Trosolwg Ymchwil
Mae fy ymchwil yn canolbwyntio ar gymhwyso technegau optegol electronau, yn enwedig microsgopeg trosglwyddo a sganio electronau, i ymchwilio i uwchstrwythur meinweoedd cysylltiol. Y rhagdybiaeth gyffredinol ar gyfer fy ngwaith fu bod cyfansoddiad a strwythur matricsau meinwe yn diffinio swyddogaeth meinwe. Yn y gorffennol rwyf wedi gweithio ym maes bioleg cyhyrysgerbydol, gan ymchwilio i strwythur cain gewynnau a chartilag, i geisio deall y newidiadau o fewn y meinweoedd hyn mewn clefydau diraddiol fel arthritis osteo- a gwynegol. Dros y deng mlynedd diwethaf rwyf wedi gweithio ar y cyd â'r Athro Andrew Quantock gan ganolbwyntio ar feinweoedd ocwlar, gan gynnwys cornbilen, sgler a gwaith rhwyll trabecwlar. Ymchwiliwyd i ystod o feinweoedd a gafwyd o lygaid dynol, trwy gydweithio lleol a rhyngwladol, i nodweddu natur rhyngweithio rhwng colagen a phroteoglycanau mewn iechyd a chlefydau.
Mae ein hastudiaethau wedi cynnwys nifer o dechnolegau blaengar ar gyfer microsgopeg, mewn perthynas â thechnegau paratoi newydd ar gyfer paratoi meinweoedd, er enghraifft defnyddio cadwraeth feinwe tymheredd isel (rhewi pwysedd uchel a rhewi amnewid), ac offeryniaeth newydd ar gyfer caffael delweddau (wyneb bloc cyfresol 3View ® SEM). Trwy gydol fy ngyrfa rwyf wedi cadw diddordeb brwd mewn methodoleg newydd ar gyfer microsgopeg electronau. Rwyf wedi defnyddio dulliau lleoleiddio arbenigol gan ddefnyddio marcwyr gwrthgyrff penodol i nodi gwahaniaethau munud mewn cydrannau meinwe, proteoglycans, yn ystod datblygiad y gornbilen yn yr embryo. Mae'n ymddangos bod y rhain yn bwysig ar gyfer aeddfedu matrics tryloyw, ei hun yn hanfodol ar gyfer gweledigaeth. Mae'r un moleciwlau meinwe hefyd yn ymwneud â phathogenau cyflyrau dallu penodol lle mae diffygion ensym yn arwain at opacities yn y gornbilen, gan ofyn am drawsblaniad cornbilen ar gyfer triniaeth.
Ar hyn o bryd mae diddordeb enfawr mewn technegau delweddu 3D, nid yn unig mewn delweddu diagnostig fel gydag OCT, ond hefyd ar lefel celloedd sengl a macromoleciwlau matrics. Mae'r dulliau hyn o tomograffeg electronau ac, yn fwyaf diweddar, microsgopeg electron sganio wyneb bloc cyfresol yn cael eu defnyddio yn ein labordy microsgopeg electronau yn y Grŵp Ymchwil Bioffiseg Strwythurol.
Trosolwg Addysgu
Ar hyn o bryd rwy'n cynorthwyo gydag addysgu mewn labordy myfyrwyr ymchwil ôl-raddedig ac israddedigion sy'n cyflawni prosiectau ymchwil blwyddyn olaf.
Cyhoeddiadau Dethol
Ifanc, RD, Knupp, C, Pinali, C, Png, K MY, Ralphs, J R, Bushby, AJ, Starborg, T, Kadler, KE, Quantock AJ. 2014. Agweddau tri dimensiwn ar gynulliad matrics gan gelloedd yn nhrafodion y gornbilen sy'n datblygu Academi Genedlaethol y Gwyddorau 111 (2) 687-692
Ifanc, RD, Liskova, P, Pinali, C, Palka, BP, Palos, M, Jirsova, K, Hrdlickova, E, Tesarova, M, Elleder, M, Zeman, J, Meek, KM, Knupp, C a Quantock, AJ. 2011. Cymhlethdodau Proteoglycan Mawr a Phensaernïaeth Colagen Aflonyddedig yn Matrics Allgellog Corneal o Mucopolysaccharidosis Math VII (Syndrom Sly). Offthalmoleg Ymchwiliol a Gwyddoniaeth Weledol 52 (9) 6720-6728.
Ifanc, RD, Swamynathan, SK, Boote, C, Mann, M, Quantock, AJ, Piatigorsky, J, Funderburgh, JL, Meek, KM. 2009. Mae Edema Stromal yn Klf4 Conditional Null Mouse Cornea yn gysylltiedig â threfniadaeth Fibril Colagen wedi'i newid a phroteoglycansau llai. Offthalmoleg Ymchwiliol a Gwyddoniaeth Weledol 50 (9) 4155-4161
Ifanc, RD, Akama, TO, Liskova, P, Ebenezer, ND, Allan, B, Kerr, B, Caterson, B, Fukuda, MN, Quantock, AJ. 2007. Lleoleiddio immunogold gwahaniaethol o proteoglycans sylffad wedi'u sulpheiddio a heb eu hinswleiddio mewn gornbilen dystrophy arferol a macwlaidd gan ddefnyddio gwrthgyrff sy'n benodol i motiffau sylffu. Histochemistry a Bioleg Cell 127 (1), 115-120
Ifanc, RD, Quantock, AJ, Sotozono, C, Koizumi, N, Kinoshita, S. 2006. Patrymau sylffad keratan proteoglycan mewn sclerocornea yn debyg i gornbilen yn hytrach na sgleria. British Journal of Offthalmology 90 (3), 391-393
- Ma, Q. et al. 2025. Ultrastructural aspects of corneal functional recovery in rats following intrastromal keratocyte injection. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 66(2), article number: 45. (10.1167/iovs.66.2.45)
- Braddock, F. L. et al. 2024. Autosomal dominant stromal corneal dystrophy associated with a SPARCL1 missense variant. European Journal of Human Genetics 32(12), pp. 1583-1589. (10.1038/s41431-024-01687-8)
- Maeno, S., Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Oie, Y., Nishida, K. and Quantock, A. J. 2024. Imaging pathology in archived cornea with Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy including tissue reprocessing for volume electron microscopy.. Scientific Reports 14(1), article number: 31786. (10.1038/s41598-024-82888-5)
- Regini, J. W. et al. 2024. Membrane structures and functional correlates in the bi-segmented eye lens of the cephalopod. Biology Open 13(9), article number: bio060445. (10.1242/bio.060445)
- Bains, K. K., Young, R. D., Koudouna, E., Lewis, P. N. and Quantock, A. J. 2023. Cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions at the presumptive stem cell niche of the chick corneal limbus. Cells 12(19), article number: 2334. (10.3390/cells12192334)
- Koudouna, E., Young, R. D., Quantock, A. J. and Ralphs, J. R. 2023. Developmental changes in patterns of distribution of fibronectin and tenascin-C in the chicken cornea: evidence for distinct and independent functions during corneal development and morphogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(4), article number: 3555. (10.3390/ijms24043555)
- Bains, K. K., Ashworth, S., Koudouna, E., Young, R. D., Hughes, C. E. and Quantock, A. J. 2023. Chondroitin sulphate/dermatan sulphate proteoglycans: potential regulators of corneal stem/progenitor cell phenotype in vitro. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(3), article number: 2095. (10.3390/ijms24032095)
- Hayashi, R. et al. 2022. Generation of 3D lacrimal gland organoids from human pluripotent stem cells. Nature 605(7908), pp. 126-131. (10.1038/s41586-022-04613-4)
- Koudouna, E., Mikula, E., Brown, D. J., Young, R. D., Quantock, A. J. and Jester, J. V. 2021. Response to letter to Editor “comments on ‘cell regulation of collagen fibril macrostructure during corneal morphogenesis’ by Koudouna et al.”. Acta Biomaterialia 136, pp. 594-595. (10.1016/j.actbio.2021.09.061)
- Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Souza, R. B., Quantock, A. J. and Meek, K. M. 2021. Contrast-enhanced tissue processing of fibrillin-rich elastic fibres for 3D visualization by volume scanning electron microscopy. Methods and Protocols 4(3), article number: 56. (10.3390/mps4030056)
- Ashworth, S. et al. 2021. Chondroitin sulfate as a potential modulator of the stem cell niche in cornea. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8, article number: 567358. (10.3389/fcell.2020.567358)
- Young, R. D. et al. 2020. Observations on nascent matrix structures in embryonic cornea: Important in cell interactions, or merely vestiges of the lens surface?. Archives of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2(2), pp. 67-72. (10.46439/ophthalmology.2.014)
- Hammond, G. M., Young, R. D., Muir, D. D. and Quantock, A. J. 2020. The microanatomy of Bowman’s layer in the cornea of the pig: changes in collagen fibril architecture at the corneoscleral limbus. European Journal of Anatomy 24(5), pp. 399-406.
