Dr Haro Karkour
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n ddamcaniaethwr IR, gyda ffocws ymchwil cyfredol ar theori realaidd ôl-drefedigaethol a chlasurol. Mae fy erthyglau wedi ymddangos yn International Studies Review, International Political Sociology, International Affairs, International Relations, Journal of International Political Theory a European Journal of International Relations. Fy llyfr diweddaraf, a gyhoeddwyd gyda Palgrave MacMilllan (2022), yw E. H. Carr: Imperialaeth, Rhyfel a Gwersi ar gyfer IR Ôl-drefedigaethol.
- Karkour, H. 2024. History of the future: Classical realism and Trump. [Online]. E-International Relations: Available at: https://www.e-ir.info/2024/11/26/history-of-the-future-classical-realism-and-trump/
- Karkour, H. and Rösch, F. 2024. Towards IR’s "fifth debate": racial justice and the national interest in classical realism. International Studies Review 26(2), article number: viae030. (10.1093/isr/viae030)
- Karkour, H. 2024. Reactionary idealism in British foreign policy. [Online]. ahramonline: Al-Ahram Weekly. Available at: https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/4/0/525237/Opinion//Reactionary-idealism-in-British-foreign-policy.aspx
- Karkour, H. and Vieira, M. 2023. An autoethnography of hybrid IR scholars: De-territorialising the Global IR debate. International Political Sociology 17(3), article number: olad015. (10.1093/ips/olad015)
- Karkour, H. 2023. Nationalism and climate cooperation. Al-Ahram Weekly 2023, article number: 31Aug.
- Karkour, H. 2023. From the Twenty Years’ Crisis to the climate crisis: Reconsidering Carr’s thoughts on nationalism and global reform. Journal of International Political Theory, pp. 1-18. (10.1177/17550882231168906)
- Karkour, H. 2022. At stake in the Taiwan crisis. Ahram Online 2022(30 Aug)
- Karkour, H. 2022. E. H. Carr: Imperialism, war and lessons for post-colonial IR. Palgrave Studies in International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Karkour, H. 2022. Liberal modernity and the classical realist critique of the (present) international order. International Affairs 98(2), pp. 569-586. (10.1093/ia/iiac006)
- Karkour, H. 2022. Why participatory foreign policy is vital for liberal democracy’s survival. [Online]. medium.com/international-affairs-blog/: International Affairs blog. Available at: https://medium.com/international-affairs-blog/why-participatory-foreign-policy-is-vital-for-liberal-democracys-survival-6cfb12db4777
- Karkour, H. L. 2021. Illiberal and irrational? Trump and the challenge of liberal modernity in US foreign policy. International Relations 35(4), pp. 533-550. (10.1177/0047117820954231)
- Karkour, H. L. 2021. Debating global justice with Carr: The crisis of laissez faire and the legitimacy problem in the twenty-first century. Journal of International Political Theory 17(1), pp. 81-98. (10.1177/1755088219838295)
- Karkour, H. L. and Giese, D. 2020. Bringing Morgenthau's ethics in: pluralism, incommensurability and the turn from fragmentation to dialogue in IR. European Journal of International Relations 26(4), pp. 1106-1128. (10.1177/1354066120934044)
- Karkour, H. 2020. Would Biden make a difference?. [Online]. Ahram Online: Ahram. Available at: https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContentP/4/366799/Opinion/Would-Biden-make-a-difference.aspx
- Karkour, H. L. 2018. Unipolarity’s unpeacefulness and US foreign policy: consequences of a ‘coherent system of irrationality’. International Relations 32(1), pp. 60-79. (10.1177/0047117817726363)
- Karkour, H. and Rösch, F. 2024. Towards IR’s "fifth debate": racial justice and the national interest in classical realism. International Studies Review 26(2), article number: viae030. (10.1093/isr/viae030)
- Karkour, H. and Vieira, M. 2023. An autoethnography of hybrid IR scholars: De-territorialising the Global IR debate. International Political Sociology 17(3), article number: olad015. (10.1093/ips/olad015)
- Karkour, H. 2023. Nationalism and climate cooperation. Al-Ahram Weekly 2023, article number: 31Aug.
- Karkour, H. 2023. From the Twenty Years’ Crisis to the climate crisis: Reconsidering Carr’s thoughts on nationalism and global reform. Journal of International Political Theory, pp. 1-18. (10.1177/17550882231168906)
- Karkour, H. 2022. At stake in the Taiwan crisis. Ahram Online 2022(30 Aug)
- Karkour, H. 2022. Liberal modernity and the classical realist critique of the (present) international order. International Affairs 98(2), pp. 569-586. (10.1093/ia/iiac006)
- Karkour, H. L. 2021. Illiberal and irrational? Trump and the challenge of liberal modernity in US foreign policy. International Relations 35(4), pp. 533-550. (10.1177/0047117820954231)
- Karkour, H. L. 2021. Debating global justice with Carr: The crisis of laissez faire and the legitimacy problem in the twenty-first century. Journal of International Political Theory 17(1), pp. 81-98. (10.1177/1755088219838295)
- Karkour, H. L. and Giese, D. 2020. Bringing Morgenthau's ethics in: pluralism, incommensurability and the turn from fragmentation to dialogue in IR. European Journal of International Relations 26(4), pp. 1106-1128. (10.1177/1354066120934044)
- Karkour, H. L. 2018. Unipolarity’s unpeacefulness and US foreign policy: consequences of a ‘coherent system of irrationality’. International Relations 32(1), pp. 60-79. (10.1177/0047117817726363)
- Karkour, H. 2022. E. H. Carr: Imperialism, war and lessons for post-colonial IR. Palgrave Studies in International Relations. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Karkour, H. 2024. History of the future: Classical realism and Trump. [Online]. E-International Relations: Available at: https://www.e-ir.info/2024/11/26/history-of-the-future-classical-realism-and-trump/
- Karkour, H. 2024. Reactionary idealism in British foreign policy. [Online]. ahramonline: Al-Ahram Weekly. Available at: https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/4/0/525237/Opinion//Reactionary-idealism-in-British-foreign-policy.aspx
- Karkour, H. 2022. Why participatory foreign policy is vital for liberal democracy’s survival. [Online]. medium.com/international-affairs-blog/: International Affairs blog. Available at: https://medium.com/international-affairs-blog/why-participatory-foreign-policy-is-vital-for-liberal-democracys-survival-6cfb12db4777
- Karkour, H. 2020. Would Biden make a difference?. [Online]. Ahram Online: Ahram. Available at: https://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContentP/4/366799/Opinion/Would-Biden-make-a-difference.aspx
Mae fy ymchwil yn ymwneud â theori realaidd ôl-drefedigaethol a chlasurol, ac ar hyn o bryd yn eu cymhwyso i ddadleuon yn
Polisi tramor yr Unol Daleithiau ac argyfwng y drefn ryddfrydol: mae fy erthyglau Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol 2018 a 2021 yn cyflwyno beirniadaeth o ymyrraeth filwrol ym mholisi tramor yr Unol Daleithiau ar ôl y Rhyfel Oer. Yn 2022, cyhoeddais erthygl gyda Materion Rhyngwladol a llyfr gyda Palgrave Macmillan, lle rwy'n ymgysylltu â damcaniaeth IR a'r ddadl ar argyfwng y drefn ryddfrydol.
2] Cyfiawnder byd-eang a hinsawdd. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi 2 erthygl gyda Journal of International Political Theory (2021); 2023), lle rwy'n ymgysylltu â gwaith damcaniaethol E. H. Carr, a'i gymhwyso i ddadleuon cyfoes ar gyfiawnder byd-eang a'r argyfwng hinsawdd.
3 IR fel disgyblaeth. Mae gen i gyhoeddiad gyda'r European Journal of International Relations lle rwy'n ymgysylltu â'r ddadl ar ddarnio IR fel disgyblaeth. Yn fwy diweddar, mewn cyd-awdur International Studies Review ac erthyglau Cymdeithaseg Wleidyddol Ryngwladol (gyda Dr Felix Roesch a Dr Marco Vieira yn y drefn honno) rwy'n ymgysylltu â'r dadleuon ar hil ac arallgyfeirio IR.
Rwyf hefyd yn lledaenu fy ymchwil drwy op-eds, postiadau blog a fideos i ddarpar fyfyrwyr IR, llunwyr polisi a'r cyhoedd yn ehangach. Mae fy holl swyddi ar gael yn y ddolen i'm blog ar yr ochr dde.
Mae'r prosiectau presennol yn cynnwys
- O Balesteina i'r Wcráin: beirniadaeth ôl-drefedigaethol o'r strategaeth neo-realaidd o gydbwyso ar y môr
- Gwyddoniaeth a gwladychiaeth: Frantz Fanon a sail gymdeithasegol problemau hinsawdd ac iechyd byd-eang cyfoes
- Achos Realist dros heddwch democrataidd
Tymor 1:
- PL9195 Cyflwyniad i IR
- PLT050 Materion yn IR
Tymor 2:
- PL9355 Ar ôl y Gorllewin
- PLT062 Dulliau Ymchwil
Cefais fy mhenodi'n Ddarlithydd yng Nghaerdydd ym mis Hydref 2020 a'm dyrchafu'n Uwch-ddarlithydd ym mis Awst 2024. Yn flaenorol, roeddwn mewn swyddi addysgu ym Mhrifysgol Caerlŷr, Prifysgol Birmingham a'r Frenhines Mary, Prifysgol Llundain.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n croesawu ymholiadau gan ddarpar ymgeiswyr doethurol yn fy arbenigeddau ymchwil. Yn benodol, mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio prosiectau yn y meysydd canlynol:
1] Damcaniaethau IR (gan gynnwys hanes deallusol y ddisgyblaeth a dadleuon damcaniaethol cyfoes)
2] Polisi tramor cyfoes yr Unol Daleithiau (gan gynnwys urdd ryddfrydol, cystadleuaeth US-Sino, NATO a Rwsia, a chyfranogiad yr Unol Daleithiau yn y Dwyrain Canol)
3] Dadleuon mewn theori wleidyddol ryngwladol ar gyfiawnder byd-eang a newid hinsawdd / cyfiawnder
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- polisi tramor cyfoes yr Unol Daleithiau