Yr Athro Keir Waddington
Athro Hanes
- Sylwebydd y cyfryngau
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae fy ymchwil ryngddisgyblaethol yn canolbwyntio ar y rhyng-gysylltiadau rhwng hanes meddygol ac amgylcheddol, 1800 hyd heddiw.
Mae fy ngwaith presennol yn archwilio'r rhyng-gysylltiadau hyn trwy feddwl am sut roedd cymunedau Fictoraidd ac Edwardaidd yn deall yr amgylchedd o'u cwmpas ac yn ymateb i beryglon amgylcheddol - o gyflenwadau dŵr llygredig i raggaredd dŵr - a dadansoddiad o ddulliau o gydweithio rhwng y dyniaethau a'r gwyddorau nawr ac yn hanesyddol. Mae'r olaf yn un o brif weithgareddau Menter y Dyniaethau Gwyddoniaeth, prosiect mawr yr wyf yn ei gyd-arwain gyda'r Athro Martin Willis (llenyddiaeth Saesneg). Mae mwy o wybodaeth am y Fenter Dyniaethau Gwyddoniaeth ar gael ar ei gwefan (https://cardiffsciencehumanities.org).
Mae fy arbenigedd addysgu yn cwmpasu hanes trefol, hanes yr amgylchedd, a hanes cymdeithasol meddygaeth, a hanes Prydain ac Ewrop y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg yn ehangach.
Rwy'n croesawu ymholiadau gan ddarpar fyfyrwyr ymchwil sydd â diddordeb mewn astudio hanes cymdeithasol meddygaeth a gwyddoniaeth a hanes amgylcheddol; ac ymholiadau gan grwpiau cyhoeddus neu allfeydd cyfryngau sydd â diddordeb yn fy ymchwil a'm hysgolheictod.
I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am fy mhrosiectau a chyhoeddiadau ymchwil presennol, cliciwch ar y tab perthnasol uchod.
- Scown, J., Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2025. A world after the pandemic: COVID-19 narratives, environment, and histories of the future. In: Butler, M. et al. eds. Coming to Terms with a Crisis: Cultural Engagements with COVID-19. Transcript
- Waddington, K. 2024. Resistance and prevention: Rural local government and the fight against tuberculosis. Modern British History 35(2), pp. 180-198. (10.1093/tcbh/hwae034)
- Waddington, K. 2024. ‘In constant fear of some dire epidemic breaking out’: Rural responses to infectious and epidemic disease, 1870–1920. Rural History (10.1017/S0956793324000025)
- Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2023. Treatment. In: Altschuler, S., Metzl, J. and Wald, P. eds. Keywords for Health Humanities. Keywords New York: New York University Press, pp. 209-211.
- Waddington, K. 2023. “Kindly see to the matter”: Local communities and the development of rural public health, 1870-1920. In: Borowy, I. and Harris, B. eds. Yearbook for the History of Global Development., Vol. 2. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 31-58., (10.1515/9783111015583-002)
- Waddington, K. 2021. Problems of progress: modernity and writing the social history of medicine. Social History of Medicine 34(4), pp. 1053-1067. (10.1093/shm/hkaa067)
- Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2021. Pharmacology, controversy, and the everyday in fin-de-siècle medicine and fiction. In: Lawlor, C. and Mangham, A. eds. Literature and Medicine: Volume 2: The Nineteenth Century., Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambride University Press, pp. 135-153.
- Waddington, K. 2021. A flat past? History, environment, topography, and medicine. Modern and Contemporary France 29(3), pp. 115-129. (10.1080/09639489.2020.1868416)
- Fitzgerald, D., Lane, R., Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2019. Two ways of telling this story: Best practice in interdisciplinary collaboration. Cardiff: ScienceHumanities Initiative, Cardiff University.
- Davis, O. and Waddington, K. 2019. The final occupation of the settlement. In: Sharples, N. ed. A Norse Settlement in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations on Mounds 2 and 2A, Bornais, South Uist. Oxbow
- Waddington, K. 2018. Vitriol in the Taff: River pollution, industrial waste, and the politics of control in late nineteenth-century rural Wales. Rural History 29(1), pp. 23-44. (10.1017/S0956793317000164)
- Willis, M., Waddington, K. and Castell, J. 2017. ScienceHumanities: Theory, Politics, Practice. Journal of Literature and Science 10(2), pp. 6-18. (10.12929/jls.10.2.02)
- Castell, J., Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2017. ScienceHumanities: Introduction. Journal of Literature and Science 10(2), pp. 1-5. (10.12929/jls.10.2.01)
- Waddington, K. 2017. ‘I should have thought that Wales was a wet part of the world’: Drought, rural communities and public health, 1870-1914. Social History of Medicine 30(3), pp. 590-611. (10.1093/shm/hkw118)
- Waddington, K. 2017. The good, the bad and the ugly: sources for essays. In: Loughran, T. ed. A Practical Guide to Studying History. Skills and Approaches. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 185-195.
- Waddington, K. 2015. Introduction. In: Overy, C. and Tansey, E. M. eds. A History of Bovine TB, c.1965-c.2000., Vol. 55. Wellcome Witness to Contemporary Medicine Vol. 55. London: Queen Marty University of London, pp. xv-xviii.
- Mandal, A. and Waddington, K. 2015. The pathology of common life: ‘Domestic’ medicine as Gothic disruption. Gothic Studies 17(1), pp. 43-60. (10.7227/GS.17.1.4)
- Waddington, K. 2014. Thinking regionally: narrative, the medical humanities and region. Medical Humanities 41, pp. 51-56. (10.1136/medhum-2014-010579)
- Waddington, K. 2014. “In a country every way by nature favourable to health”: Landscape and public health in Victorian rural Wales. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 31(2), pp. 183-204. (10.3138/cbmh.31.2.183)
- Waddington, K. 2013. "We don't want any German sausages here!" Food, fear, and the German nation in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Journal of British Studies 52(4), pp. 1017-1042. (10.1017/jbr.2013.178)
- Waddington, K. 2013. Death at St Bernard's: anti-vivisection, medicine and the Gothic. Journal of Victorian Culture 18(2), pp. 246-262. (10.1080/13555502.2013.778209)
- Willis, M., Waddington, K. and Marsden, R. 2013. Imaginary investments: illness narratives beyond the gaze. Journal of Literature and Science 6(1), pp. 55-73. (10.12929/jls.06.1.04)
- Waddington, K. 2013. Forum: Victorian Built Environments: University College Hospital. Victorian Review 39(1), pp. 50-54.
- Waddington, K. 2012. 'It might not be a nuisance in a country cottage': Sanitary conditions and images of health in Victorian rural Wales. Rural History 23(2), pp. 185-204. (10.1017/S0956793312000064)
- Willis, M., Waddington, K. and Marsden, R. 2012. The off-sick project. [Website].
- Waddington, K. 2011. An introduction to the social history of medicine: Europe since 1500. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Waddington, K. 2011. The Dangerous Sausage: Diet, Meat and Disease in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Cultural and Social History 8(1), pp. 51-71. (10.2752/147800411X12858412044393)
- Waddington, K., Thomas, R. H. and Willis, M. 2011. General paralysis of the insane. Practical Neurology 11, pp. 366-369. (10.1136/practneurol-2011-000112)
- Waddington, K. 2010. Mad and coughing cows: Bovine tuberculosis, BSE and health in twentieth century Britain. In: Cantor, D., Bonah, C. and Dörries, M. eds. Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century. Studies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine London: Pickering & Chatto, pp. 159-177.
- Waddington, K. 2010. More like cooking than science: Narrating the Inside of the laboratory, Britain 1880-1914. Journal of Literature and Science 3(1), pp. 50-70.
- Waddington, K. 2009. 'Not for ourselves, but for the others?': Die Rhetorik der Wohltätigkeit und der sozialen Zurschaustellung. In: Liedke, R. and Weber, K. eds. Religion und Philanthropie in den Europäischen Zivilgesellschaften. Entwicklungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Ferdinand Schöningh, pp. 55-71.
- Waddington, K. 2006. The bovine scourge: neat, tuberculosis and public health, 1850-1914. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
- Waddington, K. 2006. Paying for the sick poor: financing a poor law workhouse. In: Gorsky, M. and Sheard, S. eds. Financing British Medicine: The British Experience since 1750. Routledge Studies in the Social History of Medicine London: Routledge, pp. 95-111.
- Waddington, K. 2005. Hotbeds of Bohemianism? Teaching hospitals, clinical care and the patient, 1800-1914. In: Andresen, A., Gronlie, T. and Skålevåg, S. A. eds. Hospitals, Patients and Medicine 1800-2000. Rokkan Centre, pp. 79-81.
- Waddington, K. 2004. To stamp out "so terrible a malady": Bovine tuberculosis and tuberculin testing in Britain, 1890-1939. Medical History 48(1), pp. 29-48. (10.1017/S0025727300007043)
- Waddington, K. 2003. Medical education at St. Bartholomew's hospital, 1123 - 1995. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
- Waddington, K. 2003. Subscribing to a Democracy? Management and the Voluntary Ideology of the London Hospitals, 1850-1900. English Historical Review 118(476), pp. 357-379. (10.1093/ehr/118.476.357)
- Waddington, K. 2003. "Unfit for human consumption": Tuberculosis and the problem of infected meat in late Victorian Britain. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 77(3), pp. 636-661. (10.1353/bhm.2003.0147)
- Waddington, K. 2002. Mayhem and medical students: Image, conduct, and control in the Victorian and Edwardian London Teaching Hospital. Social History of Medicine 15(1), pp. 45-64. (10.1093/shm/15.1.45)
- Waddington, K. 2001. The science of cows: Tuberculosis, research and the state in the United Kingdom, 1890-1914. History of Science 39(3/125), pp. 355-381.
- Waddington, K. 2000. 'Leaders of Educational Purpose': the foundation of academic medicine 1890s-1940s. Medical Education 34(12), pp. 1032-1035. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2000.00827.x)
- Waddington, K. 2000. Charity and the London hospitals, 1850-1898. Royal Historical Society Studies in History New Series. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
- Waddington, K. 1998. Unsuitable cases: The debate over outpatient admissions, the medical profession and late-Victorian London Hospitals. Medical History 42(1), pp. 26-46.
- Waddington, K. 1998. Enemies within: Postwar Bethlem and the Maudsley. In: Gijswijt-Hofstra, M. and Porter, R. eds. Culture of Psychiatry and Mental Health Care in Postwar Britain and the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Rodopi Bv Editions, pp. 185-202.
- Andrews, J., Briggs, A., Porter, R., Tucker, P. and Waddington, K. 1997. History of Bethlem. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Waddington, K. 1995. The Nursing Dispute at Guy's Hospital, 1879–1880. Social History of Medicine 8(2), pp. 211-230. (10.1093/shm/8.2.211)
- Waddington, K. 1994. Bastard benevolence: centralisation, voluntarism and the Sunday Fund 1873–1898. The London Journal 19(2), pp. 151-167.
- Waddington, K. 2024. Resistance and prevention: Rural local government and the fight against tuberculosis. Modern British History 35(2), pp. 180-198. (10.1093/tcbh/hwae034)
- Waddington, K. 2024. ‘In constant fear of some dire epidemic breaking out’: Rural responses to infectious and epidemic disease, 1870–1920. Rural History (10.1017/S0956793324000025)
- Waddington, K. 2021. Problems of progress: modernity and writing the social history of medicine. Social History of Medicine 34(4), pp. 1053-1067. (10.1093/shm/hkaa067)
- Waddington, K. 2021. A flat past? History, environment, topography, and medicine. Modern and Contemporary France 29(3), pp. 115-129. (10.1080/09639489.2020.1868416)
- Waddington, K. 2018. Vitriol in the Taff: River pollution, industrial waste, and the politics of control in late nineteenth-century rural Wales. Rural History 29(1), pp. 23-44. (10.1017/S0956793317000164)
- Willis, M., Waddington, K. and Castell, J. 2017. ScienceHumanities: Theory, Politics, Practice. Journal of Literature and Science 10(2), pp. 6-18. (10.12929/jls.10.2.02)
- Castell, J., Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2017. ScienceHumanities: Introduction. Journal of Literature and Science 10(2), pp. 1-5. (10.12929/jls.10.2.01)
- Waddington, K. 2017. ‘I should have thought that Wales was a wet part of the world’: Drought, rural communities and public health, 1870-1914. Social History of Medicine 30(3), pp. 590-611. (10.1093/shm/hkw118)
- Mandal, A. and Waddington, K. 2015. The pathology of common life: ‘Domestic’ medicine as Gothic disruption. Gothic Studies 17(1), pp. 43-60. (10.7227/GS.17.1.4)
- Waddington, K. 2014. Thinking regionally: narrative, the medical humanities and region. Medical Humanities 41, pp. 51-56. (10.1136/medhum-2014-010579)
- Waddington, K. 2014. “In a country every way by nature favourable to health”: Landscape and public health in Victorian rural Wales. Canadian Bulletin of Medical History 31(2), pp. 183-204. (10.3138/cbmh.31.2.183)
- Waddington, K. 2013. "We don't want any German sausages here!" Food, fear, and the German nation in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Journal of British Studies 52(4), pp. 1017-1042. (10.1017/jbr.2013.178)
- Waddington, K. 2013. Death at St Bernard's: anti-vivisection, medicine and the Gothic. Journal of Victorian Culture 18(2), pp. 246-262. (10.1080/13555502.2013.778209)
- Willis, M., Waddington, K. and Marsden, R. 2013. Imaginary investments: illness narratives beyond the gaze. Journal of Literature and Science 6(1), pp. 55-73. (10.12929/jls.06.1.04)
- Waddington, K. 2013. Forum: Victorian Built Environments: University College Hospital. Victorian Review 39(1), pp. 50-54.
- Waddington, K. 2012. 'It might not be a nuisance in a country cottage': Sanitary conditions and images of health in Victorian rural Wales. Rural History 23(2), pp. 185-204. (10.1017/S0956793312000064)
- Waddington, K. 2011. The Dangerous Sausage: Diet, Meat and Disease in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Cultural and Social History 8(1), pp. 51-71. (10.2752/147800411X12858412044393)
- Waddington, K., Thomas, R. H. and Willis, M. 2011. General paralysis of the insane. Practical Neurology 11, pp. 366-369. (10.1136/practneurol-2011-000112)
- Waddington, K. 2010. More like cooking than science: Narrating the Inside of the laboratory, Britain 1880-1914. Journal of Literature and Science 3(1), pp. 50-70.
- Waddington, K. 2004. To stamp out "so terrible a malady": Bovine tuberculosis and tuberculin testing in Britain, 1890-1939. Medical History 48(1), pp. 29-48. (10.1017/S0025727300007043)
- Waddington, K. 2003. Subscribing to a Democracy? Management and the Voluntary Ideology of the London Hospitals, 1850-1900. English Historical Review 118(476), pp. 357-379. (10.1093/ehr/118.476.357)
- Waddington, K. 2003. "Unfit for human consumption": Tuberculosis and the problem of infected meat in late Victorian Britain. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 77(3), pp. 636-661. (10.1353/bhm.2003.0147)
- Waddington, K. 2002. Mayhem and medical students: Image, conduct, and control in the Victorian and Edwardian London Teaching Hospital. Social History of Medicine 15(1), pp. 45-64. (10.1093/shm/15.1.45)
- Waddington, K. 2001. The science of cows: Tuberculosis, research and the state in the United Kingdom, 1890-1914. History of Science 39(3/125), pp. 355-381.
- Waddington, K. 2000. 'Leaders of Educational Purpose': the foundation of academic medicine 1890s-1940s. Medical Education 34(12), pp. 1032-1035. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2000.00827.x)
- Waddington, K. 1998. Unsuitable cases: The debate over outpatient admissions, the medical profession and late-Victorian London Hospitals. Medical History 42(1), pp. 26-46.
- Waddington, K. 1995. The Nursing Dispute at Guy's Hospital, 1879–1880. Social History of Medicine 8(2), pp. 211-230. (10.1093/shm/8.2.211)
- Waddington, K. 1994. Bastard benevolence: centralisation, voluntarism and the Sunday Fund 1873–1898. The London Journal 19(2), pp. 151-167.
Book sections
- Scown, J., Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2025. A world after the pandemic: COVID-19 narratives, environment, and histories of the future. In: Butler, M. et al. eds. Coming to Terms with a Crisis: Cultural Engagements with COVID-19. Transcript
- Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2023. Treatment. In: Altschuler, S., Metzl, J. and Wald, P. eds. Keywords for Health Humanities. Keywords New York: New York University Press, pp. 209-211.
- Waddington, K. 2023. “Kindly see to the matter”: Local communities and the development of rural public health, 1870-1920. In: Borowy, I. and Harris, B. eds. Yearbook for the History of Global Development., Vol. 2. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 31-58., (10.1515/9783111015583-002)
- Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2021. Pharmacology, controversy, and the everyday in fin-de-siècle medicine and fiction. In: Lawlor, C. and Mangham, A. eds. Literature and Medicine: Volume 2: The Nineteenth Century., Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambride University Press, pp. 135-153.
- Davis, O. and Waddington, K. 2019. The final occupation of the settlement. In: Sharples, N. ed. A Norse Settlement in the Outer Hebrides: Excavations on Mounds 2 and 2A, Bornais, South Uist. Oxbow
- Waddington, K. 2017. The good, the bad and the ugly: sources for essays. In: Loughran, T. ed. A Practical Guide to Studying History. Skills and Approaches. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 185-195.
- Waddington, K. 2015. Introduction. In: Overy, C. and Tansey, E. M. eds. A History of Bovine TB, c.1965-c.2000., Vol. 55. Wellcome Witness to Contemporary Medicine Vol. 55. London: Queen Marty University of London, pp. xv-xviii.
- Waddington, K. 2010. Mad and coughing cows: Bovine tuberculosis, BSE and health in twentieth century Britain. In: Cantor, D., Bonah, C. and Dörries, M. eds. Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century. Studies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine London: Pickering & Chatto, pp. 159-177.
- Waddington, K. 2009. 'Not for ourselves, but for the others?': Die Rhetorik der Wohltätigkeit und der sozialen Zurschaustellung. In: Liedke, R. and Weber, K. eds. Religion und Philanthropie in den Europäischen Zivilgesellschaften. Entwicklungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Ferdinand Schöningh, pp. 55-71.
- Waddington, K. 2006. Paying for the sick poor: financing a poor law workhouse. In: Gorsky, M. and Sheard, S. eds. Financing British Medicine: The British Experience since 1750. Routledge Studies in the Social History of Medicine London: Routledge, pp. 95-111.
- Waddington, K. 2005. Hotbeds of Bohemianism? Teaching hospitals, clinical care and the patient, 1800-1914. In: Andresen, A., Gronlie, T. and Skålevåg, S. A. eds. Hospitals, Patients and Medicine 1800-2000. Rokkan Centre, pp. 79-81.
- Waddington, K. 1998. Enemies within: Postwar Bethlem and the Maudsley. In: Gijswijt-Hofstra, M. and Porter, R. eds. Culture of Psychiatry and Mental Health Care in Postwar Britain and the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Rodopi Bv Editions, pp. 185-202.
- Waddington, K. 2011. An introduction to the social history of medicine: Europe since 1500. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Waddington, K. 2006. The bovine scourge: neat, tuberculosis and public health, 1850-1914. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
- Waddington, K. 2003. Medical education at St. Bartholomew's hospital, 1123 - 1995. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
- Waddington, K. 2000. Charity and the London hospitals, 1850-1898. Royal Historical Society Studies in History New Series. Woodbridge: Boydell & Brewer.
- Andrews, J., Briggs, A., Porter, R., Tucker, P. and Waddington, K. 1997. History of Bethlem. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Willis, M., Waddington, K. and Marsden, R. 2012. The off-sick project. [Website].
- Fitzgerald, D., Lane, R., Waddington, K. and Willis, M. 2019. Two ways of telling this story: Best practice in interdisciplinary collaboration. Cardiff: ScienceHumanities Initiative, Cardiff University.
- Waddington, K. 2013. "We don't want any German sausages here!" Food, fear, and the German nation in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Journal of British Studies 52(4), pp. 1017-1042. (10.1017/jbr.2013.178)
- Waddington, K. 2013. Death at St Bernard's: anti-vivisection, medicine and the Gothic. Journal of Victorian Culture 18(2), pp. 246-262. (10.1080/13555502.2013.778209)
- Willis, M., Waddington, K. and Marsden, R. 2013. Imaginary investments: illness narratives beyond the gaze. Journal of Literature and Science 6(1), pp. 55-73. (10.12929/jls.06.1.04)
- Waddington, K. 2012. 'It might not be a nuisance in a country cottage': Sanitary conditions and images of health in Victorian rural Wales. Rural History 23(2), pp. 185-204. (10.1017/S0956793312000064)
- Waddington, K. 2011. An introduction to the social history of medicine: Europe since 1500. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Waddington, K. 2011. The Dangerous Sausage: Diet, Meat and Disease in Victorian and Edwardian Britain. Cultural and Social History 8(1), pp. 51-71. (10.2752/147800411X12858412044393)
- Waddington, K., Thomas, R. H. and Willis, M. 2011. General paralysis of the insane. Practical Neurology 11, pp. 366-369. (10.1136/practneurol-2011-000112)
- Waddington, K. 2010. Mad and coughing cows: Bovine tuberculosis, BSE and health in twentieth century Britain. In: Cantor, D., Bonah, C. and Dörries, M. eds. Meat, Medicine and Human Health in the Twentieth Century. Studies for the Society for the Social History of Medicine London: Pickering & Chatto, pp. 159-177.
- Waddington, K. 2010. More like cooking than science: Narrating the Inside of the laboratory, Britain 1880-1914. Journal of Literature and Science 3(1), pp. 50-70.
- Waddington, K. 2009. 'Not for ourselves, but for the others?': Die Rhetorik der Wohltätigkeit und der sozialen Zurschaustellung. In: Liedke, R. and Weber, K. eds. Religion und Philanthropie in den Europäischen Zivilgesellschaften. Entwicklungen im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert. Ferdinand Schöningh, pp. 55-71.
- Waddington, K. 2006. The bovine scourge: neat, tuberculosis and public health, 1850-1914. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
- Waddington, K. 2006. Paying for the sick poor: financing a poor law workhouse. In: Gorsky, M. and Sheard, S. eds. Financing British Medicine: The British Experience since 1750. Routledge Studies in the Social History of Medicine London: Routledge, pp. 95-111.
- Waddington, K. 2005. Hotbeds of Bohemianism? Teaching hospitals, clinical care and the patient, 1800-1914. In: Andresen, A., Gronlie, T. and Skålevåg, S. A. eds. Hospitals, Patients and Medicine 1800-2000. Rokkan Centre, pp. 79-81.
- Waddington, K. 2004. To stamp out "so terrible a malady": Bovine tuberculosis and tuberculin testing in Britain, 1890-1939. Medical History 48(1), pp. 29-48. (10.1017/S0025727300007043)
- Waddington, K. 2003. Medical education at St. Bartholomew's hospital, 1123 - 1995. Woodbridge: Boydell Press.
- Waddington, K. 2003. Subscribing to a Democracy? Management and the Voluntary Ideology of the London Hospitals, 1850-1900. English Historical Review 118(476), pp. 357-379. (10.1093/ehr/118.476.357)
- Waddington, K. 2003. "Unfit for human consumption": Tuberculosis and the problem of infected meat in late Victorian Britain. Bulletin of the History of Medicine 77(3), pp. 636-661. (10.1353/bhm.2003.0147)
- Waddington, K. 2002. Mayhem and medical students: Image, conduct, and control in the Victorian and Edwardian London Teaching Hospital. Social History of Medicine 15(1), pp. 45-64. (10.1093/shm/15.1.45)
- Waddington, K. 2001. The science of cows: Tuberculosis, research and the state in the United Kingdom, 1890-1914. History of Science 39(3/125), pp. 355-381.
- Waddington, K. 2000. 'Leaders of Educational Purpose': the foundation of academic medicine 1890s-1940s. Medical Education 34(12), pp. 1032-1035. (10.1111/j.1365-2923.2000.00827.x)
- Waddington, K. 1998. Unsuitable cases: The debate over outpatient admissions, the medical profession and late-Victorian London Hospitals. Medical History 42(1), pp. 26-46.
- Waddington, K. 1998. Enemies within: Postwar Bethlem and the Maudsley. In: Gijswijt-Hofstra, M. and Porter, R. eds. Culture of Psychiatry and Mental Health Care in Postwar Britain and the Netherlands. Amsterdam: Rodopi Bv Editions, pp. 185-202.
- Andrews, J., Briggs, A., Porter, R., Tucker, P. and Waddington, K. 1997. History of Bethlem. Abingdon: Routledge.
- Waddington, K. 1995. The Nursing Dispute at Guy's Hospital, 1879–1880. Social History of Medicine 8(2), pp. 211-230. (10.1093/shm/8.2.211)
- Waddington, K. 1994. Bastard benevolence: centralisation, voluntarism and the Sunday Fund 1873–1898. The London Journal 19(2), pp. 151-167.
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar astudio hanes cymdeithasol meddygaeth a hanes amgylcheddol. Deilliodd fy monograff cyntaf, History of Bethlem(1997), o brosiect cydweithredol gyda phedwar academydd arall i symleiddio Bedlam ac archwilio ei hanes o'i sylfaen i'r presennol.
Roedd fy ail fonograff, Charity and the London Hospitals, 1850-1898 (2000) yn ymchwilio i ddeinameg codi arian ysbyty Fictoraidd a natur elusen Llundain, tra bod fy mhedwerydd monograff The Bovine scourge: Neat, twbercwlosis ac iechyd y cyhoedd, 1850-1914 dechreuodd fy ffocws ymchwil cyfredol ar iechyd cyhoeddus Fictoraidd ac Edwardaidd.
Rwyf hefyd wedi cyhoeddi Cyflwyniad i hanes cymdeithasol meddygaeth: Ewrop ers 1500 wedi'i anelu at israddedigion ac ôl-raddedigion sydd â diddordeb yn hanes cymdeithasol meddygaeth.
Mae dau gyfeiriad allweddol yn fy ymchwil presennol: mae'r cyntaf yn pontio hanes amgylcheddol a'r dyniaethau meddygol i ymchwilio i sut roedd cymunedau'n deall yr amgylchedd o'u cwmpas ac yn ymateb i beryglon amgylcheddol a hinsawdd. Mae'r prosiect yn defnyddio dadansoddiad trawsranbarthol i ganolbwyntio ar sut roedd cymunedau'n ymgysylltu â phrinder dŵr a rhaggaredd yn ogystal â datblygiad a therfynau rheoleiddio a'r actorion dan sylw. Rwy'n canolbwyntio'n benodol ar syniadau ac arferion arbenigedd ac awdurdod, ymatebion cymunedol, tirwedd ac arwahanrwydd, yn ogystal â syniadau am gefn ac asiantaeth, i ymchwilio i'r isadeileddau ffisegol a rheoleiddiol a roddwyd ar waith i fynd i'r afael â phryderon amgylcheddol gwledig.
Mae'r ail yn archwilio dulliau o gydweithio rhwng y dyniaethau a'r gwyddorau, wedi'u llunio'n ddamcaniaethol, yn wleidyddol ac yn ymarferol. Gwneir hyn fel rhan o Fenter y Dyniaethau Gwyddoniaeth yr wyf yn ei chyd-arwain gyda'r Athro Martin Willis, arbenigwr llenyddiaeth, gwyddoniaeth a meddygaeth a gydnabyddir yn rhyngwladol yng Nghaerdydd. Gyda'n gilydd rydym yn arwain nifer o brosiectau sydd â'r nod o ddeall ac adfywio methodolegau cydweithio cyfredol, gyda gwaith mwy diweddar yn canolbwyntio ar ddyfodol Covid ac ar y Dyniaethau Glas. Fel rhan o hyn, rydym yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Grŵp Ymchwil y Dyniaethau Glas Prifysgol Bremen, ac rydym yn cynnal Ysgol Haf Dyniaethau Gwyddoniaeth ar gyfer cyfranogwyr rhyngwladol (bob mis Mai). Mae menter ScienceHumanities hefyd yn gweithio mewn partneriaeth â Fiction meets Science ym Mhrifysgol Bremen. Ein cyhoeddiad diweddaraf yw adroddiad Dwy ffordd o adrodd y stori hon: Arfer orau mewn cydweithio rhyngddisgyblaethol.
I gael gwybod mwy am y prosiect cydweithredol hwn, ewch i'r blog yn: https://cardiffsciencehumanities.org/
Rwyf wedi arwain prosiectau ymchwil sy'n gysylltiedig â'm holl feysydd diddordeb gyda chefnogaeth cyllid gan AHRC, Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome, ESRC, ac o Brifysgol Caerdydd.
- Cyfansoddiad y Byd Modern - 20 credyd
- Darllen Hanes - 20 credyd
- Hanes Trafod - 20 credyd
- Gwneud Hanes - 20 credyd
- Hanes Amgylcheddol - 20 credyd
- Mayhem and Murder - 20 credyd
- Traethawd Hir - 40 credyd
Ymchwil ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n derbyn myfyrwyr PhD â chymwysterau addas sydd â diddordeb ym mhob agwedd ar hanes cymdeithasol meddygaeth, hanes amgylcheddol a hanes cymdeithasol sy'n gysylltiedig â Phrydain y bedwaredd ganrif ar bymtheg a'r ugeinfed ganrif yn ogystal â meysydd cysylltiedig yn hanes trefol a chymdeithasol Oes Fictoria.
Ymunais â'r Ysgol Hanes ac Archaeoleg fel Cymrawd Ymchwil ym mis Medi 1999, ac ers hynny rwyf wedi gweithio mewn amrywiaeth o rolau yn yr Ysgol o Gyfarwyddwr Ôl-raddedigion a Chyfarwyddwr Ymchwil ac Ymgysylltu i Gyfarwyddwr Addysgu a Dysgu a Chyfarwyddwr Astudiaethau Israddedig. Rhwng 2019 a 2022, roeddwn i'n bennaeth Hanes. Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n Ddirprwy Bennaeth yr Ysgol (ers 2023)
Cyn ymgymryd â'r swydd yng Nghaerdydd, cefais swyddi yng Nghanolfan Wellcome ar Hanes Meddygaeth yn gweithio gyda Roy Porter ar Hanes Bethlem ac yna cymrodoriaeth yn St Bartholomew's ac Ysgol Feddygaeth Frenhinol Llundain a deintyddiaeth yn ymchwilio i hanes addysg feddygol a chyfrannu at waith y Ganolfan Addysg Feddygol a Deintyddol. Rwyf hefyd wedi gweithio ym Mhrifysgol East Anglia.
Cynhaliais fy ngwaith doethurol yng Ngholeg Prifysgol Llundain a chynhaliais gymrodoriaeth yn y Sefydliad Ymchwil Hanesyddol.
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
Dyfarniadau cyfredol
- Cyd-ymchwilydd, Grant bach Rhwydwaith Arloesi Cymru ar gyfer Dyniaethau Ynni Cymru i ddatblygu cydweithrediadau ledled Cymru [gyda Gavin Williams, Caerdydd]
Gwobrau blaenorol ers 2014
· Cyd-ymchwilydd, Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome cyllid dilynol - ar gyfer prosiect ymchwil sy'n archwilio sut dychmygwyd dyfodol ar ôl y pandemig yn ystod Covid [gyda Martin Willis, Caerdydd]
· Cyd-ymchwilydd, Llywodraeth Cymru yn Cefnogi Ymchwil Cydweithredol ac Arloesi yn Ewrop - i ddatblygu cydweithrediadau â Phrifysgol Duke [gyda Martin Willis, Caerdydd]
· Cyd-ymchwilydd, Grant Bach Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome yn y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol - ar gyfer cyfres o weithdai a digwyddiadau ymgysylltu sy'n archwilio croestoriadau meddygaeth a'r amgylchedd [gyda Newcastle, Bryste, a Lerpwl]
· Cyd-ymchwilydd, Grant Bach Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome yn y Dyniaethau a'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol - ar gyfer prosiect ymchwil ar feddygaeth a'r dyfodol [gyda Martin Willis a James Castell, Caerdydd]
· Cyd-ymchwilydd, Cyllid Cychwynnwr Effaith ESRC - i ymgymryd ag ymchwil gychwynnol sy'n archwilio methodolegau, ac arferion prosiectau cydweithredol y dyniaethau a'r gwyddorau gyda'r bwriad o ddylanwadu ar gyfeiriadau a pholisïau'r dyfodol [gyda Martin Willis a Des Fitzgerald, Caerdydd]
Cyd-ymchwilydd, AHRC, 'Pontio'r Bwlch' - ar gyfer rhwydwaith consortiwm GW4 gyda phrifysgolion Caerfaddon, Bryste a Chaerwysg ar gyd-gynhyrchu ymchwil
· Cyd-ymchwilydd, Ymddiriedolaeth ISSF Wellcome, Gwobr Gydweithredol y Dyniaethau Meddygol - i arwain ar ddatblygu prosiectau ymchwil y dyniaethau meddygol a gwyddoniaeth ar draws Prifysgol Caerdydd mewn ffurfiau cydweithredol gwreiddiol [gyda Julie Brown, Addysg Feddygol, Caerdydd]
· Prif Ymchwilydd, Grant bach dyniaethau meddygol Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome - i ymgymryd ag ymchwil ar Iechyd Cyhoeddus Gwledig yng Nghymru Fictoraidd ac Edwardaidd
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
Byrddau Golygyddol
- Hanes Cymdeithasol Meddygaeth
- Rwy'ndarlithio mewn Llenyddiaeth a Gwyddoniaeth, Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru
Cynghorau Ymchwil y DU
- Coleg Asesu Rhyngddisgyblaethol UKRI
Byrddau a phwyllgorau cynghori
- MedEnv (rhwydwaith ymchwil a ariennir gan Ymddiriedolaeth Wellcome)
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
Cynghorau Ymchwil y DU
- Cyfredol: Coleg asesu rhyngddisgyblaethol UKRI
- 2021: Panel cynghori NERC ar ddadwladychu
- 2013: Panel Hyfforddi Coleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid AHRC
- 2011: Panel Gwyddoniaeth mewn Diwylliant AHRC
- 2010: Cadeirydd, paneli Cymrodoriaeth AHRC
- 2006-14: Coleg Adolygu Cymheiriaid AHRC (clod am 'gyfraniad rhagorol' i'r coleg adolygu cymheiriaid yn 2013)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
I supervise students on a range of topics on the social history of medicine and environmental history related to nineteenth- and twentieth-century Britain as well as related fields in Victorian urban and social history.
Among my present supervisees, topics under investigation include:
- Cholera and the role of port sanitary authorities in Victorian Wales
- Patient experiences in the asylum, 1870-1930
- Social and economic change in rural Monmouthshire
Contact Details
+44 29208 76103
Adeilad John Percival , Llawr 4ydd llawr, Ystafell Ystafell 4.40, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU
Themâu ymchwil
- Hanes amgylcheddol
- Hanes cymdeithasol meddygaeth
- 19eg ganrif
- Urban HIstory
- Hanes Hinsawdd