I am a criminologist working in the School of Social Sciences where I undertake research and teaching across a range of criminological subjects. I have over 30 years experience undertaking social research, and have published widely in the fields of policing, community safety, comparative criminal justice policy-making, policy transfer and workplace violence. I have authored/co-authored six research monographs and co-edited two edited collections, and have published numerous articles in peer reviewed journals and chapters in edited volumes. I am particularly interested in the fields of police governance and accountability, and in 'non-state' forms of policing such as commercial security. I have a strong interest in cross national comparative research, having undertaken collaborative work with researchers in a number of countries, including Brazil, Australia and The Netherlands. This has been developed in particular with my work on cross-national policy mobility in crime control. I have extensive teaching experience at undergraduate and postgraduate taught level, have supervised 12 PhD students to completion, and acted as internal and external examiner for PhDs on numerous occasions.
- Kitchener, M., Netana, C., Cram, F. and Jones, T. 2024. The craft of co-produced policing: Lessons from Grangetown and Butetown, Ely and Caerau. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Jones, R., Harrison, M. and Jones, T. 2023. Policing and devolution in the UK: the ‘special’ case of Wales. Policing 17, article number: paac063. (10.1093/police/paac063)
- Newburn, T. and Jones, T. 2022. Policing, punishment and comparative penality. British Journal of Criminology 62(5), pp. 1196-1212. (10.1093/bjc/azac032)
- Jones, T. and Newburn, T. 2021. When crime policies travel: Exploring cross-national policy transfer in crime control. Crime and Justice (10.1086/716539)
- Jones, T., Blaustein, J. and Newburn, T. 2021. Researching cross-national policy mobilities in crime control. Criminology and Criminal Justice 21(3), pp. 408-426. (10.1177/1748895819864627)
- Jones, T. and Newburn, T. 2019. Understanding transnational policy flows in security and justice. Journal of Law and Society 46(S1), pp. S12-S30. (10.1111/jols.12181)
- Jones, T. and Lister, S. 2019. Localism and police governance in England & Wales: Exploring continuity and change. European Journal of Criminology 16(5), pp. 552-572. (10.1177/1477370819860689)
- Newburn, T., Jones, T. and Blaustein, J. 2018. Policy mobilities and comparative penality. Theoretical Criminology 22(4), pp. 563-581. (10.1177/1362480617713985)
- Newburn, T., Jones, T. and Blaustein, J. 2018. Framing the 2011 England riots: Understanding the political and policy response. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 57(3), pp. 339-362. (10.1111/hojo.12268)
- Jones, T., Newburn, T. and Reiner, R. 2017. Policing and the police. In: Liebling, A., Maruna, S. and McAra, L. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (6th edn). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 769-796., (10.1093/he/9780198719441.003.0035)
- Lister, S. and Jones, T. 2016. Plural policing and the challenge of democratic accountability. In: Lister, S. and Rowe, M. eds. Accountability of Policing. Routledge, pp. 192-213.
- Hudson, K. J. and Jones, T. D. B. 2016. Satellite tracking of offenders and integrated offender management: a local case study. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 55(1-2), pp. 188-206. (10.1111/hojo.12156)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Lister, S. 2015. The policing of public space: Recent developments in plural policing in England and Wales. European Journal of Policing Studies 2(3)
- Jones, T. D. B., Botterill, D., Pointing, S., Hayes-Jonkers, C., Rodriguez, C. and Clough, A. 2014. What makes violence in backpacker tourism possible? A critical realist study of tourism and the governance of security. In: Andrews, H. ed. Tourism and Violence. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 187-210.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2013. Policy convergence, politics and comparative penal reform: Sex offender notification schemes in the USA and UK. Punishment and Society 15(5), pp. 439-467. (10.1177/1462474513504801)
- Fevre, R. W., Robinson, A. L., Lewis, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2013. The ill-treatment of employees with disabilities in British workplaces. Work, Employment and Society 27(2), pp. 288-307. (10.1177/0950017012460311)
- Fevre, R. W., Lewis, D., Robinson, A. L. and Jones, T. D. B. 2012. Trouble at work. London: Bloomsbury Academic. (10.5040/9781849664677)
- Jones, T. D. B., Newburn, T. and Smith, D. J. 2012. Democracy and Police and Crime Commissioners. In: Newburn, T. and Peay, J. eds. Policing: Politics, Culture and Control. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 219-244.
