Rwy'n Gymrawd Arweinwyr y Dyfodol UKRI ac yn Athro Cyswllt (Uwch Ddarlithydd) mewn Delweddu Microstructure ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, gyda phenodiad ar y cyd rhwng Canolfan Ymchwil Delweddu'r Ymennydd Prifysgol Caerdydd (CUBRIC) yn yr Ysgol Seicoleg, lle rwy'n Bennaeth Microstructure Imaging ac yn cyd-arwain y grŵp MicroTeam, a'r Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg, lle rwy'n cyd-arwain y grŵp Cyfrifiadura Delwedd Feddygol.
Rwyf hefyd yn arwain academydd yn Hyb Rhyngddisgyblaethol Precision Oncoleg Caerdydd (IPOCH) ac rwyf wedi bod yn aelod o'r Ganolfan Deallusrwydd Artiffisial, Roboteg a Systemau Peiriant Dynol (IROHMS) ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd lle cyd-gadeiriodd y Gweithgor "AI sy'n canolbwyntio ar bobl ar gyfer delweddu meddygol."
Rwyf wedi B.Sc, M.Sc. a PhD mewn Ffiseg, gydag arbenigedd mewn modelu bioffisegol, dysgu peiriannau, modelu cyfrifiadurol, delweddu meddygol, a dadansoddi data.
Rwy'n arwain y rhaglen ymchwil Microstructure Imaging yn CUBRIC. Fy niddordeb ymchwil yw cyfuno Ffiseg, Cyfrifiadureg a Niwrowyddoniaeth i ddatblygu technolegau delweddu anfewnwthiol ar gyfer diagnosis cynnar a prognosis cyflyrau niwrolegol a seiciatrig.
Tuag at y nod hwn, mae fy nhîm (gweler tab Ymchwil) ac rwy'n cyfuno modelu cyfrifiadurol, MRI a dysgu peiriannau modern i arloesi arloesiadau allweddol mewn delweddu microstrwythur a histoleg anfewnwthiol yr ymennydd (gan ganolbwyntio'n benodol ar fater llwyd):
Yr arddangosiad cyntaf o feintioli anfewnwthiol morffoleg celloedd ymennydd cymhleth, gan ddefnyddio sbectrosgopeg MR a modelu cyfrifiadurol wedi'u pwysoli trylediad (Palombo et al., PNAS 2016);
Mapio maint a dwysedd corff celloedd, gan ddefnyddio SANDI (Palombo et al. Neuroimage 2020, Ianus et al. Neuroimage 2022); mapio cyfnewid dŵr, gan ddefnyddio NEXI (Jelescu et al. Neuroimage 2022; Uhl et al. Delweddu Niwrowyddoniaeth 2024);
Cyfieithu maint corff celloedd a delweddu dwysedd gan ddefnyddio SANDI ar sganwyr 3T clinigol i nodweddu patholeg Sglerosis Ymledol (MS) (Schiavi et al. Mapio Ymennydd Dynol 2023, Magoni et al. Journal of Neurology 2023, Barakovic et al. Natur Sci Rep 2024);
Delweddu cyfyngiadau a chyfnewid effeithiau gan ddefnyddio cymhareb tymhorol trylediad, TDR (Warner et al. Neuroimage 2023) a dŵr cyfunol a metabolite trylediad amser dibyniaeth amser (Mougel et al. Delweddu Niwrowyddoniaeth 2024);
Modelau cynhyrchiol cyntaf o'i fath o morffolegau celloedd ymennydd cymhleth (Palombo et al., Neuroimage 2019), bwndeli axonal gyda ConFiG (Callaghan et al. Neuroimage 2020) a mater llwyd yr ymennydd gyda ConCeG (Aird-Rossiter et al. ISMRM2024) ar gyfer cynhyrchu dan reolaeth a hyblyg modelau cyfrifiadurol ultra-realistig microstructure'r ymennydd, sy'n hanfodol ar gyfer efelychiadau rhifiadol mwy realistig (ee Monte Carlo)
Mae gwaith diweddar yn canolbwyntio ar gyfuno modelau cyfrifiadurol o'r fath, efelychiadau Monte Carlo a dysgu peiriannau ar gyfer delweddu microstrwythur y genhedlaeth nesaf, e.e.:
Mapiau o athreiddedd axonal fel marciwr delweddu newydd o ddadmyelination (Hill et al. Neuroimage 2021);
Yn vivo meintioli adweithedd glial a niwroinflammation (Ligneul et al., Neuroimage 2019, Genovese et al., NMR Biomed 2021);
Delweddu microstrwythur sy'n benodol i ganser i asesu ymateb tiwmor yr ymennydd i therapi radio/proton (Buizza et al., Ffiseg Feddygol 2020, Morelli et al. Ffiseg Feddygol 2023); ac efelychiadau a fframweithiau delweddu microstrwythur wedi'u teilwra i ganser yr afu (Grussu et al. medRxiv 2024, Grigoriu et al. medRxiv 2024, Voronova et al. medRxiv 2024)
Cydamcangyfrif o briodweddau trylediad ac ymlacio canser y prostad gyda rVERDICT (Palombo et al. Nature Sci. Rep. 2023), a nodweddu microstrwythurol uwch o ganser y prostad gan ddefnyddio graddiannau cryf iawn (Molendowska et al. NMR Biomed 2024)
Casgliad Bayesaidd effeithlon gan ddefnyddio dysgu dwfn am ansicrwydd a meintioli dirywiol mewn delweddu microstrwythur gan ddefnyddio μGUIDE (Jallais and Palombo, eLife 2024)
Nodweddu uwch microstrwythur ymennydd yn ystod niwroddatblygiad iach (Genc et al. bioRxiv 2024, Karat et al. bioRxiv 2024)
Cywasgu data effeithlon o ddata MRI amlddimensiwn gyda SirenMRI (Mancini et al, Nodiadau Darlithoedd mewn Cyfrifiadureg 2022)
Cod ffynhonnell agored:
- SirenMRI:
Cefnogir ein hymchwil gan amrywiaeth o gyrff cyllido a phartneriaid diwydiannol:
UK Research and Innovation
- 2025-2028: Adnewyddu Cymrodoriaeth Arweinwyr y Dyfodol UKRI: MR/T020296/2, (Prif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £ 700k
- 2022-2025: MR/W031566/1, (Cyd-Brif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £1m
- 2020-2025: Cymrodoriaeth Arweinwyr y Dyfodol UKRI: MR/T020296/1 & 2, (Prif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £1.3m
- 2022-2024: UKRI BBSRC: BB/X005089/1, (Prif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £22k
- 2022-2027: YSGOLORIAETHAU DTP UKRI EPSRC (Lewis Kitchingman a Jiří Benáček), ~ £130k
Ymchwil Canser Cymru ac Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Prifysgol Felindre:
- Astudiaeth MIMOSA 2024-2027 (Cyd-Ymgeisydd Arweiniol Palombo), ~ £ 350k
Partneriaethau Strategol gyda Diwydiant
- GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) - Ysgoloriaeth PhD (Elise Gwyther)
- F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Roche) - prosiect ymchwil DEPICT (2024-2027)
- Siemens Healthineers Ltd
Cyngor Ymchwil Awstralia (ARC)
- Prosiect Darganfod 2025-2028 "Modelau mathemategol newydd ar gyfer delweddu microstrwythur meinwe yr ymennydd" (Cyd-Brif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £300k
- Simsek, K., Gallea, C., Genovese, G., Lehéricy, S., Branzoli, F. and Palombo, M. 2025. Age-trajectories of higher-order diffusion properties of major brain metabolites in cerebral and cerebellar grey matter using in vivo diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy at 3T. Aging Cell, article number: e14477. (10.1111/acel.14477)
- Jallais, M. and Palombo, M. 2024. Introducing µGUIDE for quantitative imaging via generalized uncertainty-driven inference using deep learning. eLife 13, article number: RP101069. (10.7554/elife.101069.3)
- Molendowska, M. et al. 2024. Diffusion MRI in prostate cancer with ultra-strong whole body gradients. NMR in Biomedicine (10.1002/nbm.5229)
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- Langkammer, C., Vaclavu, L., Kuestner, T., Bauer, M., Salameh, N., Palombo, M. and Lopez, R. P. 2024. ESMRMB 2024 focus topic: MR beyond trends—fact-checking MR. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 37, pp. 321-322. (10.1007/s10334-024-01177-4)
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- Mougel, E., Valette, J. and Palombo, M. 2024. Investigating exchange, structural disorder and restriction in Gray Matter via water and metabolites diffusivity and kurtosis time-dependence. Imaging Neuroscience 2, pp. 1-14. (10.1162/imag_a_00123)
- Ligneul, C. et al. 2024. Diffusion‐weighted MR spectroscopy: Consensus, recommendations, and resources from acquisition to modeling. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 91(3), pp. 860-885. (10.1002/mrm.29877)
- Uhl, Q., Pavan, T., Molendowska, M., Jones, D. K., Palombo, M. and Jelescu, I. 2024. Quantifying human gray matter microstructure using neurite exchange imaging (NEXI) and 300 mT/m gradients. Imaging Neuroscience 2, pp. 1-19. (10.1162/imag_a_00104)
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- Reddaway, J., Richardson, P. E., Bevan, R. J., Stoneman, J. and Palombo, M. 2023. Microglial morphometric analysis: so many options, so little consistency. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 17, article number: 1211188. (10.3389/fninf.2023.1211188)
- Örzsik, B., Palombo, M., Asllani, I., Dijk, D., Harrison, N. A. and Cercignani, M. 2023. Higher order diffusion imaging as a putative index of human sleep-related microstructural changes and glymphatic clearance. NeuroImage 274, article number: 120124. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120124)
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- Spindler, M., Palombo, M., Zhang, H. and Thiel, C. M. 2023. Dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis and its influence on aging: the role of the hypothalamus. Scientific Reports 13(1), article number: 6866. (10.1038/s41598-023-33922-5)
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- Palombo, M. et al. 2023. Joint estimation of relaxation and diffusion tissue parameters for prostate cancer with relaxation-VERDICT MRI. Scientific Reports 13(1), article number: 2999. (10.1038/s41598-023-30182-1)
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- Schilling, K. G., Palombo, M., O'Grady, K. P., Combes, A. J., Anderson, A. W., Landman, B. A. and Smith, S. A. 2022. Minimal number of sampling directions for robust measures of the spherical mean diffusion weighted signal: Effects of sampling directions, b-value, signal-to-noise ratio, hardware, and fitting strategy. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 94, pp. 25-35. (10.1016/j.mri.2022.07.015)
- Lim, J. P., Blumberg, S. B., Narayan, N., Epstein, S. C., Alexander, D. C., Palombo, M. and Slator, P. J. 2022. Fitting a directional microstructure model to diffusion-relaxation mri data with self-supervised machine learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13722, pp. 77-88. (10.1007/978-3-031-21206-2_7)
- Jelescu, I. O., Skowronski, A. d., Geffroy, F., Palombo, M. and Novikov, D. S. 2022. Neurite Exchange Imaging (NEXI): A minimal model of diffusion in gray matter with inter-compartment water exchange. NeuroImage 256, article number: 119277.
- Ianus, A., Carvalho, J., Fernandes, F. F., Cruz, R., Chavarrias, C., Palombo, M. and Shemesh, N. 2022. Soma and Neurite Density MRI (SANDI) of the in-vivo mouse brain and comparison with the Allen Brain Atlas. NeuroImage 254, article number: 119135. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119135)
- Gyori, N., Palombo, M., Clark, C., Zhang, H. and Alexander, D. 2022. Training data distribution significantly impacts the estimation of tissue microstructure with machine learning. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87(2), pp. 932-947. (10.1002/mrm.29014)
- Palombo, M., Barbetta, A., Cametti, C., Favero, G. and Capuani, S. 2022. Transient anomalous diffusion MRI measurement discriminates porous polymeric matrices characterized by different sub-microstructures and fractal dimension. Gels 8(2), article number: 95. (10.3390/gels8020095)
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- Ianus, A., Alexander, D., Zhang, H. and Palombo, M. 2021. Mapping complex cell morphology in the grey matter with double diffusion encoding MR: A simulation study. NeuroImage 241, article number: 118424. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118424)
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- Grussu, F., Battiston, M., Palombo, M., Schneider, T., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. and Alexander, D. C. 2021. Deep learning model fitting for diffusion-relaxometry: a comparative study. In: Gyori, N. et al. eds. Computational Diffusion MRI. Mathematics and Visualization. Mathematics and Visualization Cham: Springer, pp. 159-172., (10.1007/978-3-030-73018-5_13)
- Afzali, M., Nilsson, M., Palombo, M. and Jones, D. K. 2021. SPHERIOUSLY? The challenges of estimating sphere radius non-invasively in the human brain from diffusion MRI. NeuroImage 237, article number: 118183. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118183)
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- Perot, J., Celestine, M., Palombo, M., Dhenain, M., Humbert, S., Brouillet, E. and Flament, J. 2021. Identification of the key role of white matter alteration in the pathogenesis of Huntington’s Disease. [Online]. bioRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (10.1101/2021.06.21.449242) Available at:
- Valindria, V., Palombo, M., Chiou, E., Singh, S., Punwani, S. and Panagiotaki, E. 2021. Synthetic Q-Space learning with deep regression networks for prostate cancer characterisation with VERDICT. Presented at: 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 13-16 April 20212021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). IEEE, (10.1109/ISBI48211.2021.9434096)
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- Callaghan, R., Alexander, D., Palombo, M. and Zhang, H. 2021. Impact of within-voxel heterogeneity in fibre geometry on spherical deconvolution. [Online]. arXiv: Cornell University. (10.48550/arXiv.2103.08237) Available at:
- Martins, J. P. d. A., Nilsson, M., Lampinen, B., Palombo, M., While, P. T., Westin, C. and Szczepankiewicz, F. 2021. Neural networks for parameter estimation in microstructural MRI: a study with a high-dimensional diffusion-relaxation model of white matter microstructure. [Online]. bioRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (10.1101/2021.03.12.435163) Available at:
- Palombo, M., Ianus, A., Guerreri, M., Nunes, D., Alexander, D., Shemesh, N. and Zhang, H. 2021. Corrigendum to “SANDI: A compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI” [Neuroimage 215 (2020), 116835]. NeuroImage 226, article number: 117612. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117612)
- Henriques, R. N., Palombo, M., Jespersen, S. N., Shemesh, N., Lundell, H. and Ianuş, A. 2021. Double diffusion encoding and applications for biomedical imaging. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 348, article number: 108989. (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2020.108989)
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- Callaghan, R., Alexander, D. C., Palombo, M. and Zhang, H. 2020. ConFiG: Contextual Fibre Growth to generate realistic axonal packing for diffusion MRI simulation. NeuroImage 220, article number: 117107. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117107)
- Jelescu, I. O., Palombo, M., Bagnato, F. and Schilling, K. G. 2020. Challenges for biophysical modeling of microstructure. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 344, article number: 108861. (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2020.108861)
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- Warner, R. W., Palombo, M., Dell'Acqua, F. and Drobnjak, I. 2020. Optimisation of Temporal Diffusion Ratio (TDR) to maximise its potential to map large axons: Insight from simulations. Presented at: ISMRM and SMRT Virtual Conference and Exhibition, 8-14 August 2020.
- Palombo, M., Ianus, A., Guerreri, M., Nunes, D., Alexander, D. C., Shemesh, N. and Zhang, H. 2020. SANDI: a compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI.. NeuroImage 215, article number: 116835. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116835)
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- Guerreri, M., Szczepankiewicz, F., Lampinen, B., Palombo, M., Nilsson, M. and Zhang, H. 2020. Tortuosity assumption not the cause of NODDI’s incompatibility with tensor-valued diffusion encoding. Presented at: ISMRM and SMRT Virtual Conference and Exhibition, 8-14 August 2020.
- Palombo, M. and Singh, S. 2020. Relaxed-VERDICT: decoupling relaxation and diffusion for comprehensive microstructure characterization of prostate cancer.. Presented at: ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference & Exhibition 2020, Online, 8-14 August 2020.
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- Callaghan, R., Alexander, D. C., Zhang, H. and Palombo, M. 2019. Contextual fibre growth to generate realistic axonal packing for diffusion MRI simulation. Presented at: IPMI: 26th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, Hong Kong, China, 2-7-June 2019 Presented at Chung, A. et al. eds.Information Processing in Medical Imaging Proceedings, Vol. 11492. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer pp. 429-440., (10.1007/978-3-030-20351-1_33)
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- Callaghan, R., Shemesh, N., Alexander, D., Zhang, H. and Palombo, M. 2019. Towards a more realistic and flexible white matter numerical phantom generator for diffusion MRI simulation. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 11-16 May 2019.
- Ianus, A., Callaghan, R., Alexander, D. and Palombo, M. 2019. Effect of cell complexity and size on diffusion MRI signal: a simulation study. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 11-16 May 2019.
- Ning, L. et al. 2019. Muti-shell diffusion MRI harmonisation and enhancement challenge (MUSHAC): Progress and results. Presented at: MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, 16-20 September 2018 Presented at Bonet-Carne, E. et al. eds.Computational Diffusion MRI, Vol. 1. Mathematics and Visualization Cham: Springer pp. 217-224., (10.1007/978-3-030-05831-9_18)
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- Palombo, M., Alexander, D. C. and Zhang, H. 2019. A generative model of realistic brain cells with application to numerical simulation of the diffusion-weighted MR signal. NeuroImage 188, pp. 391-402. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.12.025)
- Guerreri, M., Palombo, M., Caporale, A., Fasano, F., Macaluso, E., Bozzali, M. and Capuani, S. 2019. Age-related microstructural and physiological changes in normal brain measured by MRI γ-metrics derived from anomalous diffusion signal representation. NeuroImage 188, pp. 654-667. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.12.044)
- Palombo, M. et al. 2019. Improving strain diagnosis of prion disease by diffusion MRI and biophysical modelling. Presented at: 27th ISMRM Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 11-16 May 2019.
- Blumberg, S. B., Palombo, M., Khoo, C. S., Tax, C. M. W., Tanno, R. and Alexander, D. C. 2019. Multi-stage prediction networks for data harmonization. Presented at: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI, Shenzhen, China, 13-17 Oct 2019Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI Proceedings, Vol. 11767. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer pp. 411-419., (10.1007/978-3-030-32251-9_45)
- Palombo, M., Nunes, D., Alexander, D. C., Zhang, H. and Shemesh, N. 2019. Histological validation of the brain cell body imaging with diffusion MRI at ultrahigh field. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 11-16 May 2019 Presented at Port, J. D. and Noll, D. C. eds.Proceedings of the 27th ISMRM Annual Meeting and Exhibition. ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine).
- Palombo, M., Shemesh, N., Ronen, I. and Valette, J. 2018. Insights into brain microstructure from in vivo DW-MRS. NeuroImage 182, pp. 97-116. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.11.028)
- Jones, D. K. et al. 2018. Microstructural imaging of the human brain with a ‘super-scanner’: 10 key advantages of ultra-strong gradients for diffusion MRI. NeuroImage 182, pp. 8-38. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.05.047)
- Palombo, M., Ligneul, C., Hernandez-Garzon, E. and Valette, J. 2018. Can we detect the effect of spines and leaflets on the diffusion of brain intracellular metabolites?. NeuroImage 182, pp. 283-293. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.05.003)
- Guerreri, M., Szczepankiewicz, F., Lampinen, B., Nilsson, M., Palombo, M., Capuani, S. and Zhang, G. H. 2018. Revised NODDI model for diffusion MRI data with multiple b-tensor encodings. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 16-21 June 2018.
- Palombo, M. et al. 2018. Machine learning based estimation of axonal permeability: validation on cuprizone treated in-vivo mouse model of axonal demyelination. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 16-21 June 2018 Presented at Miller, K. L. and Port, J. D. eds.
- Hill, I. et al. 2018. Deep neural network based framework for in-vivo axonal permeability estimation. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 16-21 June 2018Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018. ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine).
- Palombo, M., Shemesh, N., Ianus, A., Alexander, D. and Zhang, H. 2018. Abundance of cell bodies can explain the stick model’s failure in grey matter at high bvalue. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 16-21 June 2018.
- Sinibaldi, R. et al. 2018. Multimodal-3D imaging based on MRI and CT techniques bridges the gap with histology in visualization of the bone regeneration process. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 12(3), pp. 750-761. (10.1002/term.2494)
- Valette, J., Ligneul, C., Marchadour, C., Najac, C. and Palombo, M. 2018. Brain metabolite diffusion from ultra-short to ultra-long time scales: What do we learn, where should we go?. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, article number: 2. (10.3389/fnins.2018.00002)
- Conti, A., Palombo, M., Parmentier, A., Poggi, G., Baglioni, P. and De Luca, F. 2017. Two-phase water model in the cellulose network of paper. Cellulose 24(8), pp. 3479-3487. (10.1007/s10570-017-1338-2)
- Ligneul, C., Palombo, M. and Valette, J. 2017. Metabolite diffusion up to very high b in the mouse brain In Vivo: Revisiting the potential correlation between relaxation and diffusion properties. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 77(4), pp. 1390-1398. (10.1002/mrm.26217)
- Caporale, A., Palombo, M., Macaluso, E., Guerreri, M., Bozzali, M. and Capuani, S. 2017. The gamma-parameter of anomalous diffusion quantified in human brain by MRI depends on local magnetic susceptibility differences. NeuroImage 147, pp. 619-631. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.12.051)
- Zhang, D., Zhu, X., Bifone, A., Gozzi, A., Capuani, S. and Palombo, M. 2017. Efficient parametric imaging with GPU computing. Biophysical Journal 112(3), pp. 583A-584A. (10.1016/j.bpj.2016.11.3141)
- Palombo, M., Ligneul, C. and Valette, J. 2017. Modeling diffusion of intracellular metabolites in the mouse brain up to very high diffusion-weighting: Diffusion in long fibers (almost) accounts for non-monoexponential attenuation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 77(1), pp. 343-350. (10.1002/mrm.26548)
- Santi, G. D., La Greca, C., Bruno, A., Palombo, M., Bronco, I. and Palombo, P. 2016. The use of dermal regeneration template (Matriderm (R) 1 mm) for reconstruction of a large full-thickness scalp and calvaria exposure. Journal of Burn Care and Research 37(5), pp. E497-E498. (10.1097/BCR.0000000000000395)
- Palombo, M. et al. 2016. New paradigm to assess brain cell morphology by diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(24), pp. 6671-6676. (10.1073/pnas.1504327113)
- Palombo, M., Gentili, S., Bozzali, M., Macaluso, E. and Capuani, S. 2015. New insight into the contrast in diffusional kurtosis images: does it depend on magnetic susceptibility?. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 73(5), pp. 2015-2024. (10.1002/mrm.25308)
- Di Pietro, G., Palombo, M. and Capuani, S. 2014. Internal magnetic field gradients in heterogeneous porous systems: comparison between spin-echo and diffusion decay internal field (DDIF) method. Applied Magnetic Resonance 45(8), pp. 771-784. (10.1007/s00723-014-0556-0)
- Palombo, M., Gabrielli, A., Servedio, V. D. P., Ruocco, G. and Capuani, S. 2013. Structural disorder and anomalous diffusion in random packing of spheres. Scientific Reports 3, article number: 2631. (10.1038/srep02631)
- GadElkarim, J. J., Magin, R. L., Meerschaert, M. M., Capuani, S., Palombo, M., Kumar, A. and Leow, A. D. 2013. Fractional order generalization of anomalous diffusion as a multidimensional extension of the transmission line equation. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 3(3), pp. 432-441. (10.1109/JETCAS.2013.2265795)
- Di Pietro, G. et al. 2013. Assessment of muscle microstructures in osteoporotic and osteoarthritic subjects by using magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging. Presented at: European Congress on Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO13-IOF), 2013, Vol. 24. Vol. Supp 1. Springer pp. S293-S293., (10.1007/s00198-013-2312-y)
- Capuani, S., Palombo, M., Gabrielli, A., Orlandi, A., Maraviglia, B. and Pastore, F. S. 2013. Spatio-temporal anomalous diffusion imaging: results in controlled phantoms and in excised human meningiomas. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31(3), pp. 359-365. (10.1016/j.mri.2012.08.012)
- Palombo, M., Gabrielli, A., De Santis, S. and Capuani, S. 2012. The γ parameter of the stretched-exponential model is influenced by internal gradients: Validation in phantoms. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 216, pp. 28-36. (10.1016/j.jmr.2011.12.023)
- De Santis, S., Gabrielli, A., Palombo, M., Maraviglia, B. and Capuani, S. 2011. Non-Gaussian diffusion imaging: a brief practical review. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29(10), pp. 1410-1416. (10.1016/j.mri.2011.04.006)
- Simsek, K., Gallea, C., Genovese, G., Lehéricy, S., Branzoli, F. and Palombo, M. 2025. Age-trajectories of higher-order diffusion properties of major brain metabolites in cerebral and cerebellar grey matter using in vivo diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy at 3T. Aging Cell, article number: e14477. (10.1111/acel.14477)
- Jallais, M. and Palombo, M. 2024. Introducing µGUIDE for quantitative imaging via generalized uncertainty-driven inference using deep learning. eLife 13, article number: RP101069. (10.7554/elife.101069.3)
- Molendowska, M. et al. 2024. Diffusion MRI in prostate cancer with ultra-strong whole body gradients. NMR in Biomedicine (10.1002/nbm.5229)
- Ioakeimidis, V. et al. 2024. Protocol for a randomised controlled unblinded feasibility trial of HD-DRUM, a rhythmic movement training application for cognitive and motor symptoms in people with Huntington’s disease. BMJ Open 14(7), article number: e082161. (10.1136/bmjopen-2023-082161)
- Langkammer, C., Vaclavu, L., Kuestner, T., Bauer, M., Salameh, N., Palombo, M. and Lopez, R. P. 2024. ESMRMB 2024 focus topic: MR beyond trends—fact-checking MR. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 37, pp. 321-322. (10.1007/s10334-024-01177-4)
- Cipiccia, S. et al. 2024. Fast X-ray ptychography: towards nanoscale imaging of large volume of brain. European Physical Journal Plus 139(5), article number: 434. (10.1140/epjp/s13360-024-05224-w)
- Barakovic, M. et al. 2024. A novel imaging marker of cortical “cellularity” in multiple sclerosis patients. Scientific Reports 14(1), article number: 9848. (10.1038/s41598-024-60497-6)
- Preziosa, P. et al. 2024. In-vivo assessment of Cellular Soma and Neurite Density Abnormalities in Multiple Sclerosis Paramagnetic Rim and Core-sign Lesions (P11-6.006). Neurology 102(17S1), article number: P11-6.006. (10.1212/WNL.0000000000205130)
- Mougel, E., Valette, J. and Palombo, M. 2024. Investigating exchange, structural disorder and restriction in Gray Matter via water and metabolites diffusivity and kurtosis time-dependence. Imaging Neuroscience 2, pp. 1-14. (10.1162/imag_a_00123)
- Ligneul, C. et al. 2024. Diffusion‐weighted MR spectroscopy: Consensus, recommendations, and resources from acquisition to modeling. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 91(3), pp. 860-885. (10.1002/mrm.29877)
- Uhl, Q., Pavan, T., Molendowska, M., Jones, D. K., Palombo, M. and Jelescu, I. 2024. Quantifying human gray matter microstructure using neurite exchange imaging (NEXI) and 300 mT/m gradients. Imaging Neuroscience 2, pp. 1-19. (10.1162/imag_a_00104)
- Lou, J. et al. 2024. Predicting radiologists' gaze with computational saliency models in mammogram reading. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 26, pp. 256-269. (10.1109/TMM.2023.3263553)
- Endt, S. et al. 2023. In vivo myelin water quantification using diffusion–relaxation correlation MRI: A comparison of 1D and 2D methods. Applied Magnetic Resonance 54, pp. 1571-1588. (10.1007/s00723-023-01584-1)
- Schiavi, S. et al. 2023. Mapping tissue microstructure across the human brain on a clinical scanner with soma and neurite density image metrics. Human Brain Mapping 44(13), pp. 4792-4811. (10.1002/hbm.26416)
- Reddaway, J., Richardson, P. E., Bevan, R. J., Stoneman, J. and Palombo, M. 2023. Microglial morphometric analysis: so many options, so little consistency. Frontiers in Neuroinformatics 17, article number: 1211188. (10.3389/fninf.2023.1211188)
- Örzsik, B., Palombo, M., Asllani, I., Dijk, D., Harrison, N. A. and Cercignani, M. 2023. Higher order diffusion imaging as a putative index of human sleep-related microstructural changes and glymphatic clearance. NeuroImage 274, article number: 120124. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120124)
- Morelli, L. et al. 2023. Microstructural parameters from DW-MRI for tumour characterization and local recurrence prediction in particle therapy of skull-base chordoma. Medical Physics 50(5), pp. 2900-2913. (10.1002/mp.16202)
- Figini, M. et al. 2023. Comprehensive brain tumour characterization with VERDICT-MRI: evaluation of cellular and vascular measures validated by histology. Cancers 15(9), article number: 2490. (10.3390/cancers15092490)
- Spindler, M., Palombo, M., Zhang, H. and Thiel, C. M. 2023. Dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis and its influence on aging: the role of the hypothalamus. Scientific Reports 13(1), article number: 6866. (10.1038/s41598-023-33922-5)
- Warner, W. et al. 2023. Temporal Diffusion Ratio (TDR) for imaging restricted diffusion: optimisation and pre-clinical demonstration. NeuroImage 269, article number: 119930. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119930)
- Palombo, M. et al. 2023. Joint estimation of relaxation and diffusion tissue parameters for prostate cancer with relaxation-VERDICT MRI. Scientific Reports 13(1), article number: 2999. (10.1038/s41598-023-30182-1)
- Margoni, M. et al. 2023. In vivo quantification of brain soma and neurite density abnormalities in multiple sclerosis. Journal of Neurology 270(1), pp. 433–445. (10.1007/s00415-022-11386-3)
- Schilling, K. G., Palombo, M., O'Grady, K. P., Combes, A. J., Anderson, A. W., Landman, B. A. and Smith, S. A. 2022. Minimal number of sampling directions for robust measures of the spherical mean diffusion weighted signal: Effects of sampling directions, b-value, signal-to-noise ratio, hardware, and fitting strategy. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 94, pp. 25-35. (10.1016/j.mri.2022.07.015)
- Lim, J. P., Blumberg, S. B., Narayan, N., Epstein, S. C., Alexander, D. C., Palombo, M. and Slator, P. J. 2022. Fitting a directional microstructure model to diffusion-relaxation mri data with self-supervised machine learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 13722, pp. 77-88. (10.1007/978-3-031-21206-2_7)
- Jelescu, I. O., Skowronski, A. d., Geffroy, F., Palombo, M. and Novikov, D. S. 2022. Neurite Exchange Imaging (NEXI): A minimal model of diffusion in gray matter with inter-compartment water exchange. NeuroImage 256, article number: 119277.
- Ianus, A., Carvalho, J., Fernandes, F. F., Cruz, R., Chavarrias, C., Palombo, M. and Shemesh, N. 2022. Soma and Neurite Density MRI (SANDI) of the in-vivo mouse brain and comparison with the Allen Brain Atlas. NeuroImage 254, article number: 119135. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119135)
- Gyori, N., Palombo, M., Clark, C., Zhang, H. and Alexander, D. 2022. Training data distribution significantly impacts the estimation of tissue microstructure with machine learning. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 87(2), pp. 932-947. (10.1002/mrm.29014)
- Palombo, M., Barbetta, A., Cametti, C., Favero, G. and Capuani, S. 2022. Transient anomalous diffusion MRI measurement discriminates porous polymeric matrices characterized by different sub-microstructures and fractal dimension. Gels 8(2), article number: 95. (10.3390/gels8020095)
- Slator, P. et al. 2021. Combined diffusion-relaxometry microstructure imaging: Current status and future prospects. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 86(6), pp. 2987-3011. (10.1002/mrm.28963)
- Kerkelaa, L. et al. 2021. Comparative analysis of signal models for microscopic fractional anisotropy estimation using q-space trajectory encoding. NeuroImage 242, article number: 118445. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118445)
- Ianus, A., Alexander, D., Zhang, H. and Palombo, M. 2021. Mapping complex cell morphology in the grey matter with double diffusion encoding MR: A simulation study. NeuroImage 241, article number: 118424. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118424)
- De Luca, A. et al. 2021. On the generalizability of diffusion MRI signal representations across acquisition parameters, sequences and tissue types: chronicles of the MEMENTO challenge. NeuroImage 240, article number: 118367. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118367)
- Afzali, M., Nilsson, M., Palombo, M. and Jones, D. K. 2021. SPHERIOUSLY? The challenges of estimating sphere radius non-invasively in the human brain from diffusion MRI. NeuroImage 237, article number: 118183. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118183)
- Slator, P. et al. 2021. Data-driven multi-contrast spectral microstructure imaging with InSpect: INtegrated SPECTral component estimation and mapping. Medical Image Analysis 71, article number: 102045. (10.1016/
- Genovese, G. et al. 2021. Inflammation-driven glial alterations in the cuprizone mouse model probed with diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy at 11.7 T. NMR in Biomedicine 34(4), article number: e4480. (10.1002/nbm.4480)
- Buizza, G. et al. 2021. Improving the characterization of meningioma microstructure in proton therapy from conventional apparent diffusion coefficient measurements using Monte Carlo simulations of diffusion MRI. Medical Physics 48(3), pp. 1250-1261. (10.1002/mp.14689)
- Palombo, M., Ianus, A., Guerreri, M., Nunes, D., Alexander, D., Shemesh, N. and Zhang, H. 2021. Corrigendum to “SANDI: A compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI” [Neuroimage 215 (2020), 116835]. NeuroImage 226, article number: 117612. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117612)
- Henriques, R. N., Palombo, M., Jespersen, S. N., Shemesh, N., Lundell, H. and Ianuş, A. 2021. Double diffusion encoding and applications for biomedical imaging. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 348, article number: 108989. (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2020.108989)
- Hill, I. et al. 2021. Machine learning based white matter models with permeability: An experimental study in cuprizone treated in-vivo mouse model of axonal demyelination.. NeuroImage 224, article number: 117425. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117425)
- Ning, L. et al. 2020. Cross-scanner and cross-protocol multi-shell diffusion MRI data harmonization: algorithms and result. NeuroImage 221, article number: 117128. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117128)
- Callaghan, R., Alexander, D. C., Palombo, M. and Zhang, H. 2020. ConFiG: Contextual Fibre Growth to generate realistic axonal packing for diffusion MRI simulation. NeuroImage 220, article number: 117107. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.117107)
- Jelescu, I. O., Palombo, M., Bagnato, F. and Schilling, K. G. 2020. Challenges for biophysical modeling of microstructure. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 344, article number: 108861. (10.1016/j.jneumeth.2020.108861)
- Palombo, M., Ianus, A., Guerreri, M., Nunes, D., Alexander, D. C., Shemesh, N. and Zhang, H. 2020. SANDI: a compartment-based model for non-invasive apparent soma and neurite imaging by diffusion MRI.. NeuroImage 215, article number: 116835. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116835)
- Vincent, M., Palombo, M. and Valette, J. 2020. Revisiting double diffusion encoding MRS in the mouse brain at 11.7T: Which microstructural features are we sensitive to?. NeuroImage 207, article number: 116399. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.116399)
- Capuani, S. and Palombo, M. 2020. Mini review on anomalous diffusion by MRI: Potential advantages, pitfalls, limitations, nomenclature, and correct interpretation of literature. Frontiers in Physics 7, article number: 248. (10.3389/fphy.2019.00248)
- Slator, P. et al. 2019. Combined diffusion-relaxometry MRI to identify dysfunction in the human placenta. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 82(1), pp. 95-106. (10.1002/mrm.27733)
- Ligneu, C. et al. 2019. Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy enables cell-specific monitoring of astrocyte reactivity in vivo. NeuroImage 191, pp. 457-469. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.02.046)
- Slator, P. et al. 2019. Placenta Imaging Workshop 2018 report: Multiscale and multimodal approaches. Placenta 79, pp. 78-82. (10.1016/j.placenta.2018.10.010)
- Palombo, M., Alexander, D. C. and Zhang, H. 2019. A generative model of realistic brain cells with application to numerical simulation of the diffusion-weighted MR signal. NeuroImage 188, pp. 391-402. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.12.025)
- Guerreri, M., Palombo, M., Caporale, A., Fasano, F., Macaluso, E., Bozzali, M. and Capuani, S. 2019. Age-related microstructural and physiological changes in normal brain measured by MRI γ-metrics derived from anomalous diffusion signal representation. NeuroImage 188, pp. 654-667. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.12.044)
- Palombo, M., Shemesh, N., Ronen, I. and Valette, J. 2018. Insights into brain microstructure from in vivo DW-MRS. NeuroImage 182, pp. 97-116. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.11.028)
- Jones, D. K. et al. 2018. Microstructural imaging of the human brain with a ‘super-scanner’: 10 key advantages of ultra-strong gradients for diffusion MRI. NeuroImage 182, pp. 8-38. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.05.047)
- Palombo, M., Ligneul, C., Hernandez-Garzon, E. and Valette, J. 2018. Can we detect the effect of spines and leaflets on the diffusion of brain intracellular metabolites?. NeuroImage 182, pp. 283-293. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.05.003)
- Sinibaldi, R. et al. 2018. Multimodal-3D imaging based on MRI and CT techniques bridges the gap with histology in visualization of the bone regeneration process. Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 12(3), pp. 750-761. (10.1002/term.2494)
- Valette, J., Ligneul, C., Marchadour, C., Najac, C. and Palombo, M. 2018. Brain metabolite diffusion from ultra-short to ultra-long time scales: What do we learn, where should we go?. Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, article number: 2. (10.3389/fnins.2018.00002)
- Conti, A., Palombo, M., Parmentier, A., Poggi, G., Baglioni, P. and De Luca, F. 2017. Two-phase water model in the cellulose network of paper. Cellulose 24(8), pp. 3479-3487. (10.1007/s10570-017-1338-2)
- Ligneul, C., Palombo, M. and Valette, J. 2017. Metabolite diffusion up to very high b in the mouse brain In Vivo: Revisiting the potential correlation between relaxation and diffusion properties. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 77(4), pp. 1390-1398. (10.1002/mrm.26217)
- Caporale, A., Palombo, M., Macaluso, E., Guerreri, M., Bozzali, M. and Capuani, S. 2017. The gamma-parameter of anomalous diffusion quantified in human brain by MRI depends on local magnetic susceptibility differences. NeuroImage 147, pp. 619-631. (10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.12.051)
- Zhang, D., Zhu, X., Bifone, A., Gozzi, A., Capuani, S. and Palombo, M. 2017. Efficient parametric imaging with GPU computing. Biophysical Journal 112(3), pp. 583A-584A. (10.1016/j.bpj.2016.11.3141)
- Palombo, M., Ligneul, C. and Valette, J. 2017. Modeling diffusion of intracellular metabolites in the mouse brain up to very high diffusion-weighting: Diffusion in long fibers (almost) accounts for non-monoexponential attenuation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 77(1), pp. 343-350. (10.1002/mrm.26548)
- Santi, G. D., La Greca, C., Bruno, A., Palombo, M., Bronco, I. and Palombo, P. 2016. The use of dermal regeneration template (Matriderm (R) 1 mm) for reconstruction of a large full-thickness scalp and calvaria exposure. Journal of Burn Care and Research 37(5), pp. E497-E498. (10.1097/BCR.0000000000000395)
- Palombo, M. et al. 2016. New paradigm to assess brain cell morphology by diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(24), pp. 6671-6676. (10.1073/pnas.1504327113)
- Palombo, M., Gentili, S., Bozzali, M., Macaluso, E. and Capuani, S. 2015. New insight into the contrast in diffusional kurtosis images: does it depend on magnetic susceptibility?. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 73(5), pp. 2015-2024. (10.1002/mrm.25308)
- Di Pietro, G., Palombo, M. and Capuani, S. 2014. Internal magnetic field gradients in heterogeneous porous systems: comparison between spin-echo and diffusion decay internal field (DDIF) method. Applied Magnetic Resonance 45(8), pp. 771-784. (10.1007/s00723-014-0556-0)
- Palombo, M., Gabrielli, A., Servedio, V. D. P., Ruocco, G. and Capuani, S. 2013. Structural disorder and anomalous diffusion in random packing of spheres. Scientific Reports 3, article number: 2631. (10.1038/srep02631)
- GadElkarim, J. J., Magin, R. L., Meerschaert, M. M., Capuani, S., Palombo, M., Kumar, A. and Leow, A. D. 2013. Fractional order generalization of anomalous diffusion as a multidimensional extension of the transmission line equation. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems 3(3), pp. 432-441. (10.1109/JETCAS.2013.2265795)
- Capuani, S., Palombo, M., Gabrielli, A., Orlandi, A., Maraviglia, B. and Pastore, F. S. 2013. Spatio-temporal anomalous diffusion imaging: results in controlled phantoms and in excised human meningiomas. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 31(3), pp. 359-365. (10.1016/j.mri.2012.08.012)
- Palombo, M., Gabrielli, A., De Santis, S. and Capuani, S. 2012. The γ parameter of the stretched-exponential model is influenced by internal gradients: Validation in phantoms. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 216, pp. 28-36. (10.1016/j.jmr.2011.12.023)
- De Santis, S., Gabrielli, A., Palombo, M., Maraviglia, B. and Capuani, S. 2011. Non-Gaussian diffusion imaging: a brief practical review. Magnetic Resonance Imaging 29(10), pp. 1410-1416. (10.1016/j.mri.2011.04.006)
Book sections
- Grussu, F., Battiston, M., Palombo, M., Schneider, T., Wheeler-Kingshott, C. A. and Alexander, D. C. 2021. Deep learning model fitting for diffusion-relaxometry: a comparative study. In: Gyori, N. et al. eds. Computational Diffusion MRI. Mathematics and Visualization. Mathematics and Visualization Cham: Springer, pp. 159-172., (10.1007/978-3-030-73018-5_13)
- Valindria, V., Palombo, M., Chiou, E., Singh, S., Punwani, S. and Panagiotaki, E. 2021. Synthetic Q-Space learning with deep regression networks for prostate cancer characterisation with VERDICT. Presented at: 2021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 13-16 April 20212021 IEEE 18th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI). IEEE, (10.1109/ISBI48211.2021.9434096)
- Pizzolato, M. et al. 2020. Acquiring and predicting multidimensional diffusion (MUDI) data: an open challenge. Presented at: MICCAI Workshop, Shenzhen, China, Oct 2019 Presented at Bonet-Carne, E. et al. eds.Computational Diffusion MRI. Mathematics and Visualization Springer pp. 195-208., (10.1007/978-3-030-52893-5_17)
- Slator, P. J. et al. 2020. Data-driven multi-contrast spectral microstructure imaging with InSpect. Presented at: MICCAI: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, Lima, Peru, 4–8 October, 2020 Presented at Martel, A. et al. eds.Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2020., Vol. 12266. Cham: Springer pp. 375-385., (10.1007/978-3-030-59725-2_36)
- Warner, R. W., Palombo, M., Dell'Acqua, F. and Drobnjak, I. 2020. Optimisation of Temporal Diffusion Ratio (TDR) to maximise its potential to map large axons: Insight from simulations. Presented at: ISMRM and SMRT Virtual Conference and Exhibition, 8-14 August 2020.
- Guerreri, M., Szczepankiewicz, F., Lampinen, B., Palombo, M., Nilsson, M. and Zhang, H. 2020. Tortuosity assumption not the cause of NODDI’s incompatibility with tensor-valued diffusion encoding. Presented at: ISMRM and SMRT Virtual Conference and Exhibition, 8-14 August 2020.
- Palombo, M. and Singh, S. 2020. Relaxed-VERDICT: decoupling relaxation and diffusion for comprehensive microstructure characterization of prostate cancer.. Presented at: ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference & Exhibition 2020, Online, 8-14 August 2020.
- Callaghan, R., Alexander, D. C., Zhang, H. and Palombo, M. 2019. Contextual fibre growth to generate realistic axonal packing for diffusion MRI simulation. Presented at: IPMI: 26th International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, Hong Kong, China, 2-7-June 2019 Presented at Chung, A. et al. eds.Information Processing in Medical Imaging Proceedings, Vol. 11492. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer pp. 429-440., (10.1007/978-3-030-20351-1_33)
- Slator, P. et al. 2019. InSpect: INtegrated SPECTral component estimation and mapping for multi-contrast microstructural MRI. Presented at: IPMI 2019: International Conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging, 2-7 June 2019 Presented at Chung, A. C. S. et al. eds.Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 26th International Conference, IPMI 2019, Hong Kong, China, June 2–7, 2019, Proceedings. Springer pp. 755-766., (10.1007/978-3-030-20351-1_59)
- Callaghan, R., Shemesh, N., Alexander, D., Zhang, H. and Palombo, M. 2019. Towards a more realistic and flexible white matter numerical phantom generator for diffusion MRI simulation. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 11-16 May 2019.
- Ianus, A., Callaghan, R., Alexander, D. and Palombo, M. 2019. Effect of cell complexity and size on diffusion MRI signal: a simulation study. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 11-16 May 2019.
- Ning, L. et al. 2019. Muti-shell diffusion MRI harmonisation and enhancement challenge (MUSHAC): Progress and results. Presented at: MICCAI 2018, Granada, Spain, 16-20 September 2018 Presented at Bonet-Carne, E. et al. eds.Computational Diffusion MRI, Vol. 1. Mathematics and Visualization Cham: Springer pp. 217-224., (10.1007/978-3-030-05831-9_18)
- Palombo, M. et al. 2019. Improving strain diagnosis of prion disease by diffusion MRI and biophysical modelling. Presented at: 27th ISMRM Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 11-16 May 2019.
- Blumberg, S. B., Palombo, M., Khoo, C. S., Tax, C. M. W., Tanno, R. and Alexander, D. C. 2019. Multi-stage prediction networks for data harmonization. Presented at: Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI, Shenzhen, China, 13-17 Oct 2019Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI Proceedings, Vol. 11767. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer pp. 411-419., (10.1007/978-3-030-32251-9_45)
- Palombo, M., Nunes, D., Alexander, D. C., Zhang, H. and Shemesh, N. 2019. Histological validation of the brain cell body imaging with diffusion MRI at ultrahigh field. Presented at: ISMRM 27th Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 11-16 May 2019 Presented at Port, J. D. and Noll, D. C. eds.Proceedings of the 27th ISMRM Annual Meeting and Exhibition. ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine).
- Guerreri, M., Szczepankiewicz, F., Lampinen, B., Nilsson, M., Palombo, M., Capuani, S. and Zhang, G. H. 2018. Revised NODDI model for diffusion MRI data with multiple b-tensor encodings. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 16-21 June 2018.
- Palombo, M. et al. 2018. Machine learning based estimation of axonal permeability: validation on cuprizone treated in-vivo mouse model of axonal demyelination. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 16-21 June 2018 Presented at Miller, K. L. and Port, J. D. eds.
- Hill, I. et al. 2018. Deep neural network based framework for in-vivo axonal permeability estimation. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 16-21 June 2018Proceedings of the Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018. ISMRM (International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine).
- Palombo, M., Shemesh, N., Ianus, A., Alexander, D. and Zhang, H. 2018. Abundance of cell bodies can explain the stick model’s failure in grey matter at high bvalue. Presented at: Joint Annual Meeting ISMRM-ESMRMB 2018, 16-21 June 2018.
- Di Pietro, G. et al. 2013. Assessment of muscle microstructures in osteoporotic and osteoarthritic subjects by using magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging. Presented at: European Congress on Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis (ESCEO13-IOF), 2013, Vol. 24. Vol. Supp 1. Springer pp. S293-S293., (10.1007/s00198-013-2312-y)
- Ioakeimidis, V. et al. 2023. Protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial of HD-DRUM, a rhythmic movement training application for cognitive and motor symptoms in people with Huntington's disease. [Online]. medRxiv: medRxiv. (10.1101/2023.11.15.23298581) Available at:
- Palombo, M. et al. 2021. Joint estimation of relaxation and diffusion tissue parameters for prostate cancer grading with relaxation-VERDICT MRI. [Online]. medRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (10.1101/2021.06.24.21259440) Available at:
- Perot, J., Celestine, M., Palombo, M., Dhenain, M., Humbert, S., Brouillet, E. and Flament, J. 2021. Identification of the key role of white matter alteration in the pathogenesis of Huntington’s Disease. [Online]. bioRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (10.1101/2021.06.21.449242) Available at:
- Callaghan, R., Alexander, D., Palombo, M. and Zhang, H. 2021. Impact of within-voxel heterogeneity in fibre geometry on spherical deconvolution. [Online]. arXiv: Cornell University. (10.48550/arXiv.2103.08237) Available at:
- Martins, J. P. d. A., Nilsson, M., Lampinen, B., Palombo, M., While, P. T., Westin, C. and Szczepankiewicz, F. 2021. Neural networks for parameter estimation in microstructural MRI: a study with a high-dimensional diffusion-relaxation model of white matter microstructure. [Online]. bioRxiv: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. (10.1101/2021.03.12.435163) Available at:
Fi yw Pennaeth Microstructure Imaging ac rwy'n arwain y rhaglen ymchwil Microstructure Imaging yn CUBRIC. Mae fy nhîm amlddisgyblaethol yn rhan o'r MicroTeam ehangach yn CUBRIC a'r grŵp Cyfrifiadura Delwedd Feddygol yn yr Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg ac mae'n cynnwys myfyrwyr ac ymchwilwyr arbenigol mewn Ffiseg, Cyfrifiadureg, Niwrowyddoniaeth a Seicoleg.
Mae ein hymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar fapio microstrwythur datblygedig gan ddefnyddio technegau delweddu cyseiniant magnetig anfewnwthiol (gweler y tab Trosolwg am ragor o fanylion).
Aelodau'r Tîm:
Athrawon Cynorthwyol:
- Paddy Slator, PhD - Darlithydd mewn Cyfrifiadureg -
- Stefano Zappala, PhD - Darlithydd mewn Cyfrifiadureg -
Cysylltiadau Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol:
- Maëliss Jallais, PhD - Cyswllt Ymchwil -
- Kadir Simsek, PhD - Cyswllt Ymchwil -
Cymrodyr Clinigol:
- Jennifer Golten, MD - Cymrawd Clinigol er Anrhydedd -
Myfyrwyr PhD:
- Charlie Aird-Rossiter - myfyriwr PhD -
- Jiří Benáček - myfyriwr PhD -
- Elise Gwyther- myfyriwr PhD -
- Lewis Kitchingman - myfyriwr PhD -
- Solanki Mitra - myfyriwr PhD -
- Adam Threlfall - myfyriwr PhD -
- Michael Law - myfyriwr PhD -
Interniaid a myfyrwyr Meistr:
- Ioanna Deroukaki - Intern -
- Medha Raketla - Intern -
- Rutu Shah - Intern -
Ymweld â myfyrwyr a gwyddonwyr
- (2024 - 3 mis) Manon Desenne - tra'n fyfyriwr meistr yn Aix-Marseille Université (Ffrainc)
- (2024 - 3 mis) Ana Aquino Servin - tra bod myfyriwr PhD yn FIDMAG yn Barcelona (Sbaen)
- (2024 - 6 mis) Eleonora Lupi - tra bod myfyriwr PhD ym Mhrifysgol Pavia (yr Eidal)
- (2023 - 3 mis) Qianqian Yang - tra'n Athro Cynorthwyol ym Mhrifysgol Technoleg Queensland, QUT (Awstralia)
- (2023 - 6 mis) Alessandra Maiuro - tra bod myfyriwr PhD ym Mhrifysgol Sapienza (yr Eidal)
- (2022 - 1 mis) Erick Canales Rodrigues - tra'n Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil yn yr Ecole Polythecnique Federale de Lausanne, EPFL (Y Swistir)
- (2022 - 1.5 mis) Bradley Karat, tra myfyriwr PhD ym Mhrifysgol Gorllewin Ontario, (Canada)
- (2022 - 1.5 mis) Lydia Chougar - tra bod myfyriwr PhD yn Sefydliad yr Ymennydd ac Asgwrn Cefn, ICM (Ffrainc)
Aelodau blaenorol
- (2022 - 2024) Eirini Messaritaki, PhD - Uwch Bartner Ymchwil -
Cefnogir ein hymchwil gan amrywiaeth o gyrff cyllido a phartneriaid diwydiannol:
UK Research and Innovation
- 2025-2028: Cymrodoriaeth Arweinwyr y Dyfodol UKRI Adnewyddu: MR/T020296/2, (Prif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £700k
- 2022-2025: MR/W031566/1, (Cyd-Brif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £1m
- 2020-2025: Cymrodoriaeth Arweinwyr y Dyfodol UKRI: MR/T020296/1 a 2, (Prif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £1.3m
- 2022-2024: UKRI BBSRC: BB/X005089/1, (Prif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £22k
- 2022-2027: YSGOLORIAETHAU DTP UKRI EPSRC (Lewis Kitchingman a Jiří Benáček), ~ £130k
Ymchwil Canser Cymru ac Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Prifysgol Felindre:
- Astudiaeth MIMOSA 2024-2027 (Cyd-Ymgeisydd Arweiniol Palombo), ~ £ 350k
Partneriaethau Strategol gyda Diwydiant
- GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) - Ysgoloriaeth PhD (Elise Gwyther)
- F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Roche) - prosiect ymchwil DEPICT (2024-2027)
Cyngor Ymchwil Awstralia (ARC)
- Prosiect Darganfod 2025-2028 "Modelau mathemategol newydd ar gyfer delweddu microstrwythur meinwe yr ymennydd" (Cyd-Brif Ymchwilydd Palombo), ~ £300k
- 2014: PhD mewn Bioffiseg. Prifysgol Rhufain Sapienza, Rhufain, yr Eidal. Trylediad anomalaidd i archwilio microstrwythur yr ymennydd trwy baramedrau NMR newydd: o fodelu damcaniaethol i NMR mewn arbrofion vivo.
- 2010: MSc mewn Ffiseg Prifysgol Rhufain Sapienza, Rhufain, yr Eidal
- 2007: BSc mewn Ffiseg Prifysgol Rhufain Sapienza, Rhufain, yr Eidal
- 2021 – presennol: Uwch Ddarlithydd ar y cyd 50:50 Ysgol Seicoleg a'r Ysgol Cyfrifiadureg a Gwybodeg. Prifysgol Caerdydd, Caerdydd, y DU.
- 2018 – 2021: Uwch Gydymaith Ymchwil. Coleg Prifysgol Llundain, Llundain, y DU.
- 2016 – 2018: Cyswllt Ymchwil. Coleg Prifysgol Llundain, Llundain, y DU.
- 2014 – 2016: Cyswllt Ymchwil. Comisiwn Ynni Atomig ac Egni Amgen (CEA), Fontenay-aux-Roses, Ffrainc.
Ymgysylltu Cenedlaethol a Rhyngwladol
- Aelod o Bwyllgor Rhaglen Cyfarfod Blynyddol ISMRM (2023 - 2026);
- Trefnydd Ysgol Haf Cyfrifiadura Delwedd Feddygol UCL (MedICSS) 2021;
- Trefnydd Gweithdy Lorentz ar "Arferion Gorau ac Offer ar gyfer Diffusion MR Spectroscopy", wedi'i drefnu ar gyfer Medi 2021;
- Trefnydd yr hacathhon: "micro2macro BrainHack 2020";
- Trefnydd digwyddiad lloeren MICCAI "Gweithdy MRI Diffusion Cyfrifiadol" yn 2019 a 2020;
- Trefnydd Her MICCAI "MUDI" yn 2019 a "Super-MUDI" yn 2020;
- Trefnydd Symposiwm Cychwynodd Aelod ISMRM yn 2019;
- Darlithoedd addysgol yn ISMRM 2019, 2020 a 2021.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
11/2019 | 2019 ISMRM Outstanding Teacher Award |
05/2019 | 3rd place at the EPSRC’s Science Photography Competition 2019, in the Weird & Wonderful category. |
05/2019 | Magna Cum Laude Merit Award at International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting. |
11/2018 | Best research image at the UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering Autumn Research Symposium |
06/2018 | Finalist at the public engagement competition during the the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting |
04/2018 | Certificates of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing by Neuroimage, Elsevier. |
01/2018 | UCL representative at the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS), Singapore |
06/2017 | Magna Cum Laude Merit Award at International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting. |
05/2016 | Best work at the Diffusion Study Group at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting |
04/2016 | Certificates of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing by Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Wiley. |
2011 – 2014 | Educational Stipend awarded by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) |
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer cynlluniau grant yn genedlaethol ac yn rhyngwladol:
- Asiantaeth Weithredol Ymchwil Ewropeaidd (REA)
- Cynllun Cymrodoriaeth Arweinwyr y Dyfodol UKRI
- Iechyd Personol a Thechnolegau Cysylltiedig (PHRT) maes ffocws strategol y Parth ETH
- Sefydliad Ymchwil Canser y Swistir & Cynghrair Canser y Swistir
- Asiantaeth Ymchwil Genedlaethol Ffrainc (ANR)
- Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Sefydliad Ymchwil Almaeneg)
adolygydd rheolaidd ar gyfer cyfnodolion sy'n canolbwyntio ar ymchwil:
- Natur
- Cell sy'n heneiddio
- NeuroImage
- Cyseiniant Magnetig mewn Meddygaeth
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance
- Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Delweddu Cyseiniant Magnetig
- Niwrobioleg heneiddio
- Ffiniau mewn Ffiseg
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Aelodau'r Tîm:
Athrawon Cynorthwyol:
- Paddy Slator, PhD - Darlithydd mewn Cyfrifiadureg -
- Stefano Zappala, PhD - Darlithydd mewn Cyfrifiadureg - - (Rheolwr Llinell Palombo)
Cysylltiadau Ymchwil Ôl-ddoethurol:
- Maëliss Jallais, PhD - Cyswllt Ymchwil - - (Rheolwr Llinell Palombo)
- Kadir Simsek, PhD - Cyswllt Ymchwil - - (Rheolwr Llinell Palombo)
Cymrodyr Clinigol:
- Jennifer Golten, MD - Cymrawd Clinigol er Anrhydedd - - (Rheolwr Llinell Palombo)
Myfyrwyr PhD:
- Charlie Aird-Rossiter - myfyriwr PhD - - (Prif Oruchwyliwr Palombo)
- Jiří Benáček - myfyriwr PhD - - (Goruchwyliwr Cynradd Palombo)
- Elise Gwyther- myfyriwr PhD - - (Prif Oruchwyliwr Palombo)
- Lewis Kitchingman - myfyriwr PhD - - (Goruchwyliwr Cynradd Palombo)
- Solanki Mitra - myfyriwr PhD - - (Goruchwyliwr Uwchradd Palombo)
- Adam Threlfall - myfyriwr PhD - - (Prif Oruchwyliwr Palombo)
- Michael Law - myfyriwr PhD - - (Prif Oruchwyliwr Palombo)
Interniaid a myfyrwyr Meistr:
- Ioanna Deroukaki - Intern - - (Prif Oruchwyliwr Palombo)
- Medha Raketla - Intern - - (Prif Oruchwyliwr Palombo)
- Rutu Shah - Intern - - (Prif Oruchwyliwr Palombo)
Ymweld â myfyrwyr a gwyddonwyr
- (2024 - 3 mis) Manon Desenne - tra'n fyfyriwr meistr yn Aix-Marseille Université (Ffrainc)
- (2024 - 3 mis) Ana Aquino Servin - tra bod myfyriwr PhD yn FIDMAG yn Barcelona (Sbaen)
- (2024 - 6 mis) Eleonora Lupi - tra bod myfyriwr PhD ym Mhrifysgol Pavia (yr Eidal)
- (2023 - 3 mis) Qianqian Yang - tra'n Athro Cynorthwyol ym Mhrifysgol Technoleg Queensland, QUT (Awstralia)
- (2023 - 6 mis) Alessandra Maiuro - tra bod myfyriwr PhD ym Mhrifysgol Sapienza (yr Eidal)
- (2022 - 1 mis) Erick Canales Rodrigues - tra'n Uwch Gymrawd Ymchwil yn yr Ecole Polythecnique Federale de Lausanne, EPFL (Y Swistir)
- (2022 - 1.5 mis) Bradley Karat, tra myfyriwr PhD ym Mhrifysgol Gorllewin Ontario, (Canada)
- (2022 - 1.5 mis) Lydia Chougar - tra bod myfyriwr PhD yn Sefydliad yr Ymennydd ac Asgwrn Cefn, ICM (Ffrainc)
Aelodau blaenorol
- (2022 - 2024) Eirini Messaritaki, PhD - Uwch Bartner Ymchwil -
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
+44 29208 70358
Canolfan Ymchwil Delweddu'r Ymennydd Prifysgol Caerdydd, Ystafell 1.003, Heol Maendy, Caerdydd, CF24 4HQ
Themâu ymchwil
- Prosesu delweddau
- Dyfeisiau meddygol
- delweddu meddygol a sbectrosgopeg
- Cyfrifiadura cymhwysol
- .AI