Ewch i’r prif gynnwys
David Watkinson

Yr Athro David Watkinson

Athro Cadwraeth

Sylwebydd y cyfryngau


Research interests

  • Structure, decay and conservation of historical and archaeological objects.
  • Corrosion and conservation of metals; specifically iron.
  • Corrosion of archaeological glass.
  • Long term storage of metals in museums.
  • Methodology and accuracy in collection survey.
  • The education and training of conservation professionals.

Research projects
















  • Rimmer, M. and Watkinson, D. 2011. Residues of alkaline sulphite treatment and their effects on the corrosion of archaeological iron objects. Presented at: METAL 2010, Charleston, SC, USA, 11-15 October 2010 Presented at Mardikian, P. et al. eds.METAL 2010: Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group. Clemson, SC: Clemson University pp. 16-22.
  • Manti, P., Henderson, J. and Watkinson, D. 2011. Reflective practice in conservation education. Presented at: ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 September 2011 Presented at Bridgland, J. ed.ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference: preprints, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 September 2011. London: The International Council of Museums – Committee for Conservation
  • Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2011. Hot-tinning of low tin bronzes. Presented at: Metal 2010 : Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, Charleston, SC, USA, 11-15 October 2010 Presented at Mardikian, P. et al. eds.Metal 2010 : Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, October 11-15, 2010, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Charleston, SC, USA: ICOM-CC, Clemson University pp. 92-98.





  • Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2007. Examination of Greek bronze helmets: sampling and project design. Presented at: ICOM-CC Metal Working Group International Triennial Meeting (Metal 07), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17-21 September 2007 Presented at Degrigny, C. et al. eds.Metal 07: Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group International Triennial Meeting. Amsterdam, 17-21 September 2007. Amsterdam: ICOM-CC, Rijksmuseum pp. 78-82.




Adrannau llyfrau







AHRC/CDA in partnership with Historic Scotland and the Tank Museum

Quantifying corrosion of historical wrought iron and steel to develop predictive preservation methods and strategies

Tank at Tank Museum (copyright: Tank Museum)

Tank at the Tank Museum (copyright: Tank Museum)

This AHRC/CDA studentship project begins in October 2012. It will quantitatively determine corrosion rates of wrought iron and modern steels then assess the performance of selected protective coatings on their surfaces within a range of controlled environments. The data will be contextualized for heritage by examining how it can be used in evidence based management of ferrous metal heritage. Project partners are Historic Scotland and The Tank Museum, who will take an active part in the research, trial its outcomes and offer strong communication routes for dissemination to the sector.

Evidence-based Condition-Monitoring Strategy for Preservation of Heritage Iron

This 3-year £365,000 interdisciplinary project was awarded to Cardiff University and is funded by the AHRC/EPSRC Science and Heritage Large Grants programme . David Watkinson is the Principal Investigator. It began in 2010 and it will define and measure the variables which influence the corrosion rate of archaeological and historic iron artefacts using real archaeological objects. Further to this it will develop methods of measuring the corrosive potential of storage and display environments. The project is a partnership between the Cardiff University Department of Archaeology and Conservation and the University of Manchester School of Materials .

Corrosion, cracking and lamination of archaeological iron hinge fragment.

Corrosion, cracking and lamination of archaeological iron hinge fragment.

ss Great Britain: Corrosion and conservation

Cardiff University Department of Archaeology and Conservation carried out scientific research that underpinned the preservation of Brunel's 1843 iron steamship ss Great Britain (Link to new project page on ss Great Britain.).  The ship is a major visitor attraction in Bristol receiving 170,000 visitors in 2010 compared to 70,000 p.a. before its conservation. The preservation process is highly visible and involves desiccating the ship to stop it corroding, consequently it forms an integral part of the visitor experience. There is a feeling that Brunel would be proud of the cutting edge science and technology preserving his ship, as it sits well with his reputation as an innovator.  The project has received £44,000 in funding. Collaboration and research with ss Great Britain trust continues to date.

The desiccated space beneath the dock roof and the ship sitting in the dry dock in which it was originally constructed

The desiccated space beneath the dock roof and the ship sitting in the dry dock in which it was originally constructed

Preparation of historic wrought iron surfaces to receive protective coatings and evaluation of paint performance

This £24,000 one year project is funded by Historic Scotland who are collaborating with Cardiff University to examine differing ways of removing paint from historic wrought iron, such as railings and canopies, in preparation for repainting. The goal is to begin to construct an evidence based platform for the conservation of historic wrought iron, leading to best practice guidelines for maintenance procedures.

Coating failure on cast iron (Picture Historic Scotland)

Coating failure on cast iron (Picture Historic Scotland)


Course leader:

  • BSc Conservation of Objects in Museums and Archaeology
  • MSc Conservation
  • MSc Care of Collections


  • Corrosion and conservation of metals
  • Decay and conservation of wet wood
  • Theory and practice in the workplace
  • Method in conservation
  • Analysis of materials
  • Practical conservation projects
  • Conservation independent study
  • Conservation dissertation
  • Archaeological Science
  • Masters dissertations
  • PhD supervision


Education and qualifications

Dip. Cons. (UCL)

MSc University College Cardiff

Notable achievements

  • Plowden Medal 2010 awarded for 'innovative research and services to conservation.
  • Part of conservation team that won the Gulbenkian Museum prize for the ss Great Britain in 2006.
  • Invited speaker - Gordon research Conference on Aqueous Corrosion 2010

Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau

  • Medal Plowden 2010
  • Gwobr Amgueddfa Gulbenkian 2006 (aelod o'r tîm – ss Great Britain)
  • Gwobr Anna Plowden am Ymchwil ac Arloesi mewn Cadwraeth (Rhestr fer 2007)
  • Gwobr Cadwraeth y DU (Rhestr fer 2007)

Aelodaethau proffesiynol

  • Council Member International Institute for Conservation
  • Accredited Member the Institute of Conservation (ICON)
  • Fellow International Institute for Conservation (IIC)
  • Fellow Society of Antiquaries of London
  • Member of International Council of Museums (ICOM)
  • Heritage Council Ireland – Panel of Conservators
  • Executive Committee member of United Kingdom Institute for Conservation 1980-3
  • Chair - Archaeology Section of United Kingdom Institute for Conservation 1983-88
  • Editor Conservation News 1979 – 84
  • Editorial Advisor for Conservator 1989 - 91

Pwyllgorau ac adolygu


Adolygydd Journal

Andwante Chemie; Archaeometreg; Journal of Archaeological Science; Journal of Adlynsion Science and Technology; Gwyddor Corydiad; Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg Cyrydu; Y Cadwraethwr; Ymchwil Gwyddoniaeth a Llygredd Amgylcheddol; Journal of Cultural Heritage; Journal of Heritage Science; Journal of the Institute of Conservation; Deunyddiau a Chorydiad;  New Journal of Chemistry

Contact Details

Email Watkinson@caerdydd.ac.uk
Telephone +44 29208 74249
Campuses Adeilad John Percival , Ystafell 3.16, Rhodfa Colum, Caerdydd, CF10 3EU