Emma Renold is Professor in Childhood Studies at the School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University, Wales. She is the author of Girls, Boys and Junior Sexualities (2005), the co-founder of and was co-editor of the journal Gender and Education (2006-2012). Working with feminist, queer and post-constructionist theories her research explores young gendered and sexual subjectivities across diverse institutional sites and public spaces. Her current research projects include:
- exploration of bodies, affect, subjectivity and movement in a community multi-media ethnography of girls$acirc; and boys$acirc; negotiations of place and space in a semi-rural post-industrial locale - KLiC Project $acirc; Young People and Place.
- qualitative exploration of pre-teen sexualities and relationship cultures (age 10-13) in rural and urban south wales.
Research interests include:
Participatory methodologies with children and young people$acirc; ¨Ethnography, creative methods, multi-media/multi-sensory, critical reflexivity, psycho-social.
Young masculinities, femininities and sexualities$acirc; ¨Subjectivity; relationship cultures; sexualisation debates; gender and education; 'real'/virtual socialities; locality and spatiality.
Marginalisation, pathologisation and young abject subjects$acirc; ¨Children in/ leaving care; children, social class and poverty; gendered/sexualised bullying and violence.
Critical theory$acirc; ¨New materialist feminist theory, queer theory, feminist post-constructionist, post-humanist.
Research produced by Professor Renold also featured in the February 2012 edition of Cardiff News, where she discusses the impact that an increasingly sexualised culture has on young people, particularly young girls from the South Wales Valleys. An electronic version of the article is available here.
Current Writing
"Hold her down!": exploring the gaming of gender and sexual violence in between boys and girls in the early years (with Naomi Holford and Tuija Huuki)
What can a kiss do?: theorizing the power plays in young children$acirc; s sexual cultures (with Naomi Holford, Open University and Tuija Huuki, University of Oulu)
Transversal subjectivity: Applying Deleuze and Guattari's BwO to theorise a young girl's becoming in a post industrial locale (with Gabrielle Ivinson, School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University)
$acirc; F**k rape!$acirc; : Exploring affective intensities in a feminist research assemblage (with Jessica Ringrose, Institute of Education, University of London)
Current Research
Young Sexualities, Equalities and Well-Being (funded by Cardiff University, NSPCC, Children$acirc; s Commissioner$acirc; s Office for Wales)
Current ESRC Seminar Series
Forthcoming Special Issues
Feminism, Contemporary Girlhood and $acirc; Sexualization$acirc; , Feminist Theory (2013)
ESRC Seminar series: 'Pornified? Complicating the debates about the sexualisation of culture'
Seminar 5: Girls, Sexuality and Sexualisation: Beyond spectacle and sensationalism.
Dr Emma Renold and Dr. Jessica Ringrose, Institute of Education, University of London:
Theorising and researching teen-girls$acirc; sexual cultures in an era of $acirc; sexualisation$acirc; : beyond the moral panic.
- Renold, E. and Timperley, V. 2024. UnboXing relationships and sexuality education with a phEmaterialist arts-activist praxis. Gender and Education 36(8), pp. 920-947. (10.1080/09540253.2024.2370271)
- Renold, E., Bragg, S., Ringrose, J., Milne, B., McGeeney, E. and Timperley, V. 2024. Attune, animate and amplify: Creating youth voice assemblages in pARTicipatory sexuality education research. Children & Society (10.1111/chso.12862)
- Renold, E. 2024. Underneath the black feathers: unboXing the more-than of gender identity with art-as-passageway. In: Gannon, S., Pasley, A. and Osgood, J. eds. Gender Un/Bound: Traversing Educational Possibilities. Routledge
- Renold, E. J. and Timperley, V. 2023. Once upon a crush story: transforming relationships and sexuality education with a postqualitative art-ful praxis. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning 23(3), pp. 304-314. (10.1080/14681811.2022.2090915)
- Ivinson, G. M. and Renold, E. 2022. Emplaced activism: what-if environmental education attuned to young people?s entanglements with post-industrial landscapes?. Australian Journal of Environmental Education 38(3-4), pp. 415-430. (10.1017/aee.2022.41)
- Renold, E. J. and Ivinson, G. 2022. Posthuman co-production: becoming response-able with what matters. Qualitative Research Journal 22(1), pp. 108-128. (10.1108/QRJ-01-2021-0005)
- Ivinson, G. and Renold, E. 2021. What more do bodies know? Moving with the gendered affects of place. Body and Society 27(1), pp. 85-112. (10.1177/1357034X20923017)
- Renold, E., Ashton, M. R. and McGeeney, E. 2021. What if?: becoming response-able with the making and mattering of a new relationships and sexuality education curriculum. Professional Development in Education 47(2/3), pp. 538-555. (10.1080/19415257.2021.1891956)
- Renold, E., Edwards, V. and Huuki, T. 2020. Becoming eventful: making the ‘more-than’ of a youth activist conference matter. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 25(3), pp. 441-464. (10.1080/13569783.2020.1767562)
- Ivinson, G. and Renold, E. 2020. Moving with the folds of time and place: exploring gut reactions in speculative transdisciplinary research with teen girls in a post-industrial community. In: Taylor, C. A., Ulmer, J. and Hughes, C. eds. Transdisciplinary Feminist Research Innovations in Theory, Method and Practice. Routledge Research in Gender and Society London: Routledge
- Renold, E., Ivinson, G., Thomas, G. and Elliott, E. 2020. The making, mapping and mobilising in Merthyr project: young people, research and arts-activism in a post-industrial place. In: McDermont, M. et al. eds. Imagining Regulation Differently: Co-Creating Regulation for Engagement. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 127-144.
- Renold, E. 2020. "Coming out": Gender, (hetero)sexuality and the primary school. In: Dean, J. J. and Fischer, N. L. eds. Routledge International Handbook of Heterosexualities Studies. Routledge International Handbooks Routledge, pp. 122-138.
- Renold, E. and Marston, K. 2020. Research to reflect on: The power of creative methods for talking about sensitive issues with young people. Documentation. National Education Union.
- Renold, E. 2019. Becoming AGENDA: the making and mattering of a youth activist resource on gender and sexual violence. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 10(2-3), pp. 208-241. (10.7577/rerm.3677)
- Renold, E. and Ivinson, G. 2019. Anticipating the more-than: working with prehension in artful interventions with young people in a post-industrial community. Futures 112, article number: 102428. (10.1016/j.futures.2019.05.006)
- Renold, E. 2019. Ruler-skirt risings: Becoming crafty with how gender and sexuality education research-activisms can come to matter. In: Jones, T., Coll, L. and Taylor, Y. eds. Uplifting Gender and Sexuality Education Research. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115-140., (10.1007/978-3-030-24205-3_6)
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2019. Selfies, relfies, and phallic tagging: Posthuman participations in teen digital sexuality assemblages. In: Jackson, L. and Peters, M. A. eds. From ‘Aggressive Masculinity’ to ‘Rape Culture’: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Gender and Sexualities Reader, Volume V. Educational Philosophy and Theory: Editor's Choice London and New York: Routledge, pp. 182-201.
- Renold, E. 2019. Primary AGENDA: Supporting children in making positive relationships matter.. Cardiff: Cardiff University, Children’s Commissioner for Wales, NSPCC Cymru/Wales, and Welsh Women’s Aid.
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2019. JARing: making phematerialist research practices matter. MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture 4
- Thomas, G. M., Elliott, E., Exley, E., Ivinson, G. and Renold, E. 2018. Light, connectivity, and place: young people living in a post-industrial town. cultural geographies 25(4), pp. 537-551. (10.1177/1474474018762811)
- Bragg, S., Renold, E., Ringrose, J. and Jackson, C. 2018. 'More than boy, girl, male, female': Exploring young people's views on gender diversity within and beyond school contexts. Sex Education 18(4), pp. 420-434. (10.1080/14681811.2018.1439373)
- Renold, E. 2018. 'Feel what I feel': making da(r)ta with teen girls for creative activisms on how sexual violence matters. Journal of Gender Studies 27(1), pp. 37-55. (10.1080/09589236.2017.1296352)
- Libby, ., Georgia, ., Chloe, ., Courtney, ., Olivia, ., Rhiannon, . and Renold, E. 2018. Making our feelings matters: using creative methods to re-assemble the rules on healthy relationships education in Wales. In: Lombard, N. ed. The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Violence. London and New York: Taylor and Francis, pp. 303-319.
- Renold, E. and McGeeney, E. 2017. Dyfodol y Cwricwlwm Addysg Rhyw a Pherthnasoedd yng Nghymru: Argymhellion y Panel o Arbenigwyr Addysg Rhyw a Pherthnasoedd Rhagfyr. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Renold, E. and McGeeney, E. 2017. The future of the sex and relationships education curriculum in Wales: Recommendations of the Sex and Relationships Education Expert Panel.. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Renold, E. and McGeeney, E. 2017. Informing the future of the Sex and Relationships Education Curriculum in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Renold, E., Bragg, S., Jackson, C. and Ringrose, J. 2017. How gender matters to children and young people living in England. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2016. Selfies, relfies and phallic tagging: posthuman part-icipations in teen digital sexuality assemblages. Educational Philosophy and Theory 49(11), pp. 1066-1079. (10.1080/00131857.2016.1185686)
- Huuki, T. and Renold, E. 2016. Crush: mapping historical, material and affective force relations in young children's hetero-sexual playground play. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 37(5), pp. 754-769. (10.1080/01596306.2015.1075730)
- Renold, E. and Ivinson, G. 2015. Mud, mermaids and burnt wedding dresses: mapping queer becomings in teen girls’ talk on living with gender and sexual violence. In: Renold, E., Ringrose, J. and Egan, D. eds. Children, Sexuality and Sexualization. AIAA, pp. 239-258.
- Adam, B. E. et al. 2014. Promise through the lens of time. Presented at: Futures in Question, Goldsmiths, University of London, 11-12 September 2014.
- Ringrose, J. and Renold, E. 2014. 'F**k Rape!': Exploring affective intensities in a feminist research assemblage. Qualitative Inquiry 20(6), pp. 772-780. (10.1177/1077800414530261)
- Renold, E. and Ivinson, G. 2014. Horse-girl assemblages: towards a post-human cartography of girls' desire in an ex-mining valleys community. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 35(3), pp. 361-376. (10.1080/01596306.2014.888841)
- Ivinson, G. M. and Renold, E. 2013. Valleys' girls: re-theorising bodies and agency in a semi-rural post-industrial locale. Gender and Education 25(6), pp. 704-721. (10.1080/09540253.2013.827372)
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2012. Phallic girls?: girls’ negotiations of phallogocentric power. In: Landreau, J. C. and Rodriguez, N. M. eds. Queer Masculinities: a Critical Reader in Education. Explorations of Educational Purpose Vol. 21. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, pp. 47-67., (10.1007/978-94-007-2552-2_4)
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2011. Schizoid subjectivities? Re-theorizing teen girls' sexual cultures in an era of 'sexualization'. Journal of Sociology 47(4), pp. 389-409. (10.1177/1440783311420792)
- Ross, N., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2011. Meaningful meanderings: using mobile methods to research young people’s everyday lives. In: Heath, S. and Walker, C. eds. Innovations in youth research. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 37-57.
- Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N. J. and Hillman, A. 2011. 'Becoming participant': problematising 'informed consent' in participatory research with young people in care. In: Atkinson, P. A. and Delamont, K. S. eds. SAGE Qualitative Research Methods., Vol. 4. London: Sage, pp. 55-74.
- Ross, N. J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2011. Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care. In: Coffey, A. J. and Hall, T. A. eds. Researching Young People., Vol. 1. Fundamentals of Applied Research London: Sage, pp. 123-140.
- Ringrose, J. and Renold, E. 2010. Boys, girls and normative violence in schools: a gendered critique of bully discourses. In: Barter, C. and Berridge, D. eds. Children Behaving Badly?: Peer Violence Between Children and Young People. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 181-198., (10.1002/9780470976586.ch13)
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2010. Power, agency and participatory agendas: A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative qualitative research. Childhood 17(3), pp. 360-375. (10.1177/0907568210369310)
- Ringrose, J. and Renold, E. 2010. Normative cruelties and gender deviants: the performative effects of bully discourses for girls and boys in school. British Educational Research Journal 36(4), pp. 573-596. (10.1080/01411920903018117)
- Ross, N. J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2009. Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care. Qualitative Research 9(5), pp. 605-623. (10.1177/1468794109343629)
- Ivinson, G. M. and Renold, E. 2009. Whose 'gender agenda'?: a feminist response to the DfCSF’s appropriation of gender in their achievement agenda. Presented at: Gender and Education Conference, London, UK, 12 - 14 May 2009.
- Renold, E. 2009. Tomboys and 'female masculinity': (dis)embodying hegemonic masculinity, queering gender identities and relations. In: Martino, W., Kehler, M. D. and Weaver-Hightower, M. B. eds. The Problem With Boys' Education: Beyond the Backlash. New York: Routledge, pp. 224-241.
- Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2008. 'Becoming participant': problematizing 'informed consent' in participatory research with young people in care. Qualitative Social Work 7(4), pp. 427-447. (10.1177/1473325008097139)
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2008. Regulation and rupture: Mapping tween and teenage girls' resistance to the heterosexual matrix. Feminist Theory 9(3), pp. 313-338. (10.1177/1464700108095854)
- Wiles, R., Prosser, J., Bagnoli, A., Clark, A., Davies, K., Holland, S. and Renold, E. 2008. Visual ethics: ethical issues in visual research. Working paper. National Centre for Research Methods,. Available at:
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2008. Mapping ‘resistances’ to regulative heteronormativity: methodological challenges in researching young marginalised femininities. Presented at: Symposia: Problematising the methodological terrain: The limits and possibilities of posts The limits and possibilities of post structural ethnographic research on young non/normative sexualities in educational settings, British Educuation RA, Edinburgh, UK, 3 - 8 September 2008.
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2008. Critical openings: Girls rupturing the heterosexual matrix and heteronormative femininity in UK schools. Presented at: International Conference in Critical Psychology, Cultural Studies and Social Theory, Cardiff, UK, 27- 29 June 2008 Presented at Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. eds.
- Renold, E. and Ross, N. 2008. "Look at my eyes, they’re lush”: representing mediated identities in longitudinal participatory research with children and young people in public care. Advancing the use of visual methods in researching children’s cultures. Presented at: Advancing the Use of Visual Methods in Research on Children’s Cultures Seminar, Cardiff University, UK, 16 April 2008.
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2008. Rights, ‘right on’ or the right thing to do? A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative social work research. Working paper. ERSC National Centre for Reseacrh Methods. Available at:
- Ringrose, J. and Renold, E. 2008. Regulation and resistance?: Exploring postfeminist discourses of girlhood and girls’ negotiations of heteronormative femininity. Presented at: Symposia - Rethinking Resistance and Agency: What Comes After Girl Power? American Education Research Association, New York, USA, 22 - 28 March 2008.
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2008. Regulation and rupture: Mapping tween and teenage girls' resistance to the heterosexual matrix. Presented at: London Sexuality Forum, London, UK, 26th February 2008.
- Renold, E. 2008. Queering masculinity: Re-theorising contemporary tomboyism in the schizoid space of innocent/heterosexualized young femininities. Girlhood Studies 1(2), pp. 129-151. (10.3167/ghs.2008.010208)
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. J. and Hillman, A. 2008. The everyday lives of children in care: using a sociological perspective to inform social work practice. In: Luckock, B. and Lefevre, M. eds. Direct work: social work with children and young people in care. London: British Association for Adoption & Fostering, pp. 77-94.
- Ross, N., Holland, S., Renold, E. and Hillman, A. 2008. The multi-sensory experiences of mobile research encounters. Presented at: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford, 30 June - 3 July 2008.
- Renold, E. 2007. Tomboys. In: Mitchell, C. A. and Reid-Walsh, J. eds. Girl Culture: An Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group
- Renold, E. 2006. "They won't let us play unless you're going out with one of them": Girls, boys and Butler's 'Heterosexual Matrix' in the primary years. British Journal of Sociology of Education 27(4), pp. 489-509. (10.1080/01425690600803111)
- Coffey, A. J., Renold, E., Dicks, B., Soyinka, B. L. and Mason, B. L. 2006. Hypermedia ethnography in educational settings. Ethnography and Education 1(1), pp. 15-30. (10.1080/17457820500512721)
- Renold, E. 2005. Girls, boys and junior sexualities: exploring children's gender and sexual relations in the primary school. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Barter, C., Renold, E., Cawson, P. and Berridge, D. 2004. Peer violence in children's residential care. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Williams, M. L., Mason, B. and Renold, E. 2004. Using computers in qualitative research: a review of software packages. Building Research Capacity 7, pp. 4-7.
- Pill, R., Wood, F., Renold, E., Robling, M., Edwards, A. and Wilkinson, C. 2003. Welsh women's comments about breast problems and the care given: a qualitative study in the community. European Journal of Cancer Care 12(3), pp. 240-248. (10.1046/j.1365-2354.2003.00407.x)
- Pill, R., Wood, F. C., Renold, E., Robling, M. R., Edwards, A. G. and Wilkinson, C. E. 2003. Welsh women’s comments about breast problems and the care given: a qualitative study in the community. European Journal of Cancer Care 12(3), pp. 240-248.
- Renold, E. 2003. 'If You Don't Kiss Me, You're Dumped': Boys, boyfriends and heterosexualised masculinities in the primary school. Educational Review 55(2), pp. 179-194. (10.1080/0013191032000072218)
- Renold, E. 2002. Presumed Innocence: (Hetero)Sexual, Homophobic and Heterosexist Harassment amongst Primary School Girls and Boys. Childhood 9(4), pp. 415-434. (10.1177/0907568202009004004)
- Gorard, S., Crozier, R. and Renold, E. 2002. What can we learn from educational research? The implications of work from the Cardiff University School of Social Sciences: the 5* educational research centre with a wider social science perspective. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Renold, E. 2000. 'Coming out': Gender, (hetero)sexuality and the primary school. Gender and Education 12(3), pp. 309-326. (10.1080/713668299)
- Renold, E. and Timperley, V. 2024. UnboXing relationships and sexuality education with a phEmaterialist arts-activist praxis. Gender and Education 36(8), pp. 920-947. (10.1080/09540253.2024.2370271)
- Renold, E., Bragg, S., Ringrose, J., Milne, B., McGeeney, E. and Timperley, V. 2024. Attune, animate and amplify: Creating youth voice assemblages in pARTicipatory sexuality education research. Children & Society (10.1111/chso.12862)
- Renold, E. J. and Timperley, V. 2023. Once upon a crush story: transforming relationships and sexuality education with a postqualitative art-ful praxis. Sex Education: Sexuality, Society and Learning 23(3), pp. 304-314. (10.1080/14681811.2022.2090915)
- Ivinson, G. M. and Renold, E. 2022. Emplaced activism: what-if environmental education attuned to young people?s entanglements with post-industrial landscapes?. Australian Journal of Environmental Education 38(3-4), pp. 415-430. (10.1017/aee.2022.41)
- Renold, E. J. and Ivinson, G. 2022. Posthuman co-production: becoming response-able with what matters. Qualitative Research Journal 22(1), pp. 108-128. (10.1108/QRJ-01-2021-0005)
- Ivinson, G. and Renold, E. 2021. What more do bodies know? Moving with the gendered affects of place. Body and Society 27(1), pp. 85-112. (10.1177/1357034X20923017)
- Renold, E., Ashton, M. R. and McGeeney, E. 2021. What if?: becoming response-able with the making and mattering of a new relationships and sexuality education curriculum. Professional Development in Education 47(2/3), pp. 538-555. (10.1080/19415257.2021.1891956)
- Renold, E., Edwards, V. and Huuki, T. 2020. Becoming eventful: making the ‘more-than’ of a youth activist conference matter. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance 25(3), pp. 441-464. (10.1080/13569783.2020.1767562)
- Renold, E. 2019. Becoming AGENDA: the making and mattering of a youth activist resource on gender and sexual violence. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology 10(2-3), pp. 208-241. (10.7577/rerm.3677)
- Renold, E. and Ivinson, G. 2019. Anticipating the more-than: working with prehension in artful interventions with young people in a post-industrial community. Futures 112, article number: 102428. (10.1016/j.futures.2019.05.006)
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2019. JARing: making phematerialist research practices matter. MAI: Feminism & Visual Culture 4
- Thomas, G. M., Elliott, E., Exley, E., Ivinson, G. and Renold, E. 2018. Light, connectivity, and place: young people living in a post-industrial town. cultural geographies 25(4), pp. 537-551. (10.1177/1474474018762811)
- Bragg, S., Renold, E., Ringrose, J. and Jackson, C. 2018. 'More than boy, girl, male, female': Exploring young people's views on gender diversity within and beyond school contexts. Sex Education 18(4), pp. 420-434. (10.1080/14681811.2018.1439373)
- Renold, E. 2018. 'Feel what I feel': making da(r)ta with teen girls for creative activisms on how sexual violence matters. Journal of Gender Studies 27(1), pp. 37-55. (10.1080/09589236.2017.1296352)
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2016. Selfies, relfies and phallic tagging: posthuman part-icipations in teen digital sexuality assemblages. Educational Philosophy and Theory 49(11), pp. 1066-1079. (10.1080/00131857.2016.1185686)
- Huuki, T. and Renold, E. 2016. Crush: mapping historical, material and affective force relations in young children's hetero-sexual playground play. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 37(5), pp. 754-769. (10.1080/01596306.2015.1075730)
- Ringrose, J. and Renold, E. 2014. 'F**k Rape!': Exploring affective intensities in a feminist research assemblage. Qualitative Inquiry 20(6), pp. 772-780. (10.1177/1077800414530261)
- Renold, E. and Ivinson, G. 2014. Horse-girl assemblages: towards a post-human cartography of girls' desire in an ex-mining valleys community. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 35(3), pp. 361-376. (10.1080/01596306.2014.888841)
- Ivinson, G. M. and Renold, E. 2013. Valleys' girls: re-theorising bodies and agency in a semi-rural post-industrial locale. Gender and Education 25(6), pp. 704-721. (10.1080/09540253.2013.827372)
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2011. Schizoid subjectivities? Re-theorizing teen girls' sexual cultures in an era of 'sexualization'. Journal of Sociology 47(4), pp. 389-409. (10.1177/1440783311420792)
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2010. Power, agency and participatory agendas: A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative qualitative research. Childhood 17(3), pp. 360-375. (10.1177/0907568210369310)
- Ringrose, J. and Renold, E. 2010. Normative cruelties and gender deviants: the performative effects of bully discourses for girls and boys in school. British Educational Research Journal 36(4), pp. 573-596. (10.1080/01411920903018117)
- Ross, N. J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2009. Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care. Qualitative Research 9(5), pp. 605-623. (10.1177/1468794109343629)
- Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2008. 'Becoming participant': problematizing 'informed consent' in participatory research with young people in care. Qualitative Social Work 7(4), pp. 427-447. (10.1177/1473325008097139)
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2008. Regulation and rupture: Mapping tween and teenage girls' resistance to the heterosexual matrix. Feminist Theory 9(3), pp. 313-338. (10.1177/1464700108095854)
- Renold, E. 2008. Queering masculinity: Re-theorising contemporary tomboyism in the schizoid space of innocent/heterosexualized young femininities. Girlhood Studies 1(2), pp. 129-151. (10.3167/ghs.2008.010208)
- Renold, E. 2006. "They won't let us play unless you're going out with one of them": Girls, boys and Butler's 'Heterosexual Matrix' in the primary years. British Journal of Sociology of Education 27(4), pp. 489-509. (10.1080/01425690600803111)
- Coffey, A. J., Renold, E., Dicks, B., Soyinka, B. L. and Mason, B. L. 2006. Hypermedia ethnography in educational settings. Ethnography and Education 1(1), pp. 15-30. (10.1080/17457820500512721)
- Williams, M. L., Mason, B. and Renold, E. 2004. Using computers in qualitative research: a review of software packages. Building Research Capacity 7, pp. 4-7.
- Pill, R., Wood, F., Renold, E., Robling, M., Edwards, A. and Wilkinson, C. 2003. Welsh women's comments about breast problems and the care given: a qualitative study in the community. European Journal of Cancer Care 12(3), pp. 240-248. (10.1046/j.1365-2354.2003.00407.x)
- Pill, R., Wood, F. C., Renold, E., Robling, M. R., Edwards, A. G. and Wilkinson, C. E. 2003. Welsh women’s comments about breast problems and the care given: a qualitative study in the community. European Journal of Cancer Care 12(3), pp. 240-248.
- Renold, E. 2003. 'If You Don't Kiss Me, You're Dumped': Boys, boyfriends and heterosexualised masculinities in the primary school. Educational Review 55(2), pp. 179-194. (10.1080/0013191032000072218)
- Renold, E. 2002. Presumed Innocence: (Hetero)Sexual, Homophobic and Heterosexist Harassment amongst Primary School Girls and Boys. Childhood 9(4), pp. 415-434. (10.1177/0907568202009004004)
- Renold, E. 2000. 'Coming out': Gender, (hetero)sexuality and the primary school. Gender and Education 12(3), pp. 309-326. (10.1080/713668299)
Book sections
- Renold, E. 2024. Underneath the black feathers: unboXing the more-than of gender identity with art-as-passageway. In: Gannon, S., Pasley, A. and Osgood, J. eds. Gender Un/Bound: Traversing Educational Possibilities. Routledge
- Ivinson, G. and Renold, E. 2020. Moving with the folds of time and place: exploring gut reactions in speculative transdisciplinary research with teen girls in a post-industrial community. In: Taylor, C. A., Ulmer, J. and Hughes, C. eds. Transdisciplinary Feminist Research Innovations in Theory, Method and Practice. Routledge Research in Gender and Society London: Routledge
- Renold, E., Ivinson, G., Thomas, G. and Elliott, E. 2020. The making, mapping and mobilising in Merthyr project: young people, research and arts-activism in a post-industrial place. In: McDermont, M. et al. eds. Imagining Regulation Differently: Co-Creating Regulation for Engagement. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 127-144.
- Renold, E. 2020. "Coming out": Gender, (hetero)sexuality and the primary school. In: Dean, J. J. and Fischer, N. L. eds. Routledge International Handbook of Heterosexualities Studies. Routledge International Handbooks Routledge, pp. 122-138.
- Renold, E. 2019. Ruler-skirt risings: Becoming crafty with how gender and sexuality education research-activisms can come to matter. In: Jones, T., Coll, L. and Taylor, Y. eds. Uplifting Gender and Sexuality Education Research. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 115-140., (10.1007/978-3-030-24205-3_6)
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2019. Selfies, relfies, and phallic tagging: Posthuman participations in teen digital sexuality assemblages. In: Jackson, L. and Peters, M. A. eds. From ‘Aggressive Masculinity’ to ‘Rape Culture’: An Educational Philosophy and Theory Gender and Sexualities Reader, Volume V. Educational Philosophy and Theory: Editor's Choice London and New York: Routledge, pp. 182-201.
- Libby, ., Georgia, ., Chloe, ., Courtney, ., Olivia, ., Rhiannon, . and Renold, E. 2018. Making our feelings matters: using creative methods to re-assemble the rules on healthy relationships education in Wales. In: Lombard, N. ed. The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Violence. London and New York: Taylor and Francis, pp. 303-319.
- Renold, E. and Ivinson, G. 2015. Mud, mermaids and burnt wedding dresses: mapping queer becomings in teen girls’ talk on living with gender and sexual violence. In: Renold, E., Ringrose, J. and Egan, D. eds. Children, Sexuality and Sexualization. AIAA, pp. 239-258.
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2012. Phallic girls?: girls’ negotiations of phallogocentric power. In: Landreau, J. C. and Rodriguez, N. M. eds. Queer Masculinities: a Critical Reader in Education. Explorations of Educational Purpose Vol. 21. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, pp. 47-67., (10.1007/978-94-007-2552-2_4)
- Ross, N., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2011. Meaningful meanderings: using mobile methods to research young people’s everyday lives. In: Heath, S. and Walker, C. eds. Innovations in youth research. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 37-57.
- Renold, E., Holland, S., Ross, N. J. and Hillman, A. 2011. 'Becoming participant': problematising 'informed consent' in participatory research with young people in care. In: Atkinson, P. A. and Delamont, K. S. eds. SAGE Qualitative Research Methods., Vol. 4. London: Sage, pp. 55-74.
- Ross, N. J., Renold, E., Holland, S. and Hillman, A. 2011. Moving stories: using mobile methods to explore the everyday lives of young people in public care. In: Coffey, A. J. and Hall, T. A. eds. Researching Young People., Vol. 1. Fundamentals of Applied Research London: Sage, pp. 123-140.
- Ringrose, J. and Renold, E. 2010. Boys, girls and normative violence in schools: a gendered critique of bully discourses. In: Barter, C. and Berridge, D. eds. Children Behaving Badly?: Peer Violence Between Children and Young People. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd, pp. 181-198., (10.1002/9780470976586.ch13)
- Renold, E. 2009. Tomboys and 'female masculinity': (dis)embodying hegemonic masculinity, queering gender identities and relations. In: Martino, W., Kehler, M. D. and Weaver-Hightower, M. B. eds. The Problem With Boys' Education: Beyond the Backlash. New York: Routledge, pp. 224-241.
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. J. and Hillman, A. 2008. The everyday lives of children in care: using a sociological perspective to inform social work practice. In: Luckock, B. and Lefevre, M. eds. Direct work: social work with children and young people in care. London: British Association for Adoption & Fostering, pp. 77-94.
- Renold, E. 2007. Tomboys. In: Mitchell, C. A. and Reid-Walsh, J. eds. Girl Culture: An Encyclopedia. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group
- Renold, E. 2005. Girls, boys and junior sexualities: exploring children's gender and sexual relations in the primary school. London: RoutledgeFalmer.
- Barter, C., Renold, E., Cawson, P. and Berridge, D. 2004. Peer violence in children's residential care. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Adam, B. E. et al. 2014. Promise through the lens of time. Presented at: Futures in Question, Goldsmiths, University of London, 11-12 September 2014.
- Ivinson, G. M. and Renold, E. 2009. Whose 'gender agenda'?: a feminist response to the DfCSF’s appropriation of gender in their achievement agenda. Presented at: Gender and Education Conference, London, UK, 12 - 14 May 2009.
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2008. Mapping ‘resistances’ to regulative heteronormativity: methodological challenges in researching young marginalised femininities. Presented at: Symposia: Problematising the methodological terrain: The limits and possibilities of posts The limits and possibilities of post structural ethnographic research on young non/normative sexualities in educational settings, British Educuation RA, Edinburgh, UK, 3 - 8 September 2008.
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2008. Critical openings: Girls rupturing the heterosexual matrix and heteronormative femininity in UK schools. Presented at: International Conference in Critical Psychology, Cultural Studies and Social Theory, Cardiff, UK, 27- 29 June 2008 Presented at Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. eds.
- Renold, E. and Ross, N. 2008. "Look at my eyes, they’re lush”: representing mediated identities in longitudinal participatory research with children and young people in public care. Advancing the use of visual methods in researching children’s cultures. Presented at: Advancing the Use of Visual Methods in Research on Children’s Cultures Seminar, Cardiff University, UK, 16 April 2008.
- Ringrose, J. and Renold, E. 2008. Regulation and resistance?: Exploring postfeminist discourses of girlhood and girls’ negotiations of heteronormative femininity. Presented at: Symposia - Rethinking Resistance and Agency: What Comes After Girl Power? American Education Research Association, New York, USA, 22 - 28 March 2008.
- Renold, E. and Ringrose, J. 2008. Regulation and rupture: Mapping tween and teenage girls' resistance to the heterosexual matrix. Presented at: London Sexuality Forum, London, UK, 26th February 2008.
- Ross, N., Holland, S., Renold, E. and Hillman, A. 2008. The multi-sensory experiences of mobile research encounters. Presented at: NCRM Research Methods Festival 2008, St Catherine's College, Oxford, 30 June - 3 July 2008.
- Renold, E. and Marston, K. 2020. Research to reflect on: The power of creative methods for talking about sensitive issues with young people. Documentation. National Education Union.
- Renold, E. and McGeeney, E. 2017. Dyfodol y Cwricwlwm Addysg Rhyw a Pherthnasoedd yng Nghymru: Argymhellion y Panel o Arbenigwyr Addysg Rhyw a Pherthnasoedd Rhagfyr. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Renold, E. and McGeeney, E. 2017. The future of the sex and relationships education curriculum in Wales: Recommendations of the Sex and Relationships Education Expert Panel.. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Renold, E. and McGeeney, E. 2017. Informing the future of the Sex and Relationships Education Curriculum in Wales. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Renold, E., Bragg, S., Jackson, C. and Ringrose, J. 2017. How gender matters to children and young people living in England. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- Wiles, R., Prosser, J., Bagnoli, A., Clark, A., Davies, K., Holland, S. and Renold, E. 2008. Visual ethics: ethical issues in visual research. Working paper. National Centre for Research Methods,. Available at:
- Holland, S., Renold, E., Ross, N. and Hillman, A. 2008. Rights, ‘right on’ or the right thing to do? A critical exploration of young people's engagement in participative social work research. Working paper. ERSC National Centre for Reseacrh Methods. Available at:
- Gorard, S., Crozier, R. and Renold, E. 2002. What can we learn from educational research? The implications of work from the Cardiff University School of Social Sciences: the 5* educational research centre with a wider social science perspective. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Renold, E. 2019. Primary AGENDA: Supporting children in making positive relationships matter.. Cardiff: Cardiff University, Children’s Commissioner for Wales, NSPCC Cymru/Wales, and Welsh Women’s Aid.