Grŵp Ymchwil
Geometreg, Algebra, Ffiseg Fathemategol a Thopoleg
Diddordebau Ymchwil
Fy niddordebau ymchwil yw cysylltiadau rhwng topoleg algebraidd, theori homotopi ac algebras gweithredydd, yn enwedig damcaniaeth K-theory a mynegai. Ers i mi astudio ffiseg ddamcaniaethol cyn fy PhD, mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn damcaniaethau maes topolegol a chydffurfiol gyda golwg tuag at cohomoleg elliptig.
Gwefan Bersonol
- Arweinydd Asesu ac Adborth ar gyfer Mathemateg
- Trefnydd y Seminar GAPT
- Gohebydd INI / ICMS
- Arholwr Allanol ar gyfer Prifysgol Caerlŷr
Cyfrifoldebau blaenorol
- Aelod o SREC (Pwyllgor Moeseg Ymchwil yr Ysgol)
- Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Ymchwil (o 2017-2021)
- Cydlynydd Blwyddyn Dramor (o Hydref 2020 - Awst 2022)
- Pennig, U. and Sogabe, T. 2024. Spanier–Whitehead K-duality and duality of extensions of C*-algebras. International Mathematics Research Notices 2024(23), pp. 14321-14351. (10.1093/imrn/rnae242)
- Torras Casas, ?. and Pennig, U. 2024. Interleaving Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequences. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 24(8), pp. 4265-4306. (10.2140/agt.2024.24.4265)
- Dădărlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2024. Bundles of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras with a Clifford grading. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan (10.2969/jmsj/92259225)
- Dadarlat, M., McClure, J. E. and Pennig, U. 2024. Computing cohomology groups that classify bundles of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras. Journal of Topology and Analysis (10.1142/S1793525324500110)
- Evans, D. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher Dixmier-Douady theory for circle actions on UHF-algebras. Advances in Mathematics 410(Part B), article number: 108745. (10.1016/j.aim.2022.108745)
- Evans, D. E. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher twisted K-theory of SU(n) for exponential functor twists. Journal of Topology 15(2), pp. 896-949. (10.1112/topo.12219)
- Lechner, G., Pennig, U. and Wood, S. 2019. Yang-Baxter representations of the infinite symmetric group. Advances in Mathematics 355, article number: 106769. (10.1016/j.aim.2019.106769)
- Pennig, U. 2019. Exponential functors, R-matrices and twists. Algebraic & Geometric Topology 20, article number: 3. (10.2140/agt.2020.20.1279)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2017. Connective C*-algebras. Journal of Functional Analysis 272(12), pp. 4919-4943. (10.1016/j.jfa.2017.02.009)
- Dadarlat, M., Pennig, U. and Schneider, A. 2017. Deformations of wreath products. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 49(1), pp. 23-32. (10.1112/blms.12008)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2017. Deformations of nilpotent groups and homotopy symmetric C*-algebras. Mathematische Annalen 367, pp. 121-134. (10.1007/s00208-016-1379-0)
- Evington, S. and Pennig, U. 2016. Locally trivial W*-bundles. International Journal of Mathematics 27, article number: 1650088. (10.1142/S0129167X16500889)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2016. A Dixmier-Douady theory for strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras II: the Brauer group. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 9(4), pp. 1137-1154. (10.4171/JNCG/218)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2016. A Dixmier--Douady theory for strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 2016(718), pp. 153-181. (10.1515/crelle-2014-0044)
- Meyer, R. and Pennig, U. 2016. Crossed module actions on continuous trace C*-algebras. Communications in Mathematical Physics 346(1), pp. 115-142. (10.1007/s00220-016-2638-3)
- Pennig, U. 2016. A non-commutative model for higher twisted K-theory. Journal of Topology 9(1), pp. 27-50. (10.1112/jtopol/jtv033)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2015. Unit spectra of K-theory from strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 15(1), pp. 137-168. (10.2140/agt.2015.15.137)
- Pennig, U. 2014. Twisted K-theory and obstructions against positive scalar curvature metrics. Journal of K-theory: K-theory and its Applications to Algebra, Geometry, and Topology 14(1), pp. 47-71. (10.1017/is014003008jkt259)
- Pavlov, A., Pennig, U. and Schick, T. 2011. Quasi-multipliers of Hilbert and Banach C*-bimodules. Mathematica Scandinavica 109(1), pp. 71-92.
- Kawahigashi, Y., Longo, R., Pennig, U. and Rehren, K. 2007. The classification of non-local chiral CFT with c < 1. Communications in Mathematical Physics 271(2), pp. 375-385. (10.1007/s00220-007-0199-1)
- Pennig, U. and Sogabe, T. 2024. Spanier–Whitehead K-duality and duality of extensions of C*-algebras. International Mathematics Research Notices 2024(23), pp. 14321-14351. (10.1093/imrn/rnae242)
- Torras Casas, ?. and Pennig, U. 2024. Interleaving Mayer-Vietoris spectral sequences. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 24(8), pp. 4265-4306. (10.2140/agt.2024.24.4265)
- Dădărlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2024. Bundles of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras with a Clifford grading. Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan (10.2969/jmsj/92259225)
- Dadarlat, M., McClure, J. E. and Pennig, U. 2024. Computing cohomology groups that classify bundles of strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras. Journal of Topology and Analysis (10.1142/S1793525324500110)
- Evans, D. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher Dixmier-Douady theory for circle actions on UHF-algebras. Advances in Mathematics 410(Part B), article number: 108745. (10.1016/j.aim.2022.108745)
- Evans, D. E. and Pennig, U. 2022. Equivariant higher twisted K-theory of SU(n) for exponential functor twists. Journal of Topology 15(2), pp. 896-949. (10.1112/topo.12219)
- Lechner, G., Pennig, U. and Wood, S. 2019. Yang-Baxter representations of the infinite symmetric group. Advances in Mathematics 355, article number: 106769. (10.1016/j.aim.2019.106769)
- Pennig, U. 2019. Exponential functors, R-matrices and twists. Algebraic & Geometric Topology 20, article number: 3. (10.2140/agt.2020.20.1279)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2017. Connective C*-algebras. Journal of Functional Analysis 272(12), pp. 4919-4943. (10.1016/j.jfa.2017.02.009)
- Dadarlat, M., Pennig, U. and Schneider, A. 2017. Deformations of wreath products. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 49(1), pp. 23-32. (10.1112/blms.12008)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2017. Deformations of nilpotent groups and homotopy symmetric C*-algebras. Mathematische Annalen 367, pp. 121-134. (10.1007/s00208-016-1379-0)
- Evington, S. and Pennig, U. 2016. Locally trivial W*-bundles. International Journal of Mathematics 27, article number: 1650088. (10.1142/S0129167X16500889)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2016. A Dixmier-Douady theory for strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras II: the Brauer group. Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 9(4), pp. 1137-1154. (10.4171/JNCG/218)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2016. A Dixmier--Douady theory for strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras. Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik 2016(718), pp. 153-181. (10.1515/crelle-2014-0044)
- Meyer, R. and Pennig, U. 2016. Crossed module actions on continuous trace C*-algebras. Communications in Mathematical Physics 346(1), pp. 115-142. (10.1007/s00220-016-2638-3)
- Pennig, U. 2016. A non-commutative model for higher twisted K-theory. Journal of Topology 9(1), pp. 27-50. (10.1112/jtopol/jtv033)
- Dadarlat, M. and Pennig, U. 2015. Unit spectra of K-theory from strongly self-absorbing C*-algebras. Algebraic and Geometric Topology 15(1), pp. 137-168. (10.2140/agt.2015.15.137)
- Pennig, U. 2014. Twisted K-theory and obstructions against positive scalar curvature metrics. Journal of K-theory: K-theory and its Applications to Algebra, Geometry, and Topology 14(1), pp. 47-71. (10.1017/is014003008jkt259)
- Pavlov, A., Pennig, U. and Schick, T. 2011. Quasi-multipliers of Hilbert and Banach C*-bimodules. Mathematica Scandinavica 109(1), pp. 71-92.
- Kawahigashi, Y., Longo, R., Pennig, U. and Rehren, K. 2007. The classification of non-local chiral CFT with c < 1. Communications in Mathematical Physics 271(2), pp. 375-385. (10.1007/s00220-007-0199-1)
Fy niddordebau ymchwil yn gryno
Fy mhrif ddiddordeb ymchwil yw topoleg algebraidd. Mae topoleg ar ofod yn ein galluogi i siarad am agosrwydd neu gymdogaethau pwyntiau heb orfod siarad am bellteroedd rhyngddynt mewn gwirionedd. Mae hyn yn ein galluogi i ddiffinio parhad mapiau hefyd. Mae llawer o wrthrychau geometrig, fel arwynebau neu maniffoldiau dimensiwn uwch, mewn mannau topolegol penodol. Nod topoleg algebraidd yw cysylltu mewnamrywiadau algebraidd, yn aml grwpiau, modrwyau neu fodiwlau, â'r gofodau hyn mewn ffordd naturiol i'w gwahaniaethu hyd at gywerthedd homotopi, hy hyd at anffurfiadau parhaus.
Enghraifft bwysig o wrthwynebiad o'r fath yw theori K-topolegol. Mae'n ddamcaniaeth cohomoleg gyffredinol, sy'n golygu ei bod yn bodloni axioms sy'n caniatáu ei gyfrifiant o ddadelfeniad y gofod i rannau llai. Gellir ei ddiffinio fel anwrthwynebiad sy'n gysylltiedig ag algebra ffwythiannau parhaus ar y gofod (yn diflannu ar anfeidredd) ac fel y cyfryw gellir ei gyffredinoli i algebra anghymudol, y dylid ei ystyried yn "ofodau topolegol angymudol". Mae'r algebrai gweithredydd hyn nid yn unig yn chwarae rhan bwysig mewn ffiseg fathemategol, ond gellir eu defnyddio hefyd i ddisgrifio gofodau topolegol hynod unigol, fel orbifolds neu ddailiadau.
Mae gan K-theori lawer o wahanol amrywiadau, fel theori K-equivariant neu theori K wedi'i throelli. Canlyniad un o fy mhrosiectau ymchwil, a oedd yn waith ar y cyd â Marius Dadarlat, oedd disgrifiad o theori K wedi'i throi trwy algebra gweithredydd sy'n cynnwys y twists uwch, nodwedd o'r theori, a oedd gynt yn hygyrch trwy theori homotopi yn unig.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb yn y rhyngweithiadau hyn ac eraill rhwng topoleg algebraidd, theori homotopi ac algebras gweithredydd. Ers i mi astudio ffiseg fathemategol cyn fy PhD, mae gen i ddiddordeb hefyd mewn damcaniaethau maes topolegol a chydffurfiol a'u cysylltiad â theori cohomoleg gyffredinol arall, o'r enw cohomoleg elliptig.
Sefydliad Cynhadledd Diweddar
09/09/2025 - 11/09/2025: 38ain Cyfarfod Topology Prydain
07/03/2025 - 07/03/2025: Algebras Gweithredwr yn Ne y DU
(Ailgyfeiriad oddi wrth Veronique Fischer, Jan Spakula a Stuart White)
06/09/2024 - 07/09/2024: Algebras Gweithredwr yn Ne'r DU
15/03/2024 - 16/03/2024: Algebras Gweithredwr yn Ne'r DU
24/11/2023 - 24/11/2023: Algebras Gweithredwr yn Ne'r DU
19/05/2023 - 19/05/2023: Algebras Gweithredwr yn Ne y DU
19/05/2023 - 19/05/2023: Algebras Gweithredwr yn Ne y DU
03/03/2023 - 03/03/2023: Algebras Gweithredwr yn Ne'r DU
27/07/2022 - 02/08/2022: Algebras Gweithredwr: Isffactorau, K-Theori, Theori Maes Cydffurfiol
(gyda Masaki Izumi, Gandalf Lechner, Mathew Pugh)
08/05/2022 - 20/05/2022: Ymchwil mewn Grwpiau yn yr ICMS
(Ailgyfeiriad oddi wrth Christian Voigt)
Sgyrsiau Cynhadledd a Seminar Ddethol
01/2025: Rhyngweithio rhwng C *-algebraidd KK-theori a theori homotopi, ar-lein
12/2024: 121ain Cyfarfod y Topoleg Trawsalpaidd Tetrahedron, Sheffield
12/2024: Tueddiadau newydd ar groesffordd damcaniaeth gwybodaeth cwantwm, grwpiau cwantwm ac algebras gweithredwyr, Sefydliad Isaac Newton, Caergrawnt
10/2024: SFB-seminar, Regensburg
06/2024: GeNoCAS 2024
06/2024: Cynhadledd Algebras Gweithredwr y DU
11/2023: Cynhadledd Gefeillio ar C*-Algebras a Categorïau Tenor
09/2023: Cyfarfod Topology Prydain
03/2023: Seminar amser cinio, Southampton
03/2023: Seminar Dadansoddi, Glasgow
06/2022: Geometreg anghymudol ar hyd Môr y Gogledd (Canolfan Lorentz, Leiden)
Bwndeli o C *-Algebras a Dixmier-Douady Uwch Theori
02/2022: Dadansoddiad a Geometreg Fyd-eang Oberseminar (Regensburg)
Theori Equivariant Dixmier-Douady Uwch ar gyfer Gweithredoedd Cylch
01/2022: Oberseminar Topologie Göttingen
Twists Equivariant uwch dros UM (n)
11/2021 Prifysgol Aberdeen
Twists ffwctor esbonyddol ar gyfer K-theory dros U (n)
11/2021 Seminar Dadansoddi Swyddogaethol, Rhydychen
Twists Equivariant uwch dros UM (n)
04/2021: Seminar Algebra Gweithredwr Oslo
Twists Equivariant uwch dros UM (n)
04/2021: Seminar Regensburg mewn Theori Homotopi a Meysydd Cysylltiedig
Twists Equivariant uwch dros UM (n)
01/2021: Sefydliad Mathemateg Pur a Chymhwysol (IPAM)
Bwndeli cwympo, damcaniaeth Dixmier-Douady a throeon uwch (fideo)
11/2020: Colocwiwm Mathemateg Pur Sheffield
Bwndeli o Algebras - Dixmier-Douady Theory and Beyond
08/2020: Seminar Algebra Gweithredwr Rhithwir y DU
Bwndeli o C *-Algebras - Cyflwyniad i Theori Dixmier-Douady
05/2020: Seminar Topoleg Algebraidd Ar-lein (OATS)
Dolenni, Grŵp a Twists - Rôl K-theori mewn ffiseg fathemategol (fideo)
10/2019: Colocwiwm Mathemateg Pur, Southampton
Dolenni, Grwpiau a Twists - rôl theori K mewn ffiseg fathemategol
10/2019: Seminar Topoleg, Sheffield
Equivariant twisted uwch K-theori o U (n) drwy ffeithwyr esbonyddol
10/2019: Seminar Algebra Gweithredwr, Glasgow
Equivariant twisted uwch K-theori o U (n) drwy ffeithwyr esbonyddol
09/2019: 34ain Cyfarfod Topology Prydain, Warwick
Equivariant twisted uwch K-theori o U (n) drwy ffeithwyr esbonyddol
06/2019: Algebras Gweithredwr a Ffiseg Cwantwm, Canolfan Simons Efrog Newydd
Equivariant twisted uwch K-theori o U (n) drwy ffeithwyr esbonyddol
11/2018: Penwythnos Barcelona ar Algebras Gweithredwr
Cysylltiol C *-algebras
10/2018: Seminar Algebra, Glasgow
Hafaliad Yang-Baxter a throeon uwch dros UM (n)
11/2018: Seminar Algebra Gweithredwr, KU Leuven
Cysylltiol C *-algebras
04/2018: Seminar Algebra Gweithredwr, Copenhagen
Cysylltiol C *-algebras
01/2018: Seminar Algebra Gweithredwr Kyoto
Theori Dixmier-Douady ar gyfer hunan-amsugno'n gryf C*-algebras
10/2017: Seminar Dadansoddi, Glasgow
Cysylltiol C *-algebras
03/2017: Sefydliad Newton, Caergrawnt
Equivariant Uwch Twisted K-theori
11/2016: Cyfarfod 101af Triongl Topoleg Transpennine, Caerlŷr
Uned Spectra o K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno'n gryf C*-algebras
11/2016: Seminar Dadansoddi, Loughborough
Rhwystrau mynegai wedi'u troelli i crymedd scalar cadarnhaol
10/2016: Seminar Algebra a Thopoleg, Abertawe
Twisted uwch K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno'n gryf C*-algebras
08/2016: Cynhadledd yr Haf 31ain ar Topoleg a'i Chymwysiadau, Caerlŷr
Model nad yw'n gymudol ar gyfer K-theory twisted uwch
04/2016: Seminar Dadansoddi Wabash
Anffurfiannau grwpiau nilpotent a homotopi cymesuredd C *-algebras
03/2016: Seminar Dadansoddi, Glasgow
Anffurfiannau grwpiau nilpotent a homotopi cymesuredd C *-algebras
03/2016: Seminar Topoleg, Aberdeen
Twisted uwch K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno'n gryf C*-algebras
10/2015: Seminar Algebra Gweithredwr, Copenhagen
Anffurfiannau grwpiau nilpotent a homotopi cymesuredd C *-algebras
06/2015: Gweithdy Oberwolfach "Geometreg Amgymudol"
Theori Dixmier-Douady ar gyfer hunan-amsugno'n gryf C*-algebras
03/2015: Seminar Algebra Gweithredwr, Copenhagen (gwahoddwyd gan Dominic Enders)
Model noncommutative ar gyfer K-theory a K-homology twisted uwch
02/2015: Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Geometreg Llinynnol , Greifswald
Crossed camau modiwl ar olrhain parhaus C *-algebras
11/2014: Geometreg a Theori Cwantwm, Zandvoort (gwahoddwyd gan Maarten Solleveld)
Rhwystrau mynegai wedi'u troelli i crymedd scalar cadarnhaol
10/2014: Dulliau o Geometreg Amgymudol mewn Dadansoddi a Topoleg, Hannover
Theori Dixmier-Douady ar gyfer hunan-amsugno'n gryf C*-algebras
09/2014: Ffiseg cwantwm a geometreg anghymudol
yn ystod y trimester: Geometreg anghymudol a'i Chymwysiadau, HIM Bonn
Twisted K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno C *-algebras cryf
07/2014: C *-Algebras a Systemau Dynamig, Sefydliad Fields, Toronto
Amrywiadau topolegol o C(X)-algebras
11/2013: Seminar Dadansoddi, Glasgow (gwahoddwyd gan Christian Voigt)
Sbectra uned o K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno'n gryf C *-algebras
10/2013: Twists, cohomoleg a chymwysiadau cyffredinol, Münster
Sbectra uned o K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno'n gryf C *-algebras
10/2013: Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Geometreg Llinynnol , MPI, Bonn
Sbectra uned o K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno'n gryf C *-algebras
09/2013: Séminaires de l'équipe de Topologie Algébrique, Paris (gwahoddwyd gan Christian Ausoni)
Sbectra uned o K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno'n gryf C *-algebras
09/2013: Seminar Algebras Gweithredwr yn Purdue (gwahoddwyd gan Marius Dadarlat)
Sbectra uned o K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno'n gryf C *-algebras
09/2013: Seminar Topoleg Berkeley (gwahoddwyd gan Constantin Teleman)
K-theori, BU a C*-algebras (Introductory Talk)
Sbectra uned o K-theori trwy hunan-amsugno'n gryf C*-algebras (Prif Sgwrs)
04/2013: Seminar Algebras Gweithredwr yn Purdue (gwahoddwyd gan Marius Dadarlat)
Gweithredwr algebraidd K-theori trwy sbectra
04/2013: ICMS-Gweithdy: Strwythur a dosbarthiad atomig C *-algebras, Caeredin
Theori Dixmier-Douady ar gyfer hunan-amsugno'n gryf C*-algebras
08/2012: Llinynnau a Ffurflenni Automorphic mewn Topoleg, Bochum
Uwch Twisted K-theori
06/2012: Cyfarfod Topolegwyr Ifanc 2012, Copenhagen
Uwch Twisted K-theori
05/2012: 17eg topoleg CNC, Münster
bwndeli 2-fector wedi'u troelli
Ymweliadau ymchwil
04/11/2024 - 06/12/2024: Isaac Newton Instiute, Caergrawnt
14/10/2024 - 23/10/2024: Prifysgol Regensburg
29/09/2024 - 13/10/2024: Georg-Awst-Universität Göttingen
17/05/2024 - 23/05/2024: Sefydliad Astudiaethau Uwch Dulyn (DIAS)
26/06/2023 - 30/06/2023: Sefydliad Isaac Newton, Caergrawnt
20/09/2021 - 23/09/2021: Isaac Newton Instiute, Caergrawnt
09/06/2019 - 14/06/2019: Canolfan Simons ar gyfer Geometreg a Ffiseg, Efrog Newydd
09/04/2018 - 13/04/2018: Prifysgol Copenhagen, Denmarc
16/01/2018 - 26/01/2018: Prifysgol Kyoto, Japan
14/06/2017 - 17/06/2017: Sefydliad Isaac Newton, Caergrawnt
05/04/2017 - 29/04/2017: Sefydliad Isaac Newton, Caergrawnt
26/03/2017 - 31/03/2017: Sefydliad Isaac Newton, Caergrawnt
14/04/2016 – 28/04/2016: Prifysgol Purdue , Gorllewin Lafayette
18/01/2016 – 07/02/2016: Institut Mittag-Leffler, Djursholm
01/10/2015 – 22/12/2015: Canolfan Cymesuredd a Datffurfiad, Copenhagen
23/02/2015 – 27/02/2015: Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Geometreg Llinynnol , Greifswald
01/09/2014 – 30/09/2014: HIM, Bonn (trimester ar geometreg anghymudol)
20/07/2014 – 26/07/2014: Prifysgol Purdue , Gorllewin Lafayette
24/02/2014 – 28/02/2014: Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Geometreg Llinynnol , ESI, Fienna
07/10/2013 – 11/10/2013: Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Geometreg Llinynnol , MPI, Bonn
30/09/2013 – 04/10/2013: Prifysgol Charles, Prague
14/09/2013 – 20/09/2013: Prifysgol Purdue , Gorllewin Lafayette
08/09/2013 – 13/09/2013: Prifysgol California, Berkeley
28/04/2013 – 09/05/2013: Prifysgol Purdue , Gorllewin Lafayette
18/02/2013 – 22/02/2013: Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Geometreg Llinynnol , Regensburg
03/12/2012 – 08/12/2012: Prifysgol Charles, Prague
22/05/2012 – 26/05/2012: Cyfarfod Rhwydwaith Geometreg Llinynnol , Hamburg
20/04/2012 – 27/04/2012: Prifysgol Purdue , Gorllewin Lafayette
MA3008 - Topology algebraidd (Gwanwyn 2024)
MA1005 - Sylfeini Mathemateg I (Hydref 2023)
MA3008 - Topology algebraidd (Gwanwyn 2023)
MA1005 - Sylfeini Mathemateg I (Hydref 2022)
MA3008 - Topology algebraidd (Gwanwyn 2022)
MA1005 - Sylfeini Mathemateg I (Hydref 2021)
MA3008 - Topology algebraidd (Gwanwyn 2021)
MA1005 - Sylfeini Mathemateg I (Hydref 2020)
MA3008 - Topology algebraidd (Gwanwyn 2020)
MA2008 - Algebra llinol II (Hydref 2019)
MA3008 - Topology algebraidd (Gwanwyn 2019)
MA2008 - Algebra llinol II (Hydref 2018)
MA3008 - Topology algebraidd (Gwanwyn 2018)
MA2007 - Algebra llinol (Hydref 2017)
MA3008 - Topology algebraidd (Gwanwyn 2017)
Dysgu blaenorol
K-theori ac amrywiolyn Hopf (semester haf 2015, Prifysgol Münster)
Topological Quantum Field Theories (semester gaeaf 2011/12, Prifysgol Münster)
07/2016 – Habilitation (University of Münster)
08/2009 – Doctor rer. nat. in Mathematics (University of Göttingen)
05/2006 – Diploma in Theoretical Physics (University of Göttingen)
Previous Positions
11/2010 – 04/2016: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (University of Münster)
08/2010 – 10/2010: Research Assistant (University of Münster)
12/2009 – 07/2010: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (University of Göttingen)
09/2009 – 11/2009: Research Assistant (Courant Research Center, Göttingen)
Prizes and Scholarships
05/2017: Nomination for the Philip Leverhulme Prize
10/2010: Dissertation Prize 2009 of the Universitätsbund Göttingen
08/2006 – 06/2009: PhD Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation
04/2003 – 05/2006: Diploma Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
05/2017: Nomination for the Philip Leverhulme Prize
10/2010: Dissertation Prize 2009 of the Universitätsbund Göttingen
08/2006 – 06/2009: PhD Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation
04/2003 – 05/2006: Diploma Scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
11/2010 – 04/2016: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (University of Münster)
08/2010 – 10/2010: Research Assistant (University of Münster)
12/2009 – 07/2010: Akademischer Rat auf Zeit (University of Göttingen)
09/2009 – 11/2009: Research Assistant (Courant Research Center, Göttingen)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Reviewer for
- Inventiones Mathematicae
- Advances in Mathematics
- Journal of Functional Analysis
- Algebraic & Geometric Topology
- Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry
- Transactions of the AMS
- International Mathematics Research Notices
- Reviews in Mathematical Physics
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Meysydd Ymchwil ar gyfer prosiectau PhD posibl:
- topoleg algebraidd, gweithredydd-algebraidd a topolegol K-theori a'i amrywiadau (twisted, equivariant, ...)
- algebras gweithredydd, cymhwyso theori homotopi i theori C*-algebras
- Mynegai Theori
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
- Gweithiodd Sam Richardson (viva yn 2022) ar gyfrifiant dosbarthiadau nodweddiadol rhesymegol sy'n gysylltiedig â mapiau a ysgogwyd gan ffeithwyr esbonyddol ar ofodau fector (thesis)
- Gweithiodd Álvaro Torras Casas (viva yn 2022) ar gyfrifiant dosbarthedig o homoleg barhaus gan ddefnyddio dilyniant sbectrol Mayer-Vietoris (papur mewn Geometreg Gyfrifiadurol a Gwahaniaethol, cyswllt arxiv)
Contact Details
+44 29206 88852
Abacws, Ystafell 3.64, Ffordd Senghennydd, Cathays, Caerdydd, CF24 4AG
Themâu ymchwil
- Topoleg algebraidd
- Algebras gweithredwr a dadansoddiad swyddogaethol
- Dadansoddiad Data Topolegol
- Topoleg
- K-Theori