Rwy'n ymchwilydd cymdeithasol gydag ystod eang o ddiddordebau sy'n rhychwantu meysydd academaidd amrywiol gan gynnwys STS, cymdeithaseg gwybodaeth, astudiaethau sefydliadol, cymdeithaseg gwaith ac astudiaethau cymdeithasol-gyfreithiol. Rwy'n gwneud ymchwil ansoddol yn bennaf ond nid wyf yn amharod i edrych ar rifau.
Rwyf hefyd yn undebwr llafur gweithredol ac rwyf bob amser yn ceisio bod yn adweithiol a defnyddio fy arbenigedd proffesiynol i geisio gwella amodau gwaith yn fy Mhrifysgol fy hun, sydd yn anffodus wedi dadrithio oherwydd model cyllido camweithredol yr AAU ac arferion rheoli gwael.
Rydw i hefyd yn amgylcheddwr sy'n cael ei fflyrtio gan y diffyg ymateb i'r her fwyaf sy'n wynebu dynoliaeth (ac unrhyw ffurfiau bywyd eraill) ar yr unig blaned y gwyddom ei bod. Er nad yw'n hedfan mwyach a pheidio â bwyta cig a gynhyrchir yn ddiwydiannol, rwy'n dal i fod yn gysylltiedig â nifer o arferion sy'n dinistrio'r blaned ac am hynny rwy'n teimlo'n euog iawn.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation in the steel industry: Reflecting on routine work and skills in Industry 4.0. Economic and Industrial Democracy 45(3), pp. 914-936. (10.1177/0143831X231201002)
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. "Green skills" and the emergent property of "greening". Policy Studies (10.1080/01442872.2024.2332441)
- Akyazi, T. et al. 2024. Conclusion: Recasting the future of the European steel industry. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 219-227., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_14)
- Stroud, D. et al. eds. 2024. Industry 4.0 and the road to sustainable steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. Springer Nature.
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. The technological and social transformation of the European steel industry: Towards decarbonisation and digitalisation. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 17-34., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_2)
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Behrend, C., Colla, V., Goti, A. and Schroeder, A. 2024. Introduction: The historic importance and continued relevance of steel-making in Europe. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 1-14., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_1)
- Antonzzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Preparing for a digital steel industry: What challenge for skills formation systems?. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 167-181., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_11)
- Stroud, D., Hale, R., Weinel, M., Di Iorio, V. and Antonazzo, L. 2024. Artificial Intelligence for steelmaking: optimizing processes, augmenting workers, blurring accountability. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference 24, Göttingen, Germany, 3-5 April 2024.
- Weinel, M. et al. 2023. ALCHIMIA D2.1 Requirements and human-centric recommendation. Project Report. ALCHIMIA.
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Akayzi, T. 2023. Sector Skills Matrix Report: Deliverable D4.3. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2023. ESSA Identification of National (Sector) VET Qualification and Skills (Regulatory) Frameworks for Steel. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: IVET responsiveness to Industry 4.0 - meeting emerging skill needs in the European steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44(1), pp. 25-46. (10.1177/0143831X211059227)
- Weinel, M. 2023. The Adversity of Adversarialism: How the consensus rule reproduces the expert paradox. Villanova Law Review 67(6), pp. 893-905.
- Hale, R., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Understanding the digitalization of work in the steel industry using the sociology of work, industrial sociology and STS. Presented at: Science Technology and Society Conference, Graz, Austria, 8 - 10 May 2023.
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2023. Green skills and the emergent property of greening. Presented at: ILPC 2023: 41st International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, UK, 12-14 April 2023.
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Durant, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. The Third Wave and populism: Scientific expertise as a check and balance. In: Eyal, G. and Medvetz, T. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics. Oxford University Press, pp. 52-77., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190848927.001.0001)
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2022. Analysis of cross-European VET frameworks and standards for sector skills recognition. Deliverable D4.2. Project Report. [Online]. ESTEP. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2022. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation. Reflecting routine work and the importance of transversal skills in shifting to industry 4.0. Presented at: 40th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2022), Padua, Italy, 21-23 April 2022.
- Evans, R., Collins, H., Weinel, M., O'Mahoney, H., Lyttleton-Smith, J. and Wehrens, R. 2021. Evaluating the Imitation Game as a method for comparative research: a replication study using Imitation Games about religion. International Journal of Social Research Methodology (10.1080/13645579.2021.1986316)
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Weinel, M., Dearden, K. and Mowbray, A. 2021. Preparing for a just transition: meeting green skills needs for a sustainable steel industry. Community.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2021. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: analysing VET responsiveness in the context of industry 4.0 skills needs and workforce development. Presented at: BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021, Virtual, 25-27 August 2021.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2020. Innovating for energy efficiency: digital gamification in the European steel industry. European Journal of Industrial Relations 26(4), pp. 419-437. (10.1177/0959680120951707)
- Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2020. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Technical-maintenance worker perspectives on digital drone technology 'effects' in the European steel industry. New Technology, Work and Employment 35(3), pp. 297-313. (10.1111/ntwe.12174)
- Stroud, D., Timperley, V. and Weinel, M. 2020. Digitised drones in the steel industry: the social shaping of technology. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 75(4), pp. 730-750.
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M., Leonard-Clarke, W. and Hayes, T. 2020. Fear and loathing in legal academia: Legal academics’ perceptions of their field and their curious imaginaries of how ‘outsiders’ perceive it. British Journal of American Legal Studies 9(1), pp. 17-80. (10.2478/bjals-2020-0006)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Durant, D. and Weinel, M. 2020. Experts and the will of the people: society, populism and science. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave. (10.1007/978-3-030-26983-8)
- Evans, R., Collins, H., Weinel, M., Lyttleton-Smith, J., O'Mahoney, H. and Leonard-Clarke, W. 2019. Groups and individuals: conformity and diversity in the performance of gendered identities. British Journal of Sociology 70(4), pp. 1561-1581. (10.1111/1468-4446.12507)
- Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. 2019. The Third Wave in science and technology studies: Future research directions on expertise and experience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0)
- Caudill, D. S., Conley, S. N., Gorman, M. E. and Weinel, M. 2019. Introduction. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies: Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-13., (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0_1)
- Weinel, M. 2019. Recognizing counterfeit scientific controversies in science policy contexts: A criteria-based approach. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies: Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 53-70., (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0_4)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Hall, M., O'Mahoney, H. and Weinel, M. 2019. Bonfire Night and Burns Night: Using the Imitation Game to research English and Scottish identities. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies: Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 109-131., (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0_7)
- Weinel, M. 2019. Imitation games. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 105-108.
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M., Leonard-Clarke, W. and Hayes, T. 2019. How outsiders see us: Multidisciplinary understandings of legal academia and legal academics. Working paper. Cardiff: LawLab Research Centre.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2019. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Worker perspectives on drone technologies in the steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2019), Vienna, Austria, 24-26 April 2019.
- Weinel, M. 2019. Activism, expertise and ignorance: Applying the 3Wave. Presented at: SEESHOP 13, Helsinki, Finland, 11 - 14 July 2019. pp. -.
- Piancaldini, R. et al. 2019. Dromosplan - an innovative platform of autonomous UAVs for monitoring and inspecting infrastructures and industrial sites. Presented at: 14th Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy, 27-29 March 2019.
- Evans, R., Collins, H. and Weinel, M. 2019. Imitation Game. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods Foundations. Sage, pp. 1-23.
- Priaulx, N. and Weinel, M. 2018. Connective knowledge: what we need to know about other fields to ‘envision’ cross-disciplinary collaboration. European Journal of Futures Research 6, article number: 21.
- Weinel, M. and Priaulx, N. 2018. Higher Education Imitation Game & academic law as discipline. Presented at: SEESHOP, Cardiff, UK, 7 - 9 July 2018.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2018. Dromosplan: Report on human factors. Project Report. European Commission.
- Priaulx, N. and Weinel, M. 2018. Investigating the nature of ‘shared practice language’ and vectors for its acquisition. Presented at: The Centre of the Study of Knowledge, Expertise and Science Research Group Meeting, Cardiff University, 16 November 2018.
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Weinel, M., Lyttleton-Smith, J., Bartlett, A. and Hall, M. 2017. The Imitation Game and the nature of mixed methods. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 11(4), pp. 510-527. (10.1177/1558689815619824)
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J. and Weinel, M. 2017. STS as science or politics. Social Studies of Science 47(4), pp. 580-586. (10.1177/0306312717710131)
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Organisational factors by sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Energy management structure and behaviour and motivation analysis within each sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M. 2017. HIV/AIDS and political controversies in modern South Africa [Book Review]. Metascience 26(1), pp. 165-168. (10.1007/s11016-016-0148-8)
- Collins, H., Evans, R. and Weinel, M. 2017. Interactional expertise. In: Felt, U. et al. eds. Handbook of Scinece and Technology Studies (4th Edition). MIT Press, pp. 765-792.
- Priaulx, N. and Weinel, M. 2017. Building bridges between disciplines: Multidisciplinary understandings of legal academia. Presented at: Law and Society Association, Mexico City, Mexico, 19-23 July 2017. pp. -.
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2017. Gamification as a strategy for greening the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield, UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M. and Wrigley, A. 2016. Rethinking moral expertise. Health Care Analysis 24(4), pp. 393-406. (10.1007/s10728-014-0282-7)
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2016. A Hitchhiker’s Guide: law, science and interdisciplinarity. Presented at: Behavioural Science in Law & Policy: Evidence, Ethics, & Expertise, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK, 22-23 September 2016. pp. -.
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J. and Weinel, M. 2016. Expertise revisited, Part II: Contributory expertise. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56, pp. 103-110. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2015.07.003)
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J., Pineda, S. and Weinel, M. 2016. Modelling architecture in the world of expertise. Room One Thousand 4, pp. 24-34.
- Priaulx, N. M., Weinel, M. and Goldsworthy, C. 2016. Bolitho: Law, medicine and expertise. In: Coggon, J. et al. eds. Ethical Judgments: Rewriting Medical Law. Hart Publishing, pp. 131-137.
- Kubiak, D. and Weinel, M. 2016. DDR-Generationen revisited – Gibt es einen Generationszusammenhang der „Wendekinder“?. In: Lettrari, A., Nestler, C. and Troi-Boeck, N. eds. Die Generation der Wendekinder - Elaboration eines Forschungsfeldes. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 107-129., (10.1007/978-3-658-11480-0_8)
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2016. WaterWatt Work Package 3: Human and organisational challenges D3.3 Report on organisational indicators. Project Report. Horizon 2020.
- Weinel, M. 2015. Imitation Game & Expertenerkennung. Presented at: Wissenswerte 2015, Bremen, Germany, 16-18 November.2015.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2015. Multidisciplinary understandings of legal academia. Presented at: Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, 11 - 14 November 2015.
- Weinel, M. 2015. The ‘science for policy’ component of the Studies of Expertise and Experience (SEE) research programme. Presented at: 2015 Science in Society Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 5-6 November 2015.
- Kubiak, D. and Weinel, M. 2015. Gibt es seine Dritte Generation Ost?. Presented at: Wissenschaftskonferenz der 3ten Generation Ostdeutschland: Die Generation der Wendekinder – Elaboration eines Forschungsfeldes, Berlin, 26-27 February 2015.
- Weinel, M. 2015. The imitation game: probe, survey and noise. Presented at: SEESHOP9, Cardiff, 8-10 May 2015.
- Priaulx, N. and Weinel, M. 2014. Behavior on a beer mat: Law, interdisciplinarity and expertise. Journal of Law, Technology and Policy 2014(2), pp. 361-391.
- Weinel, M. and Priaulx, N. 2014. Science communication and expertise. Presented at: Fourth Iowa State University Summer Symposium on Science Communication: Normative Aspects of Science Communication, Aimes, Iowa, 5-7 June 2014.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2014. Understanding 'understanding' in science communication. Presented at: 4S/ESOCITE Meeting 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20-23 August 2014.
- Weinel, M. 2014. The imitation game and interactional expertise. Presented at: Seminar of the Edinburgh Science Studies Unit, Edinburgh, 18 November 2014.
- Weinel, M. 2014. The imitation game: interactional expertise and comparative research. Presented at: Workshop on Experimental Social Science, Helsinki, 28 April 2013.
- Weinel, M. 2014. Playing imitation games with groups. Presented at: SEESHOP8, Waterloo, Canada, 8-12 June 2014.
- Weinel, M., Kubiak, D. and Staemmler, J. 2014. Is there a Third Generation East?. Presented at: Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Kansas City, MO, 18-20 September 2014.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Enabling Science Communication: Skilling up audiences to Listen. Presented at: Ethical Issues in Science Communication: A Theory-Based Approach, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA, 30 May - 1 June 2013.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Understanding "understanding" in science communication. In: Goodwin, J. ed. Ethical Issues in Science Communication: A Theory-Based Approach: Proceedings of a Conference at Iowa State University, May 30 - June 1, 2013. Ames, IA: Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation, pp. 217-228.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Rethinking moral expertise. Presented at: Bioethical Expertise, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 6-7 June 2013.
- Priaulx, N. M., Weinel, M. and Wrigley, A. 2013. Are moral philosophers moral experts?. Presented at: SEESHOP7, Tempe, Phoenix, Arizona, 20-24 May 2013.
- Weinel, M. 2013. Imitation games and comparative research. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Society for Social Study of Science (4S), San Diego, CA, 9-12 October 2013.
- Weinel, M. 2012. Expertise and inauthentic scientific controversies: what you need to know to judge the authenticity of policy-relevant scientific controversies. In: Goodwin, J. ed. Between Scientists & Citizens: Proceedings of a Conference at Iowa State University, June 1-2, 2012. Ames, IA: Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation, pp. 427-440.
- Weinel, M. 2012. Understanding science and the identification of inauthentic scientific controversies. Presented at: ‘Between scientists & citizens’: Conference of the Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation, Ames, IA, 1-2 June 2012.
- Weinel, M. 2012. Domain-specific discrimination and technological decision-making in the public domain. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Society for Social Study of Science (4S), Copenhagen, 17-20 October 2012.
- Collins, H. M. and Weinel, M. 2011. Transmuted expertise: how technical non-experts can assess experts and expertise. Argumentation 25(3), pp. 401-413. (10.1007/s10503-011-9217-8)
- Collins, H. M., Weinel, M. and Evans, R. J. 2011. Object and shadow: responses to the CPS critiques of Collins, Weinel and Evans', "Politics and policy of the Third Wave". Critical Policy Studies 5(3), pp. 340-348. (10.1080/19460171.2011.606309)
- Collins, H. M., Weinel, M. and Evans, R. J. 2010. The politics and policy of the Third Wave: new technologies and society. Critical Policy Studies 4(2), pp. 185-201. (10.1080/19460171.2010.490642)
- Weinel, M. 2010. Technological decision-making under scientific uncertainty: preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in South Africa. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Weinel, M. 2009. Thabo Mbeki, HIV/AIDS and bogus scientific controversies. [Online]. Politicsweb. Available at:
- Weinel, M. 2009. The role of expert judgements in technological decision-making processes. Presented at: SEESHOP3, Cardiff, 13-15 November 2009.
- Weinel, M. 2008. Counterfeit scientific controversies in science policy contexts. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Weinel, M. 2008. Mbeki, AZT, and the status of scientific controversies. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Society for Social Study of Science (4S), Rotterdam, 20-23 August 2008.
- Weinel, M. 2008. Counterfeit scientific controversies in science policy contexts. Presented at: SEESHOP2, Cardiff, 17-19 August 2008.
- Weinel, M. 2007. Primary source knowledge and technical decision-making: Mbeki and the AZT debate. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 748-760. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.010)
- von Soest, C. and Weinel, M. 2007. The treatment controversy – global health governance and South Africa’s fight against HIV/AIDS. In: Hein, W., Bartsch, S. and Kohlmorgen, L. eds. Global Health Governance and the Fight against HIV/AIDS. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 202-225.
- , . 2007. Primary source knowledge and technological decision-making. Presented at: SEESHOP1, Cardiff, 16-19 August 2007.
- Weinel, M. 2006. Cracking the core: How the AIDS causation controversy was re-opened. MScD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Von Soest, C., Calcagnotto, G. and Weinel, M. 2006. Between conflict and cooperation: global-national interfaces and the fight against HIV/AIDS in Brazil and South Africa. Working paper. Hamburg: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Available at:
- Weinel, M. 2005. HIV und Glaubwürdigkeit: eine wissenschafts-soziologische Untersuchung. Working paper. Leipzig: Leipzig University. Available at:
- Weinel, M. 2005. AIDS policy in South Africa: between denial and action. Working paper. Hamburg: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA).
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation in the steel industry: Reflecting on routine work and skills in Industry 4.0. Economic and Industrial Democracy 45(3), pp. 914-936. (10.1177/0143831X231201002)
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. "Green skills" and the emergent property of "greening". Policy Studies (10.1080/01442872.2024.2332441)
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: IVET responsiveness to Industry 4.0 - meeting emerging skill needs in the European steel industry. Economic and Industrial Democracy 44(1), pp. 25-46. (10.1177/0143831X211059227)
- Weinel, M. 2023. The Adversity of Adversarialism: How the consensus rule reproduces the expert paradox. Villanova Law Review 67(6), pp. 893-905.
- Evans, R., Collins, H., Weinel, M., O'Mahoney, H., Lyttleton-Smith, J. and Wehrens, R. 2021. Evaluating the Imitation Game as a method for comparative research: a replication study using Imitation Games about religion. International Journal of Social Research Methodology (10.1080/13645579.2021.1986316)
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2020. Innovating for energy efficiency: digital gamification in the European steel industry. European Journal of Industrial Relations 26(4), pp. 419-437. (10.1177/0959680120951707)
- Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2020. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Technical-maintenance worker perspectives on digital drone technology 'effects' in the European steel industry. New Technology, Work and Employment 35(3), pp. 297-313. (10.1111/ntwe.12174)
- Stroud, D., Timperley, V. and Weinel, M. 2020. Digitised drones in the steel industry: the social shaping of technology. Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations 75(4), pp. 730-750.
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M., Leonard-Clarke, W. and Hayes, T. 2020. Fear and loathing in legal academia: Legal academics’ perceptions of their field and their curious imaginaries of how ‘outsiders’ perceive it. British Journal of American Legal Studies 9(1), pp. 17-80. (10.2478/bjals-2020-0006)
- Evans, R., Collins, H., Weinel, M., Lyttleton-Smith, J., O'Mahoney, H. and Leonard-Clarke, W. 2019. Groups and individuals: conformity and diversity in the performance of gendered identities. British Journal of Sociology 70(4), pp. 1561-1581. (10.1111/1468-4446.12507)
- Priaulx, N. and Weinel, M. 2018. Connective knowledge: what we need to know about other fields to ‘envision’ cross-disciplinary collaboration. European Journal of Futures Research 6, article number: 21.
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Weinel, M., Lyttleton-Smith, J., Bartlett, A. and Hall, M. 2017. The Imitation Game and the nature of mixed methods. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 11(4), pp. 510-527. (10.1177/1558689815619824)
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J. and Weinel, M. 2017. STS as science or politics. Social Studies of Science 47(4), pp. 580-586. (10.1177/0306312717710131)
- Weinel, M. 2017. HIV/AIDS and political controversies in modern South Africa [Book Review]. Metascience 26(1), pp. 165-168. (10.1007/s11016-016-0148-8)
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M. and Wrigley, A. 2016. Rethinking moral expertise. Health Care Analysis 24(4), pp. 393-406. (10.1007/s10728-014-0282-7)
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J. and Weinel, M. 2016. Expertise revisited, Part II: Contributory expertise. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 56, pp. 103-110. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2015.07.003)
- Collins, H. M., Evans, R. J., Pineda, S. and Weinel, M. 2016. Modelling architecture in the world of expertise. Room One Thousand 4, pp. 24-34.
- Priaulx, N. and Weinel, M. 2014. Behavior on a beer mat: Law, interdisciplinarity and expertise. Journal of Law, Technology and Policy 2014(2), pp. 361-391.
- Collins, H. M. and Weinel, M. 2011. Transmuted expertise: how technical non-experts can assess experts and expertise. Argumentation 25(3), pp. 401-413. (10.1007/s10503-011-9217-8)
- Collins, H. M., Weinel, M. and Evans, R. J. 2011. Object and shadow: responses to the CPS critiques of Collins, Weinel and Evans', "Politics and policy of the Third Wave". Critical Policy Studies 5(3), pp. 340-348. (10.1080/19460171.2011.606309)
- Collins, H. M., Weinel, M. and Evans, R. J. 2010. The politics and policy of the Third Wave: new technologies and society. Critical Policy Studies 4(2), pp. 185-201. (10.1080/19460171.2010.490642)
- Weinel, M. 2007. Primary source knowledge and technical decision-making: Mbeki and the AZT debate. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 38(4), pp. 748-760. (10.1016/j.shpsa.2007.09.010)
Book sections
- Akyazi, T. et al. 2024. Conclusion: Recasting the future of the European steel industry. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 219-227., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_14)
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2024. The technological and social transformation of the European steel industry: Towards decarbonisation and digitalisation. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 17-34., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_2)
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Behrend, C., Colla, V., Goti, A. and Schroeder, A. 2024. Introduction: The historic importance and continued relevance of steel-making in Europe. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 1-14., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_1)
- Antonzzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2024. Preparing for a digital steel industry: What challenge for skills formation systems?. In: Stroud, D. et al. eds. Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Springer Nature, pp. 167-181., (10.1007/978-3-031-35479-3_11)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Durant, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. The Third Wave and populism: Scientific expertise as a check and balance. In: Eyal, G. and Medvetz, T. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics The Oxford Handbook of Expertise and Democratic Politics. Oxford University Press, pp. 52-77., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190848927.001.0001)
- Caudill, D. S., Conley, S. N., Gorman, M. E. and Weinel, M. 2019. Introduction. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies: Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-13., (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0_1)
- Weinel, M. 2019. Recognizing counterfeit scientific controversies in science policy contexts: A criteria-based approach. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies: Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 53-70., (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0_4)
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Hall, M., O'Mahoney, H. and Weinel, M. 2019. Bonfire Night and Burns Night: Using the Imitation Game to research English and Scottish identities. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies: Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 109-131., (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0_7)
- Weinel, M. 2019. Imitation games. In: Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. The Third Wave in Science and Technology Studies Future Research Directions on Expertise and Experience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 105-108.
- Evans, R., Collins, H. and Weinel, M. 2019. Imitation Game. In: Atkinson, P. et al. eds. SAGE Research Methods Foundations. Sage, pp. 1-23.
- Collins, H., Evans, R. and Weinel, M. 2017. Interactional expertise. In: Felt, U. et al. eds. Handbook of Scinece and Technology Studies (4th Edition). MIT Press, pp. 765-792.
- Priaulx, N. M., Weinel, M. and Goldsworthy, C. 2016. Bolitho: Law, medicine and expertise. In: Coggon, J. et al. eds. Ethical Judgments: Rewriting Medical Law. Hart Publishing, pp. 131-137.
- Kubiak, D. and Weinel, M. 2016. DDR-Generationen revisited – Gibt es einen Generationszusammenhang der „Wendekinder“?. In: Lettrari, A., Nestler, C. and Troi-Boeck, N. eds. Die Generation der Wendekinder - Elaboration eines Forschungsfeldes. Wiesbaden: Springer, pp. 107-129., (10.1007/978-3-658-11480-0_8)
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Understanding "understanding" in science communication. In: Goodwin, J. ed. Ethical Issues in Science Communication: A Theory-Based Approach: Proceedings of a Conference at Iowa State University, May 30 - June 1, 2013. Ames, IA: Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation, pp. 217-228.
- Weinel, M. 2012. Expertise and inauthentic scientific controversies: what you need to know to judge the authenticity of policy-relevant scientific controversies. In: Goodwin, J. ed. Between Scientists & Citizens: Proceedings of a Conference at Iowa State University, June 1-2, 2012. Ames, IA: Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation, pp. 427-440.
- von Soest, C. and Weinel, M. 2007. The treatment controversy – global health governance and South Africa’s fight against HIV/AIDS. In: Hein, W., Bartsch, S. and Kohlmorgen, L. eds. Global Health Governance and the Fight against HIV/AIDS. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 202-225.
- Stroud, D. et al. eds. 2024. Industry 4.0 and the road to sustainable steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the future. Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering. Springer Nature.
- Collins, H., Evans, R., Durant, D. and Weinel, M. 2020. Experts and the will of the people: society, populism and science. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave. (10.1007/978-3-030-26983-8)
- Caudill, D. S. et al. eds. 2019. The Third Wave in science and technology studies: Future research directions on expertise and experience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (10.1007/978-3-030-14335-0)
- Stroud, D., Hale, R., Weinel, M., Di Iorio, V. and Antonazzo, L. 2024. Artificial Intelligence for steelmaking: optimizing processes, augmenting workers, blurring accountability. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference 24, Göttingen, Germany, 3-5 April 2024.
- Hale, R., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2023. Understanding the digitalization of work in the steel industry using the sociology of work, industrial sociology and STS. Presented at: Science Technology and Society Conference, Graz, Austria, 8 - 10 May 2023.
- Stroud, D., Antonazzo, L. and Weinel, M. 2023. Green skills and the emergent property of greening. Presented at: ILPC 2023: 41st International Labour Process Conference, Glasgow, UK, 12-14 April 2023.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2022. Smart manufacturing and tasks automation. Reflecting routine work and the importance of transversal skills in shifting to industry 4.0. Presented at: 40th International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2022), Padua, Italy, 21-23 April 2022.
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Weinel, M. 2021. Institutional complementarities and technological transformation: analysing VET responsiveness in the context of industry 4.0 skills needs and workforce development. Presented at: BSA Work, Employment and Society Conference 2021, Virtual, 25-27 August 2021.
- Stroud, D., Evans, C. and Weinel, M. 2019. A safer, faster, leaner workplace? Worker perspectives on drone technologies in the steel industry. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference (ILPC 2019), Vienna, Austria, 24-26 April 2019.
- Weinel, M. 2019. Activism, expertise and ignorance: Applying the 3Wave. Presented at: SEESHOP 13, Helsinki, Finland, 11 - 14 July 2019. pp. -.
- Piancaldini, R. et al. 2019. Dromosplan - an innovative platform of autonomous UAVs for monitoring and inspecting infrastructures and industrial sites. Presented at: 14th Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition, Ravenna, Italy, 27-29 March 2019.
- Weinel, M. and Priaulx, N. 2018. Higher Education Imitation Game & academic law as discipline. Presented at: SEESHOP, Cardiff, UK, 7 - 9 July 2018.
- Priaulx, N. and Weinel, M. 2018. Investigating the nature of ‘shared practice language’ and vectors for its acquisition. Presented at: The Centre of the Study of Knowledge, Expertise and Science Research Group Meeting, Cardiff University, 16 November 2018.
- Priaulx, N. and Weinel, M. 2017. Building bridges between disciplines: Multidisciplinary understandings of legal academia. Presented at: Law and Society Association, Mexico City, Mexico, 19-23 July 2017. pp. -.
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2017. Gamification as a strategy for greening the labour process. Presented at: International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield, UK, 4-6 April 2017.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2016. A Hitchhiker’s Guide: law, science and interdisciplinarity. Presented at: Behavioural Science in Law & Policy: Evidence, Ethics, & Expertise, Newcastle University, Newcastle, UK, 22-23 September 2016. pp. -.
- Weinel, M. 2015. Imitation Game & Expertenerkennung. Presented at: Wissenswerte 2015, Bremen, Germany, 16-18 November.2015.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2015. Multidisciplinary understandings of legal academia. Presented at: Society for Social Studies of Science Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA, 11 - 14 November 2015.
- Weinel, M. 2015. The ‘science for policy’ component of the Studies of Expertise and Experience (SEE) research programme. Presented at: 2015 Science in Society Conference, Chicago, IL, USA, 5-6 November 2015.
- Kubiak, D. and Weinel, M. 2015. Gibt es seine Dritte Generation Ost?. Presented at: Wissenschaftskonferenz der 3ten Generation Ostdeutschland: Die Generation der Wendekinder – Elaboration eines Forschungsfeldes, Berlin, 26-27 February 2015.
- Weinel, M. 2015. The imitation game: probe, survey and noise. Presented at: SEESHOP9, Cardiff, 8-10 May 2015.
- Weinel, M. and Priaulx, N. 2014. Science communication and expertise. Presented at: Fourth Iowa State University Summer Symposium on Science Communication: Normative Aspects of Science Communication, Aimes, Iowa, 5-7 June 2014.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2014. Understanding 'understanding' in science communication. Presented at: 4S/ESOCITE Meeting 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 20-23 August 2014.
- Weinel, M. 2014. The imitation game and interactional expertise. Presented at: Seminar of the Edinburgh Science Studies Unit, Edinburgh, 18 November 2014.
- Weinel, M. 2014. The imitation game: interactional expertise and comparative research. Presented at: Workshop on Experimental Social Science, Helsinki, 28 April 2013.
- Weinel, M. 2014. Playing imitation games with groups. Presented at: SEESHOP8, Waterloo, Canada, 8-12 June 2014.
- Weinel, M., Kubiak, D. and Staemmler, J. 2014. Is there a Third Generation East?. Presented at: Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Kansas City, MO, 18-20 September 2014.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Enabling Science Communication: Skilling up audiences to Listen. Presented at: Ethical Issues in Science Communication: A Theory-Based Approach, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA, 30 May - 1 June 2013.
- Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Rethinking moral expertise. Presented at: Bioethical Expertise, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 6-7 June 2013.
- Priaulx, N. M., Weinel, M. and Wrigley, A. 2013. Are moral philosophers moral experts?. Presented at: SEESHOP7, Tempe, Phoenix, Arizona, 20-24 May 2013.
- Weinel, M. 2013. Imitation games and comparative research. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Society for Social Study of Science (4S), San Diego, CA, 9-12 October 2013.
- Weinel, M. 2012. Understanding science and the identification of inauthentic scientific controversies. Presented at: ‘Between scientists & citizens’: Conference of the Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation, Ames, IA, 1-2 June 2012.
- Weinel, M. 2012. Domain-specific discrimination and technological decision-making in the public domain. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Society for Social Study of Science (4S), Copenhagen, 17-20 October 2012.
- Weinel, M. 2009. The role of expert judgements in technological decision-making processes. Presented at: SEESHOP3, Cardiff, 13-15 November 2009.
- Weinel, M. 2008. Mbeki, AZT, and the status of scientific controversies. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Society for Social Study of Science (4S), Rotterdam, 20-23 August 2008.
- Weinel, M. 2008. Counterfeit scientific controversies in science policy contexts. Presented at: SEESHOP2, Cardiff, 17-19 August 2008.
- , . 2007. Primary source knowledge and technological decision-making. Presented at: SEESHOP1, Cardiff, 16-19 August 2007.
- Weinel, M. et al. 2023. ALCHIMIA D2.1 Requirements and human-centric recommendation. Project Report. ALCHIMIA.
- Weinel, M., Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D. and Akayzi, T. 2023. Sector Skills Matrix Report: Deliverable D4.3. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2023. ESSA Identification of National (Sector) VET Qualification and Skills (Regulatory) Frameworks for Steel. Project Report. [Online]. European Steel Skills Agenda and Strategy. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Weinel, M. and Stroud, D. 2022. Analysis of cross-European VET frameworks and standards for sector skills recognition. Deliverable D4.2. Project Report. [Online]. ESTEP. Available at:
- Antonazzo, L., Stroud, D., Weinel, M., Dearden, K. and Mowbray, A. 2021. Preparing for a just transition: meeting green skills needs for a sustainable steel industry. Community.
- Priaulx, N., Weinel, M., Leonard-Clarke, W. and Hayes, T. 2019. How outsiders see us: Multidisciplinary understandings of legal academia and legal academics. Working paper. Cardiff: LawLab Research Centre.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2018. Dromosplan: Report on human factors. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Organisational factors by sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Weinel, M., Stroud, D. and Evans, C. 2017. Energy management structure and behaviour and motivation analysis within each sector. Project Report. European Commission.
- Stroud, D., Weinel, M. and Evans, C. 2016. WaterWatt Work Package 3: Human and organisational challenges D3.3 Report on organisational indicators. Project Report. Horizon 2020.
