Dr Marco Pomati
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Marco Pomati
Darllenydd mewn Dulliau Ymchwil Cymdeithasol a Pholisi Cymdeithasol
Fy niddordebau ymchwil cyfredol yw gwella mesur a dadansoddi tlodi a safonau byw, yn ogystal â gwerthuso polisïau cymdeithasol trwyadl ymchwil feintiol uwch a dulliau cymysg o weithredu. Fel aelod ac arweinydd addysgu Canolfan Q-Step Caerdydd, rwyf wedi ymrwymo i wella hyfedredd myfyrwyr israddedig ac ôl-raddedig mewn dulliau meintiol cadarn, wedi'u seilio ar fy nghefndir rhyngddisgyblaethol mewn Polisi Cymdeithasol a Chymdeithaseg.
Mae gen i raddau o Brifysgol Bryste, Ysgol Economeg Llundain a Phrifysgol Goldsmith. Cyn ymuno â Chaerdydd, gweithiais ym Mhrifysgol Bryste, y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil Addysgol, y Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil Cymdeithasol a'r Ganolfan Cynhwysiant Economaidd a Chymdeithasol lle bues i'n helpu i ddylunio yn ogystal â chynnal dadansoddiad meintiol o arolygon economaidd-gymdeithasol bach a mawr a data asesu.
Ymchwil cyfredol
Yn dilyn gwaith ar gyfer Eurostat gyda phartneriaid yn y DU ac Ewrop a arweiniodd at sefydlu dangosydd newydd o ddeunydd ac amddifadedd cymdeithasol, rhwng 2019 a 2024 rwyf wedi arwain fel PI neu wedi cyd-arwain fel Cyd-I ystod eang o brosiectau a ariennir, wedi'u seilio ar themâu cyffredin deall a gwella mesur anghenion oedolion a phlant ac i ba raddau y cyflawnir y rhain mewn ystod eang o brosiectau cenedlaethol a cyd-destunau rhyngwladol ac ar gyfer amrywiaeth o gyllidwyr, gan gynnwys y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol (UKRI/ESRC), Sefydliad Nuffield, Cronfa Blant y Cenhedloedd Unedig a CARE Canada.
Mae prosiectau diweddar yn cynnwys: gwella'r ffordd y caiff angenrheidiau a ganfyddir yn gymdeithasol eu mesur a'u dadansoddi yn Uganda, Tanzania ac India; asesu hawliau canfyddedig ac amddifadedd hawliau ymhlith oedolion ifanc yn ogystal â'r berthynas rhwng amddifadedd tai a thlodi mewn cyd-destun cymharol Ewropeaidd. Am fwy o wybodaeth, gweler y tab Ymchwil.
Mae gen i ddiddordeb mewn goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD, yn bennaf ym meysydd Tlodi ac Anghydraddoldeb. Os oes gennych ddiddordeb mewn ymgymryd â PhD gyda mi a gweithio yn y meysydd hyn, cysylltwch â ni (yn ddelfrydol gyda chynnig 1 neu 2 dudalen).
Rolau golygyddol
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice (Golygydd ymgynghori 2025-parhaus)
Journal of Poverty and Social Justice (Prif olygydd gyda J.Mack, 2021-2025)
Adolygiad Polisi Cymdeithasol (Golygydd 2019-2022)
Aelodaeth y Bwrdd
Gweithgor deinameg tlodi a thlodi aml-ddimensiwn (Cymdeithas Astudiaethau Datblygu)
Bwrdd Grant Sylfaen Iechyd (2019-2022)
Bwrdd Grant GCRF (2016-2021)
Cyfrifoldebau gweinyddol
Arweinydd Addysgu BSc Dadansoddeg Cymdeithasol
Arweinydd Polisi Cymdeithasol SSRM a PhD ar gyfer yr Ysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Phartneriaeth Hyfforddiant Doethurol Cymru (2018-2023)
- Najera, H., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2025. Towards a better measurement of child poverty: Relative deprivation of socially perceived needs and the consensual approach. In: Minujin, A. ed. Handbook on Child Poverty and Inequality. Elgar Handbooks on Inequality Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S., Jose, S. and Reddy, B. 2024. Multidimensional adult and child poverty in India-Establishing consensus about socially perceived necessities for a new measure of poverty. Indian Journal of Human Development 18(2), pp. 159-176. (10.1177/09737030241274084)
- Pomati, M. and Mack, J. 2024. Poverty and social security in South Korea. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 32(2), pp. 182-185. (10.1332/17598273Y2024D000000020)
- Weon, S., Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty in South Korea: Developing measures to assess progress towards the sustainable development goals. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 32(2), pp. 277-311. (10.1332/17598273Y2023D000000009)
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Zhang, M. 2024. The state of mainland Tanzania's children: Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys (2007-2018). Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF Tanzania. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-mainland-tanzanias-children#:~:text=Still%2C%20in%202018%20almost%20half,water%20%26%20sanitation%20(83%25).
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Zhang, M. 2024. The state of mainland Tanzania's children. Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys. Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-mainland-tanzanias-children#:~:text=Still%2C%20in%202018%20almost%20half,water%20%26%20sanitation%20(83%25).
- Pomati, M., Hick, R. and Stephens, M. 2024. The link between housing affordability and poverty in Europe. [Online]. London: London School of Economics. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2024/03/14/the-link-between-housing-affordability-and-poverty-in-europe/
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2024. Housing affordability and poverty in Europe: On the deteriorating position of market renters. Journal of Social Policy (10.1017/S0047279423000703)
- Gordon, D. et al. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty and deprivation in Uganda Report : Volume 1. The extent and nature of multidimensional child poverty and deprivation. Project Report. [Online]. Kampala: Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). Available at: https://www.ubos.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/Child-Poverty-in-Uganda.pdf
- Gordon, D., Grieve, T., Najera, H., Nandy, S., Pomati, M., Oloya, A. and Zhang, M. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty in Uganda. Volume 1: The extent and nature of multidimensional child poverty and deprivation - 2024. Project Report. [Online]. Kampala: UNICEF. Available at: https://www.ubos.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/Child-Poverty-in-Uganda.pdf#page=89
- Pomati, M. 2024. The geography of child poverty in Uganda. In: Gordon, D. et al. eds. Multidimensional Child Poverty In Uganda Volume 1: The Extent and Nature of Multidimensional Child Poverty and Deprivation - 2024. UNICEF, pp. 75-83.
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Mary, Z. 2024. The state of Zanzibar's children. Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys (2010-2020). Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-zanzibars-children
- Pomati, M. and Nájera Catalán, H. E. 2023. The spatial distribution of multidimensional poverty in Uganda in 2014. Small area estimates of multidimensional poverty in Uganda using the 2014 Census. Cardiff University.
- Mack, J. and Pomati, M. 2023. Universal Basic Income: the debate [Editorial]. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 31(1), pp. 3-4. (10.1332/175982721X16704285585313)
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2022. Severe housing deprivation in the European Union: A joint analysis of measurement and theory. Social Indicators Research 164, pp. 1271-1295. (10.1007/s11205-022-02987-6)
- Jolly, A., Cefalo, R. and Pomati, M. eds. 2022. Social policy review 34. Social Policy Review. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
- Mack, J. and Pomati, M. 2022. Modern slavery [Editorial]. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 30(2), pp. 96-97. (10.1332/175982721X16497585897342)
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2022. Housing and poverty in Europe: examining the interconnections in the face of rising house prices. Cardiff University.
- Mendoza-Quispe, D. et al. 2021. Urbanization in Peru is inversely associated with double burden of malnutrition: Pooled analysis of 92,841 mother-child pairs. Obesity 29(8), pp. 1363-1374. (10.1002/oby.23188)
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2021. Measuring multidimensional poverty according to national definitions - operationalising target 1.2.2 of the sustainable development goals in Benin, Gabon, Guinea, Liberia and Mali. In: Nébié, G. et al. eds. Child Poverty and Social Protection in Central and Western Africa. ibidem, pp. 99-120.
- Pomati, M., Jolly, A. and Rees, J. eds. 2021. Social policy review 33: analysis and debate in social policy 2021. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Pomati, M. et al. 2021. Trends and patterns of the double burden of malnutrition (DBM) in Peru: A pooled analysis of 129,159 mother-child dyads. International Journal of Obesity 45, pp. 609-618. (10.1038/s41366-020-00725-x)
- Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2020. Progrès vers la réalisation de l'ODD 2: évaluation de la malnutrition multiple chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans en Afrique occidentale et centrale. Statéco 114
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2020. Assessing progress towards SDG2: Trends and patterns of multiple malnutrition in young children under 5 in West and Central Africa. Child Indicators Research 13, pp. 1847-1873. (10.1007/s12187-019-09671-1)
- Rees, J., Pomati, M. and Reins, E. eds. 2020. Social policy review 32: analysis and debate in scial policy, 2020. Social Policy Review. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2020. Measuring multidimensional poverty according to national definitions - operationalising target 1.2 of the sustainable development goals. Social Indicators Research 148, pp. 105-126. (10.1007/s11205-019-02198-6)
- Pomati, M. et al. 2020. Multidimensional child poverty and the SDGs: from measurement to action. In: Lawson, D., Angemi, D. and Kasirye, I. eds. What Works for Africa's Poorest Children. From Measurement to Action. Practical Action Publishing, pp. 19-42.
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2019. Millions of malnourished children in West and Central Africa have been overlooked by UN estimates - new data. The Conversation 2019(8 Nov)
- Pomati, M. 2019. Barry Knight (2017), rethinking about poverty: what makes a good society?, Bristol: Policy Press, £9.99, pp. 184, pbk. [Book Review]. Journal of Social Policy 48(3), pp. 641-642. (10.1017/S0047279419000461)
- Guio, A. and Pomati, M. 2019. How do European citizens cope with economic shocks? The longitudinal order of deprivation.. In: Cheung, S. C. and Xiao, L. eds. Social policy and local governance: developments in Europe and China (社会政策与地方治理:欧洲和中国的经验). Social Sciences Academic Press (China), pp. 29-102.
- Patsios, D. and Pomati, M. 2018. The distribution and dynamics of economic social wellbeing in the UK: An analysis of the recession using multidimensional indicators of living standards - Final Report. Project Report. [Online]. Nuffield Foundation. Available at: http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/sites/default/files/files/Patsios%2042858%20-%20Nuffield_EAD_MILS_SummaryFindings_Nov2018_final.pdf
- Patsios, D. and Pomati, M. 2018. The distribution and dynamics of economic social wellbeing in the UK: An analysis of the recession using multidimensional indicators of living standards. Project Report. [Online]. Nuffield Foundation. Available at: https://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/sites/default/files/files/Patsios 42858 - Nuffield_EAD_MILS_FinalReport_Nov2018.pdf
- Pomati, M. and Patsios, D. 2018. The distribution and dynamics of economic social wellbeing in the UK: An analysis of the recession using multidimensional indicators of living standards - Summary Findings. Project Report. [Online]. Nuffield Foundation. Available at: http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/sites/default/files/files/Patsios%2042858%20-%20Nuffield_EAD_MILS_SummaryFindings_Nov2018_final.pdf
- Guio, A., Gordon, D., Marlier, E., Najera, H. and Pomati, M. 2018. Towards an EU measure of child deprivation. Child Indicators Research 11, pp. 835-860. (10.1007/s12187-017-9491-6)
- Depio, S., Ahaibwe, G., Kasirye, I., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2018. Child poverty and deprivation in refugee-hosting areas. Evidence from Uganda. UNICEF.
- Patsios, D., Pomati, M. and Hillyard, P. 2017. Living standards in the UK. In: Bramley, G. and Bailey, N. eds. Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK: Vol. 2: The Dimensions of Disadvantage., Vol. 2. Policy Press, pp. 57–90., (10.1332/policypress/9781447334224.003.0003)
- Dermott, E. and Pomati, M. 2017. The cost of children: parents, poverty, and social support. In: Dermott, E. and Main, G. eds. Poverty and social exclusion in the UK: The nature and extent of the problem., Vol. 1. Policy Press
- Guio, A. and Pomati, M. 2017. How do European citizens cope with economic shocks? The longitudinal order of deprivation. In: Atkinson, A. B., Guio, A. and Marlier, E. eds. Monitoring Social Inclusion in Europe. European Union, pp. 385-398.
- Guio, A., Marlier, E. and Pomati, M. 2017. Evolution of material deprivation over time: the impact of the great recession in EU countries. In: Atkinson, T., Guio, A. and Marlier, E. eds. Monitoring Social Inclusion in Europe. European Union, pp. 367-383.
- Guio, A., Gordon, D., Najera, H. and Pomati, M. 2017. Revising the EU material deprivation variables. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.2785/33408
- Pomati, M. 2016. Book Review: Giampietro Gobo and Sergio Mauceri, Constructing survey data: an interactional approach. Qualitative Research 16(6), pp. 742-744. (10.1177/1468794115592559)
- Nandy, S., Pomati, M. and Lenoël, A. 2016. L'approche consensuelle de mesure de la pauvreté : une application au cas du Bénin. Stateco 110, pp. 71-89.
- Guio, A., Marlier, E., Gordon, D., Fahmy, E., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2016. Improving the measurement of material deprivation at the European Union level. Journal of European Social Policy 26(3), pp. 219-233. (10.1177/0958928716642947)
- Dermott, E. and Pomati, M. 2016. The parenting and economising practices of lone parents: policy and evidence. Critical Social Policy 36(1), pp. 62-81. (10.1177/0261018315602198)
- Dermott, E. and Pomati, M. 2016. 'Good' parenting practices: how important are poverty, education and time pressure?. Sociology 50(1), pp. 125-142. (10.1177/0038038514560260)
- Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2015. Applying the consensual method of estimating poverty in a low income African setting. Social Indicators Research 124(3), pp. 693-726. (10.1007/s11205-014-0819-z)
- Deutsch, J., Guio, A., Pomati, M. and Silber, J. 2015. Material deprivation in Europe: which expenditures are curtailed first?. Social Indicators Research 120(3), pp. 723-740. (10.1007/s11205-014-0618-6)
- Gordon, D., Mack, J., Lansley, S., Main, G., Nandy, S., Patsios, D. and Pomati, M. 2013. The impoverishment of the UK. PSE UK first results. Living standards. Project Report. Milton Keynes: Open University.
- Antonucci, L. and Pomati, M. 2011. The Second Peter Townsend Memorial Conference: measurement issues and emerging concepts. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 19(2), pp. 169-174. (10.1332/175982711X574030)
- Kirkup, C., Wheater, R., Morrison, J., Durbin, B. and Pomati, M. 2010. Use of an aptitude test in University entrance: a validity study. Working paper. London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/32423/10-1321-use-of-aptitude-test-university-entrance-validity-study.pdf
- Speilhofer, T., Golden, S., Evans, K., Marshall, H., Mundy, E., Pomati, M. and Styles, B. 2010. Barriers to participation in education and training. Project Report. [Online]. London: National Foundation for Educational Research. Available at: http://www.nfer.ac.uk/publications/BPTZ01/BPTZ01_home.cfm
Adrannau llyfrau
- Najera, H., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2025. Towards a better measurement of child poverty: Relative deprivation of socially perceived needs and the consensual approach. In: Minujin, A. ed. Handbook on Child Poverty and Inequality. Elgar Handbooks on Inequality Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
- Pomati, M. 2024. The geography of child poverty in Uganda. In: Gordon, D. et al. eds. Multidimensional Child Poverty In Uganda Volume 1: The Extent and Nature of Multidimensional Child Poverty and Deprivation - 2024. UNICEF, pp. 75-83.
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2021. Measuring multidimensional poverty according to national definitions - operationalising target 1.2.2 of the sustainable development goals in Benin, Gabon, Guinea, Liberia and Mali. In: Nébié, G. et al. eds. Child Poverty and Social Protection in Central and Western Africa. ibidem, pp. 99-120.
- Pomati, M. et al. 2020. Multidimensional child poverty and the SDGs: from measurement to action. In: Lawson, D., Angemi, D. and Kasirye, I. eds. What Works for Africa's Poorest Children. From Measurement to Action. Practical Action Publishing, pp. 19-42.
- Guio, A. and Pomati, M. 2019. How do European citizens cope with economic shocks? The longitudinal order of deprivation.. In: Cheung, S. C. and Xiao, L. eds. Social policy and local governance: developments in Europe and China (社会政策与地方治理:欧洲和中国的经验). Social Sciences Academic Press (China), pp. 29-102.
- Patsios, D., Pomati, M. and Hillyard, P. 2017. Living standards in the UK. In: Bramley, G. and Bailey, N. eds. Poverty and Social Exclusion in the UK: Vol. 2: The Dimensions of Disadvantage., Vol. 2. Policy Press, pp. 57–90., (10.1332/policypress/9781447334224.003.0003)
- Dermott, E. and Pomati, M. 2017. The cost of children: parents, poverty, and social support. In: Dermott, E. and Main, G. eds. Poverty and social exclusion in the UK: The nature and extent of the problem., Vol. 1. Policy Press
- Guio, A. and Pomati, M. 2017. How do European citizens cope with economic shocks? The longitudinal order of deprivation. In: Atkinson, A. B., Guio, A. and Marlier, E. eds. Monitoring Social Inclusion in Europe. European Union, pp. 385-398.
- Guio, A., Marlier, E. and Pomati, M. 2017. Evolution of material deprivation over time: the impact of the great recession in EU countries. In: Atkinson, T., Guio, A. and Marlier, E. eds. Monitoring Social Inclusion in Europe. European Union, pp. 367-383.
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S., Jose, S. and Reddy, B. 2024. Multidimensional adult and child poverty in India-Establishing consensus about socially perceived necessities for a new measure of poverty. Indian Journal of Human Development 18(2), pp. 159-176. (10.1177/09737030241274084)
- Pomati, M. and Mack, J. 2024. Poverty and social security in South Korea. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 32(2), pp. 182-185. (10.1332/17598273Y2024D000000020)
- Weon, S., Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty in South Korea: Developing measures to assess progress towards the sustainable development goals. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 32(2), pp. 277-311. (10.1332/17598273Y2023D000000009)
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2024. Housing affordability and poverty in Europe: On the deteriorating position of market renters. Journal of Social Policy (10.1017/S0047279423000703)
- Mack, J. and Pomati, M. 2023. Universal Basic Income: the debate [Editorial]. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 31(1), pp. 3-4. (10.1332/175982721X16704285585313)
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2022. Severe housing deprivation in the European Union: A joint analysis of measurement and theory. Social Indicators Research 164, pp. 1271-1295. (10.1007/s11205-022-02987-6)
- Mack, J. and Pomati, M. 2022. Modern slavery [Editorial]. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 30(2), pp. 96-97. (10.1332/175982721X16497585897342)
- Mendoza-Quispe, D. et al. 2021. Urbanization in Peru is inversely associated with double burden of malnutrition: Pooled analysis of 92,841 mother-child pairs. Obesity 29(8), pp. 1363-1374. (10.1002/oby.23188)
- Pomati, M. et al. 2021. Trends and patterns of the double burden of malnutrition (DBM) in Peru: A pooled analysis of 129,159 mother-child dyads. International Journal of Obesity 45, pp. 609-618. (10.1038/s41366-020-00725-x)
- Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2020. Progrès vers la réalisation de l'ODD 2: évaluation de la malnutrition multiple chez les enfants de moins de 5 ans en Afrique occidentale et centrale. Statéco 114
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2020. Assessing progress towards SDG2: Trends and patterns of multiple malnutrition in young children under 5 in West and Central Africa. Child Indicators Research 13, pp. 1847-1873. (10.1007/s12187-019-09671-1)
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2020. Measuring multidimensional poverty according to national definitions - operationalising target 1.2 of the sustainable development goals. Social Indicators Research 148, pp. 105-126. (10.1007/s11205-019-02198-6)
- Pomati, M. and Nandy, S. 2019. Millions of malnourished children in West and Central Africa have been overlooked by UN estimates - new data. The Conversation 2019(8 Nov)
- Pomati, M. 2019. Barry Knight (2017), rethinking about poverty: what makes a good society?, Bristol: Policy Press, £9.99, pp. 184, pbk. [Book Review]. Journal of Social Policy 48(3), pp. 641-642. (10.1017/S0047279419000461)
- Guio, A., Gordon, D., Marlier, E., Najera, H. and Pomati, M. 2018. Towards an EU measure of child deprivation. Child Indicators Research 11, pp. 835-860. (10.1007/s12187-017-9491-6)
- Pomati, M. 2016. Book Review: Giampietro Gobo and Sergio Mauceri, Constructing survey data: an interactional approach. Qualitative Research 16(6), pp. 742-744. (10.1177/1468794115592559)
- Nandy, S., Pomati, M. and Lenoël, A. 2016. L'approche consensuelle de mesure de la pauvreté : une application au cas du Bénin. Stateco 110, pp. 71-89.
- Guio, A., Marlier, E., Gordon, D., Fahmy, E., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2016. Improving the measurement of material deprivation at the European Union level. Journal of European Social Policy 26(3), pp. 219-233. (10.1177/0958928716642947)
- Dermott, E. and Pomati, M. 2016. The parenting and economising practices of lone parents: policy and evidence. Critical Social Policy 36(1), pp. 62-81. (10.1177/0261018315602198)
- Dermott, E. and Pomati, M. 2016. 'Good' parenting practices: how important are poverty, education and time pressure?. Sociology 50(1), pp. 125-142. (10.1177/0038038514560260)
- Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2015. Applying the consensual method of estimating poverty in a low income African setting. Social Indicators Research 124(3), pp. 693-726. (10.1007/s11205-014-0819-z)
- Deutsch, J., Guio, A., Pomati, M. and Silber, J. 2015. Material deprivation in Europe: which expenditures are curtailed first?. Social Indicators Research 120(3), pp. 723-740. (10.1007/s11205-014-0618-6)
- Antonucci, L. and Pomati, M. 2011. The Second Peter Townsend Memorial Conference: measurement issues and emerging concepts. Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 19(2), pp. 169-174. (10.1332/175982711X574030)
- Pomati, M., Hick, R. and Stephens, M. 2024. The link between housing affordability and poverty in Europe. [Online]. London: London School of Economics. Available at: https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2024/03/14/the-link-between-housing-affordability-and-poverty-in-europe/
- Jolly, A., Cefalo, R. and Pomati, M. eds. 2022. Social policy review 34. Social Policy Review. Bristol, UK: Policy Press.
- Pomati, M., Jolly, A. and Rees, J. eds. 2021. Social policy review 33: analysis and debate in social policy 2021. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Rees, J., Pomati, M. and Reins, E. eds. 2020. Social policy review 32: analysis and debate in scial policy, 2020. Social Policy Review. Bristol: Policy Press.
- Depio, S., Ahaibwe, G., Kasirye, I., Nandy, S. and Pomati, M. 2018. Child poverty and deprivation in refugee-hosting areas. Evidence from Uganda. UNICEF.
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Zhang, M. 2024. The state of mainland Tanzania's children: Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys (2007-2018). Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF Tanzania. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-mainland-tanzanias-children#:~:text=Still%2C%20in%202018%20almost%20half,water%20%26%20sanitation%20(83%25).
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Zhang, M. 2024. The state of mainland Tanzania's children. Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys. Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-mainland-tanzanias-children#:~:text=Still%2C%20in%202018%20almost%20half,water%20%26%20sanitation%20(83%25).
- Gordon, D. et al. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty and deprivation in Uganda Report : Volume 1. The extent and nature of multidimensional child poverty and deprivation. Project Report. [Online]. Kampala: Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS). Available at: https://www.ubos.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/Child-Poverty-in-Uganda.pdf
- Gordon, D., Grieve, T., Najera, H., Nandy, S., Pomati, M., Oloya, A. and Zhang, M. 2024. Multidimensional child poverty in Uganda. Volume 1: The extent and nature of multidimensional child poverty and deprivation - 2024. Project Report. [Online]. Kampala: UNICEF. Available at: https://www.ubos.org/wp-content/uploads/publications/Child-Poverty-in-Uganda.pdf#page=89
- Pomati, M., Nandy, S. and Mary, Z. 2024. The state of Zanzibar's children. Evidence from the Mainland Household Budget Surveys (2010-2020). Project Report. [Online]. UNICEF. Available at: https://www.unicef.org/tanzania/reports/state-zanzibars-children
- Pomati, M. and Nájera Catalán, H. E. 2023. The spatial distribution of multidimensional poverty in Uganda in 2014. Small area estimates of multidimensional poverty in Uganda using the 2014 Census. Cardiff University.
- Hick, R., Pomati, M. and Stephens, M. 2022. Housing and poverty in Europe: examining the interconnections in the face of rising house prices. Cardiff University.
- Patsios, D. and Pomati, M. 2018. The distribution and dynamics of economic social wellbeing in the UK: An analysis of the recession using multidimensional indicators of living standards - Final Report. Project Report. [Online]. Nuffield Foundation. Available at: http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/sites/default/files/files/Patsios%2042858%20-%20Nuffield_EAD_MILS_SummaryFindings_Nov2018_final.pdf
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- Guio, A., Gordon, D., Najera, H. and Pomati, M. 2017. Revising the EU material deprivation variables. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Available at: http://dx.doi.org/10.2785/33408
- Gordon, D., Mack, J., Lansley, S., Main, G., Nandy, S., Patsios, D. and Pomati, M. 2013. The impoverishment of the UK. PSE UK first results. Living standards. Project Report. Milton Keynes: Open University.
- Kirkup, C., Wheater, R., Morrison, J., Durbin, B. and Pomati, M. 2010. Use of an aptitude test in University entrance: a validity study. Working paper. London: Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. Available at: https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/32423/10-1321-use-of-aptitude-test-university-entrance-validity-study.pdf
- Speilhofer, T., Golden, S., Evans, K., Marshall, H., Mundy, E., Pomati, M. and Styles, B. 2010. Barriers to participation in education and training. Project Report. [Online]. London: National Foundation for Educational Research. Available at: http://www.nfer.ac.uk/publications/BPTZ01/BPTZ01_home.cfm
Prosiectau a ariannwyd yn ddiweddar:
- Cefnogi hawliau a sgiliau merched y tu allan i'r ysgol. Gwerthusiad prosiect (Prif Inverstigator) [Oct 2021-parhaus] Cyllidwr: GOFAL Canada
- Rhwydwaith Ymchwil Tlodi y DU-De Corea (Prif Ymchwilydd) [Jan 2022- Gorffennaf 2023] Cyllidwr: Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol y DU (gweler JPSJ Rhifyn Arbennig)
- Tlodi Plant yn Tanzania. (Prif Ymchwilydd) [Mehefin 2021- Rhagfyr 2023] Cyllidwr: Cronfa Plant y Cenhedloedd Unedig (Gweler Adroddiad Plant Talaith Zanzibar a datganiad i'r wasg a Chyflwr Plant Mainland Tanzania)
- Materion tai: Astudiaeth gymharol o'r berthynas rhwng tai a thlodi yn Ewrop (Cyd-Ymchwilydd) [Oct 2019 – Mawrth 2022] Cyllidwr: Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol y DU (Gweler Adroddiad y Prosiect, gweler hefyd Tab Cyhoeddi ar gyfer papurau a blogiau)
- Bwydo ei Gwerthusiad Rhaglen Maeth y Dyfodol (Prif Ymchwilydd) [Medi 2019 - Rhag 2020] Cyllidwr: GOFAL Canada
- Integreiddio mesuriadau tlodi plant aml-ddimensiwn a dadansoddiad mewn rhaglenni lleihau tlodi cenedlaethol. Cronfa Gweithredu Cymdeithasol Trydydd Gogledd Uganda (Prif Ymchwilydd) [Gorffennaf 2019 - Oct 2021] Cyllidwr: Cronfa Plant y Cenhedloedd Unedig (Disgrifiad o'r prosiect)
-Asesu tlodi Aml-Dimensiwn yn India (Cyd-ymchwilydd) [Jan 2020 - Chwefror 2021] Cyllidwr: Cronfa Ymchwil Heriau Byd-eang (ESRC)
- Deall a modelu dosbarthiad baich dwbl diffyg maeth ym Mheriw (Cyd-ymchwilydd) [Feb 2019 - Chwefror 2020] Cyllidwr: Y Cyngor Prydeinig
- Cynorthwyo CARE Canada i ddatblygu dangosyddion canlyniadau dibynadwy a dilys i asesu effeithiolrwydd rhaglenni iechyd a maeth ym Malawi, Zambia, Mozambique ac Ethiopia (Prif Ymchwilydd) [Nov - Mai 2019] Cyllidwr: Cronfa Ymchwil Heriau Byd-eang (ESRC)
- Esbonio diffyg maeth yn Uganda: dadansoddi diogelwch a gwariant bwyd lleol (Prif Ymchwilydd) [Ebrill- Medi 2018] Cyllidwr: Cronfa Ymchwil Heriau Byd-eang (ESRC)
- Dosbarthiad a deinameg lles economaidd a chymdeithasol yn y DU: Dadansoddiad o'r dirwasgiad gan ddefnyddio dangosyddion aml-ddimensiwn o safonau byw (Cyd-Ymchwilydd) [parhau: Chwefror 2017- Awst 2018] Cyllidwr: Sefydliad Nuffield
- Mesur a mapio mynychder a phatrymau diffyg maeth lluosog mewn plant ifanc yng Ngorllewin a Chanolbarth Affrica (Cyd-ymchwilydd) [parhaus:Feb 2017- Ebrill 2018] Cyllidwr: ESRC
- Datblygu offer hyfforddi i gynorthwyo Swyddfeydd Ystadegol Cenedlaethol mewn Gwledydd Incwm Isel a Chanol wrth gasglu data i asesu tlodi amlddimensiwn ar gyfer y Nodau Datblygu Cynaliadwy (Cyd-Ymgeisydd) [parhau] Cyllidwr: Cyfrif Cyflymu Effaith ESRC - Cronfa Challanges Fyd-eang. Gweler y newyddion yma.
- 'Cael y mesur o dlodi yn Ynysoedd y Philipinau a Fietnam' (Cyd-Ymgeisydd) [2016] Cyllidwr: Cyfrif Cyflymu Effaith ESRC
- Adolygu newidynnau amddifadedd materol yr UE a gwella ansawdd data yr UE-SILC (Cyd-Ymgeisydd) [2014-2016] Cyllidwr: EUROSTAT
- Rhwydweithio Coleg (addysgu ac ymchwil) gyda Phrifysgol Auckland (Cyd-ymchwilydd) [Dec 2016] Cyllidwr: Prifysgol Caerdydd
- Cymrodoriaeth Uwch Newton yr Academi Brydeinig ar gyfer Ysgoloriaeth gydag Academi Gwyddorau Cymdeithas Tsieineaidd [parhaus] (Cyd-ymchwilydd) [parhaus: Tachwedd 2016 - Mawrth 2018] Cyllidwr: Academi Brydeinig
- Adolygiad didueddrwydd o Adrodd Ystadegau y BBC (Tîm Cynghori) [cwblhawyd 2016] Cyllidwr: Ymddiriedolaeth y BBC
- Strategaethau Ymdopi Patrwm hydredol cwtogi (Cyd-Ymchwilydd) [cwblhawyd 2014] Cyllidwr: Y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd
- Arolwg Tlodi ac Allgáu Cymdeithasol 2012 (Cydymaith Ymchwil) [cwblhawyd 2014] Cyllidwr: ESRC
- Knowing the Social World: Online and Offline surveys (Blwyddyn 2, Crëwr a Chynullydd, 2016-2019)
- Dulliau Ymchwil Cymdeithasol (Blwyddyn 2, Cynullydd Modiwl yr Hydref 2015-2017)
- Celwyddau, celwyddau ac ystadegau damn (Blwyddyn 1, Addysgu a 2019, Cynullydd Modiwlau 2022)
- Cyflwyniad i Bolisi Cymdeithasol a Chyhoeddus (Blwyddyn 1)
- Cyflwyniad i Ddulliau Ymchwil Cymdeithasol (Blwyddyn 1)
- Tlodi a nawdd cymdeithasol yn y Deyrnas Unedig (Blwyddyn 2)
- Cysylltiadau Rhywedd a Chymdeithas (Blwyddyn 2, 2014-2021)
Fi yw arweinydd tîm addysgu Social Analytics.
- Rwy'n cynnull ac yn addysgu dau semester o Ddull Ymchwil Meintiol (MSc Dulliau Ymchwil Cymdeithasol)
- Rwy'n cynnull ac yn addysgu Ystadegau yn y Llywodraeth, (MSc Dadansoddi Data ar gyfer y Llywodraeth).
- Rwy'n cyfrannu at Bolisi ac Ymarfer ar sail Ymchwil a Thystiolaeth (Doethuriaeth Broffesiynol).
Fi oedd arweinydd y Polisi Cymdeithasol ar gyfer y rhaglen Meistr mewn Dulliau Ymchwil y Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Ph.D. Rhaglen Partneriaeth Hyfforddi UKRI (2018-2023).
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- SURE accredited (2017) for the use administrative data, how to handle such data safely, lawfully and responsibly
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Cydymaith Ymchwil, Prifysgol Bryste
- Dadansoddwr Ymchwil, Y Sefydliad Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Ymchwil Addysgol
Ymrwymiadau siarad cyhoeddus
- 2025, Cyfweliad Gwybyddol, Canolfan Gwella Dysgu ac Ymchwil. Prifysgol Tsieineaidd Hong Kong, 25-27 Chwefror
- 2024, Deall ymreolaeth menywod ifanc trwy adeiladu consensws mewn grwpiau ffocws ac arolygon yng ngrwpiau ieuenctid SRHR, Llundain, SOAS, DSA Confence, 27 Mehefin
- 2024, Mesur tlodi gan ddefnyddio'r Dull Cydsyniol, Hyfforddiant ar gyfer Swyddfa Ystadegau Cenedlaethol ac Ystadegwyr OCGS. Dar Es Salaam, 25ain - 26ain Ionawr
- 2023, Poststratification, gŵyl y Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Dulliau Ymchwil , Tachwedd 8fed
- 2023, Cyfweld Gwybyddol, gŵyl y Ganolfan Genedlaethol ar gyfer Dulliau Ymchwil , Tachwedd 8fed
- 2023, anghydraddoldebau rhwng cenedlaethau mewn llwybrau tai ledled Ewrop. Cymdeithas Polisi Cymdeithasol Ewrop, Warsaw, 7 Medi
- 2023, Addasu'r Dull Cydsyniol i fesur mynediad menywod ifanc at hawliau. Digwyddiad lledaenu ar gyfer cyfranogwyr grwpiau ffocws. GOFAL Canada, Ar-lein, 13eg Mehefin
- 2023: Tlodi: Cysyniadau a Mesur. Darlith a draddodwyd i Brifysgol Rhydychen fel rhan o'r MPhil mewn Astudiaethau Byd-eang ac Ardal. 6Mawrth
- 2022, Cyfweliad Gwybyddol. gweithdy ar-lein a gyflwynir i Brifysgolion Campinas a Sao Paolo. 16 Rhagfyr
- 2022, Mesur tlodi amlddimensiwn, hyfforddiant ar gyfer Swyddfa Ystadegau Cenedlaethol ac Ystadegwyr OCGS. Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania 12-15 Medi.
- 2022, Defnyddio Grwpiau Ffocws i ddeall a mynegi hawliau ac angenrheidiau. GOFAL Canada, Awst 2022.
- 2022, Tlodi a Newid Hinsawdd (Cadeirydd a Threfnydd). Cynhadledd DSA 2022, Panel 45
- 2022, Tai a Thlodi yn yr UE: Canfyddiadau prosiect (Cadeirydd) Cyfarfod prosiect ar-lein wedi'i ariannu gan ESRC (ar-lein)
- Amcangyfrif Ardal Fach 2021. Cwrs Dulliau Ymchwil Tlodi Uwch, a drefnir gan UNAM (Prifysgol Ymreolaethol Genedlaethol Mecsico (ar-lein), UoB a Phrifysgol Cape Town (De Affrica), 3ydd Rhagfyr
- 2021 Fforddiadwyedd a Thlodi Tai yn Ewrop. Cynhadledd Rhwydwaith Ewropeaidd ar gyfer Ymchwil Tai (ar-lein)
- 2021 Materion tai: deall y berthynas rhwng tai a thlodi, trefnydd Symposiwm, Cynhadledd Cymdeithas Polisi Cymdeithasol (ar-lein)
- 2021, Delweddu Dadansoddiad Deuvariate ac Amlamrywiol yn R. Methodolegol Hyfforddiant Gweithdy ar gyfer myfyrwyr MSc Coleg de France. Fe'i cyflwynir ym Mhrifysgol Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Paris, Ffrainc.
- 2019, Dod o hyd i'r llinell dlodi. Cwrs Dulliau Ymchwil Tlodi, Prifysgol Bryste, Bryste, UK.
- 2019, Mesur Amddifadedd Cydsyniol. Cwrs Dulliau Ymchwil Tlodi, Prifysgol Bryste, y DU.
- 2019, Tlodi: mesur, cyd-destun a gyrwyr. Brasil Institute daearyddiaeth ac ystadegau, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
- 2019, Tlodi: mesur a chyd-destun. Prifysgol Brasilia, Brasilia, Brasil.
- 2019, Amcangyfrifon Arolwg: Egwyddorion, materion ac atebion. Gweithdy Hyfforddi Methodolegol ar gyfer myfyrwyr MSc Coleg de France. Fe'i cyflwynir ym Mhrifysgol Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, Paris, Ffrainc.
- 2019, tueddiadau a phatrymau Malnutritio lluosogmewn plant ifanc yng Ngorllewin a Chanolbarth Affrica. Fforwm Cydweithio NGO-Academia Bryste, Bryste, y DU.
- 2018, Diffyg maeth Lluosog yng Ngorllewin a Chanolbarth Affrica. Adeiladu Partneriaethau Byd-eang ar gyfer Symposiwm Heriau Byd-eang. Bryste, UK.
- 2017, Mesur a mapio cyffredinrwydd a phatrymau diffyg maeth lluosog mewn plant ifanc. Cyfres Siaradwr UNICEF , Kampala, Uganda.
- 2017, Hyfforddiant Dadansoddi Tlodi Plant ar gyfer UNICEF Uganda. UNICEF, Kampala, Uganda.
- 2016, "Mesur safonau byw yn Ewrop" Auckland, Prifysgol Auckland, Seland Newydd.
- 2015, "Sut mae Dinasyddion Ewropeaidd yn ymdopi â sioc economaidd? Patrwm hydredol cwtogi" Cynhadledd Net-SILC2 , Lisbon, Portiwgal.
- 2014, "Mynegai Safonau Byw y DU" Cynhadledd Goffa 3ydd Townsend yn Llundain
- 2014, "Extent of poverty among parents, and the Relationship with parenting Practices in the UK" Trydydd Cynhadledd Peter Townsend yn Llundain, y DU.
- 2014, "Esblygiad amddifadedd materol yn ystod yr argyfwng" Deall newidiadau mewn anghydraddoldeb incwm yn y Austerity Period, Prifysgol Essex, y DU.
- 2013, amddifadedd materol yn Ewrop: Pa wariant sy'n cael ei gurtailed gyntaf? Cynhadledd Ryngwladol IMPALLA-ESPANET , Luxemburg.
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Myfyrwyr presennol
Jonathan Jones "Dyheu am Oroesi: Adeiladau Precariat Symudedd Cymdeithasol a Chyfiawnder Cymdeithasol".
Jake Wilkinson "Archwilio'r cydgysylltiad rhwng prynwriaeth, diraddiad amgylcheddol, a salwch meddwl: dadansoddiad traws gwlad".
Richard Saunders "A yw dehongliadau unigolion a gweithredu gwleidyddol ynghylch newid hinsawdd yn effeithio ar werthoedd materolol/ôl-faterol mewn cyd-destunau gwahanol? Dadansoddiad o Brydain, Canada ac Awstralia".
Matthew Collins "Dadansoddi canlyniadau lluosog mewn ymchwil glinigol gan ddefnyddio modelau aml-lefel aml-amrywiol".
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Lles a thlodi
- Ystadegau cymhwysol