Expertise in: Engineering in investigation of murder, assault, accident and suicide including: - Paediatric trauma - Blunt force trauma - Penetrative wounding - Biomechanics of head injury - Non accidental neurological injury Mechanical, Manufacturing and Medical Engineering
Health, Technology and the Digital World
- ALJawaee, M., Jones, M. D. and Williams, J. M. 2024. An investigation into the influence of biological sex, anthropometrics, footwear, and dual tasking on balance. Physiotherapy Practice and Research 45(2), pp. 169-180. (10.3233/PPR-230806)
- Aljawaee, M., Williams, J. M. and Jones, M. D. 2024. Informing wobble-board training and assessment through an investigation of the effect of biological-sex, anthropometrics, footwear and dual-tasking in young adults. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 37(2), pp. 305-315. (10.3233/BMR-230020)
- Gugelmin-Almeida, D., Jones, M., Clark, C., Rolfe, U. and Williams, J. 2023. RE: Correspondence to: A novel retraining strategy of chest compression skills for infant CPR results in high skill retention for longer. European Journal of Pediatrics (10.1007/s00431-023-04913-5)
- Gugelmin-Almeida, D., Jones, M., Clark, C., Rolfe, U. and Williams, J. 2022. A novel retraining strategy of chest compression skills for infant CPR results in high skill retention for longer. European Journal of Pediatrics 181, pp. 4101-4109. (10.1007/s00431-022-04625-2)
- Perkins, R. A., Bakhtiarydavijani, A., Ivanoff, A. E., Jones, M., Hammi, Y. and Prabhu, R. K. 2022. Assessment of brain injury biomechanics in soccer heading using finite element analysis. Brain Multiphysics 3, article number: 100052. (10.1016/j.brain.2022.100052)
- Berthelson, P. R. et al. 2022. Evaluation of occupant neck injury response to varied impact conditions using a finite element-mathematical surrogate modeling approach. International Journal of Crashworthiness 27(6), pp. 1726-1742. (10.1080/13588265.2021.2008192)
- ALJawaee, M. A., Jones, M. D., Theobald, P. S. and Williams, J. M. 2021. Does wobble board training improve balance in older adults? A systematic review. Physical Therapy Reviews 26(6), pp. 447-456. (10.1080/10833196.2021.1987042)
- Jones, M., Khalid, G. and Prabhu, R. K. 2021. Chapter 11 - Development of a coupled physical–computational methodology for the investigation of infant head injury. In: Prabhu, R. K. ed. Multiscale Biomechanical Modeling of the Brain. Mara Conner, pp. 177-192., (10.1016/B978-0-12-818144-7.00011-6)
- Berthelson, P. R. et al. 2021. A finite element-guided mathematical surrogate modeling approach for assessing occupant injury trends across variations in simplified vehicular impact conditions. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 59(5), pp. 1065–1079. (10.1007/s11517-021-02349-3)
- Schroder, A., Lawrence, T., Voets, N., Garcia-Gonzalez, D., Jones, M., Peña, J. and Jerusalem, A. 2021. A machine learning enhanced mechanistic simulation framework for functional deficit prediction in TBI. Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 9, article number: 587082. (10.3389/fbioe.2021.587082)
- Kandasamy, J., Theobald, P., Maconochie, I. and Jones, M. 2019. Can real-time feedback improve the simulated infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation performance of basic life support and lay rescuers?. Archives of Disease in Childhood 104(8), pp. 493-801. (10.1136/archdischild-2018-316576)
- Khalid, G. A., Prabhu, R. K., Arthurs, O. and Jones, M. D. 2019. A coupled physical-computational methodology for the investigation of short fall related infant head impact injury. Forensic Science International 300, pp. 170-186. (10.1016/j.forsciint.2019.04.034)
- Malik, S., Malik, S., Shenoy, R., Jones, M. and Theobald, P. S. 2019. An in-vitro animal bone model study to predict spiral fracture strength of long bones in the young infant. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma 10(4), pp. 744-749. (10.1016/j.jcot.2018.10.001)
- Al-Graitti, A. J., Khalid, G. A., Berthelson, P. R., Prabhu, R. K. and Jones, M. D. 2019. A comparative study of the kinematic response and injury metrics associated with adults and children impacted by an auto rickshaw. Presented at: CompCom 2019: Intelligent Computing, London, UK, 16-17 July 2019 Presented at Arai, K., Bhatia, R. and Kapoor, S. eds.Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2019 Computing Conference, Volume 1, Vol. 997. Springer Verlag pp. 424-443., (10.1007/978-3-030-22871-2_29)
- Ahmad, F. et al. 2018. Biomechanical properties and microstructure of neonatal porcine ventricles. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials 88, pp. 18-28. (10.1016/j.jmbbm.2018.07.038)
- Ahmad, F. et al. 2018. Region-specific microstructure in the neonatal ventricles of a porcine model. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 46(12), pp. 2162-2176. (10.1007/s10439-018-2089-4)
- Thangaraj, R., Jones, M. D. and Theobald, P. 2018. Changes in frictional coefficient with increased tendon surface tear?An experimental animal model. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma 9(S1), pp. S19-S25. (10.1016/j.jcot.2017.08.003)
- Jones, M., Darwall, D., Khalid, G., Prabhu, R., Kemp, A., Arthurs, O. J. and Theobald, P. 2017. Development and validation of a physical model to investigate the biomechanics of infant head impact. Forensic Science International 276, pp. 111-119. (10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.03.025)
- Jones, M. D., Oates, B. and Theobald, P. 2016. Quantifying the biotribological properties of forehead skin to enhance head impact simulations. Biosurface and Biotribology 2(2), pp. 75-80.
- Hughes, J., Maguire, S., Jones, M., Theobald, P. and Kemp, A. 2016. Biomechanical characteristics of head injuries from falls in children younger than 48 months. Archives of Disease in Childhood 101, pp. 310-315. (10.1136/archdischild-2014-306803)
- Swaminathan, R., Williams, J. M., Jones, M. D. and Theobald, P. 2016. Does the new rugby union scrum sequence positively influence the hooker's in situ spinal kinematics?. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2(1), article number: e000064. (10.1136/bmjsem-2015-000064)
- Alqhtani, R. S., Jones, M. D., Theobald, P. and Williams, J. M. 2016. Investigating the contribution of the upper and lower lumbar spine, relative to hip motion, in everyday tasks. Manual Therapy 21, pp. 268-273. (10.1016/j.math.2015.09.014)
- Prabhu, R., Whitttington, W., Jones, M. D., Darwall, D., Liao, J. and Williams, L. 2016. Dynamic compressive mechanical properties of the porcine immature brain [Abstract]. Brain Injury 30(5-6), pp. 674-674. (10.3109/02699052.2016.1162060)
- Jones, M. D., Martin, P. S., Williams, J. M., Kemp, A. M. and Theobald, P. 2015. Development of a computational biomechanical infant model for the investigation of infant head injury by shaking. Medicine, Science and the Law 55(4), pp. 291-299. (10.1177/0025802414564495)
- Swaminathan, M., Williams, J., Jones, M. D. and Theobald, P. 2015. A kinematic analysis of the spine during rugby scrummaging on natural and synthetic turfs. Journal of Sports Sciences 34(11), pp. 1058-1066. (10.1080/02640414.2015.1088165)
- King, P., Kulon, J., Plassmann, P., Wilcox, S., Theobald, P. and Jones, M. D. 2015. Design, calibration and validation of a novel surface imaging tool for medical endoscopic applications. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Pisa, Italy, 11-14 May 20152015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2015). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) pp. 1342-1348., (10.1109/I2MTC.2015.7151468)
- Alqhtani, R. S., Jones, M. D., Theobald, P. and Williams, J. 2015. Correlation of lumbar-hip kinematics between trunk flexion and other functional tasks. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 38(6), pp. 442-447. (10.1016/j.jmpt.2015.05.001)
- Alqhtani, R. S., Jones, M. D., Theobald, P. and Williams, J. M. 2015. Reliability of an accelerometer-based system for quantifying multiregional spinal range of motion. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 38(4), pp. 275-281. (10.1016/j.jmpt.2014.12.007)
- Evans, S. et al. 2014. Guidelines for photography of cutaneous marks and injuries: a multi-professional perspective. Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine 37(1-2), pp. 3-12. (10.3109/17453054.2014.911152)
- Evans, S. et al. 2014. Focussing on the future: Survey results on the image capture of patterned cutaneous injuries. Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 24, pp. 7-11. (10.1016/j.jflm.2014.02.007)
- Williams, J., Theobald, P. and Jones, M. D. 2014. Does the presence of a vertical barrier influence sagittal spinal curvature or range of motion in young females?. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation 27(1), pp. 71-75. (10.3233/BMR-130421)
- Soe, S., Robinson, M. R., Martin, P. S., Jones, M. D. and Theobald, P. 2014. Feasibility of using Duraform® flex lattice structures and additive manufacturing for optimising bicycle helmet design safety. Presented at: SDM'14: International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Cardiff, Wales, 28-30 April 2014Sustainable Design and Manufacturing: SDM-14: Pre-Proceedings, Vol. 1. Vol. 1. England: KES International pp. 278-290.
- Biggs, P., Evans, S., Jones, M. D. and Theobald, P. 2013. Development of a methodology for the standardisation and improvement of 'Smartphone' photography of patterned bruises and other cutaneous injuries. Science & Justice 53(3), pp. 358-362. (10.1016/j.scijus.2013.05.001)
- Martin, P. S., Theobald, P., Kemp, A. M., Maguire, S. A., Maconochie, I. and Jones, M. D. 2013. Real-time feedback can improve infant manikin cardiopulmonary resuscitation by up to 79%- A randomised controlled trial. Resuscitation 84(8), pp. 1125-1130. (10.1016/j.resuscitation.2013.03.029)
- Martin, P. S., Kemp, A. M., Theobald, P., Maguire, S. A. and Jones, M. D. 2013. Does a more "physiological" infant manikin design effect chest compression quality and create a potential for thoracic over-compression during simulated infant CPR?. Resuscitation 84(5), pp. 666-671. (10.1016/j.resuscitation.2012.10.005)
- Martin, P. S., Kemp, A. M., Theobald, P., Maguire, S. A. and Jones, M. D. 2013. Do chest compressions during simulated infant CPR comply with international recommendations?. Archives of Disease in Childhood 98, pp. 576-581. (10.1136/archdischild-2012-302583)
- Theobald, P., Dowson, D., Khan, I. M. and Jones, M. D. 2012. Tribological characteristics of healthy tendon. Journal of Biomechanics. 45(11), pp. 1972-1978. (10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.05.005)
- Theobald, P., Qureshi, A. and Jones, M. D. 2012. Biomechanical investigation into the torsional failure of immature long bone. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma 3(1), pp. 24-27. (10.1016/j.jcot.2012.02.001)
- McGonagle, L. J., Jones, M. D., Dowson, D. and Theobald, P. 2012. The bio-tribological properties of anti-adhesive agents commonly used during tendon repair. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 30(5), pp. 775-780. (10.1002/jor.21569)
- Martin, P. S., Jones, M., Maguire, S. A., Theobald, P. and Kemp, A. M. 2012. Increased incidence of CPR-related rib fractures in infants - is it related to changes in CPR technique? [Letter]. Resuscitation 83(4), pp. e109. (10.1016/j.resuscitation.2011.08.034)
- Theobald, P., Jones, M. D. and Williams, J. M. 2012. Do inertial sensors represent a viable method to reliably measure cervical spine range of motion?. Manual Therapy 17(1), pp. 92-96. (10.1016/j.math.2011.06.007)
- McGonagle, L., Jones, M. D., Dowson, D., King, P. and Theobald, P. 2012. Lubrication properties of commercially available anti-adhesive agents used in tendon repair [Abstract]. Orthopaedic Proceedings: a supplement of Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British) 94-B(SXVIII), pp. 60-60.
- Jones, M. D. and Theobald, P. 2011. The potential effects of floor impact surfaces on infant head injury outcome during a short fall. Medicine, Science and the Law 51(4), pp. 203-207. (10.1258/msl.2011.011006)
- Martin, P. S., Theobald, P., Kemp, A. M. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Do chest compressions, during paediatric CPR, cause thoracic trauma?. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Martin, P., Theobald, P., Kemp, A., O'Brien, S., Maguire, S. A. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Chest compression quality during infant CPR. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Jones, M. D., Cory, C. and Theobald, P. 2011. Validation of the MADYMO facet human body model to simulate blunt ballistic impacts to the thorax. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Theobald, P. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Does the potential adoption of IRB Regulation 22 expose soccer players to an increased risk of head injury?. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Jones, M. D., Dickson, J. and Theobald, P. 2011. Does wearing a cycle helmet increase the risk of a child sustaining a rotational head injury?. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Qureshi, A., Theobald, P., Paul, K. and Jones, M. D. 2011. The influence of strain rate on the angle of spiral fracture in paediatric long bone. Presented at: 12th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Milan, Italy, 27-30 April 2011.
- Thomas, J. M. C., Beevers, D., Dowson, D., Jones, M. D., King, P. and Theobald, P. 2011. The bio-tribological characteristics of synthetic tissue grafts. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 225(2), pp. 141-148. (10.1243/09544119JEIM796)
- Theobald, P., Jones, M. D. and Williams, J. 2011. The use of attitude sensors to measure cervical spine ROM. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belguim, 3-7 July 2011.
- Jones, M., Cory, C. Z. and Theobald, P. 2011. Validation of the MADYMO facet human body model to simulate blunt ballistic impacts to the thorax. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011Proceedings of the International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 2011. International Society of Biomechanics
- Martin, P. S., Theobald, P., Kemp, A. M. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Computational simulation of head accelerations generated by the 'Shaken Baby Syndrome'. Presented at: ESB2010: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Theobald, P., Qureshi, A. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Can the rotational speed to cause spiral fracture be estimated from the fracture pattern?. Presented at: Bone Research Society and British Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 27-29 June 2011.
- Martin, P. S., Theobald, P., Kemp, A. M., O'Brien, S., Maguire, S. A. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Chest compression performance during infant CPR [Abstract]. Archives of Diseases in Childhood 96(S1), article number: A86. (10.1136/adc.2011.212563.200)
- Qureshi, A., Theobald, P., Paul, K. and Jones, M. D. 2011. The influence of strain rate on the angle of spiral fracture in paediatric long bone. Presented at: 12th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Milan, Italy, 21-30 April 2011.
- Martin, P. S., Theobald, P., Holt, C. A., Kemp, A. M. and Jones, M. D. 2010. Development of a 9 month old model for the computational simulation of traumatic injuries to infants. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Theobald, P., Swaminathan, R., Qureshi, A. and Jones, M. D. 2010. The biomechanical consequence of removing the periosteum from paediatric bone exposed to spiral fracture. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Theobald, P., Whitelegg, L., Nokes, L. D. M. and Jones, M. D. 2010. Using head injury criterion (HIC) to assess the risk of concussion following head impact. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Thomas, J. M., Beevers, D. J., Dowson, D., Jones, M. D., King, P. and Theobald, P. 2010. The lubrication of synthetic tissue grafts and healthy tendon. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Griffiths, J. D., Jones, M. D., Read, M. S. and Williams, J. E. 2010. A simulation model of bed-occupancy in a critical care unit. Journal of Simulation 4(1), pp. 52-59. (10.1057/jos.2009.22)
- Qureshi, A., Theobald, P., Paul, K. and Jones, M. D. 2010. Biomechanical investigation into the torsional failure of paediatric long bone. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Theobald, P., Whitelegg, L., Nokes, L. D. M. and Jones, M. D. 2010. The predicted risk of head injury from fall related impacts on to third-generation artificial turf and grass soccer surfaces: A comparative biomechanical analysis. Sports Biomechanics 9(1), pp. 29-37. (10.1080/14763141003690245)
- Theobald, P., Jones, M. D., Holt, C. A., Evans, S. L. and O'Doherty, D. M. 2009. Medical engineering at Cardiff University. Part 1: undergraduate programmes of study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 223(4), pp. 425-430. (10.1243/09544119JEIM533)
- Theobald, P., O'Doherty, D. M., Holt, C. A., Evans, S. L. and Jones, M. D. 2009. Medical engineering at Cardiff University. Part 2: postgraduate programmes of study. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine 223(4), pp. 431-435. (10.1243/09544119JEIM534)
- Jones, M. D., Holt, C. A. and Whatling, G. M. 2007. Developing a methodology for the analysis of infant spine kinematics for the investigation of the Shaken Baby Syndrome [Abstract]. Gait & Posture 26(S1), pp. S74. (10.1016/S0966-6362(07)80010-5)
- Worn, M. and Jones, M. D. 2007. Rib fractures in infancy: establishing the mechanisms of cause from the injuries. Medicine, Science and the Law 47(3), pp. 200-212. (10.1258/rsmmsl.47.3.200)
- Jones, M. D. and Cory, C. Z. 2006. Development of a simulation system for performing in situ surface tests to assess the potential severity of head impacts from alleged childhood short falls. Forensic Science International 163(1-2), pp. 102-114. (10.1016/j.forsciint.2005.11.014)
- Jones, M. D. and Cory, C. Z. 2006. A fatal fall from a balcony? A biomechanical approach to resolving conflicting witness accounts. Medicine, Science and the Law 46(3), pp. 233-244.
- Gittens, N. and Jones, M. D. 2005. Biomechanical analysis of falls onto the outstretched hand. Presented at: Hand and wrist biomechanics symposium proceedings, Bath, UK.
- Norton, C. et al. 2004. Head injury and limb fracture in modern playgrounds. Archives of Disease in Childhood 89, pp. 152-153.
- Jones, M. D. and Cory, C. Z. 2003. Can shaking alone cause fatal brain injury?. Medicine, Science and the Law 43(4), pp. 317-333.
- Jones, M. D., James, D. S., Cory, C. Z., Leadbeatter, S. and Nokes, L. D. M. 2003. Subdural haemorrhage sustained in a baby-rocker? A biomechanical approach to causation. Forensic science international 131(1), pp. 14-21. (10.1016/S0379-0738(02)00382-1)
- Mishra, V. and Jones, M. D. 2002. Experiment to test the suture material and technique for flexor tendon repair. Presented at: British Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Cardiff, UK.
- Cory, C. Z., Jones, M. D., James, D. S., Leadbetter, S. and Nokes, L. D. M. 2001. The potential and limitations of utilising head impact injury models to assess the likelihood of significant head injury in infants after a fall. Forensic Science International 123(2-3), pp. 89-106. (10.1016/S0379-0738(01)00523-0)
- Cory, C. Z., Jones, M. D., James, D. S. and Nokes, L. D. M. 2001. The potential innovations of utilising head impact injury models to assess the likelihood of significant head injury in infants after a fall. Journal of Forensic Science 117, pp. 1-18.
- O'Callaghan, P. T., Jones, M. D., Holt, C. A., Leadbeatter, S., Dent, C. and Nokes, L. D. M. 2001. A novel approach to forensic investigation: Three-dimensional kinematic and kinetic motion analysis. Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine 8(2), pp. 49-53. (10.1054/jcfm.2001.0487)
- O'Callaghan, P. T., Jones, M. D., James, D. S., Leadbetter, S., Evans, S. L. and Nokes, L. D. M. 2001. A biomechanical reconstruction of a wound caused by a glass shard - case report. Forensic Science International 117(3), pp. 221-231. (10.1016/S0379-0738(00)00399-6)
- Wheeler, L. K., Maylia, E., Jones, M. D., Holt, C. A., Evans, S. L. and Nokes, L. D. M. 2000. Subjective assessment of blunt impacts. Medicine, Science and the Law 40(3), pp. 263-269.
- O'Callaghan, P. T., Jones, M. D., James, D. S., Leadbetter, S., Holt, C. A. and Nokes, L. D. M. 1999. Dynamics of stab wounds: force required for penetration of various cadaveric human tissue. Forensic Science International 104(2-3), pp. 173-178. (10.1016/S0379-0738(99)00115-2)
Adrannau llyfrau
- Jones, M., Khalid, G. and Prabhu, R. K. 2021. Chapter 11 - Development of a coupled physical–computational methodology for the investigation of infant head injury. In: Prabhu, R. K. ed. Multiscale Biomechanical Modeling of the Brain. Mara Conner, pp. 177-192., (10.1016/B978-0-12-818144-7.00011-6)
- Al-Graitti, A. J., Khalid, G. A., Berthelson, P. R., Prabhu, R. K. and Jones, M. D. 2019. A comparative study of the kinematic response and injury metrics associated with adults and children impacted by an auto rickshaw. Presented at: CompCom 2019: Intelligent Computing, London, UK, 16-17 July 2019 Presented at Arai, K., Bhatia, R. and Kapoor, S. eds.Intelligent Computing: Proceedings of the 2019 Computing Conference, Volume 1, Vol. 997. Springer Verlag pp. 424-443., (10.1007/978-3-030-22871-2_29)
- King, P., Kulon, J., Plassmann, P., Wilcox, S., Theobald, P. and Jones, M. D. 2015. Design, calibration and validation of a novel surface imaging tool for medical endoscopic applications. Presented at: 2015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC), Pisa, Italy, 11-14 May 20152015 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference (I2MTC 2015). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) pp. 1342-1348., (10.1109/I2MTC.2015.7151468)
- Soe, S., Robinson, M. R., Martin, P. S., Jones, M. D. and Theobald, P. 2014. Feasibility of using Duraform® flex lattice structures and additive manufacturing for optimising bicycle helmet design safety. Presented at: SDM'14: International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing, Cardiff, Wales, 28-30 April 2014Sustainable Design and Manufacturing: SDM-14: Pre-Proceedings, Vol. 1. Vol. 1. England: KES International pp. 278-290.
- Martin, P. S., Theobald, P., Kemp, A. M. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Do chest compressions, during paediatric CPR, cause thoracic trauma?. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Martin, P., Theobald, P., Kemp, A., O'Brien, S., Maguire, S. A. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Chest compression quality during infant CPR. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Jones, M. D., Cory, C. and Theobald, P. 2011. Validation of the MADYMO facet human body model to simulate blunt ballistic impacts to the thorax. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Theobald, P. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Does the potential adoption of IRB Regulation 22 expose soccer players to an increased risk of head injury?. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Jones, M. D., Dickson, J. and Theobald, P. 2011. Does wearing a cycle helmet increase the risk of a child sustaining a rotational head injury?. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011.
- Qureshi, A., Theobald, P., Paul, K. and Jones, M. D. 2011. The influence of strain rate on the angle of spiral fracture in paediatric long bone. Presented at: 12th European Congress of Trauma & Emergency Surgery, Milan, Italy, 27-30 April 2011.
- Theobald, P., Jones, M. D. and Williams, J. 2011. The use of attitude sensors to measure cervical spine ROM. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belguim, 3-7 July 2011.
- Jones, M., Cory, C. Z. and Theobald, P. 2011. Validation of the MADYMO facet human body model to simulate blunt ballistic impacts to the thorax. Presented at: International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 3-7 July 2011Proceedings of the International Society of Biomechanics Congress XXIII, Brussels, Belgium, 2011. International Society of Biomechanics
- Martin, P. S., Theobald, P., Kemp, A. M. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Computational simulation of head accelerations generated by the 'Shaken Baby Syndrome'. Presented at: ESB2010: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics, Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Theobald, P., Qureshi, A. and Jones, M. D. 2011. Can the rotational speed to cause spiral fracture be estimated from the fracture pattern?. Presented at: Bone Research Society and British Orthopaedic Research Society Meeting, Cambridge, UK, 27-29 June 2011.
- Qureshi, A., Theobald, P., Paul, K. and Jones, M. D. 2011. The influence of strain rate on the angle of spiral fracture in paediatric long bone. Presented at: 12th European Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, Milan, Italy, 21-30 April 2011.
- Martin, P. S., Theobald, P., Holt, C. A., Kemp, A. M. and Jones, M. D. 2010. Development of a 9 month old model for the computational simulation of traumatic injuries to infants. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Theobald, P., Swaminathan, R., Qureshi, A. and Jones, M. D. 2010. The biomechanical consequence of removing the periosteum from paediatric bone exposed to spiral fracture. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Theobald, P., Whitelegg, L., Nokes, L. D. M. and Jones, M. D. 2010. Using head injury criterion (HIC) to assess the risk of concussion following head impact. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Thomas, J. M., Beevers, D. J., Dowson, D., Jones, M. D., King, P. and Theobald, P. 2010. The lubrication of synthetic tissue grafts and healthy tendon. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Qureshi, A., Theobald, P., Paul, K. and Jones, M. D. 2010. Biomechanical investigation into the torsional failure of paediatric long bone. Presented at: 17th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics (ESB2010), Edinburgh, UK, 5-8 July 2010.
- Gittens, N. and Jones, M. D. 2005. Biomechanical analysis of falls onto the outstretched hand. Presented at: Hand and wrist biomechanics symposium proceedings, Bath, UK.
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- Jones, M., Darwall, D., Khalid, G., Prabhu, R., Kemp, A., Arthurs, O. J. and Theobald, P. 2017. Development and validation of a physical model to investigate the biomechanics of infant head impact. Forensic Science International 276, pp. 111-119. (10.1016/j.forsciint.2017.03.025)
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- Swaminathan, R., Williams, J. M., Jones, M. D. and Theobald, P. 2016. Does the new rugby union scrum sequence positively influence the hooker's in situ spinal kinematics?. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine 2(1), article number: e000064. (10.1136/bmjsem-2015-000064)
- Alqhtani, R. S., Jones, M. D., Theobald, P. and Williams, J. M. 2016. Investigating the contribution of the upper and lower lumbar spine, relative to hip motion, in everyday tasks. Manual Therapy 21, pp. 268-273. (10.1016/j.math.2015.09.014)
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- Martin, P. S., Theobald, P., Kemp, A. M., Maguire, S. A., Maconochie, I. and Jones, M. D. 2013. Real-time feedback can improve infant manikin cardiopulmonary resuscitation by up to 79%- A randomised controlled trial. Resuscitation 84(8), pp. 1125-1130. (10.1016/j.resuscitation.2013.03.029)
- Martin, P. S., Kemp, A. M., Theobald, P., Maguire, S. A. and Jones, M. D. 2013. Does a more "physiological" infant manikin design effect chest compression quality and create a potential for thoracic over-compression during simulated infant CPR?. Resuscitation 84(5), pp. 666-671. (10.1016/j.resuscitation.2012.10.005)
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- Theobald, P., Dowson, D., Khan, I. M. and Jones, M. D. 2012. Tribological characteristics of healthy tendon. Journal of Biomechanics. 45(11), pp. 1972-1978. (10.1016/j.jbiomech.2012.05.005)
- Theobald, P., Qureshi, A. and Jones, M. D. 2012. Biomechanical investigation into the torsional failure of immature long bone. Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics and Trauma 3(1), pp. 24-27. (10.1016/j.jcot.2012.02.001)
- McGonagle, L. J., Jones, M. D., Dowson, D. and Theobald, P. 2012. The bio-tribological properties of anti-adhesive agents commonly used during tendon repair. Journal of Orthopaedic Research 30(5), pp. 775-780. (10.1002/jor.21569)
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- Theobald, P., Jones, M. D. and Williams, J. M. 2012. Do inertial sensors represent a viable method to reliably measure cervical spine range of motion?. Manual Therapy 17(1), pp. 92-96. (10.1016/j.math.2011.06.007)
- McGonagle, L., Jones, M. D., Dowson, D., King, P. and Theobald, P. 2012. Lubrication properties of commercially available anti-adhesive agents used in tendon repair [Abstract]. Orthopaedic Proceedings: a supplement of Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery (British) 94-B(SXVIII), pp. 60-60.
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- Theobald, P., Whitelegg, L., Nokes, L. D. M. and Jones, M. D. 2010. The predicted risk of head injury from fall related impacts on to third-generation artificial turf and grass soccer surfaces: A comparative biomechanical analysis. Sports Biomechanics 9(1), pp. 29-37. (10.1080/14763141003690245)
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Teitl | Pobl | yn Noddi | Hyd Gwerth | |
Meddalwedd efelychu dynol deinamig | Jones MD | Y Gymdeithas Frenhinol | 9825 | 01/04/2003 - 01/07/2003 |
Datblygu model torri braich i'w gymhwyso i gwympiadau maes chwarae, cwympiadau domestig ac ymchwiliad anafiadau nad yw'n ddamweiniol | Jones MD | Ysbyty Llandochau Coleg Meddygaeth Prifysgol Cymru | 1500 | 01/10/2003 - 01/10/2006 |
Crynhoi'r llenyddiaeth bresennol ar drawma pybyr | Jones MD, Nokes LDM | Labordy Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Amddiffyn | 20000 | 01/10/2003 - 01/10/2004 |
Crynhoi'r llenyddiaeth bresennol ar daith trawma pybyr i RCNG530 | Jones MD, Nokes LDM | Labordy Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Amddiffyn | 10000 | 01/10/2003 - 01/10/2004 |
Dadansoddiad biofecanyddol o blatio Pont Ddeuol | Theobald P, Jones M | Biomet Gweithgynhyrchu LLC | 24593 | 01/06/2014 - 15/02/2015 |
Myfyrwyr dan oruchwyliaeth
Gradd | Statws | Myfyriwr | Teitl|
