Dr Gavin Murray-Miller
Darllenydd mewn Hanes Modern Ewrop
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae Gavin Murray-Miller yn ddarllenwr mewn hanes modern. Yn y gorffennol, mae wedi dal cymrodoriaethau ymchwil yn y Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG) ym Mainz, yr Almaen, yr École normale supérieure (ENS) ym Mharis, y Ganolfan Astudiaethau Uwch (CAS) yn Sofia, Bwlgaria, a Phrifysgol Academaidd y Wladwriaeth ar gyfer y Dyniaethau (GAUGN) yn Academi Gwyddorau Rwsia, Moscow. Yn 2021-2022, roedd yn gymrawd Alexander von Humboldt yn Universität Leipzig.
Mae ei ymchwil wedi canolbwyntio ar Ewrop a'r byd Arabaidd, gydag arbenigedd mewn hanes gwleidyddol Ewrop a Gogledd Affrica yn y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg hir. Mae ei waith wedi archwilio ystod amrywiol o themâu, gan gynnwys hanesyddiaeth ôl-drefedigaethol, cyfeirianegiaeth, llywodraethu chwyldroadol a democratiaeth, a damcaniaethau cymharol cenedlaetholdeb ac ymerodraeth. Cyhoeddwyd ei lyfr diweddaraf , Empire Unbound: France and the Muslim Mediterranean gan Oxford University Press yn 2022.
Rhwng 2011 a 2016 bu hefyd yn ymchwilydd ar gyfer prosiect y dyniaethau digidol The People of the Founding Era a lansiwyd gan Sefydliad Virginia ar gyfer y Dyniaethau. Mae'r prosiect yn dwyn ynghyd gyfuniad o ddata bywgraffyddol a chymdeithasol sydd wedi'i gynnwys yn rhifynnau digidol casgliad y Tadau Sylfaenol ym Mhrifysgol Virginia. Mae'r gronfa ddata prosopograffig yn cynnwys America drefedigaethol a'r cyfnod gweriniaethol cynnar, gan ddarparu adnodd gwerthfawr ar gyfer ein dealltwriaeth o fyd yr Iwerydd.
Mae ei waith diweddaraf yn ymwneud â themâu ymerodraeth a thrawsgenedlaetholdeb yn rhanbarth Môr y Canoldir, gyda sylw arbennig i'r cyfarfyddiad rhwng cymdeithasau Ewropeaidd a Mwslimaidd. Mae hefyd yn ymwneud ag ymchwil ar wleidyddiaeth radical Ewropeaidd a byd-eang.
Mae dysgeidiaeth Gavin yn cynnwys cyrsiau ar hanes Ewropeaidd trawswladol o 1789 hyd at y wleidyddiaeth bresennol a chwyldroadol rhwng y chwyldroadau Ffrengig a Rwsiaidd mewn cyd-destun byd-eang.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2024. Muslim Europe: How Religion and Empire Transformed European Society. Lexington Books.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2024. Europe, Islam, and the First World War. In: D'Auria, M., Petri, R. and Vermeiren, J. eds. Making Peace: European Ways of Inciting and Containing Armed Conflict, 1710?1960. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 231-254., (10.1515/9783110764758-010)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2024. France and Algeria, 1830-1870. In: Andress, D. ed. The Routledge Handbook of French History. Routledge, pp. 385-393.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2023. Europe and its orientalisms. In: Hewitson, M. and Vermeiren, J. eds. Europe and the East: Historical Ideas of Eastern and Southeast Europe, 1789-1989. Routledge, pp. 56-75., (10.4324/9781003120131-4)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2022. Mediterranean imaginaries: Europe, Empire, and Islam in the nineteenth century. In: D'Auria, M. and Gallo, F. eds. Mediterranean Europe(s): Rethinking Europe from its Southern Shores. Routledge, pp. 56-75.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2022. Empire unbound: France and the Muslim Mediterranean, 1880-1918. Oxford University Press.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2022. Les réseaux politiques en Afrique du Nord : circulation, diffusion et transferts de 1908 à 1914. Revue d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Afrique 3, pp. 49-60. (10.51185/journals/rhca.2022.0304)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2021. Arab press networks and imperial connectivities from Mediterranean Africa to France in the late 19th century. Istoryia 12(7), article number: 105. (10.18254/S207987840015283-0)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2020. Empire and trans-imperial subjects in the Muslim Mediterranean. Historical Journal 63(4), pp. 958-979. (10.1017/S0018246X1900044X)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2020. War, Republican militarism, and the reimagining of Republican revolution in the Paris commune of 1871. Istoriya 11(4) (10.18254/S207987840009315-5)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2020. Postcolonial history. In: Berger, S., Feldner, H. and Passmore, K. eds. Writing History: Theory and Practice. Bloomsbury, pp. 184-204.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2020. Revolutionary Europe: Politics, community and culture in transnational context, 1775-1922. London: Bloomsbury.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2019. Networks, contact zones and the trans-local dimensions of the imperial Mediterranean. Middle East: Topics and Arguments 13, pp. 44-49. (10.17192/meta.2019.13.8075)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2018. Civilization, modernity and Europe: The making and unmaking of a conceptual unity. History 103(356), pp. 418-433. (10.1111/1468-229X.12614)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2018. Bonapartism in Algeria: empire and sovereignty before the Third Republic. French History 32(2), pp. 249-270. (10.1093/fh/cry005)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2017. The cult of the modern: Trans-Mediterranean France and the construction of French modernity. France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decolonization. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2017. “Transsredizemnomorskaja Francija (ТРАНССРЕДИЗЕМНОМОРСКАЯ ФРАНЦИЯ)' (France and Algeria: Trans-Mediterranean society). Francuzskij Ezhegodnik (Annuaire d’Études Françaises) 2017, pp. 141-161.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2016. Flâneurs in The Orient: The Colonial Maghrib and the origins of the French Modernist tradition. In: Goldwyn, A. J. and Silverman, R. M. eds. Mediterranean Modernism: Intercultural Exchange and Aesthetic Development, 1880-1945. Mediterranean Perspectives Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 317-342.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2015. The Paris attacks and France's Republican tradition. History Today 2015(17 Nov)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2014. Neither reformers nor réformés: The construction of French modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Historical Reflections Reflexions Historiques 40(3), pp. 44-67. (10.3167/hrrh.2014.400303)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2014. A conflicted sense of nationality: Napoleon III’s Arab Kingdom and the paradoxes of French multiculturalism. French Colonial History 15(1), pp. 1-37.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2014. Imagining the trans-Mediterranean Republic: Algeria, republicanism and the ideological origins of the French Imperial Nation-State, 1848-1870. French Historical Studies 37(2), pp. 303-330. (10.1215/00161071-2401620)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2012. Théophile Gautier (1811–1872). In: Fitzpatrick, C. and Tunstall, D. A. eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography Series Vol. 366. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group Publishing, pp. 107-114.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2012. Eugène Fromentin (1820–1876). In: Fitzpatrick, C. and Tunstall, D. A. eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography Series Vol. 366. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group Publishing, pp. 94-99.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2012. Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880). In: Fitzpatrick, C. and Tunstall, D. A. eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography Series Vol. 366. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group Publishing, pp. 80-87.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2011. The French Cult of the Modern: Power, Identity, and the Idiom of Newness in Nineteenth-Century France. Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 37(2), pp. 29-49.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2010. A narrative of death and resurrection: emplotment and decadence in Nineteenth-Century French Catholic ideology. ARC: The Journal of The Faculty of Religious Studies 38, pp. 163-175.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2008. In the land of the lotus eaters: travel writing and the ambiguities of Colonial representation in French Algeria, 1830-1870. Peer English: The Journal of New Critical Thinking 3, pp. 55-63.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2022. Les réseaux politiques en Afrique du Nord : circulation, diffusion et transferts de 1908 à 1914. Revue d’Histoire Contemporaine de l’Afrique 3, pp. 49-60. (10.51185/journals/rhca.2022.0304)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2021. Arab press networks and imperial connectivities from Mediterranean Africa to France in the late 19th century. Istoryia 12(7), article number: 105. (10.18254/S207987840015283-0)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2020. Empire and trans-imperial subjects in the Muslim Mediterranean. Historical Journal 63(4), pp. 958-979. (10.1017/S0018246X1900044X)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2020. War, Republican militarism, and the reimagining of Republican revolution in the Paris commune of 1871. Istoriya 11(4) (10.18254/S207987840009315-5)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2019. Networks, contact zones and the trans-local dimensions of the imperial Mediterranean. Middle East: Topics and Arguments 13, pp. 44-49. (10.17192/meta.2019.13.8075)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2018. Civilization, modernity and Europe: The making and unmaking of a conceptual unity. History 103(356), pp. 418-433. (10.1111/1468-229X.12614)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2018. Bonapartism in Algeria: empire and sovereignty before the Third Republic. French History 32(2), pp. 249-270. (10.1093/fh/cry005)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2017. “Transsredizemnomorskaja Francija (ТРАНССРЕДИЗЕМНОМОРСКАЯ ФРАНЦИЯ)' (France and Algeria: Trans-Mediterranean society). Francuzskij Ezhegodnik (Annuaire d’Études Françaises) 2017, pp. 141-161.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2015. The Paris attacks and France's Republican tradition. History Today 2015(17 Nov)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2014. Neither reformers nor réformés: The construction of French modernity in the Nineteenth Century. Historical Reflections Reflexions Historiques 40(3), pp. 44-67. (10.3167/hrrh.2014.400303)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2014. A conflicted sense of nationality: Napoleon III’s Arab Kingdom and the paradoxes of French multiculturalism. French Colonial History 15(1), pp. 1-37.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2014. Imagining the trans-Mediterranean Republic: Algeria, republicanism and the ideological origins of the French Imperial Nation-State, 1848-1870. French Historical Studies 37(2), pp. 303-330. (10.1215/00161071-2401620)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2011. The French Cult of the Modern: Power, Identity, and the Idiom of Newness in Nineteenth-Century France. Concentric: Literary and Cultural Studies 37(2), pp. 29-49.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2010. A narrative of death and resurrection: emplotment and decadence in Nineteenth-Century French Catholic ideology. ARC: The Journal of The Faculty of Religious Studies 38, pp. 163-175.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2008. In the land of the lotus eaters: travel writing and the ambiguities of Colonial representation in French Algeria, 1830-1870. Peer English: The Journal of New Critical Thinking 3, pp. 55-63.
Book sections
- Murray-Miller, G. 2024. Europe, Islam, and the First World War. In: D'Auria, M., Petri, R. and Vermeiren, J. eds. Making Peace: European Ways of Inciting and Containing Armed Conflict, 1710?1960. De Gruyter Oldenbourg, pp. 231-254., (10.1515/9783110764758-010)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2024. France and Algeria, 1830-1870. In: Andress, D. ed. The Routledge Handbook of French History. Routledge, pp. 385-393.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2023. Europe and its orientalisms. In: Hewitson, M. and Vermeiren, J. eds. Europe and the East: Historical Ideas of Eastern and Southeast Europe, 1789-1989. Routledge, pp. 56-75., (10.4324/9781003120131-4)
- Murray-Miller, G. 2022. Mediterranean imaginaries: Europe, Empire, and Islam in the nineteenth century. In: D'Auria, M. and Gallo, F. eds. Mediterranean Europe(s): Rethinking Europe from its Southern Shores. Routledge, pp. 56-75.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2020. Postcolonial history. In: Berger, S., Feldner, H. and Passmore, K. eds. Writing History: Theory and Practice. Bloomsbury, pp. 184-204.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2016. Flâneurs in The Orient: The Colonial Maghrib and the origins of the French Modernist tradition. In: Goldwyn, A. J. and Silverman, R. M. eds. Mediterranean Modernism: Intercultural Exchange and Aesthetic Development, 1880-1945. Mediterranean Perspectives Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 317-342.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2012. Théophile Gautier (1811–1872). In: Fitzpatrick, C. and Tunstall, D. A. eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography Series Vol. 366. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group Publishing, pp. 107-114.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2012. Eugène Fromentin (1820–1876). In: Fitzpatrick, C. and Tunstall, D. A. eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography Series Vol. 366. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group Publishing, pp. 94-99.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2012. Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880). In: Fitzpatrick, C. and Tunstall, D. A. eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography Series Vol. 366. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group Publishing, pp. 80-87.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2024. Muslim Europe: How Religion and Empire Transformed European Society. Lexington Books.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2022. Empire unbound: France and the Muslim Mediterranean, 1880-1918. Oxford University Press.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2020. Revolutionary Europe: Politics, community and culture in transnational context, 1775-1922. London: Bloomsbury.
- Murray-Miller, G. 2017. The cult of the modern: Trans-Mediterranean France and the construction of French modernity. France Overseas: Studies in Empire and Decolonization. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Research interests
Modern France
The French Colonial Empire
Nationalism and Citizenship Studies
The Global Nineteenth Century
The Age of Revolution and Radical Political Movements
European Islam and Multiculturalism
Mae'r pynciau addysgu yn cynnwys:
Hanes Modern Ewrop (canrifoedd 19eg a'r ugeinfed ganrif)
Hanes Ffrangeg Modern
Hanes Ymerodraeth
Hanes Byd-eang a Thrawswladol
Postdoctoral Fellow, Leibniz Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz, Germany (2014)
École Normale Supérieure, Pensionnaire étranger (2009)
Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg Stipendiat (2006)
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil (2021), Prifysgol Leipzig, Yr Almaen.
Canolfan Astudiaethau Adanced, Cymrawd Ôl-ddoethurol (2020), Sofia, Bwlgaria.
State Academic University for the Humanities, Postdoctoral Fellowship (2018), Mossow, Rwsia. Prosiect Grant: Gwerthoedd Rhyddfrydol a Chymdeithas Draddodiadol mewn Cyd-destun Cymharol (a ariennir gan Weinyddiaeth Addysg Ffederasiwn Rwsia)
Penodwyd yn Gymrawd yr Academi Addysg Uwch (2017), y Deyrnas Unedig
Leibniz Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Cymrodoriaeth Ôl-ddoethurol (2014), Mainz, Yr Almaen.
École Normale Supérieure Fellowship (2008), Paris, Ffrainc.
Sefydliad Coffa Thomas Jefferson, Dumas Malone Research Fellowship (2008), Unol Daleithiau America.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Society for French Historical Studies (editorial board)
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Hanes ymerodraethau, imperialaeth a gwladychiaeth
- Hanes Ffrangeg Modern
- Hanes Ewropeaidd Modern
- Hanes Byd-eang
- Hanes y Dwyrain Canol a Gogledd Affrica