- Comparative criminal justice policy-making
- Police governance and accountability
- Private policing and the governance of security
- Harassment and bullying in the workplace
- Crime and Tourism
Current Research Projects
Workplace Bullying and Harassment in Britain with Special Reference to Race and Ethnicity. ESRC ( £679,000)
Policy transfer and convergence/divergence in crime control within the United Kingdom (proposed ESRC project in collaboration with University of Edinburgh, awaiting decision)
- Kitchener, M., Netana, C., Cram, F. and Jones, T. 2024. The craft of co-produced policing: Lessons from Grangetown and Butetown, Ely and Caerau. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Jones, R., Harrison, M. and Jones, T. 2023. Policing and devolution in the UK: the ‘special’ case of Wales. Policing 17, article number: paac063. (10.1093/police/paac063)
- Newburn, T. and Jones, T. 2022. Policing, punishment and comparative penality. British Journal of Criminology 62(5), pp. 1196-1212. (10.1093/bjc/azac032)
- Jones, T. and Newburn, T. 2021. When crime policies travel: Exploring cross-national policy transfer in crime control. Crime and Justice (10.1086/716539)
- Jones, T., Blaustein, J. and Newburn, T. 2021. Researching cross-national policy mobilities in crime control. Criminology and Criminal Justice 21(3), pp. 408-426. (10.1177/1748895819864627)
- Jones, T. and Newburn, T. 2019. Understanding transnational policy flows in security and justice. Journal of Law and Society 46(S1), pp. S12-S30. (10.1111/jols.12181)
- Jones, T. and Lister, S. 2019. Localism and police governance in England & Wales: Exploring continuity and change. European Journal of Criminology 16(5), pp. 552-572. (10.1177/1477370819860689)
- Newburn, T., Jones, T. and Blaustein, J. 2018. Policy mobilities and comparative penality. Theoretical Criminology 22(4), pp. 563-581. (10.1177/1362480617713985)
- Newburn, T., Jones, T. and Blaustein, J. 2018. Framing the 2011 England riots: Understanding the political and policy response. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 57(3), pp. 339-362. (10.1111/hojo.12268)
- Jones, T., Newburn, T. and Reiner, R. 2017. Policing and the police. In: Liebling, A., Maruna, S. and McAra, L. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (6th edn). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 769-796., (10.1093/he/9780198719441.003.0035)
- Lister, S. and Jones, T. 2016. Plural policing and the challenge of democratic accountability. In: Lister, S. and Rowe, M. eds. Accountability of Policing. Routledge, pp. 192-213.
- Hudson, K. J. and Jones, T. D. B. 2016. Satellite tracking of offenders and integrated offender management: a local case study. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 55(1-2), pp. 188-206. (10.1111/hojo.12156)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Lister, S. 2015. The policing of public space: Recent developments in plural policing in England and Wales. European Journal of Policing Studies 2(3)
- Jones, T. D. B., Botterill, D., Pointing, S., Hayes-Jonkers, C., Rodriguez, C. and Clough, A. 2014. What makes violence in backpacker tourism possible? A critical realist study of tourism and the governance of security. In: Andrews, H. ed. Tourism and Violence. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 187-210.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2013. Policy convergence, politics and comparative penal reform: Sex offender notification schemes in the USA and UK. Punishment and Society 15(5), pp. 439-467. (10.1177/1462474513504801)
- Fevre, R. W., Robinson, A. L., Lewis, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2013. The ill-treatment of employees with disabilities in British workplaces. Work, Employment and Society 27(2), pp. 288-307. (10.1177/0950017012460311)
- Fevre, R. W., Lewis, D., Robinson, A. L. and Jones, T. D. B. 2012. Trouble at work. London: Bloomsbury Academic. (10.5040/9781849664677)
- Jones, T. D. B., Newburn, T. and Smith, D. J. 2012. Democracy and Police and Crime Commissioners. In: Newburn, T. and Peay, J. eds. Policing: Politics, Culture and Control. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 219-244.
- Jones, T. D. B., Robinson, A. L., Fevre, R. W. and Lewis, D. 2011. Workplace assaults in Britain: Understanding the influence of individual and workplace characteristics. British Journal of Criminology 51(1), pp. 159-178. (10.1093/bjc/azq064)
- Fevre, R., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T. D. B. and Lewis, D. 2010. Researching workplace bullying: the benefits of taking an integrated approach. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 13(1), pp. 71-85. (10.1080/13645570802648671)
- van Steden, R. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Explaining the growth of plural policing: Comparing the Netherlands and Britain. Journal of Police Studies 3(16), pp. 289-305.
- Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Conclusions: mapping a research agenda. In: Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. eds. Tourism and Crime: Key Themes. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow, pp. 229-236.
- Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Introduction: tourism studies and criminology. In: Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. eds. Tourism and crime: key themes. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow, pp. 1-18.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Public opinion, politics, and the response to youth crime. In: Smith, D. J. ed. A New Response to Youth Crime. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 341-379.
- Jones, T. D. B., van Steden, R. and Boutellier, H. 2009. Pluralisation of policing in England & Wales and the Netherlands: exploring similarity and difference. Policing and Society 19(3), pp. 282-299. (10.1080/10439460902871355)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2009. Le managérialisme et la nature des réformes policières en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles: Understanding police reform in England and Wales. Revue Française de Science Politique 59(6), pp. 1175-1197. (10.3917/rfsp.596.1175)
- Jones, T. D. B., Van Sluis, A. and Ringeling, A. 2009. National standards, local delivery: Het politiebestel in Engeland & Wales. In: Cachet, L. et al. eds. Het Betwiste Politiebestel: een Vergelijkend Onderzoek naar de Ontwikkeling van het Politiebestel in Nederland, België, Denemarken, Duitsland, Engeland & Wales. Politiewetenschap Vol. 49. Apeldoorn, Netherlands: Politie en Wetensch, pp. 295-358.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Van Sluis, A. 2009. National standards, local delivery: Police reform in England and Wales. German Policy Studies 5(2), pp. 117-144.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2009. Policing. In: Hale, C. et al. eds. Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 563-582.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2009. Auxiliary police. In: Wakefield, A. and Fleming, J. eds. The SAGE Dictionary of Policing. London: Sage, pp. 8-11.
- Jones, T. D. B., Robinson, A. L., Fevre, R. W. and Lewis, D. 2009. Assaults and violence in the workplace. Presented at: British Society of Criminology annual meeting, Cardiff, UK, 29 June - 1 July 2009.
- van Steden, R. and Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Straatcoaches in Slotervaart: Enige kanttekeningen bij het idee van een 'overheid op afstand'. Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 7(4), pp. 20-29.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Private policing. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. The accountability of policing. In: Newburn, T. ed. Handbook of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 693-724.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Accountability and governance. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 1-3.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Discretion. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing
- Fevre, R. W., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T. D. B. and Lewis, D. 2008. Work fit for all – disability, health and the experience of negative treatment in the British workplace. Project Report. [Online]. London: Equality and Human Rights Commission. Available at:
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2007. Policy transfer and criminal justice: exploring US influence over British crime control policy. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2006. Three strikes and you're out: exploring symbol and substance in US and British crime control politics. British Journal of Criminology 46(5), pp. 781-802. (10.1093/bjc/azl007)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2005. Comparative criminal justice policy-making in the United States and the UK: the case of private prisons. British Journal of Criminology 45(1), pp. 58-80. (10.1093/bjc/azh067)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2002. The transformation of policing? Understanding current trends in policing systems. British journal of criminology 42(1), pp. 129-146. (10.1093/bjc/42.1.129)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 1998. Private security and public policing. Clarendon Studies in Criminology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Jones, T., Newburn, T. and Reiner, R. 2017. Policing and the police. In: Liebling, A., Maruna, S. and McAra, L. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (6th edn). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 769-796., (10.1093/he/9780198719441.003.0035)
- Lister, S. and Jones, T. 2016. Plural policing and the challenge of democratic accountability. In: Lister, S. and Rowe, M. eds. Accountability of Policing. Routledge, pp. 192-213.
- Jones, T. D. B., Botterill, D., Pointing, S., Hayes-Jonkers, C., Rodriguez, C. and Clough, A. 2014. What makes violence in backpacker tourism possible? A critical realist study of tourism and the governance of security. In: Andrews, H. ed. Tourism and Violence. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 187-210.
- Jones, T. D. B., Newburn, T. and Smith, D. J. 2012. Democracy and Police and Crime Commissioners. In: Newburn, T. and Peay, J. eds. Policing: Politics, Culture and Control. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 219-244.
- Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Conclusions: mapping a research agenda. In: Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. eds. Tourism and Crime: Key Themes. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow, pp. 229-236.
- Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Introduction: tourism studies and criminology. In: Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. eds. Tourism and crime: key themes. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow, pp. 1-18.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Public opinion, politics, and the response to youth crime. In: Smith, D. J. ed. A New Response to Youth Crime. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 341-379.
