Dr Dominic Roche
PhD, MSc, PGCE, BN (Hons), RN
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Timau a rolau for Dominic Roche
Uwch Ddarlithydd: Nyrsio Oedolion
Rwy'n uwch-ddarlithydd mewn nyrsio oedolion yn Ysgol Gwyddorau Gofal Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd ac yn nyrs gofrestredig. Mae gen i ystod o brofiad o addysgu a dysgu israddedig ac ôl-raddedig ac rwy'n athro ac ymchwilydd cymwysedig. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n arwain modiwl MSc dulliau ymchwil a modiwl traethawd hir adolygiad systematig MSc.
Mae fy meysydd o ddiddordeb mewn dulliau ymchwil ansoddol, synthesis tystiolaeth a phrofiadau defnyddwyr gwasanaethau gofal iechyd. Mae gennyf ddiddordeb arbennig mewn cefnogi ac astudio rôl defnyddwyr gwasanaeth wrth ddatblygu, trefnu a darparu gwasanaethau gofal iechyd, gan ganolbwyntio ar ryngwynebau a llwybrau mynediad at ofal iechyd.
- Watts, T., Jennings, S., Anstey, S. and Roche, D. 2024. Supporting people treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a qualitative study exploring oncology healthcare professionals' experiences. Seminars in Oncology Nursing 40(6), article number: 151745. (10.1016/j.soncn.2024.151745)
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2024. Exploring what influences the uptake of cancer rehabilitation services: a realist informed mixed-methods study. BMJ Open 14(11), article number: e087812. (10.1136/bmjopen-2024-087812)
- Roche, D. and Bennett, C. 2024. Notes On.. Nursing Research. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C., Dunn, C., Roche, D., Hawker, C. and Edwards, D. 2024. Lung transplant recipients' experiences of and attitudes towards self-management: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis 22(9), pp. 1656-1714. (10.11124/JBIES-23-00070)
- Watts, T., Roche, D. and Csontos, J. 2024. Patients' experiences of cancer immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors: A systematic review and thematic synthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing 33(8), pp. 2885-2904. (10.1111/jocn.17154)
- Watts, T. et al. 2024. Access, acceptance and adherence to cancer prehabilitation: a mixed-methods systematic review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship (10.1007/s11764-024-01605-3)
- Roche, D. and Jones, A. 2023. A qualitative exploration of the strategies used by patients and nurses when navigating a standardised care programme. Nursing Inquiry 30(3), article number: e12553. (10.1111/nin.12553)
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2023. European Cancer Summit 2022 submission for Survivorship and Quality of Life NetworkUnderstanding how two cancer rehabilitation services work for people in South Wales, UK: findings from a mixed-methods study (Part 2). Presented at: European Cancer Summit 2022, 16-17 November, Vol. 35. Elsevier pp. 9., (10.1016/j.jcpo.2023.100398)
- Watts, T. and Roche, D. 2023. It's just been hard work: Experiences of immune checkpoint inhibitor treatments among people with advanced cancer.. Presented at: RCN International Research Conference 2023, 6th - 9 September 2023.
- Roche, D. 2023. Tracheostomy: Tube and routine care at home (An Evidence Summary). The JBI EPB Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2023. Residential aged care: Suicide prevention (An Evidence Summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2023. Post-Stroke Fatigue: Assessment (Scales) (An Evidence Summary). The JBI EPB Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2023. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Pharmacological interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk factors (Evidence Summary). The JBI EPB Database JBI-ES
- Watts, T., Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Jennings, S. 2022. Patients' experiences of cancer immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis. Presented at: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Cardiff, UK, 5-6 Sept 2022.
- Roche, D. 2022. Older adults in residential care: chair based exercise (an evidence summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Whitehorn, A. and Roche, D. 2022. Dry skin (older adults): management (an evidence summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2022. Cervicogenic dizziness: diagnosis (an evidence summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2022. Older adults with dementia (residential care facilities): healthcare staff education (an evidence summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2022. Understanding how two cancer rehabilitation services work for people in South Wales, UK: findings from a mixed methods study. Presented at: All-Wales WAHPN Cancer Research Network Conference, Virtual, 29 September 2022.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2022. Understanding how two cancer rehabilitation services work for people in South Wales, UK: findings from a mixed methods study. Presented at: European Cancer Summit 2022, Brussels, Belgium, 17 November 2022.
- Watts, T., Roche, D., Jennings, S. and Csontos, J. 2022. Experiences of immune checkpoint inhibitors from the perspectives of people affected by cancer: a qualitative evidence synthesis. Presented at: Cancer Care in the Digital Age, Belfast, UK, 11-12 November 2022Completed Abstracts presented at the UKONS Annual Conference, 11–12 November 2022, The ICC Belfast.
- Roche, D. and Jones, A. 2021. A qualitative study of nurse-patient communication and information provision during surgical pre-admission clinics. Health Expectations 24(4), pp. 1357-1386. (10.1111/hex.13270)
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2021. Perspectives on cancer rehabilitation in South Wales, UK: qualitative investigations of experiences of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals.. Presented at: International Conference on Cancer Nurses 2021 Virtual Conference (ICCN2021), Virtual, 2-5 February 2021.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2020. Exploring cancer rehabilitation services in South Wales: qualitative understanding from the perspectives of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals. Physiotherapy 107(S1), pp. E32-E33. (10.1016/j.physio.2020.03.046)
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2019. Exploring cancer rehabilitation services in South Wales: qualitative understanding from the perspectives of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals.. Presented at: Physiotherapy UK, Glasgow, UK, 1-2 November 2019.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2019. Qualitative exploration of cancer rehabilitation in South Wales, UK from the perspectives of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals. Presented at: NCRI 2019, Glasgow, UK, 3-5 November 2019.
- Csontos, J., Watts, T., Roche, D. and Jones, M. 2019. Secondary analysis of routinely collected data from a specialist cancer rehabilitation service in South Wales, UK. Presented at: NCRI 2019, Glasgow, UK, 3-5 November 2019.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2019. Exploring cancer rehabilitation services in South Wales: a qualitative understanding from perspectives of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals. Presented at: Physiotherapy UK 2019, Birmingham, UK, 1-2 November 2019.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2019. Barriers and facilitators to cancer rehabilitation services in South Wales, UK: Perspectives of oncology healthcare professionals. Presented at: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, 3-5 Sep 2019. pp. -.
- Roche, D. 2016. A realist evaluation of patient involvement in a safer surgery initiative. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Watts, T., Jennings, S., Anstey, S. and Roche, D. 2024. Supporting people treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a qualitative study exploring oncology healthcare professionals' experiences. Seminars in Oncology Nursing 40(6), article number: 151745. (10.1016/j.soncn.2024.151745)
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2024. Exploring what influences the uptake of cancer rehabilitation services: a realist informed mixed-methods study. BMJ Open 14(11), article number: e087812. (10.1136/bmjopen-2024-087812)
- Rebafka, A., Bennett, C., Dunn, C., Roche, D., Hawker, C. and Edwards, D. 2024. Lung transplant recipients' experiences of and attitudes towards self-management: a qualitative systematic review. JBI Evidence Synthesis 22(9), pp. 1656-1714. (10.11124/JBIES-23-00070)
- Watts, T., Roche, D. and Csontos, J. 2024. Patients' experiences of cancer immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors: A systematic review and thematic synthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing 33(8), pp. 2885-2904. (10.1111/jocn.17154)
- Watts, T. et al. 2024. Access, acceptance and adherence to cancer prehabilitation: a mixed-methods systematic review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship (10.1007/s11764-024-01605-3)
- Roche, D. and Jones, A. 2023. A qualitative exploration of the strategies used by patients and nurses when navigating a standardised care programme. Nursing Inquiry 30(3), article number: e12553. (10.1111/nin.12553)
- Roche, D. 2023. Tracheostomy: Tube and routine care at home (An Evidence Summary). The JBI EPB Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2023. Residential aged care: Suicide prevention (An Evidence Summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2023. Post-Stroke Fatigue: Assessment (Scales) (An Evidence Summary). The JBI EPB Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2023. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Pharmacological interventions to reduce cardiovascular risk factors (Evidence Summary). The JBI EPB Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2022. Older adults in residential care: chair based exercise (an evidence summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Whitehorn, A. and Roche, D. 2022. Dry skin (older adults): management (an evidence summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2022. Cervicogenic dizziness: diagnosis (an evidence summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. 2022. Older adults with dementia (residential care facilities): healthcare staff education (an evidence summary). The JBI EBP Database JBI-ES
- Roche, D. and Jones, A. 2021. A qualitative study of nurse-patient communication and information provision during surgical pre-admission clinics. Health Expectations 24(4), pp. 1357-1386. (10.1111/hex.13270)
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2020. Exploring cancer rehabilitation services in South Wales: qualitative understanding from the perspectives of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals. Physiotherapy 107(S1), pp. E32-E33. (10.1016/j.physio.2020.03.046)
- Roche, D. and Bennett, C. 2024. Notes On.. Nursing Research. UK: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2023. European Cancer Summit 2022 submission for Survivorship and Quality of Life NetworkUnderstanding how two cancer rehabilitation services work for people in South Wales, UK: findings from a mixed-methods study (Part 2). Presented at: European Cancer Summit 2022, 16-17 November, Vol. 35. Elsevier pp. 9., (10.1016/j.jcpo.2023.100398)
- Watts, T. and Roche, D. 2023. It's just been hard work: Experiences of immune checkpoint inhibitor treatments among people with advanced cancer.. Presented at: RCN International Research Conference 2023, 6th - 9 September 2023.
- Watts, T., Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Jennings, S. 2022. Patients' experiences of cancer immunotherapy with immune checkpoint inhibitors: a systematic review and qualitative evidence synthesis. Presented at: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Cardiff, UK, 5-6 Sept 2022.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2022. Understanding how two cancer rehabilitation services work for people in South Wales, UK: findings from a mixed methods study. Presented at: All-Wales WAHPN Cancer Research Network Conference, Virtual, 29 September 2022.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2022. Understanding how two cancer rehabilitation services work for people in South Wales, UK: findings from a mixed methods study. Presented at: European Cancer Summit 2022, Brussels, Belgium, 17 November 2022.
- Watts, T., Roche, D., Jennings, S. and Csontos, J. 2022. Experiences of immune checkpoint inhibitors from the perspectives of people affected by cancer: a qualitative evidence synthesis. Presented at: Cancer Care in the Digital Age, Belfast, UK, 11-12 November 2022Completed Abstracts presented at the UKONS Annual Conference, 11–12 November 2022, The ICC Belfast.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2021. Perspectives on cancer rehabilitation in South Wales, UK: qualitative investigations of experiences of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals.. Presented at: International Conference on Cancer Nurses 2021 Virtual Conference (ICCN2021), Virtual, 2-5 February 2021.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2019. Exploring cancer rehabilitation services in South Wales: qualitative understanding from the perspectives of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals.. Presented at: Physiotherapy UK, Glasgow, UK, 1-2 November 2019.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2019. Qualitative exploration of cancer rehabilitation in South Wales, UK from the perspectives of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals. Presented at: NCRI 2019, Glasgow, UK, 3-5 November 2019.
- Csontos, J., Watts, T., Roche, D. and Jones, M. 2019. Secondary analysis of routinely collected data from a specialist cancer rehabilitation service in South Wales, UK. Presented at: NCRI 2019, Glasgow, UK, 3-5 November 2019.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2019. Exploring cancer rehabilitation services in South Wales: a qualitative understanding from perspectives of people affected by cancer and healthcare professionals. Presented at: Physiotherapy UK 2019, Birmingham, UK, 1-2 November 2019.
- Csontos, J., Roche, D. and Watts, T. 2019. Barriers and facilitators to cancer rehabilitation services in South Wales, UK: Perspectives of oncology healthcare professionals. Presented at: RCN International Nursing Research Conference, Sheffield Hallam University, UK, 3-5 Sep 2019. pp. -.
- Roche, D. 2016. A realist evaluation of patient involvement in a safer surgery initiative. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Ymchwil ansoddol
Ariannwyd fy PhD gan Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru ac archwiliodd gynnwys cleifion mewn gwell adferiad ar ôl gofal (ERAS). Mae papurau a gyhoeddwyd yn seiliedig ar ganfyddiadau fy astudiaeth wedi nodi bod cleifion yn croesawu cyfleoedd i gymryd rhan weithredol yn eu gofal ond bod rhwystrau i'r cyfranogiad hwn. Mae fy nghyd-awdur a minnau'n nodi bod angen i nyrsys deimlo eu bod wedi'u grymuso i fabwysiadu strategaethau a all ganiatáu ar gyfer gwahanol anghenion gwybodaeth a heriau cyfathrebu, yn hytrach na dull tadol un maint sy'n addas i bawb. Rydym yn cynnig model i gefnogi dull sy'n canolbwyntio ar y claf ac yn unigol o ran cyfranogiad cleifion. Mae papur arall yn helpu i lywio meddwl am y defnydd o lwybrau gofal fel ERAS mewn perthynas â darparu gwasanaethau trwy ganolbwyntio ar berthynas â chleifion nyrsio a rhyngweithio cleifion â chleifion. Mae'r dull hwn yn cynnwys syniadau o'r hyn y mae cyfranogiad cleifion gweithredol yn ei olygu mewn gwirionedd, yn hytrach na mathau mwy goddefol o gyfranogiad sy'n canolbwyntio'n bennaf ar weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol sy'n hwyluso ymwneud â chwmpas cul, a bennwyd ymlaen llaw.
Ymchwil pellach
Bydd ymchwil bellach yn cynnwys cymryd y dull a gynigir yn seiliedig ar fy nghanfyddiadau PhD i glinigau a meysydd gofal eraill i brofi'r model hwn ar waith i weld a yw'n a) yn annog nyrsys a chleifion i fyfyrio a b) a yw oedi'r ddarpariaeth wybodaeth weddol ddi-baid i gymryd amser i adlewyrchu yn gwneud pethau'n heriol o ran rheoli amser, neu os cyflwynir unrhyw ganlyniadau anfwriadol niweidiol sy'n anodd eu rhagweld y tu allan i amgylchedd 'byd go iawn'.
Gall ymchwil bellach hefyd archwilio beth yw hi am nyrsys unigol sy'n eu hatal rhag darparu gofal unigol, ac i'r gwrthwyneb, beth yw hi am y nyrsys hynny sy'n teimlo eu bod wedi'u grymuso i deilwra eu hymgynghoriadau â chleifion. A oes ffactorau unigol neu sefydliadol penodol a all ddylanwadu ar hyn a sut y gellir goresgyn y rhain (neu harneisio)?
Mae fy nghanfyddiadau PhD hefyd wedi nodi bod angen ymchwil bellach o ran perthnasoedd cleifion a rhyngweithio yng nghyd-destun damcaniaethau presennol a sut y gellid defnyddio hyn i gefnogi gwell canlyniadau a phrofiadau cleifion.
Synthesis Tystiolaeth
Roeddwn yn rhan o dîm bach a gynhaliodd adolygiad systematig o brofiadau cleifion o imiwnotherapi canser sydd ar hyn o bryd yn cael ei adolygu mewn cyfnodolyn rhyngwladol blaenllaw. Mae canfyddiadau cynnar eisoes wedi'u rhannu mewn cynadleddau rhyngwladol a chenedlaethol. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n rhan o dîm sy'n cynnal adolygiad systematig sy'n canolbwyntio ar fynediad, derbyn a chadw at adsefydlu canser (fel rhan o'r prosiect IPREHAB a ariennir gan NIHR).
Rwy'n cyfrannu at bolisi ac ymarfer gofal iechyd rhyngwladol trwy fy ngwaith fel Cydweithredwr Maes ac Awdur Gwyddonol ar gyfer Sefydliad Joanna Briggs (JBI), sefydliad byd-eang sy'n hyrwyddo ac yn cefnogi penderfyniadau sy'n seiliedig ar dystiolaeth sy'n gwella darpariaeth gwasanaethau iechyd ac iechyd. Rwyf hefyd yn aelod gweithredol o grŵp llywio Canolfan Gofal sy'n Seiliedig ar Dystiolaeth Cymru, Canolfan Ragoriaeth JBI sy'n ymwneud â synthesis tystiolaeth a datblygu canllawiau clinigol.
Mae gen i arbenigedd eang a phrofiad o gyflwyno, arloesi, trefnu a chefnogi addysgu, dysgu ac asesu ar draws rhaglenni cymhleth, israddedig ac ôl-raddedig, gweithwyr iechyd proffesiynol, gweithio gyda myfyrwyr proffesiynol iechyd cartref a rhyngwladol. Fy meysydd arbenigedd craidd yw cynnwys cleifion, diogelwch cleifion a gwella gwasanaethau. Er mwyn sicrhau bod fy addysgu yn cael ei arwain gan ymchwil a'i hysbysu, rwy'n cymryd rhan weithredol mewn ymchwil a synthesis tystiolaeth cysylltiedig. Mae fy ngwaith fel athro, arweinydd modiwl a goruchwyliwr yn dangos fy nghyfraniad sylweddol ar draws pob lefel academaidd a'm gallu i weithio'n ddi-dor ar draws ffiniau disgyblaeth.
Mae gen i brofiad sylweddol o arwain modiwlau ar lefelau israddedig ac ôl-raddedig ac ar hyn o bryd rwy'n arweinydd modiwl modiwl traethawd hir MSc Adolygiad Systematig a modiwl craidd dulliau ymchwil MSc.
Rwy'n goruchwylio myfyrwyr PhD cartref a rhyngwladol, myfyrwyr BN a myfyrwyr traethawd hir MSc o wahanol broffesiynau gofal iechyd ac rwyf hefyd yn diwtor personol profiadol. Mae prosiectau traethawd hir MSc a gwblhawyd yn ddiweddar yn cynnwys:
- Mae therapyddion galwedigaethol yn profi a barn gan ddefnyddio fideogynadledda mewn therapi llaw cleifion allanol yn ystod pandemig COVID-19.
- Gwerthusiad proses o'r ymyrraeth therapi yn yr uned trawma.
- Gweithredu rhaglen hyfforddi i alluogi dietegwyr sy'n gweithio mewn gofal acíwt i adnabod a diagnosio diffyg maeth yn gyson.
- Effeithiolrwydd cod ffug yn y fan a'r lle wrth wella sgiliau seicomotor mewn darparwyr gofal iechyd. Adolygiad systematig.
- Adolygiad systematig i bennu effeithiolrwydd tamsulosin fel therapi meddygol wrth drin cadw dwys o wrin eilaidd i ehangu prostatig annigonol.
Yn dilyn gyrfa mewn llywodraeth leol, fe wnes i ailhyfforddi fel nyrs sy'n oedolion gan ennill fy ngradd o Brifysgol Abertawe yn 2008. Roeddwn i'n ffodus o gael ysgoloriaeth gan Brifysgol Abertawe i gefnogi fy MSc mewn Iechyd Cyhoeddus a Gweithio mewn Partneriaeth, gan astudio tra'n gweithio fel nyrs staff. Ar ôl cwblhau fy MSc, treuliais amser yn gweithio gydag Iechyd Cyhoeddus Cymru fel rhan o raglen gwella ansawdd genedlaethol. Arweiniodd y profiad hwn fi at ddatblygu fy astudiaeth ymchwil PhD sy'n archwilio cyfranogiad cleifion mewn menter diogelwch cleifion, a ariannwyd gan Ymchwil Iechyd a Gofal Cymru. Cefais fy mhenodi'n ddarlithydd mewn nyrsio oedolion ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd yn 2014 ac ar hyn o bryd rwy'n uwch-ddarlithydd mewn nyrsio oedolion yn yr ysgol gwyddorau gofal iechyd.
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Llywio: Canolfan Gofal yn Seiliedig ar Dystiolaeth Cymru 2022
- Rhwydwaith Cefnogi Ymgysylltu Cymunedol Cymru Gyfan 2017 - 2018
- Athrawon: Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth 2017
- Nyrs Gofrestredig (Oedolion): Cyngor Nyrsio a Bydwreigiaeth 2008
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- Uwch Ddarlithydd: Nyrsio Oedolion 2023
- Darlithydd: Nyrsio Oedolion: 2014 - 2023
- Sefydliad Joanna Briggs: Cydweithredwr Maes 2021 - 2023
- Sefydliad Joanna Briggs: Awdur Gwyddonol 2021 - 2023
- Arholwr Allanol: Prifysgol Dundee (Rhaglen Israddedig Nyrsio) 2018 - 2022
- Arholwr Allanol: Prifysgol Dundee (Panel Amgylchiadau Lliniarol) 2021 - 2022
- Arholwr Allanol: Prifysgol Dundee (Rhaglen Dychwelyd i Ymarfer Nyrsio) 2019
- Swyddog Cydymffurfio Amgylcheddol HCARE 2020 - 2022
- Swyddog Prosiect Cleifion a Chynnwys y Cyhoedd HCARE 2017 – 2018
- Arweinydd Rhaglen BN ar gyfer Cymorth Anabledd a Lles 2016 – 2018
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Fframwaith Rhagoriaeth Ymchwil Allbynnau Panel Adolygu HCARE 2023 - 2027
- Aelod Academaidd Etholedig o Senedd Prifysgol Caerdydd 2022 - 2025
- Is-bwyllgor Prosiect Seiliedig ar Waith Moeseg Ymchwil HCARE
- Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Diogelwch, Iechyd, yr Amgylchedd a Llesiant HCARE 2020 - 2022
- Aelod Pwyllgor Moeseg Ymchwil HCARE 2017 - 2021
- Aelod o'r Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysedd HCARE 2017 - 2021
- Cyd-gadeirydd Is-bwyllgor HCARE PPI 2017 – 2018
- adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer Journal of Advanced Nursing
- adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer Ymchwiliad Nyrsio
- adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer Journal of Research in Nursing
- adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer BMJ Open
- adolygydd cymheiriaid ar gyfer Sgandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Prosiectau Myfyrwyr PhD cyfredol:
- Ymateb rheolwyr i staff yn siarad yn y Gweithle Gofal Iechyd: Astudiaeth Ansoddol.
- Dod o hyd i atebion strategol arloesol i heriau'r gweithlu o fewn adrannau radiograffeg ledled Cymru: astudiaeth achos ethnograffig.
- Archwilio Profiad y Sector Gofal Iechyd o Systemau Adrodd a Dysgu yn Libya: Astudiaeth Ansoddol Theori Ganol.
- Parodrwydd i ehangu rôl y nyrsys sy'n gweithio mewn canolfannau gofal iechyd sylfaenol yn Saudi Arabia i gynnwys presgripsiynu.
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol

Hamza Jaber

Melika Ghorbankhani
Charlotte Hodges

Khloud Mohmmed Albariq Albariq
Prosiectau'r gorffennol
- Csontos, J. 2021. Hysbysodd Realist werthusiad dulliau cymysg o wasanaethau adfer canser yn Ne Cymru. PhD Thesis, Prifysgol Caerdydd.
- Dardur, A. 2024. Archwilio polisïau a strategaethau diogelwch cleifion rhyngasiantaethol yn Sefydliad Iechyd y Byd Dwyrain Môr y Canoldir Rhanbarth (WHO-EMR): Astudiaeth ansoddol o Libya. PhD Thesis, Prifysgol Caerdydd.