Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Gerard O'Grady

Yr Athro Gerard O'Grady


Ysgol Saesneg, Cyfathrebu ac Athroniaeth

Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig


I am a member of the Centre for Language and Communication Research.

Additional publications

Facets of a Female Politician: Representations of Ségolène Royal, French Presidential Candidate, in British Broadsheet Newspapers

The Intertwining of Lexis, Grammar and Context

The lmportance of Engaged Reading

Discourse Intonation and read aloud text: How intonation helps hearers contextualise unfamiliar monologue


(2013) Key concepts in Phonetics and Phonology. London: Palgrave.

(2010) A Grammar of Spoken English Discourse: the Intonation of Increments. London: Continuum.

Edited books

(2013)  Systemic Functional Linguistics: Exploring Choice. Lise Fontaine, Tom Bartlett and Gerard O’Grady (eds.) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

(2013)  Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis). Gerard O’Grady Tom Bartlett and Lise Fontaine  (eds.) London: Equinox.


(Forthcoming 2014) “An Investigation of How Intonation Helps Signal Information Structure.” In W Bowcher and B Smith (eds.) Systemic Phonology. London: Equinox.

(2013) “Choices in Tony’s talk: Phonological Paragraphing; Information Unit Nexuses and the Presentation of Tone Units.” In G O’Grady, T. Bartlett & L. Fontaine (eds.) Choice in Language: Applications in Text Analysis. London: Equinox.

(2013) “Choice in Language: Introduction”.  In G O’Grady, T. Bartlett & L. Fontaine (eds.) Choice in Language Applications in Text Analysis. London: Equinox.

(2011) “The unfolded Imagining of Segolene Royal.” Journal of Pragmatics 43. Pp. 2489 – 2500

(2011)  “Sociophonetic Comparison of the Japanese and the Americans. Sociophonetic Comparison of the Japanese and the Americans. A review of IKUKO PATRICIA YUASA. Culture and Gender of Voice Pitch:,”Journal of Sociolinguistics 15/4. Pp, 548 – 55.

(2010) “A review of D. R. Ladd Intonational Phonology and Cheng et al A Corpus-driven Study of Discourse Intonation.”  (2010) Functions of Language. 17. 2. Pp. 272 – 294.

(2009) “A comparative case study of the construal of the persona of three accused of being the ‘worst of the worst’.” (. Critical approaches to Discourse Analysis across Disciplines. Vol 3 (1): Pp. 58 – 79.

(2007) “Facets of a Female Politician: Representations of Segolene Royal, French Presidential Candidates, in British Broadsheet newspapers.”   Research paper no 2. Cardiff Research Humanities Institute. Cardiff University.

(2005) “The Intertwining of Lexis, Grammar and Context”. Journal of Research and Culture. Eichi University, Hyogo Japan. Pp. 25 – 49.

(2004) “The Importance of Engaged Reading”. Journal of Research and Culture. (2004), Eichi University, Hyogo, Japan. Pp. 33 – 63.

(2003) “Discourse Intonation and read aloud text: How intonation helps hearers contextualise unfamiliar monologue”. Journal of Research and Culture., Eichi University, Hyogo Japan. Pp. 55 – 74.

(2001) A review of “The Communicative Value of Intonation in English” by David Brazil From the Language Classroom, No.2 SILEC, Sapientia University. Hyogo. Japan




















Adrannau llyfrau





Research interests

My chief research interest lies in exploring the communicative functions of intonation: notably how intonation is used in conjunction with syntactic cues to help segment the speech signal into semantic units analogous to the orthographic units of clause, sentence and paragraph, and how tonality and tonicity choices project information as given or new.

Funding obtained

Full funding £6133 has been obtained from the journal Language Learning to host a multi-institution Round Table "New Theoretical Perspectives above below and across the clause" on September 4 and 5 2014 at Cardiff University.


I currently teach the postgraduate module Phonology SET008, the second year undergraduate module Pronunciation of English SE1335 and teach on the first undergraduate module Introduction to Language and Society SE1335.


Prior to completing my PhD in Discourse Intonation at Birmingham I taught for many years at various universities in Japan where I taught a range of courses focusing on pronunciation, functional approaches to grammar and critical reading of news texts. 

I have also worked at Swansea University as a lecturer where I taught courses on sociolinguistics, dialectology and language origins. I am currently working on revising my PhD for publication.

Meysydd goruchwyliaeth

  • Systemic Phonology
  • Spoken Information Structure
  • Communicative Dynamism
  • Intonation
  • Textual and Interpersonal Grammars
  • Critical investigations of media texts (spoken and written)
  • The semiotics of sound

Contact Details

Email OGradyGN@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 74903
Campuses Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 3.59, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU