Yr Athro Daniel Wincott
Blackwell Professor of Law and Society
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Rwy'n dal Cadair y Gyfraith a Chymdeithas Blackwell yn Ysgol y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth Prifysgol Caerdydd. Rwy'n gweithio yn ei Ganolfan Llywodraethiant Cymru. Rwyf wedi cyfarwyddo Rhaglen Llywodraethiant ar ôl Brexit y Cyngor Ymchwil Economaidd a Chymdeithasol ers 2018 ac rwy'n Gyfarwyddwr Ymchwil ei fenter UK in a Changing Europe yng Ngholeg y Brenin, Llundain. Mae'r rolau hyn wedi cynnwys cydlynu dros 40 o brosiectau ymchwil unigol ESRC.
Gwyddonydd gwleidyddol/dadansoddwr polisi yn ôl cefndir, mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn eang ac yn rhyngddisgyblaethol (ar draws gwleidyddiaeth, y gyfraith, astudiaethau cymdeithasol-gyfreithiol, polisi cymdeithasol a chyhoeddus). Maent yn croesawu gwleidyddiaeth diriogaethol gymharol y DU a chymharol, cyfraith gyfansoddiadol a gwleidyddiaeth, agweddau'r cyhoedd a gwleidyddiaeth hunaniaeth genedlaethol, polisi cymdeithasol a'r wladwriaeth les yn ogystal â theori a dulliau gwleidyddol a chymdeithasol-gyfreithiol. Rwy'n cydweithio ar nifer o brosiectau ymchwil ar raddfa fawr, gan gynnwys Astudiaeth Etholiad Cymru, Rhwng dau Undeb a WISERD (pob un a ariennir gan ESRC) ac Arolygon Dyfodol Lloegr/Cyflwr yr Undeb
Yn Gymrawd Canolfan Newid Cyfansoddiadol Prifysgol Caeredin, rwyf wedi cynnal Cymrodoriaeth Athro Anrhydeddus yn ei Hysgol Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol a Gwleidyddol. Rwy'n Gymrawd Cymdeithas Ddysgedig Cymru ac Academi'r Gwyddorau Cymdeithasol.
Fel Pennaeth Ysgol y Gyfraith Caerdydd o 2013, gan arwain ei uniad â Gwleidyddiaeth a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol yn ystod 2013/14. Yna lluniais a gweithredais ehangiad trawsnewidiol Cysylltiadau Rhyngwladol yng Nghaerdydd – gan benodi 18 aelod newydd o staff ar bob lefel yn ystod 2015. Daeth fy nghyfnod fel Pennaeth i ben yn 2016.
Rwyf wedi bod yn aelod o Rwydwaith Cynghori Strategol yr ESRC ac, yn gynharach, ei Bwyllgor Ymchwil. Gwasanaethais hefyd ar goup rheoli Canolfan Hyfforddiant Doethurol ESRC Cymru. Ar hyn o bryd yn aelod o fyrddau golygyddol Journal of Law and Society a Chwarterol Cyfreithiol Gogledd Iwerddon, roeddwn yn Olygydd y Journal of Common Market Studies.
- Wincott, D. 2024. Expect Report for the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry: Module 2B: Welsh Government core political and administrative decision-making in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry. Available at: https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/29175251/INQ000411927.pdf
- Larner, J., Wyn Jones, R., Poole, E., Surridge, P. and Wincott, D. 2023. Incumbency and identity: the 2021 Senedd election. Parliamentary Affairs 76(4), pp. 857-878., article number: gsac012. (10.1093/pa/gsac012)
- Davies, G. and Wincott, D. 2023. Ripening time? The Welsh Labour government between Brexit and parliamentary sovereignty. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 25(3), pp. 462-479. (10.1177/13691481221104334)
- Wincott, D., Chaney, P. and Sophocleous, C. 2023. Voluntary action, territory and timing: the Council of Social Service for Wales, periodisation and the new historiography of the 'British Welfare State', 1919-1980. Journal of Social Policy 52(1), pp. 157-175. (10.1017/S0047279421000489)
- Ifan, G., Sion, C. and Wincott, D. 2022. Devolution, independence and Wales’ fiscal deficit. National Institute Economic Review 261(1), pp. 16-33. (10.1017/nie.2022.8)
- Wincott, D., Murray, C. and Davies, G. 2022. The Anglo-British Imaginary and the rebuilding of the territorial constitution after Brexit - unitary state or union state?. Territory, Politics, Governance 10(5), pp. 696-713. (10.1080/21622671.2021.1921613)
- Chaney, P., Sophocleous, C. and Wincott, D. 2022. Exploring the meso-territorialization of third sector administration and welfare delivery in federal and union states: evidence and theory-building from the UK. Regional and Federal Studies 32(2), pp. 231-254. (10.1080/13597566.2020.1822341)
- Wincott, D. 2022. The Anglo-British state, Welsh devolution and the Covid-19 pandemic in England and Wales: territorial riddles, mysterious boundaries and enigmatic identities. In: Molinari, V. and Beylier, P. eds. COVID-19 in Europe and North America: Policy Responses and Multi-Level Governance. Oldenburg: De Gruyter, pp. 211-236., (10.1515/9783110745085-010)
- Henderson, A., Poole, E. G., Wyn Jones, R., Wincott, D., Larner, J. and Jeffery, C. 2021. Analysing vote choice in a multi-national state: national identity and territorial differentiation in the 2016 Brexit vote. Regional Studies 55(9), pp. 1502-1516. (10.1080/00343404.2020.1813883)
- Davies, G. and Wincott, D. 2021. Unionism in the courts? A critique of the Act of Union Bill. Public Law, pp. 293-310.
- Davies, G. and Wincott, D. 2021. Brexit, the press and the territorial constitution. Social and Legal Studies 30(2), pp. 157-179. (10.1177/0964663920921922)
- Wincott, D. 2021. Multi-level dynamics of the UK's EU exit: identity, territory, policy and power. Regional Studies 55(9), pp. 1491-1501. (10.1080/00343404.2021.1950915)
- Wincott, D., Davies, G. and Wager, A. 2021. Conceptualising crisis, UK pluri-constitutionalism and Brexit politics. Regional Studies 55(9), pp. 1528-1537. (10.1080/00343404.2020.1805423)
- Wincott, D. 2020. Symposium introduction: the paradox of structure: the UK state, society and ‘Brexit’. Journal of Common Market Studies 58(6), pp. 1578-1586. (10.1111/jcms.13109)
- Murray, C. R. G. and Wincott, D. 2020. Partition by degrees: routine exceptions in border and immigration practice between the UK and Ireland, 1921-1972. Journal of Law and Society 47(S1), pp. S145-S163. (10.1111/jols.12246)
- Hunt, J. and Wincott, D. 2020. The constitutional implications of the UK internal market proposals. Senedd Cymru| Y Gwasanaeth Ymchwil / Welsh Parliament | Research Service. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/2461875/Paper-to-note-3-The-Constitutional-Implications-of-the-UK-Internal-Market-Proposals-29-September-.pdf
- Dougan, M., Hayward, K., Hunt, J., McEwen, N., McHarg, A. and Wincott, D. 2020. UK internal market bill, devolution and the union. Centre on Constitutional Change, UK in a Changing Europe, Wales Governance Centre. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/2468038/UK-INTERNAL-MARKET-BILL,-DEVOLUTION-AND-THE-UNION-4.pdf
- Wincott, D. 2018. Brexit and the state of the United Kingdom. In: Diamond, P., Nedergaard, P. and Rosamond, B. eds. The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Brexit. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 15-26.
- Wincott, D. 2017. Brexit dilemmas: new opportunities and tough choices in unsettled times. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19(4), pp. 680-695. (10.1177/1369148117725316)
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C., Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2017. How Brexit was made in England. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19(4), pp. 631-646. (10.1177/1369148117730542)
- Menon, A., Minto, R. and Wincott, D. 2016. Introduction: The UK and the European Union. Political Quarterly 87(2), pp. 174-178. (10.1111/1467-923X.12266)
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C., Liñeira, R., Scully, R., Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2016. England, Englishness and Brexit. Political Quarterly 87(2), pp. 187-199. (10.1111/1467-923X.12262)
- Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. 2016. Exploring the 'legal'. In: Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. eds. Exploring the 'Legal' in Sociology-Legal Studies. Palgrave Macmillan Socio-Legal Studies Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-31.
- Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. eds. 2016. Exploring the 'legal' in socio-legal studies. Palgrave Macmillan Socio-Legal Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Priban, J. 2015. The concept of law in global societal constitutionalism. In: Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. eds. Exploring the 'Legal' in Socio-Legal Studies. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies Palgrave, pp. 57-79.
- Wincott, D. 2015. Original and imitated or elusive and limited? Towards a genealogy of the Welfare State idea in Britain. In: Beland, D. and Peterson, K. eds. Analysing Social Policy Concepts and Language: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives. Policy Press, pp. 127-142.
- Chaney, P. and Wincott, D. 2014. Envisioning the third sector's welfare role: critical discourse analysis of 'post-devolution' public policy in the UK 1998-2012. Social Policy and Administration 48(7), pp. 757-781. (10.1111/spol.12062)
- Wincott, D. 2013. The (golden) age of the Welfare State: Interrogating a conventional wisdom. Public Administration 91(4), pp. 806-822. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2012.02067.x)
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C., Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2013. Citizenship after devolution in the United Kingdom: public attitudes in Scotland and Wales. In: Henderson, A., Jeffery, C. and Wincott, D. eds. Citizenship after the nation state: Regionalism, nationalism and public attitudes in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 31-51.
- Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2013. Conclusion: citizenship after the nation state: the 2009 survey and beyond. In: Henderson, A., Jeffery, C. and Wincott, D. eds. Citizenship after the nation state: Regionalism, nationalism and public attitudes in Europe. Comparative Territorial Politics Baskingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-205.
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C. and Wincott, D. eds. 2013. Citizenship after the nation state: Regionalism, nationalism and public attitudes in Europe. Comparative Territorial Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Wyn Jones, R., Lodge, G., Jeffery, C., Gottfried, G., Scully, R., Henderson, A. and Wincott, D. 2013. England and its two unions: The anatomy of a nation and its discontents. Project Report. [Online]. London: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). Available at: http://www.ippr.org/publication/55/11003/england-and-its-two-unions-the-anatomy-of-a-nation-and-its-discontents
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C., Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2013. Reflections on the 'devolution paradox': a comparative examination of multilevel citizenship. Regional Studies 47(3), pp. 303-322. (10.1080/00343404.2013.768764)
- Hay, C. and Wincott, D. 2012. The political economy of European welfare capitalism. 21st Century Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Wyn Jones, R., Lodge, G., Henderson, A. and Wincott, D. 2012. The dog that finally barked: England as an emerging political community. Project Report. [Online]. London: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). Available at: http://www.ippr.org/images/media/files/publication/2012/02/dog-that-finally-barked_englishness_Jan2012_8542.pdf
- Wincott, D. 2011. Images of welfare in law and society: the British welfare state in comparative perspective. Journal of Law and Society 38(3), pp. 343-375. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2011.00548.x)
- Wincott, D. 2011. Ideas, policy change and the welfare state. In: Beland, D. and Cox, R. H. eds. Ideas and Politics in Social Science Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 143-166.
- Jeffery, C. and Wincott, D. 2010. The challenge of territorial politics: beyond methodological nationalism. In: Hay, C. ed. New Directions in Political Science: Responding to the Challenges of an Interdependent World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 167-188.
- Wincott, D. 2009. Citizenship in space and time: observations on T.H. Marshall's Citizenship and Social Class. In: Greer, S. L. ed. Devolution and Social Citizenship in the UK. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 39-56.
Adrannau llyfrau
- Wincott, D. 2022. The Anglo-British state, Welsh devolution and the Covid-19 pandemic in England and Wales: territorial riddles, mysterious boundaries and enigmatic identities. In: Molinari, V. and Beylier, P. eds. COVID-19 in Europe and North America: Policy Responses and Multi-Level Governance. Oldenburg: De Gruyter, pp. 211-236., (10.1515/9783110745085-010)
- Wincott, D. 2018. Brexit and the state of the United Kingdom. In: Diamond, P., Nedergaard, P. and Rosamond, B. eds. The Routledge Handbook of the Politics of Brexit. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 15-26.
- Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. 2016. Exploring the 'legal'. In: Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. eds. Exploring the 'Legal' in Sociology-Legal Studies. Palgrave Macmillan Socio-Legal Studies Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-31.
- Priban, J. 2015. The concept of law in global societal constitutionalism. In: Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. eds. Exploring the 'Legal' in Socio-Legal Studies. Palgrave Socio-Legal Studies Palgrave, pp. 57-79.
- Wincott, D. 2015. Original and imitated or elusive and limited? Towards a genealogy of the Welfare State idea in Britain. In: Beland, D. and Peterson, K. eds. Analysing Social Policy Concepts and Language: Comparative and Transnational Perspectives. Policy Press, pp. 127-142.
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C., Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2013. Citizenship after devolution in the United Kingdom: public attitudes in Scotland and Wales. In: Henderson, A., Jeffery, C. and Wincott, D. eds. Citizenship after the nation state: Regionalism, nationalism and public attitudes in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 31-51.
- Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2013. Conclusion: citizenship after the nation state: the 2009 survey and beyond. In: Henderson, A., Jeffery, C. and Wincott, D. eds. Citizenship after the nation state: Regionalism, nationalism and public attitudes in Europe. Comparative Territorial Politics Baskingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 181-205.
- Wincott, D. 2011. Ideas, policy change and the welfare state. In: Beland, D. and Cox, R. H. eds. Ideas and Politics in Social Science Research. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 143-166.
- Jeffery, C. and Wincott, D. 2010. The challenge of territorial politics: beyond methodological nationalism. In: Hay, C. ed. New Directions in Political Science: Responding to the Challenges of an Interdependent World. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 167-188.
- Wincott, D. 2009. Citizenship in space and time: observations on T.H. Marshall's Citizenship and Social Class. In: Greer, S. L. ed. Devolution and Social Citizenship in the UK. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 39-56.
- Larner, J., Wyn Jones, R., Poole, E., Surridge, P. and Wincott, D. 2023. Incumbency and identity: the 2021 Senedd election. Parliamentary Affairs 76(4), pp. 857-878., article number: gsac012. (10.1093/pa/gsac012)
- Davies, G. and Wincott, D. 2023. Ripening time? The Welsh Labour government between Brexit and parliamentary sovereignty. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 25(3), pp. 462-479. (10.1177/13691481221104334)
- Wincott, D., Chaney, P. and Sophocleous, C. 2023. Voluntary action, territory and timing: the Council of Social Service for Wales, periodisation and the new historiography of the 'British Welfare State', 1919-1980. Journal of Social Policy 52(1), pp. 157-175. (10.1017/S0047279421000489)
- Ifan, G., Sion, C. and Wincott, D. 2022. Devolution, independence and Wales’ fiscal deficit. National Institute Economic Review 261(1), pp. 16-33. (10.1017/nie.2022.8)
- Wincott, D., Murray, C. and Davies, G. 2022. The Anglo-British Imaginary and the rebuilding of the territorial constitution after Brexit - unitary state or union state?. Territory, Politics, Governance 10(5), pp. 696-713. (10.1080/21622671.2021.1921613)
- Chaney, P., Sophocleous, C. and Wincott, D. 2022. Exploring the meso-territorialization of third sector administration and welfare delivery in federal and union states: evidence and theory-building from the UK. Regional and Federal Studies 32(2), pp. 231-254. (10.1080/13597566.2020.1822341)
- Henderson, A., Poole, E. G., Wyn Jones, R., Wincott, D., Larner, J. and Jeffery, C. 2021. Analysing vote choice in a multi-national state: national identity and territorial differentiation in the 2016 Brexit vote. Regional Studies 55(9), pp. 1502-1516. (10.1080/00343404.2020.1813883)
- Davies, G. and Wincott, D. 2021. Unionism in the courts? A critique of the Act of Union Bill. Public Law, pp. 293-310.
- Davies, G. and Wincott, D. 2021. Brexit, the press and the territorial constitution. Social and Legal Studies 30(2), pp. 157-179. (10.1177/0964663920921922)
- Wincott, D. 2021. Multi-level dynamics of the UK's EU exit: identity, territory, policy and power. Regional Studies 55(9), pp. 1491-1501. (10.1080/00343404.2021.1950915)
- Wincott, D., Davies, G. and Wager, A. 2021. Conceptualising crisis, UK pluri-constitutionalism and Brexit politics. Regional Studies 55(9), pp. 1528-1537. (10.1080/00343404.2020.1805423)
- Wincott, D. 2020. Symposium introduction: the paradox of structure: the UK state, society and ‘Brexit’. Journal of Common Market Studies 58(6), pp. 1578-1586. (10.1111/jcms.13109)
- Murray, C. R. G. and Wincott, D. 2020. Partition by degrees: routine exceptions in border and immigration practice between the UK and Ireland, 1921-1972. Journal of Law and Society 47(S1), pp. S145-S163. (10.1111/jols.12246)
- Wincott, D. 2017. Brexit dilemmas: new opportunities and tough choices in unsettled times. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19(4), pp. 680-695. (10.1177/1369148117725316)
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C., Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2017. How Brexit was made in England. British Journal of Politics and International Relations 19(4), pp. 631-646. (10.1177/1369148117730542)
- Menon, A., Minto, R. and Wincott, D. 2016. Introduction: The UK and the European Union. Political Quarterly 87(2), pp. 174-178. (10.1111/1467-923X.12266)
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C., Liñeira, R., Scully, R., Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2016. England, Englishness and Brexit. Political Quarterly 87(2), pp. 187-199. (10.1111/1467-923X.12262)
- Chaney, P. and Wincott, D. 2014. Envisioning the third sector's welfare role: critical discourse analysis of 'post-devolution' public policy in the UK 1998-2012. Social Policy and Administration 48(7), pp. 757-781. (10.1111/spol.12062)
- Wincott, D. 2013. The (golden) age of the Welfare State: Interrogating a conventional wisdom. Public Administration 91(4), pp. 806-822. (10.1111/j.1467-9299.2012.02067.x)
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C., Wincott, D. and Wyn Jones, R. 2013. Reflections on the 'devolution paradox': a comparative examination of multilevel citizenship. Regional Studies 47(3), pp. 303-322. (10.1080/00343404.2013.768764)
- Wincott, D. 2011. Images of welfare in law and society: the British welfare state in comparative perspective. Journal of Law and Society 38(3), pp. 343-375. (10.1111/j.1467-6478.2011.00548.x)
- Cowan, D. and Wincott, D. eds. 2016. Exploring the 'legal' in socio-legal studies. Palgrave Macmillan Socio-Legal Studies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Henderson, A., Jeffery, C. and Wincott, D. eds. 2013. Citizenship after the nation state: Regionalism, nationalism and public attitudes in Europe. Comparative Territorial Politics. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hay, C. and Wincott, D. 2012. The political economy of European welfare capitalism. 21st Century Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Wincott, D. 2024. Expect Report for the UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry: Module 2B: Welsh Government core political and administrative decision-making in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. UK Covid-19 Public Inquiry. Available at: https://covid19.public-inquiry.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/29175251/INQ000411927.pdf
- Hunt, J. and Wincott, D. 2020. The constitutional implications of the UK internal market proposals. Senedd Cymru| Y Gwasanaeth Ymchwil / Welsh Parliament | Research Service. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0006/2461875/Paper-to-note-3-The-Constitutional-Implications-of-the-UK-Internal-Market-Proposals-29-September-.pdf
- Dougan, M., Hayward, K., Hunt, J., McEwen, N., McHarg, A. and Wincott, D. 2020. UK internal market bill, devolution and the union. Centre on Constitutional Change, UK in a Changing Europe, Wales Governance Centre. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/2468038/UK-INTERNAL-MARKET-BILL,-DEVOLUTION-AND-THE-UNION-4.pdf
- Wyn Jones, R., Lodge, G., Jeffery, C., Gottfried, G., Scully, R., Henderson, A. and Wincott, D. 2013. England and its two unions: The anatomy of a nation and its discontents. Project Report. [Online]. London: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). Available at: http://www.ippr.org/publication/55/11003/england-and-its-two-unions-the-anatomy-of-a-nation-and-its-discontents
- Wyn Jones, R., Lodge, G., Henderson, A. and Wincott, D. 2012. The dog that finally barked: England as an emerging political community. Project Report. [Online]. London: Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR). Available at: http://www.ippr.org/images/media/files/publication/2012/02/dog-that-finally-barked_englishness_Jan2012_8542.pdf
Mae fy niddordebau ymchwil yn eang ac yn rhyngddisgyblaethol, gan gwmpasu arweinyddiaeth a chydweithio helaeth. Rwy'n cyfarwyddo rhaglen Llywodraethiant ar ôl Brexit ESRC ac yn gwasanaethu fel Cyfarwyddwr Ymchwil ei raglen UK in a Changing Europe . Mae fy ymchwil cydweithredol arall a ariennir gan ESRC yn cynnwys Astudiaeth Etholiad Cymru, Rhwng dau Undeb prosiect mawr a Chanolfan Ymchwil WISERD - ac rwy'n cydweithio ar Arolygon Dyfodol Lloegr/Cyflwr yr Undeb.
Ers 2016 rwyf wedi golygu rhifynnau/symposia arbennig The Political Quarterly, y British Journal of Politics and International Relations, y Journal of Common Market Studies a Regional Studies.
Dros y pum mlynedd diwethaf, mae fy nghyhoeddiadau sy'n canolbwyntio ar Brexit wedi datblygu dadansoddiadau newydd o gyfansoddiad tiriogaethol 'Eingl-Brydeinig' y DU a rôl Hunaniaeth Diriogaethol Gymharol sy'n egluro gwleidyddiaeth genedlaethol (Saesneg, Albanaidd, Cymru) dewis pleidlais Brexit, gan ymbil cwestiynau sylfaenol am fodelau confensiynol o wleidyddiaeth Prydain a chyfraith gyfansoddiadol. Mae cyhoeddiadau ar bolisi cymdeithasol yn codi cwestiynau tebyg am naratifau safonol am dirweddoldeb a hanes y wladwriaeth les.
Dros y tymor hwy, mae fy ymchwil yn aml wedi ymgysylltu â chwestiynau damcaniaethol a methodolegol yn ogystal â dadansoddi empirig. Maent wedi croesi:
- datganoli a llywodraethu tiriogaethol
- agweddau'r cyhoedd a barn y cyhoedd
- Cyfraith Gyfansoddiadol a Gwleidyddiaeth
- Theori a dadansoddiad gwladwriaeth lles cymharol
- Integreiddio Ewropeaidd, yn enwedig polisi cymdeithasol a'r gyfraith.
Mae fy llyfrau diweddar yn sôn am rai o'r themâu hyn:
- The Political Economy of European Welfare Capitalism (Palgrave 2012, cyd-awdur gyda Colin Hay)
- Dinasyddiaeth ar ôl y Genedl-wladwriaeth (Palgrave 2013, cyd-olygydd gyda Ailsa Henderson a Charlie Jeffery)
- Archwilio'r 'cyfreithiol' mewn astudiaethau cymdeithasol-gyfreithiol (Palgrave 2015, cyd-olygydd gyda David Cowan).
Symudais i Gaerdydd o fod yn Gadeirydd mewn Gwleidyddiaeth Ewropeaidd a Cymharol ym Mhrifysgol Birmingham a chefais swyddi cynharach yn y Gyfraith a Gwleidyddiaeth ym Mhrifysgolion Caerlŷr a Warwick. Cwblheais fy PhD ar 'Ffurfweddiadau polisi 'gwladwriaethau lles' a rôl menywod yn y gweithlu mewn cymdeithasau diwydiannol datblygedig' yn Ysgol Economeg a Gwyddor Wleidyddol Llundain.