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Dr Chenfei Liu

Research Associate


Chenfei is a Research Associate at the CLCEB (Centre for Low Carbon Built Environment). She is working on a research project exploring the decarbonisation of social housing assets in Wales. Chenfei works closely with the Welsh social housing sector to advance understanding of the challenges of decarbonising social housing and promote the deployment of appropriate and efficient sustainable strategies that support safe, warm, and affordable homes for residents.

Chenfei holds a PhD in Sustainable Architecture from the University of Liverpool, where her research focused on Passivhaus EnerPHit retrofit strategies with life cycle energy, carbon and cost evaluations. Her MSc in Sustainable Environmental Design in Architecture developed her expertise in building physics, environmental simulation, and low-carbon solutions. She was trained in architectural design during her undergraduate studies in China, where she developed a strong foundation in creative design principles, winning the prestigious Best Commercial Space Design award at the 2015 China Interior Design Competition.

Before joining the Welsh School of Architecture, Chenfei worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at Oxford Brookes University, where she explored low-carbon transitions in large-scale residential buildings and developed an online energy planning tool to assess the suitability of heat pump deployments. At the University of Liverpool, she served as a research assistant on projects tackling the challenges of retrofitting hard-to-treat UK dwellings and Ghanaian heritage buildings. Additionally, she worked as a teaching assistant at the same university, delivering four semesters of teaching and tutoring to master’s students.











Chenfei’s research centres on advancing sustainable and low-carbon solutions in the built environment, with a focus on enhancing building performance, decarbonisation strategies, and promoting climate resilience and occupant well-being.

  • Ultra-low energy/carbon buildings
  • Building performance simulation
  • Climate adaptive and resilient design
  • Building materials and embodied carbon
  • GIS-based large-scale decarbonisation resolution
  • Life cycle carbon and cost assessment
  • Retrofit process
  • Thermal comfort evaluation

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