- Jones, T. D. B., Robinson, A. L., Fevre, R. W. and Lewis, D. 2011. Workplace assaults in Britain: Understanding the influence of individual and workplace characteristics. British Journal of Criminology 51(1), pp. 159-178. (10.1093/bjc/azq064)
- Fevre, R., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T. D. B. and Lewis, D. 2010. Researching workplace bullying: the benefits of taking an integrated approach. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 13(1), pp. 71-85. (10.1080/13645570802648671)
- van Steden, R. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Explaining the growth of plural policing: Comparing the Netherlands and Britain. Journal of Police Studies 3(16), pp. 289-305.
- Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Conclusions: mapping a research agenda. In: Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. eds. Tourism and Crime: Key Themes. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow, pp. 229-236.
- Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Introduction: tourism studies and criminology. In: Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. eds. Tourism and crime: key themes. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow, pp. 1-18.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Public opinion, politics, and the response to youth crime. In: Smith, D. J. ed. A New Response to Youth Crime. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 341-379.
- Jones, T. D. B., van Steden, R. and Boutellier, H. 2009. Pluralisation of policing in England & Wales and the Netherlands: exploring similarity and difference. Policing and Society 19(3), pp. 282-299. (10.1080/10439460902871355)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2009. Le managérialisme et la nature des réformes policières en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles: Understanding police reform in England and Wales. Revue Française de Science Politique 59(6), pp. 1175-1197. (10.3917/rfsp.596.1175)
- Jones, T. D. B., Van Sluis, A. and Ringeling, A. 2009. National standards, local delivery: Het politiebestel in Engeland & Wales. In: Cachet, L. et al. eds. Het Betwiste Politiebestel: een Vergelijkend Onderzoek naar de Ontwikkeling van het Politiebestel in Nederland, België, Denemarken, Duitsland, Engeland & Wales. Politiewetenschap Vol. 49. Apeldoorn, Netherlands: Politie en Wetensch, pp. 295-358.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Van Sluis, A. 2009. National standards, local delivery: Police reform in England and Wales. German Policy Studies 5(2), pp. 117-144.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2009. Policing. In: Hale, C. et al. eds. Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 563-582.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2009. Auxiliary police. In: Wakefield, A. and Fleming, J. eds. The SAGE Dictionary of Policing. London: Sage, pp. 8-11.
- Jones, T. D. B., Robinson, A. L., Fevre, R. W. and Lewis, D. 2009. Assaults and violence in the workplace. Presented at: British Society of Criminology annual meeting, Cardiff, UK, 29 June - 1 July 2009.
- van Steden, R. and Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Straatcoaches in Slotervaart: Enige kanttekeningen bij het idee van een 'overheid op afstand'. Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 7(4), pp. 20-29.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Private policing. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. The accountability of policing. In: Newburn, T. ed. Handbook of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 693-724.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Accountability and governance. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 1-3.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Discretion. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing
- Fevre, R. W., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T. D. B. and Lewis, D. 2008. Work fit for all – disability, health and the experience of negative treatment in the British workplace. Project Report. [Online]. London: Equality and Human Rights Commission. Available at: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/uploaded_files/research/work_fit_for_all_-_final.pdf
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2007. Policy transfer and criminal justice: exploring US influence over British crime control policy. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2006. Three strikes and you're out: exploring symbol and substance in US and British crime control politics. British Journal of Criminology 46(5), pp. 781-802. (10.1093/bjc/azl007)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2005. Comparative criminal justice policy-making in the United States and the UK: the case of private prisons. British Journal of Criminology 45(1), pp. 58-80. (10.1093/bjc/azh067)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2002. The transformation of policing? Understanding current trends in policing systems. British journal of criminology 42(1), pp. 129-146. (10.1093/bjc/42.1.129)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 1998. Private security and public policing. Clarendon Studies in Criminology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
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- Jones, T., Newburn, T. and Reiner, R. 2017. Policing and the police. In: Liebling, A., Maruna, S. and McAra, L. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Criminology (6th edn). Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 769-796., (10.1093/he/9780198719441.003.0035)
- Lister, S. and Jones, T. 2016. Plural policing and the challenge of democratic accountability. In: Lister, S. and Rowe, M. eds. Accountability of Policing. Routledge, pp. 192-213.
- Jones, T. D. B., Botterill, D., Pointing, S., Hayes-Jonkers, C., Rodriguez, C. and Clough, A. 2014. What makes violence in backpacker tourism possible? A critical realist study of tourism and the governance of security. In: Andrews, H. ed. Tourism and Violence. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 187-210.
- Jones, T. D. B., Newburn, T. and Smith, D. J. 2012. Democracy and Police and Crime Commissioners. In: Newburn, T. and Peay, J. eds. Policing: Politics, Culture and Control. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 219-244.
- Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Conclusions: mapping a research agenda. In: Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. eds. Tourism and Crime: Key Themes. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow, pp. 229-236.
- Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Introduction: tourism studies and criminology. In: Botterill, D. and Jones, T. D. B. eds. Tourism and crime: key themes. Woodeaton, Oxford: Goodfellow, pp. 1-18.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Public opinion, politics, and the response to youth crime. In: Smith, D. J. ed. A New Response to Youth Crime. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 341-379.
- Jones, T. D. B., Van Sluis, A. and Ringeling, A. 2009. National standards, local delivery: Het politiebestel in Engeland & Wales. In: Cachet, L. et al. eds. Het Betwiste Politiebestel: een Vergelijkend Onderzoek naar de Ontwikkeling van het Politiebestel in Nederland, België, Denemarken, Duitsland, Engeland & Wales. Politiewetenschap Vol. 49. Apeldoorn, Netherlands: Politie en Wetensch, pp. 295-358.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2009. Policing. In: Hale, C. et al. eds. Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 563-582.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2009. Auxiliary police. In: Wakefield, A. and Fleming, J. eds. The SAGE Dictionary of Policing. London: Sage, pp. 8-11.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Private policing. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. The accountability of policing. In: Newburn, T. ed. Handbook of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 693-724.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Accountability and governance. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of Policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 1-3.
- Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Discretion. In: Newburn, T. and Neyroud, P. eds. Dictionary of policing. Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing
- Jones, T. D. B., Robinson, A. L., Fevre, R. W. and Lewis, D. 2009. Assaults and violence in the workplace. Presented at: British Society of Criminology annual meeting, Cardiff, UK, 29 June - 1 July 2009.
- Jones, R., Harrison, M. and Jones, T. 2023. Policing and devolution in the UK: the ‘special’ case of Wales. Policing 17, article number: paac063. (10.1093/police/paac063)
- Newburn, T. and Jones, T. 2022. Policing, punishment and comparative penality. British Journal of Criminology 62(5), pp. 1196-1212. (10.1093/bjc/azac032)
- Jones, T. and Newburn, T. 2021. When crime policies travel: Exploring cross-national policy transfer in crime control. Crime and Justice (10.1086/716539)
- Jones, T., Blaustein, J. and Newburn, T. 2021. Researching cross-national policy mobilities in crime control. Criminology and Criminal Justice 21(3), pp. 408-426. (10.1177/1748895819864627)
- Jones, T. and Newburn, T. 2019. Understanding transnational policy flows in security and justice. Journal of Law and Society 46(S1), pp. S12-S30. (10.1111/jols.12181)
- Jones, T. and Lister, S. 2019. Localism and police governance in England & Wales: Exploring continuity and change. European Journal of Criminology 16(5), pp. 552-572. (10.1177/1477370819860689)
- Newburn, T., Jones, T. and Blaustein, J. 2018. Policy mobilities and comparative penality. Theoretical Criminology 22(4), pp. 563-581. (10.1177/1362480617713985)
- Newburn, T., Jones, T. and Blaustein, J. 2018. Framing the 2011 England riots: Understanding the political and policy response. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 57(3), pp. 339-362. (10.1111/hojo.12268)
- Hudson, K. J. and Jones, T. D. B. 2016. Satellite tracking of offenders and integrated offender management: a local case study. Howard Journal of Crime and Justice 55(1-2), pp. 188-206. (10.1111/hojo.12156)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Lister, S. 2015. The policing of public space: Recent developments in plural policing in England and Wales. European Journal of Policing Studies 2(3)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2013. Policy convergence, politics and comparative penal reform: Sex offender notification schemes in the USA and UK. Punishment and Society 15(5), pp. 439-467. (10.1177/1462474513504801)
- Fevre, R. W., Robinson, A. L., Lewis, D. and Jones, T. D. B. 2013. The ill-treatment of employees with disabilities in British workplaces. Work, Employment and Society 27(2), pp. 288-307. (10.1177/0950017012460311)
- Jones, T. D. B., Robinson, A. L., Fevre, R. W. and Lewis, D. 2011. Workplace assaults in Britain: Understanding the influence of individual and workplace characteristics. British Journal of Criminology 51(1), pp. 159-178. (10.1093/bjc/azq064)
- Fevre, R., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T. D. B. and Lewis, D. 2010. Researching workplace bullying: the benefits of taking an integrated approach. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 13(1), pp. 71-85. (10.1080/13645570802648671)
- van Steden, R. and Jones, T. D. B. 2010. Explaining the growth of plural policing: Comparing the Netherlands and Britain. Journal of Police Studies 3(16), pp. 289-305.
- Jones, T. D. B., van Steden, R. and Boutellier, H. 2009. Pluralisation of policing in England & Wales and the Netherlands: exploring similarity and difference. Policing and Society 19(3), pp. 282-299. (10.1080/10439460902871355)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2009. Le managérialisme et la nature des réformes policières en Angleterre et au Pays de Galles: Understanding police reform in England and Wales. Revue Française de Science Politique 59(6), pp. 1175-1197. (10.3917/rfsp.596.1175)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Van Sluis, A. 2009. National standards, local delivery: Police reform in England and Wales. German Policy Studies 5(2), pp. 117-144.
- van Steden, R. and Jones, T. D. B. 2008. Straatcoaches in Slotervaart: Enige kanttekeningen bij het idee van een 'overheid op afstand'. Tijdschrift voor Veiligheid 7(4), pp. 20-29.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2006. Three strikes and you're out: exploring symbol and substance in US and British crime control politics. British Journal of Criminology 46(5), pp. 781-802. (10.1093/bjc/azl007)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2005. Comparative criminal justice policy-making in the United States and the UK: the case of private prisons. British Journal of Criminology 45(1), pp. 58-80. (10.1093/bjc/azh067)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2002. The transformation of policing? Understanding current trends in policing systems. British journal of criminology 42(1), pp. 129-146. (10.1093/bjc/42.1.129)
- Fevre, R. W., Lewis, D., Robinson, A. L. and Jones, T. D. B. 2012. Trouble at work. London: Bloomsbury Academic. (10.5040/9781849664677)
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 2007. Policy transfer and criminal justice: exploring US influence over British crime control policy. Maidenhead: Open University Press.
- Jones, T. D. B. and Newburn, T. 1998. Private security and public policing. Clarendon Studies in Criminology. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
- Kitchener, M., Netana, C., Cram, F. and Jones, T. 2024. The craft of co-produced policing: Lessons from Grangetown and Butetown, Ely and Caerau. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Fevre, R. W., Robinson, A. L., Jones, T. D. B. and Lewis, D. 2008. Work fit for all – disability, health and the experience of negative treatment in the British workplace. Project Report. [Online]. London: Equality and Human Rights Commission. Available at: http://www.equalityhumanrights.com/uploaded_files/research/work_fit_for_all_-_final.pdf
Research Interests
- The politics of crime control
- Comparative criminal justice policy-making
- Police governance and accountability
- Private policing and the governance of security
- Harassment and bullying in the workplace
Current Research Projects
Urban development, crime and security in the tourist capital cities of the Northeast Brazil: the
contrasting cases of Natal and Recife (Newton Fund, with Dr Mozart Fazito, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil)
Since the 1970s, Latin American cities have adopted urban regeneration/development policies and security
governance approaches from the Global North to improve urban life, but they remain among the most violent
and socially polarised cities in the world. It is now widely observed that such policies need to be tailored to
local contexts, values and cultures. In order to explore the crime-security-urban development nexus in
Northeastern Brazil, this study intends to employ a mixed methods approach to explore the developmentcrime-security nexus within the particular contexts of two cities. It will analyse variations in crime trends as well
as the development discourses behind the leisure/tourism business centred reconfiguration of urban spaces of
two tourist cities of the Northeastern coast of Brazil: Natal and Recife. These contrasting cases can develop
knowledge to inform contextualized policy making for Latin American urban centres, and explore enriched
roles of leisure/tourism in urban development.
Policing the Urban Locale (with Professor Tim Newburn of the London School of Economics): I am currently working on research for a book for Oxford University Press which explores changes in the policing landscape in England & Wales over the past two decades, with a particular focus on the changing boundaries between public, private and hybrid policing bodies. The study involves a collation and analysis of secondary data on the size and shape of the different policing sectors, alongside a 'replication study' in the form of a local area case study of the London Borough of Wandsworth, which was the site of an earlier detailed case study of public and private policing for our 1998 book, Private Security and Public Policing (Clarendon Press).
IOM Cymru Electronic Monitoring Synergy Project (funded by Cardiff Crime and Security Research Institute, with Dr Jasmin Tregidga, Westpoint Research): This evaluation study explores the impact of a project by IOM Cymru intended to increase the use of electronic montoring (EM) by the courts across South Wales, and to improve the targeting and effectiveness of EM where it is used. It involves interviews with key stakeholders, including police, magistrates, offender managers and other practitioners working in Integrated Offender Management, and some quantitative analysis of secondary data relating to usage and impact of EM in South Wales.
Recent external funding
British Academy (Newton Fund) - Newton Advanced Fellowship (£48,000 with Dr Mozart Fazito, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil)
International Credit Mobility Project:Japan-Cardiff (Ryukoku and Waseda) Erasmus-British Council (£50,000) (with Sin Yi Cheung)
International Credit Mobility Project – Cardiff-Brazil (Unicamp, Brasilia, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) Erasmus-British Council (£75,000) (with Sin Yi Cheung)
I teach on the range of criminology modules across all three years at undergraduate level. I deliver blocks of teaching on the following modules - Foundations in Contemporary Criminology (Year 1), Responses to Crime (Year 2, convenor), Police and Policing (Year 3) and Crime, Security, Justice and the City (Year 3). I also undertake undergraduate dissertation supervision, and am teaching subject lead for criminology.
Taught Masters
I contribute to the module Researching Crime, Safety and Justice and undertake Masters dissertation supervision, and will make a major contribution to teaching and supervision on the new Masters in Global Criminology due to launch in 2022/3.
PhD Supervision
I have supervised numerous PhD students in a range of criminological sub-fields including policing, penal policy-making, environmental regulation, fear of crime, risk and mentally disordered offenders, privatisation and criminal justice, and violence in sports. I am particularly interested in PhD supervision in a range of areas related to policing and the governance of security - especially police accountability and commercial security.
Current supervisions include: Perceptions of security in the 21st Century (Marnix Eysink-Smeets), Remote Control: The Emergence Of Drones In Contemporary Policing In England And Wales (Michael Coliandris), Wales' Dirty Secret: Investigating The Level And Organisation Of Waste Crime In Wales (Martyn Evans), Sex Workers' Experiences of Domestic Violence (Sikiya Adekanye). I am also on the supervisory panel of a PhD student from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte in Natal, Brazil, Tourism and Environmental Crimes in Brazil (Debora Urano)
Career Summary
1985-88 Mansfield College, University of Oxford, BA (Hons) Politics, Philosophy and Economics. First class honours.
1988-89 Templeton College, University of Oxford. MSc Management (Industrial Relations).
2013- Professor of Criminology, Cardiff University School of Social Sciences (SOCSI)
2011-14 Deputy Director (People and Environment), SOCSI
2007-2013 Reader in Criminology and Criminal Justice, SOCSI
2002-2007 Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice, SOCSI
1998-2001 Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Cardiff University, School of Social Science, SOCSI
1997-1998 Lecturer in Criminology, School of Law, University of Edinburgh
1990-97 Research Fellow then Senior Research Fellow, Policy Studies Institute, London
My career began over 30 years ago, when, after completing undergraduate and masters degrees at Oxford University, I was employed by the Policy Studies Institute (PSI) in London (at that time one of the UK's leading independent policy research organisations). My employment at PSI involved a range of research methods training, and I gained wide experience of all aspects of the research process. This covered grant capture (including RCUK bodies), research design, data collection and analysis, publication in a wide variety of formats - including in scholarly journals - and management of the research process. In 1997, I moved into higher education taking up a one year fixed-term criminology lectureship in the Centre for Law and Society in the School of Law at the University of Edinburgh. The following year, I became a lecturer in criminology in the newly-formed School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University, where I have worked ever since.
During my time at Cardiff, I have been promoted to Senior Lecturer, Reader and then Professor (in 2013). From 2011 to 2014 I served on the Senior Management Team as Deputy Director (People and Environment) and then again from 2017 to 2018 as Director for International Engagement. As part of this role, with my colleague Professor Sin Yi Cheung, I secured significant funding under the Erasmus International Credit Mobility (ICM) scheme for mobility projects exchanging staff and students with leading universities in Brazil and Japan. I am currently the subject teaching lead for Criminology, and the Study Abroad/International Exchange Coordinator for the School. I also chair the Welsh Medium Strategy Group for the School, working closely with our School lead on this, Dr Sion Jones.
Professional memberships
- Member of the British Society of Criminology
- Member of the European Society of Criminology
- Visiting Research Fellow, Faculty of Social Studies, Vrije University, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (2006-2012)
Academic positions
2013- Professor of Criminology, SOCSI
2011-14 Deputy Director (People and Environment) (SOCSI Senior Management Team)
2007-2013 Reader in Criminology and Criminal Justice, SOCSI
2002-2007 Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice, SOCSI
1998-2001 Lecturer in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Cardiff University, School of Social Science (SOCSI)
1997-1998 Lecturer in Criminology, School of Law, University of Edinburgh
1990-97 Research Fellow then Senior Research Fellow, Policy Studies Institute, London
Committees and reviewing
- Managing Editor, Criminology and Criminal Justice 2006-10
- Managing Editor, Policing and Society 2011-14
- Grant reviewer (Leverhulme Trust, ESRC)
- Journal Reviewer (Punishment and Society, Policing and Society, Criminology & Criminal Justice, Law & Society Review, European Journal of Criminology, Journal of International & Comparative Social Policy)
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the following areas:
- Policing
- Private Security
- Crime policy transfer
- Devolution, policing and criminal justice
- Comparative crime control policy
Contact Details
+44 29208 75039
Glamorgan Building, Room 1.01B Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA