Rwy'n Gydymaith Ymchwil gyda chefndir mewn Seicoleg Iechyd. Fi hefyd yw'r Arweinydd Academaidd ar gyfer Cynnwys Cleifion a'r Cyhoedd yng Nghanolfan Ymchwil Canser Cymru. Rwy'n gweithio yn y tîm Sgrinio Canser, Atal a Diagnosis Cynnar (SPED). Roedd fy ngradd doethuriaeth yn canolbwyntio ar ddeall y dylanwadau seicogymdeithasol ar gymhelliant cwffio a rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu ymhlith ysmygwyr hŷn o gefndiroedd difreintiedig.
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn cynnwys sgrinio canser yr ysgyfaint a rhoi'r gorau i ysmygu gyda ffocws penodol ar leihau anghydraddoldebau iechyd. Mae fy rôl fel Arweinydd Academaidd ar gyfer PPI yn fy ngweld yn gweithio gyda Grŵp Partner Ymchwil Canolfan Ymchwil Canser Cymru ar wella cydraddoldeb ac amrywiaeth mewn PPI.
- Smith, P. et al. 2024. Barriers and facilitators to engaging in smoking cessation support among lung screening participants. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 26(7), pp. 870-877. (10.1093/ntr/ntad245)
- Smith, P., Murray, R. L. and Crosbie, P. A. 2024. Integrated stop smoking interventions are essential to maximise the health benefits from lung cancer screening [Editorial]. Thorax 79(3), pp. 198-199. (10.1136/thorax-2023-221037)
- Poole, R. et al. 2022. Tobacco use, smoking identities and pathways into and out of smoking among young adults: a meta-ethnography. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 17, article number: 24. (10.1186/s13011-022-00451-9)
- Smith, P. et al. 2022. Protocol for a feasibility study of a cancer symptom awareness campaign to support the rapid diagnostic centre referral pathway in a socioeconomically deprived area: Targeted Intensive Community-based campaign To Optimise Cancer awareness (TIC-TOC). BMJ Open 12(10), article number: e063280. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063280)
- Smith, P. 2021. Understanding the influences on quit motivation and smoking cessation in older smokers from deprived backgrounds. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Smith, P., Daniel, R., Murray, R. L., Moore, G., Nelson, A. and Brain, K. 2021. Psychosocial determinants of quit motivation in older smokers from deprived backgrounds: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open 11(5), article number: e044815. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044815)
- Smith, P., Poole, R., Mann, M., Nelson, A., Moore, G. and Brain, K. 2019. Systematic review of behavioural smoking cessation interventions for older smokers from deprived backgrounds. BMJ Open 9(11), article number: e032727. (10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032727)
- Smith, P. et al. 2018. Feasibility and acceptability of a cancer symptom awareness intervention for adults living in socioeconomically deprived communities. BMC Public Health 18(1) (10.1186/s12889-018-5606-3)
- Smith, P. et al. 2024. Barriers and facilitators to engaging in smoking cessation support among lung screening participants. Nicotine & Tobacco Research 26(7), pp. 870-877. (10.1093/ntr/ntad245)
- Smith, P., Murray, R. L. and Crosbie, P. A. 2024. Integrated stop smoking interventions are essential to maximise the health benefits from lung cancer screening [Editorial]. Thorax 79(3), pp. 198-199. (10.1136/thorax-2023-221037)
- Poole, R. et al. 2022. Tobacco use, smoking identities and pathways into and out of smoking among young adults: a meta-ethnography. Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 17, article number: 24. (10.1186/s13011-022-00451-9)
- Smith, P. et al. 2022. Protocol for a feasibility study of a cancer symptom awareness campaign to support the rapid diagnostic centre referral pathway in a socioeconomically deprived area: Targeted Intensive Community-based campaign To Optimise Cancer awareness (TIC-TOC). BMJ Open 12(10), article number: e063280. (10.1136/bmjopen-2022-063280)
- Smith, P., Daniel, R., Murray, R. L., Moore, G., Nelson, A. and Brain, K. 2021. Psychosocial determinants of quit motivation in older smokers from deprived backgrounds: a cross-sectional survey. BMJ Open 11(5), article number: e044815. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044815)
- Smith, P., Poole, R., Mann, M., Nelson, A., Moore, G. and Brain, K. 2019. Systematic review of behavioural smoking cessation interventions for older smokers from deprived backgrounds. BMJ Open 9(11), article number: e032727. (10.1136/bmjopen-2019-032727)
- Smith, P. et al. 2018. Feasibility and acceptability of a cancer symptom awareness intervention for adults living in socioeconomically deprived communities. BMC Public Health 18(1) (10.1186/s12889-018-5606-3)
- Smith, P. 2021. Understanding the influences on quit motivation and smoking cessation in older smokers from deprived backgrounds. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
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Neuadd Meirionnydd, Ystafell 8th floor, Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru, Parc y Mynydd Bychan, Caerdydd, CF14 4YS
Themâu ymchwil
- Newid Ymddygiad
- Ysmygu Cessation
- Anghydraddoldebau Iechyd
- Cynnwys y Cleifion a'r Cyhoedd