Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Susan Morgan

Dr Susan Morgan




I gained a BA Honours in English at the University of Sussex in the School of Cultural and Community Studies. After completing a PGCE at Brighton University I taught English and Drama with Media Studies in secondary schools in East Sussex. From 2014 – 2019 I was a PhD candidate in Creative and Critical writing at Cardiff University in the School of English, Communication and Philosophy, where I conducted research into the possibility of sexism within the culture of anatomy, while writing a collection of essays inspired by the research of urologist Helen O’Connell. In my thesis, entitled Modest Venus: Experiments in Seeing, I explore links between art and anatomy and the impact of social factors such as taboo on representations of the female body. I am currently in the process of seeking representation for a book length version of the thesis aimed at a wider readership. 









  • Morgan, S. 2009. Spillikins. In: Richardson, S. and Ashton, G. eds. In The Telling. Cinnamon Press
  • Morgan, S. 2009. Porcelain plate. In: Spring, I. ed. Anterliwt: New Writing from Cardiff University. Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning


  • Morgan, S. 2007. You dig. Blue Tattoo 3, pp. 28-37.
  • Morgan, S. 2007. One little room. In: Duncker, P. and Thomas, J. eds. Safe World Gone: Short stories by women from Wales. Honno Modern Fiction, pp. 183-188.


  • Morgan, S. 2003. Ice. In: Duncker, P. and Thomas, J. eds. Mirror Mirror: Contemporary short stories by women from Wales. Honno Modern Fiction, pp. 83-94.


  • Morgan, S. 2002. Anorexic hamster. In: Duncker, P. and Thomas, J. eds. The Woman who Loved Cucumbers: Contemporary short stories by women from Wales. Honno Modern Fiction, pp. 29-37.


  • Morgan, S. 1998. Fog. In: Hywel, E. a. ed. Power: An Anthology of Short Stories by Women from Wales. Honno Modern Fiction, pp. 96-102.


Book sections

  • Morgan, S. 2009. Spillikins. In: Richardson, S. and Ashton, G. eds. In The Telling. Cinnamon Press
  • Morgan, S. 2009. Porcelain plate. In: Spring, I. ed. Anterliwt: New Writing from Cardiff University. Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning
  • Morgan, S. 2007. One little room. In: Duncker, P. and Thomas, J. eds. Safe World Gone: Short stories by women from Wales. Honno Modern Fiction, pp. 183-188.
  • Morgan, S. 2003. Ice. In: Duncker, P. and Thomas, J. eds. Mirror Mirror: Contemporary short stories by women from Wales. Honno Modern Fiction, pp. 83-94.
  • Morgan, S. 2002. Anorexic hamster. In: Duncker, P. and Thomas, J. eds. The Woman who Loved Cucumbers: Contemporary short stories by women from Wales. Honno Modern Fiction, pp. 29-37.
  • Morgan, S. 1998. Fog. In: Hywel, E. a. ed. Power: An Anthology of Short Stories by Women from Wales. Honno Modern Fiction, pp. 96-102.



Conferences, symposia and seminars

Data collection, interviews with anatomists, artists and writers at the Vesalius Continuum, Zakynthos Greece, September 2014

“Female sexual anatomy: fact or fiction?” Oral presentation at the 10th Annual Conference of the British Society for Literature and Science, April 2015

“Sexism and Anatomy, As Discerned in İmages of Anatomy by Medical Students at Cardiff University and University of Paris Descartes”, oral presentation at ISMS 2015, XXIV International Symposium on Morphological Sciences, Istanbul, September 2015

“Adam on St Agnes’s Eve: the indestructability of taboo in anatomy and art”, Oral Presentation at “Burnt Poetry: Ivor Davies and Destruction/ Creation in Art and Word” an inter-disciplinary conference jointly organised by Cardiff University and National Museum Wales, Feb 2016.

“Essays as experiments: writing creatively and critically about taboo in anatomy”, Oral Presentation at “Writing Between the Lines, Post-graduate Symposium exploring Creative Writing as a Research Methodology,” Cardiff Metropolitan University, Sept 2016.

“Creative research into representations of the female body in anatomy”, Oral Presentation at “Hidden Histories, Secret Voices, International Women’s day event”, SCOLAR March 8th 2017.

“Shameful Anatomy: Taboo in Science”, Cardiff University Public Uni talk:  October 11th 2019.  

 Research grants

 I received bursaries to support my creative writing from the Welsh Arts Council in 2000 & 2006

  • a Welsh Arts Council Enabling Bursary, 2002 and British Council Wales International, 2002 to travel to Melbourne to conduct research.



Academic positions

  • 2019–present: University Teacher in Creative and Critical Writing, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University, teaching Stories from the Real World; Narrative Nonfiction, and supervising Year Three Creative Writing Project and MA Creative Writing Portfolios 1 & 2. 
  • 2014–2019: Postgraduate Tutor in Creative and Critical Writing, School of English, Communication and Philosophy, Cardiff University, teaching Creative Reading and Creative Writing 
  • 2004 – 2014: Creative Writing Tutor, Cardiff University Centre for Lifelong Learning, teaching Writing at the Museum, Writing Cardiff and Writing the Body  
  • 2003 –2010: Creative Writing Tutor, Cardiff County Council, teaching Creative Writing and Memoir Writing
  • 1983-87: English Teacher with Drama and Media Studies, Willingdon School, East Sussex
  • 1982 -1983: English Teacher, Hailsham Community College, East Sussex.

 Professional memberships

  • Associate member of Academi, Literature Wales
  • Member of the National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE)
  • Co-opted member of the Federative International Committee for Equality and Diversity in relation to Anatomy (FICEDA)

Professional Development: Courses Attended 

 Impact and Research Communication Skills, Ekphrasis Experimental Writing Workshop, Translation and Poetics, Emotion and the Researcher, Approaches to Blended Learning; Using Cardiff Portal/Accessing Electronic Databases; Using Powerpoint; Using Blackboard; Inclusive Learning; Challenging Behaviour in the Classroom; Small Group Teaching; Introduction to Mental Health; Equality and Diversity

 Academi Mentoring scheme, 2006

Short Story Writing Course, Ty Newydd, (Academi) 1997

Script Writing Course, Chapter Arts, 1998

WEA Creative Writing course in Cardiff Central Library, 1993 – 95

 Other Professional Activities

  • Helped with the organisation of the Special Collections and Rare Books (SCOLAR) conference at Cardiff University: Livres d’Artistes, The Artists’s Book in Theory and Practice, 4 – 6 December, 2015.
  • At the Cardiff Centre for Lifelong Learning I supported students from Cardiff University MA in Creative Writing on teaching practice placements, facilitated workshops for teachers at National Museum Wales, published and recorded student work on museum websites and podcasts.
  • External moderator for Creative Writing on the Quinquennial Review, Certificate of Higher Education: Open Learning at Trinity College, Carmarthen, 2007.



Cefais fy ngeni yn Kampala, Uganda a chefais fy magu yno, yn Adelaide, Awstralia ac yn Abertawe, Cymru.

Ym Mhrifysgol Sussex, enillais Baglor yn y Celfyddydau yn Saesneg, 2.1, cyn ennill Tystysgrif Ôl-raddedig mewn Addysg ym Mhrifysgol Brighton, ac ar ôl hynny bûm yn dysgu Saesneg a Drama mewn ysgolion uwchradd yn Nwyrain Sussex am bum mlynedd.

Dysgais ysgrifennu creadigol fel rhan o ddarpariaeth Dysgu Gydol Oes Cyngor Caerdydd rhwng 2003 a 2010.

Rhwng 2004 a 2019 roeddwn yn diwtor yng Nghanolfan Dysgu Gydol Oes Prifysgol Caerdydd (y Ganolfan Datblygu Parhaus a Phroffesiynol erbyn hyn) yn dylunio ac yn darparu modiwlau achrededig 10 wythnos:

  1. 'Ysgrifennu Creadigol yn yr Amgueddfa', wedi'i leoli yn Amgueddfa Cymru, Caerdydd, lle bu myfyrwyr yn ymgysylltu'n greadigol ag arddangosfeydd, gwrthrychau mewn orielau, casgliadau a sgyrsiau y tu ôl i'r llenni gan guraduron.
  2. 'Ysgrifennu Caerdydd', wedi'i leoli yn Llyfrgell Ganolog Caerdydd ac Amgueddfa Stori Caerdydd, lle bu'r myfyrwyr yn archwilio ysgrifennu am le, hunaniaeth a symudedd daearyddol.
  3. 'Ysgrifennu'r Corff', sydd wedi'i leoli yn yr Adran Anatomeg, yn Ysgol y Biowyddorau Caerdydd, lle bu myfyrwyr yn arbrofi gydag ysgrifennu am gynrychioliadau anatomegol a meddygol o'r corff (hanesyddol a chyfoes).

Ymunais â'r Adran Ysgrifennu Creadigol a Beirniadol yn yr Ysgol Saesneg, Cyfathrebu ac Athroniaeth ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2014 fel myfyriwr ôl-raddedig a chwblhau fy PhD yn 2019. 

Rhwng 2016 a 2019 fel myfyriwr ôl-raddedig, bûm yn dysgu myfyrwyr israddedig ar ddau fodiwl Blwyddyn Un: Darllen Creadigol ac Ysgrifennu Creadigol.

Ers cwblhau fy PhD a dod yn Athro Prifysgol yn 2019 rwyf wedi bod yn dysgu modiwl Ysgrifennu Creadigol Ail Flwyddyn : Straeon o'r Byd Go Iawn: Naratif Ffeithiol , tra'n cyfrannu at fodiwlau ysgrifennu creadigol ar lefelau israddedig ac ôl-raddedig, gyda darlithoedd a gweithdai. Rwy'n goruchwylio myfyrwyr Blwyddyn Tri ar gyfer eu blwyddyn olaf Prosiect Ysgrifennu Creadigol a myfyrwyr MA ar gyfer eu Portffolios Ysgrifennu Creadigol 1 a 2.



Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • Associate member of Academi, Literature Wales
  • Member of the National Association of Writers in Education (NAWE)
  • Co-opted member of the Federative International Committee for Equality and Diversity in relation to Anatomy (FICEDA)


Contact Details

Email MorganS20@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29225 14550
Campuses Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 1.06, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU