Jiří Přibáň graduated from Charles University in Prague (1989) where he was appointed professor of legal theory, philosophy and sociology in 2002. He was also visiting professor or scholar at European University Institute in Florence, New York University (Prague Office), University of California in Berkeley, University of San Francisco, University of Pretoria, The Flemish Academy in Brussels and University of New South Wales, Sydney. Jiří Přibáň has published extensively in the areas of social theory and sociology of law, legal philosophy, constitutional and European comparative law, and theory of human rights. He is an editor of the Journal of Law and Society and a regular contributor to the Czech and international media.
- Priban, J. 2024. Postnational constitutionalism: Europe and the time of law. Jurisprudence 15(1), pp. 441-446. (10.1080/20403313.2023.2296815)
- Priban, J. 2024. Sázka na svobodu [A Gamble of Liberty]. [Sázka na svobodu [A Gamble of Liberty]]. Prague: Karolinum.
- Priban, J. 2024. European constitutional imaginaries: On pluralism, calculemus, imperium and communitas. In: Komárek, J. ed. European Constitutional Imaginaries: Between Ideology and Utopia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 22-43., (10.1093/oso/9780192855480.003.0002)
- Priban, J. 2024. From state politics to global societal constitutions: A review note on Scamardella’s Etsi Constitutio non daretur. [Le costituzioni civili nel mondo transnazionale Dalla politica statale alle costituzioni sociali globali: una nota sul libro di Scamardella Etsi Constitutio non daretur] Le costituzioni civili nel mondo transnazionale. Sociologia Del Diritto 50(2), pp. 199-206. (10.54103/1972-5760/22501)
- Přibáň, J. 2024. Les libertés académiques dans les sociétés démocratiques. In: Hertaux, J. ed. Pensées Captives: Répression et défense des Libertés Académiques en Europe Centrale et Orientale (et au-dela) Suivi de Trente Ans de Recherches au CEFRES de Prague. Prague: CODEX85, pp. 43-52.
- Priban, J. 2024. At the garden party of moths and butterflies: a Foreword to Havel's Keywords and I3.maginaries. In: Danaher, D. and Williams, K. eds. Václav Havel’s Meanings: His Key Words and Their Legacy. Václav Havel Series Prague: Karolinum, pp. 16-28.
- Priban, J. 2023. Constitutionalism, populism, and the imaginary of the authentic polity: a socio‐legal analysis of European public spheres and constitutional demoicratization. Journal of Law and Society 50(S1), pp. S26-S44. (10.1111/jols.12434)
- Priban, J. 2023. Introduction: Political constitutions in transnational society: introducing socio‐legal and interdisciplinary perspectives. Journal of Law and Society 50(Supp 1), pp. S1-S6. (10.1111/jols.12440)
- Priban, J. 2023. The Liberation of Illiberal Democracy: On Limits of Democratization after the Authoritarian Backlash. In: Bobek, M. et al. eds. Transition 2.0: Re-establishing Constitutional Democracy in EU Member States. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 33-58., (
- Priban, J. and Hvížďala, K. 2023. Hledání smyslu [In Quest of Meaning]. [Hledání smyslu]. Prague: Karolinum.
- Priban, J. et al. 2023. Diggers of theoretical principles and healers of constitutional value pluralism: on the particular function of university legal education. In: Jirsa, J. ed. On Liberal Education and the Autopoiesis of Universities. Prague: Karolinum, pp. 109-128.
- Priban, J. 2023. Constitutional Imaginaries: a socio-legal perspective of political and societal constitutions. In: Hyden, H. et al. eds. Combining the Legal and the Social in Sociology of Law: An Homage to Reza Banakar. Oxford: Bloomsbury Hart Publishing, pp. 417-428., (10.5040/
- Priban, J. 2023. Constitutional democracy’s civic and social dimensions. On the Czech presidential election. [Online]. Vienna: CEU. Available at:
- Priban, J. 2023. Imaginary of the imperium of prosperity and economic constitutionalism in the EU: A socio-legal perspective of spontaneity of the common market and its limits. In: Skordas, A., Halmai, G. and Mardikian, L. eds. Economic Constitutionalism in a Turbulent World. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 38-63.
- Priban, J. 2023. The eternal return to Central Europe. In: Kubicek, T. ed. A Kidnapped West: The Laboratory of Twilight. Brno: Moravian Library, pp. 91-109.
- Belov, M. et al. 2022. Imaginary of the rule of law as a force of societal transition: Central and East European lessons from European (dis)integration. In: Belov, M. ed. Rule of Law in Crisis: Constitutionalism in a State of Flux. Routledge Research in Public Law London: Routledge, pp. 67-88., (10.4324/9781003349501-6)
- Priban, J. 2022. Od sociologie práva k ústavnímu pluralismu: Eugen Ehrlich a teorie společenského konstitucionalismu [From the sociology of law to the constitutional pluralism: Eugen Ehrlich and theory of societal constitutionalism]. Pravnik [The Lawyer] 161(5), pp. 396-410.
- Priban, J. 2022. Věčný návrat do střední Evropy [The eternal return to Central Europe]. In: Kubíček, T. ed. The Tragedy of the West: A Laboratory of the Twilight. [Únos Západu aneb laboratoř soumraku]. Brno: Moravská zemská knihovna, pp. 105-122.
- Priban, J. 2021. How to handbook the Sociology of Law as a borderland science. [Online]. Oxford: Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. Available at:
- Priban, J. 2021. Constitutional Imaginaries: A Theory of European Societal Constitutionalism. [Constitutional Imaginaries: A Theory of European Societal Constitutionalism]. London: Routledge.
- Priban, J. 2021. Learning and living legal pluralism. [Online]. Oxford: Centre for Socio-Legal Studies. Available at:
- Priban, J. and Hvížďala, K. 2021. Hledání odpovědnosti [In Quest of Responsibility]. [Hledání odpovědnosti]. Prague: Karolinum.
- Priban, J. 2021. The paradoxical value of sovereignty in post-sovereign society. In: Santos Campos, A. and Cadilha, S. eds. Sovereignty as Value. London: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 91-108.
- Priban, J. 2021. Constitutional theory and the imaginary of human rights. In: Urbanik, J. and Bodnár, A. eds. Law in a Time of Constitutional Crisis. Warsaw: C.H. Beck, pp. 555-566.
- Priban, J. 2020. Introduction to research handbook on the sociology of law. In: Priban, J. ed. Research Handbook on the Sociology of Law. [Research Handbook on the Sociology of Law]. Research Handbooks in Law and Society Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 1-5., (10.4337/9781789905182.00006)
- Priban, J. 2020. Sociology of the rule of law: power, legality and legitimacy. In: Priban, J. ed. Research Handbook on the Sociology of Law. [Research Handbook on the Sociology of Law]. Research Handbooks in Law and Society Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 110-123., (10.4337/9781789905182.00017)
- Priban, J. ed. 2020. Research handbook on the sociology of law. Research Handbooks in Law and Society. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (10.4337/9781789905182)
- Priban, J. 2020. A social theory of constitutional imaginaries: beyond the unity of topos-ethnos-nomos and its European context. In: Belavusau, U. and Gliszczynska-Grabias, A. eds. Constitutionalism under Stress: Essays in Honour of Wojciech Sadurski. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 175-190.
- Priban, J. 2020. Normativity at large: on moral absolutism, legal relativism and social systems anti-normativism. In: Bezemek, C., Potacs, M. and Somek, A. eds. Vienna Lectures on Legal Philosophy, Volume 2: Normativism and Anti-Normativism in Law., Vol. 2. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 91-112., (10.5040/
- Priban, J. and Hvizdala, K. 2020. In quest of democratic values and identities in central European constitutionalism: on the post-1989 histories and politics in the Czech Republic. In: Mercescu, A. ed. Constitutional Identities in Central and Eastern Europe. Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 37-57., (10.3726/b16593)
- Priban, J. and Hvizdala, K. 2019. In quest of history: on Czech statehood and identity. Vaclav Havel Series. Prague/Chicago: Karolinum Press/University of Chicago Press.
- Přibáň, J. 2019. Constitutional values as the normalisation of societal power: from a moral transvaluation to a systemic self-valuation. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 11(2-3), pp. 451–459. (10.1007/s40803-019-00111-4)
- Priban, J. 2019. Justiz als gesellschaftliches Über-Ich. Zur Position der Rechtsprechung in der Demokratie (The Judiciary as the Super-Ego of Society: On the Position of Legal Discourse in Democracy) [Book Review]. Kantian Review 24(3) (10.1017/S1369415419000232)
- Priban, J. 2019. Collective memory, constitutional polity and differentiation of modern society. In: Corrias, L. and Francot, L. eds. Temporal Boundaries of Law and Politics: Time Out of Joint. London: Routledge, pp. 149-169.
- Priban, J. 2019. The nation state's legitimation in post-national society: a social systems perspective of values in legality and power. In: Sadurski, W., Sevel, M. and Walton, K. eds. Legitimacy: The State and Beyond. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 137-157.
- Priban, J. 2018. Rozpad statu. In: Chmel, R. and Stehlik, M. eds. Moje Ceskoslovensko [My Czechoslovakia]. [Moje Ceskoslovensko]. Prague: Academia, pp. 179-188.
- Priban, J. and Hvížďala, K. 2018. Hledání dějin: o české státnosti a identitě [In Quest of History: on Czech statehood and identity]. [Hledání dějin: o české státnosti a identitě]. Prague: Karolinum.
- Priban, J. 2018. Constitutional imaginaries and legitimation: On potentia, potestas, and auctoritas in societal constitutionalism. Journal of Law and Society 45(S1), pp. s30-s51., article number: 3. (10.1111/jols.12118)
- Priban, J. 2018. Societal constitutions in transnational regimes: an introduction. Journal of Law and Society 45(S1), pp. s1-s4., article number: 1. (10.1111/jols.12101)
- Priban, J. 2018. The sociological concept of EU constitutional pluralism. In: Davies, G. and Avbelj, M. eds. Research Handbook on Legal Pluralism and EU Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 154-177.
- Priban, J. 2018. Sociological jurisprudence: juristic thought and social inquiry [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 45(2), pp. 330-337. (10.1111/jols.12097)
- Priban, J. 2018. The defence of constitutionalism: the Czech question in post-national Europe. Vaclav Havel Series. Prague/Chicago: Karolinum Press/University of Chicago Press.
- Priban, J. 2018. Constitutional sovereignty in post-sovereign Europe in crisis: A Central European perspective. In: Motoc, I., Albuquerque de, P. P. and Wojtyczek, K. eds. New Developments in Constitutional Law:Essays in Honour of Andras Sajo. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, pp. 355-368.
- Priban, J. 2018. Zakonnost a legitimita: nezbytna, ale nemozna [Legality and Legitimacy: indispensable, yet impossible]. In: Agha, P. ed. Lidska prava v mezikulturnich perspektivach [Human Rights in Intercultural Perspectives]. Prague: Academia, pp. 139-150.
- Priban, J. 2018. The European Union under transnational law: a pluralist appraisal [Book Review]. European Law Review 43(5), pp. 795-797.
- Priban, J. 2017. Philip Selznick (1919-2010). In: Kritzer, G. ed. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Wiley, (10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos0900)
- Priban, J. 2017. Politics of public knowledge in dealing with the past: post-communist experiences and some lessons from the Czech Republic. In: Belavusau, U. and Gliszczynska-Grabias, A. eds. Law and Memory. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 195-215., (10.1017/9781316986172)
- Priban, J. 2017. A sociology of Legal Distinctions: Introducing contemporary interpretations of classic socio-legal concepts. Journal of Law and Society 44(S1), pp. 1-18., article number: 1.
- Priban, J. 2017. Anything to appreciate? a sociological view of the margin of rights and the persuasive force of their doctrines. In: Agha, P. ed. Human Rights Between Law and Politics: The Margin of Appreciation in Post-national Contexts. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 89-110.
- Priban, J. 2017. Pulling down walls of certainty [published in Czech: Bořit zdi samozřejmosti: k úmrtí Zygmunta Baumana). Czech Sociological Review 53(1), pp. 121-126.
- Priban, J. 2016. Resisting fear: on dissent and the solidarity of the shaken in contemporary European and global society. In: Tava, F. and Meacham, D. eds. Thinking After Europe: Jan Patocka and Politics. Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 39-56.
- Priban, J. ed. 2016. Self-constitution of European society: Beyond EU politics, law and governance. Applied Legal Philosophy. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Priban, J. 2016. The concept of self-limiting polity in EU constitutionalism: a systems theoretical outline. In: Priban, J. ed. Self-Constitution of European Society: Beyond EU Politics, Law and Governance. Applied Legal Philosophy Routledge, pp. 37-65.
- Priban, J. 2016. Introduction: on Europe’s crises and self-constitutions. In: Priban, J. ed. Self-Constitution of European Society: Beyond EU Politics, Law and Governance. Applied Legal Philosophy Routledge, pp. 1-10.
- Priban, J. 2016. On legal symbolism in symbolic legislation: a systems theoretical perspective. In: van Klink, B., van Beers, B. and Poort, L. eds. Symbolic Legislation Theory and Developments in Biolaw. Legisprudence Library Vol. 4. Springer, pp. 105-121.
- Priban, J. ed. 2015. Lidská práva: (ne)smysl české politiky? [Human rights - (non)sense of Czech politics?]. Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON.
- Priban, J. 2015. The concept of law in global societal constitutionalism. In: Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. eds. Exploring the 'Legal' in Socio-Legal Studies. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies Palgrave, pp. 57-79.
- Priban, J. 2015. Constitutional sovereignty in post-sovereign jurisprudence of the Czech Constitutional Court: from the Lisbon judgments to the Landtová Ultra Vires controversy. In: Bobek, M. ed. Central European Judges Under the European Influence: The Transformative Power of the EU Revisited. EU Law in the Member States Hart, pp. 323-348.
- Priban, J. 2015. Sovereignty in post-sovereign society: A systems theory of European constitutionalism. Applied Legal Philosophy. Farnham: Taylor and Francis. (10.4324/9781315610085)
- Priban, J. 2015. Asking the sovereignty question in global legal pluralism: From “weak” jurisprudence to “strong” socio-legal theories of constitutional power operations. Ratio Juris 28(1), pp. 31-51. (10.1111/raju.12065)
- Priban, J. 2015. The semantics of constitutional sovereignty in post-sovereign “new” Europe: A case study of the Czech Constitutional Court’s jurisprudence. International Journal of Constitutional Law 13(1), pp. 180-199. (10.1093/icon/mov008)
- Priban, J. 2015. Politika verejneho poznania a pravnej spravodlivosti pri vyrovnavani se s minulostou: postkomunisticke skusenosti a nedavne ponaucenia z Ceskej Republiky. In: Kvasničková, A. ed. Pamat v Transdisciplinarnej Perspektive. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, pp. 30-59.
- Priban, J. and Rusnakova, K. eds. 2015. Apotheosis, apocalypse, apocryphon: Deified nations, deified art. Walther König.
- Priban, J. 2015. Apotheosis now?!. In: Priban, J. and Rusnakova, K. eds. Apotheosis, Apocalypse, Apocryphon: Deified Nations, Deified Art. Walther König, pp. 17-24.
- Priban, J. and Rusnakova, K. 2015. Introduction. In: Priban, J. and Rusnakova, K. eds. Apotheosis, Apocalypse, Apocryphon: Deified Nations, Deified Art. Walther König, pp. 11-16.
- Priban, J. 2015. The concept of reflexive justice in liquid society. Sociologia del Diritto 42(3), pp. 15-33. (10.3280/SD2015-003002)
- Schwartz, G., Priban, J. and Severo Rocha, L. 2015. Sociologia sistemico-autopoietica das constituicoes. Livraria Do Advogado Editora.
- Priban, J. 2014. Obrana ústavnosti aneb česká otázka v postnacionální Evropě (In defense of constitutionalism: on the "Czech Question" in post-national Europe). [Obrana ústavnosti aneb česká otázka v postnacionální Evropě]. Sociologické aktuality. Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON.
- Priban, J. 2014. Polity as constitutional law's community: on the expressive function and symbolism of national and transnational constitutions. In: Nobles, R. and Schiff, D. eds. Law, Society and Community: Socio-Legal Essays in Honour of Roger Cotterrell. Ashgate, pp. 95-112.
- Priban, J. 2013. The self-referential semantics of sovereignty: a systems theoretical response to (post)sovereignty studies. Constellations 20(3), pp. 406-421. (10.1111/1467-8675.12046)
- Priban, J. 2013. Book Review/Response: Paul Blokker, Jiri Priban and Bogusia Puchalska on civic constitutionalism. [Online]. Oxford University Press. Available at:
- Priban, J. 2013. A Sociological Critique of ‘Socialist Jurisprudence’: on Podgorecki’s contribution to the study of totalitarian law and society. Societas/Communitas 15(1), pp. 183-192.
- Priban, J. 2013. Pictures of Czech Postmodernism. KANT Publishing.
- Priban, J. 2013. Lid versus ústava: systémová kritika pojmu ústavní odpovědnosti. In: Aleš, G. and Pavel, ?. eds. Odpovědnost V Demokratickém Právním Státě. Prague: Univerzita Karlova, pp. 33-42.
- Priban, J. 2012. Constitutionalism as Fear of the Political? A comparative analysis of Teubner’s Constitutional Fragments and Thornhill’s A Sociology of Constitutions. Journal of Law and Society 39(3), pp. 441-471. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2012.00592.x)
- Priban, J. 2012. Desiring a Democratic European Polity: The European Union Between the Constitutional Failure and the Lisbon Treaty. In: Blanke, H. and Mangiameli, S. eds. The European Union After Lisbon: Constituitonal Basis, Economic Order and External Action. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 71-91., (10.1007/978-3-642-19507-5_4)
- Priban, J. 2012. Medzi pravnou a politickou sebareferenciouo: o semantickej diferenciacii suverenity v debate medzi Kelsenom a Schmittom [Between Legal and Political Self-Reference: on the semantic differentiation of sovereignty in the Kelsen-Schmitt Debate]. In: Procházka, R. and Káčer, M. eds. De arte boni et aequi: pocta k životnému jubileu Alexandry Krskovej. Trnava: Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, pp. 117-139.
- Priban, J. 2012. Sebareferencna semantika a genealogia suverenity: europske skusenosti, globalne zmeny [The Self-Referential Semantics and Genealogy of Sovereignty: European Experiences, Global Changes]. In: Procházka, R. and Káčer, M. eds. Exemplo Ducti. Trnava: Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, pp. 117-132.
- Priban, J. 2012. On the social theory of restorative justice. In: Miers, D. and Aertsen, I. eds. Regulating Restorative Justice: A Comparative Study of Legislative Provision in European Countries. Studies in Criminology and Forensic Sciences Vol. 2. Verlag fuer Polizeiwissenschaft, pp. 14-28.
- Priban, J. 2011. Self-reference of the constitutional state: a systems theory interpretation of the Kelsen-Schmitt debate. Jurisprudence 2(2), pp. 309-328. (10.5235/204033211798716853)
- Priban, J. 2011. Obrazy české postmoderny [Pictures of Czech Postmodernity]. [Obrazy ceske postmoderny]. Prague: KANT.
- Priban, J. and Holländer, P. eds. 2011. Právo a dobro v ústavní demokracii: Polemické a kritické úvahy [The Right and Good in Constitutional Democracy]. Sociologicke aktuality. Prague: SLON-Sociologicke nakladatelstvi.
- Priban, J. 2011. Lesk a bída právního pozitivismu [We are all positivists, now]. In: Priban, J. and Holländer, P. eds. Právo a dobro v ústavní demokracii: Polemické a kritické úvahy. Sociologicke aktuality Prague: SLON-Sociologicke nakladatelstvi, pp. 27-34.
- Priban, J. 2011. O dobru a spravedlnosti: odpověď Pavlu Holländerovi [On Good and Justice: a reply to Pavel Holländer]. In: Priban, J. and Holländer, P. eds. Právo a dobro v ústavní demokracii: Polemické a kritické úvahy. Sociologicke aktuality Prague: SLON-Sociologicke nakladatelstvi, pp. 42-47.
- Priban, J. 2010. Constituting the heterarchy of European constitutionalism in the EU’s new member states. In: Febbrajo, A. and Sadurski, W. eds. Central and Eastern Europe After Transition: Towards a New Socio-legal Semantics. Studies in Modern Law and Policy Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 13-34.
- Priban, J. 2010. 'Niklas Luhmann: Law, Justice, Society' by Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos [Book Review]. Modern Law Review 73(5), pp. 893-897. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2010.00823_2.x)
- Priban, J. 2010. Legal flexibility, governance and differentiated integration: on functional differentiation of EU law and politics. In: Dyson, K. H. F. and Sepos, A. eds. Which Europe? The Politics of Differentiated Integration. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 24-38.
- Priban, J. 2010. Multiple sovereignty: on Europe's self-constitutionalization and legal self-reference. Ratio Juris 23(1), pp. 41-64. (10.1111/j.1467-9337.2009.00443.x)
- Priban, J. 2010. Mathieu Deflem: Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition [Book Review]. Czech Sociological Review 46(3), pp. 478-480.
- Priban, J. 2009. From 'which rule of law?' to 'the rule of which law?': post-communist experiences of European legal integration. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 1(2), pp. 337-358. (10.1017/S1876404509003376)
- Priban, J. 2009. The self-referential European polity, its legal context and systemic differentiation: theoretical reflections on the emergence of the EU's political and legal autopoiesis. European Law Journal 15(4), pp. 442-461. (10.1111/j.1468-0386.2009.00472.x)
- Priban, J. 2009. The juridification of European identity, its limitations and the search of EU democratic politics. Constellations 16(1), pp. 44-58. (10.1111/j.1467-8675.2009.00520.x)
- Priban, J. 2009. Symbolism of the spirit of the laws: a genealogical excursus to legal and political semiotics. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique 22(2), pp. 179-195. (10.1007/s11196-009-9101-0)
- Priban, J. 2009. On the social theory of restorative justice. International Journal of Restorative Justice 15(1), pp. 33-54.
- Finkielkraut, A., Černý, A., Priban, J. and Vernet, D. 2009. The EU: with or without borders?. In: Rupnik, J. and Berthon, J. eds. Dialogues sur l’Europe. Prague: Centre Français de Recherche en Sciences Sociales (CEFRES), pp. 95-100.
- Breda, V. 2007. Constitutional identities in a liquid society. In: Priban, J. ed. Liquid Society and Its Law. Applied Legal Philosophy Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 153-170.
- Priban, J. 2007. Legal symbolism: on law, time and European identity. Applied Legal Philosophy. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.
- Priban, J. 2005. The European Constitution-Making, Political Identity and Its Central European Reflections. European Law Journal 11(2), pp. 135-153. (10.1111/j.1468-0386.2005.00254.x)
- Priban, J. 2005. European Union constitution-making, political identity and Central European reflections. European Law Journal 11(2), pp. 135-153. (10.1111/j.1468-0386.2005.00254.x)
- Priban, J. 2004. Reconstituting Paradise Lost: Temporality, Civility and Ethnicity in Post-Communist Constitution-Making. Law & Society Review 38(3), pp. 407-432. (10.1111/j.0023-9216.2004.00052.x)
- Priban, J. 2003. Legalist fictions and the problem of scientific legitimation. Ratio Juris 16(1), pp. 14-36. (10.1111/1467-9337.00222)
- Priban, J. 2003. Stealing the natural language: the fiction of the social contract and legality in the light of Nietzsche's philosophy. Cardozo Law Review 24(2), pp. 663-682.
- Priban, J., Roberts, P. I. and Young, J. R. eds. 2003. Systems of justice in transition: Central European experiences since 1989. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
- Priban, J., Young, J. R. and Kerner, A. eds. 2003. Current legal issues in the Czech Republic and the United Kingdom: collection of papers: workshop 2002. Prague: Univerzita Karlova v Praze.
- Priban, J. 2003. Constitutional justice and retroactivity of laws in postcommunist central Europe. In: Priban, J., Roberts, P. I. and Young, J. R. eds. Systems of Justice in Transition: Central European Experiences Since 1989. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 29-49.
- Priban, J. and Roberts, P. I. 2003. The central European systems of justice in transition: introductory remarks. In: Priban, J., Roberts, P. I. and Young, J. Y. eds. Systems of Justice in Transition: Central European Experiences Since 1989. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-10.
- Priban, J. 2002. Sharing the paradigms? Critical legal studies and the sociology of law. In: Banakar, R. and Travers, M. eds. An Introduction to Law and Social Theory. Oxford: Hart, pp. 119-133.
- Pribán, J. 2002. Dissidents of law: on the 1989 velvet revolutions, legitimations, fictions of legality and contemporary version of the social contract. Law, Justice and Power. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing.
- Priban, J. 2002. Judicial power vs. democratic representation: the culture of constitutionalism and human rights in the Czech legal system. In: Sadurski, W. ed. Constitutional Justice, East and West: Democratic Legitimacy and Constitutional Courts in Post-Communist Europe in a Comparative Perspective. Law and Philosophy Library Vol. 62. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, pp. 373-394.
- Priban, J. 2002. The legacy of political dissent. Socio-Legal Newsletter(37), pp. 7-7.
- Priban, J. 2002. Sociologie prava: vyvoj a trendy po roce 1989. Sociologicky Casopis 38(1-2), pp. 79-87.
- Priban, J. 2002. Opening the gaps in legality: a comparative study of the politics of dissent in postcommunist Europe and South Africa. De Iure(2), pp. 253-270.
- Priban, J. 2001. La législation entre révolution et État de droit: le cas des lustrations [Legislation between revolution and rule of law: the case of lustration]. In: Mink, G. ed. Mémoires du Communisme en Europe Centrale [Remembering Communism in Central Europe]. Cahiers du CEFRES Vol. 26. Prague: CEFRES, pp. 41-69.
- Nelken, D. and Priban, J. eds. 2001. Law's new boundaries: the consequences of legal autopoiesis. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Priban, J. 2001. Legitimation between the noise of politics and the order of law. Presented at: Consequences of the Autopoietic Law Theory, Cardiff, UK, March 2000 Presented at Priban, J. and Nelken, D. eds.Law's New Boundaries: The Consequences of Legal Autopoiesis. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing pp. 104-122.
- Priban, J. 2001. Právo a politika konverzace: texty o postmoderních nejistotách, spravedlnosti v právu a politické pameti. Prague: GplusG.
- Priban, J. 2001. Disidenti práva: o revolucích roku 1989, fikcích legality a soudobé verzi spolecenské smlouvy spolecenské smlouvy. Edicní rada Post Vol. 5. Prague: Sociologicke Naklacdedatelstvi.
- Priban, J. 2001. Moral and political legislation in constitutional justice: a case study of the Czech Constitutional Court. The Journal of East European Law 8(1), pp. 15-34.
- Priban, J. 2001. Legalism with a human face: developments in the Czech legal system and theory after 1989. East Central Europe 28(1), pp. 35-50. (10.1163/187633001X00038)
- Priban, J. 1998. Suverenita, právo a legitimita v kontextu moderní filosofie a sociologie práva. Prague: Karolinum.
- Priban, J. 1998. Doing what comes naturally, or a walk on the wild side?: Remarks on Stanley Fish's anti-foundationalist concept of law, its closure and force. Law and Critique 9(2), pp. 249-270.
- Priban, J. 1997. Beyond procedural legitimation: legality and its ‘infictions’. Journal of Law and Society 24(3), pp. 331-349. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.1997.tb00001.x)
- Priban, J. 2024. Postnational constitutionalism: Europe and the time of law. Jurisprudence 15(1), pp. 441-446. (10.1080/20403313.2023.2296815)
- Priban, J. 2024. From state politics to global societal constitutions: A review note on Scamardella’s Etsi Constitutio non daretur. [Le costituzioni civili nel mondo transnazionale Dalla politica statale alle costituzioni sociali globali: una nota sul libro di Scamardella Etsi Constitutio non daretur] Le costituzioni civili nel mondo transnazionale. Sociologia Del Diritto 50(2), pp. 199-206. (10.54103/1972-5760/22501)
- Priban, J. 2023. Constitutionalism, populism, and the imaginary of the authentic polity: a socio‐legal analysis of European public spheres and constitutional demoicratization. Journal of Law and Society 50(S1), pp. S26-S44. (10.1111/jols.12434)
- Priban, J. 2023. Introduction: Political constitutions in transnational society: introducing socio‐legal and interdisciplinary perspectives. Journal of Law and Society 50(Supp 1), pp. S1-S6. (10.1111/jols.12440)
- Priban, J. 2022. Od sociologie práva k ústavnímu pluralismu: Eugen Ehrlich a teorie společenského konstitucionalismu [From the sociology of law to the constitutional pluralism: Eugen Ehrlich and theory of societal constitutionalism]. Pravnik [The Lawyer] 161(5), pp. 396-410.
- Přibáň, J. 2019. Constitutional values as the normalisation of societal power: from a moral transvaluation to a systemic self-valuation. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 11(2-3), pp. 451–459. (10.1007/s40803-019-00111-4)
- Priban, J. 2019. Justiz als gesellschaftliches Über-Ich. Zur Position der Rechtsprechung in der Demokratie (The Judiciary as the Super-Ego of Society: On the Position of Legal Discourse in Democracy) [Book Review]. Kantian Review 24(3) (10.1017/S1369415419000232)
- Priban, J. 2018. Constitutional imaginaries and legitimation: On potentia, potestas, and auctoritas in societal constitutionalism. Journal of Law and Society 45(S1), pp. s30-s51., article number: 3. (10.1111/jols.12118)
- Priban, J. 2018. Societal constitutions in transnational regimes: an introduction. Journal of Law and Society 45(S1), pp. s1-s4., article number: 1. (10.1111/jols.12101)
- Priban, J. 2018. Sociological jurisprudence: juristic thought and social inquiry [Book Review]. Journal of Law and Society 45(2), pp. 330-337. (10.1111/jols.12097)
- Priban, J. 2018. The European Union under transnational law: a pluralist appraisal [Book Review]. European Law Review 43(5), pp. 795-797.
- Priban, J. 2017. A sociology of Legal Distinctions: Introducing contemporary interpretations of classic socio-legal concepts. Journal of Law and Society 44(S1), pp. 1-18., article number: 1.
- Priban, J. 2017. Pulling down walls of certainty [published in Czech: Bořit zdi samozřejmosti: k úmrtí Zygmunta Baumana). Czech Sociological Review 53(1), pp. 121-126.
- Priban, J. 2015. Asking the sovereignty question in global legal pluralism: From “weak” jurisprudence to “strong” socio-legal theories of constitutional power operations. Ratio Juris 28(1), pp. 31-51. (10.1111/raju.12065)
- Priban, J. 2015. The semantics of constitutional sovereignty in post-sovereign “new” Europe: A case study of the Czech Constitutional Court’s jurisprudence. International Journal of Constitutional Law 13(1), pp. 180-199. (10.1093/icon/mov008)
- Priban, J. 2015. The concept of reflexive justice in liquid society. Sociologia del Diritto 42(3), pp. 15-33. (10.3280/SD2015-003002)
- Priban, J. 2013. The self-referential semantics of sovereignty: a systems theoretical response to (post)sovereignty studies. Constellations 20(3), pp. 406-421. (10.1111/1467-8675.12046)
- Priban, J. 2013. A Sociological Critique of ‘Socialist Jurisprudence’: on Podgorecki’s contribution to the study of totalitarian law and society. Societas/Communitas 15(1), pp. 183-192.
- Priban, J. 2012. Constitutionalism as Fear of the Political? A comparative analysis of Teubner’s Constitutional Fragments and Thornhill’s A Sociology of Constitutions. Journal of Law and Society 39(3), pp. 441-471. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2012.00592.x)
- Priban, J. 2011. Self-reference of the constitutional state: a systems theory interpretation of the Kelsen-Schmitt debate. Jurisprudence 2(2), pp. 309-328. (10.5235/204033211798716853)
- Priban, J. 2010. 'Niklas Luhmann: Law, Justice, Society' by Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos [Book Review]. Modern Law Review 73(5), pp. 893-897. (10.1111/j.1468-2230.2010.00823_2.x)
- Priban, J. 2010. Multiple sovereignty: on Europe's self-constitutionalization and legal self-reference. Ratio Juris 23(1), pp. 41-64. (10.1111/j.1467-9337.2009.00443.x)
- Priban, J. 2010. Mathieu Deflem: Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition [Book Review]. Czech Sociological Review 46(3), pp. 478-480.
- Priban, J. 2009. From 'which rule of law?' to 'the rule of which law?': post-communist experiences of European legal integration. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law 1(2), pp. 337-358. (10.1017/S1876404509003376)
- Priban, J. 2009. The self-referential European polity, its legal context and systemic differentiation: theoretical reflections on the emergence of the EU's political and legal autopoiesis. European Law Journal 15(4), pp. 442-461. (10.1111/j.1468-0386.2009.00472.x)
- Priban, J. 2009. The juridification of European identity, its limitations and the search of EU democratic politics. Constellations 16(1), pp. 44-58. (10.1111/j.1467-8675.2009.00520.x)
- Priban, J. 2009. Symbolism of the spirit of the laws: a genealogical excursus to legal and political semiotics. International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue internationale de Sémiotique juridique 22(2), pp. 179-195. (10.1007/s11196-009-9101-0)
- Priban, J. 2009. On the social theory of restorative justice. International Journal of Restorative Justice 15(1), pp. 33-54.
- Priban, J. 2005. The European Constitution-Making, Political Identity and Its Central European Reflections. European Law Journal 11(2), pp. 135-153. (10.1111/j.1468-0386.2005.00254.x)
- Priban, J. 2005. European Union constitution-making, political identity and Central European reflections. European Law Journal 11(2), pp. 135-153. (10.1111/j.1468-0386.2005.00254.x)
- Priban, J. 2004. Reconstituting Paradise Lost: Temporality, Civility and Ethnicity in Post-Communist Constitution-Making. Law & Society Review 38(3), pp. 407-432. (10.1111/j.0023-9216.2004.00052.x)
- Priban, J. 2003. Legalist fictions and the problem of scientific legitimation. Ratio Juris 16(1), pp. 14-36. (10.1111/1467-9337.00222)
- Priban, J. 2003. Stealing the natural language: the fiction of the social contract and legality in the light of Nietzsche's philosophy. Cardozo Law Review 24(2), pp. 663-682.
- Priban, J. 2002. The legacy of political dissent. Socio-Legal Newsletter(37), pp. 7-7.
- Priban, J. 2002. Sociologie prava: vyvoj a trendy po roce 1989. Sociologicky Casopis 38(1-2), pp. 79-87.
- Priban, J. 2002. Opening the gaps in legality: a comparative study of the politics of dissent in postcommunist Europe and South Africa. De Iure(2), pp. 253-270.
- Priban, J. 2001. Moral and political legislation in constitutional justice: a case study of the Czech Constitutional Court. The Journal of East European Law 8(1), pp. 15-34.
- Priban, J. 2001. Legalism with a human face: developments in the Czech legal system and theory after 1989. East Central Europe 28(1), pp. 35-50. (10.1163/187633001X00038)
- Priban, J. 1998. Doing what comes naturally, or a walk on the wild side?: Remarks on Stanley Fish's anti-foundationalist concept of law, its closure and force. Law and Critique 9(2), pp. 249-270.
- Priban, J. 1997. Beyond procedural legitimation: legality and its ‘infictions’. Journal of Law and Society 24(3), pp. 331-349. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.1997.tb00001.x)
Book sections
- Priban, J. 2024. European constitutional imaginaries: On pluralism, calculemus, imperium and communitas. In: Komárek, J. ed. European Constitutional Imaginaries: Between Ideology and Utopia. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 22-43., (10.1093/oso/9780192855480.003.0002)
- Přibáň, J. 2024. Les libertés académiques dans les sociétés démocratiques. In: Hertaux, J. ed. Pensées Captives: Répression et défense des Libertés Académiques en Europe Centrale et Orientale (et au-dela) Suivi de Trente Ans de Recherches au CEFRES de Prague. Prague: CODEX85, pp. 43-52.
- Priban, J. 2024. At the garden party of moths and butterflies: a Foreword to Havel's Keywords and I3.maginaries. In: Danaher, D. and Williams, K. eds. Václav Havel’s Meanings: His Key Words and Their Legacy. Václav Havel Series Prague: Karolinum, pp. 16-28.
- Priban, J. 2023. The Liberation of Illiberal Democracy: On Limits of Democratization after the Authoritarian Backlash. In: Bobek, M. et al. eds. Transition 2.0: Re-establishing Constitutional Democracy in EU Member States. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 33-58., (
- Priban, J. et al. 2023. Diggers of theoretical principles and healers of constitutional value pluralism: on the particular function of university legal education. In: Jirsa, J. ed. On Liberal Education and the Autopoiesis of Universities. Prague: Karolinum, pp. 109-128.
- Priban, J. 2023. Constitutional Imaginaries: a socio-legal perspective of political and societal constitutions. In: Hyden, H. et al. eds. Combining the Legal and the Social in Sociology of Law: An Homage to Reza Banakar. Oxford: Bloomsbury Hart Publishing, pp. 417-428., (10.5040/
- Priban, J. 2023. Imaginary of the imperium of prosperity and economic constitutionalism in the EU: A socio-legal perspective of spontaneity of the common market and its limits. In: Skordas, A., Halmai, G. and Mardikian, L. eds. Economic Constitutionalism in a Turbulent World. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 38-63.
- Priban, J. 2023. The eternal return to Central Europe. In: Kubicek, T. ed. A Kidnapped West: The Laboratory of Twilight. Brno: Moravian Library, pp. 91-109.
- Belov, M. et al. 2022. Imaginary of the rule of law as a force of societal transition: Central and East European lessons from European (dis)integration. In: Belov, M. ed. Rule of Law in Crisis: Constitutionalism in a State of Flux. Routledge Research in Public Law London: Routledge, pp. 67-88., (10.4324/9781003349501-6)
- Priban, J. 2022. Věčný návrat do střední Evropy [The eternal return to Central Europe]. In: Kubíček, T. ed. The Tragedy of the West: A Laboratory of the Twilight. [Únos Západu aneb laboratoř soumraku]. Brno: Moravská zemská knihovna, pp. 105-122.
- Priban, J. 2021. The paradoxical value of sovereignty in post-sovereign society. In: Santos Campos, A. and Cadilha, S. eds. Sovereignty as Value. London: Rowman & Littlefield, pp. 91-108.
- Priban, J. 2021. Constitutional theory and the imaginary of human rights. In: Urbanik, J. and Bodnár, A. eds. Law in a Time of Constitutional Crisis. Warsaw: C.H. Beck, pp. 555-566.
- Priban, J. 2020. Introduction to research handbook on the sociology of law. In: Priban, J. ed. Research Handbook on the Sociology of Law. [Research Handbook on the Sociology of Law]. Research Handbooks in Law and Society Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 1-5., (10.4337/9781789905182.00006)
- Priban, J. 2020. Sociology of the rule of law: power, legality and legitimacy. In: Priban, J. ed. Research Handbook on the Sociology of Law. [Research Handbook on the Sociology of Law]. Research Handbooks in Law and Society Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 110-123., (10.4337/9781789905182.00017)
- Priban, J. 2020. A social theory of constitutional imaginaries: beyond the unity of topos-ethnos-nomos and its European context. In: Belavusau, U. and Gliszczynska-Grabias, A. eds. Constitutionalism under Stress: Essays in Honour of Wojciech Sadurski. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 175-190.
- Priban, J. 2020. Normativity at large: on moral absolutism, legal relativism and social systems anti-normativism. In: Bezemek, C., Potacs, M. and Somek, A. eds. Vienna Lectures on Legal Philosophy, Volume 2: Normativism and Anti-Normativism in Law., Vol. 2. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 91-112., (10.5040/
- Priban, J. and Hvizdala, K. 2020. In quest of democratic values and identities in central European constitutionalism: on the post-1989 histories and politics in the Czech Republic. In: Mercescu, A. ed. Constitutional Identities in Central and Eastern Europe. Berlin: Peter Lang, pp. 37-57., (10.3726/b16593)
- Priban, J. 2019. Collective memory, constitutional polity and differentiation of modern society. In: Corrias, L. and Francot, L. eds. Temporal Boundaries of Law and Politics: Time Out of Joint. London: Routledge, pp. 149-169.
- Priban, J. 2019. The nation state's legitimation in post-national society: a social systems perspective of values in legality and power. In: Sadurski, W., Sevel, M. and Walton, K. eds. Legitimacy: The State and Beyond. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 137-157.
- Priban, J. 2018. Rozpad statu. In: Chmel, R. and Stehlik, M. eds. Moje Ceskoslovensko [My Czechoslovakia]. [Moje Ceskoslovensko]. Prague: Academia, pp. 179-188.
- Priban, J. 2018. The sociological concept of EU constitutional pluralism. In: Davies, G. and Avbelj, M. eds. Research Handbook on Legal Pluralism and EU Law. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 154-177.
- Priban, J. 2018. Constitutional sovereignty in post-sovereign Europe in crisis: A Central European perspective. In: Motoc, I., Albuquerque de, P. P. and Wojtyczek, K. eds. New Developments in Constitutional Law:Essays in Honour of Andras Sajo. The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, pp. 355-368.
- Priban, J. 2018. Zakonnost a legitimita: nezbytna, ale nemozna [Legality and Legitimacy: indispensable, yet impossible]. In: Agha, P. ed. Lidska prava v mezikulturnich perspektivach [Human Rights in Intercultural Perspectives]. Prague: Academia, pp. 139-150.
- Priban, J. 2017. Philip Selznick (1919-2010). In: Kritzer, G. ed. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: Wiley, (10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos0900)
- Priban, J. 2017. Politics of public knowledge in dealing with the past: post-communist experiences and some lessons from the Czech Republic. In: Belavusau, U. and Gliszczynska-Grabias, A. eds. Law and Memory. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, pp. 195-215., (10.1017/9781316986172)
- Priban, J. 2017. Anything to appreciate? a sociological view of the margin of rights and the persuasive force of their doctrines. In: Agha, P. ed. Human Rights Between Law and Politics: The Margin of Appreciation in Post-national Contexts. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 89-110.
- Priban, J. 2016. Resisting fear: on dissent and the solidarity of the shaken in contemporary European and global society. In: Tava, F. and Meacham, D. eds. Thinking After Europe: Jan Patocka and Politics. Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 39-56.
- Priban, J. 2016. The concept of self-limiting polity in EU constitutionalism: a systems theoretical outline. In: Priban, J. ed. Self-Constitution of European Society: Beyond EU Politics, Law and Governance. Applied Legal Philosophy Routledge, pp. 37-65.
- Priban, J. 2016. Introduction: on Europe’s crises and self-constitutions. In: Priban, J. ed. Self-Constitution of European Society: Beyond EU Politics, Law and Governance. Applied Legal Philosophy Routledge, pp. 1-10.
- Priban, J. 2016. On legal symbolism in symbolic legislation: a systems theoretical perspective. In: van Klink, B., van Beers, B. and Poort, L. eds. Symbolic Legislation Theory and Developments in Biolaw. Legisprudence Library Vol. 4. Springer, pp. 105-121.
- Priban, J. 2015. The concept of law in global societal constitutionalism. In: Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. eds. Exploring the 'Legal' in Socio-Legal Studies. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies Palgrave, pp. 57-79.
- Priban, J. 2015. Constitutional sovereignty in post-sovereign jurisprudence of the Czech Constitutional Court: from the Lisbon judgments to the Landtová Ultra Vires controversy. In: Bobek, M. ed. Central European Judges Under the European Influence: The Transformative Power of the EU Revisited. EU Law in the Member States Hart, pp. 323-348.
- Priban, J. 2015. Politika verejneho poznania a pravnej spravodlivosti pri vyrovnavani se s minulostou: postkomunisticke skusenosti a nedavne ponaucenia z Ceskej Republiky. In: Kvasničková, A. ed. Pamat v Transdisciplinarnej Perspektive. Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, pp. 30-59.
- Priban, J. 2015. Apotheosis now?!. In: Priban, J. and Rusnakova, K. eds. Apotheosis, Apocalypse, Apocryphon: Deified Nations, Deified Art. Walther König, pp. 17-24.
- Priban, J. and Rusnakova, K. 2015. Introduction. In: Priban, J. and Rusnakova, K. eds. Apotheosis, Apocalypse, Apocryphon: Deified Nations, Deified Art. Walther König, pp. 11-16.
- Priban, J. 2014. Polity as constitutional law's community: on the expressive function and symbolism of national and transnational constitutions. In: Nobles, R. and Schiff, D. eds. Law, Society and Community: Socio-Legal Essays in Honour of Roger Cotterrell. Ashgate, pp. 95-112.
- Priban, J. 2013. Lid versus ústava: systémová kritika pojmu ústavní odpovědnosti. In: Aleš, G. and Pavel, ?. eds. Odpovědnost V Demokratickém Právním Státě. Prague: Univerzita Karlova, pp. 33-42.
- Priban, J. 2012. Desiring a Democratic European Polity: The European Union Between the Constitutional Failure and the Lisbon Treaty. In: Blanke, H. and Mangiameli, S. eds. The European Union After Lisbon: Constituitonal Basis, Economic Order and External Action. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 71-91., (10.1007/978-3-642-19507-5_4)
- Priban, J. 2012. Medzi pravnou a politickou sebareferenciouo: o semantickej diferenciacii suverenity v debate medzi Kelsenom a Schmittom [Between Legal and Political Self-Reference: on the semantic differentiation of sovereignty in the Kelsen-Schmitt Debate]. In: Procházka, R. and Káčer, M. eds. De arte boni et aequi: pocta k životnému jubileu Alexandry Krskovej. Trnava: Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, pp. 117-139.
- Priban, J. 2012. Sebareferencna semantika a genealogia suverenity: europske skusenosti, globalne zmeny [The Self-Referential Semantics and Genealogy of Sovereignty: European Experiences, Global Changes]. In: Procházka, R. and Káčer, M. eds. Exemplo Ducti. Trnava: Typi Universitatis Tyrnaviensis, pp. 117-132.
- Priban, J. 2012. On the social theory of restorative justice. In: Miers, D. and Aertsen, I. eds. Regulating Restorative Justice: A Comparative Study of Legislative Provision in European Countries. Studies in Criminology and Forensic Sciences Vol. 2. Verlag fuer Polizeiwissenschaft, pp. 14-28.
- Priban, J. 2011. Lesk a bída právního pozitivismu [We are all positivists, now]. In: Priban, J. and Holländer, P. eds. Právo a dobro v ústavní demokracii: Polemické a kritické úvahy. Sociologicke aktuality Prague: SLON-Sociologicke nakladatelstvi, pp. 27-34.
- Priban, J. 2011. O dobru a spravedlnosti: odpověď Pavlu Holländerovi [On Good and Justice: a reply to Pavel Holländer]. In: Priban, J. and Holländer, P. eds. Právo a dobro v ústavní demokracii: Polemické a kritické úvahy. Sociologicke aktuality Prague: SLON-Sociologicke nakladatelstvi, pp. 42-47.
- Priban, J. 2010. Constituting the heterarchy of European constitutionalism in the EU’s new member states. In: Febbrajo, A. and Sadurski, W. eds. Central and Eastern Europe After Transition: Towards a New Socio-legal Semantics. Studies in Modern Law and Policy Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 13-34.
- Priban, J. 2010. Legal flexibility, governance and differentiated integration: on functional differentiation of EU law and politics. In: Dyson, K. H. F. and Sepos, A. eds. Which Europe? The Politics of Differentiated Integration. Palgrave Studies in European Union Politics New York: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 24-38.
- Finkielkraut, A., Černý, A., Priban, J. and Vernet, D. 2009. The EU: with or without borders?. In: Rupnik, J. and Berthon, J. eds. Dialogues sur l’Europe. Prague: Centre Français de Recherche en Sciences Sociales (CEFRES), pp. 95-100.
- Breda, V. 2007. Constitutional identities in a liquid society. In: Priban, J. ed. Liquid Society and Its Law. Applied Legal Philosophy Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 153-170.
- Priban, J. 2003. Constitutional justice and retroactivity of laws in postcommunist central Europe. In: Priban, J., Roberts, P. I. and Young, J. R. eds. Systems of Justice in Transition: Central European Experiences Since 1989. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 29-49.
- Priban, J. and Roberts, P. I. 2003. The central European systems of justice in transition: introductory remarks. In: Priban, J., Roberts, P. I. and Young, J. Y. eds. Systems of Justice in Transition: Central European Experiences Since 1989. Aldershot: Ashgate, pp. 1-10.
- Priban, J. 2002. Sharing the paradigms? Critical legal studies and the sociology of law. In: Banakar, R. and Travers, M. eds. An Introduction to Law and Social Theory. Oxford: Hart, pp. 119-133.
- Priban, J. 2002. Judicial power vs. democratic representation: the culture of constitutionalism and human rights in the Czech legal system. In: Sadurski, W. ed. Constitutional Justice, East and West: Democratic Legitimacy and Constitutional Courts in Post-Communist Europe in a Comparative Perspective. Law and Philosophy Library Vol. 62. The Hague: Kluwer Law International, pp. 373-394.
- Priban, J. 2001. La législation entre révolution et État de droit: le cas des lustrations [Legislation between revolution and rule of law: the case of lustration]. In: Mink, G. ed. Mémoires du Communisme en Europe Centrale [Remembering Communism in Central Europe]. Cahiers du CEFRES Vol. 26. Prague: CEFRES, pp. 41-69.
- Priban, J. 2024. Sázka na svobodu [A Gamble of Liberty]. [Sázka na svobodu [A Gamble of Liberty]]. Prague: Karolinum.
- Priban, J. and Hvížďala, K. 2023. Hledání smyslu [In Quest of Meaning]. [Hledání smyslu]. Prague: Karolinum.
- Priban, J. 2021. Constitutional Imaginaries: A Theory of European Societal Constitutionalism. [Constitutional Imaginaries: A Theory of European Societal Constitutionalism]. London: Routledge.
- Priban, J. and Hvížďala, K. 2021. Hledání odpovědnosti [In Quest of Responsibility]. [Hledání odpovědnosti]. Prague: Karolinum.
- Priban, J. ed. 2020. Research handbook on the sociology of law. Research Handbooks in Law and Society. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. (10.4337/9781789905182)
- Priban, J. and Hvizdala, K. 2019. In quest of history: on Czech statehood and identity. Vaclav Havel Series. Prague/Chicago: Karolinum Press/University of Chicago Press.
- Priban, J. and Hvížďala, K. 2018. Hledání dějin: o české státnosti a identitě [In Quest of History: on Czech statehood and identity]. [Hledání dějin: o české státnosti a identitě]. Prague: Karolinum.
- Priban, J. 2018. The defence of constitutionalism: the Czech question in post-national Europe. Vaclav Havel Series. Prague/Chicago: Karolinum Press/University of Chicago Press.
- Priban, J. ed. 2016. Self-constitution of European society: Beyond EU politics, law and governance. Applied Legal Philosophy. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Priban, J. ed. 2015. Lidská práva: (ne)smysl české politiky? [Human rights - (non)sense of Czech politics?]. Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON.
- Priban, J. 2015. Sovereignty in post-sovereign society: A systems theory of European constitutionalism. Applied Legal Philosophy. Farnham: Taylor and Francis. (10.4324/9781315610085)
- Priban, J. and Rusnakova, K. eds. 2015. Apotheosis, apocalypse, apocryphon: Deified nations, deified art. Walther König.
- Schwartz, G., Priban, J. and Severo Rocha, L. 2015. Sociologia sistemico-autopoietica das constituicoes. Livraria Do Advogado Editora.
- Priban, J. 2014. Obrana ústavnosti aneb česká otázka v postnacionální Evropě (In defense of constitutionalism: on the "Czech Question" in post-national Europe). [Obrana ústavnosti aneb česká otázka v postnacionální Evropě]. Sociologické aktuality. Prague: Sociologické nakladatelství SLON.
- Priban, J. 2013. Pictures of Czech Postmodernism. KANT Publishing.
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- Priban, J. 2013. Book Review/Response: Paul Blokker, Jiri Priban and Bogusia Puchalska on civic constitutionalism. [Online]. Oxford University Press. Available at:
Meysydd ymchwil:
- damcaniaeth gymdeithasol ac athroniaeth y gyfraith; Theori'r gyfraith systemau
- y gyfraith, moeseg a gwerthoedd cymdeithasol
- cyfreithlondeb a chyfreithlondeb
- theori gyfansoddiadol, cyfansoddiad yr UE
- Cyfiawnder cymdeithasol ac anghydffurfiaeth wleidyddol
Prosiectau ymchwil cyfredol:
Prosiect ymchwil I: Dychymyg a Damcaniaethau Cyfansoddiadol Cyfansoddiadol Ewropeaidd
Prosiect ymchwil II: Athroniaeth Gymdeithasol Cyfreithlondeb a Lluosogaeth Gwerth
Prosiect ymchwil III: Cyfiawnder Cymdeithasol, Anghydffurfiaeth Wleidyddol a Grym y Di-rym
Yn ystod fy ngyrfa academaidd, roeddwn i'n addysgu cyrsiau israddedig a meistr a goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD yng Nghaerdydd, Prague ac mewn nifer o brifysgolion a chanolfannau ymchwil yn Ewrop a ledled y byd.
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n arweinydd modiwl ar gwrs israddedig Cymdeithaseg y Gyfraith a'r cyrsiau ôl-raddedig Theori Gyfreithiol a'r Cyfansoddiad Cymharol ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd. I gydnabod fy rhinweddau addysgu, cefais fy enwebu ar gyfer Gwobr Cyfoethogi Bywyd Myfyrwyr y Brifysgol. Ar ben hynny, rwy'n addysgu mewn cyrsiau ôl-raddedig sy'n canolbwyntio ar fethodoleg a themâu cymdeithasol-gyfreithiol.
Cyd-drefnais a chyfrannodd at y dosbarthiadau meistr cymdeithasol-gyfreithiol mewn cydweithrediad â Linda Mulcahy ac Ysgol Economeg Llundain, Phil Thomas a Journal of Law and Society, y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol-Gyfreithiol, a Phartneriaeth Hyfforddiant Doethurol ESRC Cymru.
Dysgais gyrsiau israddedig mewn cymdeithaseg cyfraith a chyfreitheg yn y Weriniaeth Tsiec ac Unol Daleithiau America.
Am nifer o flynyddoedd, bûm hefyd yn dysgu yn y rhaglen Cymdeithaseg y Gyfraith ôl-raddedig yn y Sefydliad Rhyngwladol ar gyfer Cymdeithaseg y Gyfraith, yn Onati, Gwlad y Basg, Sbaen, ac yn Ysgol Haf Ryngwladol Cymdeithaseg y Gyfraith yn Fermo yn yr Eidal.
Ar ben hynny, dysgais ddosbarthiadau hawliau dynol yn Ysgol Haf Academi Cyfraith Ewrop yn Fflorens, yr Eidal.
Ar wahân i fyfyrwyr PhD ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, goruchwyliais ac archwiliais fyfyrwyr ym Mhrifysgol Canol Ewrop yn Budapest, Hwngari, Sefydliad y Brifysgol Ewropeaidd yn Fflorens, yr Eidal, Prifysgol Antwerp yng Ngwlad Belg a Phrifysgol Sydney yn Awstralia, Prifysgol Charles ym Mhrâg, yr Ysgol Celfyddydau a Dylunio Cain ym Mhrâg a Phrifysgol Masaryk ym Mro yn y Weriniaeth Tsiec.
Addysg a Chymwysterau:
1985-1989 Astudiaethau Cyfraith, Cyfadran y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Charles, Prague
1989 PhD Yn y Gyfraith a Jurisprudence, Prifysgol Charles, Prague
2001 LL.D. (DSc.) Yn Theori Gyfreithiol a Chymdeithaseg y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Charles, Prague
2002 Athro Theori Gyfreithiol, Athroniaeth a Chymdeithaseg, Prifysgol Charles,
2006 Athro'r Gyfraith, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Gwobrau dethol mawr
- Gwobr Llyfr Theori Gymdeithasol-Gyfreithiol a Hanes gan y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol-Gyfreithiol, 2016, ar gyfer y llyfr Sovereignty in Post-Sovereign Society: A Systems Theory of European Constitutionalism (Ashgate, 2015)
- Enwebwyd gan Lysgenhadaeth y Weriniaeth Tsiec yn Llundain ar gyfer Gwobr Gratias Agit y Weinyddiaeth Materion Tramor yn 2015
- Gwobr Torso Gobaith am gyfrannu at ddatblygu democratiaeth a chymdeithas sifil; a ddyfarnwyd gan y Nadační fond angažovaných nestraníků [The Non-Party Activists Foundation] gyda Llyfrgell Genedlaethol y Weriniaeth Tsiec yn 2014 ar gyfer y llyfr Tyranizovaná spravedlnost [Cyfiawnder Tyrannised]
- Gwobr Dominik Tatarka am y llyfr gorau yn 2013, Slofacia, (aelod o'r tîm o awduron sydd wedi'u cynnwys yn y llyfr gwobrwyedig Odkial a Kam)
- Gwobr Erthygl Gymdeithasol-Gyfreithiol Hart gan y Gymdeithas Astudiaethau Cymdeithasol-Gyfreithiol, 2005, am yr erthygl 'Ailgyfansoddi paradwys a gollwyd: temporality, gwareidd-dra ac ethnigrwydd wrth wneud cyfansoddiad ôl-gomiwnyddol' (2004) Law and Society Review 38(3), tt. 407–31
- Gwobr Josef Hlávka ar gyfer ysgolheigion ar ddechrau eu gyrfa, Prague, y Weriniaeth Tsiec
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Aelodaeth ddethol
- Aelod o'r Bwrdd Cynghori Rhyngwladol i Gyngor Gwyddoniaeth, Ymchwil ac Arloesi Llywodraeth y Weriniaeth Tsiec ers 2016
- Aelod o Fwrdd Asesu Ymchwil Rhyngwladol Academi Gwyddorau Tsiec yn 2015-2016 a 2020-2021
- Aelod o Fwrdd Cynghori Cyn-fyfyrwyr Prifysgol Charles, ers 2014
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
1990 Darlithydd, Cyfadran y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Charles, Prague, Y Weriniaeth Tsiec
1992 Uwch Ddarlithydd, Cyfadran y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Charles, Prague, Gweriniaeth Tsiec
Cymrawd Ymchwil 1996/7 , Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
1997 Athro Cyswllt (Dozent), Cyfadran y Gyfraith, Prifysgol Charles, Prague, Gweriniaeth Tsiec
1998 Darlithydd Rhan Amser, Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2001 Darlithydd Llawn Amser, Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2003 Uwch Ddarlithydd, Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2005 Darllenydd, Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
2006 Athro, Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Rwy'n croesawu ceisiadau PhD ym meysydd damcaniaeth gyfreithiol, athroniaeth a chymdeithaseg, astudiaethau cymdeithasol-gyfreithiol, theori gyfansoddiadol, cyfansoddiadaeth Ewropeaidd a hawliau dynol.
Contact Details
+44 29208 76819
Adeilad y Gyfraith, Ystafell 3.06b, Rhodfa'r Amgueddfa, Caerdydd, CF10 3AX