- Jones, T. D. B., Van Sluis, A. and Ringeling, A. 2009. National standards, local delivery: Het politiebestel in Engeland & Wales. In: Cachet, L. et al. eds. Het Betwiste Politiebestel: een Vergelijkend Onderzoek naar de Ontwikkeling van het Politiebestel in Nederland, België, Denemarken, Duitsland, Engeland & Wales. Politiewetenschap Vol. 49. Apeldoorn, Netherlands: Politie en Wetensch, pp. 295-358.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2009. Policing. In: Hale, C. et al. eds. Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 563-582.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2009. Auxiliary police. In: Wakefield, A. and Fleming, J. eds. The SAGE Dictionary of Policing. London: Sage, pp. 8-11.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Private policing. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. The accountability of policing. In: Newburn, T. ed. Handbook of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 693-724.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Accountability and governance. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 1-3.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Discretion. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing
- Jones, T. D. B., Robinson, A. L., Fevre, R. W. and Lewis, D. 2009. Assaults and violence in the workplace. Presented at: British Society of Criminology annual meeting, Cardiff, UK, 29 June - 1 July 2009.
- Jones, R., Harrison, M. and Jones, T. 2023. Policing and devolution in the UK: the ‘special’ case of Wales. Policing 17, article number: paac063. (10.1093/police/paac063)
- Newburn, T. and Jones, T. 2022. Policing, punishment and comparative penality. British Journal of Criminology 62(5), pp. 1196-1212. (10.1093/bjc/azac032)
- Jones, T. and Newburn, T. 2021. When crime policies travel: Exploring cross-national policy transfer in crime control. Crime and Justice (10.1086/716539)
- Jones, T., Blaustein, J. and Newburn, T. 2021. Researching cross-national policy mobilities in crime control. Criminology and Criminal Justice 21(3), pp. 408-426. (10.1177/1748895819864627)
- Jones, T. and Newburn, T. 2019. Understanding transnational policy flows in security and justice. Journal of Law and Society 46(S1), pp. S12-S30. (10.1111/jols.12181)
- Jones, T. and Lister, S. 2019. Localism and police governance in England & Wales: Exploring continuity and change. European Journal of Criminology 16(5), pp. 552-572. (10.1177/1477370819860689)
- Newburn, T., Jones, T. and Blaustein, J. 2018. Policy mobilities and comparative penality. Theoretical Criminology 22(4), pp. 563-581. (10.1177/1362480617713985)
- Newburn, T., Jones, T. and Blaustein, J. 2018. Framing the 2011 England riots: Understanding the political and policy response. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 57(3), pp. 339-362. (10.1111/hojo.12268)
- Hudson, K. J. and Jones, T. D. B. 2016. Satellite tracking of offenders and integrated offender management: a local case study. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 55(1-2), pp. 188-206. (10.1111/hojo.12156)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Lister, S. 2015. The policing of public space: Recent developments in plural policing in England and Wales. European Journal of Policing Studies 2(3)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2013. Policy convergence, politics and comparative penal reform: Sex offender notification schemes in the USA and UK. Punishment and Society 15(5), pp. 439-467. (10.1177/1462474513504801)
- Fevre, R. W., Robinson, A. L., Lewis, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2013. The ill-treatment of employees with disabilities in British workplaces. Work, Employment and Society 27(2), pp. 288-307. (10.1177/0950017012460311)
- Jones, T. D. B., Robinson, A. L., Fevre, R. W. and Lewis, D. 2011. Workplace assaults in Britain: Understanding the influence of individual and workplace characteristics. British Journal of Criminology 51(1), pp. 159-178. (10.1093/bjc/azq064)
- Fevre, R., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T. D. B. and Lewis, D. 2010. Researching workplace bullying: the benefits of taking an integrated approach. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 13(1), pp. 71-85. (10.1080/13645570802648671)
- van Steden, R. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Explaining the growth of plural policing: Comparing the Netherlands and Britain. Journal of Police Studies 3(16), pp. 289-305.
- Jones, T. D. B., van Steden, R. and Boutellier, H. 2009. Pluralisation of policing in England & Wales and the Netherlands: exploring similarity and difference. Policing and Society 19(3), pp. 282-299. (10.1080/10439460902871355)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2009. Le managérialisme et la nature des réformes policières en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles: Understanding police reform in England and Wales. Revue Française de Science Politique 59(6), pp. 1175-1197. (10.3917/rfsp.596.1175)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Van Sluis, A. 2009. National standards, local delivery: Police reform in England and Wales. German Policy Studies 5(2), pp. 117-144.
- van Steden, R. and Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Straatcoaches in Slotervaart: Enige kanttekeningen bij het idee van een 'overheid op afstand'. Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 7(4), pp. 20-29.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2006. Three strikes and you're out: exploring symbol and substance in US and British crime control politics. British Journal of Criminology 46(5), pp. 781-802. (10.1093/bjc/azl007)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2005. Comparative criminal justice policy-making in the United States and the UK: the case of private prisons. British Journal of Criminology 45(1), pp. 58-80. (10.1093/bjc/azh067)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2002. The transformation of policing? Understanding current trends in policing systems. British journal of criminology 42(1), pp. 129-146. (10.1093/bjc/42.1.129)
- Fevre, R. W., Lewis, D., Robinson, A. L. and Jones, T. D. B. 2012. Trouble at work. London: Bloomsbury Academic. (10.5040/9781849664677)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2007. Policy transfer and criminal justice: exploring US influence over British crime control policy. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 1998. Private security and public policing. Clarendon Studies in Criminology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Kitchener, M., Netana, C., Cram, F. and Jones, T. 2024. The craft of co-produced policing: Lessons from Grangetown and Butetown, Ely and Caerau. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fevre, R. W., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T. D. B. and Lewis, D. 2008. Work fit for all – disability, health and the experience of negative treatment in the British workplace. Project Report. [Online]. London: Equality and Human Rights Commission. Available at:
- The politics of crime control
- Comparative criminal justice policy-making
- Police governance and accountability
- Private policing and the governance of security
- Harassment and bullying in the workplace
- Crime and Tourism
Current Research Projects
Workplace Bullying and Harassment in Britain with Special Reference to Race and Ethnicity. ESRC (£679,000)
Policy transfer and convergence/divergence in crime control within the United Kingdom (proposed ESRC project in collaboration with University of Edinburgh, awaiting decision)
- Year One: Theories of Crime and Punishment (module convenor)
- Year Two: Responses to Crime (module convenor)
- Year Three: Crime Control, Regulation and Policing (module convenor); Diversity, Crime and Criminal Justice; Criminological Practice; Dissertation supervision.
Taught Masters
- Police and Policing
- Penal Theory and Practice
- Dissertation supervision
PhD Supervision
I am interested in PhD supervision in a range of areas related to policing and the governance of security - especially police accountability and commercial security. Also, in studies relating to criminal justice and penal policy-making, policy transfer and crime control, crime and tourism.
Current PhD supervisions include: Relationships between the police and Chinese communities in the UK (Chris Pac-Soo); Crime, security and regeneration in Cardiff Bay (Oliver Cowan); The local politics of 'anti-social behaviour' (Victoria Chessell-Edgar); Policing, securitization and police counter-terrorism policy (Jasmin Tregidga); Risk Assessment and Mentally Disordered Offenders (Jeremy Dixon); Violence and its regulation in professional ice hockey (Victoria Silverwood); Piracy, fear of crime and sea-farers$acirc; welfare (Sarah Symons); Policing, Regulation and Cannabis (David Brewster); criminal defence reforms and the commercialization of the criminal process (Jodi Morgan)
I started my research career at the independent Policy Studies Institute (PSI) in London, where I undertook research in two main areas $acirc; policing and labour market studies. The former included studies of police accountability, international comparisons of police governance, private security and policing, and youth crime prevention; the latter included studies of youth unemployment, and the labour market positions of ethnic minority groups. I was a lecturer in criminology for a year in the Centre for Law and Society, Edinburgh University for the academic year 1997/8, before joining the Cardiff School of Social Sciences in 1998.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2013 - Athro Troseddeg, SOCSI
2011-14 Dirprwy Gyfarwyddwr (Pobl a'r Amgylchedd) (Uwch Dîm Rheoli SOCSI)
2007-2013 Darllenydd mewn Troseddeg a Chyfiawnder Troseddol, SOCSI
2002-2007 Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Troseddeg a Chyfiawnder Troseddol, SOCSI
1998-2001 Darlithydd mewn Troseddeg a Chyfiawnder Troseddol, Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol (SOCSI)
1997-1998 Darlithydd mewn Troseddeg, Ysgol y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Caeredin
1990-97 Cymrawd Ymchwil yna Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil, Sefydliad Astudiaethau Polisi, Llundain
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Rheoli Golygydd, Troseddeg a Chyfiawnder Troseddol 2006-10
- Rheoli Golygydd, Plismona a Chymdeithas 2011-14
- Adolygydd grant (Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme, ESRC)
- Adolygydd Journal (Cosb a Chymdeithas, Plismona a Chymdeithas, Troseddeg a Chyfiawnder Troseddol, Adolygiad y Gyfraith a Chymdeithas, European Journal of Criminology, Journal of International & Comparative Social Policy)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD yn y meysydd canlynol:
- Plismona
- Diogelwch Preifat
- Trosglwyddo polisi trosedd
- Datganoli, plismona a chyfiawnder troseddol
- Polisi rheoli troseddau cymharol
Contact Details
+44 29208 75039
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell 1.01B Adeilad Morgannwg, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA