Dr Lara Pecis
Lecturer in Management, Employment and Organisation
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn mynd i'r afael ag ochr dywyllach arloesi ac ecosystemau entrepreneuraidd. Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar yr anghydraddoldebau rhyw a hiliol yn y gwaith, a sut i hyrwyddo mannau gwaith mwy teg, yn benodol yng nghyd-destun sefydliadau arloesi-ddwys. Mae fy ymchwil wedi cael ei gyhoeddi mewn cyfnodolion ysgolheigaidd, megis Cysylltiadau Dynol, Gender Work and Organization, Organization, ymhlith cyfraniadau eraill mewn llyfrau wedi'u golygu. Rwy'n Gymrawd o'r Academi Addysg Uwch.
- Pecis, L. and Ge, B. 2025. The bittersweet taste of family business: exploring the dynamics gendering and racializing entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (10.1080/08985626.2025.2459232)
- Ge, B., Bauer, F. and Pecis, L. 2024. Stick to the knitting? Legacy beyond the original family businesses through rhetorical history. Presented at: 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, USA, 9-13 August 2024, Vol. 2024. Vol. 1. Academy of Management, (10.5465/AMPROC.2024.226bp)
- Pecis, L. and Touboulic, A. 2024. Academic mothers and the practice of embodied care: Navigating and resisting uncaring structures in the neoliberal academy. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 43(5), pp. 784-803. (10.1108/EDI-07-2022-0194)
- Pecis, L., Ge, B. and Bauer, F. 2024. The strategic realignment of paradoxical family and business goals in family business: A rhetorical history perspective. Business History (10.1080/00076791.2024.2317938)
- Pecis, L. and Berglund, K. 2021. Hidden in the limelight: A feminist engagement with innovation studies. Organization 28(6), pp. 993-1017. (10.1177/13505084211015380)
- Pecis, L. 2021. Concept as method: ethnography in a posthumanist world. In: Stead, V., Elliott, C. and Mavin, S. eds. Handbook of Research Methods on Gender and Management. Edward Elgar, pp. 281-294., (10.4337/9781788977937.00028)
- Priola, V. and Pecis, L. 2020. Missing voices: the absence of women from Italy's Covid-19 pandemic response. Gender in Management: An International Journal 35(7/8), pp. 619-627. (10.1108/GM-07-2020-0218)
- Introna, L. and Pecis, L. 2019. Bitcoin as a mediating technology of organization. In: Beyes, T., Holt, R. and Pias, C. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Media, Technology, and Organization Studies. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198809913.013.5)
- Pecis, L. and Priola, V. 2019. The 'new industrial man' as unhero: Doing postfeminist masculinities in an Italian pharmacological research centre. Gender, Work and Organization 26(10), pp. 1413-1432. (10.1111/gwao.12359)
- Pecis, L. 2019. Book review: the organization of craft work: identities, meanings, and materiality (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society). Organization Studies 40(11), pp. 1771-1774. (10.1177/0170840619842723)
- Contu, A. and Pecis, L. 2017. Groups and teams at work. In: Knights, D. and Wilmott, H. eds. Introducing Organizational Behaviour and Management. Cengage Learning, pp. 113-157.
- Pecis, L. 2016. Doing and undoing gender in innovation: Femininities and masculinities in innovation processes. Human Relations 69(11), pp. 2117-2140. (10.1177/0018726716634445)
- Contu, A. and Pecis, L. 2016. On the knowledge making enterprise in OMT: the significance of reflexivity and diffraction. Presented at: IFIP Working Group 8.2 Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 9 - 10 December 2016.
- Pecis, L., Thirlaway, K. and Archer-Brown, C. 2016. Towards a sociomaterial approach to emotions in IS research. Presented at: 2016 International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland, 11 - 14 December 2016.
- Pecis, L. 2014. Organizational multi-sited ethnography: challenges and strategies in management research. Presented at: AOM Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida, 9-13 August 2013, Vol. 2014. Vol. 1. Academy of Management
Adrannau llyfrau
- Pecis, L. 2021. Concept as method: ethnography in a posthumanist world. In: Stead, V., Elliott, C. and Mavin, S. eds. Handbook of Research Methods on Gender and Management. Edward Elgar, pp. 281-294., (10.4337/9781788977937.00028)
- Introna, L. and Pecis, L. 2019. Bitcoin as a mediating technology of organization. In: Beyes, T., Holt, R. and Pias, C. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Media, Technology, and Organization Studies. Oxford University Press, (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198809913.013.5)
- Contu, A. and Pecis, L. 2017. Groups and teams at work. In: Knights, D. and Wilmott, H. eds. Introducing Organizational Behaviour and Management. Cengage Learning, pp. 113-157.
- Ge, B., Bauer, F. and Pecis, L. 2024. Stick to the knitting? Legacy beyond the original family businesses through rhetorical history. Presented at: 84th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, IL, USA, 9-13 August 2024, Vol. 2024. Vol. 1. Academy of Management, (10.5465/AMPROC.2024.226bp)
- Contu, A. and Pecis, L. 2016. On the knowledge making enterprise in OMT: the significance of reflexivity and diffraction. Presented at: IFIP Working Group 8.2 Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 9 - 10 December 2016.
- Pecis, L., Thirlaway, K. and Archer-Brown, C. 2016. Towards a sociomaterial approach to emotions in IS research. Presented at: 2016 International Conference on Information Systems, Dublin, Ireland, 11 - 14 December 2016.
- Pecis, L. 2014. Organizational multi-sited ethnography: challenges and strategies in management research. Presented at: AOM Meeting, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida, 9-13 August 2013, Vol. 2014. Vol. 1. Academy of Management
- Pecis, L. and Ge, B. 2025. The bittersweet taste of family business: exploring the dynamics gendering and racializing entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (10.1080/08985626.2025.2459232)
- Pecis, L. and Touboulic, A. 2024. Academic mothers and the practice of embodied care: Navigating and resisting uncaring structures in the neoliberal academy. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 43(5), pp. 784-803. (10.1108/EDI-07-2022-0194)
- Pecis, L., Ge, B. and Bauer, F. 2024. The strategic realignment of paradoxical family and business goals in family business: A rhetorical history perspective. Business History (10.1080/00076791.2024.2317938)
- Pecis, L. and Berglund, K. 2021. Hidden in the limelight: A feminist engagement with innovation studies. Organization 28(6), pp. 993-1017. (10.1177/13505084211015380)
- Priola, V. and Pecis, L. 2020. Missing voices: the absence of women from Italy's Covid-19 pandemic response. Gender in Management: An International Journal 35(7/8), pp. 619-627. (10.1108/GM-07-2020-0218)
- Pecis, L. and Priola, V. 2019. The 'new industrial man' as unhero: Doing postfeminist masculinities in an Italian pharmacological research centre. Gender, Work and Organization 26(10), pp. 1413-1432. (10.1111/gwao.12359)
- Pecis, L. 2019. Book review: the organization of craft work: identities, meanings, and materiality (Routledge Studies in Management, Organizations and Society). Organization Studies 40(11), pp. 1771-1774. (10.1177/0170840619842723)
- Pecis, L. 2016. Doing and undoing gender in innovation: Femininities and masculinities in innovation processes. Human Relations 69(11), pp. 2117-2140. (10.1177/0018726716634445)
Diddordebau ymchwil
- Theori rhyw a hil feirniadol
- Arloesi cynhwysol
- Agweddau tywyllach technolegau ac ecosystemau arloesi
Prosiectau a ariannwyd yn y gorffennol
- ESRC IAA (2022-2023): Materion rhywedd: mynd i'r afael â'r heriau i fenywod mewn mathau cyfoes o waith
- PIN ESRC (2019): Arloesi cynhwysol: cynnal cynhyrchiant a chynhwysiant economaidd-gymdeithasol trwy ganolfannau arloesi, canolfannau ac ardaloedd
Rwyf wedi ymuno ag Ysgol Busnes Caerdydd yn 2023 fel Darlithydd mewn Rheolaeth, Cyflogaeth a Threfniadaeth. Yn flaenorol, cefais swydd fel Darlithydd mewn Astudiaethau Trefniadaeth yn Ysgol Reoli Prifysgol Lancaster.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n goruchwylio ymchwilwyr PhD sy'n canolbwyntio ar y meysydd canlynol:
- Materion rhywedd ac amrywiaeth yn y byd academaidd
- ymwybyddiaeth rheolaethol
Contact Details
+44 29208 75586
Adeilad Aberconwy, Ystafell Ystafell S35d, Rhodfa Colum, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU