Yr Athro Gerard O'Grady
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Gerard O'Grady
Rwy'n aelod o'r Ganolfan Ymchwil Iaith a Chyfathrebu
Fy mhrif ddiddordeb ymchwil yw archwilio sut mae siaradwyr yn rheoli'r berthynas rhwng gramadeg a phrosody yn eu rhyngweithio sgyrsiol. Mae fy ymchwil a'm haddysgu wedi'u hysbrydoli gan fy nghefndir Ieithyddol Swyddogaethol Systemig ac rwy'n gyd-olygydd llawlyfr Routledge o Systemic Functional Linguistics. Yng Nghaerdydd sefydlais y grŵp ymchwil Ieithyddiaeth yng Nghaerdydd (LinC) ac rwyf wedi cynnal ysgolion haf llwyddiannus a digwyddiadau eraill. https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/research/explore/research-units/linguistics-in-cardiff
Yn ogystal, rwy'n arwain grŵp rhyngwladol o ysgolheigion ym maes Strwythur Gwybodaeth ac wedi trefnu tri bwrdd crwn yng Nghaerdydd. Disgwylir canlyniadau ein cyfarfod diweddaraf yn 2027.
Yn ogystal â bod yn ymchwilydd gweithredol, fi yw golygydd sefydlol y gyfres lyfrau Key Concepts in SFL (Gwasg Prifysgol Toronto) a chynigion perthnasol welome.
Rwy'n siaradwr gwadd ac yn y Cyfarfod Llawn yn rheolaidd ac os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn clywed mwy am fy ngwaith presennol, byddaf yn rhoi cyfarfod llawn yn y 50fed Gynhadledd Ryngwladol Ieithyddiaeth Systemig yn Glasgow Univeristy ym mis Gorffennaf 2025.
Rwy'n gwasanaethu ar Senedd y Brifysgol tan 31/06/2026.
- O'Grady, G. 2024. Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière, William B. McGregor and An Van linden (eds.), Reconnecting form and meaning: In honour of Kristin Davidse (Studies in Language Companion Series 230). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2023. Pp. 305 + vii. ISBN 9789027212993. [Book Review]. English Language & Linguistics (10.1017/S1360674323000618)
- O'Grady, G. 2024. Theme in spoken language: when a tone group is not a clause. Journal of World Languages 10(1), pp. 76-101. (10.1515/jwl-2023-0043)
- O'Grady, G. 2024. Hector's death. A systemic socio-semantic analysis of Alice Oswald's Memorial. In: Luporni, A. et al. eds. A Life in Style. In Honour of Donna R. Miller. Bologna: Universita di Bologna, pp. 55-64.
- O'Grady, G. 2023. Syllable and syllable onsets - Japanese and English. In: Wang, B. and Ma, Y. eds. Theorizing and Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics. New York: Routledge, pp. 70-96.
- Davidse, K., Njende, N. and O'Grady, G. 2023. Specificational and Presentational There-Clefts: Redefining the Field of Clefts. Palgrave Pivot.
- O'Grady, G. and Bartlett, T. 2023. The language dynamic. Equinox.
- O'Grady, G. 2022. Review of Gussenhoven & Chen (2020): The Oxford handbook of language prosody [Book Review]. Functions of Language 29(2), pp. 237-246. (10.1075/fol.00035.gra)
- O'Grady, G. 2022. A metafunctional analysis of two televised U.K. political interviews with Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer. In: Feldman, O. ed. Adversarial Political Interviewing: Worldwide Perspectives During Polarized Times'. Springer, pp. 149-170., (10.1007/978-981-19-0576-6)
- Kimps, D. and O'Grady, G. 2022. Overlapping reactions during tag questions. Word 68(3), pp. 253-276. (10.1080/00437956.2021.2003539)
- O'Grady, G. 2021. Intonation and exchange: A dynamic and metafunctional view. Lingua 261, article number: 102794. (10.1016/j.lingua.2020.102794)
- Bourgoin, C., O'Grady, G. and Davidse, K. 2021. Managing information flow through prosody in it-clefts. English Language and Linguistics 25(3), pp. 485-511. (10.1017/S1360674321000216)
- O'Grady, G. 2020. Is there a role for prosody within register studies? And if so what and how?. Language Context and Text 2(1), pp. 59-92.
- Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. 2019. Language characterology and textual dynamics: a crosslinguistic exploration in English and Scottish Gaelic. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 51(2), pp. 124-159. (10.1080/03740463.2019.1650607)
- O'Grady, G. 2019. SFL and critical discourse analysis. In: Thompson, G. et al. eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 462-484.
- O'Grady, G. and Bartlett, T. 2019. Linearity and Tone in the unfolding of information. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 51(2), pp. 192-221. (10.1080/03740463.2019.1668621)
- Walker, L. et al. 2019. Supporting evidence-informed policy and scrutiny: a consultation of UK research professionals. PLoS ONE 14(3), article number: e0214136. (10.1371/journal.pone.0214136)
- Kimps, D., Davidse, K. and O'Grady, G. 2019. English tag questions eliciting knowledge or action: a comparison of the speech function and exchange structure models. Functions of Language 26(1), pp. 86-111. (10.1075/fol.18019.kim)
- Van Praet, W. and O'Grady, G. 2018. The prosody of specification: Discourse intonational cues to setting up a variable. Journal of Pragmatics 135, pp. 85-100. (10.1016/j.pragma.2018.07.013)
- Lawrence, N. S., Chambers, J., Morrison, S. M., Bestman, S., O'Grady, G. N., Chambers, C. D. and Kythreotis, A. P. 2017. The Evidence Information Service as a new platform for supporting evidence-based policy: a consultation of UK parliamentarians. Evidence & Policy 13(2), pp. 275-316. (10.1332/174426416X14643531912169)
- O'Grady, G. 2017. Theme and prosody: redundancy or meaning making?. English Text Construction 10(2), pp. 274-297. (10.1075/etc.10.2.05ogr)
- O'Grady, G. N. 2017. Intonation and SFL: the way forward.. In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London and New York: Routledge
- O'Grady, G. N. and Bartlett, T. 2017. Looking ahead: SFL in the 21st Century.. In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London and New York: Routledge
- Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. 2017. Introduction: reading SFL.. In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London and New York: Routledge
- Bartlett, T. 2017. Context in systemic functional linguistics: towards scalar supervenience?. In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London and New York: Routledge, (10.4324/9781315413891-35)
- Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. eds. 2017. The Routledge handbook of systemic functional linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- O'Grady, G. 2017. 'I think' in televised political debate. International Review of Pragmatics 9(2), pp. 269-303. (10.1163/18773109-00901006)
- O'Grady, G. 2016. Given/New: what do the terms refer to? A first (small) step. English Text Construction 9(1), pp. 9-32. (10.1075/etc.9.1.02ogr)
- O'Grady, G. 2014. An investigation of how intonation helps signal information structure. In: Bowcher, W. L. and Smith, B. A. eds. Systemic Phonology: Recent Studies in English. Functional Linguistics Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, pp. 27-52.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2014. The use of key in projecting face threatening acts in televised political debate. Text and Talk 34(6), pp. 685-711. (10.1515/text-2014-0025)
- Fontaine, L. M., Bartlett, T. A. M. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. 2013. Systemic functional linguistics: Exploring choice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2013. Choices in Tony’s Talk: Phonological paragraphing, information unit nexuses and the presentation of tone units. In: O'Grady, G. N., Bartlett, T. A. M. and Fontaine, L. M. eds. Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis. Functional Linguistics Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, pp. 125-157.
- O'Grady, G. N., Bartlett, T. A. M. and Fontaine, L. M. eds. 2013. Choice in language: Applications in text analysis. Functional Linguistics. London and Oakville: Equinox.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2013. Introduction: choice in language. In: O'Grady, G. N., Bartlett, T. A. M. and Fontaine, L. M. eds. Choice in Language Applications in Text Analysis. London: Equinox Publishing, pp. 1-28.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2013. Key concepts in phonetics and phonology. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2011. The unfolded imagining of Ségolène Royal. Journal of Pragmatics 43(10), pp. 2489-2500. (10.1016/j.pragma.2011.02.007)
- O'Grady, G. N. 2011. A review of 'Culture and gender of voice pitch: a sociophonetic comparison of the Japanese and the Americans' by Ikuko Patricia Yuasa [Book Review]. Journal of Sociolinguistics 15(4), pp. 548-550.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2010. D. Robert Ladd. 2008. Intonational phonology [Book Review]. Functions of Language 17(2), pp. 272- 294. (10.1075/fol.17.2.08ogr)
- O'Grady, G. N. 2010. A grammar of spoken English discourse: The intonation of increments. Bloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. London: Continuum.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2009. A comparative case study of the construal of the persona of three accused of being the 'worst of the worst'. Critical approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines 3(1), pp. 58-79.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2007. Facets of a female politician: representations of Ségolène Royal, French presidential candidate, in British broadsheet newspapers. Discussion Paper. Cardiff University: Cardiff Humanities Research Institute. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/chri/researchpapers/humanities/papers1-10/Paper2.html
- O'Grady, G. N. 2005. The intertwining of lexis, grammar and context. Journal of Research and Culture, pp. 25-49.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2004. The importance of engaged reading. Journal of Research and Culture, pp. 33-63.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2003. Discourse Intonation and read aloud text: How intonation helps hearers contextualise unfamiliar monologue. Journal of Research and Culture, pp. 55-74.
- O'Grady, G. 2024. Caroline Gentens, Lobke Ghesquière, William B. McGregor and An Van linden (eds.), Reconnecting form and meaning: In honour of Kristin Davidse (Studies in Language Companion Series 230). Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2023. Pp. 305 + vii. ISBN 9789027212993. [Book Review]. English Language & Linguistics (10.1017/S1360674323000618)
- O'Grady, G. 2024. Theme in spoken language: when a tone group is not a clause. Journal of World Languages 10(1), pp. 76-101. (10.1515/jwl-2023-0043)
- O'Grady, G. 2022. Review of Gussenhoven & Chen (2020): The Oxford handbook of language prosody [Book Review]. Functions of Language 29(2), pp. 237-246. (10.1075/fol.00035.gra)
- Kimps, D. and O'Grady, G. 2022. Overlapping reactions during tag questions. Word 68(3), pp. 253-276. (10.1080/00437956.2021.2003539)
- O'Grady, G. 2021. Intonation and exchange: A dynamic and metafunctional view. Lingua 261, article number: 102794. (10.1016/j.lingua.2020.102794)
- Bourgoin, C., O'Grady, G. and Davidse, K. 2021. Managing information flow through prosody in it-clefts. English Language and Linguistics 25(3), pp. 485-511. (10.1017/S1360674321000216)
- O'Grady, G. 2020. Is there a role for prosody within register studies? And if so what and how?. Language Context and Text 2(1), pp. 59-92.
- Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. 2019. Language characterology and textual dynamics: a crosslinguistic exploration in English and Scottish Gaelic. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 51(2), pp. 124-159. (10.1080/03740463.2019.1650607)
- O'Grady, G. and Bartlett, T. 2019. Linearity and Tone in the unfolding of information. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 51(2), pp. 192-221. (10.1080/03740463.2019.1668621)
- Walker, L. et al. 2019. Supporting evidence-informed policy and scrutiny: a consultation of UK research professionals. PLoS ONE 14(3), article number: e0214136. (10.1371/journal.pone.0214136)
- Kimps, D., Davidse, K. and O'Grady, G. 2019. English tag questions eliciting knowledge or action: a comparison of the speech function and exchange structure models. Functions of Language 26(1), pp. 86-111. (10.1075/fol.18019.kim)
- Van Praet, W. and O'Grady, G. 2018. The prosody of specification: Discourse intonational cues to setting up a variable. Journal of Pragmatics 135, pp. 85-100. (10.1016/j.pragma.2018.07.013)
- Lawrence, N. S., Chambers, J., Morrison, S. M., Bestman, S., O'Grady, G. N., Chambers, C. D. and Kythreotis, A. P. 2017. The Evidence Information Service as a new platform for supporting evidence-based policy: a consultation of UK parliamentarians. Evidence & Policy 13(2), pp. 275-316. (10.1332/174426416X14643531912169)
- O'Grady, G. 2017. Theme and prosody: redundancy or meaning making?. English Text Construction 10(2), pp. 274-297. (10.1075/etc.10.2.05ogr)
- O'Grady, G. 2017. 'I think' in televised political debate. International Review of Pragmatics 9(2), pp. 269-303. (10.1163/18773109-00901006)
- O'Grady, G. 2016. Given/New: what do the terms refer to? A first (small) step. English Text Construction 9(1), pp. 9-32. (10.1075/etc.9.1.02ogr)
- O'Grady, G. N. 2014. The use of key in projecting face threatening acts in televised political debate. Text and Talk 34(6), pp. 685-711. (10.1515/text-2014-0025)
- O'Grady, G. N. 2011. The unfolded imagining of Ségolène Royal. Journal of Pragmatics 43(10), pp. 2489-2500. (10.1016/j.pragma.2011.02.007)
- O'Grady, G. N. 2011. A review of 'Culture and gender of voice pitch: a sociophonetic comparison of the Japanese and the Americans' by Ikuko Patricia Yuasa [Book Review]. Journal of Sociolinguistics 15(4), pp. 548-550.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2010. D. Robert Ladd. 2008. Intonational phonology [Book Review]. Functions of Language 17(2), pp. 272- 294. (10.1075/fol.17.2.08ogr)
- O'Grady, G. N. 2009. A comparative case study of the construal of the persona of three accused of being the 'worst of the worst'. Critical approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines 3(1), pp. 58-79.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2005. The intertwining of lexis, grammar and context. Journal of Research and Culture, pp. 25-49.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2004. The importance of engaged reading. Journal of Research and Culture, pp. 33-63.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2003. Discourse Intonation and read aloud text: How intonation helps hearers contextualise unfamiliar monologue. Journal of Research and Culture, pp. 55-74.
Book sections
- O'Grady, G. 2024. Hector's death. A systemic socio-semantic analysis of Alice Oswald's Memorial. In: Luporni, A. et al. eds. A Life in Style. In Honour of Donna R. Miller. Bologna: Universita di Bologna, pp. 55-64.
- O'Grady, G. 2023. Syllable and syllable onsets - Japanese and English. In: Wang, B. and Ma, Y. eds. Theorizing and Applying Systemic Functional Linguistics. New York: Routledge, pp. 70-96.
- O'Grady, G. 2022. A metafunctional analysis of two televised U.K. political interviews with Boris Johnson and Keir Starmer. In: Feldman, O. ed. Adversarial Political Interviewing: Worldwide Perspectives During Polarized Times'. Springer, pp. 149-170., (10.1007/978-981-19-0576-6)
- O'Grady, G. 2019. SFL and critical discourse analysis. In: Thompson, G. et al. eds. The Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 462-484.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2017. Intonation and SFL: the way forward.. In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London and New York: Routledge
- O'Grady, G. N. and Bartlett, T. 2017. Looking ahead: SFL in the 21st Century.. In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London and New York: Routledge
- Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. 2017. Introduction: reading SFL.. In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London and New York: Routledge
- Bartlett, T. 2017. Context in systemic functional linguistics: towards scalar supervenience?. In: Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics London and New York: Routledge, (10.4324/9781315413891-35)
- O'Grady, G. 2014. An investigation of how intonation helps signal information structure. In: Bowcher, W. L. and Smith, B. A. eds. Systemic Phonology: Recent Studies in English. Functional Linguistics Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, pp. 27-52.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2013. Choices in Tony’s Talk: Phonological paragraphing, information unit nexuses and the presentation of tone units. In: O'Grady, G. N., Bartlett, T. A. M. and Fontaine, L. M. eds. Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis. Functional Linguistics Sheffield: Equinox Publishing, pp. 125-157.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2013. Introduction: choice in language. In: O'Grady, G. N., Bartlett, T. A. M. and Fontaine, L. M. eds. Choice in Language Applications in Text Analysis. London: Equinox Publishing, pp. 1-28.
- Davidse, K., Njende, N. and O'Grady, G. 2023. Specificational and Presentational There-Clefts: Redefining the Field of Clefts. Palgrave Pivot.
- O'Grady, G. and Bartlett, T. 2023. The language dynamic. Equinox.
- Bartlett, T. and O'Grady, G. eds. 2017. The Routledge handbook of systemic functional linguistics. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge.
- Fontaine, L. M., Bartlett, T. A. M. and O'Grady, G. N. eds. 2013. Systemic functional linguistics: Exploring choice. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- O'Grady, G. N., Bartlett, T. A. M. and Fontaine, L. M. eds. 2013. Choice in language: Applications in text analysis. Functional Linguistics. London and Oakville: Equinox.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2013. Key concepts in phonetics and phonology. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2010. A grammar of spoken English discourse: The intonation of increments. Bloomsbury Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. London: Continuum.
- O'Grady, G. N. 2007. Facets of a female politician: representations of Ségolène Royal, French presidential candidate, in British broadsheet newspapers. Discussion Paper. Cardiff University: Cardiff Humanities Research Institute. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/chri/researchpapers/humanities/papers1-10/Paper2.html
Diddordebau ymchwil
Fy mhrif ddiddordebau ymchwil yw:
- Archwilio swyddogaethau cyfathrebol tonyddiaeth: yn benodol sut mae tonyddiaeth yn cael ei defnyddio ar y cyd â chliwiau cystrawennol i helpu i segmentu'r signal lleferydd yn unedau semantig sy'n cyfateb i unedau orthograffig cymal, brawddeg a pharagraff, a sut mae tonyddiaeth a dewisiadau tonicity choices yn wybodaeth am brosiect fel y'i rhoddir neu'n newydd. Fy mhrif gyhoeddiadau yn hyn yw: (2025) monograff Gwybodaeth Strwythur mewn Saesneg Llafar: A Systemic Functional View (Gwasg Prifysgol Toronto;( 2023) monograff gyda Kristin Davidse a Ngum Njende Manyleb a Chyflwyniadol There-Clefts: Ailddiffinio Maes Hollt. (Palgrave)
- archwilio'r cysyniad o ddynameg mewn iaith wrth iddo ddatblygu'n gydamserol ac yn ddramatig. Fy mhrif gyhoeddiad yn y maes hwn yw (2010). A Grammar of spoken English Discourse: The Intonation of Increments Bloomsbury (cyhoeddwyd yn wreiddiol gan Continuum yn y gyfres Studies in Theoretical Linguistics)
- disgrifio sut mae effaith ac emosiwn yn cael eu gwireddu'n ieithyddol; a
- datblygu model o iaith fel semiotig biogymdeithasol haenedig. Fy mhrif gyhoeddiad yn y maes hwn yw'r monograff (2023) gyda Tom Bartlett The Language Dynamic (Gwasg Prifysgol Toronto).
- Cymhwyso fy niddordebau damcaniaethol i astudio llefaru gwleidyddol a chynrychioliadau o leferydd gwleidyddol er mwyn dangos sut mae digwyddiadau'n cael eu dehongli, y berthynas a ddeddfwyd a syniadau'n cael eu cefndiri a'u rhagflaenu. Rwyf wedi cyhoeddi erthyglau ar y pynciau hyn mewn cyfnodolion fel Journal of Pragmatics, International Review of Pragmatics, Text and Talk yn ogystal ag ysgrifennu'r bennod CDA a SFL yn y Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n gweithio ar gyfrol The Management of the Information Flow of Naturally Produced Speech: A Functional View a fydd yn gynrychiolaeth o'r radd flaenaf o ddamcaniaeth Strwythur Gwybodaeth a gymhwysir i leferydd a gynhyrchir yn naturiol mewn amrywiol ieithoedd. Rwy'n gobeithio y bydd yn cael ei gyhoeddi yn 2027.
Gyda Tom Bartlett rydym yn gweithio ar gynhyrchu ail argraffiad o'n Llawlyfr Routledge o Systemic Functional Linguistics sydd i fod i ymddangos yn 2027. Mae Tom a fi yn gweithio ar fonograff dilynol i The Language Dynamic.
Cyllid a gafwyd
Cafwyd cyllid llawn o £6133 gan y cyfnodolyn Language Learning i gynnal Ford Gron aml-sefydliad "New Theoretical Perspectives above below and across the clause" ar Fedi 4 a 5 2014 ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. Cyhoeddwyd y gwaith yn Saesneg Text Construction.
Gyda'r Athro Kristin Davidse cefais 400000 Ewro ar gyfer y prosiect: Rhoi manyleb yno holltau ar y map: ymchwiliad ar sail data o'u gramadeg, semanteg, prosody a phragmateg o'r FWO.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n addysgu neu'n addysgu ar y modiwl ôl-raddedig Phonetics and Phonology, modiwlau ffoneteg/ffonoleg israddedig blwyddyn 2 Sounds of Speech a'r modiwl gramadeg sylfaen blwyddyn 2 Strwythur ac Ystyr.
Yn flaenorol, rwyf wedi dysgu modiwl Blwyddyn 3 Sound in Action a oedd yn archwilio sut y cyfrannodd prosody at reoli disgwrs
Rwyf wedi dysgu ar fodiwlau UG Hanes Saesneg a Chyflwyniad i Iaith a Chymdeithas,
Cyn dod i Gaerdydd, rydw i wedi dysgu modiwlau UG a PG ar Pragmatics, Stylistics a Gramadeg mewn Prifysgolion eraill yn y DU a thramor.
Fe'm gwahoddir yn aml i gynnal gweithdai mewn gwahanol ysgolion haf a sefydliadau ar sut i godio tonyddiaeth a sut i ddadansoddi'r ystyr a grëwyd gan y dewisiadau gramadegol ac annibynol amrywiol.
Rwy'n dod o draddodiad SFL ac yn gweithio'n bennaf gyda data llafar er mwyn archwilio sut mae rhyngweithio nodweddion geiriadurol-gramadegol ac ystyr prosody yn arwydd o ystyr destunol a rhyngbersonol.
Gyda Tom Bartlett (Caerdydd) a Rebekah Wegener (Aachen) golygais y gyfres lyfrau Cysyniadau Allweddol yn SFL
Rwyf ar fwrdd golygyddol y cylchgronau Functions of Language and Text and Talk
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
- Systemic Phonology
- Spoken Information Structure
- Communicative Dynamism
- Intonation
- Textual and Interpersonal Grammars
- Critical investigations of media texts (spoken and written)
- The semiotics of sound
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Matt Coombes

Ali Langner

Emma Collier

Ngum Njende
Contact Details
+44 29208 74903
Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 3.59, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU