Yr Athro Phillip Johnson
Athro yn y Gyfraith
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae Phillip yn Athro Cyfraith Fasnachol yn Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd. Ei brif faes diddordeb yw cyfraith eiddo deallusol, ond mae ganddo hefyd ddiddordebau mewn hanes cyfreithiol a seneddol, cyfraith chwaraeon ac adloniant, cyfraith ryngwladol breifat a chyfraith gyhoeddus.
Mae'n fargyfreithiwr gweithredol yn y Bar Eiddo Deallusol, ac yn aelod o Far Iwerddon, Bar Califfornia a Bar Washington DC. Mae'n Gymrawd Sefydliad Siartredig Cyflafareddwyr, ac yn Aelod o Gymdeithas Bar America yn ogystal â'r Gymdeithas Bar Eiddo Deallusol. Fel Person Penodedig (barnwr tribiwnlys), mae'n clywed apeliadau gan y Swyddfa Eiddo Deallusol ar farciau masnach ac anghydfodau dylunio. Mae hefyd ar restr Niwtraliaeth WIPO.
Ar hyn o bryd ef yw Cadeirydd Is-bwyllgor Llyfrgell SLS, sy'n llywio dadleuon ar lyfrgelloedd cyfraith academaidd, ac ef hefyd yw cyd-gynullydd yr Adran Eiddo Deallusol SLS.
Mae wedi ymgynghori â Swyddfa Eiddo Deallusol y DU, Sefydliad Eiddo Deallusol y Byd, llywodraethau tramor, yn ogystal â diwydiant, ac mae wedi rhoi tystiolaeth arbenigol mewn achosion tramor. Mae wedi cael ei gyfweld gan y BBC, ITV, RTÉ, y New York Times, The Washington Post, The Times, The Daily Mail a'r Daily Express ymhlith eraill.
Astudiodd y gyfraith ym Mhrifysgol Durham cyn cael ei alw i Bar Cymru a Lloegr, lle bu'n ymarfer cyfraith droseddol yn wreiddiol. Wedi hynny, astudiodd am LL.M yn Queen Mary, Prifysgol Llundain ac yna ar gyfer Ph.D o'r enw Private International Law, Eiddo Deallusol a'r Rhyngrwyd. Mae ganddo hefyd gymhwyster ôl-raddedig ar gyflafareddu. Yn fwy diweddar, enillodd radd Doethur mewn Llythyrau o Brifysgol Durham am ei waith ar hanes seneddol a chyfraith eiddo deallusol. Tra'n ymchwilio ar gyfer ei PhD, gweithiodd yn llawn amser fel cyfreithiwr y llywodraeth yn cynghori'r Swyddfa Batentau (y Swyddfa Eiddo Deallusol erbyn hyn). Yn y rôl hon bu'n gweithio ar weithredu nifer o Gyfarwyddebau a Chytuniadau ym maes eiddo deallusol, gan gynnwys y Cytundeb Cyfraith Batentau, EPC 2000, Cyfarwyddeb y Gymdeithas Gwybodaeth, y Gyfarwyddeb Gorfodi a Chytundeb Perfformiadau a Ffonogramau WIPO. Gweithiodd hefyd ar foderneiddio'r rheolau dyluniadau a phatentau yn ogystal â nifer o gyfeiriadau at y Llys Cyfiawnder.
Fel bargyfreithiwr sy'n ymarfer, mae wedi cynghori cwmnïau technoleg adnabyddus, brandiau ffasiwn, musicans a DJs yn ogystal â chwmnïau fferyllol ac amaeth, darlledwyr a chyhoeddwyr yn ogystal â phapurau newydd cenedlaethol a chylchgronau enwogion.
Ef yw golygydd y Intellectual Property Quarterly ac awdur testunau blaenllaw ar gyfraith patent (Roughton, Johnson and Cook: The Law of Patents), gwybodaeth gyfrinachol (Gurry on Breach of Confidence), materion rhyngrwyd (Gringras: The Laws of the Internet) a marchnata a nawdd ambush (Ambush Marketing and Brand Protection). Mae hefyd ar fwrdd golygyddol y Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property ac mae wedi gweithredu fel canolwr ar gyfer cyfnodolion y gyfraith o bob cwr o'r byd yn ogystal ag i nifer o brifysgolion a gweisg eraill.
Mae'n Gymrawd o Sefydliad y Gyfraith Ewropeaidd a'r Gymdeithas Hanes Frenhinol ac yn Uwch Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch.
Bu'n aelod o'r Cyngor Cynghori ar Gofnodion ac Archifau Cenedlaethol o 2019-2025, ac mae'r Cyngor yn cael ei gadeirio gan Feistr y Rholiau ac sy'n cynghori'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol ar faterion sy'n ymwneud â mynediad at gofnodion cyhoeddus ac sy'n cynrychioli budd y cyhoedd wrth benderfynu pa gofnodion a ddylai fod ar agor neu ar gau. Mae wedi bod yn Athro Ymweld (Llawn) yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Dulyn, Paris Nanterre, Queen Mary, Prifysgol Llundain ac yn Sefydliad y Gyfraith, Jersey, lle bu'n dysgu Cyfraith Gyfansoddiadol Jersey. Mae hefyd wedi bod yn arholwr i'r Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys.
- Johnson, P. and Gibson, J. 2025. Thirty years of legal research: An empirical analysis of outputs submitted to RAE and REF (1990-2021). Modern Law Review 88(1), pp. 85-123. (10.1111/1468-2230.12913)
- Johnson, P. 2024. Second medical uses and supplementary protection certificates. No means no. Intellectual Property Forum 138, pp. 88-89.
- Johnson, P. 2024. The birth of inventor’s moral rights: the 1934 London Conference on the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. In: The Silent Peacemaker: Intellectual Property Rights and the Interwar International Legal Order, 1919–1939. Legal History Library Brill, pp. 73-90.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2024). Entertainment and Media (Film and Television). LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2024). Entertainment and Media (Music Industry). LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Enhanced distinctiveness and why “strong marks” are causing us all confusion. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 55, pp. 185-212. (10.1007/s40319-023-01400-0)
- Johnson, P. 2024. Criminal sanctions, counterfeiting and piracy and European Union competence. Intellectual Property Forum 135, pp. 87-89.
- Johnson, P. 2024. The Court of Appeal of the Unified Patent Court sets a high bar for preliminary injunctions. Intellectual Property Forum(136), pp. 93-95.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Satellite television and the home of the broadcast. Intellectual Property Forum(133), pp. 117-119.
- Johnson, P. 2024. The 'state of the register': The admissibility and weight given to evidence of comparable trade mark registrations across five jurisdictions. European Intellectual Property Review 46, pp. 705-715.
- Johnson, P. 2023. TV on demand and private copying … both are back before the Court of Justice of the European Union. Intellectual Property Forum 134, pp. 99-101.
- Johnson, P. 2023. ‘Inverted Supremacy’, ‘Weaker Precedent’ and other uncertainties brought about by the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023. European Intellectual Property Review 45(11), pp. 634-645. (10.3316/agispt.20231019097367)
- Johnson, P. 2023. Liability for infringement of EU law. In: Matthews, D. and Torremans, P. eds. European Patent Law: The Unified Patent Court and the European Patent Convention. De Gruyter Handbuch Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 167-182.
- Johnson, P. 2023. Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2023). Patents and Technology Transfer and Licensing. LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. and Callard, G. 2023. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2023). Trade Marks, Designs, Border Measures,Taxation. LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. 2023. Intellectual Property in the Free Trade Agreements between the United Kingdom and Australian and New Zealand: win, lose or draw. European Intellectual Property Review 45(6), pp. 313-323. (10.3316/agispt.20230705091116)
- Johnson, P. 2023. Design right: from investment to creativity for “industrial copyright”. In: Bonadio, E. and Goold, P. eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Investment-Driven Intellectual Property. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 329-340.
- Johnson, P. 2023. Online marketplace and Trade Mark infringement. Intellectual Property Forum 131, pp. 84-85.
- Johnson, P. 2023. It's all very plausible: the free evaluation of evidence at the European Patent Office. Intellectual Property Forum 131, pp. 94-96.
- Johnson, P. 2022. The Europeanisation of costs awards in intellectual property cases. Intellectual Property Forum 130, pp. 107-109.
- Bently, L., Sherman, B., Gangjee, D. and Johnson, P. 2022. Intellectual property. Oxford University Press.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Booksellers' bill 1774 legislating in the 18th century: a view from sir Henry Cavendish's parliamentary diary. Parliamentary History: Text & Studies. Wiley.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Should the use of a Trade Mark come at a higher price?. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 53(7), pp. 1003-1006. (10.1007/s40319-022-01208-4)
- Johnson, P. 2022. Mr Patent goes to war! Industrial property and the breakdown of the international order during World War I. In: Morris, P. S. ed. Intellectual Property and the Law of Nations, 1860-1920. Legal History Library Vol. 58. Brill, pp. 150-179., (10.1163/9789004511439_006)
- Johnson, P. 2022. Remote justice at the European patent office. Intellectual Property Forum(127), pp. 102-107.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Intellectual Property. In: Lambert, P. ed. Gringras: The Laws of the Internet. 6th ed.. Bloomsbury Professional, pp. [n/a].
- Johnson, P., Roughton, A. and Cook, T. 2022. Roughton, Johnson and Cook on patents. 5th Edition. [Modern Law of Patents]. Butterworth.
- Johnson, P. 2022. A copy of a cloud: private copying levies .. again. Intellectual Property Forum(128), pp. 86-88.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Patent law: the grace is on?. New Law Journal 172(7982), pp. 15-16.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Mandatory filtering is required of content-sharing platforms. Intellectual Property Forum 129, pp. 120-122.
- Johnson, P. ed. 2022. Copyright. Atkin's Encyclopaedia of Court Forms. London: LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. ed. 2022. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2022), Vol 21(2), Copyright. Butterworths.
- Johnson, P. 2021. User generated content and intermediary liability. Intellectual Property Forum 126, pp. 101-104.
- Johnson, P. 2021. Intellectual property, free trade agreements and the United Kingdom: the continuing influence of European Union Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Johnson, P. 2021. Double patenting: finally banned (again) at the European Patent Office. Intellectual Property Forum(125), pp. 105-108.
- Johnson, P. 2021. From banks to shanks: the history of employee awards for patented inventions under the patents act 1977. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 11(2), pp. 124-157. (10.4337/qmjip.2021.02.01)
- Johnson, P. 2021. Ambush marketing and brand protection (3rd edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Johnson, P. 2021. Trade marks and trade names. Atkin's Encyclopaedia of Court Forms. Lexisnexis.
- Johnson, P. 2020. The public interest and patent injunctions: Evalve v Edwards Lifescience [2020] EWHC 513 (Pat). Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property
- Johnson, P. 2020. Scoping Crown use: authorising infringement for the services of the Crown. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 15(8), pp. 594-601. (10.1093/jiplp/jpaa066)
- Johnson, P. 2020. Defining the indefinable: legislating for “ambush marketing”. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 15(5), pp. 313-314. (10.1093/jiplp/jpaa049)
- Johnson, P. 2020. Copyright infringement and damages for injury to reputation. European Intellectual Property Review 42(12), pp. 819-827.
- Johnson, P. 2019. Plausible deniability. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 14(3), pp. 172-174. (10.1093/jiplp/jpy186)
- Johnson, P., Cook, T. and Roughton, A. 2019. The modern law of patents (4th Edition). London: LexisNexis Butterworths.
- Johnson, P. 2019. Compounding uncertainty: the need for guidelines in the assessment of additional damages for copyright infringement. Intellectual Property Quarterly 2019(2), pp. 136-161.
- Johnson, P. 2019. Atkin's encyclopaedia of court forms (2d), Volume 29(1): Patents and inventions. LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. 2018. ‘So precisely what will you use your trade mark for?’ Bad faith and clarity in trade mark specifications. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 49(8), pp. 940-970. (10.1007/s40319-018-0747-6)
- Lambert, P. et al. 2018. Gringras: The laws of the Internet (5th Edition). London: Bloomsbury Professional.
- Bently, L., Sherman, B., Gangjee, D. and Johnson, P. 2018. Intellectual property law (5th Edition). Oxford University Press.
- Johnson, P. 2018. Parliament, inventions and patents. Routledge.
- Johnson, P. 2018. Remedies and international treaties. In: Cook, T. and Sterling, J. eds. Sterling on World Copyright Law. Intellectual Property) London: Sweet and Maxwell, pp. 699-871.
- Johnson, P. 2017. Privatised law reform: a history of patent law through private legislation, 1620-1907. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315123073)
- Johnson, P. 2017. The commentators on civil and customary law and their role in the modern courtroom in Jersey: an empirical analysis. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 21, pp. 386-392.
- Johnson, P. 2017. The (re-)emergence of the doctrine of equivalents. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 12(10), pp. 817-818. (10.1093/jiplp/jpx155)
- Johnson, P. 2017. The report of the Parker Committee on Patent Law 1916. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 7(2), pp. 156-190. (10.4337/qmjip.2017.02.02)
- Johnson, P. 2017. Minutes of Evidence of the Select Committee on the Letters Patent for Invention Act 1835. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 7(1), pp. 99-1187. (10.4337/qmjip.2017.01.05)
- Johnson, P. 2016. How high is my costs ceiling?. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 11(12), pp. 885-886. (10.1093/jiplp/jpw162)
- Johnson, P. 2016. Trying to restrain the overzealous right holder... Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 11(11), pp. 799. (10.1093/jiplp/jpw151)
- Johnson, P. 2016. The myth of Mr Burke and Mr Watt: for want of a champion!. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 6, pp. 370-379. (10.4337/qmjip.2016.03.06)
- Johnson, P. 2016. Sark, the Supreme Court and the status of the Channel Islands: or Barclay bites back. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 2016(2), pp. 126-141.
- Lambert, P. et al. 2015. Gringras: The laws of the Internet (4th ed). London: Bloomsbury Professional.
- Sterling, J. and Johnson, P. 2015. Remedies and international treaties. In: Sterling, J. and Cook, T. eds. Sterling on World Copyright Law (4th). Sweet and Maxwell, pp. 773-964.
- Johnson, P. 2015. Mr Skemp's preposterous provision: the drafting of the Patents Act 1977 and harmonization in the 1970s. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 5(4), pp. 367-388. (10.4337/qmjip.2015.04.01)
- Johnson, P. 2015. Ratione temporis, European law and the repeal of EU instruments. Public Law 2, pp. 258-274.
- Johnson, P., Gibson, J. and Dimita, G. 2015. The business of being an author: a survey of author’s earnings and contracts. Project Report. [Online]. London: Queen Mary University of London. Available at: http://www.law.qmul.ac.uk/news/2015/152262.html
- Johnson, P. and Gibson, J. 2015. The "new" tort of passing off. Law Quarterly Review 131, pp. 474-494.
- Johnson, P. 2014. Federalism and localisation in intellectual property law-making. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 9(12), pp. 949-950.
- Halpern, S. W. and Johnson, P. 2014. Harmonising copyright law and dealing with dissonance: A framework for convergence of US and EU law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (10.4337/9781782544197)
- Johnson, P., Roughton, A. and Cook, T. 2014. The modern law of patents, 3rd edition. London: LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. and Halpern, S. 2014. When is a performance not a performance (but a copyright work)? Garcia v Google, 743 F 3d 1258 (9th Cir 2014). Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 4, pp. 236-243. (10.4337/qmjip.2014.03.05)
- Johnson, P. 2013. The Regulatory Reform Act 2013 and the copyright omnishambles. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 8(9), pp. 700-707. (10.1093/jiplp/jpt118)
- Johnson, P., Gibson, J. and Freeman, J. 2013. The impact of lookalikes: similar packaging and fast-moving consumer goods. Working paper. London: Crown Copyright. Available at: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/ipresearch-looklikes-310513.pdf
- Johnson, P. 2013. ‘Damages’ in European law and the traditional accounts of profit. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 3, pp. 296-306.
- Johnson, P. 2013. The genesis of Protocol 3: The Channel Islands and the EEC. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 17(3), pp. 254-284.
- Johnson, P. 2013. Access to medicine: The rise of the British pharmaceutical industry. In: Dinwoodie, G. B. ed. Methods and Perspectives in Intellectual Property. Edward Elgar, pp. 329-259.
- Johnson, P. 2012. Orders in Council and the extension of Acts of Parliament to the Channel Islands. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 16(3), pp. 280.
- Aplin, T., Bently, L., Johnson, P. and Malynicz, S. 2012. Gurry on breach of confidence: the protection of confidential information (2nd Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Johnson, P. 2012. What can the press really say? Contempt of court and the reporting of parliamentary proceedings. Public Law, pp. 491-507.
- Johnson, P. 2012. Trade marks without a brand: the proposals on “plain packaging” of tobacco products. European Intellectual Property Review 34, pp. 461-478.
- Johnson, P. 2011. Ambush marketing and brand protection. Law and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Cook, T., His Honour Judge Fysh QC, ., Roughton, A. and Johnson, P. 2010. The modern law of patents (2nd Ed). Vol. 1919. Lexisnexis.
- Johnson, P. 2010. Contributing to the wrong: the indirect infringement of patents. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 5(7), pp. 514-520. (10.1093/jiplp/jpq056)
- Johnson, P. 2010. United Kingdom Trade Mark Law. In: Lange, P. ed. International Trade Mark and Signs Protection; A Handbook. C. H. Beck, pp. 1145-1225.
- Johnson, P. 2009. The rise and fall of honest concurrent use. In: Fhima, I. S. ed. Sharing Names: Exploring Use of the Same Mark by Multiple Undertakings. Edward Elgar, pp. 31-49.
- Johnson, P. 2009. Kapitel 14. vereinigtes königreich. In: Lange, P. ed. Internationales Handbuch des Marken - und Kennzeichenrechts. Munich: Beck, pp. 983-1083.
- Johnson, P. 2008. I object! The new Company Names Adjudicator in the UK. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 3(11), pp. 695-707. (10.1093/jiplp/jpn167)
- Johnson, P. 2008. 'Dedicating' copyright to the public domain. Modern Law Review 71(4), pp. 587-610. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2008.00707.x)
- Johnson, P. 2008. Protecting the magic of childhood. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 3(9), pp. 552-553. (10.1093/jiplp/jpn128)
- Todd, E., Hignett, S., Johnson, P., Balfour, A. and Gringras, C. 2008. Gringras: The laws of the internet. 3rd ed.. Tottel.
- Johnson, P. 2008. Trade marks: the battle of the registers. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 3(1), pp. 9-10. (10.1093/jiplp/jpm220)
- Johnson, P. 2008. Look out! It's an ambush!. International Sports Law Review 2(3), pp. 24.
- Johnson, P. 2007. Ambush marketing: a practical guide to protecting the brand of a sporting event. EIPR Practice Series. Sweet and Maxwell.
- Johnson, P. 2007. Trade marks: considering combinations. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 2(9), pp. 582-584. (10.1093/jiplp/jpm123)
- Johnson, P. 2007. Copyright: remember to register!. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 2(2), pp. 71-72. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl216)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Bothered by Bovemij?. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(13), pp. 822-824. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl183)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Qualification for design right: "Springing interests". Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(12), pp. 762-771. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl152)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Court of Justice plucks the spider from the web. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(11), pp. 689-690. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl141)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Which law applies? A reply to Professor Torremans. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(1), pp. 71-76. (10.1093/jiplp/jpi002)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Adjudication of patent validity is sent home. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(11), pp. 688-689. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl143)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Implementing community obligations in the realms of intellectual property. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(7), pp. 449-457. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl060)
- Johnson, P. 2005. The public interest: is it still a defence to copyright infringement?. Entertainment Law Review 16(1), pp. 1.
- Johnson, P. 2004. One small step or one giant leap? How has the WTO panel decision on Section 110(5) of the United States Copyright Act changed our understanding of the ‘Three-Step Test?. European Intellectual Property Review 26(6), pp. 265-272.
- Johnson, P. 2003. All wrapped up? A review of the enforceability of ‘Shrink-wrap' and ‘Click-wrap' licences in the United Kingdom and the United States. European Intellectual Property Review 25(2), pp. 98-102.
- Johnson, P. 2000. Unfit to Stand Trial?. New Law Journal 150, pp. 930.
- Johnson, P. and Farrington, D. 2000. Mentally disordered offenders and automatic life sentences under the Crime (Sentences) Act 1997. New Law Journal 150, pp. 784.
- Johnson, P. and Gibson, J. 2025. Thirty years of legal research: An empirical analysis of outputs submitted to RAE and REF (1990-2021). Modern Law Review 88(1), pp. 85-123. (10.1111/1468-2230.12913)
- Johnson, P. 2024. Second medical uses and supplementary protection certificates. No means no. Intellectual Property Forum 138, pp. 88-89.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Enhanced distinctiveness and why “strong marks” are causing us all confusion. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 55, pp. 185-212. (10.1007/s40319-023-01400-0)
- Johnson, P. 2024. Criminal sanctions, counterfeiting and piracy and European Union competence. Intellectual Property Forum 135, pp. 87-89.
- Johnson, P. 2024. The Court of Appeal of the Unified Patent Court sets a high bar for preliminary injunctions. Intellectual Property Forum(136), pp. 93-95.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Satellite television and the home of the broadcast. Intellectual Property Forum(133), pp. 117-119.
- Johnson, P. 2024. The 'state of the register': The admissibility and weight given to evidence of comparable trade mark registrations across five jurisdictions. European Intellectual Property Review 46, pp. 705-715.
- Johnson, P. 2023. TV on demand and private copying … both are back before the Court of Justice of the European Union. Intellectual Property Forum 134, pp. 99-101.
- Johnson, P. 2023. ‘Inverted Supremacy’, ‘Weaker Precedent’ and other uncertainties brought about by the Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act 2023. European Intellectual Property Review 45(11), pp. 634-645. (10.3316/agispt.20231019097367)
- Johnson, P. 2023. Intellectual Property in the Free Trade Agreements between the United Kingdom and Australian and New Zealand: win, lose or draw. European Intellectual Property Review 45(6), pp. 313-323. (10.3316/agispt.20230705091116)
- Johnson, P. 2023. Online marketplace and Trade Mark infringement. Intellectual Property Forum 131, pp. 84-85.
- Johnson, P. 2023. It's all very plausible: the free evaluation of evidence at the European Patent Office. Intellectual Property Forum 131, pp. 94-96.
- Johnson, P. 2022. The Europeanisation of costs awards in intellectual property cases. Intellectual Property Forum 130, pp. 107-109.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Should the use of a Trade Mark come at a higher price?. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 53(7), pp. 1003-1006. (10.1007/s40319-022-01208-4)
- Johnson, P. 2022. Remote justice at the European patent office. Intellectual Property Forum(127), pp. 102-107.
- Johnson, P. 2022. A copy of a cloud: private copying levies .. again. Intellectual Property Forum(128), pp. 86-88.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Patent law: the grace is on?. New Law Journal 172(7982), pp. 15-16.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Mandatory filtering is required of content-sharing platforms. Intellectual Property Forum 129, pp. 120-122.
- Johnson, P. 2021. User generated content and intermediary liability. Intellectual Property Forum 126, pp. 101-104.
- Johnson, P. 2021. Double patenting: finally banned (again) at the European Patent Office. Intellectual Property Forum(125), pp. 105-108.
- Johnson, P. 2021. From banks to shanks: the history of employee awards for patented inventions under the patents act 1977. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 11(2), pp. 124-157. (10.4337/qmjip.2021.02.01)
- Johnson, P. 2020. The public interest and patent injunctions: Evalve v Edwards Lifescience [2020] EWHC 513 (Pat). Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property
- Johnson, P. 2020. Scoping Crown use: authorising infringement for the services of the Crown. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 15(8), pp. 594-601. (10.1093/jiplp/jpaa066)
- Johnson, P. 2020. Defining the indefinable: legislating for “ambush marketing”. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 15(5), pp. 313-314. (10.1093/jiplp/jpaa049)
- Johnson, P. 2020. Copyright infringement and damages for injury to reputation. European Intellectual Property Review 42(12), pp. 819-827.
- Johnson, P. 2019. Plausible deniability. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 14(3), pp. 172-174. (10.1093/jiplp/jpy186)
- Johnson, P. 2019. Compounding uncertainty: the need for guidelines in the assessment of additional damages for copyright infringement. Intellectual Property Quarterly 2019(2), pp. 136-161.
- Johnson, P. 2018. ‘So precisely what will you use your trade mark for?’ Bad faith and clarity in trade mark specifications. International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 49(8), pp. 940-970. (10.1007/s40319-018-0747-6)
- Johnson, P. 2017. The commentators on civil and customary law and their role in the modern courtroom in Jersey: an empirical analysis. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 21, pp. 386-392.
- Johnson, P. 2017. The (re-)emergence of the doctrine of equivalents. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 12(10), pp. 817-818. (10.1093/jiplp/jpx155)
- Johnson, P. 2017. The report of the Parker Committee on Patent Law 1916. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 7(2), pp. 156-190. (10.4337/qmjip.2017.02.02)
- Johnson, P. 2017. Minutes of Evidence of the Select Committee on the Letters Patent for Invention Act 1835. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 7(1), pp. 99-1187. (10.4337/qmjip.2017.01.05)
- Johnson, P. 2016. How high is my costs ceiling?. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 11(12), pp. 885-886. (10.1093/jiplp/jpw162)
- Johnson, P. 2016. Trying to restrain the overzealous right holder... Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 11(11), pp. 799. (10.1093/jiplp/jpw151)
- Johnson, P. 2016. The myth of Mr Burke and Mr Watt: for want of a champion!. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 6, pp. 370-379. (10.4337/qmjip.2016.03.06)
- Johnson, P. 2016. Sark, the Supreme Court and the status of the Channel Islands: or Barclay bites back. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 2016(2), pp. 126-141.
- Johnson, P. 2015. Mr Skemp's preposterous provision: the drafting of the Patents Act 1977 and harmonization in the 1970s. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 5(4), pp. 367-388. (10.4337/qmjip.2015.04.01)
- Johnson, P. 2015. Ratione temporis, European law and the repeal of EU instruments. Public Law 2, pp. 258-274.
- Johnson, P. and Gibson, J. 2015. The "new" tort of passing off. Law Quarterly Review 131, pp. 474-494.
- Johnson, P. 2014. Federalism and localisation in intellectual property law-making. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 9(12), pp. 949-950.
- Johnson, P. and Halpern, S. 2014. When is a performance not a performance (but a copyright work)? Garcia v Google, 743 F 3d 1258 (9th Cir 2014). Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 4, pp. 236-243. (10.4337/qmjip.2014.03.05)
- Johnson, P. 2013. The Regulatory Reform Act 2013 and the copyright omnishambles. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 8(9), pp. 700-707. (10.1093/jiplp/jpt118)
- Johnson, P. 2013. ‘Damages’ in European law and the traditional accounts of profit. Queen Mary Journal of Intellectual Property 3, pp. 296-306.
- Johnson, P. 2013. The genesis of Protocol 3: The Channel Islands and the EEC. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 17(3), pp. 254-284.
- Johnson, P. 2012. Orders in Council and the extension of Acts of Parliament to the Channel Islands. Jersey and Guernsey Law Review 16(3), pp. 280.
- Johnson, P. 2012. What can the press really say? Contempt of court and the reporting of parliamentary proceedings. Public Law, pp. 491-507.
- Johnson, P. 2012. Trade marks without a brand: the proposals on “plain packaging” of tobacco products. European Intellectual Property Review 34, pp. 461-478.
- Johnson, P. 2010. Contributing to the wrong: the indirect infringement of patents. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 5(7), pp. 514-520. (10.1093/jiplp/jpq056)
- Johnson, P. 2008. I object! The new Company Names Adjudicator in the UK. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 3(11), pp. 695-707. (10.1093/jiplp/jpn167)
- Johnson, P. 2008. 'Dedicating' copyright to the public domain. Modern Law Review 71(4), pp. 587-610. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2008.00707.x)
- Johnson, P. 2008. Protecting the magic of childhood. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 3(9), pp. 552-553. (10.1093/jiplp/jpn128)
- Johnson, P. 2008. Trade marks: the battle of the registers. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 3(1), pp. 9-10. (10.1093/jiplp/jpm220)
- Johnson, P. 2008. Look out! It's an ambush!. International Sports Law Review 2(3), pp. 24.
- Johnson, P. 2007. Trade marks: considering combinations. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 2(9), pp. 582-584. (10.1093/jiplp/jpm123)
- Johnson, P. 2007. Copyright: remember to register!. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 2(2), pp. 71-72. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl216)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Bothered by Bovemij?. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(13), pp. 822-824. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl183)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Qualification for design right: "Springing interests". Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(12), pp. 762-771. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl152)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Court of Justice plucks the spider from the web. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(11), pp. 689-690. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl141)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Which law applies? A reply to Professor Torremans. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(1), pp. 71-76. (10.1093/jiplp/jpi002)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Adjudication of patent validity is sent home. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(11), pp. 688-689. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl143)
- Johnson, P. 2006. Implementing community obligations in the realms of intellectual property. Journal of Intellectual Property Law and Practice 1(7), pp. 449-457. (10.1093/jiplp/jpl060)
- Johnson, P. 2005. The public interest: is it still a defence to copyright infringement?. Entertainment Law Review 16(1), pp. 1.
- Johnson, P. 2004. One small step or one giant leap? How has the WTO panel decision on Section 110(5) of the United States Copyright Act changed our understanding of the ‘Three-Step Test?. European Intellectual Property Review 26(6), pp. 265-272.
- Johnson, P. 2003. All wrapped up? A review of the enforceability of ‘Shrink-wrap' and ‘Click-wrap' licences in the United Kingdom and the United States. European Intellectual Property Review 25(2), pp. 98-102.
- Johnson, P. 2000. Unfit to Stand Trial?. New Law Journal 150, pp. 930.
- Johnson, P. and Farrington, D. 2000. Mentally disordered offenders and automatic life sentences under the Crime (Sentences) Act 1997. New Law Journal 150, pp. 784.
Book sections
- Johnson, P. 2024. The birth of inventor’s moral rights: the 1934 London Conference on the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property. In: The Silent Peacemaker: Intellectual Property Rights and the Interwar International Legal Order, 1919–1939. Legal History Library Brill, pp. 73-90.
- Johnson, P. 2023. Liability for infringement of EU law. In: Matthews, D. and Torremans, P. eds. European Patent Law: The Unified Patent Court and the European Patent Convention. De Gruyter Handbuch Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 167-182.
- Johnson, P. 2023. Design right: from investment to creativity for “industrial copyright”. In: Bonadio, E. and Goold, P. eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Investment-Driven Intellectual Property. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 329-340.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Mr Patent goes to war! Industrial property and the breakdown of the international order during World War I. In: Morris, P. S. ed. Intellectual Property and the Law of Nations, 1860-1920. Legal History Library Vol. 58. Brill, pp. 150-179., (10.1163/9789004511439_006)
- Johnson, P. 2022. Intellectual Property. In: Lambert, P. ed. Gringras: The Laws of the Internet. 6th ed.. Bloomsbury Professional, pp. [n/a].
- Johnson, P. 2018. Remedies and international treaties. In: Cook, T. and Sterling, J. eds. Sterling on World Copyright Law. Intellectual Property) London: Sweet and Maxwell, pp. 699-871.
- Sterling, J. and Johnson, P. 2015. Remedies and international treaties. In: Sterling, J. and Cook, T. eds. Sterling on World Copyright Law (4th). Sweet and Maxwell, pp. 773-964.
- Johnson, P. 2013. Access to medicine: The rise of the British pharmaceutical industry. In: Dinwoodie, G. B. ed. Methods and Perspectives in Intellectual Property. Edward Elgar, pp. 329-259.
- Johnson, P. 2010. United Kingdom Trade Mark Law. In: Lange, P. ed. International Trade Mark and Signs Protection; A Handbook. C. H. Beck, pp. 1145-1225.
- Johnson, P. 2009. The rise and fall of honest concurrent use. In: Fhima, I. S. ed. Sharing Names: Exploring Use of the Same Mark by Multiple Undertakings. Edward Elgar, pp. 31-49.
- Johnson, P. 2009. Kapitel 14. vereinigtes königreich. In: Lange, P. ed. Internationales Handbuch des Marken - und Kennzeichenrechts. Munich: Beck, pp. 983-1083.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2024). Entertainment and Media (Film and Television). LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. 2024. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2024). Entertainment and Media (Music Industry). LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. 2023. Encyclopedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2023). Patents and Technology Transfer and Licensing. LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. and Callard, G. 2023. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2023). Trade Marks, Designs, Border Measures,Taxation. LexisNexis.
- Bently, L., Sherman, B., Gangjee, D. and Johnson, P. 2022. Intellectual property. Oxford University Press.
- Johnson, P. 2022. Booksellers' bill 1774 legislating in the 18th century: a view from sir Henry Cavendish's parliamentary diary. Parliamentary History: Text & Studies. Wiley.
- Johnson, P., Roughton, A. and Cook, T. 2022. Roughton, Johnson and Cook on patents. 5th Edition. [Modern Law of Patents]. Butterworth.
- Johnson, P. ed. 2022. Copyright. Atkin's Encyclopaedia of Court Forms. London: LexisNexis.
- Johnson, P. ed. 2022. Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (5th Ed, Reissue 2022), Vol 21(2), Copyright. Butterworths.
- Johnson, P. 2021. Intellectual property, free trade agreements and the United Kingdom: the continuing influence of European Union Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
- Johnson, P. 2021. Ambush marketing and brand protection (3rd edition). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Johnson, P. 2021. Trade marks and trade names. Atkin's Encyclopaedia of Court Forms. Lexisnexis.
- Johnson, P., Cook, T. and Roughton, A. 2019. The modern law of patents (4th Edition). London: LexisNexis Butterworths.
- Johnson, P. 2019. Atkin's encyclopaedia of court forms (2d), Volume 29(1): Patents and inventions. LexisNexis.
- Lambert, P. et al. 2018. Gringras: The laws of the Internet (5th Edition). London: Bloomsbury Professional.
- Bently, L., Sherman, B., Gangjee, D. and Johnson, P. 2018. Intellectual property law (5th Edition). Oxford University Press.
- Johnson, P. 2018. Parliament, inventions and patents. Routledge.
- Johnson, P. 2017. Privatised law reform: a history of patent law through private legislation, 1620-1907. London: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315123073)
- Lambert, P. et al. 2015. Gringras: The laws of the Internet (4th ed). London: Bloomsbury Professional.
- Halpern, S. W. and Johnson, P. 2014. Harmonising copyright law and dealing with dissonance: A framework for convergence of US and EU law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (10.4337/9781782544197)
- Johnson, P., Roughton, A. and Cook, T. 2014. The modern law of patents, 3rd edition. London: LexisNexis.
- Aplin, T., Bently, L., Johnson, P. and Malynicz, S. 2012. Gurry on breach of confidence: the protection of confidential information (2nd Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Johnson, P. 2011. Ambush marketing and brand protection. Law and Practice. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Cook, T., His Honour Judge Fysh QC, ., Roughton, A. and Johnson, P. 2010. The modern law of patents (2nd Ed). Vol. 1919. Lexisnexis.
- Todd, E., Hignett, S., Johnson, P., Balfour, A. and Gringras, C. 2008. Gringras: The laws of the internet. 3rd ed.. Tottel.
- Johnson, P. 2007. Ambush marketing: a practical guide to protecting the brand of a sporting event. EIPR Practice Series. Sweet and Maxwell.
- Johnson, P., Gibson, J. and Dimita, G. 2015. The business of being an author: a survey of author’s earnings and contracts. Project Report. [Online]. London: Queen Mary University of London. Available at: http://www.law.qmul.ac.uk/news/2015/152262.html
- Johnson, P., Gibson, J. and Freeman, J. 2013. The impact of lookalikes: similar packaging and fast-moving consumer goods. Working paper. London: Crown Copyright. Available at: http://www.ipo.gov.uk/ipresearch-looklikes-310513.pdf
2013-5: The Business of Being an Author and What are Words Worth Now? research conducted for the Author's Licensing and Collecting Society. The interim findings were published in July 2014 and was reported by, amongst others, the BBC, the Guardian, the Daily Telegraph and the Evening Standard. The final report, along with an updated version of What are Words Worth Now?, was published in April 2015. The final findings were reported again by the BBC, the Daily Telegraph, the Guardian as well as, amongst others, the Independent.
2011-3 "The Impact of Lookalikes" research conducted for the Intellectual Property Office on lookalike products and consumer perceptions. The research was mentioned during the debates on the Intellectual Property Act 2014 in both the House of Lords and House of Commons. It was also mentioned in the subsequent consultation held by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills.
2010-2 The Automation of Invention Step research conducted for TELES
2006-10 The "Games at Large" Project, Chair of External Ethics Committee
CLT646 - Nodau Masnach: Safbwyntiau Cymharol a Rhyngwladol (LLM)
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