Dr Cristina Marinetti
(Mae hi'n)
Uwch Ddarlithydd mewn Astudiaethau Cyfieithu
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
My primary area of research is translation studies but I also have a strong interest in theatre history and theatre practice. I have written on translation theory in relation to identity and performance, on drama and multimedia translation and on the interface between translation theory and practice. My research is comparative in nature and combines historical/cultural analysis with reflections on my own translation practice.
My most recent project is Intercultural Dialogues in collaboration Prof. Maggie Rose of the University of Milan. The three-year project (2011-2013), sponsored by the British Council Italy and supported by major Milanese theatres, uses translation and site-specific performance as ways of involving minority communities in the making of culture.
- Marinetti, C. 2025. Translation as resistance: theatre, dialect and active citizenship as a response to global tourism. In: Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. eds. Translation and the Performing Arts. London: Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. 2025. Introduction: Translation in the performing arts. In: De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. eds. Translation in the Performing Arts: Embodiment, Materiality, and Inclusion. Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies London: Routledge, (10.4324/9781003335573-1)
- Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. 2022. Introduction: Translation and performance cultures. Translation Studies 15(3), pp. 247-257. (10.1080/14781700.2022.2126386)
- Marinetti, C. 2022. Doubly invisible: Anna Larpent, Domestic Censorship, and the translation of performance cultures in Georgian Britain. Translation Studies 15(3), pp. 258-274. (10.1080/14781700.2022.2120064)
- Marinetti, C. 2021. Invisible agents in translation history: Censors and actors in performed drama of 18th century England. Translation Studies 14(3), pp. 263-281. (10.1080/14781700.2020.1853600)
- Marinetti, C. 2018. Theatre as a 'translation zone': multilingualism, identity and the performing body in the work of Teatro delle Albe. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 24(2), pp. 128-146. (10.1080/13556509.2017.1393122)
- Marinetti, C. 2018. ‘[We] bend down and trace with our mind’: What is translation?. In: Benham, J. and Julian-Jones, M. eds. Translation and Medieval Documents. Voices of Law, Language, Text and Practice. The Leverhulme Trust, pp. 3-8.
- Marinetti, C. 2016. Letter from the multilingual website editor [Editorial]. Target 28(1), pp. 1-4. (10.1075/target.28.1.001edi)
- Marinetti, C. 2013. Translation and theatre: From performance to performativity. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies 25(3), pp. 307-320. (10.1075/target.25.3.01mar)
- Marinetti, C. 2013. Translating identities on stage and screen: Pragmatic perspectives and discoursal tendencies [Book review]. Journal of Pragmatics 49(1), pp. 114-115. (10.1016/j.pragma.2012.11.005)
- Marinetti, C. 2013. Transnational, multilingual and post-dramatic: Rethinking the location of translation in contemporary theatre. In: Bigliazzi, S. and Kofler, P. eds. Theatre Translation in Performance. Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies London: Routledge, pp. 27-37.
- Marinetti, C. and Rose, M. 2013. Process, practice and landscapes of reception: An ethnographic study of theatre translation. Translation Studies 6(2), pp. 166-182. (10.1080/14781700.2013.777258)
- Marinetti, C. 2013. A special case in translation history: European drama on the eighteenth-century London stage. In: Brilhante, M. J. and Carvalho, M. eds. Teatro e Tradução: Palcos de encontro. Colibri, pp. 247-251.
- Marinetti, C. 2011. Cultural approaches. In: Gambier, Y. and van Doorslaer, L. eds. Handbook of Translation Studies., Vol. 2. John Benjamins, pp. 26-30.
- Baines, R., Marinetti, C. and Perteghella, M. eds. 2010. Staging and performing translation: Text and theatre practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Marinetti, C. and Rose, M. 2010. The translator as cultural promoter : or how Renato Gabrielli's Qualcosa Trilla went on the road as Mobile Thriller. In: Baines, R., Marinetti, C. and Perteghella, M. eds. Staging and Performing Translation: Text and Theatre Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-154.
- Marinetti, C. 2007. The cross-cultural transfer of theatre texts: 'Il servitore di due padroni' in English. In: Boria, M. and Rissio, L. eds. Laboratorio di Nuova Ricerca: Investigating Gender, Translation and Culture in Italian Studies.. Troubador, pp. 217-229.
- Marinetti, C. 2005. The limits of the playtext: Translating comedy. New Voices in Translation Studies 1, pp. 31-42.
- Marinetti, C. 2004. Translation, memory and culture. Warwick Working Papers in Translation and Cultural Studies. Coventry: Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Warwick.
- Marinetti, C. 2003. From 'the everlasting' to 'paron del mondo': Considerations on the translation of poetic metaphor. Norwich Papers: Studies in Literary Translation 11, pp. 110-126.
- Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. 2022. Introduction: Translation and performance cultures. Translation Studies 15(3), pp. 247-257. (10.1080/14781700.2022.2126386)
- Marinetti, C. 2022. Doubly invisible: Anna Larpent, Domestic Censorship, and the translation of performance cultures in Georgian Britain. Translation Studies 15(3), pp. 258-274. (10.1080/14781700.2022.2120064)
- Marinetti, C. 2021. Invisible agents in translation history: Censors and actors in performed drama of 18th century England. Translation Studies 14(3), pp. 263-281. (10.1080/14781700.2020.1853600)
- Marinetti, C. 2018. Theatre as a 'translation zone': multilingualism, identity and the performing body in the work of Teatro delle Albe. Translator: Studies in Intercultural Communication 24(2), pp. 128-146. (10.1080/13556509.2017.1393122)
- Marinetti, C. 2016. Letter from the multilingual website editor [Editorial]. Target 28(1), pp. 1-4. (10.1075/target.28.1.001edi)
- Marinetti, C. 2013. Translation and theatre: From performance to performativity. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies 25(3), pp. 307-320. (10.1075/target.25.3.01mar)
- Marinetti, C. 2013. Translating identities on stage and screen: Pragmatic perspectives and discoursal tendencies [Book review]. Journal of Pragmatics 49(1), pp. 114-115. (10.1016/j.pragma.2012.11.005)
- Marinetti, C. and Rose, M. 2013. Process, practice and landscapes of reception: An ethnographic study of theatre translation. Translation Studies 6(2), pp. 166-182. (10.1080/14781700.2013.777258)
- Marinetti, C. 2005. The limits of the playtext: Translating comedy. New Voices in Translation Studies 1, pp. 31-42.
- Marinetti, C. 2003. From 'the everlasting' to 'paron del mondo': Considerations on the translation of poetic metaphor. Norwich Papers: Studies in Literary Translation 11, pp. 110-126.
Book sections
- Marinetti, C. 2025. Translation as resistance: theatre, dialect and active citizenship as a response to global tourism. In: Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. eds. Translation and the Performing Arts. London: Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Marinetti, C. and De Francisci, E. 2025. Introduction: Translation in the performing arts. In: De Francisci, E. and Marinetti, C. eds. Translation in the Performing Arts: Embodiment, Materiality, and Inclusion. Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies London: Routledge, (10.4324/9781003335573-1)
- Marinetti, C. 2018. ‘[We] bend down and trace with our mind’: What is translation?. In: Benham, J. and Julian-Jones, M. eds. Translation and Medieval Documents. Voices of Law, Language, Text and Practice. The Leverhulme Trust, pp. 3-8.
- Marinetti, C. 2013. Transnational, multilingual and post-dramatic: Rethinking the location of translation in contemporary theatre. In: Bigliazzi, S. and Kofler, P. eds. Theatre Translation in Performance. Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies London: Routledge, pp. 27-37.
- Marinetti, C. 2013. A special case in translation history: European drama on the eighteenth-century London stage. In: Brilhante, M. J. and Carvalho, M. eds. Teatro e Tradução: Palcos de encontro. Colibri, pp. 247-251.
- Marinetti, C. 2011. Cultural approaches. In: Gambier, Y. and van Doorslaer, L. eds. Handbook of Translation Studies., Vol. 2. John Benjamins, pp. 26-30.
- Marinetti, C. and Rose, M. 2010. The translator as cultural promoter : or how Renato Gabrielli's Qualcosa Trilla went on the road as Mobile Thriller. In: Baines, R., Marinetti, C. and Perteghella, M. eds. Staging and Performing Translation: Text and Theatre Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-154.
- Marinetti, C. 2007. The cross-cultural transfer of theatre texts: 'Il servitore di due padroni' in English. In: Boria, M. and Rissio, L. eds. Laboratorio di Nuova Ricerca: Investigating Gender, Translation and Culture in Italian Studies.. Troubador, pp. 217-229.
- Baines, R., Marinetti, C. and Perteghella, M. eds. 2010. Staging and performing translation: Text and theatre practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Marinetti, C. 2004. Translation, memory and culture. Warwick Working Papers in Translation and Cultural Studies. Coventry: Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies, University of Warwick.
- Marinetti, C. 2013. Transnational, multilingual and post-dramatic: Rethinking the location of translation in contemporary theatre. In: Bigliazzi, S. and Kofler, P. eds. Theatre Translation in Performance. Routledge Advances in Theatre & Performance Studies London: Routledge, pp. 27-37.
- Marinetti, C. 2011. Cultural approaches. In: Gambier, Y. and van Doorslaer, L. eds. Handbook of Translation Studies., Vol. 2. John Benjamins, pp. 26-30.
- Baines, R., Marinetti, C. and Perteghella, M. eds. 2010. Staging and performing translation: Text and theatre practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Marinetti, C. and Rose, M. 2010. The translator as cultural promoter : or how Renato Gabrielli's Qualcosa Trilla went on the road as Mobile Thriller. In: Baines, R., Marinetti, C. and Perteghella, M. eds. Staging and Performing Translation: Text and Theatre Practice. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 139-154.
Fy mhrif faes ymchwil yw astudiaethau cyfieithu ond mae gen i ddiddordeb mawr mewn astudiaethau theatr a pherfformio hefyd. Yn y pen draw, mae fy ymchwil yn ceisio deall cymhlethdodau cyfathrebu yn ein byd sy'n gynyddol fyd-eang trwy ddau linyn: un cymdeithasegol sy'n archwilio natur drosiadol cymdeithas gyfoes (gyda sylw arbennig i berfformiad amlieithog, mudol a dinasyddion) ac un hanesyddol sy'n defnyddio ymchwil archifol i olrhain y gwahanol fathau o asiantaeth sy'n ymwneud â chyfieithu.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar fonograff, o dan gontract gyda Routledge 'Advances in Translation Studies', o'r enw: 'Fenis fel Dinas Drosiadol: Naratifau Dinasyddion, Perfformiad a Thwristiaeth Fyd-eang' sy'n archwilio effaith globaleiddio a thwristiaeth dorfol ar ddiwylliant, iaith a hunaniaeth Fenis. Ysgogi dadleuon diweddar ar y cysyniad o 'ddinas drosiadol' (Cronin a Simon, 2014; Simon, 2012; Yn 2019), mae'r llyfr yn archwilio sut mae naratifau byd-eang a lleol am y ddinas yr ymwelwyd â hi fwyaf yn y byd wedi cael eu llunio trwy arferion trosiadol mewn ysgrifennu, perfformiad dinasyddion, a mannau digidol. Mae'r llyfr yn datgelu ymyleiddio iaith a diwylliant Fenisaidd a weithredir gan dwristiaeth dorfol, a chyfieithu gorfodol y ddinas i'r Saesneg i'w fwyta yn rhyngwladol. Gan dynnu ar ddadansoddiad testunol a pherfformiad, arsylwi ethnograffig, a chyfweliadau gydag actifyddion ac artistiaid dinasyddion, nod y llyfr yw cynnig darlleniad beirniadol o berfformiadau dinasyddion a naratifau preswyl. Er ei fod yn cael ei seilio ar astudiaeth o naratifau dinasyddion sy'n benodol i Fenis (fel enghraifft unigryw o ddinas fyd-eang, wedi'i haddurno a'i gorlethu), nod y llyfr yw gwneud cyfraniad ehangach i faes cynyddol o astudiaethau rhyngddisgyblaethol sy'n archwilio dimensiwn diwylliannol ac ieithyddol dinasoedd cyfoes, eu perthynas gymhleth â thwristiaeth, ei effaith ar amrywiaeth ieithyddol a diwylliannol a dulliau dinasoedd cyfoes.perfformiad, cyfieithu a hunan-adrodd ar chwarae yn y mannau ffisegol a digidol y ddinas. Mae'r prosiect llyfr hwn yn cael ei ariannu gan y Rhaglen Ymchwil Fenisaidd — Sefydliad Gladys Krieble Delmas.
Ochr yn ochr â'm gwaith ar Fenis gyfoes, mae cyhoeddiadau diweddar yn cynnwys rhifyn arbennig o'r cyfnodolyn Translation Studies on Translation and Performance Cultures (2022) a gyd-olygwyd gydag Enza de Francisci. Mae'r rhifyn arbennig yn herio man cychwyn epistemolegol cyffredin damcaniaeth cyfieithu'r Gorllewin, a elwir yn 'ideoleg print,' ac yn eirioli dros ddatblygu mathau sensitif o wybodaeth sy'n sensitif i berfformiad i astudio cyfieithu mewn cyd-destunau perfformio amrywiol, megis cerddoriaeth, opera a theatr. Gan dynnu ar gyfraniadau o amrywiaeth o ieithoedd gan gynnwys Cymraeg, Eidaleg, Almaeneg, Ffrangeg, Sbaeneg a Tsieinëeg, yn ogystal â chyfnodau hanesyddol sy'n ymestyn o'r 18fed ganrif hyd heddiw, mae'r mater yn archwilio potensial esboniadol cysyniadau cymdeithasegol sefydledig fel arfer, cyfalaf, cydosod, rhwydwaith, ac asiantaeth nad yw'n ddynol., gan ystyried y cyd-destunau materol ac estheteg perfformiad. Roedd yr astudiaethau achos amrywiol yn cynnwys taflu goleuni ar yr asiantau dynol ac an-ddynol sydd heb eu gweld yn aml sydd wedi llunio diwylliannau perfformiad trwy gydol amser a gofod. Wrth wneud hynny, maent yn datgelu'r gwreiddiau a'r prosesau sy'n cyfrannu at greu a lledaenu testunau theatrig, cerddorol ac operatig ar draws ffiniau ieithyddol. Gyda'i gilydd, mae'r cyfraniadau'n cynnig safbwyntiau newydd ar agweddau tawel, ailosod neu drafod diwylliannau perfformiad wrth iddynt fynd drwy'r broses o destunoli trwy gyfieithu.
Wrth ddarllen cyfieithu drwy amodau materol theatr y ddeunawfed ganrif, mae fy ngwaith hanesyddol yn dadansoddi archifau theatr i ddatgelu llafur asiantau anweledig mewn hanes cyfieithu sy'n siapio cyfieithu mewn cyd-destunau perfformio. Yn wahanol i feysydd eraill, roedd theatr, yn Lloegr y ddeunawfed ganrif, yn destun system o sensoriaeth y wladwriaeth a siapiodd arferion cyfieithu mewn ffyrdd nad ydynt wedi cael eu cyfrif yn llawn trwy hanesyddiaeth cyfieithu. Mae'r erthygl hon (2021) yn datgelu ymyriad censoriaid ac actorion wrth lunio dramâu wedi'u cyfieithu, gan wneud yn weladwy am y tro cyntaf, y rôl ganolog a chwaraewyd ganddynt fel 'ailysgrifenwyr' yn niwylliant theatrig Lloegr. Ymhellach, mae'r erthygl hon (2022) yn cyfrannu at ailfeddwl o'n dealltwriaeth o sensoriaeth mewn cyfieithiad trwy ddatgelu gwaith sensoriaeth benywaidd anweledig. Gan gwestiynu priodoldeb syniad dylanwadol Bourdieu o 'sensoriaeth strwythurol' (Bourdieu, 1991: 10) fel y ffrâm amlycaf ar gyfer esbonio arferion sensro yn hanes cyfieithu, mae'r erthygl yn cyflwyno'r syniad o 'sensoriaeth ddomestig' fel ffordd o roi gwelededd i lafur ac asiantaeth menywod fel sensoriaid anweledig. Gan dynnu ar ddadansoddiad gofalus o lawysgrif y dyddiadurwr o'r ddeunawfed ganrif Anna Larpent, mae'r erthygl yn archwilio'r rôl gymhleth a gwrthgyferbyniol a chwaraeir gan Larpent fel 'sensor domestig' ac yn 'asiant cyfieithu' dethol, trwyddedu a sensro dramâu Ewropeaidd am dros 30 mlynedd. Wrth wneud hynny, mae'n tynnu sylw at werth archifau ysgrifennu bywyd wrth ddarparu tystiolaeth empirig o'r ystod eang o asiantau sy'n ymwneud â llunio cyfieithu a chylchredeg diwylliannau perfformiad.
Yn ystod y blynyddoedd diwethaf, rwyf hefyd wedi ymchwilio i gyfieithu fel ymarfer cyfranogol ac wedi cydweithio â grwpiau cymunedol, y theatr a byd y celfyddydau. Trwy'r Prosiect WISE a ariennir gan yr UE (2013-15), galluogodd fy ymchwil ar gyfieithu fel ymarfer cyfranogol rannu atgofion rhwng cenedlaethau 60 o gyfranogwyr ar draws ffiniau ieithyddol a diwylliannol wrth lunio arferion gwaith 5 cwmni theatr sefydledig (http://www.babelia.org, http://www.maltezoo.eu/, http://www.brandschrift.de/brand/, http://www.nur.com/; http://www.august012.co.uk/). O ganlyniad i'w rhyngweithio â'm gwaith, mae'r cwmnïau hyn wedi dechrau defnyddio cyfieithiadau a chyfieithwyr fel rhan o'u proses greadigol, gan gynyddu nifer y dramâu tramor yn eu repertoire a meithrin cysylltiadau â chymdeithasau cyfieithu proffesiynol a gwirfoddol yn eu priod wledydd. Trwy brosiect 'Book Kernel: Dylan Thomas in Translation' yr AHRC (2013-14) cyfrannais at ddatblygiad technoleg y Cnewyllyn Llyfrau, a drawsnewidiodd ddigwyddiadau perfformio yn gyhoeddiadau print mewn amser real. Mae'r dechnoleg wedi cael ei chanmol fel enghraifft o arloesi ym maes cyhoeddi sy'n seiliedig ar berfformiad.
Yn gyffredinol, mae fy ymchwil yn ceisio hyrwyddo disgyblaeth Astudiaethau Cyfieithu drwy gynnig safbwyntiau newydd, herio patrymau presennol, a phontio cyd-destunau cyfoes a hanesyddol. Mae hefyd yn dangos ymrwymiad i gymwysiadau ymarferol ac ymgysylltu â'r gymuned, gan geisio datblygu effaith ystyrlon y tu hwnt i'r byd academaidd.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n dysgu theori ac ymarfer cyfieithu ym Mlwyddyn 2 a 3 (Egwyddorion Damcaniaeth Cyfieithu, Diwylliannau Cyfieithu) ac yn cynnull ein MA llwyddiannus mewn Astudiaethau Cyfieithu, gan arwain a chyfrannu at nifer o fodiwlau (Damcaniaethau Cyfieithu, Cyfieithu fel Arfer Creadigol, Cyfieithu a Diwylliannau, Hanes Cyfieithu)
Mae gen i brofiad helaeth a phrofedig o oruchwylio traethodau hir MA mewn astudiaethau cyfieithu ac yng ngoruchwyliaeth ar y cyd ymchwil PhD. Un o nodweddion sylweddol fy mhrofiad addysgu a goruchwylio fu gweithio gyda myfyrwyr o gefndiroedd diwylliannol gwahanol iawn. Byddwn yn croesawu ceisiadau gan ymgeiswyr doethurol sy'n gweithio mewn sawl maes o fewn astudiaethau cyfieithu ond yn arbennig:
- Dulliau diwylliannol o gyfieithu
- cyfieithu ac addasu theatr
- Cyfieithu Cymdeithaseg
- Ymchwil hanesyddol ac archifol ar gyfieithu
- cyfieithu ac ieithoedd lleiafrifol
- Cyfieithu a sensoriaeth
- Cyfieithu a thwristiaeth
- Cyfieithu a llenyddiaeth plant
I graduated with a BA in Modern Languages from the University of Venice (Ca’ Foscari) in 2001. In 2002 I moved to Warwick where I completed an MA in Translation Studies (2003) and then a PhD on translation and theatre history (2008) with Prof. Susan Bassnett. I lectured at Warwick until September 2012 when I moved to Cardiff to take up my current post as a Lecturer in Translation Studies.
Before embarking on an academic career, I worked as a freelance technical translator (chemistry, automotive, mental health, infertility), as translator and location researcher for BBC Education (Italy Inside Out, Talk Italian), as an interpreter and guide for Venice city council and as a public service interpreter for Warwickshire county council.
Selected Recent Papers
Invited speaker
2012 ‘Il servo di due padroni and commedia dell’arte as key cultural texts’ Key cultural texts in translation network meeting, University of Leicester, 1 December.
2012 ‘Translation, Performance and Ethnography’ School of Languages research seminars series. Queens University, Belfast. 5 November.
2011 ‘The role of the text in theorizing translation’. School of Languages research seminars series. Queens University, Belfast. 5 May
2010 ‘Translation in contemporary theatre’. Keynote for the opening of the Translation in Performance Conference, University of Verona, 9-11 December.
2010 ‘Translation in the theatre: From text to performance, from language to body’. Guest lecture on translation research seminar series, University of Edinburgh/Heriott-Watt. 17 November.
2010 ‘Italian Grotesque Theatre’. Invited paper at Translating and Performing Cultural Extremity Workshop. King’s College, London. 26 February.
2009 ‘Multilingual Performance’. Invited lecture at the symposium New European Identities. Università Statale, Milan. 7-8 April.
Conference Papers
2011 ‘The role of translators in the reception of translated plays’. Research Models in Translation Studies II. University of Manchester. 29 April- May.
2011 ‘Translation in the plural: the multiple voices of a translation project’ Invisible Presence: Translation, Performance, Dramaturgy. Queens University Belfast. 17-19 April.
2010 ‘Performing l’alieno: identity and cultural translation in Teatro delle Albe’s Lo straniero, Madre Ubu and Ruh’ Translating Theatre: Migrating Texts. University of Warwick. 12 June.
2010 ‘Translation and métissage in the work of Teatro delle Albe’ Mediating the Clash of Cultures, first Warwick-Monash workshop. University of Warwick. 19 January.
2009 ‘Managing the Stages of Translation’. Translation in the Air: Process and Performance. King’s College, London. 6-7 February.
2007 ‘Translation Studies and Theatre Studies: dialogue or monologue’. 5th EST Congress Ljubljiana, Slovenia. 3-5 September.
2007 ‘Performance, Translation and Multilingual Spaces in commedia dell arte’. Translation, Process and Performance Conference. IGRS, University of London, 22-24 November.
School roles
I am the undergraduate programme director for Translation Studies
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
- 2023 Enwebwyd ar gyfer Gwobr TAPRA am y categorïau o gasgliad golygedig Gorau ar gyfer Diwylliannau Cyfieithu a Pherfformiad: Astudiaethau Cyfieithu: Cyf 15, Rhif 3 (tandfonline.com).
- 2022 Grant Ymchwil Fenisaidd Sefydliad Delmas (£4,800) ar gyfer 'Gwrthod Cyfieithu: theatr dinesydd, gordwristiaeth a chysylltiadau iaith yn Fenis gyfoes'.
- 2021 Penodwyd yn Gadeirydd Pwyllgor Gweithredol Cymdeithas Ryngwladol Astudiaethau Cyfieithu a Rhyngddiwylliannol (IATIS) Cymdeithas Ryngwladol ar gyfer Cyfieithu ac Astudiaethau Rhyngddiwylliannol (iatis.org)
- 2021-23 Goruchwylydd ar gyfer dau Gymrodoriaeth Unigol MSCA yr UE [Traws mewn Cyfieithiad: arferion amlieithog a sgyrsiau rhyw a rhywioldeb lleol/byd-eang mewn naratifau pontio Pwylaidd - System Gwybodaeth Ymchwil CONVERIS gan Thomson Reuters: - Converis Standard Config (clarivate.com) a Pan Ddaw Hygyrchedd yn Perfformio: Iaith Arwyddion Dehongli mewn Cerddoriaeth a Chyngherddau Byw fel Ailysgrifennu Perfformiadol | WABP | Prosiect | Taflen ffeithiau | H2020 | CORDIS | Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd (europa.eu)]
- Cyllid Grundvick yr UE 2013-15 (Euros 80,000) Wise: A Story about Europe (Croeso i WISE (wisecampus.eu)
- 2012 Cyllid ADWEITHIO AHRC (50,000): Prosiect Cnewyllyn Llyfrau, cyd-ymchwilydd gyda'r Athro Alexis Nouss a Dr Bambo Soyinka)
- 2010 Cronfa Roberts Prifysgol Warwick
- 2007 Grant Cynhadledd yr Academi Brydeinig
- 2005 Yr Adran Addysg a Sgiliau (DfES) Gwella'r cwricwlwm grant
- 2003 Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil Ôl-raddedig Prifysgol Warwick
- 2003 Cymrodoriaeth Ddoethurol Bwrdd Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists (MCIL)
- Member of the European Society for Translation Studies (EST)
- Member of the International sociation of Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I am interested in supervising PhD stuents in the areas of:
- Translation and Society
- Translation and Performance
- Translation and Theatre History
- Multilingualism and translation
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 74254
66a Plas y Parc, Ystafell 2.01, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3AS
Themâu ymchwil
- Astudiaethau cyfieithu a dehongli
- Drama, theatr ac astudiaethau perfformio
- Llenyddiaeth mewn Eidaleg
- Treftadaeth anniriaethol
- Fenis