Dr Caitriona Noonan
BBS (Limerick), PhD (Glasgow), PgCLT (Glamorgan)
Darllenydd yn y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae Dr Caitriona Noonan yn Ddarllenydd yn y Cyfryngau a Chyfathrebu yn yr Ysgol Newyddiaduraeth, y Cyfryngau ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol (JOMEC). Mae hi'n ymchwilydd gweithredol ym meysydd cynhyrchu teledu, darlledu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, llafur creadigol a pholisi diwylliannol. Mae mwy o wybodaeth am ei hymchwil ar gael yn www.smallnationsscreen.org
Mae'n gyd-awdur y llyfr Producing British Television Drama: Local Production in a Global Era (Palgrave, 2019). Mae'r llyfr hwn yn ail-gyfeirio cwestiynau grym, rheolaeth a chynaliadwyedd wrth gynhyrchu drama deledu. Mae ei herthyglau yn ymddangos mewn cyfnodolion megis International Journal of Cultural Policy, Cultural Trends, a'r European Journal of Cultural Studies. Cyd-olygodd lyfr ar Waith Diwylliannol ac Addysg Uwch yn 2013.
Roedd Caitriona yn brif ymchwilydd ar brosiect a ariannwyd gan AHRC 'Screen Agencies as Cultural Intermediaries: Negotiating and Shaping Cultural Policy for the Film and TV Industries within Small Nations'. Mae hwn yn brosiect tair blynedd gyda'r Athro Ruth McElroy (Prifysgol De Cymru) yn archwilio'r strategaethau ar gyfer cynaliadwyedd economaidd a diwylliannol a fabwysiadwyd gan asiantaethau sgrin a ariennir yn gyhoeddus. Cyhoeddir llyfr ar y prosiect hwn 'European Screen Agencies: Cultural Intermediaries in the Film and Television Sector' gan Palgrave yn 2024 fel rhan o'u cyfres Ffilm a Chyfryngau Ewropeaidd.
Yn 2015 roedd hi'n rhan o gais llwyddiannus i Gynllun Rhwydweithio Ymchwil yr AHRC. Roedd rhwydwaith 'Teledu o'r Cenhedloedd Bach' yn rhedeg o Awst 2015 tan fis Gorffennaf 2016 ac roedd yn gydweithrediad rhwng Dr Noonan, yr Athro McElroy a Dr Anne Marit Waade (Prifysgol Aarhus), ynghyd â phartneriaid yn y diwydiant: Undeb Darlledu Ewrop, y Gymdeithas Deledu Frenhinol (Cymru), S4C (Cymru) a TG4 (Iwerddon). Daeth y rhwydwaith â gweithwyr teledu proffesiynol ac academyddion ynghyd o ystod o ddisgyblaethau i fynd i'r afael â'r heriau a'r cyfleoedd penodol sy'n wynebu Darlledwyr a chynhyrchwyr mewn gwledydd bychain.
Mae canfyddiadau ymchwil Caitriona ac ymrwymiadau diwydiant Caitriona wedi ei harwain i wneud cyflwyniadau i wahanol gyrff llywodraeth ac anllywodraethol (gan gynnwys DCMS, BBC, OFCOM, Cynulliad Cymru, ac ati). Cyfeiriwyd yn uniongyrchol at y cyflwyniadau hyn i lywio argymhellion a pholisïau. Mae rhestr lawn o'r adroddiadau hyn ar gael o dan y tab Ymgysylltu.
Mae Caitriona hefyd wedi ymchwilio i gynhyrchu teledu celfyddydol yn y DU a thramor. Hyd yma mae wedi cyfweld uwch swyddogion gweithredol a chynhyrchwyr yn y BBC, Channel 4, Sky Arts, ABC a RTE, ynghyd â chynhyrchwyr annibynnol a sefydliadau celfyddydol. Gellir cael rhagor o wybodaeth am y gwaith hwn yn: www.artsbroadcasting.wordpress.com
Yn 2017 roedd Caitriona yn gymrawd ymchwil gwadd yn yr Ysgol Llenyddiaeth, Celf a'r Cyfryngau ym Mhrifysgol Sydney. Mae Caitriona yn gwasanaethu ar grŵp llywio Canolfan Astudio'r Cyfryngau a Diwylliant mewn Gwledydd Bach. Rhwng 2017 a 2021 cydlynodd gyfres seminarau ymchwil wythnosol JOMEC gyda'i chydweithiwr Dr Maria Kyriakidou.
Mae Caitriona yn gwasanaethu ar Goleg Adolygu Cyfoed yr AHRC Mae hi ar fwrdd golygyddol y cyfnodolyn Critical Studies in Television.
Mae Caitriona hefyd yn croesawu cynigion PhD a chydweithrediadau ymchwil ym meysydd astudiaethau teledu gan gynnwys dadansoddi llafur a chynhyrchu, darlledu gwasanaethau cyhoeddus, genres (megis drama a ffeithiol) a hanesion sefydliadol. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb hefyd mewn cwestiynau ehangach am lafur creadigol, polisi diwylliannol a darpariaeth cyfryngau mewn gwledydd bychain gan gynnwys Cymru, yr Alban, Gogledd Iwerddon, Gweriniaeth Iwerddon a Denmarc.
- Noonan, C. 2024. Support for film and television production in small nations: the role of Screen Ireland. Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy 10(2), pp. 22-37.
- Noonan, C. 2023. Screen agencies as policy intermediates between small nations and transnational SVODs. Journal of Digital Media & Policy 14(3), pp. 303 -321. (10.1386/jdmp_00131_1)
- Noonan, C. and Brock, M. 2023. Screen agencies as cultural intermediaries: Delivering gender equality in the film and television sectors?. European Journal of Cultural Studies 26(3), pp. 408-427. (10.1177/13675494221134342)
- Chivers, T., Allan, S., Carter, C., Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Noonan, C. 2023. Review of the broadcasting powers and responsibilities in selected countries Report for the expert panel on a shadow broadcasting and communications authority for Wales. Welsh Government. Available at: https://www.gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2023-08/a-new-future-for-broadcasting-and-communications-in-wales-review-of-the-broadcasting-powers-and-responsibilities-in-selected-countries.pdf.pdf
- Noonan, C. and Sorensen, I. 2022. European screen agencies and sustainability: interventions for greening the screen. In: Kääpä, P. and Vaughan, H. eds. Film and Television Production in the Age of Climate Crisis Towards a Greener Screen. Peter Lang, pp. 69-95., (10.1007/978-3-030-98120-4_4)
- McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2022. 'Rooting' the BBC: An interview with Rhodri Talfan Davies, Director of BBC Nations. Critical Studies in Television 17(1), pp. 32-45. (10.1177/17496020211061307)
- Noonan, C. and McElroy, R. 2022. Film policy, social value and the mediating role of screen agencies. In: Hjort, M. and Nannicelli, T. eds. A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value. Wiley, pp. 382-400., (10.1002/9781119677154.ch17)
- Sørensen, I. E. and Noonan, C. 2022. Production, policy and power: the screen industry's response to the environmental crisis. Media, Culture and Society 44(1), pp. 172-184. (10.1177/01634437211065697)
- Noonan, C. 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic and the European Screen Industry: the role of national screen agencies. In: Salvador, E., Navarrete, T. and Srakar, A. eds. Cultural Industries and the Covid-19 Pandemic A European Focus. Routledge, pp. 239-253.
- Rodríguez-Castro, M., Noonan, C. and Ramsey, P. 2021. Public service media interventions: risk and the market. In: Túnez-Lopez, M., Campos-Freire, F. and Rodríguez-Castro, M. eds. The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society. Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 173-191.
- Noonan, C. 2020. Public funding in a time of crisis: film funds and the pandemic. Baltic Screen Media Review 8 (1), pp. 10-17. (10.2478/bsmr-2020-0002)
- McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2019. Producing British television drama: Local production in a global era. Basingstoke: Palgrave. (10.1057/978-1-137-57875-4)
- Noonan, C. 2018. Commissioning and producing public service content: British arts television. Media Industries 5(2) (10.3998/mij.15031809.0005.201)
- McElroy, R., Noonan, C. and Nielsen, J. I. 2018. Small is beautiful? The salience of scale and power to three European cultures of TV production. Critical Studies in Television 13(2), pp. 169-187.
- McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2018. Public service media and digital innovation. The small nation experience. In: Ferrell Lowe, G., Van den Bulck, H. and Donders, K. eds. Public Service Media in the Networked Society. Nordicom, pp. 159-174.
- Noonan, C. and Genders, A. 2018. Breaking the generic mould?: Grayson Perry, Channel 4 and the production of British arts television. Critical Studies in Television 13(1), pp. 79-95. (10.1177/1749602017746355)
- Noonan, C. and Powell, S. 2018. Public service television in Wales. In: Freedman, D. and Goblot, V. eds. A Future for Public Service Television. Goldsmiths Press
- Noonan, C. and Genders, A. 2018. Securing the future for arts broadcasting. In: Freedman, D. and Goblot, V. eds. A Future for Public Service Television. Goldsmiths Press, pp. 305-308.
- Noonan, C. and Lohmeier, C. 2017. From Cultural Studies to Impact Factor: Media and communication research in the United Kingdom. In: Averbeck-Lietz, S. ed. Kommunikationswissenschaft im internationalen Vergleich: Transnationale Perspektiven. Medien - Kultur - Kommunikation Springer VS, pp. 33-52.
- Mcelroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2016. Television drama production in small nations: mobilities in a changing ecology. Journal of Popular Television 4(1), pp. 109-127. (10.1386/jptv.4.1.109_1)
- Noonan, C. 2015. Constructing creativities: Higher education and the cultural workforce. In: Oakley, K. and O'Connor, J. eds. Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries. Routledge, pp. 442-451.
- Noonan, C. 2015. Professional mobilities in the creative industries: The role of “place” for young people aspiring for a creative career. Cultural Trends 24(4), pp. 299-309. (10.1080/09548963.2015.1088121)
- Noonan, C. 2014. Jonathan Paquette, Cultural policy, work and identity: the creation, renewal and negotiation of professional subjectivities [Book Review]. European Journal of Cultural Studies 17(2), pp. 225-226. (10.1177/1367549413514432)
- Noonan, C. 2014. 'Not a museum piece': exploring the 'special' occupational culture of religious broadcasting in Britain. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 10(1), pp. 65-81. (10.1386/macp.10.1.65_1)
- Noonan, C. 2013. Smashing childlike wonder? The early journey into higher education. In: Noonan, C. and Ashton, D. eds. Cultural work and higher education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 133-153.
- Noonan, C. 2013. Piety and professionalism: The BBC's changing religious mission (1960–1979). Media History 19(2), pp. 196-212. (10.1080/13688804.2013.791425)
- Noonan, C. and Ashton, D. eds. 2013. Cultural work and higher education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Noonan, C. 2012. The BBC and decentralisation: the pilgrimage to Manchester. International Journal of Cultural Policy 18(4), pp. 363-377. (10.1080/10286632.2011.598516)
- Noonan, C. 2011. 'Big stuff in a beautiful way with interesting people': The spiritual discourse in UK religious television. European Journal of Cultural Studies 14(6), pp. 727-746. (10.1177/1367549411419975)
- Noonan, C. 2024. Support for film and television production in small nations: the role of Screen Ireland. Irish Journal of Arts Management and Cultural Policy 10(2), pp. 22-37.
- Noonan, C. 2023. Screen agencies as policy intermediates between small nations and transnational SVODs. Journal of Digital Media & Policy 14(3), pp. 303 -321. (10.1386/jdmp_00131_1)
- Noonan, C. and Brock, M. 2023. Screen agencies as cultural intermediaries: Delivering gender equality in the film and television sectors?. European Journal of Cultural Studies 26(3), pp. 408-427. (10.1177/13675494221134342)
- McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2022. 'Rooting' the BBC: An interview with Rhodri Talfan Davies, Director of BBC Nations. Critical Studies in Television 17(1), pp. 32-45. (10.1177/17496020211061307)
- Sørensen, I. E. and Noonan, C. 2022. Production, policy and power: the screen industry's response to the environmental crisis. Media, Culture and Society 44(1), pp. 172-184. (10.1177/01634437211065697)
- Noonan, C. 2020. Public funding in a time of crisis: film funds and the pandemic. Baltic Screen Media Review 8 (1), pp. 10-17. (10.2478/bsmr-2020-0002)
- Noonan, C. 2018. Commissioning and producing public service content: British arts television. Media Industries 5(2) (10.3998/mij.15031809.0005.201)
- McElroy, R., Noonan, C. and Nielsen, J. I. 2018. Small is beautiful? The salience of scale and power to three European cultures of TV production. Critical Studies in Television 13(2), pp. 169-187.
- Noonan, C. and Genders, A. 2018. Breaking the generic mould?: Grayson Perry, Channel 4 and the production of British arts television. Critical Studies in Television 13(1), pp. 79-95. (10.1177/1749602017746355)
- Mcelroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2016. Television drama production in small nations: mobilities in a changing ecology. Journal of Popular Television 4(1), pp. 109-127. (10.1386/jptv.4.1.109_1)
- Noonan, C. 2015. Professional mobilities in the creative industries: The role of “place” for young people aspiring for a creative career. Cultural Trends 24(4), pp. 299-309. (10.1080/09548963.2015.1088121)
- Noonan, C. 2014. Jonathan Paquette, Cultural policy, work and identity: the creation, renewal and negotiation of professional subjectivities [Book Review]. European Journal of Cultural Studies 17(2), pp. 225-226. (10.1177/1367549413514432)
- Noonan, C. 2014. 'Not a museum piece': exploring the 'special' occupational culture of religious broadcasting in Britain. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics 10(1), pp. 65-81. (10.1386/macp.10.1.65_1)
- Noonan, C. 2013. Piety and professionalism: The BBC's changing religious mission (1960–1979). Media History 19(2), pp. 196-212. (10.1080/13688804.2013.791425)
- Noonan, C. 2012. The BBC and decentralisation: the pilgrimage to Manchester. International Journal of Cultural Policy 18(4), pp. 363-377. (10.1080/10286632.2011.598516)
- Noonan, C. 2011. 'Big stuff in a beautiful way with interesting people': The spiritual discourse in UK religious television. European Journal of Cultural Studies 14(6), pp. 727-746. (10.1177/1367549411419975)
Book sections
- Noonan, C. and Sorensen, I. 2022. European screen agencies and sustainability: interventions for greening the screen. In: Kääpä, P. and Vaughan, H. eds. Film and Television Production in the Age of Climate Crisis Towards a Greener Screen. Peter Lang, pp. 69-95., (10.1007/978-3-030-98120-4_4)
- Noonan, C. and McElroy, R. 2022. Film policy, social value and the mediating role of screen agencies. In: Hjort, M. and Nannicelli, T. eds. A Companion to Motion Pictures and Public Value. Wiley, pp. 382-400., (10.1002/9781119677154.ch17)
- Noonan, C. 2021. The COVID-19 pandemic and the European Screen Industry: the role of national screen agencies. In: Salvador, E., Navarrete, T. and Srakar, A. eds. Cultural Industries and the Covid-19 Pandemic A European Focus. Routledge, pp. 239-253.
- Rodríguez-Castro, M., Noonan, C. and Ramsey, P. 2021. Public service media interventions: risk and the market. In: Túnez-Lopez, M., Campos-Freire, F. and Rodríguez-Castro, M. eds. The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society. Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business Palgrave MacMillan, pp. 173-191.
- McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2018. Public service media and digital innovation. The small nation experience. In: Ferrell Lowe, G., Van den Bulck, H. and Donders, K. eds. Public Service Media in the Networked Society. Nordicom, pp. 159-174.
- Noonan, C. and Powell, S. 2018. Public service television in Wales. In: Freedman, D. and Goblot, V. eds. A Future for Public Service Television. Goldsmiths Press
- Noonan, C. and Genders, A. 2018. Securing the future for arts broadcasting. In: Freedman, D. and Goblot, V. eds. A Future for Public Service Television. Goldsmiths Press, pp. 305-308.
- Noonan, C. and Lohmeier, C. 2017. From Cultural Studies to Impact Factor: Media and communication research in the United Kingdom. In: Averbeck-Lietz, S. ed. Kommunikationswissenschaft im internationalen Vergleich: Transnationale Perspektiven. Medien - Kultur - Kommunikation Springer VS, pp. 33-52.
- Noonan, C. 2015. Constructing creativities: Higher education and the cultural workforce. In: Oakley, K. and O'Connor, J. eds. Routledge Companion to the Cultural Industries. Routledge, pp. 442-451.
- Noonan, C. 2013. Smashing childlike wonder? The early journey into higher education. In: Noonan, C. and Ashton, D. eds. Cultural work and higher education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 133-153.
- McElroy, R. and Noonan, C. 2019. Producing British television drama: Local production in a global era. Basingstoke: Palgrave. (10.1057/978-1-137-57875-4)
- Noonan, C. and Ashton, D. eds. 2013. Cultural work and higher education. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Chivers, T., Allan, S., Carter, C., Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Noonan, C. 2023. Review of the broadcasting powers and responsibilities in selected countries Report for the expert panel on a shadow broadcasting and communications authority for Wales. Welsh Government. Available at: https://www.gov.wales/sites/default/files/publications/2023-08/a-new-future-for-broadcasting-and-communications-in-wales-review-of-the-broadcasting-powers-and-responsibilities-in-selected-countries.pdf.pdf
- Television production cultures particularly the production of television drama and the mediation of specialist factual genres like arts and religion.
- Arts Broadcasting in the UK and internationally
- Challenges to public service broadcasting
- Cultural Intermediaries in TV & film (e.g. regional and screen development agencies)
- Media and Cultural Policy (PSB, higher ed, regional development, decentralisation)
- Places & spaces of creative production
Research Website
Dr Noonan is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).
She has led a number of modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level, and currently teaches:
- Critical Issues in Television Production
- Understanding Media Business
She supervises MA, MRes and PhD research and welcomes proposals for postgraduate research which sit within her interests and expertise.
Sept 2015 - ongoing: Lecturer in Media and Culture
School of Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University
Jan 2010 – August 2015: Lecturer in Media, Culture and Communications
School for Creative Industries, University of South Wales
Sept 2005 – June 2009: Ph.D
Centre for Cultural Policy Research, University of Glasgow
Sept 2003 – August 2005: Market Consultant
Enterprise Ireland (Scotland office), Trade & Technology Board of the Irish Government
Sept 1999 – May 2003: Bachelor of Business Studies and French
University of Limerick
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Early Career Research Grant (513316), AHRC, June 2018 - May 2020
Project: Screen Agencies as Cultural Intermediaries: Negotiating and Shaping Cultural Policy for the Film and TV Industries within Selected Small Nations. Two-year study to gather and analyse original empirical data in relation to the ambitions, activities and outputs of screen agencies within seven small European nations.
International Seedcorn Funding, Cardiff University (July 2017)
Project: Arts Broadcasting, a comparative study of UK and Australian television
Cardiff Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (CUROP), Cardiff University (Summer 2016)
Project: A Quantitative study of arts television on UK television screens. Research assistance provided by Isobel Ford (BA English Lit, Cardiff Uni)
International Research Network Grant, AHRC (Aug 2015 - July 2016)
Project: Television from Small Nations. The network drew together TV professionals and academics from a range of disciplines to address the specific challenges and opportunities facing broadcasters and producers in small nations.
Strategic Insight Partnership, HEFCW (May 2014)
Project: Investigating collaboration and best practice in the Danish screen industries
Research Investment Scheme, University of Glamorgan (Apr 2012)
Project: A study of the Roath Lock Studios as a landmark development for the creative industries in Wales and the UK. Funding for research assistance for one year.
Finalist for the 2011 Cultural Policy Research Award (Oct 2011)
European Cultural Foundation
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Coleg Adolygu Cyfoed Cyngor Ymchwil y Celfyddydau a'r Dyniaethau (2017 - parhaus) https://www.ukri.org/councils/ahrc/guidance-for-reviewers/peer-review-college/
- Ymgynghorydd Allanol ar Grŵp Llywio'r Ganolfan ar gyfer Astudio'r Cyfryngau a Diwylliant mewn Cenhedloedd Bach
https://culture.research.southwales.ac.uk/ - Aelod o'r Gymdeithas Ymchwil ac Addysg Cyfathrebu Ewropeaidd (ECREA), Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Ffilm, Teledu a Sgrin Prydain (BAFTS), y Cyfryngau, Cyfathrebu ac Astudiaethau Diwylliannol (MeCCSA) a'r Gymdeithas Gyfathrebu Ryngwladol (ICA).
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Caitriona welcomes PhD proposals in the areas of:
- Television studies
- Creative labour
- Cultural production
- Public service broadcasting
- Cultural policy
- Media in and from small nations