- Wang, K. et al. 2020. Cell compaction is not required for the development of gradient refractive index profiles in the embryonic chick lens. Experimental Eye Research 197, article number: 108112. (10.1016/j.exer.2020.108112)
- Young, R. D. et al. 2019. Cell-independent matrix configuration in early corneal development. Experimental Eye Research 187, article number: 107772. (10.1016/j.exer.2019.107772)
- Lewis, P., White, T., Feneck, E., Young, R. and Meek, K. 2019. Elastin content and distribution in endothelial keratoplasty tissue determines direction of scrolling. American Journal of Ophthalmology 197, pp. 181-182. (10.1016/j.ajo.2018.08.047)
- Koudouna, E., Mikula, E., Brown, D. J., Young, R. D., Quantock, A. J. and Jester, J. V. 2018. Cell regulation of collagen fibril macrostructure during corneal morphogenesis. Acta Biomaterialia 79, pp. 96-112. (10.1016/j.actbio.2018.08.017)
- Littlechild, S. et al. 2018. Keratan sulfate phenotype in the β-1,3-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase-7-null mouse cornea. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science 59, pp. 1641-1651. (10.1167/iovs.17-22716)
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- Braddock, F. L. et al. 2024. Autosomal dominant stromal corneal dystrophy associated with a SPARCL1 missense variant. European Journal of Human Genetics 32(12), pp. 1583-1589. (10.1038/s41431-024-01687-8)
- Maeno, S., Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Oie, Y., Nishida, K. and Quantock, A. J. 2024. Imaging pathology in archived cornea with Fuchs' endothelial corneal dystrophy including tissue reprocessing for volume electron microscopy.. Scientific Reports 14(1), article number: 31786. (10.1038/s41598-024-82888-5)
- Regini, J. W. et al. 2024. Membrane structures and functional correlates in the bi-segmented eye lens of the cephalopod. Biology Open 13(9), article number: bio060445. (10.1242/bio.060445)
- Bains, K. K., Young, R. D., Koudouna, E., Lewis, P. N. and Quantock, A. J. 2023. Cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions at the presumptive stem cell niche of the chick corneal limbus. Cells 12(19), article number: 2334. (10.3390/cells12192334)
- Koudouna, E., Young, R. D., Quantock, A. J. and Ralphs, J. R. 2023. Developmental changes in patterns of distribution of fibronectin and tenascin-C in the chicken cornea: evidence for distinct and independent functions during corneal development and morphogenesis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(4), article number: 3555. (10.3390/ijms24043555)
- Bains, K. K., Ashworth, S., Koudouna, E., Young, R. D., Hughes, C. E. and Quantock, A. J. 2023. Chondroitin sulphate/dermatan sulphate proteoglycans: potential regulators of corneal stem/progenitor cell phenotype in vitro. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(3), article number: 2095. (10.3390/ijms24032095)
- Hayashi, R. et al. 2022. Generation of 3D lacrimal gland organoids from human pluripotent stem cells. Nature 605(7908), pp. 126-131. (10.1038/s41586-022-04613-4)
- Koudouna, E., Mikula, E., Brown, D. J., Young, R. D., Quantock, A. J. and Jester, J. V. 2021. Response to letter to Editor “comments on ‘cell regulation of collagen fibril macrostructure during corneal morphogenesis’ by Koudouna et al.”. Acta Biomaterialia 136, pp. 594-595. (10.1016/j.actbio.2021.09.061)
- Lewis, P. N., Young, R. D., Souza, R. B., Quantock, A. J. and Meek, K. M. 2021. Contrast-enhanced tissue processing of fibrillin-rich elastic fibres for 3D visualization by volume scanning electron microscopy. Methods and Protocols 4(3), article number: 56. (10.3390/mps4030056)
- Ashworth, S. et al. 2021. Chondroitin sulfate as a potential modulator of the stem cell niche in cornea. Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8, article number: 567358. (10.3389/fcell.2020.567358)
- Young, R. D. et al. 2020. Observations on nascent matrix structures in embryonic cornea: Important in cell interactions, or merely vestiges of the lens surface?. Archives of Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2(2), pp. 67-72. (10.46439/ophthalmology.2.014)
- Hammond, G. M., Young, R. D., Muir, D. D. and Quantock, A. J. 2020. The microanatomy of Bowman’s layer in the cornea of the pig: changes in collagen fibril architecture at the corneoscleral limbus. European Journal of Anatomy 24(5), pp. 399-406.
- Wang, K. et al. 2020. Cell compaction is not required for the development of gradient refractive index profiles in the embryonic chick lens. Experimental Eye Research 197, article number: 108112. (10.1016/j.exer.2020.108112)
- Young, R. D. et al. 2019. Cell-independent matrix configuration in early corneal development. Experimental Eye Research 187, article number: 107772. (10.1016/j.exer.2019.107772)
- Lewis, P., White, T., Feneck, E., Young, R. and Meek, K. 2019. Elastin content and distribution in endothelial keratoplasty tissue determines direction of scrolling. American Journal of Ophthalmology 197, pp. 181-182. (10.1016/j.ajo.2018.08.047)
- Koudouna, E., Mikula, E., Brown, D. J., Young, R. D., Quantock, A. J. and Jester, J. V. 2018. Cell regulation of collagen fibril macrostructure during corneal morphogenesis. Acta Biomaterialia 79, pp. 96-112. (10.1016/j.actbio.2018.08.017)
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Book sections
- Knupp, C., Pinali, C., Lewis, P., Parfitt, G. J., Young, R. D., Meek, K. M. A. and Quantock, A. J. 2009. The architecture of the cornea and structural basis of its transparency. In: McPherson, A. ed. Advances in Protein Chemistry and Structural Biology., Vol. 78. London: Academic Press, pp. 25-49., (10.1016/S1876-1623(08)78002-7)
- White, T., Lewis, P., Young, R., Meek, K. and Bell, J. 2014. 3D structural studies of the cornea. Presented at: British Congress of Optometry and Vision Science, Cardiff, 01 November 2014. , (10.1111/opo.12160)
Prosiectau Ymchwil Cyfredol
* Astudiaethau strwythurol o gornbilen ar ôl rhewi gyda phrototeip cryoprobe newydd.
* Ailadeiladu keratocytes 3D a matrics allgellog wrth ddatblygu gornbilen adar trwy ficrosgopeg electron sganio wyneb bloc cyfresol i ymchwilio i ddatblygiad strômal corneal.
* Ymchwiliad uwchstrwythurol cymharol i'r rhwyll trabecwlar yn llygaid dynol normal a glawcomatous.
* Astudiaethau microsgopig o gelloedd endothelaidd gornbilen yn dystroffi endothelaidd corneal Fuchs.
Quantock AJ (PI), K Meek & C Tucker: £836,976. Nodweddu ffisegol o fecanweithiau cynulliad a throsglwyddo golau yn y gornbilen. Grant prosiect EPSRC. 2008 – 2011
Cydweithredwyr Ymchwil
Yr Athro Shigeru Kinoshita, Adran Offthalmoleg, Prifysgol Meddygaeth Talaith Kyoto, Kyoto, Japan
Yr Athro Noriko Koizumi, Canolfan Meddygaeth Adfywiol, Adran Peirianneg Biofeddygol, Prifysgol Doshisha, Kyoto, Japan: Llawfeddygaeth fewnwthiol newydd ar gyfer trin clefyd endothelaidd corneal
Peirianneg meinwe ac arbenigedd atgyweirio
- Uwchstrwythur matricsau meinwe cysylltiol, yn enwedig yn y llygad a'r cymal synovaidd.
- Rhyngweithio colagen a proteoglycans mewn matrics meinwe cysylltiol o gornbilen, sclera, cartilag articular a ligament.
- Rheoleiddio tryloywder cornbilen trwy macromoleciwlau meinwe.
- Datblygu technegau prosesu meinwe tymheredd isel ar gyfer archwilio uwchstrwythur meinwe hydradol.
- Datblygiad Corneal: sefydlu pensaernïaeth lamellar cornbilen gan keratocytes embryonig.
- Datblygu moddau llawfeddygol anfewnwthiol newydd i drin anhwylderau endothelaidd corneal.
- Cymhwyso dulliau microsgopeg electron sganio 3D (SEM) (sy'n canolbwyntio ar trawst ïon ac adran cyfresol awtomataidd-SEM), ar gyfer ailadeiladu matricsau meinwe gyswllt ocwlar 3D.
- Dadansoddiad strwythurol o fatricsau artiffisial ar gyfer amnewid cornbilen."