Mae Chenfei yn Gydymaith Ymchwil yn y CLCEB (Canolfan Amgylchedd Adeiledig Carbon Isel). Mae hi'n gweithio ar brosiect ymchwil sy'n archwilio datgarboneiddio asedau tai cymdeithasol yng Nghymru. Mae Chenfei yn gweithio'n agos gyda'r sector tai cymdeithasol yng Nghymru i wella dealltwriaeth o'r heriau o ddatgarboneiddio tai cymdeithasol a hyrwyddo defnyddio strategaethau cynaliadwy priodol ac effeithlon sy'n cefnogi cartrefi diogel, cynnes a fforddiadwy i breswylwyr.
Mae gan Chenfei PhD mewn Pensaernïaeth Gynaliadwy o Brifysgol Lerpwl, lle canolbwyntiodd ei hymchwil ar strategaethau ôl-ffitio Passivhaus EnerPHit gydag ynni cylch bywyd, gwerthuso carbon a chost. Datblygodd ei MSc mewn Dylunio Amgylcheddol Cynaliadwy mewn Pensaernïaeth ei harbenigedd mewn ffiseg adeiladu, efelychiad amgylcheddol, ac atebion carbon isel. Cafodd ei hyfforddi mewn dylunio pensaernïol yn ystod ei hastudiaethau israddedig yn Tsieina, lle datblygodd sylfaen gref mewn egwyddorion dylunio creadigol, gan ennill y wobr nodedig am y Dylunio Gofod Masnachol Gorau yng Nghystadleuaeth Dylunio Mewnol Tsieina 2015.
Cyn ymuno ag Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru, bu Chenfei yn gweithio fel Ymchwilydd Ôl-ddoethurol ym Mhrifysgol Oxford Brookes, lle bu'n archwilio trawsnewidiadau carbon isel mewn adeiladau preswyl ar raddfa fawr a datblygu offeryn cynllunio ynni ar-lein i asesu addasrwydd defnyddio pwmp gwres. Ym Mhrifysgol Lerpwl, bu'n gwasanaethu fel cynorthwyydd ymchwil ar brosiectau sy'n mynd i'r afael â'r heriau o ôl-osod anheddau yn y DU ac adeiladau treftadaeth Ghanaidd. Yn ogystal, bu'n gweithio fel cynorthwyydd addysgu yn yr un brifysgol, gan gyflwyno pedwar semester o addysgu a thiwtora i fyfyrwyr meistr.
- Gupta, R., Liu, C. and Gregg, M. 2024. A new area-based mapping approach to examine the heat pump suitability and readiness of UK dwellings. Presented at: eceee 2024 Summer Study on energy efficiency: sustainable, safe & secure through demand reduction, Lac d'Ailette, France, 10-15 June 2024eceee Summer Study proceedings 2024.
- Mohammadpourkarbasi, H., Riddle, B., Liu, C. and Sharples, S. 2023. Life cycle carbon assessment of decarbonising UK’s hard-to-treat homes: a comparative study of conventional retrofit vs EnerPHit, heat pump first vs fabric first and ecological vs petrochemical retrofit approaches. Energy and Buildings 296, article number: 113353. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113353)
- Liu, C., Sharples, S. and Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2023. A review of building energy retrofit measures, passive design strategies and building regulation for the low carbon development of existing dwellings in the hot summer–cold winter region of China. Energies 16(10), article number: 4115. (10.3390/en16104115)
- Liu, C., Sharples, S. and Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2022. Analysing the life cycle carbon performance of a Passivhaus-standard retrofitted suburban dwelling in Hunan, China. Presented at: 36th PLEA International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Santiago de Chile, 22-25 November 2022Books of Proceedings PLEA International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Vol. 1. pp. 600-605.
- Liu, C., Sharples, S. and Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2021. Evaluating insulation, glazing and airtightness options for passivhaus enerphit retrofitting of a dwelling in China’s hot summer–cold winter climate region. Energies 14(21), article number: 6950. (10.3390/en14216950)
- Liu, C., Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. and Sharples, S. 2021. Evaluating the potential energy savings of retrofitting low-rise suburban dwellings towards the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard in a hot summer/cold winter region of China. Energy and Buildings 231, article number: 110555. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110555)
- Liu, C., Sharples, S. and Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2020. Analysing energy saving and overheating risk of retrofitting Chinese surban dwellings to the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard. Presented at: PLEA 2020: 35th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, A Coruna, Spain, 1-3 September 2020.
- Liu, C., Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. and Sharples, S. 2019. Analysing the benefits and challenges of retrofitting rural dwellings in Hunan, China to the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard. Presented at: Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019 Wales: Policy to Practice, Cardiff, Wales, 24–25 September 2019, Vol. 329. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Vol. 12008. IOP Publishing, (10.1088/1755-1315/329/1/012008)
- Gupta, R., Liu, C. and Gregg, M. 2024. A new area-based mapping approach to examine the heat pump suitability and readiness of UK dwellings. Presented at: eceee 2024 Summer Study on energy efficiency: sustainable, safe & secure through demand reduction, Lac d'Ailette, France, 10-15 June 2024eceee Summer Study proceedings 2024.
- Liu, C., Sharples, S. and Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2022. Analysing the life cycle carbon performance of a Passivhaus-standard retrofitted suburban dwelling in Hunan, China. Presented at: 36th PLEA International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Santiago de Chile, 22-25 November 2022Books of Proceedings PLEA International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Vol. 1. pp. 600-605.
- Liu, C., Sharples, S. and Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2020. Analysing energy saving and overheating risk of retrofitting Chinese surban dwellings to the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard. Presented at: PLEA 2020: 35th International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, A Coruna, Spain, 1-3 September 2020.
- Liu, C., Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. and Sharples, S. 2019. Analysing the benefits and challenges of retrofitting rural dwellings in Hunan, China to the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard. Presented at: Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2019 Wales: Policy to Practice, Cardiff, Wales, 24–25 September 2019, Vol. 329. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science Vol. 12008. IOP Publishing, (10.1088/1755-1315/329/1/012008)
- Mohammadpourkarbasi, H., Riddle, B., Liu, C. and Sharples, S. 2023. Life cycle carbon assessment of decarbonising UK’s hard-to-treat homes: a comparative study of conventional retrofit vs EnerPHit, heat pump first vs fabric first and ecological vs petrochemical retrofit approaches. Energy and Buildings 296, article number: 113353. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2023.113353)
- Liu, C., Sharples, S. and Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2023. A review of building energy retrofit measures, passive design strategies and building regulation for the low carbon development of existing dwellings in the hot summer–cold winter region of China. Energies 16(10), article number: 4115. (10.3390/en16104115)
- Liu, C., Sharples, S. and Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. 2021. Evaluating insulation, glazing and airtightness options for passivhaus enerphit retrofitting of a dwelling in China’s hot summer–cold winter climate region. Energies 14(21), article number: 6950. (10.3390/en14216950)
- Liu, C., Mohammadpourkarbasi, H. and Sharples, S. 2021. Evaluating the potential energy savings of retrofitting low-rise suburban dwellings towards the Passivhaus EnerPHit standard in a hot summer/cold winter region of China. Energy and Buildings 231, article number: 110555. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110555)
Mae ymchwil Chenfei yn canolbwyntio ar hyrwyddo atebion cynaliadwy a charbon isel yn yr amgylchedd adeiledig, gan ganolbwyntio ar wella perfformiad adeiladau, strategaethau datgarboneiddio, a hyrwyddo gwytnwch hinsawdd a lles preswylwyr.
- Adeiladau ynni / carbon isel iawn
- Efelychiad perfformiad adeiladu
- Dyluniad addasol a gwydn yn yr hinsawdd
- Deunyddiau adeiladu a charbon wedi'u hymgorffori
- Datrysiad datgarboneiddio ar raddfa fawr ar sail GIS
- Cylch bywyd carbon ac asesiad costau
- Proses ôl-osod
- Gwerthusiad cysur thermol