Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Wassim Jabi  B.Arch, M.Arch, Ph.D

Yr Athro Wassim Jabi


B.Arch, M.Arch, Ph.D

Cadeirydd mewn Dulliau Cyfrifiannol mewn Pensaernïaeth

Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig



Professor and Chair of Computational Methods in Architecture. Course Leader, MSc Computational Methods in Architecture

External activities

Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Architectural Computing. External Examiner, University of Liverpool, University of East London.














  • Jabi, W. 2014. Parametric spatial models for energy analysis in the early design stages. Presented at: Symposium for Architecture and Urban Design - SimAUD 2014, Tampa, FL, 13-16 April 2014 Presented at Gerber, D. and Goldstein, R. eds.2014 Proceedings of the Symposium for Architecture and Urban Design. San Diego, CA: Simulations Councils, Inc. pp. 17-24.
  • Tsountani, A. and Jabi, W. 2014. Evaluating lighting simulations in Autodesk 3ds Max Design. Presented at: Building Simulation and Optimization, 2014, London, UK, 23-24 June 2014 Presented at Malki-Epsthein, L. et al. eds.Proceedings of the 2014 Building Simulation and Optimization Conference. London: University College London





  • Jabi, W. and Hall, T. W. 2008. An interactive poster kiosk for public engagement in cultural heritage displays. Presented at: VSMM 2008 - Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia Dedicated to Digital Heritage - 14th International Conference, Limassol, Cyprus, 20–25 October 2008 Presented at Ioannides, M. et al. eds.VSMM 2008: Digital Heritage - Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Virtual Systems and MultiMedia: Short Papers. Budapest: Archaelingua pp. 287-291.
  • Hall, T. W., Jabi, W., Passerini, K., Borcea, C. and Jones, Q. 2008. An interactive poster system to solicit casual design feedback. Presented at: 28th ACADIA Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 13-19 October 2008 Presented at Kudless, A., Oxman, N. and Swackhamer, M. eds.Silicon + Skin: Biological Processses and Computation - Proceedings of the 28th annual conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA 08), Minneapolis, MN, 16-19 October 2008. ACADIA pp. 438-445.
  • Jabi, W., Hall, T., Passerini, K., Borcea, C. and Jones, Q. 2008. Exporting the studio model of learning: teaming architecture with computer science. Presented at: 26th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe), Antwerp, Belgium, 17-20 Spetember 2008 Presented at Muyelle, M. ed.Architecture ‘in Computro’ – Integrating Methods and Techniques. Proceedings of the 26th Conference on Education and Research in Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe, September 17-19, 2008, Antwerp, Belgium. Brussels: ECAADe pp. 509-516.
  • Jabi, W., Borcea, C., Passerini, K. and Hall, T. 2008. Early experiences with interdisciplinary design studios. Presented at: Success Factors in Fostering Creativity in IT Research and Education, a Creative IT workshop sponsored by the NSF CISE Directorate, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, 18-20 January 2008.
  • Woodbury, R. and Jabi, W. 2008. Editorial. International Journal of Architectural Computing 6(2), pp. 3-4. (10.1260/147807708785850096)








  • Jabi, W. 1998. The role of artifacts in collaborative design. Presented at: Third Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in AsiaProceedings of the Third Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia. pp. 271-280.



  • Jabi, W. and Hall, T. 1995. The role of computers in synchronous collaborative design. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Cybernetics. International Association for Cybernetics, pp. 71-76.
  • Jabi, W. and Hall, T. W. 1995. Beyond the shared whiteboard: issues in computer-supported collaborative design. Presented at: Sixth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Singapore, 24-26 September 1995The Global Design Studio: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, 24-26 September 1995, Singapore. Singapore: Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture, National University of Singapore pp. 719-725.
  • Potamianos, I., Turner, J. and Jabi, W. 1995. Exploring the proportions of Middle-Byzantine churches: a parametric approach. Presented at: Sixth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, Singapore, Malaysia, 24-26 September 1995The Global Design Studio: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Computer Aided Architectural Design Futures, 24-26 September 1995, Singapore. Singapore: Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture, National University of Singapore pp. 483-493.

Adrannau llyfrau





  • Spaeth, A. B. and Jabi, W. eds. 2017. The virtual and the physical. eCAADe Regional International Symposium Vol. 5. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Education and Research for Computer Aided Architectural Design in Europe (eCAADe).
  • Jabi, W. 2013. Parametric design for architecture. London: Laurence King Publishing.


Diddordebau ymchwil

Dulliau cyfrifiadurol mewn Pensaernïaeth. Yn benodol, defnyddio offer digidol mewn:

  1. Cysyniad a chynrychiolaeth o ofod pensaernïol.
  2. Dadansoddiad gofodol.
  3. Ymchwiliadau dylunio parametrig.
  4. Efelychu perfformiad adeiladu.

Prif arbenigedd

Dulliau cyfrifiadurol mewn Pensaernïaeth, Dadansoddi Gofodol, Dylunio Parametrig, Pensaernïaeth Algorithmig, Goleuo Digidol ac Efelychu Adeiladu Ynni.

Profiad goruchwylio

Dan oruchwyliaeth 6 PhD i'w gwblhau (pob un heb unrhyw gywiriadau mân). Ar hyn o bryd mae'n goruchwylio 6 PhD.

Diddordebau goruchwylio ychwanegol

Yn hapus i oruchwylio pynciau PhD mewn Dulliau Cyfrifiannol mewn Pensaernïaeth gan gynnwys, ond heb fod yn gyfyngedig i: Dadansoddiad Gofodol, Dylunio Parametrig, Modelu Gwybodaeth Adeiladu (BIM), Dylunio Bio-memtig, Efelychu Adeiladu a Modelu.


Proffil addysgu


teitl Cod modiwl Credydau
Cyflwyniad i Fodelu 3D a Dylunio Parametrig ART801 10 credyd
Ffurflen gyfrifiannol Dod o hyd ART802 20 credyd
Meddwl Dylunio Algorithmig ART803 30 credyd
Traethawd Hir: Dulliau Cyfrifiadurol mewn Pensaernïaeth ART806 60 credyd


Professor Wassim Jabi is the course director of the MSc Computational Methods in Architecture programme at the Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University in Wales, the United Kingdom. He earned his M.Arch. and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan and taught at various universities in the U.S. before moving to the UK in 2008. While teaching in the U.S., he secured a $250,000 (USD) National Science Foundation (NSF) grant as Primary Investigator. Professor Jabi has published widely on topics ranging from parametric and generative design to the role of light in architecture and building performance simulation. He has authored a book titled "Parametric Design for Architecture" (Laurence King Publishing, London). In 2013, Professor Jabi won £70,000 (GBP) in funding from the university’s internal competitive funding scheme to purchase a large 6-axis high accuracy industrial robot to investigate innovative digital fabrication processes. His current research is at the intersection parametric design, the representation of space, building performance simulation, machine learning, and robotic fabrication in architecture. Professor Jabi has recently concluded a £300,000 (GBP) grant from the Leverhulme Trust as Primary Investigator to study spatial topology in building information modelling (BIM). This resulted in a software library called Topologic (http://topologic.app).

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

  • Dulliau Cyfrifiadurol mewn Pensaernïaeth
  • Dadansoddiad gofodol
  • Deallusrwydd Artiffisial a Dysgu Peiriant
  • Dylunio parametrig
  • Dylunio Geneteg

Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Prosiectau'r gorffennol

  • Al-Jokhadar, Amer 2018. Tuag at ramadeg parametrig sosio-ofodol ar gyfer adeiladau preswyl tal cynaliadwy mewn rhanbarthau poeth-gras sy'n dysgu o fodel brodorol y Dwyrain Canol a Gogledd Affrica. (dolen)
  • Nahmad Vazquez, Alicia 2019. Dylunio â Chymorth Robotig: Astudiaeth o ffactorau dynol allweddol sy'n dylanwadu ar ruglder tîm mewn prosesau dylunio cydweithredol dynol-robot. (dolen)
  • Alymani, Abdulrahman 2022 Dulliau dysgu peiriant graff i ddosbarthu'r adeilad a'r berthynas ddaear Model topolegol 3D pensaernïol i adfer precendents pensaernïol tebyg. (dolen)
  • Lin, Bo 2022.  Archwilio ffurfiau trefol gan ddefnyddio modelau cynhyrchiol dwfn yn seiliedig ar dopoleg. (dolen)
  • Alhumayani, Hashem 2022  Ymarferoldeb technoleg argraffu 3D fel dull adeiladu newydd ar gyfer tai yn Saudi Arabia. (dolen)
  • Alammar, Ammar 2022.  Ymchwilio i effaith ffasadau addasol ar berfformiad ynni gan ddefnyddio efelychu a dysgu peirianyddol. (dolen)
  • Lila, Anas 2020.  Ffabrigau trefol fel offeryn lliniaru perfformiad trefol. Dull algorithmig ar gyfer pontio geometreg adeiladu gydag optimeiddio perfformiad trefol. (dolen)

Contact Details

Email JabiW@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 75981
Campuses Adeilad Bute, Ystafell 1.38, Rhodfa'r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3NB

Themâu ymchwil


  • Geometreg 3D
  • .AI
  • Modelu a rheoli gwybodaeth adeiladu
  • Dylunio parametrig
  • Dadansoddiad gofodol