Yr Athro Richard Madgwick
Athro Gwyddoniaeth Archaeolegol
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n wyddonydd archeolegol sy'n defnyddio dulliau moleciwlaidd, microsgopig a macrosgopig wrth ddadansoddi gweddillion anifeiliaid a dynol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig mewn dadansoddi symudedd, rheoli anifeiliaid a thriniaeth cyn ac ôl-dyddodol gweddillion dynol a faunal. Rwyf wedi gweithio ar brosiectau sy'n amrywio o'r cyfnod Mesolithig i'r cyfnod Ôl-ganoloesol mewn safleoedd ledled Ewrop a thu hwnt. Mae'r themâu penodol y mae gennyf ddiddordeb ynddynt yn cynnwys:
·Cymhwyso dadansoddiad aml-isotop (carbon, nitrogen, sylffwr, ocsigen, strontiwm, plwm) ar weddillion osseous ar gyfer ymchwilio i ddeiet a symudedd
·Rheoli a darparu anifeiliaid
·Gwledda mewn cynhanes
·taphonomi esgyrn macrosgopig a microsgopig
·Mae trin pobl ac anifeiliaid yn parhau mewn cyd-destunau angladdol
Mae'r prosiectau presennol a diweddar yn cynnwys:
- FFRÂM: Bwydo'r Fyddin Rufeinig, Gwneud yr Ymerodraeth (PI, € 2m a ariennir gan ERC, 2025-2030)
- RoBMobS: Britannia Rhufeinig: Symudedd a Chymdeithas (Co-I, £1.49m a ariennir gan AHRC, 2025-2028)
- ENDURE: Bywyd Trefol mewn Cyfnod o Argyfwng (Co-I, € 2m a ariennir gan UKRI [ERC-awarded], 2023-2028)
- FRAB: Bwydo'r Fyddin Rufeinig ym Mhrydain (PI, £356k, a ariennir gan Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme, 2022-2025)
- FEASTNET: Rhwydweithiau gwledda a Gwydnwch ar ddiwedd Oes Efydd Prydain (PI, £261k, AHRC/UKRI-funded 2021-2024)
- PHEMOR: Datgladdu Ôl-Humous a Symud Olion Osteolegol: Dull iso-histolegol arloesol o arferion marwol a mudo Maya Prehispanic Maya (Goruchwyliwr, £ 186k, Cymrodoriaeth Unigol Marie Skłodowska Curie [Asta Rand], 2023-2025)
- ZOOCRETE: ZOOarchaeology of Historical CRETE: Ymagwedd Aml-sgalar at Anifeiliaid yng Ngwlad Groeg Hynafol (Goruchwyliwr, £198k, Cymrodoriaeth Unigol Marie Skłodowska Curie [Flint Dibble], 2021-2024)
- BONEZ: Paganiaeth Baltig, Osteology, ac Archwiliadau Newydd o Dystiolaeth Zooarchaeological (Goruchwyliwr, £197k, Cymrodoriaeth Unigol Marie Skłodowska Curie [Katie French], 2021-2023)
- Symudedd Anifeiliaid a Biomecaneg (Goruchwyliwr, € 119k, Cymrodoriaeth Margarita Salas [Roger Alcàntara Fors], 2022-2025)
- Dadansoddiad Aml-isotop: Archwilio Cyfleoedd Masnachol (PI, £49k, UKRI-Funded, 2023-2024)
- Tudor, T., Crozier, R. and Madgwick, R. 2025. All mixed up: Investigating mortuary practice and processes of disarticulation through integrated histotaphonomic analysis at the Knowe of Rowiegar, Neolithic chambered cairn, Orkney, UK. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 32, article number: 9. (10.1007/s10816-024-09673-6)
- Bricking, A., Revell, B. and Madgwick, R. 2025. Death and dichotomy: Exploring varied human and animal depositional practices in the Iron Age at Battlesbury Bowl, UK, through histotaphonomy. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 32, article number: 18. (10.1007/s10816-024-09674-5)
- Guillamon-Davila, A., Martinez Sanchez, R., Nederbragt, A., Andersen, M. and Madgwick, R. 2024. Tracing the path: First attempt of a multi-isotope approach to animal management in the Late Roman city of Torreparedones (Baena, Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 60, article number: 104851. (10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104851)
- Macheridis, S., Faillace, K., Hood, M., Sayle, K. L., Inglis, E. and Madgwick, R. 2024. Sheep ahoy: Exploring sheep management and its role in Viking Age economy through multiproxy analyses at Löddeköpinge, Sweden. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 34(6), article number: e3355. (10.1002/oa.3355)
- Esposito, C. et al. 2024. NOthing goes to WAste (NOWA): A protocol to optimise sampling of ancient teeth. Journal of Archaeological Science 171(106087), article number: 106087. (10.1016/j.jas.2024.106087)
- Booth, T., Bricking, A. and Madgwick, R. 2024. Comment on “Bacterial bioerosion of bones is a post-skeletonisation phenomenon and appears contingent on soil burial” [Quat. Int. 660 (2023) 75–83]. Quaternary International 702, pp. 61-64. (10.1016/j.quaint.2024.02.005)
- de Gruchy, Y. A. et al. 2024. Bone of contention: Intra-element variability in remodelling of human femora based on histomorphometric and isotope analyses. PLoS ONE 19(6), article number: e0305089. (10.1371/journal.pone.0305089)
- Bagnasco, G. et al. 2024. Bioarchaeology aids the cultural understanding of six characters in search of their agency (Tarquinia, ninth–seventh century BC, central Italy). Scientific Reports 14(1), article number: 11895. (10.1038/s41598-024-61052-z)
- French, K. M. et al. 2024. Biomolecular evidence reveals mares and long-distance imported horses sacrificed by the last pagans in temperate Europe. Science Advances 10, article number: eado3529. (10.1126/sciadv.ado3529)
- O'Brien Butler, C. and Madgwick, R. 2024. Biological distance analysis. In: Gilbert, D., Morgan-James, R. and Sinott, S. eds. A Journey through 600 Years of History: Archaeological Investigations Along the A4226 Five Mile Lane Improvement Scheme. Red River Archaeological Monograph Cork: Red River Archaeology Group, pp. 459-479.
- Faillace, K. and Madgwick, R. 2024. Isotope analysis. In: Gilbert, D., Morgan-James, R. and Sinhott, S. eds. A Journey through 600 Years of History: Archaeological Investigations Along the A4226 Five Mile Lane Improvement Scheme. Red River Archaeological Monograph Cork: Red River Archaeology Group, pp. 434-456.
- Baker, K. et al. 2024. The 10,000-year biocultural history of fallow deer and its implications for conservation policy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121(8), article number: e2310051121. (10.1073/pnas.2310051121)
- Blair, J., Hines, J., Tait, K. and Madgwick, R. 2023. Shakenoak revisited: post-Roman occupation and burial at a Cotswold-edge villa in the light of new evidence and approaches. Archaeological Journal 180(1), pp. 35-81. (10.1080/00665983.2023.2267891)
- Lamb, A., Chenery, C., Madgwick, R. and Evans, J. 2023. Wet feet: developing sulfur isotope provenance methods to identify wetland inhabitants. Royal Society Open Science 10(10), article number: 230391. (10.1098/rsos.230391)
- Guest, P., Ma, H., Mion, L., Lamb, A. L. and Madgwick, R. 2023. Feeding the Roman army in Britain. Antiquity 97(395), article number: e29. (10.15184/aqy.2023.110)
- Messana, C., Tornero, C., Madgwick, R., Lamb, A., Evans, J. and Colominas, L. 2023. Between valleys, plateaus, and mountains: unveiling livestock altitudinal mobility in the Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (3rd c. BC) through a multi-isotope approach. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2, article number: 1245725. (10.3389/fearc.2023.1245725)
- Madgwick, R., Esposito, C. and Lamb, A. 2023. Farming and feasting during the Bronze Age–Iron Age transition in Britain (ca. 900–500 bce): multi-isotope evidence for societal change. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2, article number: 122158. (10.3389/fearc.2023.1221581)
- Madgwick, R. and Bricking, A. 2023. Exploring mortuary practices: Histotaphonomic analysis of the human remains and associated fauna. In: Guarino, P. and Barclay, A. eds. In the Shadow of Segsbury: The Archaoelogy of the H380 Childrey Warren Water Pipeline, Oxfordshire, 2018-20. Cotswold Archaeology Monograph Cirencester: Cotswold Archaeology, pp. 96-102.
- Mavroudas, S. R., Alfsdotter, C., Bricking, A. and Madgwick, R. 2023. Experimental investigation of histotaphonomic changes in human bone from whole-body donors demonstrates limited effects of early post-mortem change in bone. Journal of Archaeological Science 154, article number: 105789. (10.1016/j.jas.2023.105789)
- Evans, J. A. et al. 2022. Applying lead (Pb) isotopes to explore mobility in humans and animals. PLoS ONE 17(10), article number: e0274831. (10.1371/journal.pone.0274831)
- Booth, T. J., Bronnimann, D., Madgwick, R. and Portmann, C. 2022. The taphonomic and archaeothanatological potentials of diagenetic alterations of archaeological bone. In: Knusel, C. J. and Schotsmans, E. M. J. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology: Bioarchaeology of Mortuary Behaviour. Routledge, pp. 580-599.
- Bricking, A., Hayes, A. and Madgwick, R. 2022. An interim report on histological analysis of human bones from Fishmonger's Swallet, Gloucestershire. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Speleological Society 29(1), pp. 67-86.
- Holt, E., Evans, J. A. and Madgwick, R. 2021. Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) mapping: A critical review of methods and approaches. Earth-Science Reviews 216, article number: 103593. (10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103593)
- Scorrer, J. et al. 2021. Diversity aboard a Tudor warship: investigating the origins of the Mary Rose crew using multi-isotope analysis. Royal Society Open Science 8(5), article number: 202106. (10.1098/rsos.202106)
- Madgwick, R., Lamb, A., Sloane, H., Nederbragt, A., Albarella, U., Parker Pearson, M. and Evans, J. 2021. A veritable confusion: use and abuse of isotope analysis in archaeology. Archaeological Journal 178(2), pp. 361-385. (10.1080/00665983.2021.1911099)
- Andrews, P. et al. 2021. East Chisenbury Midden 2015−17: further investigations of the late prehistoric midden deposits, enclosure and associated settlement. Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Magazine 114, pp. 84-121.
- Dunne, J. et al. 2021. Finding Oxford's medieval Jewry using organic residue analysis, faunal records and historical documents. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13, article number: 48. (10.1007/s12520-021-01282-8)
- Madgwick, R. 2021. The beaker people: isotopes, mobility and diet in prehistoric Britain, edited by Mike Parker Pearson, Alison Sheridan, Mandy Jay, Andrew Chamberlain, Michael P. Richards and Jane Evans [Book Review]. Archaeological Journal 178(2), pp. 386-390. (10.1080/00665983.2021.1894769)
- Walker, E., Chapman, E., Chivall, D., Faillace, K., Hodkinson, P., Madgwick, R. and O'Regan, H. 2021. Carreg Cennen Castle Cave, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire: a review of the work undertaken by T. C. Cantrill in 1900. Archaeologia Cambrensis 170, pp. 67-76.
- Jones, J., Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J. 2020. Animal management and marine resource use: the stable isotope evidence. In: Sharples, N. ed. The Economy of a Norse Settlement in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations at Mounds 2 and 2a, Bornais, South Uist., Vol. 4. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 361-367.
- Faillace, K., Foody, M. and Madgwick, R. 2020. Exploring the potential of TEM analysis for understanding cooking at prehistoric feasting sites. Scientific Reports 10, article number: 13635. (10.1038/s41598-020-70628-4)
- Craig-Atkins, E. et al. 2020. The dietary impact of the Norman Conquest: a multiproxy archaeological investigation of Oxford, UK. PLoS ONE 15(7), article number: e0235005. (10.1371/journal.pone.0235005)
- Madgwick, R. 2020. Isotopic investigations of pastoralism in prehistory, edited by A. Ventresca Miller and C. Makarewicz. [Book Review]. Archaeological Journal 177(2), pp. 484-485. (10.1080/00665983.2019.1698855)
- Roberts, D. et al. 2020. Middle Neolithic pits and a burial at West Amesbury, Wiltshire. Archaeological Journal 177(2), pp. 167-213. (10.1080/00665983.2020.1758495)
- Madgwick, R., Grimes, V., Lamb, A. L., Nederbragt, A. J., Evans, J. A. and McCormick, F. 2019. Feasting and mobility in Iron Age Ireland: Multi-isotope analysis reveals the vast catchment of Navan Fort, Ulster. Scientific Reports 9(1), article number: 19792. (10.1038/s41598-019-55671-0)
- Evans, J., Parker Pearson, M., Madgwick, R., Sloane, H. and Albarella, U. 2019. Strontium and oxygen isotope evidence for the origin and movement of cattle at Late Neolithic Durrington Walls, UK. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11(10), pp. 5181-5197. (10.1007/s12520-019-00849-w)
- Law, M. and Madgwick, R. 2019. Hand collected shell. In: Greenslade, S. ed. Butrint 6 Excavations on the Vrina Plain. Volume 2: The Finds. Butrint Archaeological Monographs Oxbow, pp. 237-244.
- Madgwick, R. 2019. Diet and economy: The faunal evidence. In: Greenslade, S. ed. Butrint 6 Excavations on the Vrina Plain. Volume 2: The Finds. Butrint Archaeological Monographs Oxbow, pp. 209-226.
- Worley, F. et al. 2019. Understanding Middle Neolithic food and farming in and around the Stonehenge World Heritage Site: An integrated approach. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 26, article number: 101838. (10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.05.003)
- Madgwick, R. 2019. Taphonomy and depositional history at Potterne, Wiltshire. In: Baker, P. and Worley, F. eds. Animal Bones and Archaeology: Recovery to Archive. Swindon: Historic England, pp. 64-65.
- Madgwick, R., Lamb, A. L., Sloane, H., Nederbragt, A. J., Albarella, U., Parker Pearson, M. and Evans, J. A. 2019. Multi-isotope analysis reveals that feasts in the Stonehenge environs and across Wessex drew people and animals from throughout Britain. Science Advances 5(3), article number: eaau6078. (10.1126/sciadv.aau6078)
- Madgwick, R., Lewis, J., Grimes, V. and Guest, P. 2019. On the hoof: exploring the supply of animals to the Roman legionary fortress at Caerleon using strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope analysis. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, pp. 223-235. (10.1007/s12520-017-0539-9)
- Waddington, K., Bayliss, A., Higham, T., Madgwick, R. and Sharples, N. 2019. Histories of deposition: creating chronology for the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age transition in Southern Britain. Archaeological Journal 176(1), pp. 84-133. (10.1080/00665983.2018.1504859)
- Madgwick, R. and Roberts, A. 2019. The human teeth [Section within The Animal and Human Bone]. In: Lane, A. and Redknap, M. eds. Llangorse Crannog: The Excavation of an Early Medieval Royal Site in the Kingdom of Brycheiniog. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 191.
- Whitley, J. and Madgwick, R. 2018. Consuming the wild: more thoughts on the andreion. In: van den Ejinde, F., Biok, J. and Strootman, R. eds. Feasting and Polis Institutions. Leiden: Brill, pp. 125-148.
- Evans, J., Pashley, V., Madgwick, R., Neil, S. and Chenery, C. 2018. Tracking natural and anthropogenic Pb exposure to its geological source. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 1969. (10.1038/s41598-018-20397-y)
- Livarda, A. and Madgwick, R. 2018. Ritual and religion: bioarchaeological perspectives. In: Livarda, A., Madgwick, R. and Mora, S. R. eds. The Biaorchaeology of Ritual and Religion. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 1-13., (10.2307/j.ctvh1dpkx.7)
- Jones, I., Williams, D., Williams, S., Carruthers, W., Madgwick, R. and Young, T. 2018. Early medieval enclosure at Glanfred, near Llandre, Ceredigion.. Archaeologia Cambrensis 167, pp. 221-243.
- Drnic, I., Trimmis, K., Hale, A., Madgwick, R., Reed, K., Barbir, A. and Maderic, M. 2018. Assemblages from marginal apaces: The results of the excavations in Mala (Nova) Pećina near Muć and the Neolithic of Dalmatinska Zagora. Prilozi Instituta Za Arheologiju U Zagrebu 35, pp. 29-70.
- Livarda, A., Madgwick, R. and Riera, S. 2018. The bioarchaeology of ritual and religion. Oxford: Oxbow.
- Twiss, K. et al. 2017. Horses, hemiones, hydruntines? assessing the reliability of dental criteria for assigning species to Southwest Asian equid remains. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 27(2), pp. 298-304. (10.1002/oa.2524)
- Bayliss, A., Cartwright, C., Cook, G., Griffiths, S., Madgwick, R., Marshall, P. and Reimer, P. 2017. Rings of fire and Grooved Ware settlement at West Kennet, Wiltshire. In: Bickle, P. et al. eds. The Neolithic of Europe. Oxbow, pp. 249-278.
- Madgwick, R., Grimes, V., Lamb, A. and McCormick, F. 2017. Isotope analysis reveals that feasts at Navan Fort, Ulster, drew people and animals from across Ireland. PAST 87, pp. 15-16.
- Valenzuela, A. et al. 2016. Both introduced and extinct: The fallow deer of Roman Mallorca. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 9, pp. 168-177. (10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.06.038)
- Madgwick, R., Redknap, M. and Davies, B. 2016. Illuminating Lesser Garth Cave, Cardiff: the human remains and post-Roman archaeology in context. Archaeologia Cambrensis 165, pp. 201-229.
- Sykes, N. et al. 2016. Wild to domestic and back again: the dynamics of fallow deer management in medieval England (c. 11th-16th century AD). Science & Technology of Archaeological Research (10.1080/20548923.2016.1208027)
- Madgwick, R. 2016. New light on feasting and deposition: exploring accumulation history through taphonomic analysis at later prehistoric middens in Britain. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 8, pp. 329-341. (10.1007/s12520-015-0271-2)
- Booth, T. J. and Madgwick, R. 2016. New evidence for diverse secondary burial practices in Iron Age Britain: A histological case study. Journal of Archaeological Science 67, pp. 14-24. (10.1016/j.jas.2016.01.010)
- Gwilt, A., Lodwick, M., Deacon, J., Wells, N., Madgwick, R. and Young, T. 2016. Ephemeral Abundance at Llanmaes: Exploring the residues and resonances of an Earliest Iron Age midden and its associated archaeological context in the Vale of Glamorgan. In: Koch, J. and Cunliffe, B. eds. Celtic from the West 3. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 277-303.
- Miller, H., Carden, R., Lamb, A., Madgwick, R., Osborne, D., Symmons, R. and Sykes, N. 2016. Dead or alive? Investigating long-distance transport of live fallow deer and their body-parts in Antiquity. Environmental Archaeology 21(3), pp. 246-259. (10.1179/1749631414Y.0000000043)
- Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J. 2015. Feasting on fore-limbs: Conspicuous consumption and identity in later prehistoric Britain. Antiquity 89(345), pp. 629-644. (10.15184/aqy.2015.24)
- Madgwick, R. 2015. These bare bones: raw materials and the study of osseous objects, edited by A. Choyke and S. O’Connor. [Book Review]. Archaeological Journal 172(2), pp. 498-499. (10.1080/00665983.2014.985045)
- Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J. 2015. Reconstructing depositional histories through bone taphonomy: extending the potential of faunal data. Journal of Archaeological Science 53, pp. 255-263. (10.1016/j.jas.2014.10.015)
- Madgwick, R. and Hodkinson, P. 2015. The animal bones. In: Davis, O. and Sharples, N. eds. Excavations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales, 2014: An Interim Report. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Vol. 35. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of History, Archaeology and Religion, pp. 66-72.
- Baker, K., Carden, R. and Madgwick, R. eds. 2015. Deer and people. Windgather Press.
- Smith, G. et al. 2015. Snail Cave rock shelter, North Wales: a new prehistoric site. Archaeologia Cambrensis 163, pp. 99-131.
- Smith, G. et al. 2015. Rescue excavation at the Bronze Age copper smelting site at Pentrwyn, Great Orme, Llandudno, Conwy. Archaeology in Wales 54, pp. 53-71.
- Smith, G. et al. 2014. A late Bronze Age/early Iron Age hilltop enclosure with evidence of Early and Middle Neolithic and Early Medieval Settlement at Carrog, Llanbadrig, Anglesey.. Studia Celtica 48(1), pp. 55-92.
- Davis, O., Young, T., Pannett, A. and Madgwick, R. 2014. Excavations of a second iron age enclosure on Winnall Down, Winchester, Hampshire, 2006. Hampshire Studies 69, pp. 23-48.
- Madgwick, R. 2014. What makes bones shiny? Investigating trampling as a cause of bone abrasion. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 6(2), pp. 163-173. (10.1007/s12520-013-0165-0)
- Madgwick, R. 2014. Taphonomy and depositional history at Potterne, Wiltshire. In: Baker, P. and Worley, F. eds. Animal Bones and Archaeology: Guidelines for Best Practice. English Heritage, pp. 45-46.
- Madgwick, R., Forest, V. and Beglane, F. 2013. Syndactyly in pigs: A review of previous research and the presentation of eight archaeological specimens. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 23(4), pp. 395-409. (10.1002/oa.1260)
- Madgwick, R., Sykes, N., Miller, H., Symmons, R., Morris, J. and Lamb, A. 2013. Fallow deer (Dama dama dama) management in Roman South-East Britain (In Press). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 5(1), pp. 111-122. (10.1007/s12520-013-0120-0)
- Madgwick, R., Mulville, J. and Stevens, R. E. 2012. Diversity in foddering strategy and herd management in late Bronze Age Britain: an isotopic investigation of pigs and other fauna from two midden sites. Environmental Archaeology 17(2), pp. 126-140. (10.1179/1461410312Z.00000000011)
- Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J. 2012. Investigating variation in the prevalence of weathering in faunal assemblages in the UK: a multivariate statistical approach. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22(5), pp. 509-522. (10.1002/oa.1274)
- Marín-Arroyo, A. B., Madgwick, R., Brugal, J. and Moreno-García, M. 2012. New perspectives on taphonomy. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22(5), pp. 505-508. (10.1002/oa.1270)
- Mulville, J. and Madgwick, R. 2012. The animal bones from Frobost. In: Parker Pearson, M. ed. From Machair to Mountains: Archaeological Survey and Excavation in South Uist. Sheffield Environmental and Archeaological Research Campaign in the Hebrides Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 276.
- Madgwick, R., Stevens, R. and O'Connell, T. 2012. Isotopic analysis of the fauna. In: Sharples, N. M. ed. An Iron Age Farmstead in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations at Mound 1. Bornais, South Uist.. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 243-246.
- Madgwick, R. 2012. The natural history of a neglected species. Deer: The Journal of the British Deer Society, pp. 26-27.
- Mulville, J. and Madgwick, R. 2012. The animal bones from Sligeanach. In: Parker Pearson, M. ed. From Machair to Mountains: Archaeological Survey and Excavation in South Uist. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 238-241.
- Mulville, J. and Madgwick, R. 2012. The animal bones from Aisgernis. In: Parker Pearson, M. ed. From Machair to Mountains: Archaeological Survey and Excavation in South Uist. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 282-283.
- Madgwick, R., Mulville, J. and Evans, J. 2012. Investigating diagenesis and the suitability of porcine enamel for strontium (Sr-87/Sr-86) isotope analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27(5), pp. 733-742. (10.1039/C2JA10356G)
- Mulville, J., Madgwick, R., Powell, A. and Parker Pearson, M. 2012. Flesh on the bones: animal bodies in Atlantic roundhouses. In: Pluskowski, A. ed. The Ritual Killing and Burial of Animals: European Perspectives. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 205-219.
- Madgwick, R., Mulville, J. and Stevens, R. 2011. Raising pigs (and other animals) in Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Britain. PAST 69, pp. 13-15.
- Madgwick, R. 2011. The faunal assemblage. In: Waddington, K. and Sharples, N. eds. The Excavations at Whitchurch2006-2009: An Interim Report. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Vol. 31. Cardiff: School of History, Archaeology and Religion, pp. 53-55.
- Madgwick, R. 2010. Bone modification and the conceptual relationship between humans and animals in Iron Age Wessex. In: Morris, J. and Maltby, M. eds. Integrating Social and Environmental Archaeologies: Reconsidering Deposition. BAR international series Vol. 2177. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 66-82.
- Mulville, J., Madgwick, R., Stevens, R., O'Connell, T., Powell, A., Sharples, N. M. and Parker Pearson, M. 2009. Isotopic analysis of faunal material from South Uist, Western Isles, Scotland. Journal of the North Atlantic, pp. 51-59. (10.3721/037.002.0106)
- Baker, S., Gray, A., Lakin, K., Madgwick, R., Poole, K. and Sandias, M. 2009. Food and drink in Archaeology 2. Totnes: Prospect.
- Redknap, M., Madgwick, R., Davies, B., Gwilt, A. and Cox, M. 2008. The Lesser Garth Cave human remains: An interim statement. Archaeology in Wales 48, pp. 75-77.
- Madgwick, R. 2008. Patterns in the modification of animal and human bones in Iron Age Wessex: revisiting the excarnation debate. Presented at: 8th Annual Iron Age Research Student Seminar, Cardiff, UK, 18-19 May 2006 Presented at Davis, O., Sharples, N. M. and Waddington, K. E. eds.Changing Perspectives on the First Millennium BC: Proceedings of the Iron Age Research Student Seminar 2006. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Oxford: Oxbow Books pp. 99-118.
- Madgwick, R. 2008. IFA workplace training. The Archaeologist 69, pp. 46-47.
- Madgwick, R. 2008. Benefits of bursaries: Zooarchaeology at Cardiff. The Archaeologist 67, pp. 7-7.
Adrannau llyfrau
- O'Brien Butler, C. and Madgwick, R. 2024. Biological distance analysis. In: Gilbert, D., Morgan-James, R. and Sinott, S. eds. A Journey through 600 Years of History: Archaeological Investigations Along the A4226 Five Mile Lane Improvement Scheme. Red River Archaeological Monograph Cork: Red River Archaeology Group, pp. 459-479.
- Faillace, K. and Madgwick, R. 2024. Isotope analysis. In: Gilbert, D., Morgan-James, R. and Sinhott, S. eds. A Journey through 600 Years of History: Archaeological Investigations Along the A4226 Five Mile Lane Improvement Scheme. Red River Archaeological Monograph Cork: Red River Archaeology Group, pp. 434-456.
- Madgwick, R. and Bricking, A. 2023. Exploring mortuary practices: Histotaphonomic analysis of the human remains and associated fauna. In: Guarino, P. and Barclay, A. eds. In the Shadow of Segsbury: The Archaoelogy of the H380 Childrey Warren Water Pipeline, Oxfordshire, 2018-20. Cotswold Archaeology Monograph Cirencester: Cotswold Archaeology, pp. 96-102.
- Booth, T. J., Bronnimann, D., Madgwick, R. and Portmann, C. 2022. The taphonomic and archaeothanatological potentials of diagenetic alterations of archaeological bone. In: Knusel, C. J. and Schotsmans, E. M. J. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Archaeothanatology: Bioarchaeology of Mortuary Behaviour. Routledge, pp. 580-599.
- Jones, J., Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J. 2020. Animal management and marine resource use: the stable isotope evidence. In: Sharples, N. ed. The Economy of a Norse Settlement in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations at Mounds 2 and 2a, Bornais, South Uist., Vol. 4. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 361-367.
- Law, M. and Madgwick, R. 2019. Hand collected shell. In: Greenslade, S. ed. Butrint 6 Excavations on the Vrina Plain. Volume 2: The Finds. Butrint Archaeological Monographs Oxbow, pp. 237-244.
- Madgwick, R. 2019. Diet and economy: The faunal evidence. In: Greenslade, S. ed. Butrint 6 Excavations on the Vrina Plain. Volume 2: The Finds. Butrint Archaeological Monographs Oxbow, pp. 209-226.
- Madgwick, R. 2019. Taphonomy and depositional history at Potterne, Wiltshire. In: Baker, P. and Worley, F. eds. Animal Bones and Archaeology: Recovery to Archive. Swindon: Historic England, pp. 64-65.
- Madgwick, R. and Roberts, A. 2019. The human teeth [Section within The Animal and Human Bone]. In: Lane, A. and Redknap, M. eds. Llangorse Crannog: The Excavation of an Early Medieval Royal Site in the Kingdom of Brycheiniog. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 191.
- Whitley, J. and Madgwick, R. 2018. Consuming the wild: more thoughts on the andreion. In: van den Ejinde, F., Biok, J. and Strootman, R. eds. Feasting and Polis Institutions. Leiden: Brill, pp. 125-148.
- Livarda, A. and Madgwick, R. 2018. Ritual and religion: bioarchaeological perspectives. In: Livarda, A., Madgwick, R. and Mora, S. R. eds. The Biaorchaeology of Ritual and Religion. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 1-13., (10.2307/j.ctvh1dpkx.7)
- Bayliss, A., Cartwright, C., Cook, G., Griffiths, S., Madgwick, R., Marshall, P. and Reimer, P. 2017. Rings of fire and Grooved Ware settlement at West Kennet, Wiltshire. In: Bickle, P. et al. eds. The Neolithic of Europe. Oxbow, pp. 249-278.
- Gwilt, A., Lodwick, M., Deacon, J., Wells, N., Madgwick, R. and Young, T. 2016. Ephemeral Abundance at Llanmaes: Exploring the residues and resonances of an Earliest Iron Age midden and its associated archaeological context in the Vale of Glamorgan. In: Koch, J. and Cunliffe, B. eds. Celtic from the West 3. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 277-303.
- Madgwick, R. and Hodkinson, P. 2015. The animal bones. In: Davis, O. and Sharples, N. eds. Excavations at Caerau Hillfort, Cardiff, South Wales, 2014: An Interim Report. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Vol. 35. Cardiff: Cardiff University School of History, Archaeology and Religion, pp. 66-72.
- Madgwick, R. 2014. Taphonomy and depositional history at Potterne, Wiltshire. In: Baker, P. and Worley, F. eds. Animal Bones and Archaeology: Guidelines for Best Practice. English Heritage, pp. 45-46.
- Mulville, J. and Madgwick, R. 2012. The animal bones from Frobost. In: Parker Pearson, M. ed. From Machair to Mountains: Archaeological Survey and Excavation in South Uist. Sheffield Environmental and Archeaological Research Campaign in the Hebrides Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 276.
- Madgwick, R., Stevens, R. and O'Connell, T. 2012. Isotopic analysis of the fauna. In: Sharples, N. M. ed. An Iron Age Farmstead in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations at Mound 1. Bornais, South Uist.. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 243-246.
- Mulville, J. and Madgwick, R. 2012. The animal bones from Sligeanach. In: Parker Pearson, M. ed. From Machair to Mountains: Archaeological Survey and Excavation in South Uist. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 238-241.
- Mulville, J. and Madgwick, R. 2012. The animal bones from Aisgernis. In: Parker Pearson, M. ed. From Machair to Mountains: Archaeological Survey and Excavation in South Uist. Oxford: Oxbow, pp. 282-283.
- Mulville, J., Madgwick, R., Powell, A. and Parker Pearson, M. 2012. Flesh on the bones: animal bodies in Atlantic roundhouses. In: Pluskowski, A. ed. The Ritual Killing and Burial of Animals: European Perspectives. Oxford: Oxbow Books, pp. 205-219.
- Madgwick, R. 2011. The faunal assemblage. In: Waddington, K. and Sharples, N. eds. The Excavations at Whitchurch2006-2009: An Interim Report. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Vol. 31. Cardiff: School of History, Archaeology and Religion, pp. 53-55.
- Madgwick, R. 2010. Bone modification and the conceptual relationship between humans and animals in Iron Age Wessex. In: Morris, J. and Maltby, M. eds. Integrating Social and Environmental Archaeologies: Reconsidering Deposition. BAR international series Vol. 2177. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 66-82.
- Madgwick, R. 2008. Patterns in the modification of animal and human bones in Iron Age Wessex: revisiting the excarnation debate. Presented at: 8th Annual Iron Age Research Student Seminar, Cardiff, UK, 18-19 May 2006 Presented at Davis, O., Sharples, N. M. and Waddington, K. E. eds.Changing Perspectives on the First Millennium BC: Proceedings of the Iron Age Research Student Seminar 2006. Cardiff Studies in Archaeology Oxford: Oxbow Books pp. 99-118.
- Tudor, T., Crozier, R. and Madgwick, R. 2025. All mixed up: Investigating mortuary practice and processes of disarticulation through integrated histotaphonomic analysis at the Knowe of Rowiegar, Neolithic chambered cairn, Orkney, UK. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 32, article number: 9. (10.1007/s10816-024-09673-6)
- Bricking, A., Revell, B. and Madgwick, R. 2025. Death and dichotomy: Exploring varied human and animal depositional practices in the Iron Age at Battlesbury Bowl, UK, through histotaphonomy. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 32, article number: 18. (10.1007/s10816-024-09674-5)
- Guillamon-Davila, A., Martinez Sanchez, R., Nederbragt, A., Andersen, M. and Madgwick, R. 2024. Tracing the path: First attempt of a multi-isotope approach to animal management in the Late Roman city of Torreparedones (Baena, Spain). Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 60, article number: 104851. (10.1016/j.jasrep.2024.104851)
- Macheridis, S., Faillace, K., Hood, M., Sayle, K. L., Inglis, E. and Madgwick, R. 2024. Sheep ahoy: Exploring sheep management and its role in Viking Age economy through multiproxy analyses at Löddeköpinge, Sweden. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 34(6), article number: e3355. (10.1002/oa.3355)
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- Blair, J., Hines, J., Tait, K. and Madgwick, R. 2023. Shakenoak revisited: post-Roman occupation and burial at a Cotswold-edge villa in the light of new evidence and approaches. Archaeological Journal 180(1), pp. 35-81. (10.1080/00665983.2023.2267891)
- Lamb, A., Chenery, C., Madgwick, R. and Evans, J. 2023. Wet feet: developing sulfur isotope provenance methods to identify wetland inhabitants. Royal Society Open Science 10(10), article number: 230391. (10.1098/rsos.230391)
- Guest, P., Ma, H., Mion, L., Lamb, A. L. and Madgwick, R. 2023. Feeding the Roman army in Britain. Antiquity 97(395), article number: e29. (10.15184/aqy.2023.110)
- Messana, C., Tornero, C., Madgwick, R., Lamb, A., Evans, J. and Colominas, L. 2023. Between valleys, plateaus, and mountains: unveiling livestock altitudinal mobility in the Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (3rd c. BC) through a multi-isotope approach. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2, article number: 1245725. (10.3389/fearc.2023.1245725)
- Madgwick, R., Esposito, C. and Lamb, A. 2023. Farming and feasting during the Bronze Age–Iron Age transition in Britain (ca. 900–500 bce): multi-isotope evidence for societal change. Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology 2, article number: 122158. (10.3389/fearc.2023.1221581)
- Mavroudas, S. R., Alfsdotter, C., Bricking, A. and Madgwick, R. 2023. Experimental investigation of histotaphonomic changes in human bone from whole-body donors demonstrates limited effects of early post-mortem change in bone. Journal of Archaeological Science 154, article number: 105789. (10.1016/j.jas.2023.105789)
- Evans, J. A. et al. 2022. Applying lead (Pb) isotopes to explore mobility in humans and animals. PLoS ONE 17(10), article number: e0274831. (10.1371/journal.pone.0274831)
- Bricking, A., Hayes, A. and Madgwick, R. 2022. An interim report on histological analysis of human bones from Fishmonger's Swallet, Gloucestershire. Proceedings of the University of Bristol Speleological Society 29(1), pp. 67-86.
- Holt, E., Evans, J. A. and Madgwick, R. 2021. Strontium (87Sr/86Sr) mapping: A critical review of methods and approaches. Earth-Science Reviews 216, article number: 103593. (10.1016/j.earscirev.2021.103593)
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- Madgwick, R., Lamb, A., Sloane, H., Nederbragt, A., Albarella, U., Parker Pearson, M. and Evans, J. 2021. A veritable confusion: use and abuse of isotope analysis in archaeology. Archaeological Journal 178(2), pp. 361-385. (10.1080/00665983.2021.1911099)
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- Madgwick, R. 2021. The beaker people: isotopes, mobility and diet in prehistoric Britain, edited by Mike Parker Pearson, Alison Sheridan, Mandy Jay, Andrew Chamberlain, Michael P. Richards and Jane Evans [Book Review]. Archaeological Journal 178(2), pp. 386-390. (10.1080/00665983.2021.1894769)
- Walker, E., Chapman, E., Chivall, D., Faillace, K., Hodkinson, P., Madgwick, R. and O'Regan, H. 2021. Carreg Cennen Castle Cave, Llandeilo, Carmarthenshire: a review of the work undertaken by T. C. Cantrill in 1900. Archaeologia Cambrensis 170, pp. 67-76.
- Faillace, K., Foody, M. and Madgwick, R. 2020. Exploring the potential of TEM analysis for understanding cooking at prehistoric feasting sites. Scientific Reports 10, article number: 13635. (10.1038/s41598-020-70628-4)
- Craig-Atkins, E. et al. 2020. The dietary impact of the Norman Conquest: a multiproxy archaeological investigation of Oxford, UK. PLoS ONE 15(7), article number: e0235005. (10.1371/journal.pone.0235005)
- Madgwick, R. 2020. Isotopic investigations of pastoralism in prehistory, edited by A. Ventresca Miller and C. Makarewicz. [Book Review]. Archaeological Journal 177(2), pp. 484-485. (10.1080/00665983.2019.1698855)
- Roberts, D. et al. 2020. Middle Neolithic pits and a burial at West Amesbury, Wiltshire. Archaeological Journal 177(2), pp. 167-213. (10.1080/00665983.2020.1758495)
- Madgwick, R., Grimes, V., Lamb, A. L., Nederbragt, A. J., Evans, J. A. and McCormick, F. 2019. Feasting and mobility in Iron Age Ireland: Multi-isotope analysis reveals the vast catchment of Navan Fort, Ulster. Scientific Reports 9(1), article number: 19792. (10.1038/s41598-019-55671-0)
- Evans, J., Parker Pearson, M., Madgwick, R., Sloane, H. and Albarella, U. 2019. Strontium and oxygen isotope evidence for the origin and movement of cattle at Late Neolithic Durrington Walls, UK. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11(10), pp. 5181-5197. (10.1007/s12520-019-00849-w)
- Worley, F. et al. 2019. Understanding Middle Neolithic food and farming in and around the Stonehenge World Heritage Site: An integrated approach. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 26, article number: 101838. (10.1016/j.jasrep.2019.05.003)
- Madgwick, R., Lamb, A. L., Sloane, H., Nederbragt, A. J., Albarella, U., Parker Pearson, M. and Evans, J. A. 2019. Multi-isotope analysis reveals that feasts in the Stonehenge environs and across Wessex drew people and animals from throughout Britain. Science Advances 5(3), article number: eaau6078. (10.1126/sciadv.aau6078)
- Madgwick, R., Lewis, J., Grimes, V. and Guest, P. 2019. On the hoof: exploring the supply of animals to the Roman legionary fortress at Caerleon using strontium (87Sr/86Sr) isotope analysis. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, pp. 223-235. (10.1007/s12520-017-0539-9)
- Waddington, K., Bayliss, A., Higham, T., Madgwick, R. and Sharples, N. 2019. Histories of deposition: creating chronology for the Late Bronze Age-Early Iron Age transition in Southern Britain. Archaeological Journal 176(1), pp. 84-133. (10.1080/00665983.2018.1504859)
- Evans, J., Pashley, V., Madgwick, R., Neil, S. and Chenery, C. 2018. Tracking natural and anthropogenic Pb exposure to its geological source. Scientific Reports 8, article number: 1969. (10.1038/s41598-018-20397-y)
- Jones, I., Williams, D., Williams, S., Carruthers, W., Madgwick, R. and Young, T. 2018. Early medieval enclosure at Glanfred, near Llandre, Ceredigion.. Archaeologia Cambrensis 167, pp. 221-243.
- Drnic, I., Trimmis, K., Hale, A., Madgwick, R., Reed, K., Barbir, A. and Maderic, M. 2018. Assemblages from marginal apaces: The results of the excavations in Mala (Nova) Pećina near Muć and the Neolithic of Dalmatinska Zagora. Prilozi Instituta Za Arheologiju U Zagrebu 35, pp. 29-70.
- Twiss, K. et al. 2017. Horses, hemiones, hydruntines? assessing the reliability of dental criteria for assigning species to Southwest Asian equid remains. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 27(2), pp. 298-304. (10.1002/oa.2524)
- Madgwick, R., Grimes, V., Lamb, A. and McCormick, F. 2017. Isotope analysis reveals that feasts at Navan Fort, Ulster, drew people and animals from across Ireland. PAST 87, pp. 15-16.
- Valenzuela, A. et al. 2016. Both introduced and extinct: The fallow deer of Roman Mallorca. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 9, pp. 168-177. (10.1016/j.jasrep.2016.06.038)
- Madgwick, R., Redknap, M. and Davies, B. 2016. Illuminating Lesser Garth Cave, Cardiff: the human remains and post-Roman archaeology in context. Archaeologia Cambrensis 165, pp. 201-229.
- Sykes, N. et al. 2016. Wild to domestic and back again: the dynamics of fallow deer management in medieval England (c. 11th-16th century AD). Science & Technology of Archaeological Research (10.1080/20548923.2016.1208027)
- Madgwick, R. 2016. New light on feasting and deposition: exploring accumulation history through taphonomic analysis at later prehistoric middens in Britain. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 8, pp. 329-341. (10.1007/s12520-015-0271-2)
- Booth, T. J. and Madgwick, R. 2016. New evidence for diverse secondary burial practices in Iron Age Britain: A histological case study. Journal of Archaeological Science 67, pp. 14-24. (10.1016/j.jas.2016.01.010)
- Miller, H., Carden, R., Lamb, A., Madgwick, R., Osborne, D., Symmons, R. and Sykes, N. 2016. Dead or alive? Investigating long-distance transport of live fallow deer and their body-parts in Antiquity. Environmental Archaeology 21(3), pp. 246-259. (10.1179/1749631414Y.0000000043)
- Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J. 2015. Feasting on fore-limbs: Conspicuous consumption and identity in later prehistoric Britain. Antiquity 89(345), pp. 629-644. (10.15184/aqy.2015.24)
- Madgwick, R. 2015. These bare bones: raw materials and the study of osseous objects, edited by A. Choyke and S. O’Connor. [Book Review]. Archaeological Journal 172(2), pp. 498-499. (10.1080/00665983.2014.985045)
- Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J. 2015. Reconstructing depositional histories through bone taphonomy: extending the potential of faunal data. Journal of Archaeological Science 53, pp. 255-263. (10.1016/j.jas.2014.10.015)
- Smith, G. et al. 2015. Snail Cave rock shelter, North Wales: a new prehistoric site. Archaeologia Cambrensis 163, pp. 99-131.
- Smith, G. et al. 2015. Rescue excavation at the Bronze Age copper smelting site at Pentrwyn, Great Orme, Llandudno, Conwy. Archaeology in Wales 54, pp. 53-71.
- Smith, G. et al. 2014. A late Bronze Age/early Iron Age hilltop enclosure with evidence of Early and Middle Neolithic and Early Medieval Settlement at Carrog, Llanbadrig, Anglesey.. Studia Celtica 48(1), pp. 55-92.
- Davis, O., Young, T., Pannett, A. and Madgwick, R. 2014. Excavations of a second iron age enclosure on Winnall Down, Winchester, Hampshire, 2006. Hampshire Studies 69, pp. 23-48.
- Madgwick, R. 2014. What makes bones shiny? Investigating trampling as a cause of bone abrasion. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 6(2), pp. 163-173. (10.1007/s12520-013-0165-0)
- Madgwick, R., Forest, V. and Beglane, F. 2013. Syndactyly in pigs: A review of previous research and the presentation of eight archaeological specimens. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 23(4), pp. 395-409. (10.1002/oa.1260)
- Madgwick, R., Sykes, N., Miller, H., Symmons, R., Morris, J. and Lamb, A. 2013. Fallow deer (Dama dama dama) management in Roman South-East Britain (In Press). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 5(1), pp. 111-122. (10.1007/s12520-013-0120-0)
- Madgwick, R., Mulville, J. and Stevens, R. E. 2012. Diversity in foddering strategy and herd management in late Bronze Age Britain: an isotopic investigation of pigs and other fauna from two midden sites. Environmental Archaeology 17(2), pp. 126-140. (10.1179/1461410312Z.00000000011)
- Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J. 2012. Investigating variation in the prevalence of weathering in faunal assemblages in the UK: a multivariate statistical approach. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22(5), pp. 509-522. (10.1002/oa.1274)
- Marín-Arroyo, A. B., Madgwick, R., Brugal, J. and Moreno-García, M. 2012. New perspectives on taphonomy. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22(5), pp. 505-508. (10.1002/oa.1270)
- Madgwick, R. 2012. The natural history of a neglected species. Deer: The Journal of the British Deer Society, pp. 26-27.
- Madgwick, R., Mulville, J. and Evans, J. 2012. Investigating diagenesis and the suitability of porcine enamel for strontium (Sr-87/Sr-86) isotope analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 27(5), pp. 733-742. (10.1039/C2JA10356G)
- Madgwick, R., Mulville, J. and Stevens, R. 2011. Raising pigs (and other animals) in Late Bronze Age/Early Iron Age Britain. PAST 69, pp. 13-15.
- Mulville, J., Madgwick, R., Stevens, R., O'Connell, T., Powell, A., Sharples, N. M. and Parker Pearson, M. 2009. Isotopic analysis of faunal material from South Uist, Western Isles, Scotland. Journal of the North Atlantic, pp. 51-59. (10.3721/037.002.0106)
- Redknap, M., Madgwick, R., Davies, B., Gwilt, A. and Cox, M. 2008. The Lesser Garth Cave human remains: An interim statement. Archaeology in Wales 48, pp. 75-77.
- Madgwick, R. 2008. IFA workplace training. The Archaeologist 69, pp. 46-47.
- Madgwick, R. 2008. Benefits of bursaries: Zooarchaeology at Cardiff. The Archaeologist 67, pp. 7-7.
- Livarda, A., Madgwick, R. and Riera, S. 2018. The bioarchaeology of ritual and religion. Oxford: Oxbow.
- Baker, K., Carden, R. and Madgwick, R. eds. 2015. Deer and people. Windgather Press.
- Baker, S., Gray, A., Lakin, K., Madgwick, R., Poole, K. and Sandias, M. 2009. Food and drink in Archaeology 2. Totnes: Prospect.
- Madgwick, R., Forest, V. and Beglane, F. 2013. Syndactyly in pigs: A review of previous research and the presentation of eight archaeological specimens. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 23(4), pp. 395-409. (10.1002/oa.1260)
- Madgwick, R., Sykes, N., Miller, H., Symmons, R., Morris, J. and Lamb, A. 2013. Fallow deer (Dama dama dama) management in Roman South-East Britain (In Press). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 5(1), pp. 111-122. (10.1007/s12520-013-0120-0)
- Madgwick, R., Mulville, J. and Stevens, R. E. 2012. Diversity in foddering strategy and herd management in late Bronze Age Britain: an isotopic investigation of pigs and other fauna from two midden sites. Environmental Archaeology 17(2), pp. 126-140. (10.1179/1461410312Z.00000000011)
- Madgwick, R. and Mulville, J. 2012. Investigating variation in the prevalence of weathering in faunal assemblages in the UK: a multivariate statistical approach. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 22(5), pp. 509-522. (10.1002/oa.1274)
Mae'r prosiectau ymchwil presennol yn cynnwys:
FFRÂM: Bwydo'r Fyddin Rufeinig, Gwneud yr Ymerodraeth
Ariannwyd gan ERC (€ 2 miliwn, PI 2025-2030)
Bydd FRAME yn archwilio sut y cafodd yr her fawr o gyflenwi'r fyddin Rufeinig ar ffiniau pell, gelyniaethus ac amrywiol ei chyrraedd a sut y gwnaeth hyn sicrhau gwytnwch a hirhoedledd yr Ymerodraeth. Bydd yn ail-greu diet, cyflenwad, cynhyrchu milwrol a'r effaith ar gymunedau a thirweddau lleol, gan ganolbwyntio ar barthau o'r Môr Du i Wal Hadrian. Mae'r prosiect yn integreiddio gwyddoniaeth gydag archaeoleg a hanes ac mae'n cynnwys cydweithio â Vianova Archaeology and Heritage, Prifysgol Bryste a Phrifysgol Rhydychen ynghyd ag ystod eang o gydweithredwyr Ewropeaidd. https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2885043-cardiff-university-project-revealing-roman-army-supply-strategies-awarded-2m-grant
RoBMobS: Britannia Rhufeinig: Symudedd a Chymdeithas
Ariannwyd gan AHRC (£1.49 miliwn, Co-I 2025-2028)
RoBMobS yw'r astudiaeth DNA archeolegol, isotop a hynafol (aDNA) gyfun fwyaf i boblogaeth Rufeinig a gynhaliwyd erioed. Dan arweiniad David Roberts (Caerdydd) a hefyd yn gweithio gyda Sophy Charlton (Efrog), bydd y prosiect yn ailedrych ar ragdybiaethau am fudo a symudedd ym Mhrydain Rufeinig. Mae'n manteisio ar ddata o ansawdd uchel a gynhyrchir gan archaeolegwyr arbenigol sy'n gweithio ar fynwentydd a gloddiwyd cyn eu datblygu yn ein galluogi i weithio'n fwy effeithlon, gan ailddefnyddio data cydweithwyr ac ychwanegu gwerth ychwanegol at brosiectau presennol. https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2881401-largest-study-into-the-people-of-roman-britain-set-to-transform-understandings-of-the-period
Dioddef: Bywyd Trefol mewn Cyfnod o Argyfwng
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Mae ENDURE yn manteisio ar fàs critigol o ddata archaeolegol ac arloesiadau mewn gwyddor archeolegol i ofyn sut y trawsnewidiwyd ffyrdd trefol gan argyfyngau o'r 14eg i'r 15fed ganrif. Mae dirywiad trefol, canlyniad newid yn yr hinsawdd, pla ac aflonyddwch gwleidyddol wedi bod yn thema allweddol mewn astudiaethau canoloesol. Mae ffocws ar ddirywiad yn cuddio profiadau byw amrywiol cymunedau trefol. Gan ganolbwyntio ar drefi bach Lloegr, mae ENDURE yn gofyn a oedd rhai elfennau o fywyd bob dydd yn parhau, tra bod eraill yn cael eu newid yn anadferadwy. https://enduringurbanism.wordpress.com/home/about/
FRAB: Bwydo'r Fyddin Rufeinig ym Mhrydain
Ariannwyd gan Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme (£356k PI, 2022-5)
Mae'r prosiect hwn ynhyrwyddo dealltwriaeth o'r fyddin Rufeinig ac imperialaeth Rufeinig trwy gynhyrchu tystiolaeth newydd ar gyfer y rhwydweithiau logistaidd a'r strategaethau economaidd a oedd yn cyflenwi milwyr yn nhalaith Britannia. Gan ddefnyddio dadansoddiad aml-isotop (strontium, ocsigen, sylffwr, carbon a nitrogen) ar ffawna domestig, mae strategaethau ar gyfer milwyr sy'n darparu yn cael eu hailadeiladu mewn tri rhanbarth ffiniol - Mur Hadrian, Mur Antonine a de-ddwyrain Cymru. Angela Lamb (British Geological Survey) yw'r Co-I a Peter Guest (Vianova) yw'r cydweithredwr ymgynghorol, gyda Leïa Mion (colagen) a Hongjiao Ma (enamel) yn PDRAs. Mae'r prosiect yn dilyn prosiect cwmpasu a ariannwyd gan yr Ymddiriedolaeth Ymchwil Rufeinig ac mae prosiect peilot ar gaer llengfilwyr Caerllion wedi'i gyhoeddi: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12520-017-0539-9. Ymddangosodd y rhaglen ar BBC Radio 4 Making History: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/b09ly6rp
Gwefan y prosiect: https://vianovaarchaeology.com/feeding-the-roman-army-in-britain/
FEASTNET: Rhwydweithiau gwledda a Gwydnwch ar ddiwedd Oes Efydd Prydain
Ariannwyd gan AHRC/UKRI (£261k PI, 2021-4)
Mae'r prosiect hwn yn defnyddio dull aml-isotop (strontiwm, sylffwr, carbon, nitrogen ac ocsigen) ar anifeiliaid domestig i archwilio ymatebion i ddirywiad yn yr hinsawdd a chwalfa fasnach ar ddiwedd yr Oes Efydd ym Mhrydain. Angela Lamb (British Geological Survey) yw'r Co-I. Carmen Esposito yw'r prosiect PDRA. Mae partneriaid y prosiect yn cynnwys Operation Nightingale, The Wiltshire Museum, The British Museum a Breaking Ground Heritage.
Passage Tomb People
Ariannwyd gan Gyngor Ymchwil Iwerddon (€ 600k 2020-3, Co-I)
Mae Passage Tomb People yn archwilio ysgogwyr cymdeithasol adeiladu beddrod darn ar hyd Ffasâd yr Iwerydd, gan ganolbwyntio ar archaeoleg tri pharth allweddol: Iwerddon, Gogledd Cymru ac Orkney. Mae'n defnyddio methodoleg amlffactoraidd newydd ar serameg ac olion dynol a ffaral, gan ddefnyddio dadansoddiadau macrosgopig a moleciwlaidd (14C, dadansoddiad aml-isotop, gweddillion organig a phroteomeg). Y PI yw Jessica Smyth (UCD), rwy'n arwain y rhaglen o ddadansoddi aml-isotop ar bobl ac anifeiliaid. Mae Katie Faillace (myfyriwr PhD) yn ymgymryd â'r ymchwil isotop.
Gwefan y prosiect: https://passagetombpeople.com/
PHEMOR: Datgladdu Ôl-Humous a Symud Olion Osteolegol: Dull iso-histolegol arloesol o arferion marwol Prehispanic Maya a mudo
Cymrodoriaeth Unigol Marie Skłodowska Curie [Asta Rand] (£186k, 2023-2025, Goruchwyliwr)
Mae Phemor yn cyfuno dulliau isotopig lluosog â dadansoddiad histolegol o ficrostrwythurau esgyrn dynol i ddeall arferion marwol yn well (h.y. triniaeth corff) a symudiad post-mortem gweddillion dynol yng nghyd-destunau Prehispanic Maya. Bydd y prosiect yn archwilio a ellir ail-greu symudiad post-mortem esgyrn wedi'u datgladdu'n isotopig, gyda signalau cemegol o amgylcheddau claddu gwreiddiol o bosibl wedi'u harchifo mewn asgwrn.
ZOOCRETE: ZOOarchaeology of Historical CRETE: Ymagwedd Aml-scalar at Anifeiliaid yng Ngwlad Groeg Hynafol
Cymrodoriaeth Unigol Marie Skłodowska Curie [Dibble Fflint] (£198k, 2021-2024, Goruchwyliwr)
Mae ZOOCRETE yn mabwysiadu dull rhyngddisgyblaethol i archwilio datblygiad a gwytnwch gwladwriaethau dinasyddion yn Creta hynafol trwy lens gwledda cymunedol a chynhyrchu bwyd. Mae'r ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar ddadansoddiadau ysgerbydol ac aml-isotop (carbon, nitrogen, ocsigen a strontiwm) o weddillion faunal o adeiladau bwyta dinesig a mannau preswyl mewn pedwar anheddiad Creta o'r mileniwm cyntaf CC, o'i gymharu â dadansoddiad meintiol o ffynonellau testunol Groeg hynafol sy'n disgrifio cynhyrchu a defnyddio anifeiliaid. https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2641608-how-archaeology-is-revealing-the-economies-supporting-feasting-in-the-ancient-world
BONEZ: Paganiaeth Baltig, Osteology, ac Archwiliadau Newydd o Dystiolaeth Zooarchaeological
Cymrodoriaeth Unigol Marie Skłodowska Curie [Katie McCullough Ffrangeg] (£197k, 2021-2023, Goruchwyliwr)
Roedd cymunedau Môr Baltig yn wynebu pwysau dwys o'r 12fed ganrif i'r 13eg ganrif OC, gan gynnwys gwladychiad, trawsnewidiadau gorfodol, a newid amgylcheddol. Y mesur cliriaf o'r shifftiau cymdeithasol seismig hyn yw sut newidiodd ymddygiad crefyddol a marwol mewn ymateb, wrth i gymunedau greu a thrafod hunaniaeth gyffredin trwy berfformio defod. Mae prosiect BONEZ yn integreiddio dulliau aml-ddirprwyol (histolegol, isotope, a proteomig) i ymchwilio i dyddodiad defodol angladdol ac anangladdol anifeiliaid yng Ngwlad Pwyl, Lithwania, a Kaliningrad cyn, yn ystod, ac ar ôl gwladychu (1af i 13eg OC). https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/2665945-hoofing-it-uncovering-the-mystery-of-baltic-graves-holding-horses-and-humans-over-a-millennia
AMTIB: Symudedd Anifeiliaid trwy Isotopau a Biomecaneg
Cymrodoriaeth Margarita Salas [Roger Alcantara Fors] (€ 119k, 2021-2024, Goruchwylydd)
Mae'r prosiect hwn yn archwilio sut y gellir datblygu biomecaneg, dull a ddefnyddir yn gyffredin mewn osteoarcheoleg ddynol, mewn sŵarchaeoleg. Mae'n canolbwyntio ar Neolithig Penrhyn Iberia, parth sy'n arddangos mabwysiadu dofi ac arallgyfeirio strategaethau ecsbloetio yn gyflym sy'n galluogi meddiannu ystod eang o ecosystemau. Mae'r prosiect hwn yn ceisio cynhyrchu ail-greu cyfundrefnau symudedd a rheoli anifeiliaid cydraniad uchel gan ddefnyddio biomecaneg esgyrn integredig ynghyd â dadansoddiad isotop i ddeall defnydd tir, rheoli anifeiliaid a chamfanteisio.
ZANBA: Zooarchaeology of the Nuragic Bronze Age
Cymrodoriaeth Unigol Marie Skłodowska Curie [Emily Holt] (£185k, 2020-2022, Goruchwyliwr)
Mae'r prosiect amlddisgyblaethol hwn yn hyrwyddo dealltwriaeth o drafodaethau pŵer mewnol yn niwylliant Nuragic Sardinia o'r Oes Efydd trwy ddadansoddiadau newydd o olion faunal. Mae ZANBA yn cymhwyso technegau blaengar mewn dadansoddi isotop a zooarchaeology i ddarganfod arferion economaidd elitaidd a'u cyd-destunoli yn erbyn newid rheolaeth ar y dirwedd. Yn ogystal, mae ZANBA yn creu map biosffer isotop strontium a fydd yn rhyddhau potensial astudiaethau ar Sardinia.
Hyrwyddo Dadansoddiad Aml-isotop mewn Archaeoleg Fasnachol
Gwobr Masnacheiddio UKRI (£49k, 2023-4, PI)
Nod y prosiect hwn yw meithrin cysylltiadau cryfach rhwng y sectorau archaeoleg academaidd a masnachol, yn benodol mewn perthynas â dadansoddi aml-isotopau. Mae dulliau isotop wedi datblygu'n gyflym yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, gan ddarparu dehongliadau cydraniad uwch a gofyn am samplau llai fyth. Fodd bynnag, mae'r nifer sy'n manteisio ar archaeoleg fasnachol yn parhau i fod yn gymharol brin. Trwy weithdai gydag unedau masnachol, sesiynau hyfforddi a sesiynau labordy, bydd y prosiect hwn yn dangos potensial dadansoddiad aml-isotop i gydweithwyr masnachol ac yn archwilio potensial mwy o fasnacheiddio'r dull gweithredu. Mae'r swyddog prosiect Ciara Butler yn cael ei gyflogi ar y prosiect hwn.
Llwybr Xuanzang
Gwobr Stein Arnold yr Academi Brydeinig, Cyflymydd Effaith UKRI (£17k, 2022-5)
Teithiodd Xuanzang, mynach Bwdhaidd Tsieineaidd o'r7fed ganrif, yn helaeth ar draws Asia, gan gadw teithiwr manwl. Mae PI o'r prosiect trosfwaol Max Deeg yn darparu cyfieithiad newydd o'r gweithiau helaeth hyn. Mae hyn wedi arwain at brosiect astudiaethau archeolegol, hanesyddol a chrefyddol cydweithredol sy'n nodi safleoedd Bwdhaidd allweddol a ddisgrifir yn archaeoleg y teithiwr a chreu llwybr sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth, sy'n hanesyddol wybodus o'i daith, yn benodol yn nhalaith Bihar, un o daleithiau mwyaf difreintiedig India. Y tu hwnt i allbynnau academaidd, nod y prosiect yw datblygu twristiaeth treftadaeth er budd Bihar. Bijoy Choudary (Bihar Heritage Development Society) yw Co-I ac mae Amgueddfa Bihar yn gydweithredwr.
Cydweithrediadau ymchwil masnachol
Rwy'n ymgymryd yn rheolaidd â chydweithrediadau ymchwil gydag unedau masnachol, prifysgolion rhyngwladol a sefydliadau treftadaeth. Mae cydweithredwyr cyfredol a diweddar yn cynnwys Historic England, Wessex Archaeology, Oxford Archaeology, AC Archaeology, Red River Archaeology, Cotswold Archaeology, Archaeology Wales, Colchester Archaeological Trust, Ymddiriedolaeth Archeolegol Morgannwg a Gwent, Ymddiriedolaeth Archeolegol Dyfed, Ymgynghorwyr Archaeolegol Caerdydd, Archaeoleg CFA, Archaeoleg y Mynydd Du, Archaeoleg LP, Archaeoleg Hollinrake, Ymddiriedolaeth Archeolegol Efrog, Prifysgol Bryste, Prifysgol y Frenhines Bryste, Prifysgol y Frenhines Bryste, Prifysgol Caerdydd Caergrawnt, CAU Kiel, Prifysgol Oslo, Prifysgol Loránd Eötvös, Prifysgol La Sapienza, Rhufain, Prifysgol Algarve, IPHES Tarragona, Prifysgol Cordoba, Prifysgol Bologna, ICAC Tarragona, Prifysgol Simon Fraser, Prifysgol British Columbia, Prifysgol Goffa Newfoundland, Deutsche Archaeologishe Institut, Prifysgol Ymreolaethol Barcelona, Prifysgol Padua, Prifysgol Lund.
Proffil addysgu
Rwy'n gydlynydd rhaglen MSc Gwyddor Archaeolegol.
Rwy'n cynnull ar gyfer y modiwlau canlynol:
Archaeoleg Biomoleciwlaidd (MSc)
* MSc Traethawd Hir Gwyddoniaeth Archaeolegol (MSc)
* Dadansoddi Archaeoleg (Blwyddyn 1)
Rwy'n cyfrannu at y modiwlau canlynol:
Osteoarchaeoleg Dynol (MSc)
* Zooarchaeology (MSc)
* Marwolaeth a Chofio (MA/MSc)
Sgiliau Ôl-raddedig mewn Archaeoleg a Chadwraeth (MA/MSc)
Sgiliau a Dulliau ar gyfer Astudio Ôl-raddedig (MA/MSc)
* Fforensig ac Osteoarcheoleg (Blwyddyn 3)
Marwolaeth a Chladdedigaeth yn y Byd Rhufeinig (Blwyddyn 3)
* Traethawd Hir Archaeoleg (Blwyddyn 3)
* Traethawd Hir Gwyddoniaeth Archaeolegol (Blwyddyn 3)
* Gwyddoniaeth Archaeolegol Gymhwysol (Blwyddyn 2)
* Astudio Annibynnol (Blwyddyn 2)
* Prosiect Gwyddoniaeth Annibynnol (Blwyddyn 2)
Archaeoleg Prydain (Blwyddyn 1)
Cyfrifoldebau gweinyddol
Swyddog Meinwe Dynol presennol 2018 ar gyfer Coleg y Celfyddydau, y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol
2017-presennol: Cydlynydd Rhaglen MSc Gwyddoniaeth Archaeolegol
2024-presennol: Arweinydd Ailddilysu
Arweinydd Ymchwil 2023-2024
2018-2022 Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig
Pwyllgor Moeseg Ymchwil 2019-2022
Cydlynydd Derbyn a Recriwtio 2019-2021
2016-2018: Cydlynydd catalog Amserlen/Modiwl
2016-2018: Cynrychiolydd y Llyfrgell
2016-2018: Pwyllgor Iechyd a Diogelwch
2014-2018: Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth
2013-2016: Pwyllgor ymchwil
2013-2016: Pwyllgor Cymdeithas Staff Ymchwil Prifysgol Caerdydd
2013-2015: Trefnydd cyfres seminarau
Addysg a chymwysterau
Phd: Ionawr 2008-Ebrill 2011. Prifysgol Caerdydd, Colum Drive, Caerdydd. AHRC wedi'i ariannu. Teitl traethawd ymchwil: Ymchwilio i Botensial Dadansoddiad Taffonomig Cyfannol mewn Ymchwil ZooArchaeological Viva gwblhawyd Gorffennaf 2011
MA: Hydref 2005 - Medi 2006. Prifysgol Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. Osteoarcheoleg (AHRC wedi'i ariannu) – gradd Rhagoriaeth
BA: Medi 2001–Mehefin 2004. Prifysgol Southampton, Highfield, Southampton. BA (Anrh) Archaeoleg – gradd 1:1
Trosolwg gyrfa
Ar ôl gorffen MA a ariennir gan AHRC mewn Osteoarcheoleg ym Mhrifysgol Southampton, gweithiais fel archeolegydd maes i Wessex Archaeology cyn ymgymryd ag interniaeth IfA a ariennir gan Gronfa Dreftadaeth y Loteri mewn Bioarchaeoleg ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Ar ôl y swydd hon am flwyddyn, dechreuais PhD a ariennir gan AHRC ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, dan oruchwyliaeth yr Athro Jacqui Mulville. Cyflwynais y traethawd ymchwil, o'r enw Ymchwilio i Botensial Dadansoddiad Taffonomig Holistig mewn Ymchwil Zooarchaeological ym mis Ebrill 2011 a chymerais swydd dros dro fel Darlithydd mewn Archaeoleg ym Mhrifysgol Bournemouth. Roedd fy addysgu yn canolbwyntio ar Zooarchaeology, Prehistory, astudiaethau Ôl-gloddio a Sgiliau Archaeolegol.
Cefais fy nghyflogi nesaf fel Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol ar Brosiect Rhyngwladol Dama ym Mhrifysgol Nottingham. Roedd y prosiect tair blynedd hwn, a ariannwyd gan AHRC, yn cynnwys ymchwiliad amlddisgyblaethol i fioddaearyddiaeth a rheolaeth ceirw falle Ewrop (Dama dama dama dama). Roeddwn i'n gyfrifol am ddadansoddiad zooarchaeological, biometrig ac isotop (δ15N, δ13C, δ34S, δ18O,87Sr / 86Sr). Ar ôl bron i flwyddyn yn Nottingham, dychwelais i Gaerdydd ym mis Ionawr 2013 i gychwyn ar fy mhrosiect ymchwil fy hun fel Cymrawd Ôl-ddoethurol yr Academi Brydeinig ar brosiect tair blynedd 'Reconstructing the Feasts of Late Neolithic Britain'. Dechreuais swydd fel Darlithydd mewn Gwyddor Archaeolegol yn 2016, cefais fy nyrchafu i Uwch-ddarlithydd yn 2019, Darllenydd yn 2022 a'r Athro yn 2024.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Selected Awards/Grants
* British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship (£234,512). 4.2% success rate in cohort.
* NERC Isotope Geosciences steering committee grant (£16,200 equivalent) to investigate the validity of porcine strontium isotope analysis (with J. Mulville/J. Evans)
* British Academy grant to host an inter-disciplinary event on population movement and cultural change (£7,180)
* Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit Grant for £4,275 (15 dates) for ‘Creating refined chronologies for the LBA/EIA transition in southern Britain’ project (with N. Sharples/K. Waddington)
* Joint Research Grant of £2,550 from the Royal Archaeological Institute, the Society of Antiquaries and the Society for Medieval Archaeology (with B. Jervis/L. Craig-Atkins).
* AHRC Student Led Initiative Grant of £2,000 for the inaugural Postgraduate Zooarchaeology Forum
* NERC Isotope Geosciences steering committee grant (£12,240 equivalent) to investigate mobility at late Neolithic feasting sites (with J. Evans)
* Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit Grant for £3,420 (12 dates) for ‘Refining fallow deer biogeography in Roman and Medieval Europe’ project (with N. Sykes).
* Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Placement (CUROP) grants (totalling £5,700) to employ undergraduate students as research assistants on various projects
* Prehistoric Society Bob Smith Prize awarded for isotope research on Navan Fort, the legendary ancient capital of Ulster.
* Joint Research Grant from the Prehistoric Society and the Cambrian Archaeological Association for Isotope analysis of faunal material from middens.
* Arts and Humanities Research Council Doctoral award (c. £50,000)
* Arts and Humanities Research Council MA award (c. £13,000)
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
2016- presennol: Darlithydd mewn Gwyddoniaeth Archeolegol, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2013-2016: Cymrawd Ôl-ddoethurol yr Academi Brydeinig, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2012: Cydymaith Ymchwil Ôl-Ddoethurol, Prosiect Rhyngwladol Dama, Prifysgol Nottingham,
2011-2012 Darlithydd mewn Zooarchaeology (dros dro), Prifysgol Bournemouth
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Etholwyd yn Gymrawd y Gymdeithas Hynafiaethau
- Etholwyd i Bwyllgor Rhyngwladol y Cyngor Rhyngwladol dros Archaeosoleg
- Cymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch
- Aelod o Goleg Adolygu Cyfoed yr AHRC
- Aelod o'r Panel: Sefydliad Hyrwyddo Ymchwil Cyprus (RPF), Sefydliadau Ymchwil Gwyddonol yr Iseldiroedd (NWO).
- Adolygydd Grant: Sefydliad Gwyddoniaeth Cenedlaethol, UDA (NSF), Sefydliad Gwyddoniaeth Cenedlaethol y Swistir (SNF), Cyngor Ymchwil yr Amgylchedd Naturiol, y DU (NERC), Ymddiriedolaeth Leverhulme, y DU, Sefydliad Ymchwil Cenedlaethol – Fflandrys (FWO), Eutopia-SIF, Ymddiriedolaeth Carnegie ar gyfer Prifysgolion yr Alban, y Ganolfan Wyddoniaeth Genedlaethol, Gwlad Pwyl (NCN), Cyngor Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a'r Dyniaethau, Canada.
- Etholwyd yn Swyddog Cyhoeddusrwydd ar gyfer y Gymdeithas Archaeoleg Amgylcheddol (2009-2015)
- Penodwyd yn olygydd Gwyddoniaeth Archeolegol ar gyfer cylchgrawn De Gruyter Open Archaeology
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Goruchwylio Ymchwil
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio chwe chymrodor ymchwil ôl-ddoethurol a chymdeithion ar y prosiectau a restrir yn y tab 'Prosiectau'. Yn ogystal, rwy'n goruchwylio saith myfyriwr PhD, gyda naw arall wedi cwblhau (ôl-viva).
Myfyrwyr PhD cyfredol:
Jodie Brunt: Sw Hynafol: Amrywiaeth parasitiaid a digwyddiadau milheintiol ym Mhrydain hynafol (Ariennir OneZoo DTP, gyda David Stanton, Sarah Perkins)
Hector Kelly: Symudedd a Chymdeithas ym mharth môr Iwerddon: Archwilio cysylltedd rhwng Cymru ac Iwerddon (gydag Andy Seaman)
Xander Cook: Gwella dulliau o dreftadaeth ddiwylliannol yn Bermuda (gyda Nicola Emmerson)
Buffy Revell: Diet ac economi yn ne Cymru'r Oesoedd Canol: Olion faunal Cosmeston (gyda Julia Best)
Yasmine de Gruchy: Ailfodelu colagen esgyrn a dadansoddiad isotop: Dull histolegol (ariennir AHRC SWWDTP, gyda Nicholas Marquez-Grant [Cranfield])
Bethan Price: Archwilio dulliau metrig, anfetrig a moleciwlaidd o secstio deintiad dynol (gyda Julia Best)
Jessica Peto: Asesu effeithiau bio-ddiwylliannol ar fioamrywiaeth Prydain, AD 0 – 1000 (a ariennir gan NERC, gyda Naomi Sykes [Caerwysg])
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Iulia Rusu
Myfyriwr ymchwil
Anton Axelsson
Myfyriwr ymchwil
Yasmine De Gruchy
Arddangoswr Graddedig
Jessica Peto
Myfyriwr ymchwil
Hector Kelly
Myfyriwr ymchwil
Xander Cook
Myfyriwr ymchwil
Jodie Brunt
Myfyriwr ymchwil
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
Myfyrwyr PhD wedi'u cwblhau (ôl-viva):
Katie Faillace: Biodistance in Britain: dadansoddiad morffometrig deintyddol o ymfudo yn Wessex o'r Oes Haearn i'r Oesoedd Canol Cynnar (wedi'i ariannu gan ysgoloriaeth Ursula Henriques a dadansoddiadau a ariennir gan Gymdeithas Hanes Archaeolegol a Natur Gwlad yr Haf a Chymdeithas Archeolegol Cambrian, gyda Jacqui Mulville)
Anton Axelsson: Iechyd a Statws yn Ne Prydain Ganoloesol (gyda Ben Jervis [Leicester])
Iulia Rusu: Cristioneiddio'r Magyar: Diet, iechyd a symudedd yn Hwngari o'r10fed i'r 14eg ganrif (dadansoddiadau a ariannwyd gan NERC Isotope Geosciences Facility a BABAO, gyda Jacqui Mulville)
Ciara Butler: Osteobywgraffiadau a chysylltedd yng Nghymru'r Oesoedd Canol Cynnar (wedi'i ariannu'n llawn gan Archaeoleg Brython, dadansoddiad a ariannwyd gan y Cyfleuster Isotop Amgylcheddol Cenedlaethol, gydag Alan Lane)
Eirini Konstantinidi: Claddu ogof Neolithig yng Ngorllewin Prydain: Dull Taffonomig (dadansoddiadau a ariennir gan y Gymdeithas Cynhanesyddol, Cymdeithas Ymchwil Ogofau Prydain a'r Cyfleuster Isotop Amgylcheddol Cenedlaethol, gyda Jacqui Mulville)
Adelle Bricking: Arfer marwdy o'r Oes Haearn yn Ne-orllewin Prydain (dadansoddiadau wedi'u hariannu gan Gymdeithas Archeolegol Cambrian, Cymdeithas Hanes Archaeolegol a Naturiol Gwlad yr Haf a Chymdeithas Ymchwil Ogofâu Prydain, gyda Niall Sharples)
Poppy Hodkinson: Archaeoleg a STEM mewn addysg ysgol gynradd: Integreiddio a Datblygu (a ariennir gan AHRC, gyda Jo Sofaer [Southampton])
Tiffany Treadway: Dyddodiad gwlyptir yng Nghymru a'r Alban yn Oes yr Haearn (gyda Niall Sharples)
Leah Reynolds: Anheddiad gwledig Rhufeinig yng Nghymru a'r Gororau (wedi'i ariannu gan sefydliad James Pantyfedwen, gyda Peter Guest).
Contact Details
+44 29208 74239
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 4.01, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Sbectrometreg ddadansoddol
- Cynhanes Prydain
- Sŵarchaeoleg