Dr Federico Wulff
EU PhD (Doctor Europaeus) Architect
Darllenydd, Pensaernïaeth a Dylunio Trefol MA AD Cyfarwyddwr Cwrs
- Ar gael fel goruchwyliwr ôl-raddedig
Mae Federico yn Ddarllenydd mewn Dylunio Pensaernïaeth a Dylunio Trefol yn y WSA, ymchwilydd Ewropeaidd, ac yn ymarferydd arobryn. Ef hefyd yw Cyfarwyddwr Cwrs Meistr Dylunio Pensaernïaeth (MA AD). Graddiodd Federico o'r ETSAM (Madrid, Sbaen) ym 1998. Yn 2007/2008, derbyniodd Wobr Rhufain mewn Pensaernïaeth gan Academi Frenhinol Rhufain Sbaen. Mae'n berchen ar PhD Ewropeaidd (Doctor Europaeus), a gwblhaodd yn ystod ei flwyddyn yn Rhufain ym Mhrifysgol Roma Tre (yr Eidal) ac Ysgol Pensaernïaeth ETSAM Madrid (Sbaen) a chafodd ei oruchwylio ym Mhrifysgol Paris-Belleville (Ffrainc). Yn ddiweddar, dyfarnwyd iddo Grand Prix Europa Nostra 2019 ac Europa Nostra 2019, y wobr Ewropeaidd fwyaf mawreddog mewn cadwraeth Treftadaeth, am ei adferiad o Areithiau Palas Partal, Mosg 14th C. yn Safle Treftadaeth y Byd UNESCO yr Alhambra (Granada, Sbaen).
Dechreuodd ei waith yn y DU yn 2012 pan oedd yn Athro Ymweld yn y Gymdeithas Bensaernïol (AA) yn Llundain. Yna, ym mis Mawrth 2013, ymunodd â'r WSA fel Uwch Ymchwilydd Ôl-ddoethurol Cymrodoriaeth Ewropeaidd Marie Curie (IEF) sy'n arwain y Prosiect Ewropeaidd EMUVE. Ariannwyd ei brosiect ymchwil Ewropeaidd, EMUVE (Ecoleg Gwag Trefol Ewro-Môr y Canoldir) gan y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd gyda € 220,000. Mae EMUVE yn canolbwyntio ar chwilio am fethodolegau dylunio arloesol ar gyfer ail-actifadu tirweddau trefol mewn argyfwng, o ddirywiad economaidd 2008 i'r argyfwng mudol a ffoaduriaid cyfredol.
Mae ei ymarfer, W+G Architects, wedi ennill 10 gwobr gyntaf mewn cystadlaethau Pensaernïaeth Ryngwladol. Mae ei brosiectau wedi mynd i'r afael ag ystod eang o faterion, o fannau cyhoeddus (Eras, Fforwm) a threftadaeth (Adfer 14eg. Mosg C. yn Safle Treftadaeth y Byd UNESCO yr Alhambra, Sbaen) i brosiectau cydweithredu mewn gwledydd sy'n datblygu (Ethiopia, Moroco), a ariennir gan Asiantaeth Cydweithredu a Datblygu Sbaen (AECID).
- Chen, Y., Wulff, F., Clark, S. and Huang, J. 2025. Indoor comfort domains and well-being of older adults in residential settings: A scoping review. Building and Environment 267(Part A), article number: 112268. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.112268)
- Daradkeh, L. and Wulff, F. 2023. Axonometric drawings as exploratory design research tools: A case study of the social production of space of the streets in the Baqaa Refugee Camp, Jordan. Presented at: Association of Architectural Educators 7th international conference, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, 12-15 July 2023 Presented at McVicar, M. ed.Productive-disruptive: Spaces of exploration in-between architectural pedagogy and practice. Proceedings AAE 2023. Cardiff University: Cardiff University pp. 148-159.
- Wulff, F. and Iqbal, M. 2023. Architectural design-research: a path towards an innovative transdisciplinary pedagogy. Presented at: AMPS International Conference 2022, Online, 20-22 April 2022 Presented at Adil, Z. ed.A Focus on Pedagogy. AMPS pp. 157-166.
- Wulff, F. and Brito, O. 2022. The multi-scalar production of intercultural urban landscapes. Inter-cultural nodes as urban and social re-activators: the case of Ballarò, Palermo. In: McVicar, M., Kite, S. and Drożyński, C. eds. Generosity and Architecture. London: Routledge, pp. 226-237., (10.4324/9781003211815-25)
- Wulff, F. 2021. The restoration of the Oratory of the Partal Palace in the Alhambra of Granada, Grand Prix Europa Nostra 2019. Built Heritage 5, article number: 7. (10.1186/s43238-021-00026-w)
- Wulff Barreiro, F. and Brito Gonzalez, O. 2020. The production of intercultural urban landscapes, a multi‑scalar approach: the case of Ballarò, Palermo. URBAN DESIGN International 25(3), pp. 250-265. (10.1057/s41289-020-00126-6)
- Wulff, F., Lecardane, R. and Lascala, P. 2020. Designing intercultural space. A multi-scalar approach in the Albergheria neighbourhood in Palermo. Agathón 7 (10.19229/2464-9309/792020)
- Chen, Y., Davidova, M. and Wulff, F. 2020. Gigamapping as a toolkit for city analysis: a design-led research. Presented at: Relating Systems Thinking and Design 9 (RSD9 2020), Ahmedabad, India, 9-18 October 2020 Presented at Jones, P. ed.Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD9) 2020 Symposium. Ahmedabad: Systemic Design Association
- Wulff, F. 2020. The restoration of the Oratory of the Partal Palace and the House of Astasio de Bracamonte in the Alhambra of Granada, Spain. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Wulff, F. and Brito, O. 2018. Reframing spatial practices in processes of social inclusion of migrants and local communities in the reactivation of historic urban landscapes.. Presented at: S.ARCH: The 5th International Conference on Architecture & Built Environment, Venice, Italy, 22-24 May 2018.
- Wulff, F. and Brito, O. 2018. Reframing spatial practices in processes of social inclusion of migrants and local communities in the reactivation of historic urban landscapes. Presented at: Generosity, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, 27-29 June 2018 Presented at McVicar, M. ed.Generosity Conference. Cardiff, UK: Cardiff University Press pp. 75-75.
- Wulff, F. 2018. Reframing the reactivation of historic urban landscapes with processes of social inclusion of migrants and local communities. Presented at: Heritage Across Borders, Association of Critical Heritage Studies 4th Biennial Conference 2018 (ACHS 2018)., Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China., 1-6th September 2018Heritage Accross Borders. Association of Critical Heritage Studies, 4th Biennial Conference. Hangzhou, China: Zhejiang University pp. 222-222.
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2018. “Huellas: Grutas de Hércules, Tánger (Marruecos) / Interacciones en cooperación: Misiones Jesuitas en el Lago Tana (Etiopia). Proyecto Europeo EMUVE” [Imprints: Hercules’ Caves, Tangier (Morocco) / Interactions in Cooperation: Jesuit Missions around Lake Tana (Ethiopia). European Project EMUVE], in Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial [Values and Identity of the Cultural Landscapes: Instruments for the knowledge and dissemination of a new heritage category]. In: Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial [Values and Identity of the Cultural Landscapes: Instruments for the knowledge and dissemination of a new heritage category]. [Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial]. Granada University Press, pp. 441-465.
- Wulff, F. and Akiyode, A. 2017. Interrogating urban refugees spatialities – the case of Palermo. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Annual conference 2017, Royal Geographical Society, London, UK, 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2017.
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos, M. 2015. Urban activation in a post-crisis Euro-Mediterranean scenario. Urban Design and Planning 168(DP6), pp. 288-292. (10.1680/jurdp.15.00019)
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2015. EMUVE European Research Project. Social identity values for self-management strategies in post industrial reactivation: Campo Boario (Rome) and Can Battlo (Barcelona). Presented at: CHAT 2015. Contemporary and Historical Archeology in Theory, Sheffield, UK, 30 October – 1 November, 2015 Presented at Pillatt, T., Moore, K. and Johnston, B. eds.Conference Proceedings of CHAT 2015. Contemporary and Historical Archeology in Theory. Sheffield: Sheffield University Press
- Wulff, F. 2015. EMUVE European Research Project. Barcelona Case: Post-crisis collaborative design processes and community self-management strategies for urban regeneration. Presented at: Sustainable City 2015: 10th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Medellin, Colombia, 1 - 3 September 2015Conference Proceedings of SUSTAINABLE CITY 2015 10th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. Wessex University
- Wulff, F. and Hodebert, L. 2015. Euro‐Mediterranean Urban Voids Ecology (EMUVE): Nouvelles stratégies de régénération territoriale pour l’Etang de Berre (Marseille). I Quaderni di Careggi. - UNISCAPE En-Route II
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos, M. 2014. Resident-led iniciativas for a post-recession European landscape. PAISEA(28), pp. 102-107.
- Davis, J., Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2014. Heritage, culture and regeneration: the role of coal in the future of Cardiff Bay. Presented at: Heritage 2014: 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Guimarães, Portugal, July 22-25, 2014Heritage 2014 – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1. Green Lines Institute pp. 521-529.
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos, M. 2013. Architectural education from socio-economic perspective in environmental design. Presented at: Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal. Environmental Design for Innovation in the Postcrisis World. Conference Proceedings of ENHSA 2013, European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture, Napoli 2-4 Oct. 2013., Naples, Italy, 2-4 Oct. 2013 Presented at Voyatzaki, M. ed.Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal. Environmental Design for Innovation in the Postcrisis World. Conference Proceedings of ENHSA 2013, European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture, Napoli 2-4 Oct. 2013.. Napoli 2-4 Oct. 2013.: ENHSA European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture pp. 528-540.
- Wulff, F. 2012. Forum space of Granada, Spain. In: Lee, U. ed. C3 landscape monographs. DLLE Architectural Landscape. Filling Up, Delimiting., Vol. 4. [Forum Space of Granada, Spain]. Seoul, South Korea: C3 Publishing Co., pp. 180-195.
- Wulff, F. 2012. Public Space for Negocios Event. In: Dlle 4 - Filling Up. Delimiting. William Stout Architecture, pp. 180-195.
- Chen, Y., Wulff, F., Clark, S. and Huang, J. 2025. Indoor comfort domains and well-being of older adults in residential settings: A scoping review. Building and Environment 267(Part A), article number: 112268. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2024.112268)
- Wulff, F. 2021. The restoration of the Oratory of the Partal Palace in the Alhambra of Granada, Grand Prix Europa Nostra 2019. Built Heritage 5, article number: 7. (10.1186/s43238-021-00026-w)
- Wulff Barreiro, F. and Brito Gonzalez, O. 2020. The production of intercultural urban landscapes, a multi‑scalar approach: the case of Ballarò, Palermo. URBAN DESIGN International 25(3), pp. 250-265. (10.1057/s41289-020-00126-6)
- Wulff, F., Lecardane, R. and Lascala, P. 2020. Designing intercultural space. A multi-scalar approach in the Albergheria neighbourhood in Palermo. Agathón 7 (10.19229/2464-9309/792020)
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos, M. 2015. Urban activation in a post-crisis Euro-Mediterranean scenario. Urban Design and Planning 168(DP6), pp. 288-292. (10.1680/jurdp.15.00019)
- Wulff, F. and Hodebert, L. 2015. Euro‐Mediterranean Urban Voids Ecology (EMUVE): Nouvelles stratégies de régénération territoriale pour l’Etang de Berre (Marseille). I Quaderni di Careggi. - UNISCAPE En-Route II
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos, M. 2014. Resident-led iniciativas for a post-recession European landscape. PAISEA(28), pp. 102-107.
Book sections
- Wulff, F. and Brito, O. 2022. The multi-scalar production of intercultural urban landscapes. Inter-cultural nodes as urban and social re-activators: the case of Ballarò, Palermo. In: McVicar, M., Kite, S. and Drożyński, C. eds. Generosity and Architecture. London: Routledge, pp. 226-237., (10.4324/9781003211815-25)
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2018. “Huellas: Grutas de Hércules, Tánger (Marruecos) / Interacciones en cooperación: Misiones Jesuitas en el Lago Tana (Etiopia). Proyecto Europeo EMUVE” [Imprints: Hercules’ Caves, Tangier (Morocco) / Interactions in Cooperation: Jesuit Missions around Lake Tana (Ethiopia). European Project EMUVE], in Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial [Values and Identity of the Cultural Landscapes: Instruments for the knowledge and dissemination of a new heritage category]. In: Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial [Values and Identity of the Cultural Landscapes: Instruments for the knowledge and dissemination of a new heritage category]. [Valores e Identidad de los Paisajes Culturales: Instrumentos para el conocimiento y difusión de una nueva categoría Patrimonial]. Granada University Press, pp. 441-465.
- Wulff, F. 2012. Forum space of Granada, Spain. In: Lee, U. ed. C3 landscape monographs. DLLE Architectural Landscape. Filling Up, Delimiting., Vol. 4. [Forum Space of Granada, Spain]. Seoul, South Korea: C3 Publishing Co., pp. 180-195.
- Wulff, F. 2012. Public Space for Negocios Event. In: Dlle 4 - Filling Up. Delimiting. William Stout Architecture, pp. 180-195.
- Daradkeh, L. and Wulff, F. 2023. Axonometric drawings as exploratory design research tools: A case study of the social production of space of the streets in the Baqaa Refugee Camp, Jordan. Presented at: Association of Architectural Educators 7th international conference, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, 12-15 July 2023 Presented at McVicar, M. ed.Productive-disruptive: Spaces of exploration in-between architectural pedagogy and practice. Proceedings AAE 2023. Cardiff University: Cardiff University pp. 148-159.
- Wulff, F. and Iqbal, M. 2023. Architectural design-research: a path towards an innovative transdisciplinary pedagogy. Presented at: AMPS International Conference 2022, Online, 20-22 April 2022 Presented at Adil, Z. ed.A Focus on Pedagogy. AMPS pp. 157-166.
- Chen, Y., Davidova, M. and Wulff, F. 2020. Gigamapping as a toolkit for city analysis: a design-led research. Presented at: Relating Systems Thinking and Design 9 (RSD9 2020), Ahmedabad, India, 9-18 October 2020 Presented at Jones, P. ed.Proceedings of Relating Systems Thinking and Design (RSD9) 2020 Symposium. Ahmedabad: Systemic Design Association
- Wulff, F. and Brito, O. 2018. Reframing spatial practices in processes of social inclusion of migrants and local communities in the reactivation of historic urban landscapes.. Presented at: S.ARCH: The 5th International Conference on Architecture & Built Environment, Venice, Italy, 22-24 May 2018.
- Wulff, F. and Brito, O. 2018. Reframing spatial practices in processes of social inclusion of migrants and local communities in the reactivation of historic urban landscapes. Presented at: Generosity, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, 27-29 June 2018 Presented at McVicar, M. ed.Generosity Conference. Cardiff, UK: Cardiff University Press pp. 75-75.
- Wulff, F. 2018. Reframing the reactivation of historic urban landscapes with processes of social inclusion of migrants and local communities. Presented at: Heritage Across Borders, Association of Critical Heritage Studies 4th Biennial Conference 2018 (ACHS 2018)., Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China., 1-6th September 2018Heritage Accross Borders. Association of Critical Heritage Studies, 4th Biennial Conference. Hangzhou, China: Zhejiang University pp. 222-222.
- Wulff, F. and Akiyode, A. 2017. Interrogating urban refugees spatialities – the case of Palermo. Presented at: Royal Geographical Society (RGS) Annual conference 2017, Royal Geographical Society, London, UK, 29 Aug - 1 Sep 2017.
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2015. EMUVE European Research Project. Social identity values for self-management strategies in post industrial reactivation: Campo Boario (Rome) and Can Battlo (Barcelona). Presented at: CHAT 2015. Contemporary and Historical Archeology in Theory, Sheffield, UK, 30 October – 1 November, 2015 Presented at Pillatt, T., Moore, K. and Johnston, B. eds.Conference Proceedings of CHAT 2015. Contemporary and Historical Archeology in Theory. Sheffield: Sheffield University Press
- Wulff, F. 2015. EMUVE European Research Project. Barcelona Case: Post-crisis collaborative design processes and community self-management strategies for urban regeneration. Presented at: Sustainable City 2015: 10th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability, Medellin, Colombia, 1 - 3 September 2015Conference Proceedings of SUSTAINABLE CITY 2015 10th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. Wessex University
- Davis, J., Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos Diaz, F. M. 2014. Heritage, culture and regeneration: the role of coal in the future of Cardiff Bay. Presented at: Heritage 2014: 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Guimarães, Portugal, July 22-25, 2014Heritage 2014 – Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Heritage and Sustainable Development, Vol. 1. Green Lines Institute pp. 521-529.
- Wulff, F. and Guirnaldos, M. 2013. Architectural education from socio-economic perspective in environmental design. Presented at: Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal. Environmental Design for Innovation in the Postcrisis World. Conference Proceedings of ENHSA 2013, European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture, Napoli 2-4 Oct. 2013., Naples, Italy, 2-4 Oct. 2013 Presented at Voyatzaki, M. ed.Architectural Education and the Reality of the Ideal. Environmental Design for Innovation in the Postcrisis World. Conference Proceedings of ENHSA 2013, European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture, Napoli 2-4 Oct. 2013.. Napoli 2-4 Oct. 2013.: ENHSA European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture pp. 528-540.
- Wulff, F. 2020. The restoration of the Oratory of the Partal Palace and the House of Astasio de Bracamonte in the Alhambra of Granada, Spain. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
Research interests
1. Architectural and Urban Design in Crisis Times
2. Migration, Interculturality and Contemporary Architecture and Urban Design: Inter-Cultural Nodes (ICN)
3. Contemporary Architecture Design and Critical Heritage Studies
4. Design Research Methods
Teaching profile
Mae Dr Federico Wulff Barreiro yn Ddarllenydd mewn Pensaernïaeth a Dylunio Trefol yn Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Cymru (WSA), uwch ymchwilydd a ariennir gan Ewrop ac yn ymarferydd arobryn mewn dylunio pensaernïol cyfoes a chadwraeth treftadaeth.
Mae'n dal Grand Prix Europa Nostra 2019 a gwobrau Europa Nostra 2019 am Adfer mosg14thC. Palatine y Palas Partal yn Alhambra Granada (Sbaen), Safle Treftadaeth y Byd UNESCO. Grand Prix Europa Nostra, a hyrwyddir gan y Comisiwn Ewropeaidd (UE), yw'r wobr fwyaf mawreddog mewn treftadaeth bensaernïol ar lefel Ewropeaidd. Mae Safle Treftadaeth Fyd-eang Alhambra UNESCO yn safle treftadaeth byd-enwog yn Sbaen ac yn un o'r rhai yr ymwelir â hi fwyaf ledled y byd.
Mae gwaith Dr Federico Wulff, Penseiri W+G wedi ennill 10 gwobr gyntaf ac un wobr mewn cystadlaethau dylunio pensaernïol a threfol rhyngwladol yn Sbaen, Chile a Moroco.
Derbyniodd Wobr Rhufain mewn Pensaernïaeth gan Academi Frenhinol Rhufain (RAER).
Mae wedi cyd-ysgrifennu pum llyfr, naw pennod o lyfrau, a 30 erthygl mewn cyfnodolion a adolygir gan gymheiriaid o'r radd flaenaf mewn pensaernïaeth ryngwladol a dylunio trefol, megis Urban Design International (DU), Metalocus (Sbaen), Agathon (Yr Eidal), Dylunio a Chynllunio Trefol (DU), Treftadaeth Adeiledig (Tsieina), Paisea (Sbaen), C3 (Corea), L'Architecture du Maroc (Moroco), ac Arquitectura Ibéric.a (Portiwgal), ymhlith eraill.
Mae ei waith dylunio, ymchwil ac addysgu wedi cael ei arddangos mewn 21 arddangosfa ryngwladol yn y DU, Sbaen, Chile, yr Eidal, Moroco a Brasil. Cafodd ei brosiect ymchwil Ewropeaidd EMUVE (Ecoleg Gwag Trefol Ewro-Môr y Canoldir) ei arddangos yn Biennale Pensaernïaeth Fenis 2016.
Ef yw Cyfarwyddwr Cwrs Meistr Dylunio Pensaernïaeth (MA AD) yn y WSA.
Sefydlodd ei waith W+G Architects yn 2007, ynghyd â Dr Melina Guirnaldos.
Nod Penseiri W+G fu datblygu prosiectau dylunio a strategol mewn pum maes ymchwil dylunio:
1. Strategaethau ailysgogi ôl-argyfwng ar raddfeydd pensaernïol a threfol
2. Dulliau cyfoes o gadw treftadaeth ac ailgylchu
3. Ymyriadau adfer tirwedd mewn prosiectau cydweithredu mewn gwledydd sy'n datblygu
4. Mannau Cyhoeddus sy'n gynhwysol yn gymdeithasol ac yn rhyngddiwylliannol
5. Gofodau domestig cyfoes a micro-bensaernïaeth
Mae ein hymchwil gysyniadol wedi llywio archwilio methodolegau dylunio newydd ar gyfer mynd i'r afael â heriau cyfoes. Yn ogystal, nod ein prosesau dylunio yw cael eu diffinio fel ymchwil, gyda damcaniaethau pellach o fewn perthynas dafodieithol gyfoethog a chreadigol rhwng theori, ymarfer, defnyddwyr a chyd-destun. Mae'r broses ailadroddol gymhleth hon yn cynnwys fframwaith hanfodol ein hymarfer a'n hymchwil academaidd. Felly, mae ein hymchwil gysyniadol a seiliedig ar ymarfer wedi dod yn hynod addasol i gyd-destunau daearyddol, cysyniadol ac economaidd-gymdeithasol gwahanol iawn, megis ein hymchwil ar strategaethau ailysgogi ar gyfer cyd-destunau argyfwng yng Ngorllewin Ewrop, ein prosiectau cydweithredu yn Affrica, y mannau cyhoeddus cynhwysol a rhyngddiwylliannol yn Ewrop a'n prosiectau cadwraeth ar safleoedd treftadaeth hanesyddol-Mwslimaidd canoloesol. Yn olaf, hoffwn dynnu sylw at brif gynllun adfywio trefol ardal drefol Bulnes Avenue Santiago de Chile (Chile), a ddyfernir gyda Sôn Arbennig am y rheithgor ar Gystadleuaeth Ryngwladol a hyrwyddir gan Lywodraeth Chile.
Ymhlith y prosiectau o ail-actifadu tirwedd trefol, byddem yn tynnu sylw at y mannau cyhoeddus Eras a'r Fforwm (Sbaen), y ddau wedi'u dewis yn VI Pensaernïaeth Tirwedd Ewropeaidd Biennial Barcelona (Sbaen) a Biennale Pensaernïaeth Sao Paolo (Brasil).
Y prosiectau cydweithredu pwysicaf sy'n gysylltiedig ag ymyriadau cyfoes mewn cyd-destunau treftadaeth a chynhwysiant cymdeithasol yw Ymyrraeth ac Adfer Tirwedd Palas yr Ymerodres Susenyos o'r 17eg ganrif ac Eglwys Gadeiriol Jeswit Ethiopia yn Danqaz (Ethiopia), a ariennir gan Asiantaeth Cydweithredu Sbaen (AECID), ac Adfer Tirwedd safle Ogofâu Hercules, yn Tangiers (Moroco), Cyllidwyd gan yr Undeb Ewropeaidd (rhaglen Interreg yr UE).
Anrhydeddau a dyfarniadau
A. Academic and Professional Awards
Europa Nostra Grand Prix (2019)
Europa Nostra award (2019)
Marie Curie Intra European Fellowship 2013. EMUVE Project. European Commission EU (2013).
Rome Prize in Architecture. Royal Academy of Spain in Rome, Italy (2007)
Special Mention, 16th Awards of Urbanism and Architecture. Madrid City Council (Spain). (2001).
B. International Awards in Architecture Design and Urban Design Competitions
- Honorific Mention, International urban prize for the new Master Plan of Government Area - Bulnes Boulevard. Santiago de Chile, Chile (2013)
- 1st Prize awarded, Landscape Recovery around the Caves of Hercules, Tangiers (Morocco). European Union (2007)
- 1st Prize awarded, Eras de Cristo public space. Granada City Council. Spain (2005) Selected Project at the VI European Landscape Biennale, Barcelona (2010).
- 1st Prize awarded, 14 Social Housing in Lubrin (Almería, Spain). Andalucía Regional Government, 2005
- 1st Prize awarded, 8 Contemporary social housing within the 16thC. Historic City Center of Baeza (Jaén, Spain). Andalucía Regional Government (2004)
- 1st Prize awarded, 16thC. San Jeronimo renaissance Monastery Public Space and Car Park. Granada City Council, Spain (2001).
- 1st Prize awarded, Public Space and Car Park, Arabial st. Granada City Council, Spain. (2001)
- 1st Prize awarded, The White Box Youth Center. San Sebastián de los Reyes City Council, Madrid, Spain. (2000).
- 1st Prize awarded, Institutional Wine Cellar for La Rioja Regional Government. Logroño, Spain. (2000)
- 1st Prize awarded, Recycling of the former South Central Coach Station of Madrid into the Arganzuela District Civic Center (1998). Programme: Sports Center, 2 Swimming pools, Cultural Center, Elderly Center, Public Spaces. (25.000 sqm. / 6M€) Selected Project, 2008 Madrid Architectural Week. Cultural Foundation of the Architects Institute of Madrid (FUCOAM). Special Mention, 16th Awards of Urbanism and Architecture, Madrid City Council, Spain (2001)
Aelodaethau proffesiynol
- Member of the Association of Critical Heritage Studies (ACHS)
- Member of Hispania Nostra
Safleoedd academaidd blaenorol
- 2024-presennol: Darllenydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2015-2024: Uwch Ddarlithydd, Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2013-2015: Marie Curie Mewn-Ewropeaidd Cymrodoriaeth Ymchwil (IEF), Prifysgol Caerdydd
- 2012: Darlithydd Gwadd, Cymdeithas Bensaernïol (AA)
- 2004-2013: Darlithydd, Ysgol Pensaernïaeth Granada (ETSAG), Prifysgol Granada (UGR), Sbaen.
- 2011: Adolygydd Rhaglen Ddoethurol Genedlaethol Arquímedes . Y Weinyddiaeth Addysg Sbaen.
Pwyllgorau ac adolygu
- Editorial Board Member of Agathon Journal (Italy). www.agathon.it. 2019.
- Peer reviewer, Journal of International Heritage, Springer (UK). 2020.
- Peer reviewer, Architectural Research Quarterly (ARQ). Cambridge University Press (UK). 2015.
- Peer reviewer, Urban Design International (UDI) Journal. Palgrave (UK). 2018-2019.
- Peer reviewer, International Planning Studies Journal. (UK). March- April 2019.
- Co-Supervisor of European Doctoral Theses (Assessor for Doctor Europaeus Mention)
- Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM), Universidad Politecnica Madrid (Spain). Nov.2015.(Co-supervisors: Prof. Manuel Gausa Navarro (Genova, Italy), Prof. Federico Soriano (ETSAM Madrid)
- Facolta di Architettura, Universita di Palermo (Italy). December 2014. (Co-supervisor: Prof. Renzo Lecardane)
Meysydd goruchwyliaeth
Goruchwyliaeth gyfredol
Contact Details
Themâu ymchwil
- Ymchwil Dylunio
- pensaernïaeth gyfoes mewn cyd-destunau treftadaeth
- Dylunio cynhwysol yn gymdeithasol
- Enwau Rhyngddiwylliannol (ICN)
- dylunio trefol a mannau cyhoeddus