Asesiad Biomecanyddol o Syndrom Babi Duhaime Shaken Model | CORY Corrina Zoey | Graddedig | Phd |
Biomecaneg o dorri penglog ac anaf intracranial mewn plant ifanc o ganlyniad i gwymp uchder isel | HUGHES Jonathon | Graddedig | Phd |
Dadansoddiad delwedd uwchsain feintiol o'r cyhyrau gastrocnemius ar gyfer gwerthuso anafiadau (astudiaeth beilot). | ALQAHTANI Mahdi | Graddedig | Phd |
Dadansoddiad Biomecanyddol o Syrthio ar y Llaw Outstretched | GITTENS Nicola Jane | Graddedig | Phd |
Engieeirng Gwella ansawdd cywasgiad y frest yn ystod adfywio cardiopwlmonaidd babanod efelychiadol. | MARTIN Philip | Graddedig | Phd |
Datblygu methodoleg i Berfformio mesuriadau o'r rhanbarthau aml-asgwrn cefn a cineteg cymhleth Lumbar-glun yn ystod tasgau dyddiol dominyddol | ALQHTANI Raee | Cyflwyno traethawd ymchwil | Phd |
Datblygu model cyfrifiadurol i enabe efelychu trwythiad/cylchrediad gwaed yn ystod dadebru cardiopwlmonaidd | SHAABETH Samar Ali Jaber | Cerrynt | Phd |
BEng / MEng Peirianneg Feddygol
Ceisiadau meddygols
Anatomeg, ffisioleg a biocemeg, gan roi'r claf yn y canol, rhyngwyneb peirianneg yn yr amgylchedd gofal critigol, yr ymyl ddiweddaraf, y dyfodol.
Peirianneg fforensig
Y cyd-destun cyfreithiol, System Cyfiawnder Sifil, System Cyfiawnder Troseddol, Y Tyst Arbenigol, biomecaneg anaf, diogelwch modurol, diogelwch cerddwyr, biomecaneg anaf i'r pen, adolygiadau achos.
Biomaterials a Pheirianneg Meinwe
Diagnosis gwahaniaethol o asthma cronig a difrifol
MSc Peirianneg Fecanyddol Uwch
MSc Peirianneg Amgylcheddol
Dr Mike Jones sydd â graddau Baglor yn y Gwyddorau mewn Biocemeg, Meistr Gwyddoniaeth mewn Peirianneg Systemau o Brifysgol Cymru, Doethur mewn Peirianneg Biofecanyddol a Meistr yn y Gyfraith yn yr Agweddau Cyfreithiol ar Ymarfer Meddygol o Brifysgol Caerdydd, Baglor y Gyfraith o Brifysgol Llundain a Diploma Ôl-raddedig mewn Sgiliau Cyfreithiol Proffesiynol o Ysgol y Gyfraith Inns of Court, Llundain. Mae'n fargyfreithiwr Gray's Inn . Enillodd radd Meistr mewn Pediatreg ac Astudiaethau Iechyd Plant o Ysgol Meddygaeth Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd a chwblhaodd gwrs Prifysgol Glasgow mewn Gwyddoniaeth Feddygol Fforensig yn Ysbyty St George's, Llundain. Mae'n aelod proffesiynol o Gymdeithas Siartredig y Gwyddorau Fforensig. Mae wedi dal swyddi Cydymaith Ymchwil gyda Sefydliad Cymru Meddygaeth Fforensig ac Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd rhwng 1995 a 1997, Darlithydd Prifysgol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd rhwng 1997 a 2011 ac Uwch Ddarlithydd rhwng 2011 ac Awst 2019. Ar hyn o bryd mae'n dal swydd Darllenydd mewn Peirianneg Glinigol, Trawma ac Orthopedig ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Yn 2017 fe'i penodwyd yn Athro Cyfadran Atodol Biomecaneg Anaf i'r Ymennydd ym Mhrifysgol Talaith Mississippi, Daeth UDA ac yn 2018 yn aelod gwahoddedig o'r Labordy Mecaneg a Trawma Rhyngwladol yr Ymennydd ym Mhrifysgol Rhydychen. Ef yw cyd-olygydd sefydlu'r Journal Brain Multyphysics. Mae ganddo dros ugain mlynedd o brofiad o gymhwyso egwyddorion peirianneg i ymchwilio i achos anaf. Mae ei ddiddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys biomecaneg anafiadau o'r mathau canlynol: clwyfo treiddiol a thrawma grym di-flewyn-ar-dafod, cwympiadau, damweiniau maes chwarae, anafiadau i'r pen sy'n gysylltiedig â chwaraeon, anafiadau i'r ymennydd is-gyfergydiol, anafiadau nad ydynt yn ddamweiniol; gan gynnwys effeithiau cerbydau, effeithiau cwympo byr ac anafiadau anadweithiol, fel y rhai y credir eu bod o ganlyniad i ysgwyd. Mae ganddo ddiddordeb arbenigol mewn anafiadau i blant a babanod. Mae wedi cyhoeddi dros 140 o gyhoeddiadau cyfnodolion a chynadledda cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol a adolygir gan gymheiriaid ar y pynciau a'r cynhwysiadau hyn yn y gwerslyfrau ar bynciau 'Modelu Amlraddfa'r Ymennydd Biomecaneg', 'Niwropatholeg Fforensig' a 'Meddygaeth a Phatholeg Fforensig Pediatrig'. Mae'n ymgynghorydd i sawl asiantaeth lywodraethol yn y DU ac yn cynghori ymchwiliadau amlasiantaethol fel mater o drefn ar agweddau peirianneg biofecanyddol llofruddiaeth, ymosodiad, damweiniau a hunanladdiad. Mae'n gweithredu fel tyst arbenigol yng Nghymru a Lloegr, Gogledd Iwerddon, fel mater o drefn. Yr Alban ac yn rhyngwladol ar faterion sy'n ymwneud ag anaf babanod, plant ac oedolion mewn troseddol. llysoedd sifil a theulu a'r llysoedd apêl.
Cyhoeddiadau Diweddar
- Bakhtiarydavijani A, Murphy M A, Johnson KL, Khalid G, Jones MD, Horstemeyer MF, Dobbins AC, Prabhu R (2021). Dull modelu elfen mesoscale ar gyfer deall morffoleg yr ymennydd ac effeithiau heterogenedd materol mewn enseffalopathi trawmatig cronig. Dulliau Cyfrifiadurol mewn Biomecaneg a Pheirianneg Biofeddygol, 23 16, 2020.
- Berthelson P, Ghassemi P, Wood J, Stubblefieldd G, Al-Graittie A, Jones M, Horstemeyer M, Chowdhury S, Prabhu R (2021) Dull modelu chwyddo mathemategol dan arweiniad elfen gyfyngedig i asesu risg anafiadau pen deiliad oherwydd effeithiau cerbydau. Peirianneg a Chyfrifiadura Meddygol a Biolegol Rhyngwladol
- Schroder A, Lawrence T, Voets N, Jones M, Pena Jose-Maria, Jerusalem A (2021) Gwellodd dysgu peiriant fframwaith efelychu mecanistaidd ar gyfer rhagfynegiad diffygion swyddogaethol mewn fframwaith AB gwell TBI A MF ar gyfer rhagfynegiad diffygion swyddogaethol mewn TBI. Ffiniau mewn Biobeirianneg a Biotechnoleg; Cyfrol 9 | Erthygl 587082
- MCSFS. Aelod o Gymdeithas Siartredig y Gwyddorau Fforensig (2007)
- Academi Gwyddorau Fforensig Prydain
- Cymdeithas Gweithwyr Proffesiynol Amddiffyn Plant
- Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Biomecaneg
- Cymdeithas Pediatreg Academaidd Prydain Fawr ac Iwerddon
- Cymdeithas Anrhydeddus Gray's Inn.
- Cymdeithas y Peirianwyr Biofeddygol, Peirianwyr Meddygol a Bioengineers
Cyfrifoldebau cyflogaeth cyfredol
- Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysedd (EDI), Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd
- EDI yn arwain ar fwlio ac aflonyddu, Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd
- Aelod o bwyllgor Athena Swann, Ysgol Peirianneg Caerdydd
- Aelod Panel Goruchwylio Cydraddoldeb Hil Prifysgol Caerdydd
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Academi Gwyddorau Fforensig Prydain
- Cymdeithas Gweithwyr Proffesiynol Amddiffyn Plant
- Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Biomecaneg
- Cymdeithas Pediatreg Academaidd Prydain Fawr ac Iwerddon
- Cymdeithas Anrhydeddus Gray's Inn.
- Cymdeithas y Peirianwyr Biofeddygol, Peirianwyr Meddygol a Bioengineers
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2019 -presennol: Darllenydd mewn Peirianneg Glinigol, Trawma ac Orthopedig
- 2011-2019: Uwch Ddarlithydd
- 1997 - 2011: Darlithydd
- 1995-1997: Cydymaith Ymchwil
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD ym meysydd: biomecaneg anafiadau ac atal anafiadau sy'n gysylltiedig ag ymchwilio i lofruddiaeth, ymosodiad, damwain a hunanladdiad.
Gan gynnwys ond nid yn unig:
- Biomecaneg anaf i'r pen/ymennydd
- clwyfo treiddiol
- Trawma grym di-flewyn-ar-dafod
- Dod
- Damweiniau maes chwarae
- Anafiadau i'r ymennydd is-effeithiau
- Anafiadau ymennydd cyfergyd
- Anafiadau nad ydynt yn ddamweiniol; gan gynnwys effeithiau cerbydau, effeithiau cwympo byr ac anafiadau anadweithiol, fel y rhai y credir eu bod o ganlyniad i ysgwyd
- Diddordeb arbenigol mewn anafiadau i fabanod a phlant
- Biomecaneg Anaf Pen Chwaraeon
- Effaith arwyneb chwaraeon biomecaneg
- Biomecaneg effaith cerddwyr / cerbyd