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Professor Helen Nicholson

BA (Oxon.) MA, PhD FLSW FRHistS

Emeritus Professor


A former Head of Cardiff University History Department, I am a world-leading scholar in research into the Templars and Hospitallers and the Crusades. I am a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and of the Learned Society of Wales.

I retired from Cardiff University on 30 September 2022.






  • Nicholson, H. 2021. The Templars and ‘Atlit. In: Fishhof, G., Bronstein, J. and Shotten-Hallel, V. R. eds. Settlement and Crusade in the Thirteenth Century: Multidisciplinary Studies of the Latin East. Crusades Subsidia Vol. 15. London: Routledge, pp. 71-90.
  • Nicholson, H. J. 2021. The Knights Templar. Past Imperfect. Leeds: ARC Humanities Press.
  • Nicholson, H. J. 2021. The trial of the Templars in Britain and Ireland. In: Burgtorf, J., Lotan, S. and Mallorquí-Ruscalleda, E. eds. The Templars: The Rise, Fall and Legacy of a Military Religious Order. The Military-Religious Orders: History, Sources, and Memory London: Routledge, pp. 209-233., (10.4324/9781003163510-13)









  • Nicholson, H. J. 2013. The Templars in Britain: Garway and South Wales. In: Baudin, A., Brunel, G. and Dohrmann, N. eds. L'économie templière en Occident: Patrimoines, commerce, finances - Actes du colloque international. Langres: Éditions Dominique Guéniot, pp. 323-336.
  • Nicholson, H. J. 2013. The Knights Hospitaller. In: Burton, J. and Stober, K. eds. Monastic Wales: New Approaches. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, pp. 147-161.
  • Nicholson, H. J. 2013. The hero meets his match: Cultural encounters in narratives of wars against Muslims. In: Jensen, K. V., Salonen, K. and Vogt, H. eds. Cultural Encounters during the Crusades: Proceedings of the First Medieval Conference at the Danish Institute in Damascus, 2009. University of Southern Denmark Studies in History and Social Sciences Vol. 445. Odense: University Press of Southern Denmark, pp. 115-118.
  • Nicholson, H. J. 2013. The military religious orders in the towns of the British Isles. In: Carraz, D. ed. Les ordres militaires dans la ville méduévale (1100-1350). Presses Universitaires Blaise-Pascal, pp. 113-126.
















Book sections



  • Nicholson, H. 2022. The trial of the Templars in Britain and Ireland. Presented at: Convegno internazionale di studi Perugia/Perugia International Study Conference, 14-15 November 2019 Presented at Baudin, A., Merli, S. and Santanicchia, M. eds.Gli Ordini di Terrasanta: Questioni aperte nuovi acquisitioni (secoli XII-XVI). Atti del Convegno internazionale di studi Perugia, 14-15 novembre 2019. Perugia: Fabrizio Fabbri Editore pp. 487-500.



The Knights Templars' Estates in England and Wales in the early fourteenth century

This project follows on from my publication of the Proceedings against the Templars in the British Isles (Ashgate, 2011), and edition and translation of the trial proceedings against the Templars in Britain and Ireland.

The Templars' estates in England and Wales were inventoried at the time of the Templars' arrests early in January 1308. From that time until the dissolution of the Order in Britain in July 1311, the estates were administered by royal keepers. Full records were taken and are preserved in the National Archives (TNA). These records have hardly been studied by scholars. They offer a unique opportunity to study how a non-noble institution exploited its landed property and how it related with its local community, at a time when English landowners were just beginning to run their estates indirectly, employing skilled bailiffs, rather than directly.

This project aims to answer a number of questions, including:

  • What property did the Templars in England and Wales hold in January 1308? Is it possible to establish (e.g. through the Inquisitiones post Mortem or the Hundred Rolls) what this property was worth in earlier years? Is it possible to discover what it was worth in future years (e.g. in 1324, 1338, or in later Inquisitiones post Mortem)?
  • Whom did the Templars employ on their estates, on what terms?
  • How was their property exploited/ developed between 1308-11, when the Order was dissolved in Britain?
  • What did they produce (such as wool, beef, cider, fish, coal)?
  • What were their relations with local communities?
  • Did the form of the documents recording this information vary from one locality to the next? Were the documents audited?

Outputs to date include a series of articles on the Templars' estates in Britain and a book, The Everyday Life of the Templars (Fonthill, 2017)

The Hospitallers in Britain and Ireland in the Fourteenth Century and onwards

This ongoing project investigates the role of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland in the 14th century and onwards, and attitudes towards it. This builds on my previous research into attitudes towards the Military Religious Orders in the Middle Ages, and my current research into the Order of the Temple in the early fourteenth century. Much research is being done on the Hospital of St John in the fourteenth century, but the Order in the Britain and Ireland has been largely overlooked.

Questions include: how did the trial and destruction of the Order of the Temple in 1312 affect attitudes towards its sister order, the Hospital? How far did the Hospital replace the Temple in its various functions, from its role in royal administration to its roles in the local community? What was the state of the Templars' estates by the time that the Hospital was able to acquire them – how far had their economic value declined? How far did the Hospitallers continue the Templars' relations with their secular patrons, and with the Church?

Other projects

I continue to work on aspects of the primary sources for the Third Crusade, especially the so-called Itinerarium Peregrinorum 1, on medieval 'fictional' literature as a source for medieval European culture and society, and on women's involvement in the Crusades and with the Templars and Hospitallers.


I retired on 30 September 2022 and am no longer teaching undergraduate or postgraduate students.


Education and qualifications

1990 PhD (History), for thesis entitled: 'Images of the Military Orders, 1128-1291: spiritual, secular, romantic'. Supervisor: Norman Housley, Department of History, University of Leicester.

1986 Admitted to the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales.

1986 MA (Oxon.)

1979–1982 BA Ancient and Modern History, University of Oxford (St Hilda's College): First class.

Career overview

1994–2022 member of staff in School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University (1994–96: fixed-term lecturer; 1996 lecturer; 2000: Senior Lecturer; 2004 Reader; 2013 Professor). I retired from the University at the end of September 2022.

1992–1994 Part-time teaching assistant in the Department of History, University of Leicester.

1990–1992 Maternity break.

1986–1989 Open Research Scholarship in the Department of History, University of Leicester.

1982–1985 Employer: Coopers and Lybrand, Chartered Accountants, Leicester. Final position: Audit Senior.

Honours and awards

12 June 2019: as one of the Scientific Committee for the Military and Religious Orders conferences at Palmela, Portugal, I shared in the award of a Council Medal of Muncipal Merit by the Municípo Palmela. This award was to acknowledge thirty years of these conferences.

2003–2004 British Academy/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship

Other awards:

  • 2013 (with Dr Bronach Kane): Royal Historical Society grant for their postgraduate visiting speakers series, subsidising a one-day symposium ‘Conflict in Historical Perspectives’, 23 January 2015;
  • 2009, 1997 Seven Pillars of Wisdom Trust grants towards publication of conference proceedings;
  • 2008 Cadw grant to the Cardiff Centre for the Crusades towards conference costs;
  • 2011, 2003 British Academy Overseas Conference Grants towards attending the Ordines Militares – Colloquia Torunensia Historica conferences XII and XVI in Toruń, Poland;
  • 1999 Isaiah Berlin travel award from the Academic Study Group on Israel and the Middle East

Professional memberships

  • 2017 elected as Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales;
  • 2002 elected as a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society;
  • Member of the Society for the Study of the Crusades and the Latin East, the Ecclesiastical History Society, the International Arthurian Society, and Societas Magica

Contact Details

Research themes


  • Medieval history
  • Crusades
  • warfare