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Martin Weinel

Dr Martin Weinel

Research Associate

School of Social Sciences


I am a social researcher with a wide range of interests spanning various academic fields including STS, sociology of knowledge, organisational studies, sociology of work and socio-legal studies. I am mainly doing qualitive research but am not averse to looking at numbers. 

I am also an active trade unionist and I always try to be reflexive and use my professional expertise to try improving working conditions in my own University, which have unfortunately detoriated due to a dysfunctional HEI funding model and poor managment practices. 

I am also an environmentalist who is flabbergasted by the lack of response to the biggest challenge facing humankind (and any other lifeforms) on the only habitable planet we know. Despite not flying anymore and not eating industrially produced meat, I am still implicated in numerous practices that destroy the planet and for that I feel very guilty.














  • Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Understanding "understanding" in science communication. In: Goodwin, J. ed. Ethical Issues in Science Communication: A Theory-Based Approach: Proceedings of a Conference at Iowa State University, May 30 - June 1, 2013. Ames, IA: Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation, pp. 217-228.
  • Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Enabling Science Communication: Skilling up audiences to Listen. Presented at: Ethical Issues in Science Communication: A Theory-Based Approach, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA, 30 May - 1 June 2013.
  • Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Rethinking moral expertise. Presented at: Bioethical Expertise, Queen's University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 6-7 June 2013.
  • Priaulx, N. M., Weinel, M. and Wrigley, A. 2013. Are moral philosophers moral experts?. Presented at: SEESHOP7, Tempe, Phoenix, Arizona, 20-24 May 2013.
  • Priaulx, N. M. and Weinel, M. 2013. Understanding "understanding" in science communication. In: Goodwin, J. ed. Ethical Issues in Science Communication: A Theory-Based Approach: Proceedings of a Conference at Iowa State University, May 30 - June 1, 2013. Great Plains Society for the Study of Argumentation, pp. 217-228.
  • Weinel, M. 2013. Imitation games and comparative research. Presented at: Annual Conference of the Society for Social Study of Science (4S), San Diego, CA, 9-12 October 2013.










Book sections







  • Sociology of Scientific Knowledge: scientific controversies; generation and validation of scientific knowledge
  • Studies in Expertise and Experience: classification of expertise, technical decision making; relationship between technical and political decision-making
  • Sociology of Work: Vocational Education and Training systems; technology-insertion into work contexts; future skill and competence needs in the steel industry
  • Socio-legal studies: scientific expertise in legal settings;perceptions of legal academia 

Research Projects

  • ERC Imitation Game (IMGAME) (2011-2016): Development of new social science research method to measure interactional expertise
  • RFCS Drones for autonomous monitoring of steel plants (DroMoSPlan) (2016-2019): Workers safety improvement and significant reduction of maintenance costs by monitoring and inspecting steel plants with a new type of autonomous flying drones 
  • Horizon 2020 WaterWatt project (2016-2019): Improvement of energy efficiency in industrial water circuits using gamification for online self-assessment, benchmarking and economic decision support
  • Erasmus+ Sector Skills Aliiance: European Steel Skills Alliance (ESSA) (2019-2023): The project aims to develop a Blueprint for a sustainable, steelindustry driven and coordinated EuropeanSteelSkillsAgenda (ESSA). The Agenda will present a strategy for meeting current and future skills demands, and pilot the development of modules and tools for building awareness and implementing new skills for a globally competitive industry. The aim is to be ready to anticipate new skills demands and to develop pro-active practical activities to meet the future requirements of the industry.
  • Horizon Europe Data and decentralized Artificial intelligence for a competitive and green European metallurgy industry ALCHIMIA (2022-2025): ALCHIMIA aims to build a platform based on Federated Learning (FL) and Continual Learning (CL) to help big European metallurgy industries unlock the full potential of AI to support the needed transformations to create highquality, competitive, efficient and green production processes.

Membership in International Groups

  • European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP) - Focus Group People
  • European Steel Skills Agenda (ESSA) Foresight Panel
  • Quality Circle Sociology (coordinated by TU Dortmund and the German Science Media Centre) 


no teaching


Professional memberships