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Gavin Murray-Miller

Dr Gavin Murray-Miller

Reader in Modern European History

Available for postgraduate supervision


Gavin Murray-Miller is a reader in modern history. In the past, he has held research fellowships at the Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG) in Mainz, Germany, the École normale supérieure (ENS) in Paris, the Centre for Advanced Studies (CAS) in Sofia, Bulgaria, and the State Academic University for the Humanities (GAUGN) at the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow. In 2021-2022, he was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the Universität Leipzig.

His research has focused on Europe and the Francophone Arab world, with expertise in European political history and North Africa in the long nineteenth century. His work has explored a diverse range of themes, including post-colonial historiography, orientalism, revolutionary governance and democracy, and comparative theories of nationalism and empire. His most recent book Empire Unbound: France and the Muslim Mediterranean was published by Oxford University Press in 2022.

Between 2011 and 2016 he also served as a researcher for the digital humanities project The People of The Founding Era launched by the Virginia Foundation for the Humanities. The project brings together a combination of biographical and social data contained within the digitized editions of the Founding Fathers collection at the University of Virginia. The prosopographic database covers colonial America and the early republican period, providing a valuable resource for our understanding of the Atlantic world.

His latest work is concerned with themes of empire and transnationalism in the Mediterranean region, with special attention to the encounter between European and Muslim socieities. He is equally engaged in research on European and global radical politics.

Gavin's teaching consists of courses on transnational European history from 1789 to the present and revolutionary politics between the French and Russian revolutions in a global context.














  • Murray-Miller, G. 2012. Théophile Gautier (1811–1872). In: Fitzpatrick, C. and Tunstall, D. A. eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography Series Vol. 366. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group Publishing, pp. 107-114.
  • Murray-Miller, G. 2012. Eugène Fromentin (1820–1876). In: Fitzpatrick, C. and Tunstall, D. A. eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography Series Vol. 366. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group Publishing, pp. 94-99.
  • Murray-Miller, G. 2012. Gustave Flaubert (1821–1880). In: Fitzpatrick, C. and Tunstall, D. A. eds. Dictionary of Literary Biography: Orientalist Writers. Dictionary of Literary Biography Series Vol. 366. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Group Publishing, pp. 80-87.





Book sections



Research interests

Modern France

The French Colonial Empire

Nationalism and Citizenship Studies

The Global Nineteenth Century

The Age of Revolution and Radical Political Movements

Europe and the Islamic World


Teaching subjects include:

Modern European History (nineteenth and tewentieth centuries)

Modern French History

Histories of Empire

Global and Transnational History





Ph.D., University of Virginia (2011)

MA, Louisiana State University (2005)

BA, Hunter College, CUNY (2003)


Senior Fellow, State Academic University for the Humanities, Moscow Russia (2018 - Present)

Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Centre for Advanced Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria (2020)

Postdoctoral Fellow, Leibniz Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Mainz, Germany (2014)

Pensionnaire étranger, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France (2009)

Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg Stipendiat (2006)

Honours and awards

Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung, Research Fellowship (2021), Leipzig University, Germany.

The Centre for Adanced Studies, Postdoctoral Fellow (2020), Sofia, Bulgaria.

State Academic University for the Humanities, Postdoctoral Fellowship (2018), Mossow, Russia. Grant Project: Liberal Values and Traditional Society in Comparative Context (funded by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation)

Appointed Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2017), United Kingdom

The Leibniz Institut für Europäische Geschichte, Postdoctoral Fellowship (2014), Mainz, Germany.

École Normale Supérieure Fellowship (2008), Paris, France.

The Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Dumas Malone Research Fellowship (2008), United States.

Professional memberships

Society for French Historical Studies (former editorial board member)

Royal Historical Society (fellow)

American Historical Association

Society for The Study of French History

Contact Details

Research themes


  • History of empires, imperialism and colonialism
  • Modern French History
  • Modern European History
  • Global History
  • Middle Eastern and North African history