Professor David Watkinson
Professor of Conservation
- Media commentator
I began my career as a trained conservator, initially working in museums on a wide range of cultural objects and then specialising in archaeological material as a practical conservator at Cardiff University, where I later moved into teaching and research. I was present at the formative stage of the undergraduate degree Cardiff now offers and later developed a suite of MSc degrees in collaboration with conservation staff.
My focus is on theory and research, where I specialise in materials science of metals and inorganic materials. I am primarily a corrosion scientist and am particularly interested in designing research that informs and evidences conservation practice and management strategies. This is achieved by working with museums and heritage bodies to answer specific problems related to treatment, storage and display of heritage objects within their remit. A PhD cohort engaged in the corrosion science of metals, the conservation of inorganic materials and a range of more discursive topics such as visitor experience in museums, supports these research goals.
I was awarded the Plowden Medal for my services to conservation research in 2010. I am a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, Vice-President of Working Party 21 'Corrosion of Archaeological and Historical Artefacts' within the European Federation of Corrosion, a former Council member of the International Institute for Conservation and a past Chair of the ICON Archaeology Section.
- Kennedy, C. et al. 2024. Beyond heritage science: A review. Heritage 7(3), pp. 1510-1538. (10.3390/heritage7030073)
- Smith, W., Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N., Lankester, P., Thickett, D. and Leins, I. 2023. Comparative assessment of paint systems for use on heritage artillery at coastal forts in England: experimental design and interim report. Conservar Patrimonio 44, pp. 174-186. (10.14568/cp29444)
- Thickett, D., Emmerson, N., Larsen, R., Odlyha, M. and Watkinson, D. 2022. Analysing objects to tailor environmental preventive conservation. Heritage 6(1), pp. 212-235. (10.3390/heritage6010011)
- Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2022. Corrosion phenomena and patina on archaeological low-tin wrought bronzes: New data. Journal of Cultural Heritage 55, pp. 158-170. (10.1016/j.culher.2022.03.004)
- Thunberg, J., Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N., Kis, Z., Harsanyi, I., Zsolt, K. and Lewis, M. 2022. The role of patina on archaeological copper alloy coins in the outbreak and progression of bronze disease. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5-9 September 2022.
- Meehan, P., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2022. A comparison of the long-term outdoor performance of two modern paint coating systems and a traditional lead-based paint applied to historic wrought iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D., Roche, K., Seifert, J. and Thunberg, J. 2022. The effect of βFeOOH synthesis routes on its ability to corrode iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Emmerson, N. J., Seifert, J. H. and Watkinson, D. E. 2021. Refining the use of oxygen consumption as a proxy corrosion rate measure for archaeological and historic iron. European Physical Journal Plus 135, article number: 546. (10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01478-w)
- Thunberg, J., Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2021. Desiccated microclimates for heritage metals: creation and management. Studies in Conservation 66(3), pp. 127-153. (10.1080/00393630.2020.1799599)
- Thunberg, J., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2020. The role of relative humidity in the corrosion rate of copper in the presence of cuprous chloride: a risk-based approach. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Nasanen, L., Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2020. The impact of pH and temperature on copper corrosion products in subcritical conditions: delivering insight into the treatment of archaeological copper alloys. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Watkinson, D., Smith, W. and Emmerson, N. 2020. Removal of copper corrosion products from archaeological copper alloys using a Q-switch Nd:YAG 1064 laser: impact on selected corrosion products. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Emmerson, N., Thunberg, J. and Watkinson, D. 2020. New guidelines for the desiccated storage of archaeological metal artefacts. Presented at: 48th AIC/SPNHC Joint Virtual Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual, 21 May - 230 June 2021.
- Watkinson, D., Crepeau, M. and Emmerson, N. 2019. Evidencing risk to inform best practice: the limitations of detecting tinning layers by visual analysis during the removal of corrosion from archaeological iron. Presented at: Metal 2019: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2-6 September 2019.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D. and Thunberg, J. 2019. Flame cleaning of historic wrought iron: practitioner methods and their impact on oxide morphologies and post-treatment corrosion rates. Presented at: Metal 2019: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2-6 September 2019.
- Watkinson, D. E., Rimmer, M. B. and Emmerson, N. J. 2019. The Influence of relative humidity and intrinsic chloride on post-excavation corrosion rates of archaeological wrought iron. Studies in Conservation 64(8), pp. 456-471. (10.1080/00393630.2018.1565006)
- Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2019. Desiccated corrosion control of the 324 feet long wrought iron hull of ss Great Britain: theory and operational realities 10 years on. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2019, Seville, Spain, 9-13 September 2019.
- Emmerson, N., Roche, K. and Watkinson, D. 2019. Synthesised and naturally formed Akaganéite: impact on the corrosion of iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2019, Seville, Spain, 9-13 September 2019.
- Thunberg, J., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2018. Evidencing best practice in post-excavation and long-term storage protocols for archaeological iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2018, Krakow, Poland, 9-13 September 2018.
- Emmerson, N., James, S., Thunberg, J. and Watkinson, D. 2018. Impact of NaOH (aq) short-term washing of βFeOOH on its ability to corrode iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2018, Krakow, Poland, 9-13 September 2018.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Seifert, J. 2017. Matching display relative humidity to corrosion rate: Quantitative evidence for marine cast iron cannon balls. Presented at: Metal 2016: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, New Dehli, India, 26-30 September 2016 Presented at Menon, R. ed.Metal 2016 Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group September 26-30, 2016 New Delhi India. ICOM-CC and IGNCA pp. 195-202.
- Nasanen, L., Kasprzok, L., Crette, S., Gonzalez-Pereyra, N. and Watkinson, D. 2017. Feasibility of subcritical fluid technology to stabilize archaeological copper alloy artifacts.. Presented at: Metal 2016: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, New Delhi, India, 26-30 September 2016 Presented at Menon, R., Chemello, C. and Pandya, A. eds.Metal 2016 Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group September 26-30, 2016 New Delhi India.
- Watkinson, D. E. and Emmerson, N. J. 2017. The impact of aqueous washing on the ability of βFeOOH to corrode iron. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, pp. 2138-2149. (10.1007/s11356-016-6749-3)
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D. and Gkouma, A. 2017. Investigation of the natural plant extract Emblica officinalis for chloride release from βFeOOH. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2017.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Channell, I. 2017. Towards quantitatively assessing the success of dodecanoic acid as an inhibitor for the treatment of archaeological iron nails. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2017.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2016. Surface preparation of historic wrought iron. Materials and Corrosion 67(2), pp. 176-189. (10.1002/maco.201408210)
- Emmerson, N. J. and Watkinson, D. E. 2016. Surface preparation of historic wrought iron: evidencing the requirement for standardisation. Materials and Corrosion / Werkstoffe und Korrosion 67(2), pp. 176-189. (10.1002/maco.201408210)
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2016. Impact of washed naturally formed and synthetic β-FeOOH on corrosion rate of iron as a function of relative humidity. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 11-15 September 2016.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Seifert, J. 2016. Corrosion rates of marine archaeological cast iron as a function of relative humidity and treatment. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 11-15 September 2016.
- Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2015. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis to inform management protocols for the preservation of archaeological ironwork. Presented at: EuroAnalysis 2015, Bordeaux, France, 6-10 September 2015.
- Lawson, A., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2015. Quantitative testing of corrosion rates of heritage steel coated with Paraloid B72™, Cosmolloid 80H™ and Siliglide 10™. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2015, Graz, Austria, 6-10 September 2015.
- Watkinson, D. and Rimmer, M. 2014. Quantifying effectiveness of chloride desalination treatments for archaeological iron using oxygen measurement. Presented at: Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group, Edinburgh, UK, 16-20 September 2013 Presented at Hyslop, E. et al. eds.METAL 2013: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, Conference Proceedings, 16-20 September 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland pp. 95-102.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Preparing historic wrought iron for protective coatings: quantitative assessment to produce evidence-based protocols. Presented at: Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group, Edinburgh, UK, 16-20 September 2013 Presented at Hislop, E. et al. eds.Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland pp. 119-127.
- Emmerson, N., Nordgren, E. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Mill scale on historic wrought iron: impact on corrosion and coating performance. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2014, Pisa, Italy, 8-12 September 2014.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Protective coatings for historic wrought iron: epoxy resins versus oil-based systems. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2014, Pisa, Italy, 8-12 September 2014.
- Watkinson, D., Rimmer, M., Kasztovszky, Z., Kis, Z., Maróti, B. and Szentmiklósi, L. 2013. The use of neutron analysis techniques for detecting the concentration and distribution of chloride ions in archaeological iron. Archaeometry n/a (10.1111/arcm.12058)
- Rimmer, M., Watkinson, D. and Wang, Q. 2013. The impact of chloride desalination on the corrosion rate of archaeological iron. Studies in Conservation 58(4), pp. 326-337. (10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000068)
- Rimmer, M., Watkinson, D. and Wang, Q. 2013. The impact of chloride desalination on the corrosion rate of archaeological iron. Studies in Conservation 58(4), pp. 326-337. (10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000068)
- Watkinson, D., Rimmer, M. and Kergourlay, F. 2013. Alkaline desalination techniques for archaeological iron. In: Dillmann, P. et al. eds. Corrosion and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Metallic Artefacts. European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series Vol. 65. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 407-433.
- Dillmann, P. et al. eds. 2013. Corrosion and conservation of cultural heritage metallic artifacts. European Federation of Corrosion Series Vol. 65. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.
- Watkinson, D. 2013. Conservation, corrosion science and evidence-based preservation strategies for metallic heritage artefacts. In: Dillmann, P. et al. eds. Corrosion and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Metallic Artifacts. European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series Vol. 65. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 9-36.
- Rimmer, M., Thickett, D., Watkinson, D. and Ganiaris, H. 2013. Guidelines for the storage and display of archaeological metalwork. Technical Report.
- Malea, E., Vogiatzi, T. and Watkinson, D. 2012. Assessing the physical condition of waterlogged archaeological leather. Presented at: Proceedings of the 11th ICOM-CC Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conferenence, Greenville, North Carolina, USA, 24 - 28 May 2010Proceedings of the 11th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Greenville, NC 2010. ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials pp. 571-595.
- Rimmer, M., Watkinson, D. and Wang, Q. 2012. The efficiency of chloride extraction from archaeological iron objects using deoxygenated alkaline solutions. Studies in Conservation 57(1), pp. 29-41. (10.1179/2047058411Y.0000000005)
- Rimmer, M. and Watkinson, D. 2011. Residues of alkaline sulphite treatment and their effects on the corrosion of archaeological iron objects. Presented at: METAL 2010, Charleston, SC, USA, 11-15 October 2010 Presented at Mardikian, P. et al. eds.METAL 2010: Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group. Clemson, SC: Clemson University pp. 16-22.
- Manti, P., Henderson, J. and Watkinson, D. 2011. Reflective practice in conservation education. Presented at: ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 September 2011 Presented at Bridgland, J. ed.ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference: preprints, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 September 2011. London: The International Council of Museums – Committee for Conservation
- Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2011. Hot-tinning of low tin bronzes. Presented at: Metal 2010 : Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, Charleston, SC, USA, 11-15 October 2010 Presented at Mardikian, P. et al. eds.Metal 2010 : Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, October 11-15, 2010, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Charleston, SC, USA: ICOM-CC, Clemson University pp. 92-98.
- Watkinson, D. 2010. Measuring effectiveness of washing methods for corrosion control of archaeological iron: problems and challenges. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 45(5), pp. 400-406. (10.1179/147842210X12754747500801)
- Parkes, P. and Watkinson, D. 2010. Computed tomography and X-radiography of a coffin from Dynasty 21/22. Presented at: Decorated Surfaces on Ancient Egyptian Objects: Technology, Deterioration and Conservation, Cambridge, UK, 7-8 September 2007Decorated Surfaces on Ancient Egyptian Objects: Technology, Deterioration and Conservation. London: Archetype Publications Ltd pp. 58-66.
- Watkinson, D. 2010. Preservation of metallic cultural heritage. In: Cottis, R. A. ed. Shreir's Corrosion. 4th ed.., Vol. 4. London: Elsevier, pp. 3307-3340., (10.1016/B978-044452787-5.00172-4)
- Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2009. From Homer to hoplite: scientific investigations of Greek copper alloy helmets. Presented at: International Symposium Science and Technology in Homeric Epics, Olympia, Greece, 27-30 August 2006 Presented at Paipetis, S. A. ed.Science and Technology in Homeric Epics. History of Mechanism and Machine Science Vol. 6. London: Springer Science Publications pp. 167-179., (10.1007/978-1-4020-8784-4_12)
- Watkinson, D. 2008. ss Great Britain: science and technology underpin enclosure design. In: Henderson, J. ed. Conservation Matters in Wales, On Display: Showcases and Enclosures. Federation of Museums and Art Galleries Wales and National Museums Wales, pp. 13-17.
- Watkinson, D. and Al-Zahrani, A. 2008. Towards quantified assessment of aqueous chloride extraction methods for archaeological iron: De-oxygenated treatment environments. The Conservator 31(1), pp. 75-86. (10.1080/01410096.2008.9995234)
- Watkinson, D. E. 2008. ss Great Britain: conservation and access - synergy and cost. Presented at: Conservation and access, London UK, 15-19 September 2008 Presented at Saunders, G., Townsend, J. and Woodcock, S. eds.Conservation and Access; contributions to the London Congress 15-19 September 2008. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works pp. 109-114.
- Watkinson, D. and Lewis, M. 2008. Dessicated storage of chloride contaminated iron: a study of the effects of loss of environmental control. In: May, E., Jones, M. and Mitchell, J. eds. Heritage Microbiology and Science: Microbes, Monuments and Maritime Materials. (Special Publication 315). Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 279-292.
- Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2007. Examination of Greek bronze helmets: sampling and project design. Presented at: ICOM-CC Metal Working Group International Triennial Meeting (Metal 07), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17-21 September 2007 Presented at Degrigny, C. et al. eds.Metal 07: Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group International Triennial Meeting. Amsterdam, 17-21 September 2007. Amsterdam: ICOM-CC, Rijksmuseum pp. 78-82.
- Watkinson, D. and Pavlopoulou, L. 2006. The degradation of oil painted copper surfaces. Reviews in Conservation 7, pp. 55-65.
- Watkinson, D., Anheuser, K. and Weber, L. 2005. Staining of archaeological glass from manganese-rich environments. Archaeometry 47(1), pp. 69-82. (10.1111/j.1475-4754.2005.00188.x)
- Watkinson, D. and Lewis, M. T. 2005. Desiccated storage of chloride-contaminated archaeological iron objects. Studies in Conservation 50, pp. 241-252.
- Watkinson, D. and Lewis, M. T. 2005. The role of âFeOOH in the corrosion of archaeological iron. Presented at: Symposium OO: Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VII, Boston, MA, USA, 28 November – 2 December 2004 Presented at Vandiver, P., Mass, J. L. and Murray, A. eds.Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VII. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 852. Materials Research Society, (10.1557/PROC-852-OO1.6)
- Watkinson, D. and Lewis, M. T. 2004. ss Great Britain iron hull: modelling corrosion to define storage relative humidity. Presented at: Metal 04: Proceedings of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, Canberra, 4-8 October 2004.
- Kennedy, C. et al. 2024. Beyond heritage science: A review. Heritage 7(3), pp. 1510-1538. (10.3390/heritage7030073)
- Smith, W., Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N., Lankester, P., Thickett, D. and Leins, I. 2023. Comparative assessment of paint systems for use on heritage artillery at coastal forts in England: experimental design and interim report. Conservar Patrimonio 44, pp. 174-186. (10.14568/cp29444)
- Thickett, D., Emmerson, N., Larsen, R., Odlyha, M. and Watkinson, D. 2022. Analysing objects to tailor environmental preventive conservation. Heritage 6(1), pp. 212-235. (10.3390/heritage6010011)
- Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2022. Corrosion phenomena and patina on archaeological low-tin wrought bronzes: New data. Journal of Cultural Heritage 55, pp. 158-170. (10.1016/j.culher.2022.03.004)
- Emmerson, N. J., Seifert, J. H. and Watkinson, D. E. 2021. Refining the use of oxygen consumption as a proxy corrosion rate measure for archaeological and historic iron. European Physical Journal Plus 135, article number: 546. (10.1140/epjp/s13360-021-01478-w)
- Thunberg, J., Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2021. Desiccated microclimates for heritage metals: creation and management. Studies in Conservation 66(3), pp. 127-153. (10.1080/00393630.2020.1799599)
- Watkinson, D. E., Rimmer, M. B. and Emmerson, N. J. 2019. The Influence of relative humidity and intrinsic chloride on post-excavation corrosion rates of archaeological wrought iron. Studies in Conservation 64(8), pp. 456-471. (10.1080/00393630.2018.1565006)
- Watkinson, D. E. and Emmerson, N. J. 2017. The impact of aqueous washing on the ability of βFeOOH to corrode iron. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, pp. 2138-2149. (10.1007/s11356-016-6749-3)
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2016. Surface preparation of historic wrought iron. Materials and Corrosion 67(2), pp. 176-189. (10.1002/maco.201408210)
- Emmerson, N. J. and Watkinson, D. E. 2016. Surface preparation of historic wrought iron: evidencing the requirement for standardisation. Materials and Corrosion / Werkstoffe und Korrosion 67(2), pp. 176-189. (10.1002/maco.201408210)
- Watkinson, D., Rimmer, M., Kasztovszky, Z., Kis, Z., Maróti, B. and Szentmiklósi, L. 2013. The use of neutron analysis techniques for detecting the concentration and distribution of chloride ions in archaeological iron. Archaeometry n/a (10.1111/arcm.12058)
- Rimmer, M., Watkinson, D. and Wang, Q. 2013. The impact of chloride desalination on the corrosion rate of archaeological iron. Studies in Conservation 58(4), pp. 326-337. (10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000068)
- Rimmer, M., Watkinson, D. and Wang, Q. 2013. The impact of chloride desalination on the corrosion rate of archaeological iron. Studies in Conservation 58(4), pp. 326-337. (10.1179/2047058412Y.0000000068)
- Rimmer, M., Watkinson, D. and Wang, Q. 2012. The efficiency of chloride extraction from archaeological iron objects using deoxygenated alkaline solutions. Studies in Conservation 57(1), pp. 29-41. (10.1179/2047058411Y.0000000005)
- Watkinson, D. 2010. Measuring effectiveness of washing methods for corrosion control of archaeological iron: problems and challenges. Corrosion Engineering, Science and Technology 45(5), pp. 400-406. (10.1179/147842210X12754747500801)
- Watkinson, D. and Al-Zahrani, A. 2008. Towards quantified assessment of aqueous chloride extraction methods for archaeological iron: De-oxygenated treatment environments. The Conservator 31(1), pp. 75-86. (10.1080/01410096.2008.9995234)
- Watkinson, D. and Pavlopoulou, L. 2006. The degradation of oil painted copper surfaces. Reviews in Conservation 7, pp. 55-65.
- Watkinson, D., Anheuser, K. and Weber, L. 2005. Staining of archaeological glass from manganese-rich environments. Archaeometry 47(1), pp. 69-82. (10.1111/j.1475-4754.2005.00188.x)
- Watkinson, D. and Lewis, M. T. 2005. Desiccated storage of chloride-contaminated archaeological iron objects. Studies in Conservation 50, pp. 241-252.
Book sections
- Watkinson, D., Rimmer, M. and Kergourlay, F. 2013. Alkaline desalination techniques for archaeological iron. In: Dillmann, P. et al. eds. Corrosion and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Metallic Artefacts. European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series Vol. 65. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 407-433.
- Watkinson, D. 2013. Conservation, corrosion science and evidence-based preservation strategies for metallic heritage artefacts. In: Dillmann, P. et al. eds. Corrosion and Conservation of Cultural Heritage Metallic Artifacts. European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series Vol. 65. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing, pp. 9-36.
- Watkinson, D. 2010. Preservation of metallic cultural heritage. In: Cottis, R. A. ed. Shreir's Corrosion. 4th ed.., Vol. 4. London: Elsevier, pp. 3307-3340., (10.1016/B978-044452787-5.00172-4)
- Watkinson, D. 2008. ss Great Britain: science and technology underpin enclosure design. In: Henderson, J. ed. Conservation Matters in Wales, On Display: Showcases and Enclosures. Federation of Museums and Art Galleries Wales and National Museums Wales, pp. 13-17.
- Watkinson, D. and Lewis, M. 2008. Dessicated storage of chloride contaminated iron: a study of the effects of loss of environmental control. In: May, E., Jones, M. and Mitchell, J. eds. Heritage Microbiology and Science: Microbes, Monuments and Maritime Materials. (Special Publication 315). Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, pp. 279-292.
- Dillmann, P. et al. eds. 2013. Corrosion and conservation of cultural heritage metallic artifacts. European Federation of Corrosion Series Vol. 65. Cambridge: Woodhead Publishing.
- Thunberg, J., Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N., Kis, Z., Harsanyi, I., Zsolt, K. and Lewis, M. 2022. The role of patina on archaeological copper alloy coins in the outbreak and progression of bronze disease. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5-9 September 2022.
- Meehan, P., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2022. A comparison of the long-term outdoor performance of two modern paint coating systems and a traditional lead-based paint applied to historic wrought iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D., Roche, K., Seifert, J. and Thunberg, J. 2022. The effect of βFeOOH synthesis routes on its ability to corrode iron. Presented at: Metal 2022: 10th Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Helsinki, Finland, 5 - 9 September 2022.
- Thunberg, J., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2020. The role of relative humidity in the corrosion rate of copper in the presence of cuprous chloride: a risk-based approach. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Nasanen, L., Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2020. The impact of pH and temperature on copper corrosion products in subcritical conditions: delivering insight into the treatment of archaeological copper alloys. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Watkinson, D., Smith, W. and Emmerson, N. 2020. Removal of copper corrosion products from archaeological copper alloys using a Q-switch Nd:YAG 1064 laser: impact on selected corrosion products. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2020, Virtual, 7-11 September 2020.
- Emmerson, N., Thunberg, J. and Watkinson, D. 2020. New guidelines for the desiccated storage of archaeological metal artefacts. Presented at: 48th AIC/SPNHC Joint Virtual Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual, 21 May - 230 June 2021.
- Watkinson, D., Crepeau, M. and Emmerson, N. 2019. Evidencing risk to inform best practice: the limitations of detecting tinning layers by visual analysis during the removal of corrosion from archaeological iron. Presented at: Metal 2019: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2-6 September 2019.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D. and Thunberg, J. 2019. Flame cleaning of historic wrought iron: practitioner methods and their impact on oxide morphologies and post-treatment corrosion rates. Presented at: Metal 2019: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 2-6 September 2019.
- Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2019. Desiccated corrosion control of the 324 feet long wrought iron hull of ss Great Britain: theory and operational realities 10 years on. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2019, Seville, Spain, 9-13 September 2019.
- Emmerson, N., Roche, K. and Watkinson, D. 2019. Synthesised and naturally formed Akaganéite: impact on the corrosion of iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2019, Seville, Spain, 9-13 September 2019.
- Thunberg, J., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2018. Evidencing best practice in post-excavation and long-term storage protocols for archaeological iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2018, Krakow, Poland, 9-13 September 2018.
- Emmerson, N., James, S., Thunberg, J. and Watkinson, D. 2018. Impact of NaOH (aq) short-term washing of βFeOOH on its ability to corrode iron. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2018, Krakow, Poland, 9-13 September 2018.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Seifert, J. 2017. Matching display relative humidity to corrosion rate: Quantitative evidence for marine cast iron cannon balls. Presented at: Metal 2016: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, New Dehli, India, 26-30 September 2016 Presented at Menon, R. ed.Metal 2016 Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group September 26-30, 2016 New Delhi India. ICOM-CC and IGNCA pp. 195-202.
- Nasanen, L., Kasprzok, L., Crette, S., Gonzalez-Pereyra, N. and Watkinson, D. 2017. Feasibility of subcritical fluid technology to stabilize archaeological copper alloy artifacts.. Presented at: Metal 2016: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group, New Delhi, India, 26-30 September 2016 Presented at Menon, R., Chemello, C. and Pandya, A. eds.Metal 2016 Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metals Working Group September 26-30, 2016 New Delhi India.
- Emmerson, N., Watkinson, D. and Gkouma, A. 2017. Investigation of the natural plant extract Emblica officinalis for chloride release from βFeOOH. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2017.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Channell, I. 2017. Towards quantitatively assessing the success of dodecanoic acid as an inhibitor for the treatment of archaeological iron nails. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2017, Prague, Czech Republic, 3-7 September 2017.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2016. Impact of washed naturally formed and synthetic β-FeOOH on corrosion rate of iron as a function of relative humidity. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 11-15 September 2016.
- Watkinson, D., Emmerson, N. and Seifert, J. 2016. Corrosion rates of marine archaeological cast iron as a function of relative humidity and treatment. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2016, Montpellier, France, 11-15 September 2016.
- Watkinson, D. and Emmerson, N. 2015. Using quantitative and qualitative analysis to inform management protocols for the preservation of archaeological ironwork. Presented at: EuroAnalysis 2015, Bordeaux, France, 6-10 September 2015.
- Lawson, A., Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2015. Quantitative testing of corrosion rates of heritage steel coated with Paraloid B72™, Cosmolloid 80H™ and Siliglide 10™. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2015, Graz, Austria, 6-10 September 2015.
- Watkinson, D. and Rimmer, M. 2014. Quantifying effectiveness of chloride desalination treatments for archaeological iron using oxygen measurement. Presented at: Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group, Edinburgh, UK, 16-20 September 2013 Presented at Hyslop, E. et al. eds.METAL 2013: Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, Conference Proceedings, 16-20 September 2013, Edinburgh, Scotland. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland pp. 95-102.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Preparing historic wrought iron for protective coatings: quantitative assessment to produce evidence-based protocols. Presented at: Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group, Edinburgh, UK, 16-20 September 2013 Presented at Hislop, E. et al. eds.Metal 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Interim meeting of the international Council of Museums Committee for Conservation Metal Working Group. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland pp. 119-127.
- Emmerson, N., Nordgren, E. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Mill scale on historic wrought iron: impact on corrosion and coating performance. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2014, Pisa, Italy, 8-12 September 2014.
- Emmerson, N. and Watkinson, D. 2014. Protective coatings for historic wrought iron: epoxy resins versus oil-based systems. Presented at: European Corrosion Congress 2014, Pisa, Italy, 8-12 September 2014.
- Malea, E., Vogiatzi, T. and Watkinson, D. 2012. Assessing the physical condition of waterlogged archaeological leather. Presented at: Proceedings of the 11th ICOM-CC Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conferenence, Greenville, North Carolina, USA, 24 - 28 May 2010Proceedings of the 11th ICOM Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials Conference, Greenville, NC 2010. ICOM-CC Working Group on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials pp. 571-595.
- Rimmer, M. and Watkinson, D. 2011. Residues of alkaline sulphite treatment and their effects on the corrosion of archaeological iron objects. Presented at: METAL 2010, Charleston, SC, USA, 11-15 October 2010 Presented at Mardikian, P. et al. eds.METAL 2010: Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group. Clemson, SC: Clemson University pp. 16-22.
- Manti, P., Henderson, J. and Watkinson, D. 2011. Reflective practice in conservation education. Presented at: ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 September 2011 Presented at Bridgland, J. ed.ICOM-CC 16th Triennial Conference: preprints, Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 September 2011. London: The International Council of Museums – Committee for Conservation
- Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2011. Hot-tinning of low tin bronzes. Presented at: Metal 2010 : Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, Charleston, SC, USA, 11-15 October 2010 Presented at Mardikian, P. et al. eds.Metal 2010 : Proceedings of the Interim Meeting of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group, October 11-15, 2010, Charleston, South Carolina, USA. Charleston, SC, USA: ICOM-CC, Clemson University pp. 92-98.
- Parkes, P. and Watkinson, D. 2010. Computed tomography and X-radiography of a coffin from Dynasty 21/22. Presented at: Decorated Surfaces on Ancient Egyptian Objects: Technology, Deterioration and Conservation, Cambridge, UK, 7-8 September 2007Decorated Surfaces on Ancient Egyptian Objects: Technology, Deterioration and Conservation. London: Archetype Publications Ltd pp. 58-66.
- Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2009. From Homer to hoplite: scientific investigations of Greek copper alloy helmets. Presented at: International Symposium Science and Technology in Homeric Epics, Olympia, Greece, 27-30 August 2006 Presented at Paipetis, S. A. ed.Science and Technology in Homeric Epics. History of Mechanism and Machine Science Vol. 6. London: Springer Science Publications pp. 167-179., (10.1007/978-1-4020-8784-4_12)
- Watkinson, D. E. 2008. ss Great Britain: conservation and access - synergy and cost. Presented at: Conservation and access, London UK, 15-19 September 2008 Presented at Saunders, G., Townsend, J. and Woodcock, S. eds.Conservation and Access; contributions to the London Congress 15-19 September 2008. London: International Institute for Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works pp. 109-114.
- Manti, P. and Watkinson, D. 2007. Examination of Greek bronze helmets: sampling and project design. Presented at: ICOM-CC Metal Working Group International Triennial Meeting (Metal 07), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 17-21 September 2007 Presented at Degrigny, C. et al. eds.Metal 07: Proceedings of the ICOM-CC Metal Working Group International Triennial Meeting. Amsterdam, 17-21 September 2007. Amsterdam: ICOM-CC, Rijksmuseum pp. 78-82.
- Watkinson, D. and Lewis, M. T. 2005. The role of âFeOOH in the corrosion of archaeological iron. Presented at: Symposium OO: Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VII, Boston, MA, USA, 28 November – 2 December 2004 Presented at Vandiver, P., Mass, J. L. and Murray, A. eds.Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VII. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings Vol. 852. Materials Research Society, (10.1557/PROC-852-OO1.6)
- Watkinson, D. and Lewis, M. T. 2004. ss Great Britain iron hull: modelling corrosion to define storage relative humidity. Presented at: Metal 04: Proceedings of the International Conference on Metals Conservation, Canberra, 4-8 October 2004.
- Rimmer, M., Thickett, D., Watkinson, D. and Ganiaris, H. 2013. Guidelines for the storage and display of archaeological metalwork. Technical Report.
Research overview
My research is focused in corrosion science, primarily investigating the impact of climate on the corrosion of archaeological and heritage metals either displayed or stored in museums or in-situ outdoor. Most of this research focuses on studying the corrosion of chloride infested iron and its control, typically this is archaeological iron excavated from terrestrial and marine environments. A specific focus for the Cardiff research team is quantifying the effectiveness of treatments, by recording corrosion rates of objects pre and post treatment, using an oxygen consumption methodology refined in the Cardiff Conservation Laboratories. This provides data that generates best practice and management protocols for the heritage sector Non-ferrous metals research projects include investigating the impact of humidity on the rate and mechanism of corrosion of archaeological copper alloys and treatments for historic silver. Presentation of heritage to the public influences conservation practices and ethical decisions, making it essential to link this to research to questions. Projects exploring the importance of sound and movement for presenting vehicles to the public, in conjunction with the Tank Museum, and the impact on a room environment within historic properties from using fires to enhance visitor experience, partnered with National Museums Wales, will inform these partner institutions on their conservation strategies.
Exemplar Projects
Conservation of Late 19th and 20th Century Artillery Pieces
This AHRC/CDA studentship project began in January 2020. It will compare the performance of five commonly used paint coatings within conservation using real time exposure of painted metal coupons at two English Heritage coastal castles located at Dover in Kent and Pendennis in Cornwall. Assessment will encompass quantitative corrosion rate testing at specified intervals using oxygen consumption techniques, paint adherence and visual inspection. The outcome aims to specify the best performing cost benefit paint system which English Heritage will adopt for protecting their artillery.
Heritage Management of Tanks at the Tank Museum, Bovington
This PhD project is funded by the Tank Museum.
Tanks are moving objects that make a lot of noise and generate smell. These factors are an important part of experiencing what a tank is like and its impact on the senses. To allow tanks to move influences conservation strategies for the vehicles in the form of wear and tear, longevity of the vehicle and the need for replica replacement of parts. The project explores the meaning of tanks to visitors to address the question of whether they should be presented to the public as operating vehicles, with attendant wear and tear, or as static items with a longer lifespan.
Evidence-based Condition-Monitoring Strategy for Preservation of Heritage Iron
This 3-year £365,000 interdisciplinary project was awarded to Cardiff University and was funded by the AHRC/EPSRC Science and Heritage Large Grants programme. It began in 2010. aiming to define and measure the variables which influence the corrosion rate of archaeological and historic iron artefacts using real archaeological objects. Several papers have been published from this research and the topic remains active within the current research programme at Cardiff, particularly in relation to the storage and display of archaeological iron. The project was a partnership between the Cardiff University Department of Archaeology and Conservation and the University of Manchester School of Materials.
ss Great Britain: Corrosion and conservation
Cardiff University Department of Archaeology and Conservation carried out scientific research that underpinned the preservation of Brunel's 1843 iron steamship ss Great Britain (Link to new project page on ss Great Britain.). The ship is a major visitor attraction in Bristol receiving 170,000 visitors in 2010 compared to 70,000 p.a. before its conservation. The preservation process is highly visible and involves desiccating the ship to stop it corroding, consequently it forms an integral part of the visitor experience. There is a feeling that Brunel would be proud of the cutting edge science and technology preserving his ship, as it sits well with his reputation as an innovator. The project has received £44,000 in funding. Collaboration and research with ss Great Britain trust continues to date.
Preparation of historic wrought iron surfaces to receive protective coatings and evaluation of paint performance
This project was funded by Historic Scotland to examine the impact of differing ways of removing paint from historic wrought iron, such as railings and canopies, in preparation for repainting. The research involved quantitative measurement of corrosion rate of samples prepared by chemical and mechanical paint removal techniques. This was followed by testing the performance of different paint regimes. The goal is to begin to construct an evidence based platform for the conservation of historic wrought iron, leading to best practice guidelines for maintenance procedures.
I teach a range of theory and research modules on the BSc Conservation of Objects in Museums and Archaeology, MSc Professional Conservation, MSc Conservation Practice and MSc Care of Collections. These encompass the structure and decay of metals and inorganic materials, developing research skill sets and designing experimental research. I regularly supervise an MSc dissertation cohort numbering 10 to 15 students, whose projects cover a wide range of laboratory research addressing decay and treatment of heritage objects and a wide range of topics related to the heritage industry.
Education and qualifications
Dip. Cons. (UCL)
MSc University College Cardiff
Notable achievements
- Plowden Medal 2010 awarded for 'innovative research and services to conservation.
- Part of conservation team that won the Gulbenkian Museum prize for the ss Great Britain in 2006.
- Invited speaker - Gordon research Conference on Aqueous Corrosion 2010
Honours and awards
- Plowden Medal 2010
- Gulbenkian Museum Prize 2006 (Team member – ss Great Britain)
- Anna Plowden Award for Research and Innovation in Conservation (Short listed 2007)
- UK Conservation Award (Short listed 2007)
Professional memberships
- Accredited Member the Institute of Conservation (ICON) 2001-17
- Fellow International Institute for Conservation (IIC)
- Fellow Society of Antiquaries of London
- Member of International Council of Museums (ICOM)
- Heritage Council Ireland – Panel of Conservators
- Executive Committee member of United Kingdom Institute for Conservation 1980-3
- Chair - Archaeology Section of United Kingdom Institute for Conservation 1983-88
- Editor Conservation News 1979 – 84
- Editorial Advisor for Conservator 1989 - 91
Committees and reviewing
Journal Reviewer
Andwante Chemie; Archaeometry; Journal of Archaeological Science; Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology; Corrosion Science; Corrosion Science and Technology; The Conservator; Environmental Science and Pollution Research; Journal of Cultural Heritage; Journal of Heritage Science; Journal of the Institute of Conservation; Materials and Corrosion; New Journal of Chemistry
Contact Details
+44 29208 74249
John Percival Building, Room 3.16, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU