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Marco Palombo

Dr Marco Palombo


Senior Lecturer

School of Psychology

Available for postgraduate supervision



I am UKRI Future Leaders Fellow and Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in Microstructure Imaging at Cardiff University, with a joint appointment between the Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre (CUBRIC) in the School of Psychology, where I am Head of Microstructure Imaging and co-lead the MicroTeam group, and the School of Computer Science and Informatics, where I co-lead the Medical Image Computing group. 

I am also lead academic in the Interdisciplinary Precision Oncology Cardiff Hub (IPOCH) and have been a member of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Human-Machine Systems (IROHMS) at Cardiff University where I co-chaired the "Human-centric AI for Medical Imaging" Working Group.

I have B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD in Physics, with expertise in biophysical modelling, machine learning, computational modelling, medical imaging, and data analysis.


I lead the Microstructure Imaging research programme at CUBRIC. My research interest is in combining Physics, Computer Science and Neuroscience to develop non-invasive imaging technologies for early diagnosis and prognosis of neurological and psychiatric conditions.

Towards this goal, my team (see Research tab) and I combine computational modelling, MRI and modern machine learning to pioneer key innovations in microstructure imaging and non-invasive histology of the brain (with particular focus on grey matter):

The first demonstration of non-invasive quantification of complex brain cell morphology, using diffusion-weighted MR spectroscopy and computational modelling (Palombo et al., PNAS 2016);

Mapping of cell body size and density, using SANDI (Palombo et al. Neuroimage 2020, Ianus et al. Neuroimage 2022); mapping of water exchange, using NEXI (Jelescu et al. Neuroimage 2022; Uhl et al. Imaging Neuroscience 2024);

Translation of cell body size and density imaging using SANDI on clinical 3T scanners to characterize Multiple Sclerosis (MS) pathology (Schiavi et al. Human Brain Mapping 2023, Magoni et al. Journal of Neurology 2023, Barakovic et al. Nature Sci Rep 2024);

Imaging restriction and exchange effects using diffusion temporal ratio, TDR (Warner et al. Neuroimage 2023) and combined water and metabolite diffusion time dependence (Mougel et al. Imaging Neuroscience 2024);

First-of-its-kind generative models of complex brain cell morphologies (Palombo et al., Neuroimage 2019), axonal bundles with ConFiG (Callaghan et al. Neuroimage 2020) and brain gray matter with ConCeG (Aird-Rossiter et al. ISMRM2024) for the controlled and flexible generation of ultra-realistic computational models of the brain microstructure, essential for more realistic numerical simulations (e.g. Monte Carlo)

Recent work focuses on combining such computational models, Monte Carlo simulations and machine learning for next generation microstructure imaging, e.g.:

Maps of axonal permeability as new imaging marker of demyelination (Hill et al. Neuroimage 2021);

In vivo quantification of glial reactivity and neuroinflammation (Ligneul et al., Neuroimage 2019, Genovese et al., NMR Biomed 2021);

Cancer-specific microstructure imaging to assess brain tumor’s response to radio/proton therapy (Buizza et al., Medical Physics 2020, Morelli et al. Medical Physics 2023); and simulations and microstructure imaging frameworks tailored to liver cancer (Grussu et al. medRxiv 2024, Grigoriu et al. medRxiv 2024, Voronova et al. medRxiv 2024)

Joint estimation of diffusion and relaxation properties of prostate cancer with rVERDICT (Palombo et al. Nature Sci. Rep. 2023), and advanced microstructural characterization of prostate cancer using ultra-strong gradients (Molendowska et al. NMR Biomed 2024)

Efficient Bayesian inference using deep learning for uncertainty and degeneracy quantification in microstructure imaging using µGUIDE (Jallais and Palombo, eLife 2024)

Advanced characterization of brain microstructure during healthy neurodevelopment (Genc et al. bioRxiv 2024, Karat et al. bioRxiv 2024)

Efficient data compression of multidimensional MRI data with SirenMRI (Mancini et al, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2022)

Open-source code:


Our research is supported by a range of funding bodies and industrial partners:

UK Research and Innovation

  • 2025-2028: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Renewal: MR/T020296/2, (Palombo Principal Investigator), ~£700k
  • 2022-2025: UKRI MRC: MR/W031566/1, (Palombo Co-Principal Investigator), ~£1m
  • 2020-2025: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship: MR/T020296/1 & 2, (Palombo Principal Investigator), ~£1.3m
  • 2022-2024: UKRI BBSRC: BB/X005089/1, (Palombo Principal Investigator), ~£22k
  • 2022-2027: UKRI EPSRC DTP Scholarships (Lewis Kitchingman and Jiří Benáček), ~£130k

Cancer Research Wales & Velindre University NHS Trust:

  • 2024- 2027 MIMOSA study (Palombo Joint Lead Applicant), ~£350k

Strategic Partnerships with Industry

  • GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) - PhD Scholarship (Elise Gwyther)
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Roche) - DEPICT research project (2024-2027)
  • Siemens Healthineers Ltd 

Australian Research Council (ARC)

  • 2025- 2028 Discovery Project "New mathematical models for brain tissue microstructure imaging" (Palombo Co-Principal Investigator), ~£300k


















Book sections




I am the Head of Microstructure Imaging and lead the Microstructure Imaging research programme at CUBRIC. My multi-disciplinary team is part of the wider MicroTeam in CUBRIC and the Medical Image Computing group in the School of Computer Science and Informatics and it comprises students and expert researchers in Physics, Computer Science, Neuroscience and Psychology.

Our research focusses on advanced microstructure mapping using non-invasive magnetic resonance imaging techniques (see the Overview tab for further details).

Team members:

Assistant Professors:

Post-Doctoral Research Associates:

Clinical Fellows:

PhD Students:

Interns and Master Students:

Visiting students and scientists

  • (2024 - 3 months) Manon Desenne - while master student at Aix-Marseille Université (France)
  • (2024 - 3 months) Ana Aquino Servin - while PhD student at FIDMAG in Barcelona (Spain)
  • (2024 - 6 months) Eleonora Lupi - while PhD student at the University of Pavia (Italy)
  • (2023 - 3 months) Qianqian Yang - while Assistant Professor at Queensland University of Technology, QUT (Australia)
  • (2023 - 6 months) Alessandra Maiuro - while PhD student at Sapienza University (Italy)
  • (2022 - 1 month) Erick Canales Rodrigues - while Senior Research Fellow at the Ecole Polythecnique Federale de Lausanne, EPFL (Switzerland)
  • (2022 - 1.5 months) Bradley Karat, while PhD student at the University of Western Ontario, (Canada)
  • (2022 - 1.5 months) Lydia Chougar - while PhD student at the Institute of Brain and Spine, ICM  (France)

Previous members


Our research is supported by a range of funding bodies and industrial partners:

UK Research and Innovation

  • 2025-2028: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship Renewal: MR/T020296/2, (Palombo Principal Investigator), ~£700k
  • 2022-2025: UKRI MRC: MR/W031566/1, (Palombo Co-Principal Investigator), ~£1m
  • 2020-2025: UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship: MR/T020296/1 & 2, (Palombo Principal Investigator), ~£1.3m
  • 2022-2024: UKRI BBSRC: BB/X005089/1, (Palombo Principal Investigator), ~£22k
  • 2022-2027: UKRI EPSRC DTP Scholarships (Lewis Kitchingman and Jiří Benáček), ~£130k

Cancer Research Wales & Velindre University NHS Trust:

  • 2024-2027 MIMOSA study (Palombo Joint Lead Applicant), ~£350k

Strategic Partnerships with Industry

  • GlaxoSmithKline Plc (GSK) - PhD Scholarship (Elise Gwyther)
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd (Roche) - DEPICT research project (2024-2027)

Australian Research Council (ARC)

  • 2025- 2028 Discovery Project "New mathematical models for brain tissue microstructure imaging" (Palombo Co-Principal Investigator), ~£300k




  • 2014: PhD in Biophysics. Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Anomalous diffusion to probe brain microstructure by means of new NMR parameters: from theoretical modelling to NMR in vivo experiments. 
  • 2010: MSc in Physics. Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy
  • 2007: BSc in Physics. Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy


  • 2021 – present: Senior Lecturer joint 50:50 School of Psychology and School of Computer Science and Informatics. Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK.
  • 2018 – 2021: Senior Research Associate. University College London, London, UK.
  • 2016 – 2018: Research Associate. University College London, London, UK.
  • 2014 – 2016: Research Associate. Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission (CEA), Fontenay-aux-Roses, France.

National and International engagment

  • Member of the ISMRM Annual Meeting Programme Committee (2023 - 2026);
  • Course Director and Organizer of the ESMRMB Lectures on MR 2023: ‘INTRODUCTION TO DIFFUSION-WEIGHTED MR IMAGING AND SPECTROSCOPY’;
  • Organizer of the UCL Medical Image Computing Summer School (MedICSS) 2021;
  • Organizer of the Lorentz Workshop on “Best Practices & Tools for Diffusion MR Spectroscopy”, scheduled for September 2021;
  • Organizer of the hackathon: “micro2macro BrainHack 2020”;
  • Organizer of MICCAI satellite event “Computational Diffusion MRI Workshop” in 2019 and 2020;
  • Organizer of MICCAI Challenge “MUDI” in 2019 and “Super-MUDI” in 2020;
  • Organizer of ISMRM Member Initiated Symposium in 2019;
  • Educational lectures at ISMRM 2019, 2020 and 2021.


Honours and awards


2019 ISMRM Outstanding Teacher Award


3rd place at the EPSRC's Science Photography Competition 2019, in the Weird & Wonderful category.


Magna Laude Merit Award at International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting.


Best research image at the UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering Autumn Research Symposium


Finalist at the public engagement competition during the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting


Certificates of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing by Neuroimage, Elsevier.


UCL representative at the Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS), Singapore


Magna Laude Merit Award at International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting.


Best work at the Diffusion Study Group at the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) annual meeting


Certificates of Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing by Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Wiley.

2011 – 2014

Educational Stipend awarded by the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)

Committees and reviewing

Peer reviewer for grant schemes both nationally and internationally:

  • European Research Executive Agency (REA)
  • UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship scheme
  • Personalized Health and Related Technologies (PHRT) strategic focus area of the ETH Domain
  • Swiss Cancer Research foundation & Swiss Cancer League
  • French National Research Agency (ANR)
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)

Regular reviewer for research-focused journals:

  • Nature
  • Ageing Cell
  • NeuroImage
  • Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  • Journal of Magnetic Resonance
  • Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • Neurobiology of Aging
  • Frontiers in Physics


Team members:

Assistant Professors:

Post-Doctoral Research Associates:

Clinical Fellows:

PhD Students:

Interns and Master Students:

Visiting students and scientists

  • (2024 - 3 months) Manon Desenne - while master student at Aix-Marseille Université (France)
  • (2024 - 3 months) Ana Aquino Servin - while PhD student at FIDMAG in Barcelona (Spain)
  • (2024 - 6 months) Eleonora Lupi - while PhD student at the University of Pavia (Italy)
  • (2023 - 3 months) Qianqian Yang - while Assistant Professor at Queensland University of Technology, QUT (Australia)
  • (2023 - 6 months) Alessandra Maiuro - while PhD student at Sapienza University (Italy)
  • (2022 - 1 month) Erick Canales Rodrigues - while Senior Research Fellow at the Ecole Polythecnique Federale de Lausanne, EPFL (Switzerland)
  • (2022 - 1.5 months) Bradley Karat, while PhD student at the University of Western Ontario, (Canada)
  • (2022 - 1.5 months) Lydia Chougar - while PhD student at the Institute of Brain and Spine, ICM  (France)

Previous members


Current supervision

Elise Gwyther

Elise Gwyther

Research student

JiŘÍ BenÁČek

JiŘÍ BenÁČek

Research student

Solanki Mitra

Solanki Mitra

Research student

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70358
Campuses Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, Room 1.003, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ


  • Image processing
  • Medical devices
  • medical imaging and spectroscopy
  • Applied computing
  • AI