Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
Michael Owen  BSc, MB ChB, PhD, FRCPsych, FMedSci, FLSW

Yr Athro Syr Michael Owen

BSc, MB ChB, PhD, FRCPsych, FMedSci, FLSW

Director of MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics, Director of Institute of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience and Emeritus Director of the Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute

Sylwebydd y cyfryngau


I am Professor of Psychological Medicne (Psychiatry) in the School of Medicine. I am Head of the Division of Psychological Medicine and Clinical Neuroscience and Director of the MRC Centre for Neuropsychaitric Genetics and Genomics. I am also Emeritus Director of the Neuroscience and Mental Health Research Institute. 

I have worked on the genetics of psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders for over 20 years and bring to the Research Institute extensive research expertise in the genetic aspects of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer's disease, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Dyslexia. 

I have published over 500 scientific papers and working alongside colleagues in Cardiff have identified novel genetic risk factors for a number of disorders. My most recent research activities have focused on the translation of genetic findings into benefit for patients though research on disease mechanisms, classification and diagnosis as well as in public engagement and communication.In addition to my research activities, I continue to work as a consultant in General Adult Psychiatry. I have previously been President of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics and a member of the Council of the Academy of Medical Sciences to which I have recently been re-elected.














































Book sections

  • Kendall, K., Kirov, G. and Owen, M. 2017. Schizophrenia Genetics. In: Benjamin, S., Virginia, S. and Pedro, R. eds. Kaplan and Sadock?s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. Wolters Kluwer
  • Smith, D. J., Owen, M. J. and Craddock, N. J. 2009. Bipolar disorder and unipolar depression: what is the genetic relationship?. In: Pariante, C. M. et al. eds. Understanding Depression: a Translational Approach. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 67-76.
  • Kirov, G. and Owen, M. J. 2009. Genetics of schizophrenia. In: Sadock, B. J., Sadock, V. A. and Ruiz, P. eds. Kaplan and Sadock’s Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry. 9th ed.., Vol. 1. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, pp. 1462-1474.
  • O'Donovan, M. C. and Owen, M. J. 2003. Genetic findings in psychotic disorders. In: Soares, J. C. and Gershon, S. eds. Handbook of Medical Psychiatry. New York: Marcel Dekker, pp. 417-432.
  • Owen, M. J. and O'Donovan, M. C. 2003. Schizophrenia and genetics. In: Plomin, R. et al. eds. Behavioral Genetics in the Postgenomic Era. Washington, DC: APA Books, pp. 463-480., (10.1037/10480-023)
  • Thapar, A. and Scourfield, J. 2002. Childhood disorders. In: McGuffin, P., Owen, M. J. and Gottesman, I. I. eds. Psychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Oxford Medical Publications Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 147-181.
  • Scourfield, J. and Owen, M. J. 2002. Genetic counselling. In: McGuffin, P., Owen, M. J. and Gottesman, I. I. eds. Psychiatric Genetics and Genomics. Oxford Medical Publications Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 415-424.
  • Zammit, S., O'Donovan, M. C. and Owen, M. J. 2002. Neurogenetics of schizophrenia. In: D'haenen, H., den Boer, J. A. and Willner, P. eds. Biological Psychiatry. Chichester: Wiley, pp. 663-671., (10.1002/0470854871.chxvii9)
  • Tsuang, M. T. and Owen, M. J. 2002. Molecular and population genetics of schizophrenia. In: Davis, K. L. et al. eds. Neuropsychopharmacology - 5th Generation of Progress. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott, Williams and Wilkins, pp. 671-687.





My work uses a combination of molecular genetic approaches including genome-wide association, copy number variant analysis and second generation sequencing to identify the specific genetic variants that confer risk to psychiatric and neurodegenerative disorders. I am increasingly interested in the impact of genetic discoveries on the understanding of disease mechanisms and classification.

My genetics work has implicated specific sets of postsynaptic proteins in psychiatric disorders particularly schizophrenia but also autism and intellectual disability. I am PI of the DEFINE programme (funded by a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award) which aims to understand how mutations in the genes encoding postsynaptic proteins impact brain function and behavior using a combination of human brain imaging, animal models and stem cell research.

Current grants

April 2015 – March 2019. Pathways to psychosis: Investigating environmental, cognitive and genetic mechanisms underlying development of psychotic experiences in young adults. Zammit S, Linden D, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Holmans P, Medical Research Council

August 2014 – August 2016. Identification of novel candidate genes in dystonia-plus disorders. Peall K, Owen MJ, Academy of Medical Sciences

August 2014 – August 2019. MRC Centre for Neuropsychiatric Genetics and Genomics (renewal) Owen MJ, Medical Research Council.

July 2013 – July 2018. DEFINE - Defining Endophenotypes from Integrated Neurosciences. Owen MJ, Hall, J Crunelli V, Li M, Harwood A, Jones D, Linden D, Wilkinson L, Aggleton J, Wellcome Trust Strategic Award.

March 2013 – Feb 2018. Further defining the genetic architecture of Alzheimer's disease. Williams J, Holmans P, Morris H, Owen MJ, O'Donovan M, Li M., Moskvina V, Harold D, Medical Research Council (Programme Grant)

Jul 2013 – Jun 2017. International consortium on brain and behaviour in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome. Van Den Bree MB, Owen MJ, Williams NM. National Institute of Mental Health

April 2013 – March 2017. Behavioural and neurophysiological effects of schizophrenia risk genes: a multi-locus, pathway based approach. Linden D, O'Donovan M, Holmans P, Pocklington A, Zammit S, Owen MJ, Singh K, Jones D. Medical Research Council

Dec 2011 - Dec 2016: £2,341.839 Molecular genetics of schizophrenia. Owen MJ, Craddock N, Holmans P, Kirov G, O'Donovan M, Pocklington A. Medical Research Council (Programme Grant).

Sep 2013 – Aug 2016. Excitatory-inhibitory balance in adolescents at high genetic risk of mental disorder: A study of cortical gamma oscillations and GABA concentrations in 22q11.2 delection syndrome. Doherty JL, Singh KD, Linden DEJ, Owen MJ, Van Den Bree MB. Wellcome Trust.

Nov 2011 - Oct 2015. CResTAR: Pharmacogenomic biomarkers as clinical decision making tools for clozapine treatment of schizophrenia. Walters J, Owen MJ, O'Donovan M, EU FP7

May 2010 – April 2015. EU-GEI European network of national schizophrenia networks studying gene- environment interactions. Walters J, O'Donovan M. Owen MJ. Commission of the European Communities.

Mar 2011 – Mar 2015. Biomedical Research Centre in Neuroscience and Mental Health. Prof MJ Owen , Prof JI Bisson , Prof NJ Craddock , Prof PA Holmans , Dr IR Jones , Prof DEJ Linden , Prof MC O'Donovan , Prof A Thapar, Prof J Williams. Welsh Government (NISCHR).


Fel Pennaeth yr Is-adran Meddygaeth Seiciatryddol a Niwrowyddorau, rwy'n gyfrifol am addysgu UG mewn seiciatreg a niwroleg.


Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

I was elected to Fellowship of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in 1997, Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Sciences in 1999 and Fellowship of the Learned Society of Wales in 2012. In 2011, I was awarded the Stromgren Medal for psychiatric research, in 2012 the Lieber Prize for schizophrenia research and in 2013 the William K Warren Distinguished Investigator Award for schizophrenia research. 

In 2014 I was Knighted for services to Neuroscience and Mental Health.

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

Academy of Medical Sciences, Learned Society of Wales, Royal College of Psychiatrists, British Neuroscience Association, International Society of Psychaitric Genetics.

Contact Details

Email OwenMJ@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29206 87062
Campuses Adeilad Hadyn Ellis, Heol Maendy, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