- Weinel, M. 2008. Counterfeit scientific controversies in science policy contexts. Working paper. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at:
- Von Soest, C., Calcagnotto, G. and Weinel, M. 2006. Between conflict and cooperation: global-national interfaces and the fight against HIV/AIDS in Brazil and South Africa. Working paper. Hamburg: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA). Available at:
- Weinel, M. 2005. HIV und Glaubwürdigkeit: eine wissenschafts-soziologische Untersuchung. Working paper. Leipzig: Leipzig University. Available at:
- Weinel, M. 2005. AIDS policy in South Africa: between denial and action. Working paper. Hamburg: German Institute of Global and Area Studies (GIGA).
- Weinel, M. 2010. Technological decision-making under scientific uncertainty: preventing mother-to-child transmission of HIV in South Africa. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Weinel, M. 2006. Cracking the core: How the AIDS causation controversy was re-opened. MScD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Weinel, M. 2009. Thabo Mbeki, HIV/AIDS and bogus scientific controversies. [Online]. Politicsweb. Available at:
- Cymdeithaseg Gwybodaeth Wyddonol: dadleuon gwyddonol; Cynhyrchu a dilysu gwybodaeth wyddonol
- Astudiaethau mewn Arbenigedd a Phrofiad: dosbarthiad arbenigedd, gwneud penderfyniadau technegol; Perthynas rhwng penderfyniadau technegol a gwleidyddol
- Cymdeithaseg Gwaith: Systemau Addysg a Hyfforddiant Galwedigaethol; mewnosod technoleg i gyd-destunau gwaith; Anghenion sgiliau a chymhwysedd yn y dyfodol yn y diwydiant dur
- Astudiaethau cymdeithasol-gyfreithiol: arbenigedd gwyddonol mewn lleoliadau cyfreithiol; Canfyddiadau o'r byd academaidd cyfreithiol
Prosiectau Ymchwil
- Gêm Efelychu ERC (IMGAME) (2011-2016): Datblygu dull ymchwil gwyddorau cymdeithasol newydd i fesur arbenigedd rhyngweithio
- Drones RFCS ar gyfer monitro annibynnol o blanhigion dur (DroMoSPlan) (2016-2019): Gwella diogelwch gweithwyr a lleihau costau cynnal a chadw sylweddol trwy fonitro ac arolygu gweithfeydd dur gyda math newydd o dronau hedfan annibynnol
- Horizon 2020 Prosiect WaterWatt (2016-2019): Gwella effeithlonrwydd ynni mewn cylchedau dŵr diwydiannol gan ddefnyddio gamification ar gyfer hunanasesu ar-lein, meincnodi a chymorth penderfyniadau economaidd
- Erasmus + Sector Sgiliau Aliiance: Cynghrair Sgiliau Dur Ewropeaidd (ESSA) (2019-2023): Nod y prosiect yw datblygu Glasbrint ar gyfer Agenda EuropeanSteelSkills cynaliadwy, wedi'i yrru a'i chydlynu gan y diwydiant dur (ESSA). Bydd yr Agenda yn cyflwyno strategaeth ar gyfer bodloni gofynion sgiliau presennol ac yn y dyfodol, ac yn treialu datblygiad modiwlau ac offer ar gyfer adeiladu ymwybyddiaeth a gweithredu sgiliau newydd ar gyfer diwydiant sy'n gystadleuol yn fyd-eang. Y nod yw bod yn barod i ragweld gofynion sgiliau newydd a datblygu gweithgareddau ymarferol rhagweithiol i fodloni gofynion y diwydiant yn y dyfodol.
- Horizon Europe Data a deallusrwydd artiffisial datganoledig ar gyfer diwydiant meteleg Ewropeaidd cystadleuol a gwyrdd ALCHIMIA (2022-2025): Nod ALCHIMIA yw adeiladu platfform yn seiliedig ar Ddysgu Ffederal (FL) a Dysgu Parhaus (CL) i helpu diwydiannau meteleg Ewropeaidd mawr ddatgloi potensial llawn AI i gefnogi'r trawsnewidiadau sydd eu hangen i greu prosesau cynhyrchu o ansawdd uchel, cystadleuol, effeithlon a gwyrdd.
Aelodaeth mewn Grwpiau Rhyngwladol
- Llwyfan Technoleg Dur Ewropeaidd (ESTEP) - Pobl Grŵp Ffocws
- Panel Rhagwelediad Agenda Sgiliau Dur Ewropeaidd (ESSA)
- Cymdeithaseg Cylch Ansawdd (wedi'i gydlynu gan TU Dortmund a Chanolfan Cyfryngau Gwyddoniaeth yr Almaen)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- KES $acirc; Centre for the Study of Knowledge Expertise Science, Cardiff School of Social Science
- 4S $acirc; Society for Social Studies of Science