Shujun Liu
Cyswllt Ymchwil, Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Iechyd Ysgol, DECIPHer
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n Gydymaith Ymchwil yn Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol yn y Ganolfan Datblygu, Gwerthuso, Cymhlethdod, a Gweithredu mewn Gwella Iechyd y Cyhoedd (DECIPHer).
Mae fy ymchwil yn archwilio croestoriad cyfathrebu gwleidyddol, cyfryngau digidol, ac iechyd y cyhoedd. Rwy'n defnyddio ystod amrywiol o ddulliau meintiol, gan gynnwys arolygon, dadansoddi cynnwys, arbrofion ar-lein, a dulliau cyfrifiadurol fel dysgu peiriannau dan oruchwyliaeth a heb oruchwyliaeth.
- Liu, S., Sloan, L., Al Baghal, T., Williams, M., Jessop, C. and Serôdio, P. 2025. Linking survey with Twitter data: Examining associations among smartphone usage, privacy concern and Twitter linkage consent. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 28(1), pp. 71-85. (10.1080/13645579.2023.2299482)
- Liu, S. 2024. Personalization of Trump and Xi in the U.S.-China trade conflict news: Comparison between the U.S. and China. International Communication Gazette 86(8), pp. 672-692. (10.1177/17480485231206364)
- Page, N. et al. 2024. Data Resource Profile: The School Health Research Network (SHRN) Student Health and Well-being (SHW) survey of 11-16-year-olds (2017-2023). International Journal of Epidemiology 53(6), article number: dyae161. (10.1093/ije/dyae161)
- Al Baghal, T., Wenz, A., SerÔdio, P., Liu, S., Jessop, C. and Sloan, L. 2024. Linking survey and LinkedIn data: Understanding usage and consent patterns. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 12(5), pp. 1200-1211., article number: smae029. (10.1093/jssam/smae029)
- Liu, S. and Kai, K. 2024. The role of emotions in climate change communication: Examining the effects of strategy and issue framing on emotional responses and online climate action intentions. Current Psychology 43, pp. 27070-27083. (10.1007/s12144-024-06346-1)
- Liu, S. and Kuang, K. 2024. Climate race or collaboration? Effects of strategy framing on trust in government, nationalist sentiments, and climate action intention in international politics. Journalism (10.1177/14648849241285508)
- Liu, S. 2024. Building network agenda in China-U.S. trade conflict news: Transnational comparative study across China, the United States, Singapore and Ireland. Newspaper Research Journal 45(2), pp. 134-156. (10.1177/07395329231221519)
- Liu, S., Sloan, L., Jessop, C., AI Baghal, T. and Serodio, P. 2024. Understanding Twitter usage through linked data: An analysis of motivations and online behavior. Presented at: 2nd Digital Footprints Conference: Linking Digital Data for Social Impact, Bristol, UK, 8 - 9 May 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 4. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i4.2418)
- Che, S., Kuang, K. and Liu, S. 2024. Climate agenda-setting for Chinese youth by Chinese non-governmental organizations: a case study of Chinese weather enthusiasts on Bilibili. Weather, Climate, and Society (10.1175/WCAS-D-23-0131.1)
- Liu, S., Sloan, L., Al Baghal, T., Williams, M., Serôdio, P. and Jessop, C. 2024. Examining household effects on individual Twitter adoption: A multilevel analysis based on U.K. household survey data. PLoS ONE 19(1), article number: e0297036. (10.1371/journal.pone.0297036)
- Liu, S., Boukes, M. and De Swert, K. 2023. Strategy framing in the international arena: A cross-national comparative content analysis on the China-US trade conflict coverage. Journalism 24(5), pp. 976-998. (10.1177/14648849211052438)
- Liu, S. and Boukes, M. 2023. Strategy framing of international conflicts. In: Zhang, S. I. and Peng, A. Y. eds. China, Media, and International Conflicts. Communicating China Routledge, pp. 9-27., (10.4324/9781003261278-2)
- Guo, J. and Liu, S. 2022. From #blacklivesmatter to #stopasianhate: examining network agenda-setting effects of hashtag activism on twitter. Social Media + Society 8(4) (10.1177/20563051221146182)
- Liu, S., Sloan, L. and Williams, M. 2022. Exploring the association among different types of Twitter activity, loneliness level, and life satisfaction. Presented at: EMERGE 2022: International Conference on Digital Society Now, 16 December 2022 Presented at Mevorah, V., Guga, J. and Markov, ?. eds.EMERGE 2022: Digital Society Now. Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
Adrannau llyfrau
- Liu, S. and Boukes, M. 2023. Strategy framing of international conflicts. In: Zhang, S. I. and Peng, A. Y. eds. China, Media, and International Conflicts. Communicating China Routledge, pp. 9-27., (10.4324/9781003261278-2)
- Liu, S., Sloan, L., Jessop, C., AI Baghal, T. and Serodio, P. 2024. Understanding Twitter usage through linked data: An analysis of motivations and online behavior. Presented at: 2nd Digital Footprints Conference: Linking Digital Data for Social Impact, Bristol, UK, 8 - 9 May 2024, Vol. 9. Vol. 4. Swansea University, (10.23889/ijpds.v9i4.2418)
- Liu, S., Sloan, L. and Williams, M. 2022. Exploring the association among different types of Twitter activity, loneliness level, and life satisfaction. Presented at: EMERGE 2022: International Conference on Digital Society Now, 16 December 2022 Presented at Mevorah, V., Guga, J. and Markov, ?. eds.EMERGE 2022: Digital Society Now. Belgrade: Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade
- Liu, S., Sloan, L., Al Baghal, T., Williams, M., Jessop, C. and Serôdio, P. 2025. Linking survey with Twitter data: Examining associations among smartphone usage, privacy concern and Twitter linkage consent. International Journal of Social Research Methodology 28(1), pp. 71-85. (10.1080/13645579.2023.2299482)
- Liu, S. 2024. Personalization of Trump and Xi in the U.S.-China trade conflict news: Comparison between the U.S. and China. International Communication Gazette 86(8), pp. 672-692. (10.1177/17480485231206364)
- Page, N. et al. 2024. Data Resource Profile: The School Health Research Network (SHRN) Student Health and Well-being (SHW) survey of 11-16-year-olds (2017-2023). International Journal of Epidemiology 53(6), article number: dyae161. (10.1093/ije/dyae161)
- Al Baghal, T., Wenz, A., SerÔdio, P., Liu, S., Jessop, C. and Sloan, L. 2024. Linking survey and LinkedIn data: Understanding usage and consent patterns. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 12(5), pp. 1200-1211., article number: smae029. (10.1093/jssam/smae029)
- Liu, S. and Kai, K. 2024. The role of emotions in climate change communication: Examining the effects of strategy and issue framing on emotional responses and online climate action intentions. Current Psychology 43, pp. 27070-27083. (10.1007/s12144-024-06346-1)
- Liu, S. and Kuang, K. 2024. Climate race or collaboration? Effects of strategy framing on trust in government, nationalist sentiments, and climate action intention in international politics. Journalism (10.1177/14648849241285508)
- Liu, S. 2024. Building network agenda in China-U.S. trade conflict news: Transnational comparative study across China, the United States, Singapore and Ireland. Newspaper Research Journal 45(2), pp. 134-156. (10.1177/07395329231221519)
- Che, S., Kuang, K. and Liu, S. 2024. Climate agenda-setting for Chinese youth by Chinese non-governmental organizations: a case study of Chinese weather enthusiasts on Bilibili. Weather, Climate, and Society (10.1175/WCAS-D-23-0131.1)
- Liu, S., Sloan, L., Al Baghal, T., Williams, M., Serôdio, P. and Jessop, C. 2024. Examining household effects on individual Twitter adoption: A multilevel analysis based on U.K. household survey data. PLoS ONE 19(1), article number: e0297036. (10.1371/journal.pone.0297036)
- Liu, S., Boukes, M. and De Swert, K. 2023. Strategy framing in the international arena: A cross-national comparative content analysis on the China-US trade conflict coverage. Journalism 24(5), pp. 976-998. (10.1177/14648849211052438)
- Guo, J. and Liu, S. 2022. From #blacklivesmatter to #stopasianhate: examining network agenda-setting effects of hashtag activism on twitter. Social Media + Society 8(4) (10.1177/20563051221146182)
- Cynorthwy-ydd Addysgu, Cyfathrebu Risg (ôl-raddedig), Prifysgol Tsinghua
- Cynorthwy-ydd Addysgu, Siarad Cyhoeddus yn Saesneg (israddedig), Prifysgol Tsinghua
- Cynorthwy-ydd Addysgu, Cyfryngau Digidol (israddedig), Prifysgol Tsinghua
- Cynorthwy-ydd Addysgu, Newyddiaduraeth Tsieineaidd a'r Byd Cyfoes (ôl-raddedig), Prifysgol Tsinghua
Addysg a chymwysterau:
- 2022 PhD mewn Newyddiaduraeth, Prifysgol Tsinghua
- 2013 MA mewn Newyddiaduraeth, Prifysgol Tsieineaidd Hong Kong
- 2012 BA mewn Newyddiaduraeth Chwaraeon, Prifysgol Chwaraeon Beijing
Trosolwg gyrfa:
- 2024 - Cydymaith Ymchwil presennol , DECIPHer, Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2022 - 2024 Cydymaith Ymchwil, prosiect ESRC "Understanding Society: Linking Twitter Data with Survey Data", Ysgol y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2019 - 2020 Ysgolor ymweliad, Ysgol Gyfathrebu, Prifysgol Amsterdam
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- Ysgoloriaeth Genedlaethol Tsieineaidd
- Ysgoloriaeth Tsinghua ar gyfer Astudiaethau Tramor i Raddedigion
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Cymdeithas Cyfathrebu Rhyngwladol (ICA)
- Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Ymchwil y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu (IAMCR)
- Cymdeithas Cyfathrebu Cenedlaethol (NCA)
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
- Shujun Liu a Kai Kuang (16 Tachwedd) Yn negyddol neu'n gadarnhaol tuag at China-US Polisi hinsawdd: Archwilio effaith strategaeth a fframio mater ar ymatebion emosiynol a chamau gweithredu hinsawdd ar-lein. 109fed Confensiwn Blynyddol y Gymdeithas Gyfathrebu Genedlaethol (NCA).
- Shujun Liu, Luke Sloan, Matthew Williams, Tarek Al Baghal, Curtis Jessop, Paulo Serodio (Gorffennaf 19). Cysylltu data twitter ac arolwg: Archwilio'r cysylltiad rhwng defnyddio technoleg symudol, pryder preifatrwydd a chydsyniad twitter. Cynhadledd Flynyddol Cymdeithas Ymchwil Arolwg Ewropeaidd (ESRA) 2023.
- Shujun Liu, Luke Sloan, Matthew Williams, Tarek Al Baghal, Curtis Jessop, Paulo Serodio (Mehefin 2023). Rhagflaenwyr mabwysiadu Twitter: Archwilio cymdeithasau ymhlith cyfalaf economaidd cartref, defnyddio technoleg symudol a mabwysiadu Twitter. Cynhadledd Flynyddol Cymdeithas Cyfathrebu Rhyngwladol (ICA).
- Shujun Liu a Kai Kuang (Mehefin 2023). Archwilio effeithiau strategaeth lefel ryngwladol sy'n fframio ar sinigiaeth a theimladau cenedlaetholgar yng nghyd-destun newid hinsawdd. Cynhadledd Flynyddol Cymdeithas Cyfathrebu Rhyngwladol (ICA).
- Shujun Liu a Kai Kuang (Mehefin, 2023). Archwilio effeithiau fframio strategaeth lefel genedlaethol mewn cyfathrebu hinsawdd. Cynhadledd Flynyddol Cymdeithas Cyfathrebu Amgylcheddol Rhyngwladol (IECA) 2023.
- Shujun Liu, Luke Sloan, Matthew Williams, Tarek Al Baghal, Curtis Jessop, Paulo Serodio (Rhagfyr 2022). A yw'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn eich gwneud chi'n unig: Archwilio'r cysylltiad ymhlith gwahanol fathau o weithgaredd ar Twitter, iechyd meddwl a boddhad bywyd. EMERGE2022: Fforwm ar Ddyfodol y Ddynoliaeth a Arweinir gan AI a Chymdeithas Ddigidol Cynhadledd Ryngwladol
- Shujun Liu (Mai 2022). Y tu hwnt i eiriau sy'n gwrthdaro: Dadansoddiad o gartwn propaganda Tsieina ar berthynas rhwng China a'r Unol Daleithiau. 72ain Cynhadledd Flynyddol y Gymdeithas Gyfathrebu Ryngwladol (ICA).
- Shujun Liu a Jing Guo (Mai 2022). Casineb yn erbyn Casineb: Dadansoddiad o Annidwylledd ar Twitter yn ystod Mudiad BlackLives Matter 72ain Cynhadledd Flynyddol y Gymdeithas Gyfathrebu Ryngwladol (ICA).
- Shujun Liu (Mai 2022). Gosod agenda rhwydwaith yn newyddion gwrthdaro masnach Tsieina-UD: Astudiaeth gymharol ar draws Tsieina, yr Unol Daleithiau, Singapore ac Iwerddon. 72ain Cynhadledd Flynyddol y Gymdeithas Gyfathrebu Ryngwladol (ICA).
- Shujun Liu a Jacqueline Tizora (Gorffennaf 2021). Mae'r ymchwil ar ddelwedd y cyfryngau o Xi a Trump. Cynhadledd flynyddol 2021 Cymdeithas Ryngwladol ar gyfer Ymchwil Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu (IAMCR).
- Shujun Liu, Mark Boukes a Knut De Swert (Mai 2021). Fframio strategaeth yn yr arena ryngwladol: Dadansoddiad cynnwys cymharol trawswladol ar sylw gwrthdaro masnach Tsieina-UD. 71ain Cynhadledd Flynyddol y Gymdeithas Gyfathrebu Ryngwladol (ICA).
- Shujun Liu a Mark Boukes (Mai 2021) Penderfynu portread newyddion o ganlyniad economaidd: Dadansoddiad cynnwys cymharol trawswladol ar newyddion gwrthdaro masnach Tsieina-UD. 71ain Cynhadledd Flynyddol y Gymdeithas Gyfathrebu Ryngwladol (ICA).
- Shujun Liu (Mai 2021) Personoli Xi a Trump yn newyddion gwrthdaro masnach Tsieina-UDA: Dadansoddiad cynnwys cymharol trawswladol. 2021 Colocwiwm Doethurol Cymdeithas Cyfathrebu Rhyngwladol (ICA).