Mr Guglielmo Sonnino Sorisio
MEng PhD
Timau a rolau for Guglielmo Sonnino Sorisio
Arbenigwr Technegol
Graddiais o Brifysgol Caerdydd yn 2019 gyda gradd dosbarth cyntaf gradd dosbarth cyntaf integredig MEng mewn peirianneg fecanyddol. Yn dilyn hyn, fe wnes i abotained fy PhD yn 2024 o'r enw 'Effaith Llifoedd Trin ar Kinematics Pysgod a
Ymddygiad yn y Rhwystrau Mudol dan oruchwyliaeth yr Athro Jo Cable a'r Athro Catherine Wilson. mewn partneriaeth ag Asiantaeth yr Amgylchedd ac fel rhan o CDT FFRES GW4 NERC.
Mae'r prif feysydd ffocws ymchwil yn cynnwys hydrodynameg, cinematics ac ymddygiad pysgod mewn rhwystrau mudol anthropogenig dŵr croyw a phasio, ac atebion sy'n seiliedig ar natur ar gyfer dalgylchoedd bach, yn bennaf monitro Rheoli Llifogydd Naturiol.
- Lofty, J., Sonnino Sorisio, G., Kelleher, L., Krause, S., Ouro, P. and Wilson, C. 2025. Hydrological and hydraulic drivers of microplastics in a rural river sourced from the UK's largest opencast coal mine. Environmental Pollution 368, article number: 125722. (10.1016/j.envpol.2025.125722)
- Sonnino Sorisio, G., Robison-Smith, C., Don, A., Cable, J. and Wilson, C. A. M. E. 2025. Deflecting danger: The role of screen angles in fish impingement. Ecological Engineering: The Journal of Ecosystem Restoration 213, article number: 107547. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2025.107547)
- Sonnino Sorisio, G., Don, A., Cable, J. and Wilson, C. A. M. E. 2025. Evaluation of eel tile hydrodynamics and passage of a non-target shoaling species, the three spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Ecological Engineering: The Journal of Ecosystem Restoration 213, article number: 107549. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2025.107549)
- Sonnino Sorisio, G., Wilson, C. A., Don, A. and Cable, J. 2024. Fish passage solution: European eel kinematics and behaviour in shear layer turbulent flows. Ecological Engineering 203, article number: 107254. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2024.107254)
- Sonnino Sorisio, G. 2024. The effect of manipulated flows on fish kinematics and behaviour at migratory barriers. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Sonnino Sorisio, G., Muller, S., Wilson, C. A., Ouro, P. and Cable, J. 2023. Colour as a behavioural guide for fish near hydrokinetic turbines. Heliyon 9(12), article number: E22376. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22376)
- Müller, S., Muhawenimana, V., Sonnino Sorisio, G., Wilson, C. A. M. E., Cable, J. and Ouro, P. 2023. Fish response to the presence of hydrokinetic turbines as a sustainable energy solution. Scientific Reports 13, article number: 7459. (10.1038/s41598-023-33000-w)
- Lofty, J., Sonnino Sorisio, G., Kelleher, L., Krause, S., Ouro, P. and Wilson, C. 2025. Hydrological and hydraulic drivers of microplastics in a rural river sourced from the UK's largest opencast coal mine. Environmental Pollution 368, article number: 125722. (10.1016/j.envpol.2025.125722)
- Sonnino Sorisio, G., Robison-Smith, C., Don, A., Cable, J. and Wilson, C. A. M. E. 2025. Deflecting danger: The role of screen angles in fish impingement. Ecological Engineering: The Journal of Ecosystem Restoration 213, article number: 107547. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2025.107547)
- Sonnino Sorisio, G., Don, A., Cable, J. and Wilson, C. A. M. E. 2025. Evaluation of eel tile hydrodynamics and passage of a non-target shoaling species, the three spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Ecological Engineering: The Journal of Ecosystem Restoration 213, article number: 107549. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2025.107549)
- Sonnino Sorisio, G., Wilson, C. A., Don, A. and Cable, J. 2024. Fish passage solution: European eel kinematics and behaviour in shear layer turbulent flows. Ecological Engineering 203, article number: 107254. (10.1016/j.ecoleng.2024.107254)
- Sonnino Sorisio, G., Muller, S., Wilson, C. A., Ouro, P. and Cable, J. 2023. Colour as a behavioural guide for fish near hydrokinetic turbines. Heliyon 9(12), article number: E22376. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e22376)
- Müller, S., Muhawenimana, V., Sonnino Sorisio, G., Wilson, C. A. M. E., Cable, J. and Ouro, P. 2023. Fish response to the presence of hydrokinetic turbines as a sustainable energy solution. Scientific Reports 13, article number: 7459. (10.1038/s41598-023-33000-w)
- Sonnino Sorisio, G. 2024. The effect of manipulated flows on fish kinematics and behaviour at migratory barriers. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Mae'r prif feysydd ffocws ymchwil yn cynnwys hydrodynameg, cinematics ac ymddygiad pysgod mewn rhwystrau mudol anthropogenig dŵr croyw a phasio, ac atebion sy'n seiliedig ar natur ar gyfer dalgylchoedd bach, yn bennaf monitro Rheoli Llifogydd Naturiol. Yn ogystal, mae dynameg trafnidiaeth microplastig hefyd yn faes o ddiddordeb.