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Gerard O'Grady

Professor Gerard O'Grady

Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Gerard O'Grady


I am a member of the Centre for Language and Communication Research

My main research interest is in exploring how speakers manage the relationship between grammar and prosody in their conversational interactions. My research and teaching is inspired by my Systemic Functional Linguistic background and I am the co-editor of the Routledge handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics. At Cardiff I founded the research group Linguistics in Cardiff (LinC) and have run successful summer schools and other events.  

In addition I lead a international group of scholars in the area of Information Structure and have organised three roundtables at Cardiffl. The results of our most recent meeting are expected in 2027.

As well as being an active researcher I am the founding editor of the book series Key Concepts in SFL (University of Toronto Press) and welome relevant proposals.

I am a regular invited and plenary speaker and if you are interested in hearing more about my current work I will be giving a plenary at the 50th International Systemic Linguistics Conference at Glasgow Univeristy in July 2025.

I serve on the University Senate until 31/06/2026 .






















Book sections




Research interests

My chief research interests are:

  • exploring the communicative functions of intonation: notably how intonation is used in conjunction with syntactic cues to help segment the speech signal into semantic units analogous to the orthographic units of clause, sentence and paragraph, and how tonality and tonicity choices project information as given or new. My main publications in this are: (2025) monograph Information Structure in Spoken English: A Systemic Functional View (University of Toronto Press;(2023) monograph with Kristin Davidse and Ngum Njende Specificational and Presentational There-Clefts: Redefining the Field of Cleft. (Palgrave)
  • examining the concept of dynamism in language as it unfolds both synchronically and diachronically. My main publication in this area is (2010) monograph. A Grammar of Spoken English Discourse: The Intonation of Increments. Bloomsbury (Originally published by Continuum in the series Studies in Theoretical Linguistics
  • describing how affect and emotion are realised linguistically; and
  • developing a model of language as a stratified bio-social semiotic. My main publication in this area is the (2023) monograph with Tom Bartlett The Language Dynamic (University of Toronto Press).


  • Applying my theoretical interests to the study of political speech and media representatoins of political speech in order to illustrate how events are construed, relationships enacted and ideas backgrounded and foregrounded. I have publishedl articles on these topics in journals such as Journal of Pragmatics, International Review of Pragmatics, Text and Talk as well as writing the chapter CDA and SFL in the Cambridge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics.

I am currently working on an editing a volume The Management of the Information Flow of  Naturally Produced Speech: A Functional View which will be a state of the art representation of Information Structure theory applied to naturally produced speech in various languages. I expect it will be published in 2027.

With Tom Bartlett we are working on producing a second edition of our Routledge Handbook of Systemic Functional Linguistics which is due to appear in 2027. Tom and I are working on a follow up monograph to The Language Dynamic.

Funding obtained

Full funding £6133 has been obtained from the journal Language Learning to host a multi-institution Round Table "New Theoretical Perspectives above below and across the clause" on September 4 and 5 2014 at Cardiff University. The papers were published in English Text Construction.

With Professor Kristin Davidse I received 400000 Euros for the project: Putting specificational there-clefts on the map: a data-based investigation of their grammar, semantics, prosody and pragmatics from the FWO.


I currently teach or teach on the postgraduate module Phonetics and Phonology, the year 2 undergraduate phonetics/phonology modules  Sounds of Speech and the year 2 foundational grammar module Sound Structure and Meaning.

I have previously taught a Year 3 module Sound in Action which explored how prosody contributed to the managment of discourse,

I have taught on the UG modules History of English and Introduction to Language and Society,

Prior to coming to Cardiff I have taught UG and PG modules on Pragmatics, Stylistics and Grammar at other Universities in the UK and abroad.

I am frequently invited to run workshops at various summer schools and institutes on how to code intonation and how to analyse the meaning created by the varying grammatical and intonational choices


I come from an SFL tradition and work mostly with spoken data in order to examine how the interplay of lexico-grammatical features and prosody signals textual and interpersonal meaning. 

With Tom Bartlett (Cardiff) and Rebekah Wegener (Aachen) I edit the book series Key Concepts in SFL

I am on the editorial board of the journals Functions of Language and Text and Talk


  • Systemic Phonology
  • Spoken Information Structure
  • Communicative Dynamism
  • Intonation
  • Textual and Interpersonal Grammars
  • Critical investigations of media texts (spoken and written)
  • The semiotics of sound
  • The realisation of emotion/affect linguisitically

Current supervision

Matt Coombes

Matt Coombes

Ali Langner

Ali Langner

Emma Collier

Emma Collier

Ngum Njende

Ngum Njende

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74903
Campuses John Percival Building, Room 3.59, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU