Yr Athro Peter Kille
Cyfarwyddwr Technoleg, Cyfarwyddwr Bio-fentrau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
To deliver innovative omics solutions for a changing world.
To enable world-leading environmental research with real-world impact through the application of omics approaches.
My research seeks to harness the unprecedented ability of Omics tools to comprehensively characterise living systems across scales from the molecular level to entire ecosystems. These techniques allow the characterisation of entire layers of biological organization (e.g., genomics, metabolomics, phenomics, etc) enabling fundamental insights as well as providing solutions that improve environmental management. My research team applies these tools to explore ecosystems through time and at all levels of organisation, from individuals to populations and communities, allowing us to monitor the impact of a changing environment and plan appropriate mitigation, adaption, and restoration. I am committed to working with stakeholders to ensure the translation of these innovations into solutions that deliver economic and environmental benefits.
Current Areas of Focus:
- Metallo-Biology: Metals as essential micronutrient and pollutants
- Application of comparative genomics to improve chemical risk assessment
- Nanoparticle toxicology
- Environmental DNA (eDNA): monitoring ecosystems
- Genotype-environment interactions in wild species
- Uncovering microbial community changes underlying taste and odor in drinking water
- Bodó, K. et al. 2025. A novel beta-catenin homologue from the earthworm Eisenia andrei: Identification and characterization during embryonic development, segment regeneration, and immune response. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 306, article number: 141397. (10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2025.141397)
- Webster, G., Dighe, S. N., Perry, W. B., Stenhouse, E. H., Jones, D. L., Kille, P. and Weightman, A. J. 2025. Wastewater sample storage for physicochemical and microbiological analysis. Journal of Virological Methods 332, article number: 115063. (10.1016/j.jviromet.2024.115063)
- Knight, M. E. et al. 2025. Wastewater-based analysis of antimicrobial resistance at UK airports: Evaluating the potential opportunities and challenges. Environment International 195, article number: 109260. (10.1016/j.envint.2025.109260)
- Silvester, R. et al. 2025. Metagenomics unveils the role of hospitals and wastewater treatment plants on the environmental burden of antibiotic resistance genes and opportunistic pathogens. Science of the Total Environment 961, article number: 178403. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2025.178403)
- Hooper, A. S., Christofides, S. R., Windsor, F. M., Watson, S. E., Kille, P. and Perkins, R. G. 2024. Algae-bacteria community analysis for drinking water taste and odour risk management. Water 17(1), article number: 79. (10.3390/w17010079)
- Knight, M. E. et al. 2024. National-scale antimicrobial resistance surveillance in wastewater: A comparative analysis of HT qPCR and metagenomic approaches. Water Research 262, article number: 121989. (10.1016/j.watres.2024.121989)
- Watson, S. E. et al. 2024. Impact of copper sulphate treatment on cyanobacterial blooms and subsequent water quality risks. Journal of Environmental Management 366, article number: 121828. (10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121828)
- Jones, D. L. et al. 2024. Use of wastewater from passenger ships to assess the movement of COVID-19 and other pathogenic viruses across maritime international boundaries. Frontiers in Public Health 12, article number: 1377996. (10.3389/fpubh.2024.1377996)
- Ferreira, C. S., Venâncio, C., Almeida, M., Lopes, I., Kille, P. and Oliveira, M. 2024. Sub-chronic exposure to paroxetine disrupts ecologically relevant behaviours in fish. Science of the Total Environment 917, article number: 170405. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.170405)
- Watson, S. E., Taylor, C. H., Bell, V., Hooper, A. S., Bellamy, T. R., Kille, P. and Perkins, R. G. 2024. Utilising eDNA methods and interactive data dashboards for managing sustainable drinking water. Sustainability 16(5), article number: 2043. (10.3390/su16052043)
- Blaxter, M. L., Spurgeon, D. and Kille, P. 2024. The genome sequence of the common earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris (Linnaeus, 1758). Wellcome Open Research 8, article number: 500. (10.12688/wellcomeopenres.20178.1)
- Nan, X. et al. 2023. VarLOCK: sequencing-independent, rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern for point-of-care testing, qPCR pipelines and national wastewater surveillance. Scientific Reports 13(1), article number: 20832. (10.1038/s41598-023-47289-0)
- Cuff, J. P., Dighe, S. N., Watson, S. E., Badell-Grau, R. A., Weightman, A. J., Jones, D. L. and Kille, P. 2023. Monitoring SARS-CoV-2 using infoveillance, national reporting data, and wastewater in Wales, United Kingdom: Mixed methods study. JMIR Infodemiology 3, article number: e43891. (10.2196/43891)
- Ferreira, C. S., Venâncio, C., Kille, P. and Oliveira, M. 2023. Are early and young life stages of fish affected by paroxetine? A case study with Danio rerio. Science of the Total Environment 900, article number: 165706. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165706)
- Ferreira, N. G. C., Chessa, A., Abreu, I. O., Teles, L. O., Kille, P., Carvalho, A. P. and Guimarães, L. 2023. Toxic relationships: Prediction of TBT’s affinity to the ecdysteroid receptor of Triops longicaudatus. Toxics 11(11), article number: 937. (10.3390/toxics11110937)
- Conrado, A. C. et al. 2023. Amazonian earthworm biodiversity is heavily impacted by ancient and recent human disturbance. Science of the Total Environment 895, article number: 165087. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.165087)
- Ferreira, C. S., Soares, S. C., Kille, P. and Oliveira, M. 2023. Identifying knowledge gaps in understanding the effects of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) on fish behaviour. Chemosphere 335, article number: 139124. (10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.139124)
- Hu, X. (. et al. 2023. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor utilises cellular zinc signals to maintain the gut epithelial barrier. Nature Communications 14, article number: 5431. (10.1038/s41467-023-41168-y)
- Pasqualetto, G. et al. 2023. CryoEM structure and Alphafold molecular modelling of a novel molluscan hemocyanin. PLoS ONE 18(6), article number: e0287294. (10.1371/journal.pone.0287294)
- Pope, I., Ferreira, N. G. C., Kille, P., Langbein, W. and Borri, P. 2023. Background-free four-wave mixing microscopy of small gold nanoparticles inside a multi-cellular organ. Applied Physics Letters 122, article number: 153701. (10.1063/5.0140651)
- Hooper, A., Kille, P., Watson, S., Christofides, S. and Perkins, R. 2023. The importance of nutrient ratios in determining elevations in geosmin synthase (geoA) and 2-MIB cyclase (mic) resulting in taste and odour events. Water Research 232, article number: 119693. (10.1016/j.watres.2023.119693)
- Dudas, R. T. et al. 2023. Earthworm communities in long-term no-tillage systems and secondary forest fragments in Paraná, Southern Brazil. Zootaxa 5255(1), pp. 347-361. (10.11646/zootaxa.5255.1.28)
- Badder, C., Bart, S., Robinson, A., Hesketh, H., Kille, P. and Spurgeon, D. J. 2023. A Novel Lepidoptera bioassay analysed using a reduced GUTS model. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 251, article number: 114504. (10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.114504)
- Perry, I. et al. 2022. Molecular insights into high altitude adaption and acclimatisation of Aporrectodea caliginosa. Life Science Alliance 5(11), article number: e202201513. (10.26508/lsa.202201513)
- Macaulay, S., Ellison, A. R., Kille, P. and Cable, J. 2022. Moving towards improved surveillance and earlier diagnosis of aquatic pathogens: from traditional methods to emerging technologies. Reviews in Aquaculture 14(4), pp. 1813-1829.
- Wilde, H. et al. 2022. Accounting for dilution of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater samples using physico-chemical markers. Water 14(18), article number: 2885. (10.3390/w14182885)
- Nunes, L. J. R., Guimarães, L., Oliveira, M., Kille, P. and Ferreira, N. G. C. 2022. Thermochemical conversion processes as a path for sustainability of the tire industry: carbon black recovery potential in a circular economy approach. Clean Technologies 4(3), pp. 653-668. (10.3390/cleantechnol4030040)
- Rasnaca, I., Kille, P., Newbold, L. K. and Spurgeon, D. J. 2022. Impacts of life-time exposure of arsenic, cadmium and fluoranthene on the earthworms' L. rubellus global DNA methylation as detected by msAFLP. Genes 13(5), article number: 770. (10.3390/genes13050770)
- Evans, M. N., Waller, S., Muller, C. T., Goossens, B., Smith, J. A., Bakar, M. S. A. and Kille, P. 2022. The price of persistence: Assessing the drivers and health implications of metal levels in indicator carnivores inhabiting an agriculturally fragmented landscape. Environmental Research 207, article number: 112216. (10.1016/j.envres.2021.112216)
- Nan, X. et al. 2022. VarLOCK - sequencing independent, rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern for point-of-care testing, qPCR pipelines and national wastewater surveillance. [Online]. medRxix: (10.1101/2022.01.06.21268555) Available at: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.01.06.21268555v1
- Perry, I. et al. 2022. Challenges to implementing environmental-DNA monitoring in Namibia. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, article number: 773991. (10.3389/fenvs.2021.773991)
- Demetrio, W. C. et al. 2021. A "Dirty" Footprint: Macroinvertebrate diversity in Amazonian Anthropic Soils. Global Change Biology 27(19), pp. 4575-4591. (10.1111/gcb.15752)
- Sátiro, J. N. d. O. et al. 2021. Micronutrient availability in amazonian dark earths and adjacent soils. Geoderma 395, article number: 115072. (10.1016/j.geoderma.2021.115072)
- Perry, I. and Kille, P. 2021. DNA-based methods: technology solutions to evaluate ecosystem function (Part of 'Understanding ecosystems and resilience using DNA: Chief Scientist’s Group report'). Environment Agency.
- Pope, I. et al. 2021. Background-free 3D four-wave mixing microscopy of single gold nanoparticles inside biological systems. Presented at: European Conference on Biomedical Optics 2021, Munich, Germany, 20-24 June 2021European Conferences on Biomedical Optics 2021 (ECBO). OSA Technical Digest Optical Society of America pp. EM3B.6.
- Alves da Silva, K. et al. 2021. Pesticides in a case study on no-tillage farming systems and surrounding forest patches in Brazil. Scientific Reports 11, article number: 9839. (10.1038/s41598-021-88779-3)
- Evans, M. N., Muller, C. T., Kille, P., Asner, G. P., Guerrero-Sanchez, S., Abu Bakar, M. S. and Goossens, B. 2021. Space-use patterns of Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga) persisting within a landscape fragmented by oil palm plantations. Landscape Ecology 36, pp. 915-930. (10.1007/s10980-020-01187-2)
- Short, S. et al. 2021. Off-target stoichiometric binding identified from toxicogenomics explains why some species are more sensitive than others to a widely used neonicotinoid. Environmental Science and Technology 55(5), pp. 3059–3069. (10.1021/acs.est.0c05125)
- Robinson, A. et al. 2021. Chemicals with increasingly complex modes of action result in greater variation in sensitivity between earthworm species. Environmental Pollution 272, article number: 115914. (10.1016/j.envpol.2020.115914)
- Green Etxabe, A., Pini, J. M., Short, S., Cunha, L., Kille, P. and Watson, G. J. 2021. Identifying conserved polychaete molecular markers of metal exposure: comparative analyses using the Alitta virens (Annelida, Lophotrochozoa) transcriptome. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C: Toxicology and Pharmacology 240, article number: 108913. (10.1016/j.cbpc.2020.108913)
- Evans, M. N., Guerrero-Sanchez, S., Kille, P., Muller, C., Abu Bakar, M. S. and Goossens, B. 2020. Physiological implications of life at the forest interface of oil palm agriculture: blood profiles of wild Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga). Conservation Physiology 8(1), article number: coaa127. (10.1093/conphys/coaa127)
- Nimmanon, T. et al. 2020. The ZIP6/ZIP10 heteromer is essential for the zinc-mediated trigger of mitosis. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 78, pp. 1781-1798. (10.1007/s00018-020-03616-6)
- Ferreira, N. G. C. et al. 2019. Unravelling the molecular mechanisms of nickel in woodlice. Environmental Research 176, article number: 108507. (10.1016/j.envres.2019.05.038)
- El-Hiti, G. A., Smith, K., Alamri, M., Morris, C. A., Kille, P. and Kariuki, B. M. 2018. 5-Bromo-1-(4-bromophenyl)isatin. IUCrData 3(3), article number: x180426. (10.1107/S2414314618004261)
- Guler, Y., Short, S., Green Etxabe, A., Kille, P. and Ford, A. T. 2018. Population screening and transmission experiments indicate paramyxid-microsporidian co-infection in Echinogammarus marinus represents a non-hyperparasitic relationship between specific parasite strains. Scientific Reports 8(1), article number: 4691. (10.1038/s41598-018-22276-y)
- Anderson, C., Cunha, L., Sechi, P., Kille, P. and Spurgeon, D. 2017. Genetic variation in populations of the earthworm, Lumbricus rubellus, across contaminated mine sites. BMC Genetics 18, article number: 97. (10.1186/s12863-017-0557-8)
- Cunha, L., Thornber, A., Kille, P., Morgan, J. and Novo Rodriguez, M. 2017. A large set of microsatellites for the highly invasive earthworm Amynthas corticis predicted from low coverage genomes. Applied Soil Ecology 119, pp. 152-155. (10.1016/j.apsoil.2017.05.029)
- Conrado, A. C. et al. 2017. The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the pantropical earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus (Rhinodrilidae, Clitellata): Mitogenome characterization and phylogenetic positioning. ZooKeys 688, pp. 1-13. (10.3897/zookeys.688.13721)
- Brockmeier, E. K. et al. 2017. The role of omics in the application of adverse outcome pathways for chemical risk assessment. Toxicological Sciences 158(2), pp. 252-262. (10.1093/toxsci/kfx097)
- Morris, C. A., El-Hiti, G. A., Weeks, I., Woodhead, S., Smith, K. and Kille, P. 2017. Quantitative analysis of gene expression changes in response to genotoxic compounds. Toxicology in Vitro 39, pp. 15-28. (10.1016/j.tiv.2016.11.004)
- El-Hiti, G. A., Smith, K., Alamri, M., Morris, C. A., Kariuki, B. and Kille, P. 2017. Crystal structure of 2-(bis(4-methoxyphenyl)amino)-2-oxoacetic acid, C16H15NO5. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures 232(2) (10.1515/ncrs-2016-0325)
- Spurgeon, D. J., Liebeke, M., Anderson, C., Kille, P., Lawlor, A., Bundy, J. G. and Lahive, E. 2016. Ecological drivers influence the distributions of two cryptic lineages in an earthworm morphospecies. Applied Soil Ecology 108, pp. 8-15. (10.1016/j.apsoil.2016.07.013)
- Gonçalves, S. F. et al. 2016. Sub-lethal cadmium exposure increases phytochelatin concentrations in the aquatic snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Science of the Total Environment 568, pp. 1054-1058. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.149)
- Taylor, K. M. et al. 2016. Zinc transporter ZIP10 forms a heteromer with ZIP6 which regulates embryonic development and cell migration. Biochemical Journal 473(16), pp. 2531-2544. (10.1042/BCJ20160388)
- Jones, G., Wills, A., Morgan, A. J., Thomas, R. J., Kille, P. and Novo Rodriguez, M. 2016. The worm has turned: behavioural drivers of reproductive isolation between cryptic lineages. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 98, pp. 11-17. (10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.03.015)
- Evans, M. N., Guerrero-Sanchez, S., Bakar, M. S. A., Kille, P. and Goossens, B. 2016. First known satellite collaring of a viverrid species: preliminary performance and implications of GPS tracking Malay civets (Viverra tangalunga). Ecological Research 31(3), pp. 475-481. (10.1007/s11284-016-1338-y)
- Cunha, L. et al. 2016. Soil animals and pedogenesis: The role of earthworms in anthropogenic soils. Soil Science 181(3/4), pp. 110-125. (10.1097/SS.0000000000000144)
- Kille, P. et al. 2016. Venus trapped, Mars transits: Cu and Fe redox chemistry, cellular topography, and in situ ligand binding in terrestrial isopod hepatopancreas. Open Biology Journal 6(3), pp. -., article number: 150270. (10.1098/rsob.150270)
- Tourinho, P. S. et al. 2016. Toxicokinetics of Ag in the terrestrial isopod Porcellionides pruinosus exposed to Ag NPs and AgNO3 via soil and food. Ecotoxicology 25(2), pp. 267-278. (10.1007/s10646-015-1585-7)
- Nobu, M. K. et al. 2016. Phylogeny and physiology of candidate phylum 'Atribacteria' (OP9/JS1) inferred from cultivation-independent genomics. ISME Journal 10(2), pp. 273-286. (10.1038/ismej.2015.97)
- Novo Rodriguez, M. et al. 2015. Different routes, same pathways: molecular mechanisms under silver ion and nanoparticle exposures in the soil sentinel Eisenia fetida. Environmental Pollution 205, pp. 385-393. (10.1016/j.envpol.2015.07.010)
- Guler, Y., Short, S., Green Extabe, A., Sherhod, C., Kille, P. and Ford, A. T. 2015. Impacts of a newly identified behaviour-altering trematode on its host amphipod: from the level of gene expression to population. Parasitology 142(12), pp. 1469-1480. (10.1017/S0031182015000918)
- Diez-Ortiz, M. et al. 2015. Uptake routes and toxicokinetics of silver nanoparticles and silver ions in the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34(10), pp. 2263-2270. (10.1002/etc.3036)
- Liebeke, M. et al. 2015. Unique metabolites protect earthworms against plant polyphenols. Nature Communications 6, article number: 7869. (10.1038/ncomms8869)
- Pass, D. A., Morgan, A. J., Read, D. S., Field, D., Weightman, A. J. and Kille, P. 2015. The effect of anthropogenic arsenic contamination on the earthworm microbiome. Environmental Microbiology 17(6), pp. 1884-1896. (10.1111/1462-2920.12712)
- Novo, M. et al. 2015. Multiple introductions and environmental factors affecting the establishment of invasive species on a volcanic island. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 85, pp. 89-100. (10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.02.031)
- Welch, L. et al. 2015. GOBLET: The Global Organisation for Bioinformatics Learning, Education and Training. PLoS Computational Biology 11(4), article number: e1004143. (10.1371/journal.pcbi.1004143)
- Galay-Burgos, M., Winters, C., Stürzenbaum, S. R., Randerson, P., Kille, P. and Morgan, A. J. 2015. Cu and Cd effects on the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus in the laboratory: multivariate statistical analysis of relationships between exposure, biomarkers, and ecologically relevant parameters. Environmental Science & Technology 39(6), pp. 1757-1763. (10.1021/es049174x)
- Schultz, C. et al. 2015. Analytical approaches to support current understanding of exposure, uptake and distributions of engineered nanoparticles by aquatic and terrestrial organisms. Ecotoxicology 24(2), pp. 239-261. (10.1007/s10646-014-1387-3)
- Lombardi, L. et al. 2015. Auxin involvement in tepal senescence and abscission in Lilium: a tale of two lilies. Journal of Experimental Botany 66(3), pp. 945-956. (10.1093/jxb/eru451)
- McQuillan, J. S., Kille, P., Powell, K. and Galloway, T. S. 2014. The regulation of copper stress response genes in the polychaete Nereis diversicolor during prolonged extreme copper contamination. Environmental Science and Technology 48(22), pp. 13085-13092. (10.1021/es503622x)
- Short, S., Yang, G., Guler, Y., Green Etxabe, A., Kille, P. and Ford, A. T. 2014. Crustacean intersexuality is feminization without demasculinization: Implications for environmental toxicology. Environmental Science & Technology 48(22), pp. 13520-13529. (10.1021/es5050503)
- Liebeke, M. et al. 2014. Identifying biochemical phenotypic differences between cryptic species. Biology Letters 10(9), article number: 20140615. (10.1098/rsbl.2014.0615)
- Novo, M., Andre, J., Cunha, L., Morgan, A. J., Spurgeon, D. J. and Kille, P. 2014. The functional ghost in the genome machine: Holistic mapping of environmentally induced changes in the epigenome of a soil sentinel. Toxicology Letters 229, pp. S18-S18. (10.1016/j.toxlet.2014.06.095)
- Short, S., Yang, G., Kille, P. and Ford, A. T. 2014. Vitellogenin is not an appropriate biomarker of feminisation in a Crustacean. Aquatic Toxicology 153, pp. 89-97. (10.1016/j.aquatox.2013.11.014)
- Bundy, J. G. and Kille, P. 2014. Metabolites and metals in Metazoa – what role do phytochelatins play in animals?. Metallomics 6(9), pp. 1576-1582. (10.1039/C4MT00078A)
- Svendsen, C. et al. 2014. Correction to "Comparative transcriptomic responses to chronic cadmium, fluoranthene, and atrazine exposure in Lumbricus rubellus". Environmental Science & Technology 48(7), pp. 4216. (10.1021/es501092c)
- Bundy, J. G., Kille, P., Liebeke, M. and Spurgeon, D. J. 2014. Metallothioneins may not be enough - the role of phytochelatins in invertebrate metal detoxification. Environmental Science & Technology 48(2), pp. 885-886. (10.1021/es4054779)
- Morris, C., Owen, J. R., Thomas, M. C., El-Hiti, G. A., Harwood, J. L. and Kille, P. 2014. Intracellular localization and induction of a dynamic RNA-editing event of macro-algal V-ATPase subunit A (VHA-A) in response to copper. Plant, Cell & Environment 37(1), pp. 189-203. (10.1111/pce.12145)
- Zheng, D., Feeney, G. P., Handy, R. D., Hogstrand, C. and Kille, P. 2014. Uptake epithelia behave in a cell-centric and not systems homeostatic manner in response to zinc depletion and supplementation. Metallomics 6(1), pp. 154-165. (10.1039/c3mt00212h)
- Cunha, L., Montiel, R., Novo, M., Orozco-terWengel, P., Rodrigues, A., Morgan, A. J. and Kille, P. 2014. Living on a volcano's edge: genetic isolation of an extremophile terrestrial metazoan. Heredity 112(2), pp. 132-142. (10.1038/hdy.2013.84)
- Hogstrand, C., Kille, P., Ackland, M. L., Hiscox, S. E. and Taylor, K. M. 2013. A mechanism for epithelial–mesenchymal transition and anoikis resistance in breast cancer triggered by zinc channel ZIP6 and STAT3 (signal transducer and activator of transcription 3). Biochemical Journal 455(2), pp. 229-237. (10.1042/BJ20130483)
- Morgan, A. J., Kille, P., Bennett, A., O'Reilly, M., Fisher, P. C. and Charnock, J. M. 2013. Pb and Zn imaging and in situ speciation at the geogenic/biogenic interface in sentinel earthworms using electron microprobe and synchrotron micro-focus X-ray spectroscopy. Environmental Pollution 173, pp. 68-74. (10.1016/j.envpol.2012.10.001)
- Asensio, V. et al. 2013. Towards an integrative soil health assessment strategy: A three tier (integrative biomarker response) approach with Eisenia fetida applied to soils subjected to chronic metal pollution. Science of the Total Environment 442, pp. 344-365. (10.1016/j.scitotenv.2012.09.048)
- Morgan, A. J. et al. 2013. In situ metal imaging and Zn ligand-speciation in a soil-dwelling sentinel: complementary electron microprobe and synchrotron microbeam X-ray analyses. Environmental Science & Technology 47(2), pp. 1073-1081. (10.1021/es302633f)
- Anderson, C., Kille, P., Lawlor, A. and Spurgeon, D. J. 2013. Life-history effects of arsenic toxicity in clades of the earthworm Lumbricus rubellus. Environmental Pollution 172, pp. 200-207. (10.1016/j.envpol.2012.09.005)
- Kille, P. et al. 2013. DNA sequence variation and methylation in an arsenic tolerant earthworm population. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 57, pp. 524-532. (10.1016/j.soilbio.2012.10.014)
- Periyasamy, S., Gray, A. and Kille, P. 2013. The bottom-up approach to defining life: deciphering the functional organization of biological cells via multi-objective representation of biological complexity from molecules to cells. Frontiers in Physiology 4, article number: 369. (10.3389/fphys.2013.00369)
- Missirlis, F. et al. 2013. Earthworms Produce phytochelatins in Response to Arsenic. PLoS ONE 8(11), article number: e81271. (10.1371/journal.pone.0081271)
- Morris, C., El-Hiti, G. A., Weeks, I., Woodhead, S., Smith, K. and Kille, P. 2012. Utilising chemiluminescent methods for 'animal-free' toxicology tests [Abstract]. Toxicology Letters 211(Supp.), pp. S104-S105. (10.1016/j.toxlet.2012.03.390)
- Taylor, K. M., Kille, P. and Hogstrand, C. 2012. Protein kinase CK2 opens the gate for zinc signaling. Cell Cycle 11(10), pp. 1863-1864. (10.4161/cc.20414)
- Taylor, K. M., Hiscox, S. E., Nicholson, R. I., Hogstrand, C. and Kille, P. 2012. Protein kinase CK2 triggers cytosolic zinc signaling pathways by phosphorylation of zinc channel ZIP7. Science Signaling 5(210), article number: ra11. (10.1126/scisignal.2002585)
- Owen, J. R., Morris, C., Nicolaus, B., Harwood, J. L. and Kille, P. 2012. Induction of expression of a 14-3-3 gene in response to copper exposure in the marine alga, Fucus vesiculosus. Ecotoxicology 21(1), pp. 124-138. (10.1007/s10646-011-0772-4)
- Short, S., Guler, Y., Yang, G., Kille, P. and Ford, A. T. 2012. Paramyxean-microsporidian co-infection in amphipods: Is the consensus that Microsporidia can feminise their hosts presumptive?. International Journal for Parasitology 42(7), pp. 683-691. (10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.04.014)
- Short, S., Guler, Y., Yang, G., Kille, P. and Ford, A. T. 2012. Corrigendum to 'Paramyxean-microsporidian co-infection in amphipods: Is the consensus that Microsporidia can feminise their hosts presumptive' [Int. J. Parasitol. 42 (2012) 683-691]. International Journal for Parasitology 42(11), pp. 1045. (10.1016/j.ijpara.2012.09.001)
- Short, S., Yang, G., Kille, P. and Ford, A. 2012. A widespread and distinctive form of amphipod intersexuality not induced by known feminising parasites. Sexual Development 6(6), pp. 320-324. (10.1159/000343779)
- Spurgeon, D. J., Lister, L., Kille, P., Pereira, M. G., Wright, J. and Svendsen, C. 2011. Toxicokinetic studies reveal variability in earthworm pollutant handling.. Pedobiologia 54(Suppl), pp. S217-S222. (10.1016/j.pedobi.2011.09.002)
- Taylor, K. M., Gee, J. M. W. and Kille, P. 2011. Zinc and cancer. In: Rink, L. ed. Zinc in Human Health. Biomedical and Health Research Vol. 76. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 283-304.
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- Merrifield, M. E., Chaseley, J., Kille, P. and Stillman, M. J. 2006. Determination of the Cd/S cluster stoichiometry in Fucus vesiculosus Metallothionein. Chemical Research in Toxicology 19(3), pp. 365-375. (10.1021/tx050206j)
- Spurgeon, D. J., Svendsen, C., Lister, L. J. and Kille, P. 2005. Earthworm responses to Cd and Cu under fluctuating environmental conditions: a comparison with results from laboratory exposures. Environmental Pollution 136(3), pp. 443-452. (10.1016/j.envpol.2005.01.013)
- Spurgeon, D. J., Ricketts, H., Svendsen, C., Morgan, A. J. and Kille, P. 2005. Hierarchical Responses of Soil Invertebrates (Earthworms) to Toxic Metal Stress. Environmental Science & Technology 39(14), pp. 5327 - 5334. (10.1021/es050033k)
- Feeney, G., Zheng, D., Kille, P. and Hogstrand, C. 2005. The phylogeny of teleost ZIP and ZnT zinc transporters and their tissue specific expression and response to zinc in zebrafish. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression 1732(1-3), pp. 88-95. (10.1016/j.bbaexp.2005.12.002)
- Cotter-Howells, J., Charnock, J. M., Winters, C., Kille, P., Fry, J. C. and Morgan, A. J. 2005. Metal compartmentation and speciation in a soil sentinel: the earthworm, Dendrodrilus rubidus. Environmental Science & Technology 39(19), pp. 7731-7740. (10.1021/es050648h)
- Stuerzenbaum, S. R., Georgiev, O., Morgan, A. J. and Kille, P. 2004. Cadmium detoxification in earthworms: from genes to cells. Environmental Science and Technology 38(23), pp. 6283-6289. (10.1021/es049822c)
- Spurgeon, D. J., Stürzenbaum, S. R., Svendsen, C., Hankard, P. K., Morgan, A. J., Weeks, J. M. and Kille, P. 2004. Toxicological, cellular and gene expression responses in earthworms exposed to copper and cadmium. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology 138(1), pp. 11-21. (10.1016/j.cca.2004.04.003)
- Thomas-Jones, E., Walkley, N., Morris, C., Kille, P., Cryer, J., Weeks, I. and Woodhead, J. S. 2003. Quantitative measurement of fathead minnow vitellogenin mRNA using hybridization protection assays. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 22(5), pp. 992-995. (10.1002/etc.5620220506)
- Jones, I., Rogers, S. A., Kille, P. and Sweeney, G. E. 2002. Molecular cloning and expression of thyroid hormone receptor alpha during salmonid development. General and Comparative Endocrinology 125(2), pp. 226-235. (10.1006/gcen.2001.7745)
- Stuerzenbaum, S. R., Winters, C., Kille, P. and Morgan, A. J. 2001. Metal ion trafficking in earthworms - identification of a cadmium specific metallothionein. Journal of Biological Chemistry 276, pp. 34013-34018. (10.1074/jbc.M103605200)
- Jones, I., Kille, P. and Sweeney, G. E. 2001. Cadmium delays growth hormone expression during rainbow trout development. Journal of Fish Biology 59(4), pp. 1015-1022. (10.1006/jfbi.2001.1718)
- Santos, C. R. A., Power, D. M., Kille, P., Llewellyn, L., Ramsurn, V., Wigham, T. and Sweeney, G. E. 1997. Cloning and sequencing of a full-length sea bream (Sparus aurata) β-actin cDNA. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 117(2), pp. 185-189. (10.1016/S0305-0491(96)00328-8)
- Kille, P., Kay, J. and Sweeney, G. E. 1995. Molecular biology and environmental induction of piscine metallothionein. Marine Environmental Research 39(1-4), pp. 107-110. (10.1016/0141-1136(94)00046-R)
- Jones, L., Kille, P., Dancer, J. E. and Harwood, J. L. 1993. The cloning and overexpression ofE coliacyl carrier protein (ACP). Biochemical Society Transactions 21(2), pp. 202S-202S. (10.1042/bst021202s)
- Jones, L., Kille, P., Dancer, J. E. and Harwood, J. L. 1993. The cloning and overexpression of escherichia-coli acyl carrier protein. Grasas Y Aceites 44(2), pp. 116-117.
- Kille, P., Kay, J. and Sweeney, G. E. 1993. Analysis of regulatory elements flanking metallothionein genes in Cd-tolerant fish (pike and stone loach). Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Gene Structure and Expression 1216(1), pp. 55-64. (10.1016/0167-4781(93)90037-E)
- Nan, X. et al. 2022. VarLOCK - sequencing independent, rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern for point-of-care testing, qPCR pipelines and national wastewater surveillance. [Online]. medRxix: (10.1101/2022.01.06.21268555) Available at: https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.01.06.21268555v1
- Perry, I. and Kille, P. 2021. DNA-based methods: technology solutions to evaluate ecosystem function (Part of 'Understanding ecosystems and resilience using DNA: Chief Scientist’s Group report'). Environment Agency.
Research grants, projects and awards (selected)
2012 | 2020 | Environmental Omics Synthesis Centre | |
2015 | - | 2019 | Leveraging comparative physiology and genomics to predict species sensitivity: A novel framework for interspecies extrapolation in ecotoxicology. |
2017 | - | 2020 | MINT - Metal Ion trafficking of Nanoparticles in Terrestrial isopods. |
2015 | - | 2018 | Hook a worm to catch a man: Tracking historical and recent human settlement, land use and migration in neotropical rainforest using ecosystem engineers. |
2015 | - | 2016 | A Worm’s Trail: Implementing a collaborative network for the study of Historical and Recent Land Use and Soil Management in Neotropical Rainforests. |
2015 | - | 2019 | Leveraging comparative physiology and genomics to predict species sensitivity: A novel framework for interspecies extrapolation in ecotoxicology. |
Cyfraniad Strategol at addysgu
Fel Cyfarwyddwr Strategol Addysg ar gyfer Ysgol y Biowyddorau rhwng 2015 a 2018 goruchwyliais ailstrwythuro ac ailddilysu'r gyfres Ysgolion o raglenni gradd israddedig yn llwyr.
Cynlluniais a chyflwynais ddatblygiad e-Ddysgu ac e-asesu Cyfleuster (eLEAF), cyfleuster addysgu blaengar ac arloesol gwerth £1.9 miliwn yn Ysgol y Biowyddorau.
Rwyf wedi gweithio i gyflwyno bioleg a gwybodeg data mawr ar bob lefel o addysgu.
Yn ogystal â'm hymrwymiadau addysgu arferol, rydw i'n darparu'r cyrsiau canlynol ar hyn o bryd:
BI2132 - Ceisiadau genomeg - Darlithoedd ar Drawsgrifigau a Genomeg Personol
BI3252 Y Chwyldro Omeg (Arweinydd Dirprwy Fodiwl) - Trawsgrifiad, Genomeg Firaol a Rhwydweithio
Systemau BI3156 Bioleg a Modelu - Rhwydweithio ar gyfer Bioleg Systemau
BI3008 - Prosiect Meistr Integredig - Darlithoedd a gweithdai sy'n gysylltiedig â sgiliau Biowybodeg (Meistr)
BIT010 Trin Data ac Ystadegau - Darlithoedd a gweithdai sy'n gysylltiedig â Sgiliau Biowybodeg (MSc)
BIT101 Biogyfrifiadura a Thrin Data Mawr (Arweinydd Modiwlau) - Darlithoedd a gweithdai sy'n gysylltiedig â sgiliau biowybodeg (MSc ar gyfer Bioleg Data Mawr)
Rolau Cyfredol:
Arweinydd Thema Ymchwil ar gyfer Mecanweithiau Systemau Byw - Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd Prifysgol Caerdydd
Cadeirydd, Is-bwyllgor Data, Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd Prifysgol Caerdydd
Arweinydd Canolfan Technoleg, Ysgol y Biowyddorau, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Cyd-gyfarwyddwr - Hyfforddi ECORISC CDT, Ysgol y Biowyddorau, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Cyfarwyddwr Bioinitatives, Ysgol y Biowyddorau, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
Cymwysterau Proffesiynol ac Addysgol
Phd |
Prifysgol Caerdydd |
1992 |
BSc(i) Biocemeg |
Prifysgol Caerdydd |
1988 |
Geiriau allweddol sy'n nodi meysydd arbenigedd arbenigol
Ecotoxicology, Metallo-bioleg, Tocsicoleg Anifeiliaid Cefn, Gwybodeg, Genomeg / Trawsgrifiad, Toxicodynamics, Toxicogenomics, Toxicokinetics.
Gyrfa Gynnar
Ar ôl graddio o Brifysgol Caerdydd yn 1988 gyda gradd mewn Biocemeg dyfarnwyd PhD CASE cysylltiedig diwydiannol, a noddir gan Celltech Ltd, dan oruchwyliaeth yr Athro John Kay yn graddio ym 1991. Roedd fy nhraethawd hir yn canolbwyntio ar nodweddu protein rhwymo metel ewcaryotig hollbresennol, metallothionein, a'i ddefnydd diwydiannol posibl. Ysbrydolodd fy ymchwil ddoethurol ddiddordeb parhaus mewn metallobiology ac ymrwymiad i wireddu effaith y byd go iawn o fy ymdrechion gwyddonol.
Cymrodoriaeth i swydd academaidd
Cynorthwyodd anogaeth a mentoriaeth gan yr Athro Kay fi i ddenu cyllid yn llwyddiannus i gefnogi swydd ôl-ddoethurol fer ac wedi hynny Gymrodoriaeth Uwch NERC a oedd yn archwilio sail genomig addasu metel trwm mewn amgylcheddau dŵr croyw. Ym 1994 cefais fy mhenodi'n ddarlithyddiaeth ymchwil a oedd yn cyd-ddigwyddiad gyda fy Nghymrodoriaeth a'r hyn a ddefnyddiais fel sbardun i sefydlu fy ngyrfa ymchwil mewn gwenwynogenomeg sy'n arbenigo mewn metaboledd ïonau metel.
Tocsicoleg Systemau i Omeg Amgylcheddol
Rwyf wedi dod yn esbonydd gwenwyneg systemau gan gredu bod defnyddio offer omeg yn rhoi mewnwelediad i fecanwaith system fyw ac effaith byd sy'n newid. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n Arweinydd Thema ar gyfer Mecanweithiau Systemau Byw, Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd (Caerdydd) a Chyfarwyddwr y Ganolfan Synthesis Omeg Amgylcheddol (NERC-EOS). Roeddwn yn brif awdur ar ddogfen Strategaeth Omeg NERC yn 2010 (NEOMEG) ac adroddiad gweledigaeth Omics Community yn 2019 (Omics solutions for a changing world). Mae DEFRA ac EA wedi fy nghisiynu i ysgrifennu adroddiadau strategol ar sut i harneisio genomeg er mwyn deall a rheoli'r amgylchedd yn well o'r enw - "Genomeg Amgylcheddol - Cyflwyniad" ac yn fwy diweddar "Adolygiad o dechnegau moleciwlaidd ar gyfer monitro ecolegol". Rwyf wedi ysgrifennu adolygiadau a phapurau ymchwil cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol allweddol ar gymhwyso 'omics' yn strategol wrth asesu risg cemegol ar gyfer Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd, Yr Unol Daleithiau-EPA ac OECD.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
2002 |
Medal Llywydd Cymdeithas Bioleg Arbrofol |
1992 |
1995 |
Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil Uwch (NERC) |
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
1998 |
- |
Cerrynt |
Cymdeithas Biocemeg |
2002 |
- |
2012 |
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2016 |
- |
Presennol |
Arweinydd Thema ar gyfer Mecanweithiau Systemau Byw, Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd Prifysgol Caerdydd |
2019 |
- |
Presennol |
Cadeirydd, Is-bwyllgor Data, Coleg y Gwyddorau Biofeddygol a Bywyd Prifysgol Caerdydd |
2013 |
- |
Presennol |
Athro Ysgol y Biowyddorau, Prifysgol Caerdydd |
2004 |
- |
Presennol |
Cyfarwyddwr Biofentrau, Ysgol y Biowyddorau, Prifysgol Caerdydd |
2014 |
- |
Presennol |
Cymrawd Ymweliad, CEH |
2020 |
- |
2022 |
Cydlynydd, Hwb Profi COVID, Prifysgol Caerdydd |
2015 |
- |
2018 |
Cyfarwyddwr Strategol Addysg, Ysgol y Biowyddorau, Prifysgol Caerdydd |
2002 |
- |
2013 |
Uwch Ddarlithydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd |
1994 |
- |
2002 |
Darlithydd Prifysgol Caerdydd |
1994 |
- |
1999 |
Cymrawd Uwch NERC, Prifysgol Caerdydd |
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Aelodaeth Terfyniadol pwyllgorau, byrddau, ac ati
2023 |
- |
2023 |
Panel Adolygu Coleg NERC, Gwthio'r ffiniau (Panel 4). |
2011 |
- |
2021 |
Cyd-gyfarwyddwr, Canolfan Synthesis Omics Amgylcheddol NERC |
2019 |
Prif Awdur, Omics Gweledigaeth Gymunedol |
2016 |
Cadeirydd, Panel Prawf o Gysyniad Technoleg NERC |
2011 |
Prif Awdur, strategaeth 'omics amgylcheddol NERC NERC (NEOMICS) |
2011 |
Prif Awdur, Adroddiad EA y DU "Adolygiad o dechnegau moleciwlaidd ar gyfer monitro ecolegol". |
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising students in:
- Metallo-Biology: Metals as essential micronutrient and pollutants
- Application of comparative genomics to improve chemical risk assessment
- Nanoparticle toxicology
- Environmental DNA (eDNA): monitoring ecosystems
- Genotype-environment interactions in wild species
- Uncovering microbial community changes underlying taste and odor in drinking water
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Claire Badder

Thomas Bellamy
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Goruchwyliwr Cynradd (Myfyriwr, Dyddiad Cychwyn, Cyllidwr)
- Szabolcs Hernádi (2016) Rhwydwaith MC yr UE
- Iain Perry (2016) Cyllid Prifysgol
- Rimington, O. (2014) NERC DTP / CEH ar y Cyd
- Alamari, M. (2013) Gwasanaeth Fforensig Saudi-Arabia
- Sahl, Y. (2011) Arolwg Daearegol Saudi-Arabia
- Pass, D. (2011) Canolfan Hydroleg ac Ecoleg.
- Sechi, P. (2010) Llywodraeth yr Eidal
- Guler, Y. (2009) NERC (Cofrestrwyd yn Portsmouth Uni.)
- Anderson, C. (2008) NERC
- Workman, V. (2005) EPSRC (ACHOS – Q-Chip)
- Hughes, S. (2005) NERC
- Sambles, C. (2003) NERC
- Wren, J. (2002) NERC
- Catafelo, S. (2002) NERC (ACHOS - Astrazeneca)
- Beacham, T.A. (2002) Prifysgol a ariennir
- Abraham, R. (2001) MRC
- Thomas, G.O. (2000) Diwydiant: Technolegau Golau Moleciwlaidd Cyf
- Ricketts, H.J. (2000) NERC (ACHOS -WRc)
- Price, KP (1999) Prifysgol a Diwydiant
- Chaseley, JR (1999) NERC
- John, A. (1998) NERC
- Richards, J.R. (1997) NERC (ACHOS – MLT Ltd.)
- Hughes, E. (1996) Ymchwil Canser Cymru
- Aziz, N.A.A. (1996) Llywodraeth Dramor
- Watt, I. (1995) BBSRC
- Jones, I. (1995) NERC
- Sturzenbaum, S.R. (1994) Ysgoloriaeth Prifysgol
- Chapman, G.A. (1994) Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome
2il oruchwyliwr
- Rasnaca, I. (2014) NERC DTP / CEH ar y Cyd
- Harris, M. N. (2013) Ariennir Elusen
- Yang, G. (2007) Dyfarnwyd & gofrestrwyd gyda: UHI
- Welter, D.# (2007) Llywodraeth Gwlad Belg
- Periyasamy, S. # (2006) Hunan-ariannu
- Pervolaraki, E. (2005) MRC
- Al-Daihani, B. # (2003) Llywodraeth Dramor
# Ysgoloriaeth ar y cyd â COMPS
Contact Details
+44 29208 74507
Adeilad Syr Martin Evans, Llawr 3, Ystafell C/3.15, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX
Themâu ymchwil
- Bioavailability ac ecotoxicoleg
- Biowybodeg a bioleg gyfrifiadurol
- Llygredd a halogi
- Tocsicoleg
- Ecoleg ddaearol