488. (10.1080/09585192.2014.936235)
- Anner, M., Greer, I., Hauptmeier, M., Lillie, N. and Winchester, N. 2014. Determinantes industriais da solidariedade transnacional: política intersindical global em três setores. Estudos Avançados 28(81), pp. 229-250. (10.1590/S0103-40142014000200016)
- Morgan, G. and Hauptmeier, M. 2014. Varieties of institutional theory in comparative employment relations. In: Wilkinson, A., Wood, G. and Deeg, R. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Employment Relations - Comparative Employment Systems. Oxford Handbooks in Business and Management Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 190-221., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199695096.013.009)
- Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. 2014. Comparative political economy of work. Critical Perspectives on Work and Organisations. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Vidal, M. and Hauptmeier, M. 2014. Comparative political economy and labour process theory: toward a synthesis. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-32.
- Hauptmeier, M. and Morgan, G. 2014. Ideas and institutions? The evolution of employment relations in the Spanish and German auto industry. In: Hauptmeier, M. and Vidal, M. eds. Comparative Political Economy of Work. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 162-185.
- Hauptmeier, M. 2012. Institutions are what actors make of them - the changing construction of firm-level employment relations in Spain. British Journal of Industrial Relations 50(4), pp. 737-759. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2012.00891.x)
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2012. Identity work: sustaining transnational collective action at General Motors Europe. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 51(2), pp. 275-299. (10.1111/j.1468-232X.2012.00677.x)
- Delbridge, R., Hauptmeier, M. and Sengupta, S. 2011. Beyond the enterprise: broadening the horizons of International HRM. Human Relations 64(4), pp. 483-505. (10.1177/0018726710396388)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2010. Reassessing markets and employment relations. In: Blyton, P. R., Heery, E. J. and Turnbull, P. J. eds. Reassessing the Employment Relationship. Management, Work and Organisations Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 171-194.
- Hauptmeier, M. and Greer, I. 2009. Between local interests and international solidarity: Negotiating restructuring at General Motors Europe. Working paper. CERIC (Centre for Employment Relations, Innovation and Change, Leeds University Business School). Available at: http://lubswww2.leeds.ac.uk/fileadmin/user_upload/Publications/Greer_Hauptmeier_WP7.pdf
- Greer, I. and Hauptmeier, M. 2008. Political entrepreneurs and co-managers: labour transnationalism at four multinational auto companies. British Journal of Industrial Relations 46(1), pp. 76-97. (10.1111/j.1467-8543.2007.00667.x)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2007. Political insiders and social activists: coalition building in New York and Los Angeles. In: Turner, L. and Cornfield, D. B. eds. Labor in the New Urban Battlegrounds: Local Solidarity in a Global Economy. Frank W. Pierce Memorial Lectureship and Conference Series Vol. 12. Ithaca: ILR Press/Cornell University Press, pp. 129-146.
- Hauptmeier, M. 2007. Dunkle Wolken über Detroit: Die Krise in der amerikanischen Automobilindustrie. Fokus Amerika, article number: 1.
- Anner, M., Greer, I., Hauptmeier, M., Lillie, N. and Winchester, N. J. 2006. The Industrial Determinants of Transnational Solidarity: Global Interunion Politics in Three Sectors. European Journal of Industrial Relations 12(1), pp. 7-27. (10.1177/0959680106061368)
- Hauptmeier, M. 2005. Aufstand gegen den Niedergang: Die Spaltung der amerikanischen Gewerkschaftsbewegung [The insurgency against the demise: the split of the American labor movement]. Die Mitbestimmung 51(10), pp. 46-49.
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Cysylltiadau Cyflogaeth Cymharol/HRM/ Economi Wleidyddol
- Cysylltiadau cyflogaeth a HRM yn y diwydiant ceir
- Theori sefydliadol a newid sefydliadol
- Rôl syniadau ac adeiladaeth mewn cysylltiadau cyflogaeth
- Cysylltiadau cyflogaeth trawswladol yn MNCs
Diddordebau ymchwil goruchwylio PhD
- Cysylltiadau cyflogaeth cymharol / HRM
- Cynrychiolaeth a llais gweithwyr mewn cwmnïau rhyngwladol
- Undebau llafur a bargeinio ar y cyd
- Cymdeithaseg o farchnadoedd
Teaching commitments
- Employment Relations (MSc HRM)
- International Human Resource Management (undergraduate)
- Qualitative Research Methods (PhD)
- PhD Prifysgol Cornell
- MA Prifysgol Bonn
- BA Prifysgol Münster
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Co-winner of the Thomas A. Kochan & Stephen R. Sleigh Best Dissertation Award in 2009, which recognizes the best PhD thesis in employment relations in the USA.
Contact Details
+44 29208 75080
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell S34, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU