Yr Athro Emmajane Milton
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Emmajane Milton
Athro mewn Ymarfer Addysgol
Mae Emmajane wedi gweithio ym maes Addysg ers dros 20 mlynedd, gan fwynhau ystod eang o rolau uwch arweinyddiaeth yn y byd academaidd, datblygu polisi a'r sector ysgolion statudol. Yn 2018 daeth yn Gymrawd Addysgu Cenedlaethol Uwch-AU ac mae ei diddordebau ymchwil/ysgolheictod yn canolbwyntio ar ymarfer addysgol, dysgu proffesiynol athrawon/addysgwr ac ymholi, dulliau addysgiadol o arwain a mentora a recriwtio a chadw gweithwyr addysg proffesiynol.
Ar hyn o bryd mae Emmajane yn Athro Ymarfer Addysgol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd ac mae ganddi ymrwymiad dwfn a pharhaus i wella ymarfer addysg ym mhob maes Addysg. Mae ei gwaith yn rhyngddisgyblaethol ac yn cefnogi arweinyddiaeth ac ymarfer addysgol addysgwyr ar draws pob sector a disgyblaeth pwnc. Mae hi'n ymroddedig i sicrhau bod gan ymarferwyr fynediad at ddysgu proffesiynol o ansawdd uchel a all gefnogi datblygiad parhaus eu hymarfer.
Mae Emmajane yn gyd-sylfaenydd y Rhwydwaith Dysgu ac Addysgu Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Sefydliadau Addysg Uwch ac mae wedi dal rolau arweinyddiaeth strategol yn y Brifysgol a thu hwnt, gan gynnwys ar gyfer y Gymdeithas Datblygu Proffesiynol Rhyngwladol a sefydliadau'r trydydd sector a'r celfyddydau yng Nghymru. Ym mis Tachwedd 2024 penodwyd Emmajane gan Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Addysg i fwrdd Cymwysterau Cymru a dechreuodd ar ei rôl ym mis Ionawr 2025.
- Milton, E., Yhnell, E. and Jones, K. 2025. An overlooked EDI issue… can valuing the diversity of third space professionals support a more sustainable future in higher education?. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education(33) (10.47408/jldhe.vi33.1241)
- Davies, A. J., Morgan, A., Connolly, M. and Milton, E. 2024. Addysg yng Nghymru ers datganoli: Tair Ton Polisi, a'r her fawr o ran gweithredu. Wales Journal of Education 26(2), pp. 24-40. (10.16922/wje.26.2.3cym)
- James Davies, A., Morgan, A., Connolly, M. and Milton, E. 2024. Education in Wales since devolution: Three waves of policy and the pressing and reocurring challenge of implementation. Wales Journal of Education 26(2), pp. 23-38. (10.16922/wje.26.2.3)
- Morgan, A., Davies, A. J. and Milton, E. 2024. Using discourse analysis to inform content analysis: a pragmatic, mixed methods approach exploring how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions.. In: Kara, H., Mannay, D. and Roy, A. eds. The Handbook of Creative Data Analysis. Bristol: Policy Press
- Jones, K. and Milton, E. 2024. Revitalising higher education: thinking inclusively to enable teaching-focused colleagues to flourish. Presented at: Te Puna Aurei LearnFest Conference 2022, Online, 23-24 November 2022 Presented at Bowell, T. et al. eds.Revitalising Higher Education: Insights from Te Puna Aurei LearnFest 2022. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 3-8., (10.18573/conf2.a)
- Yhnell, E. and Milton, E. 2024. Learning and teaching: it's not about you.. it's all about your students.. [Online]. Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA). Available at: https://thesedablog.wordpress.com/2024/02/21/learning-and-teaching-its-not-about-you-its-all-about-your-students/
- Morgan, A. and Milton, E. 2024. Double trouble: The legacy of COVID-19 for early-career teachers and their pupils in Wales. Practice (10.1080/25783858.2023.2279619)
- Milton, E. and Morgan, A. 2023. Enquiry as a way of being: a practical framework to support leaders in both embracing the complexity of and creating the conditions for meaningful professional learning. Professional Development in Education 49(6), pp. 1072-1086. (10.1080/19415257.2023.2251122)
- Milton, E., Morgan, A., Davies, A. J., Connolly, M., Donnelly, D. and Ellis, I. 2023. Framing headship: a demand-side analysis of how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions. International Journal of Leadership in Education 26(2), pp. 339-358. (10.1080/13603124.2020.1811898)
- Morgan, A., Milton, E., James, D., Kneen, J., Clement, J., Bryant, A. and Beauchamp, G. 2022. Pandemic-related assessment experiences and innovations: implications for initial teacher education. Welsh Government.
- Milton, E., Daly, C., Langdon, F., Palmer, M., Jones, K. and Davies, A. J. 2022. Can schools really provide the learning environment that new teachers need? Complexities and implications for professional learning in Wales. Professional Development in Education 48(5), pp. 878-891. (10.1080/19415257.2020.1767177)
- Daly, C., Milton, E. and Langdon, F. 2020. How do ecological perspectives help understand schools as sites for teacher learning?. Professional Development in Education 46(4) (10.1080/19415257.2020.1787208)
- Morris, C., Milton, E. and Goldstone, R. 2019. Case study: suggesting choice: inclusive assessment processes. Higher Education Pedagogies 4(1), pp. 435-447. (10.1080/23752696.2019.1669479)
- Langdon, F., Daly, C., Milton, E., Jones, K. and Palmer, M. 2019. Challenges for principled induction and mentoring of new teachers: lessons from New Zealand and Wales. London Review of Education 17(2), pp. 249-265. (10.18546/LRE.17.2.14)
- Penikett, J., Daly, C. and Milton, E. 2019. A study of mentors in Wales 'coming to closure'. Professional Development in Education 45(3), pp. 405-417. (10.1080/19415257.2018.1465449)
- Davies, A., Milton, E., Connolly, M. and Barrance, R. 2018. Headteacher recruitment, retention and professional development in Wales: challenges and opportunities. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education 20(2), pp. 204-224. (10.16922/wje.20.2.11)
- Connolly, M., Milton, E., Davies, A. J. and Barrance, R. 2018. Turning Heads: the impact of political reform on the professional role, identity and recruitment of head teachers in Wales.. British Educational Research Journal 44(4), pp. 608-625. (10.1002/berj.3450)
- Daly, C. and Milton, E. 2017. External mentoring for new teachers: mentor learning for a change agenda. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education 6(3), pp. 178-195. (10.1108/IJMCE-03-2017-0021)
- Milton, E., Yhnell, E. and Jones, K. 2025. An overlooked EDI issue… can valuing the diversity of third space professionals support a more sustainable future in higher education?. Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education(33) (10.47408/jldhe.vi33.1241)
- Davies, A. J., Morgan, A., Connolly, M. and Milton, E. 2024. Addysg yng Nghymru ers datganoli: Tair Ton Polisi, a'r her fawr o ran gweithredu. Wales Journal of Education 26(2), pp. 24-40. (10.16922/wje.26.2.3cym)
- James Davies, A., Morgan, A., Connolly, M. and Milton, E. 2024. Education in Wales since devolution: Three waves of policy and the pressing and reocurring challenge of implementation. Wales Journal of Education 26(2), pp. 23-38. (10.16922/wje.26.2.3)
- Morgan, A. and Milton, E. 2024. Double trouble: The legacy of COVID-19 for early-career teachers and their pupils in Wales. Practice (10.1080/25783858.2023.2279619)
- Milton, E. and Morgan, A. 2023. Enquiry as a way of being: a practical framework to support leaders in both embracing the complexity of and creating the conditions for meaningful professional learning. Professional Development in Education 49(6), pp. 1072-1086. (10.1080/19415257.2023.2251122)
- Milton, E., Morgan, A., Davies, A. J., Connolly, M., Donnelly, D. and Ellis, I. 2023. Framing headship: a demand-side analysis of how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions. International Journal of Leadership in Education 26(2), pp. 339-358. (10.1080/13603124.2020.1811898)
- Milton, E., Daly, C., Langdon, F., Palmer, M., Jones, K. and Davies, A. J. 2022. Can schools really provide the learning environment that new teachers need? Complexities and implications for professional learning in Wales. Professional Development in Education 48(5), pp. 878-891. (10.1080/19415257.2020.1767177)
- Daly, C., Milton, E. and Langdon, F. 2020. How do ecological perspectives help understand schools as sites for teacher learning?. Professional Development in Education 46(4) (10.1080/19415257.2020.1787208)
- Morris, C., Milton, E. and Goldstone, R. 2019. Case study: suggesting choice: inclusive assessment processes. Higher Education Pedagogies 4(1), pp. 435-447. (10.1080/23752696.2019.1669479)
- Langdon, F., Daly, C., Milton, E., Jones, K. and Palmer, M. 2019. Challenges for principled induction and mentoring of new teachers: lessons from New Zealand and Wales. London Review of Education 17(2), pp. 249-265. (10.18546/LRE.17.2.14)
- Penikett, J., Daly, C. and Milton, E. 2019. A study of mentors in Wales 'coming to closure'. Professional Development in Education 45(3), pp. 405-417. (10.1080/19415257.2018.1465449)
- Davies, A., Milton, E., Connolly, M. and Barrance, R. 2018. Headteacher recruitment, retention and professional development in Wales: challenges and opportunities. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru / Wales Journal of Education 20(2), pp. 204-224. (10.16922/wje.20.2.11)
- Connolly, M., Milton, E., Davies, A. J. and Barrance, R. 2018. Turning Heads: the impact of political reform on the professional role, identity and recruitment of head teachers in Wales.. British Educational Research Journal 44(4), pp. 608-625. (10.1002/berj.3450)
- Daly, C. and Milton, E. 2017. External mentoring for new teachers: mentor learning for a change agenda. International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education 6(3), pp. 178-195. (10.1108/IJMCE-03-2017-0021)
Book sections
- Morgan, A., Davies, A. J. and Milton, E. 2024. Using discourse analysis to inform content analysis: a pragmatic, mixed methods approach exploring how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions.. In: Kara, H., Mannay, D. and Roy, A. eds. The Handbook of Creative Data Analysis. Bristol: Policy Press
- Jones, K. and Milton, E. 2024. Revitalising higher education: thinking inclusively to enable teaching-focused colleagues to flourish. Presented at: Te Puna Aurei LearnFest Conference 2022, Online, 23-24 November 2022 Presented at Bowell, T. et al. eds.Revitalising Higher Education: Insights from Te Puna Aurei LearnFest 2022. Cardiff: Cardiff University Press pp. 3-8., (10.18573/conf2.a)
- Morgan, A., Milton, E., James, D., Kneen, J., Clement, J., Bryant, A. and Beauchamp, G. 2022. Pandemic-related assessment experiences and innovations: implications for initial teacher education. Welsh Government.
- Yhnell, E. and Milton, E. 2024. Learning and teaching: it's not about you.. it's all about your students.. [Online]. Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA). Available at: https://thesedablog.wordpress.com/2024/02/21/learning-and-teaching-its-not-about-you-its-all-about-your-students/
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil/ysgoloriaeth yn canolbwyntio ar ymarfer addysgol, dysgu proffesiynol athrawon ac ymholiad, dulliau addysgol o arwain a mentora a recriwtio a chadw gweithwyr addysg proffesiynol. Mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd yn yr hyn y gall gweithiwr proffesiynol gofod sy'n canolbwyntio ar addysgu a/neu ffynnu ddod i'r academi a sut y gellir eu cefnogi orau i ffynnu.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n addysgu ar ystod o fodiwlau a rhaglenni ar gyfer yr Ysgol a'r Brifysgol.
Contact Details
+44 29208 70398
Adeilad Morgannwg, Ystafell 0.63, Rhodfa’r Brenin Edward VII, Caerdydd, CF10 3WA
Themâu ymchwil
- Ymarfer Addysgol
- Dysgu proffesiynol