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Jiri Priban

Professor Jiri Priban

Professor of Law


Jiří Přibáň graduated from Charles University in Prague (1989) where he was appointed professor of legal theory, philosophy and sociology in 2002. He was also visiting professor or scholar at European University Institute in Florence, New York University (Prague Office), University of California in Berkeley, University of San Francisco, University of Pretoria, The Flemish Academy in Brussels and University of New South Wales, Sydney. Jiří Přibáň has published extensively in the areas of social theory and sociology of law, legal philosophy, constitutional and European comparative law, and theory of human rights. His monograph Sovereignty in Post-Sovereign Society (Routledge) was awarded the SLSA Socio-Legal Theory and History Book Prize. His article ‘Reconstituting paradise lost: temporality, civility and ethnicity in post-communist constitution-making’, published in Law&Society Review, won the SLSA Hart Socio-Legal Article Prize. He is the founding director of the Centre of Law and Society and an editor of the Journal of Law and Society. He regularly contributes to the Czech and international media.



























Book sections





Research areas:

- social theory and philosophy of law; systems theory of law

- law, ethics and social values

- legitimacy and legality

- constitutional theory, EU constitutionalism

- social justice and political dissent

Current research projects:

Research project I: Constitutional Imaginaries and Theories of European Societal Constitutionalism

Research project II: A Social Philosophy of Legitimacy and Value Pluralism

Research project III: Social Justice, Political Dissent and the Power of the Powerless


During my academic career, I was teaching undergraduate and masters level courses and supervised Ph.D. students in Cardiff, Prague and at a number of universities and research centres in Europe and worldwide.

I am currently a module leader of the Sociology of Law undergraduate course and the Legal Theory and the Comparative Constitutionalism postgraduate courses at Cardiff University. In recognition of my teaching qualities, I was nominated for the University’s Enrichment of Student Life Award. Furthermore, I teach in postgraduate courses focusing on socio-legal methodology and themes.

I co-organised and contributed to the socio-legal masterclasses in collaboration with Linda Mulcahy and the London School of Economics, Phil Thomas and the Journal of Law and Society, the Socio-Legal Studies Association, and the Wales ESRC Doctoral Training Partnership.

I taught undergraduate courses in sociology of law and jurisprudence in the Czech Republic and the United States of America.

For a number of years, I also taught in the postgraduate sociology of law programme at the International Institute for the Sociology of Law, in Onati, the Basque Country, Spain, and at the International Summer School of the Sociology of Law in Fermo in Italy.

Furthermore, I taught human rights classes at the Academy of European Law Summer School in Florence, Italy.

Apart from Ph.D. students at Cardiff University, I also supervised and examined students at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary, the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, the Antwerp University in Belgium and the University of Sydney in Australia, the Charles University in Prague, the School of Fine Arts and Design in Prague and the Masaryk University in Brno in the Czech Republic.


Education and Qualifications:

1985-1989      Law Studies, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague

1989                Ph.D. In Law and Jurisprudence, Charles University, Prague

2001                LL.D. (DSc.) In Legal Theory and Sociology of Law, Charles University, Prague

2002                Professor of Legal Theory, Philosophy and Sociology, Charles University,

2006                Professor of Law, Cardiff University

Honours and awards

Major selected prizes

  • The Socio-Legal Theory and History Book Prize by the Socio-Legal Studies Association, 2016, for the book Sovereignty in Post-Sovereign Society: A Systems Theory of European Constitutionalism (Ashgate, 2015)
  • Nominated by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in London for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’s Gratias Agit Prize in 2015
  • The Torso of Hope Prize for contributing to the development of democracy and civil society; awarded by the Nadační fond angažovaných nestraníků [The Non-Party Activists Foundation] with the National Library of the Czech Republic in 2014 for the book Tyranizovaná spravedlnost [Justice Tyrannised]
  • The Dominik Tatarka Prize for the best book of 2013, Slovakia, (member of the team of authors included in the awarded book Odkial a Kam)
  • The Hart Socio-Legal Article Prize by the Socio-Legal Studies Association, 2005, for the article ‘Reconstituting paradise lost: temporality, civility and ethnicity in post-communist constitution-making’ (2004) Law and Society Review 38(3), pp. 407–31
  • The Josef Hlávka Prize for early career scholars, Prague, the Czech Republic

Professional memberships

Selected memberships

  • Member of the International Advisory Board to the Council of Science, Research and Innovation of Government of the Czech Republic since 2016
  • Member of the International Research Assessment Board of the Czech Academy of Sciences in 2015-2016 and 2020-2021
  • Member of the Alumni Advisory Board of Charles University, since 2014

Academic positions

1990               Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague, The Czech Republic

1992                Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

1996/7             Research Fellow, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University

1997                Associate Professor (Dozent), Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

1998                Part-Time Lecturer, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University

2001                Full-Time Lecturer, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University

2003                Senior Lecturer, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University

2005                Reader, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University

2006                Professor, Cardiff Law School, Cardiff University


I welcome PhD applications in the areas of legal theory, philosophy and sociology, socio-legal studies, constitutional theory, European constitutionalism and human rights.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76819
Campuses Law Building, Room 3.06b, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX