Dr David McGonigle
Crynodeb ymchwil
Mae astudio prosesu synhwyraidd yn golygu canolbwyntio ar y rheolau a'r mecanweithiau y mae'r ymennydd yn eu defnyddio i wneud synnwyr o'r byd. Rwy'n defnyddio'r system somatosensoriaeth – yr ymdeimlad o gyffwrdd – fel porth i ddatgelu rhai o'r egwyddorion sylfaenol sy'n rheoli cyfathrebu niwronau yn yr ymennydd dynol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb arbennig yn natur ddeinamig a phlastig prosesu synhwyraidd: sut mae ein canfyddiadau yn dibynnu'n feirniadol ar wyro a gwanhau millisecond i filisil newidiadau yng ngweithgarwch yr ymennydd.
Gan ddefnyddio niwroddelweddu swyddogaethol (fMRI, MEG ac EEG) a thechnegau ymddygiadol rwy'n canolbwyntio ar dri phrif faes:
i) Ble, pryd a sut mae ysgogiadau cyffyrddol yn cael eu prosesu yn yr ymennydd dynol?
ii) Yr egwyddorion sy'n sail i newidiadau tymor byr mewn canfyddiad (addasu) a newidiadau tymor hwy (dysgu).
iii) Sut mae newidiadau mewn prosesu synhwyraidd yn cyfrannu at gyflyrau'r ymennydd, fel Anhwylder Sbectrwm Awtistiaeth (ASD).
Yn ddiweddar, rwyf hefyd wedi ymddiddori mewn defnyddio symbyliad yr ymennydd i archwilio'r cwestiynau hyn, gan ddefnyddio techneg newydd o'r enw Ysgogiad Uniongyrchol Traws-Cranial (tDCS). Yn olaf, mae gen i ddiddordeb gweithredol yn y dulliau yn ddibynadwyedd niwroddelweddu anfewnwthiol.
Crynodeb addysgu
Lefel 1 Seicoleg: PS1107 'Cyflwyniad i seicoleg wybyddol a biolegol' FSM
Lefel 3 Seicoleg PS3209 'Niwroddelweddu strwythurol a swyddogaethol'
MSc Niwroddelweddu: Dulliau a Chymwysiadau
- Puts, N., Edden, R. A., Muthukumaraswamy, S., Singh, K. and McGonigle, D. 2019. Induced and evoked properties of vibrotactile adaptation in primary somatosensory cortex. Neural Plasticity 2019, article number: 5464096. (10.1155/2019/5464096)
- Puts, N. A. J. et al. 2018. GABA levels in left and right sensorimotor cortex correlate across individuals. Biomedicines 6(3), article number: 80. (10.3390/biomedicines6030080)
- Hanley, C. J., Singh, K. D. and McGonigle, D. J. 2016. Transcranial modulation of brain oscillatory responses: A concurrent tDCS-MEG investigation. NeuroImage 140, pp. 20-32. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.12.021)
- Soekadar, S. R., Herring, J. D. and McGonigle, D. 2016. Transcranial electric stimulation (tES) and Neurolmaging: the state-of-the-art, new insights and prospects in basic and clinical neuroscience. NeuroImage 140, pp. 1-3. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.08.020)
- Hanley, C. J., Tommerdahl, M. and McGonigle, D. 2015. Stimulating somatosensory psychophysics: a double-blind, sham-controlled study of the neurobiological mechanisms of tDCS. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 9, article number: 400. (10.3389/fncel.2015.00400)
- Mullins, P. G., McGonigle, D., O'Gorman, R. L., Puts, N., Vidyasagar, R., Evans, C. J. and Edden, R. A. E. 2014. Current practice in the use of MEGA-PRESS spectroscopy for the detection of GABA. NeuroImage 86, pp. 43-52. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.12.004)
- Evans, C. J. et al. 2013. Subtraction artifacts and frequency (Mis-)alignment in J-difference GABA editing. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 38(4), pp. 970-975. (10.1002/jmri.23923)
- McGonigle, D. 2012. Test-retest reliability in fMRI: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the variability. NeuroImage 62(2), pp. 1116-1120. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.01.023)
- Puts, N., Edden, R. A. E., Evans, C. J., McGlone, F. and McGonigle, D. 2011. Regionally specific human GABA concentration correlates with tactile discrimination thresholds. Journal of Neuroscience 31(46), pp. 16556-16560. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4489-11.2011)
- Wiestler, T., McGonigle, D. and Diedrichsen, J. 2011. Integration of sensory and motor representations of single fingers in the human cerebellum. Journal of Neurophysiology 105(6), pp. 3042-3053. (10.1152/jn.00106.2011)
- Gradin, V. et al. 2010. Between- and within-scanner variability in the CaliBrain study n-back cognitive task. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 184(2), pp. 86-95. (10.1016/j.pscychresns.2010.08.010)
- Hall, J. et al. 2010. A common neural system mediating two different forms of social judgement. Psychological Medicine 40(7), pp. 1183-1192. (10.1017/S0033291709991395)
- Evans, C. J., McGonigle, D. and Edden, R. A. E. 2010. Diurnal stability of gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration in visual and sensorimotor cortex. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31(1), pp. 204-209. (10.1002/jmri.21996)
- Zeman, A., Della Sala, S., Torrnes, L., Gountouna, V. E., McGonigle, D. and Logie, R. 2010. Loss of imagery phenomenology with intact visuo-spatial task performance: a case of 'blind imagination'. Neuropsychologia 48(1), pp. 145-155. (10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.08.024)
- Gountouna, V. E. et al. 2010. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) reproducibility and variance components across visits and scanning sites with a finger tapping task. NeuroImage 49(1), pp. 552-560. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.07.026)
- Hall, J. et al. 2008. Overactivation of fear systems to neutral faces in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry 64(1), pp. 70-73. (10.1016/j.biopsych.2007.12.014)
- Erchova, I. and McGonigle, D. 2008. Rhythms of the brain: An examination of mixed mode oscillation approaches to the analysis of neurophysiological data. Chaos 18(1), article number: 15115. (10.1063/1.2900015)
- Ladabaum, U., Roberts, T. P. and McGonigle, D. 2007. Gastric fundic distension activates fronto-limbic structures but not primary somatosensory cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage 34(2), pp. 724-732. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.07.033)
- Zhu, Z., Disbrow, E. A., Zumer, J. M., McGonigle, D. and Nagarajan, S. S. 2007. Spatiotemporal integration of tactile information in human somatosensory cortex. BMC Neuroscience 8(1), article number: 21. (10.1186/1471-2202-8-21)
- Shehab, S., McGonigle, D., Hughes, D. I., Todd, A. J. and Redgrave, P. 2005. Anatomical evidence for an anticonvulsant relay in the rat ventromedial medulla. European Journal of Neuroscience 22(6), pp. 1431-1444. (10.1111/j.1460-9568.2005.04326.x)
- Smith, S. M. et al. 2005. Variability in fMRI: A re-examination of intersession Differences. Human Brain Mapping 24(3), pp. 248-257. (10.1002/hbm.20080)
- Matharu, M. S., Cohen, A. S., McGonigle, D., Ward, N., Frackowiak, R. S. and Goadsby, P. J. 2004. Posterior Hypothalamic and Brainstem Activation in Hemicrania Continua. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 44(8), pp. 747-761. (10.1111/j.1526-4610.2004.04141.x)
- Ladabaum, U., Roberts, T. P. and McGonigle, D. 2003. Gastric fundic distension activates fronto-limbic structures but not somatosensory cortex: A functional MRI (fMRI) study [Abstract]. Gastroenterology 124(4 (S1)), pp. A253. (10.1016/S0016-5085(03)81268-4)
- McGonigle, D., Hanninen, R., Hari, R. and Salenius, S. 2002. Whose arm is it anyway? An fMRI case study od supernumerary phantom limb. Brain 125(6), pp. 1265-1274. (10.1093/brain/awf139)
- McGonigle, D., Howseman, A. M., Athwal, B. S., Friston, K. J., Frackowiak, R. S. J. and Holmes, A. P. 2000. Variability in fMRI: an examination of intersession differences. NeuroImage 11(6), pp. 708-734. (10.1006/nimg.2000.0562)
- May, A., Ashburner, J., Buchel, C., McGonigle, D., Friston, K. J., Frackowiak, R. S. J. and Goadsby, P. J. 1999. Correlation between structural and functional changes in brain in an idiopathic headache syndrome. Nature Medicine 5(7), pp. 836-838. (10.1038/10561)
- McGonigle, D., Maxwell, D. J., Shehab, S. A. S. and Kerr, R. 1996. Evidence for the presence of neurokinin-1 receptors on dorsal horn spinocerebellar tract cells in the rat. Brain Research 742(1-2), pp. 1-9. (10.1016/S0006-8993(96)00942-0)
- Puts, N., Edden, R. A., Muthukumaraswamy, S., Singh, K. and McGonigle, D. 2019. Induced and evoked properties of vibrotactile adaptation in primary somatosensory cortex. Neural Plasticity 2019, article number: 5464096. (10.1155/2019/5464096)
- Puts, N. A. J. et al. 2018. GABA levels in left and right sensorimotor cortex correlate across individuals. Biomedicines 6(3), article number: 80. (10.3390/biomedicines6030080)
- Hanley, C. J., Singh, K. D. and McGonigle, D. J. 2016. Transcranial modulation of brain oscillatory responses: A concurrent tDCS-MEG investigation. NeuroImage 140, pp. 20-32. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.12.021)
- Soekadar, S. R., Herring, J. D. and McGonigle, D. 2016. Transcranial electric stimulation (tES) and Neurolmaging: the state-of-the-art, new insights and prospects in basic and clinical neuroscience. NeuroImage 140, pp. 1-3. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.08.020)
- Hanley, C. J., Tommerdahl, M. and McGonigle, D. 2015. Stimulating somatosensory psychophysics: a double-blind, sham-controlled study of the neurobiological mechanisms of tDCS. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 9, article number: 400. (10.3389/fncel.2015.00400)
- Mullins, P. G., McGonigle, D., O'Gorman, R. L., Puts, N., Vidyasagar, R., Evans, C. J. and Edden, R. A. E. 2014. Current practice in the use of MEGA-PRESS spectroscopy for the detection of GABA. NeuroImage 86, pp. 43-52. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.12.004)
- Evans, C. J. et al. 2013. Subtraction artifacts and frequency (Mis-)alignment in J-difference GABA editing. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 38(4), pp. 970-975. (10.1002/jmri.23923)
- McGonigle, D. 2012. Test-retest reliability in fMRI: Or how I learned to stop worrying and love the variability. NeuroImage 62(2), pp. 1116-1120. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.01.023)
- Puts, N., Edden, R. A. E., Evans, C. J., McGlone, F. and McGonigle, D. 2011. Regionally specific human GABA concentration correlates with tactile discrimination thresholds. Journal of Neuroscience 31(46), pp. 16556-16560. (10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4489-11.2011)
- Wiestler, T., McGonigle, D. and Diedrichsen, J. 2011. Integration of sensory and motor representations of single fingers in the human cerebellum. Journal of Neurophysiology 105(6), pp. 3042-3053. (10.1152/jn.00106.2011)
- Gradin, V. et al. 2010. Between- and within-scanner variability in the CaliBrain study n-back cognitive task. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 184(2), pp. 86-95. (10.1016/j.pscychresns.2010.08.010)
- Hall, J. et al. 2010. A common neural system mediating two different forms of social judgement. Psychological Medicine 40(7), pp. 1183-1192. (10.1017/S0033291709991395)
- Evans, C. J., McGonigle, D. and Edden, R. A. E. 2010. Diurnal stability of gamma-aminobutyric acid concentration in visual and sensorimotor cortex. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31(1), pp. 204-209. (10.1002/jmri.21996)
- Zeman, A., Della Sala, S., Torrnes, L., Gountouna, V. E., McGonigle, D. and Logie, R. 2010. Loss of imagery phenomenology with intact visuo-spatial task performance: a case of 'blind imagination'. Neuropsychologia 48(1), pp. 145-155. (10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2009.08.024)
- Gountouna, V. E. et al. 2010. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) reproducibility and variance components across visits and scanning sites with a finger tapping task. NeuroImage 49(1), pp. 552-560. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.07.026)
- Hall, J. et al. 2008. Overactivation of fear systems to neutral faces in schizophrenia. Biological Psychiatry 64(1), pp. 70-73. (10.1016/j.biopsych.2007.12.014)
- Erchova, I. and McGonigle, D. 2008. Rhythms of the brain: An examination of mixed mode oscillation approaches to the analysis of neurophysiological data. Chaos 18(1), article number: 15115. (10.1063/1.2900015)
- Ladabaum, U., Roberts, T. P. and McGonigle, D. 2007. Gastric fundic distension activates fronto-limbic structures but not primary somatosensory cortex: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neuroimage 34(2), pp. 724-732. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2006.07.033)
- Zhu, Z., Disbrow, E. A., Zumer, J. M., McGonigle, D. and Nagarajan, S. S. 2007. Spatiotemporal integration of tactile information in human somatosensory cortex. BMC Neuroscience 8(1), article number: 21. (10.1186/1471-2202-8-21)
- Shehab, S., McGonigle, D., Hughes, D. I., Todd, A. J. and Redgrave, P. 2005. Anatomical evidence for an anticonvulsant relay in the rat ventromedial medulla. European Journal of Neuroscience 22(6), pp. 1431-1444. (10.1111/j.1460-9568.2005.04326.x)
- Smith, S. M. et al. 2005. Variability in fMRI: A re-examination of intersession Differences. Human Brain Mapping 24(3), pp. 248-257. (10.1002/hbm.20080)
- Matharu, M. S., Cohen, A. S., McGonigle, D., Ward, N., Frackowiak, R. S. and Goadsby, P. J. 2004. Posterior Hypothalamic and Brainstem Activation in Hemicrania Continua. Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain 44(8), pp. 747-761. (10.1111/j.1526-4610.2004.04141.x)
- Ladabaum, U., Roberts, T. P. and McGonigle, D. 2003. Gastric fundic distension activates fronto-limbic structures but not somatosensory cortex: A functional MRI (fMRI) study [Abstract]. Gastroenterology 124(4 (S1)), pp. A253. (10.1016/S0016-5085(03)81268-4)
- McGonigle, D., Hanninen, R., Hari, R. and Salenius, S. 2002. Whose arm is it anyway? An fMRI case study od supernumerary phantom limb. Brain 125(6), pp. 1265-1274. (10.1093/brain/awf139)
- McGonigle, D., Howseman, A. M., Athwal, B. S., Friston, K. J., Frackowiak, R. S. J. and Holmes, A. P. 2000. Variability in fMRI: an examination of intersession differences. NeuroImage 11(6), pp. 708-734. (10.1006/nimg.2000.0562)
- May, A., Ashburner, J., Buchel, C., McGonigle, D., Friston, K. J., Frackowiak, R. S. J. and Goadsby, P. J. 1999. Correlation between structural and functional changes in brain in an idiopathic headache syndrome. Nature Medicine 5(7), pp. 836-838. (10.1038/10561)
- McGonigle, D., Maxwell, D. J., Shehab, S. A. S. and Kerr, R. 1996. Evidence for the presence of neurokinin-1 receptors on dorsal horn spinocerebellar tract cells in the rat. Brain Research 742(1-2), pp. 1-9. (10.1016/S0006-8993(96)00942-0)
Awtistiaeth yn Siarad
Gwobr Susanne a Bob Wright Trailblazer
(2012-2013; Yn costio $ 100,000)
Cymrodoriaeth NIHR
Astudiaeth Niwroddelweddu Peilot o Syndrom Poen Rhanbarthol Cronig (CRPS)
(2010-2015; Costau £154,345)
Sefydliad Waterloo
Uwch Niwroddelweddu mewn BECTS
(2010-2012; Costau £113,039)
Sefydliad Waterloo
Anhwylder Sbectrwm Awtistig (ASD) a niwrobioleg symptomau synhwyraidd
(19/04/10-18/04/12; Costau £53,473)
Sefydliad Waterloo
Grant Teithio i Fynychu IMFAR 2010
(2010; Costau £1550)
Grant Ymchwil y Gymdeithas Frenhinol
Ymchwiliad i Integreiddio Spatiotemporal Gwybodaeth Gyffyrddol mewn Cortecs Somatosensory gan ddefnyddio Magnetoencephalography (MEG)
(01/04/08-31/03/09; Costau £14,898)
Contact Details
+44 29208 70353
Canolfan Ymchwil Delweddu'r Ymennydd Prifysgol Caerdydd, Heol Maendy, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