Professor Alison Wray
BA (Hons), D.Phil (York), FHEA, FAcSS, FLSW
Emeritus Professor
I am a linguist with a particular interest in conceptualising what happens at the interface of cognition, social interaction and the linguistic system. Most of my research has been on formulaic language and on dementia communication (see 'Research' tab) with a strong emphasis on explanation, rather than description.
If you are interested in doing a PhD under my supervision, please go to the 'Supervision' tab where there are indications of topics I would like to see someone work on. You can also pitch your own topic idea to me via email - but since I have limited space for students, I am only looking for imaginative projects with good potential to contribute significant and interesting new knowledge.
*** My book The Dynamics of Dementia Communication (2020, Oxford University Press) has been awarded two prestigious prizes.
Winner of the 2021 Book Prize of the British Association for Applied Linguistics
Comment from the BAAL judges: “This is an impressive volume which constructs a very wide-ranging umbrella framework for understanding dementia communication, an area of increasing importance in our society. The book presents some very big and bold questions about how best to communicate with people living with dementia from the very start, and as the work proceeds, these questions are answered in a detailed and meticulous way."
Runner up in the American Association for Applied Linguistics Book Award 2021-22
Comment from the AAAL judges: "This book is a beautifully written, interdisciplinary tour de force that focuses on the human experience of dementia and, specifically, how the illness affects communication, for both the person living with dementia and their interlocutors. With evidence-based guidance for how to support and look after people with dementia, it will appeal not only to linguists, but to medical workers and caregivers, as well. The book offers a critique of popular conceptions about the diseases of dementia and their symptoms. Each of the chapters displays—and calls for—sincere compassion and empathy for persons with dementia and for their caregivers and interlocutors. Furthermore, the book reflects the researcher’s trajectory and growth as an expert in the field by building on her earlier research on formulaic language. As such, it is an inspiring example of how expertise in one area (formulaic language) can build bridges to other areas of applied linguistics (language in healthcare)"
I am a member of the Centre for Language and Communication Research and the Formulaic Language Research Network
View my animated films drawn by David Hallangen and voiced by Sir Tony Robinson:
(1) Understanding the Challenges of Dementia Communication
(2) Dementia: the Communication Disease
(3) Dementia communication across language boundaries: developing language awareness
Watch my half hour lecture focussing on the role of context in dementia communication at: Reading between the lines: understanding the challenges of dementia communication
Hear me on BBC Radio 4's Word of Mouth, talking about dementia communication, Wray on Word of Mouth
Read an article about my work in Medical News Today (4th June 2021) here: Dementia Research: Prof Alison Wray discusses the importance of communication
- Wray, A. and Merton, P. 2024. ‘Brain fry’ in Just a Minute: the challenges of talking without hesitation, repetition or deviation. Comedy Studies 15(2), pp. 137-153. (10.1080/2040610X.2024.2373579)
- Wray, A. and Bergstrom, A. 2024. Determiners of social inclusion and exclusion in the dementia context: the perspective of family carers. Pragmatics and Society 15(1), pp. 17-32. (10.1075/ps.23051.wra)
- Wray, A. 2024. Formulaic sequences and language disorders. In: Ball, M. J., Mueller, N. and Spencer, E. eds. Handbook of Clinical Linguistics, 2nd ed.. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics Wiley Blackwell, pp. 177-188., (10.1002/9781119875949.ch13)
- Wray, A. 2024. The emergence of word forms from human protolanguage. In: Vita, K. ed. Teaching Linguistics with Games. Cascadilla Press
- Wray, A. 2023. Hidden in plain sound: overlooked repetition in Just a Minute. Yearbook of Phraseology 14(1), pp. 33-88. (10.1515/phras-2023-0004)
- Wray, A. 2021. Loneliness and dementia: the role of communication. In: Stern, J. et al. eds. Bloomsbury Handbook of Solitude, Silence and Loneliness. Bloomsbury Handbooks Bloomsbury, pp. 288-298.
- Wray, A. 2021. Why dementia makes communication difficult: a guide to better outcomes. Jessica Kingsley.
- Wray, A. 2021. Dementia research: Prof Alison Wray discusses the importance of communication. Medical News Today
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2021. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates (4th edition). Student Success. Sage.
- Hughes, C., Filimonov, M., Wray, A. and Spasic, I. 2021. Leaving no stone unturned: flexible retrieval of idiomatic expressions from a large text corpus. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 3(1), pp. 263-283. (10.3390/make3010013)
- Wray, A., Morris, L., Mansell, W., Williamson, T. and McEvoy, P. 2020. Communication Empowerment Framework: An integrative framework to support effective communication and interaction between carers and people living with dementia. Dementia 19, pp. 1739-1757. (10.1177/1471301218805329)
- Wray, A. 2020. The dynamics of dementia communication. Oxford University Press.
- Wray, A. 2020. Dementia communication across language boundaries: developing language awareness. Youtube. Available at:
- Wray, A. 2019. Multilingual dementia care: defining the limits of translanguaging. Language Awareness 28(3), pp. 227-245. (10.1080/09658416.2019.1636801)
- Wray, A. 2018. Reconstructed pronunciation. In: Lawson, C. and Stowell, R. eds. Cambridge encyclopedia of historical performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, pp. 524-526.
- Wray, A. 2018. Concluding question: Why don't second language learners more proactively target formulaic sequences?. In: Siyanova-Chanturia, A. and Pellicer-Sanchez, A. eds. Understanding Formulaic Language: A Second Language Acquisition Perspective. Second Language Acquisition Research Series London and New York: Routledge, pp. 248-269.
- Wray, A. 2018. Dementia: the "communication disease". [Online]. YouTube. Available at:
- Wray, A. 2017. Understanding the challenges of dementia communication. Youtube. Available at:
- Wray, A. 2017. Formulaic sequences as a regulatory mechanism for cognitive perturbations during the achievement of social goals. Topics in Cognitive Science 9(3), pp. 569-587. (10.1111/tops.12257)
- Wray, A. 2017. The language of dementia science and the science of dementia language: linguistic interpretations of an interdisciplinary research field. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 36(1), pp. 80-95. (10.1177/0261927X16663591)
- Buerki, A., Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2016. Linguistic markers and risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Presented at: BRACE Annual Celebration 2016, Filton, UK, 6 June 2016.
- Wray, A., Bell, H. and Jones, K. 2016. How native and non-native speakers of English interpret unfamiliar formulaic sequences. European Journal of English Studies 20(1), pp. 47-63. (10.1080/13825577.2015.1136163)
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2016. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates (3rd edition). Sage Study Skills Series. Sage.
- Wray, A. 2016. Accommodating 'unaccustomed pragmatic spaces' in Arbib's model Comment on "Towards a Computational Comparative Neuroprimatology: Framing the language-ready brain. Physics of Life Reviews 16, pp. 101-104. (10.1016/j.plrev.2016.01.014)
- Wray, A. 2016. Mechanisms of conflict and aggression in the dementia context. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 4(1), pp. 115-140. (10.1075/jlac.4.1.05wra)
- Wray, A. 2015. Why are we so sure we know what a word is?. In: Taylor, J. R. ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Word. Oxford Handbooks Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 725-750., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199641604.013.032)
- Wray, A. and Wallace, M. 2015. Developing research expertise in applied linguistics: capacity-building for today’s interdisciplinary challenges. ITL: International Journal of Applied Linguistics 166(1), pp. 3-36. (10.1075/itl.166.1.01wra)
- Wray, A. 2014. Developing comprehensive criteria of adequacy: the challenge of hybridity. In: Gómez-González, M. d. l. ?. et al. eds. The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse : Applications and Implications. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 19-36.
- Wray, A. 2014. Formulaic language and threat: the challenge of empathy and compassion in Alzheimer's disease interaction. In: Schrauf, R. W. and Müller, N. eds. Dialogue and dementia: cognitive and communicative resources for engagement. Language and Speech Disorders London: Psychology Press, pp. 263-286.
- Wray, A. and Wallace, M. 2014. Developing social science research expertise: a resource and guide for trainers. [Online]. National Centre for Research Methods. Available at:
- Wray, A. 2014. Dementia and language. In: Chapelle, C. ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley, pp. 1-6., (10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1441)
- Wray, A. 2013. Mislaying compassion: linguistic triggers for inadequate care-giving in Alzheimer's Disease care. In: Davis, B. H. and Guendouzi, J. eds. Pragmatics in Dementia Discourse. Advances in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 117-145.
- Fitzpatrick, T., Playfoot, D., Wray, A. and Wright, M. J. 2013. Establishing the reliability of word association data for investigating individual and group differences. Applied Linguistics n/a (10.1093/applin/amt020)
- Wray, A. 2013. Formulaic language. Language Teaching 46(3), pp. 316-334. (10.1017/S0261444813000013)
- Wray, A. 2013. Formulaic language: Pushing the boundaries (China edition). Oxford Applied Linguistics Series. Shanghai Foreign Language Teaching Press/Oxford University Press.
- Wray, A. 2013. Formulaic sequences. In: Chapelle, C. ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics., Vol. 4. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 2200-2205.
- Wray, A. 2012. Formulaic language. In: Robinson, P. ed. Routledge Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition. Routledge, pp. 252-256.
- Wray, A. 2012. What do we (think we) know about formulaic language? An evaluation of the current state of play. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 32(1), pp. 231-254. (10.1017/S026719051200013X)
- Wray, A. and Bloomer, A. 2012. Projects in linguistics and language studies (3rd edition). Hodder Education.
- Mac-Giolla Chriost, D. et al. 2012. Welsh for adults teaching and learning approaches, methodologies and resources: a comprehensive research study and critical review of the way forward. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Wray, A. 2012. Patterns of formulaic language in Alzheimer's disease: implications for quality of life. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 13(3), pp. 168-175. (10.1108/14717791211264034)
- Wray, A. and Wallace, M. 2011. Accelerating the development of expertise: a step-change in social science research capacity building. British Journal of Educational Studies 59(3), pp. 241-264. (10.1080/00071005.2011.599790)
- Lindholm, C. and Wray, A. 2011. Proverbs and formulaic sequences in the language of elderly people with dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 10(3), pp. 1-21. (10.1177/1471301211413338)
- Mollet, E., Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2011. Accessing second-order collocation through lexical co-occurrence networks. In: Herbst, T., Faulhaber, S. and Uhrig, P. eds. Phraseological View of Language: A Tribute to John Sinclair. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 87-122.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2011. Scholarly reading as a model for scholarly writing. In: Rocco, T. S. and Hatcher, T. eds. The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing. Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 44-61.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2011. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates. 2nd ed.. SAGE Study Skills Series. London: Sage.
- Wray, A. 2011. Formulaic language as a barrier to effective communication with people with Alzheimer's Disease. Canadian Modern Languages Review 67(4), pp. 429-458. (10.3138/cmlr.67.4.429)
- Wray, A. 2011. Games for studying language origins and change. In: Kuiper, K. ed. Teaching Linguistics: Reflections on Practice. London: Equinox, pp. 154-181.
- Wray, A. 2011. Perspectives on Formulaic Language: Acquisition and Communication – Edited by David Wood [Book Review]. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 21(1), pp. 127-133. (10.1111/j.1473-4192.2010.00279.x)
- Mollet, E., Wray, A., Fitzpatrick, T., Wray, N. R. and Wright, M. J. 2010. Choosing the best tools for comparative analyses of texts. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 15(4), pp. 429-473. (10.1075/ijcl.15.4.01mol)
- Wray, A. 2010. We've Had a Wonderful, Wonderful Thing: formulaic interaction when an expert has dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 9(4), pp. 517-534. (10.1177/1471301210381677)
- Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2010. Pushing speakers to the extreme: the artificial use of prefabricated material in conversation. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 4(1), pp. 37-51. (10.1080/17501220802596413)
- Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2010. Pushing learners to the extreme: the artificial use of prefabricated material in conversation. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 4(1), pp. 37-52. (10.1080/17501220802596413)
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2009. Complexity theory and emergent change. Case study. In: Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. eds. Research Methods for Business Students. 5th ed.. Harlow: Prentice Hall, pp. 102-104.
- Wray, A. 2009. Identifying formulaic language: persistent challenges and new opportunities. In: Corrigan, R. L. et al. eds. Formulaic Language: Distribution and Historical Change., Vol. 1. Typological Studies in Language Vol. 82. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 27-52.
- Wray, A. 2009. Preface: A research network model. In: Fitzpatrick, T. and Barfield, A. eds. Lexical Processing in Second Language Learners: Papers and Perspectives in Honour of Paul Meara. Second Language Acquisition Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. xi-xvii.
- Wray, A. 2009. Conclusion: Navigating L2 collocation research. In: Barfield, A. and Gyllstad, H. eds. Researching Collocations in Another Language: Multiple Interpretations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 232-244.
- Wray, A. 2009. Future directions in formulaic language research. Journal of Foreign languages 32(6), pp. 2-17.
- Wray, A. and Pegg, C. A. 2009. The effect of memorized learning on the writing scores of Chinese IELTS test takers. In: Thompson, P., HOlliday, J. and Taylor, L. eds. IELTS Research Reports. Vol. 9. IELTS Australia, pp. 191-216.
- Wray, A. 2009. Hurford, James R. The origins of meaning: language in the light of evolution - 408pp, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, Hardback, £29.95, ISBN :95978-0199207855 [Book Review]. Functions of Language 16(2), pp. 298-308. (10.1075/fol.16.2.07wra)
- Wray, A. 2008. Formulaic language: Pushing the boundaries. Oxford Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Wray, A. and Bloomer, A. 2008. Projects in linguistics : a practical guide to researching language (2nd ed.). London: Hodder Arnold.
- Wray, A. 2008. Genes and the conceptualisation of language knowledge. Genomics, Society, and Policy 4(1), pp. 58-73. (10.1186/1746-5354-4-1-58)
- Wray, A. 2008. The puzzle of language learning: from child’s play to ‘linguaphobia’. Language Teaching 41(2), pp. 255-273. (10.1017/S0261444807004909)
- Wray, A. 2008. Formulaic sequences and language disorders. In: Ball, M. et al. eds. Handbook of Clinical Linguistics. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 184-197.
- Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2008. Why can't you just leave it alone? Deviations from memorized language as a gauge of nativelike competence. In: Meunier, F. and Granger, S. eds. Phraseology in foreign language learning and teaching. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 123-148.
- Wray, A. and Grace, G. 2007. The consequences of talking to strangers: Evolutionary corollaries of socio-cultural influences on linguistic form. Lingua 117(3), pp. 543-578. (10.1016/j.lingua.2005.05.005)
- Wray, A. 2007. Set phrases in second language acquisition. In: Burger, H. et al. eds. Phraseologie / Phraseology: Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung / An International Handbook of Contemporary Research., Vol. 1. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 870-881.
- Wray, A. 2007. "Needs only" analysis in linguistic ontogeny and phylogeny. In: Lyon, C., Nehaniv, C. L. and Cangelosi, A. eds. Emergence of Communication and Language. London: Springer, pp. 53-70., (10.1007/978-3-030-04465-7_8)
- Wray, A. and Bloomer, A. 2006. Projects in linguistics: a practical guide, 2nd ed.. London: Arnold.
- Wray, A. 2006. Idiomaticity in an L2: linguistic processing as a predictor of success. In: Beavan, B. ed. IATEFL 2005 Cardiff Conference Selections: 39th International Annual Conference, Cardiff, 5-9 April 2005. IATEFL, pp. 53-60.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2006. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates. Sage Study Skills. London: Sage.
- Wray, A. 2006. Joining the dots: the evolutionary picture of language and music. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 16(1), pp. 103-105.
- Wray, A. 2006. Formulaic language. In: Brown, K. ed. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics., Vol. 4. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 590-597.
- Fitzpatrick, T. and Wray, A. 2006. Breaking up is not so hard to do: individual differences in L2 memorisation. Canadian Modern Language Review 63(1), pp. 35-57. (10.3138/cmlr.63.1.35)
- Wray, A. 2005. The explanatory advantages of the holistic protolanguage model: the case of linguistic irregularity. Commentary on Arbib. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28(2), pp. 147-148. (10.1017/S0140525X05450037)
- Wray, A. 2005. The broadening scope of animal communication research. In: Tallerman, M. ed. Language Origins: Perspectives on Evolution. Studies in the Evolution of Language Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 232-238.
- Wray, A. 2005. Looking at the WHY in phraseology: a psycholinguistic perspective on patterns in text. In: Cosme, C. et al. eds. Phraseology 2005: The Many Faces of Phraseology. Louvain-la-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain, pp. 23-26.
- Wray, A. and Staczek, J. J. 2005. One word or two? Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic interpretations of meaning in a court case. International Journal of Speech Language and the Law 12(1), pp. 1-18. (10.1558/ijsll.v12i1.1)
- Wray, A., Cox, S., Lincoln, M. and Tryggvason, J. 2004. A formulaic approach to translation at the Post Office: reading signs. Language & Communication 24(1), pp. 59-75. (10.1016/j.langcom.2003.08.001)
- Wray, A. 2004. 'Here's one I prepared earlier': formulaic language learning on television. In: Schmitt, N. ed. Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing and Use. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 249-268., (10.1075/lllt.9.13wra)
- Wray, A. and Namba, K. 2003. Use of formulaic language by a Japanese-English bilingual child: a practical approach to data analysis. Japan Journal for Multilingualism and Multiculturalism 9(1), pp. 24-51.
- Wray, A. 2002. Formulaic language and the lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wray, A. ed. 2002. The transition to language. Oxford linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2002. The fall and rise of linguists in education policy-making: From "common sense" to common ground. Language Policy 1(1), pp. 75-98.
- Wray, A. 2002. Dual processing in protolanguage: performance without competence. In: Wray, A. ed. The Transition to Language. Oxford Studies in the Evolution of Language Oxford University Press, pp. 113-137.
- Wray, A. 2002. Formulaic language in computer-supported communication: theory meets reality. Language AwarenesS 11(2), pp. 114-131. (10.1080/09658410208667050)
- Wray, A. and Perkins, M. R. 2000. The functions of formulaic language: an integrated model. Language & Communication 20(1), pp. 1-28. (10.1016/S0271-5309(99)00015-4)
- Wray, A. 2000. Pronunciation of the texts. [CD]. Salisbury Cathedral Boy Choristers, Gabrieli Consort & Paul McCreesh. John Sheppard: Missa Cantata. CD recording 457 3 March 2025.
- Wray, A. 2000. Holistic utterances in protolanguage: the link from primates to humans. In: Knight, C., Studdert-Kennedy, M. and Hurford, J. R. eds. The Evolutionary Emergence of Language: Social Function and the Origins of Linguistic Form. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-302.
- Wray, A. 2000. Formulaic sequences in second language teaching: principle and practice. Applied Linguistics 21(4), pp. 463-489. (10.1093/applin/21.4.463)
- Wray, A. 1999. Formulaic language in learners and native speakers. Language Teaching 32(4), pp. 213-231.
- Wray, A. 1999. Singers on the trail of 'authentic' Early Modern English: the puzzling case of /æː/ and /ɛː/. Transactions of the Philological Society 97(2), pp. 185-211.
- Wray, A., Trott, K. and Bloomer, A. 1998. Projects in linguistics: a practical guide to researching language. London: Arnold.
- Wray, A. 1998. Protolanguage as a holistic system for social interaction. Language and Communication 18(1), pp. 47-67. (10.1016/S0271-5309(97)00033-5)
- Ryan, A. and Wray, A. eds. 1997. Evolving models of language: papers from the annual meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at the University of Wales, Swansea, September 1996. British Studies in Applied Linguistics Vol. 12. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
- Wray, A. 1996. English pronunciation c. 1500-1700. In: Morehen, J. ed. English Choral Practice 1400-1650. Cambridge Studies in Performance Practice Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 90-108.
- Wray, A. 1996. The occurrence of 'occurance' and 'alot' of other things 'aswell': patterns of errors in undergraduate English. In: Blue, G. M. and Mitchell, R. eds. Language and Education: Papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at the University of Southampton, September 1995. British Studies in Applied Linguistics Clevedon: British Association for Applied Linguistics in association with Multilingual Matters, pp. 94-106.
- Wray, A. 1995. The sound of Latin in England before and after the Reformation. In: Morehen, J. ed. English Choral Practice, 1400-1650. Cambridge Studies in Performance Practice Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 74-89.
- Wray, A. 1992. The focusing hypothesis: the theory of left hemisphere lateralised language re-examined. Studies in Speech Pathology and Clinical Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Wray, A. 1992. Pronunciation. In: Knighton, T. and Fallows, D. eds. The Dent Everyman Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music. London: Dent, pp. 292-299.
- Wray, A. 1992. Authentic pronunciation for early music. In: Paynter, J. et al. eds. Companion to Contemporary Musical Thought. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1051-1064.
- Wray, A. 1990. The Singers' Language Project. Voice Research Society Newsletter 4(2), pp. 13-14.
- Wray, A. 1990. The dual systems ('focusing') hypothesis: a right hemisphere account for left hemisphere language. Speculations in Science and Technology 13(1), pp. 3-12.
- Wray, A. 1989. The values and shortcomings of phonetic script as a tool for singers. Singing 16, pp. 21-24.
- Wray, A. 1988. Phonetic transcription for singers?. Voice Research Society Newsletter 3(1), pp. 5-7.
- Wray, A. and Merton, P. 2024. ‘Brain fry’ in Just a Minute: the challenges of talking without hesitation, repetition or deviation. Comedy Studies 15(2), pp. 137-153. (10.1080/2040610X.2024.2373579)
- Wray, A. and Bergstrom, A. 2024. Determiners of social inclusion and exclusion in the dementia context: the perspective of family carers. Pragmatics and Society 15(1), pp. 17-32. (10.1075/ps.23051.wra)
- Wray, A. 2023. Hidden in plain sound: overlooked repetition in Just a Minute. Yearbook of Phraseology 14(1), pp. 33-88. (10.1515/phras-2023-0004)
- Wray, A. 2021. Dementia research: Prof Alison Wray discusses the importance of communication. Medical News Today
- Hughes, C., Filimonov, M., Wray, A. and Spasic, I. 2021. Leaving no stone unturned: flexible retrieval of idiomatic expressions from a large text corpus. Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction 3(1), pp. 263-283. (10.3390/make3010013)
- Wray, A., Morris, L., Mansell, W., Williamson, T. and McEvoy, P. 2020. Communication Empowerment Framework: An integrative framework to support effective communication and interaction between carers and people living with dementia. Dementia 19, pp. 1739-1757. (10.1177/1471301218805329)
- Wray, A. 2019. Multilingual dementia care: defining the limits of translanguaging. Language Awareness 28(3), pp. 227-245. (10.1080/09658416.2019.1636801)
- Wray, A. 2017. Formulaic sequences as a regulatory mechanism for cognitive perturbations during the achievement of social goals. Topics in Cognitive Science 9(3), pp. 569-587. (10.1111/tops.12257)
- Wray, A. 2017. The language of dementia science and the science of dementia language: linguistic interpretations of an interdisciplinary research field. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 36(1), pp. 80-95. (10.1177/0261927X16663591)
- Wray, A., Bell, H. and Jones, K. 2016. How native and non-native speakers of English interpret unfamiliar formulaic sequences. European Journal of English Studies 20(1), pp. 47-63. (10.1080/13825577.2015.1136163)
- Wray, A. 2016. Accommodating 'unaccustomed pragmatic spaces' in Arbib's model Comment on "Towards a Computational Comparative Neuroprimatology: Framing the language-ready brain. Physics of Life Reviews 16, pp. 101-104. (10.1016/j.plrev.2016.01.014)
- Wray, A. 2016. Mechanisms of conflict and aggression in the dementia context. Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 4(1), pp. 115-140. (10.1075/jlac.4.1.05wra)
- Wray, A. and Wallace, M. 2015. Developing research expertise in applied linguistics: capacity-building for today’s interdisciplinary challenges. ITL: International Journal of Applied Linguistics 166(1), pp. 3-36. (10.1075/itl.166.1.01wra)
- Fitzpatrick, T., Playfoot, D., Wray, A. and Wright, M. J. 2013. Establishing the reliability of word association data for investigating individual and group differences. Applied Linguistics n/a (10.1093/applin/amt020)
- Wray, A. 2013. Formulaic language. Language Teaching 46(3), pp. 316-334. (10.1017/S0261444813000013)
- Wray, A. 2012. What do we (think we) know about formulaic language? An evaluation of the current state of play. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics 32(1), pp. 231-254. (10.1017/S026719051200013X)
- Wray, A. 2012. Patterns of formulaic language in Alzheimer's disease: implications for quality of life. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults 13(3), pp. 168-175. (10.1108/14717791211264034)
- Wray, A. and Wallace, M. 2011. Accelerating the development of expertise: a step-change in social science research capacity building. British Journal of Educational Studies 59(3), pp. 241-264. (10.1080/00071005.2011.599790)
- Lindholm, C. and Wray, A. 2011. Proverbs and formulaic sequences in the language of elderly people with dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 10(3), pp. 1-21. (10.1177/1471301211413338)
- Wray, A. 2011. Formulaic language as a barrier to effective communication with people with Alzheimer's Disease. Canadian Modern Languages Review 67(4), pp. 429-458. (10.3138/cmlr.67.4.429)
- Wray, A. 2011. Perspectives on Formulaic Language: Acquisition and Communication – Edited by David Wood [Book Review]. International Journal of Applied Linguistics 21(1), pp. 127-133. (10.1111/j.1473-4192.2010.00279.x)
- Mollet, E., Wray, A., Fitzpatrick, T., Wray, N. R. and Wright, M. J. 2010. Choosing the best tools for comparative analyses of texts. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 15(4), pp. 429-473. (10.1075/ijcl.15.4.01mol)
- Wray, A. 2010. We've Had a Wonderful, Wonderful Thing: formulaic interaction when an expert has dementia. Dementia: The International Journal of Social Research and Practice 9(4), pp. 517-534. (10.1177/1471301210381677)
- Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2010. Pushing speakers to the extreme: the artificial use of prefabricated material in conversation. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 4(1), pp. 37-51. (10.1080/17501220802596413)
- Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2010. Pushing learners to the extreme: the artificial use of prefabricated material in conversation. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching 4(1), pp. 37-52. (10.1080/17501220802596413)
- Wray, A. 2009. Future directions in formulaic language research. Journal of Foreign languages 32(6), pp. 2-17.
- Wray, A. 2009. Hurford, James R. The origins of meaning: language in the light of evolution - 408pp, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007, Hardback, £29.95, ISBN :95978-0199207855 [Book Review]. Functions of Language 16(2), pp. 298-308. (10.1075/fol.16.2.07wra)
- Wray, A. 2008. Genes and the conceptualisation of language knowledge. Genomics, Society, and Policy 4(1), pp. 58-73. (10.1186/1746-5354-4-1-58)
- Wray, A. 2008. The puzzle of language learning: from child’s play to ‘linguaphobia’. Language Teaching 41(2), pp. 255-273. (10.1017/S0261444807004909)
- Wray, A. and Grace, G. 2007. The consequences of talking to strangers: Evolutionary corollaries of socio-cultural influences on linguistic form. Lingua 117(3), pp. 543-578. (10.1016/j.lingua.2005.05.005)
- Wray, A. 2006. Joining the dots: the evolutionary picture of language and music. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 16(1), pp. 103-105.
- Fitzpatrick, T. and Wray, A. 2006. Breaking up is not so hard to do: individual differences in L2 memorisation. Canadian Modern Language Review 63(1), pp. 35-57. (10.3138/cmlr.63.1.35)
- Wray, A. 2005. The explanatory advantages of the holistic protolanguage model: the case of linguistic irregularity. Commentary on Arbib. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 28(2), pp. 147-148. (10.1017/S0140525X05450037)
- Wray, A. and Staczek, J. J. 2005. One word or two? Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic interpretations of meaning in a court case. International Journal of Speech Language and the Law 12(1), pp. 1-18. (10.1558/ijsll.v12i1.1)
- Wray, A., Cox, S., Lincoln, M. and Tryggvason, J. 2004. A formulaic approach to translation at the Post Office: reading signs. Language & Communication 24(1), pp. 59-75. (10.1016/j.langcom.2003.08.001)
- Wray, A. and Namba, K. 2003. Use of formulaic language by a Japanese-English bilingual child: a practical approach to data analysis. Japan Journal for Multilingualism and Multiculturalism 9(1), pp. 24-51.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2002. The fall and rise of linguists in education policy-making: From "common sense" to common ground. Language Policy 1(1), pp. 75-98.
- Wray, A. 2002. Formulaic language in computer-supported communication: theory meets reality. Language AwarenesS 11(2), pp. 114-131. (10.1080/09658410208667050)
- Wray, A. and Perkins, M. R. 2000. The functions of formulaic language: an integrated model. Language & Communication 20(1), pp. 1-28. (10.1016/S0271-5309(99)00015-4)
- Wray, A. 2000. Formulaic sequences in second language teaching: principle and practice. Applied Linguistics 21(4), pp. 463-489. (10.1093/applin/21.4.463)
- Wray, A. 1999. Formulaic language in learners and native speakers. Language Teaching 32(4), pp. 213-231.
- Wray, A. 1999. Singers on the trail of 'authentic' Early Modern English: the puzzling case of /æː/ and /ɛː/. Transactions of the Philological Society 97(2), pp. 185-211.
- Wray, A. 1998. Protolanguage as a holistic system for social interaction. Language and Communication 18(1), pp. 47-67. (10.1016/S0271-5309(97)00033-5)
- Wray, A. 1990. The Singers' Language Project. Voice Research Society Newsletter 4(2), pp. 13-14.
- Wray, A. 1990. The dual systems ('focusing') hypothesis: a right hemisphere account for left hemisphere language. Speculations in Science and Technology 13(1), pp. 3-12.
- Wray, A. 1989. The values and shortcomings of phonetic script as a tool for singers. Singing 16, pp. 21-24.
- Wray, A. 1988. Phonetic transcription for singers?. Voice Research Society Newsletter 3(1), pp. 5-7.
- Wray, A. 2000. Pronunciation of the texts. [CD]. Salisbury Cathedral Boy Choristers, Gabrieli Consort & Paul McCreesh. John Sheppard: Missa Cantata. CD recording 457 3 March 2025.
Book sections
- Wray, A. 2024. Formulaic sequences and language disorders. In: Ball, M. J., Mueller, N. and Spencer, E. eds. Handbook of Clinical Linguistics, 2nd ed.. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics Wiley Blackwell, pp. 177-188., (10.1002/9781119875949.ch13)
- Wray, A. 2024. The emergence of word forms from human protolanguage. In: Vita, K. ed. Teaching Linguistics with Games. Cascadilla Press
- Wray, A. 2021. Loneliness and dementia: the role of communication. In: Stern, J. et al. eds. Bloomsbury Handbook of Solitude, Silence and Loneliness. Bloomsbury Handbooks Bloomsbury, pp. 288-298.
- Wray, A. 2018. Reconstructed pronunciation. In: Lawson, C. and Stowell, R. eds. Cambridge encyclopedia of historical performance in Music. Cambridge University Press, pp. 524-526.
- Wray, A. 2018. Concluding question: Why don't second language learners more proactively target formulaic sequences?. In: Siyanova-Chanturia, A. and Pellicer-Sanchez, A. eds. Understanding Formulaic Language: A Second Language Acquisition Perspective. Second Language Acquisition Research Series London and New York: Routledge, pp. 248-269.
- Wray, A. 2015. Why are we so sure we know what a word is?. In: Taylor, J. R. ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Word. Oxford Handbooks Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 725-750., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199641604.013.032)
- Wray, A. 2014. Developing comprehensive criteria of adequacy: the challenge of hybridity. In: Gómez-González, M. d. l. ?. et al. eds. The Functional Perspective on Language and Discourse : Applications and Implications. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 19-36.
- Wray, A. 2014. Formulaic language and threat: the challenge of empathy and compassion in Alzheimer's disease interaction. In: Schrauf, R. W. and Müller, N. eds. Dialogue and dementia: cognitive and communicative resources for engagement. Language and Speech Disorders London: Psychology Press, pp. 263-286.
- Wray, A. 2014. Dementia and language. In: Chapelle, C. ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley, pp. 1-6., (10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal1441)
- Wray, A. 2013. Mislaying compassion: linguistic triggers for inadequate care-giving in Alzheimer's Disease care. In: Davis, B. H. and Guendouzi, J. eds. Pragmatics in Dementia Discourse. Advances in Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 117-145.
- Wray, A. 2013. Formulaic sequences. In: Chapelle, C. ed. The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics., Vol. 4. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 2200-2205.
- Wray, A. 2012. Formulaic language. In: Robinson, P. ed. Routledge Encyclopedia of Second Language Acquisition. Routledge, pp. 252-256.
- Mollet, E., Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2011. Accessing second-order collocation through lexical co-occurrence networks. In: Herbst, T., Faulhaber, S. and Uhrig, P. eds. Phraseological View of Language: A Tribute to John Sinclair. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 87-122.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2011. Scholarly reading as a model for scholarly writing. In: Rocco, T. S. and Hatcher, T. eds. The Handbook of Scholarly Writing and Publishing. Jossey-Bass higher and adult education series San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp. 44-61.
- Wray, A. 2011. Games for studying language origins and change. In: Kuiper, K. ed. Teaching Linguistics: Reflections on Practice. London: Equinox, pp. 154-181.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2009. Complexity theory and emergent change. Case study. In: Saunders, M., Lewis, P. and Thornhill, A. eds. Research Methods for Business Students. 5th ed.. Harlow: Prentice Hall, pp. 102-104.
- Wray, A. 2009. Identifying formulaic language: persistent challenges and new opportunities. In: Corrigan, R. L. et al. eds. Formulaic Language: Distribution and Historical Change., Vol. 1. Typological Studies in Language Vol. 82. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 27-52.
- Wray, A. 2009. Preface: A research network model. In: Fitzpatrick, T. and Barfield, A. eds. Lexical Processing in Second Language Learners: Papers and Perspectives in Honour of Paul Meara. Second Language Acquisition Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. xi-xvii.
- Wray, A. 2009. Conclusion: Navigating L2 collocation research. In: Barfield, A. and Gyllstad, H. eds. Researching Collocations in Another Language: Multiple Interpretations. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 232-244.
- Wray, A. and Pegg, C. A. 2009. The effect of memorized learning on the writing scores of Chinese IELTS test takers. In: Thompson, P., HOlliday, J. and Taylor, L. eds. IELTS Research Reports. Vol. 9. IELTS Australia, pp. 191-216.
- Wray, A. 2008. Formulaic sequences and language disorders. In: Ball, M. et al. eds. Handbook of Clinical Linguistics. Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 184-197.
- Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2008. Why can't you just leave it alone? Deviations from memorized language as a gauge of nativelike competence. In: Meunier, F. and Granger, S. eds. Phraseology in foreign language learning and teaching. Philadelphia, PA: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp. 123-148.
- Wray, A. 2007. Set phrases in second language acquisition. In: Burger, H. et al. eds. Phraseologie / Phraseology: Ein internationales Handbuch zeitgenössischer Forschung / An International Handbook of Contemporary Research., Vol. 1. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 870-881.
- Wray, A. 2007. "Needs only" analysis in linguistic ontogeny and phylogeny. In: Lyon, C., Nehaniv, C. L. and Cangelosi, A. eds. Emergence of Communication and Language. London: Springer, pp. 53-70., (10.1007/978-3-030-04465-7_8)
- Wray, A. 2006. Idiomaticity in an L2: linguistic processing as a predictor of success. In: Beavan, B. ed. IATEFL 2005 Cardiff Conference Selections: 39th International Annual Conference, Cardiff, 5-9 April 2005. IATEFL, pp. 53-60.
- Wray, A. 2006. Formulaic language. In: Brown, K. ed. Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics., Vol. 4. Oxford: Elsevier, pp. 590-597.
- Wray, A. 2005. The broadening scope of animal communication research. In: Tallerman, M. ed. Language Origins: Perspectives on Evolution. Studies in the Evolution of Language Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 232-238.
- Wray, A. 2005. Looking at the WHY in phraseology: a psycholinguistic perspective on patterns in text. In: Cosme, C. et al. eds. Phraseology 2005: The Many Faces of Phraseology. Louvain-la-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain, pp. 23-26.
- Wray, A. 2004. 'Here's one I prepared earlier': formulaic language learning on television. In: Schmitt, N. ed. Formulaic Sequences: Acquisition, Processing and Use. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 249-268., (10.1075/lllt.9.13wra)
- Wray, A. 2002. Dual processing in protolanguage: performance without competence. In: Wray, A. ed. The Transition to Language. Oxford Studies in the Evolution of Language Oxford University Press, pp. 113-137.
- Wray, A. 2000. Holistic utterances in protolanguage: the link from primates to humans. In: Knight, C., Studdert-Kennedy, M. and Hurford, J. R. eds. The Evolutionary Emergence of Language: Social Function and the Origins of Linguistic Form. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp. 285-302.
- Wray, A. 1996. English pronunciation c. 1500-1700. In: Morehen, J. ed. English Choral Practice 1400-1650. Cambridge Studies in Performance Practice Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 90-108.
- Wray, A. 1996. The occurrence of 'occurance' and 'alot' of other things 'aswell': patterns of errors in undergraduate English. In: Blue, G. M. and Mitchell, R. eds. Language and Education: Papers from the Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at the University of Southampton, September 1995. British Studies in Applied Linguistics Clevedon: British Association for Applied Linguistics in association with Multilingual Matters, pp. 94-106.
- Wray, A. 1995. The sound of Latin in England before and after the Reformation. In: Morehen, J. ed. English Choral Practice, 1400-1650. Cambridge Studies in Performance Practice Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 74-89.
- Wray, A. 1992. Pronunciation. In: Knighton, T. and Fallows, D. eds. The Dent Everyman Companion to Medieval and Renaissance Music. London: Dent, pp. 292-299.
- Wray, A. 1992. Authentic pronunciation for early music. In: Paynter, J. et al. eds. Companion to Contemporary Musical Thought. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 1051-1064.
- Wray, A. 2021. Why dementia makes communication difficult: a guide to better outcomes. Jessica Kingsley.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2021. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates (4th edition). Student Success. Sage.
- Wray, A. 2020. The dynamics of dementia communication. Oxford University Press.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2016. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates (3rd edition). Sage Study Skills Series. Sage.
- Wray, A. 2013. Formulaic language: Pushing the boundaries (China edition). Oxford Applied Linguistics Series. Shanghai Foreign Language Teaching Press/Oxford University Press.
- Wray, A. and Bloomer, A. 2012. Projects in linguistics and language studies (3rd edition). Hodder Education.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2011. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates. 2nd ed.. SAGE Study Skills Series. London: Sage.
- Wray, A. 2008. Formulaic language: Pushing the boundaries. Oxford Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Wray, A. and Bloomer, A. 2008. Projects in linguistics : a practical guide to researching language (2nd ed.). London: Hodder Arnold.
- Wray, A. and Bloomer, A. 2006. Projects in linguistics: a practical guide, 2nd ed.. London: Arnold.
- Wallace, M. and Wray, A. 2006. Critical reading and writing for postgraduates. Sage Study Skills. London: Sage.
- Wray, A. 2002. Formulaic language and the lexicon. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Wray, A. ed. 2002. The transition to language. Oxford linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Wray, A., Trott, K. and Bloomer, A. 1998. Projects in linguistics: a practical guide to researching language. London: Arnold.
- Ryan, A. and Wray, A. eds. 1997. Evolving models of language: papers from the annual meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics held at the University of Wales, Swansea, September 1996. British Studies in Applied Linguistics Vol. 12. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
- Wray, A. 1992. The focusing hypothesis: the theory of left hemisphere lateralised language re-examined. Studies in Speech Pathology and Clinical Linguistics. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Buerki, A., Wray, A. and Fitzpatrick, T. 2016. Linguistic markers and risk of Alzheimer's Disease. Presented at: BRACE Annual Celebration 2016, Filton, UK, 6 June 2016.
- Mac-Giolla Chriost, D. et al. 2012. Welsh for adults teaching and learning approaches, methodologies and resources: a comprehensive research study and critical review of the way forward. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Government. Available at:
- Wray, A. 2020. Dementia communication across language boundaries: developing language awareness. Youtube. Available at:
- Wray, A. 2017. Understanding the challenges of dementia communication. Youtube. Available at:
- Wray, A. 2018. Dementia: the "communication disease". [Online]. YouTube. Available at:
- Wray, A. and Wallace, M. 2014. Developing social science research expertise: a resource and guide for trainers. [Online]. National Centre for Research Methods. Available at:
The central focus of my research is developing innovative models that can account for patterns observed in language. My primary contribution at the present time is understanding the causes of disrupted communication when someone is living with a dementia - not just how the underlying brain damage affects the production and comprehension of language, but also what happens to the norms of social interaction when they interface with the cognitive disruptions caused by dementia.This work on dementia developed from and builds on my previous work over many years, in characterising formulaic language (prefabricated wordstrings).
Formulaic language encompasses strings of words that:
- appear to be stored whole in memory for convenience (e.g. thank you very much; what I mean is)
- are particularly frequent in text (e.g. in the middle of?)
- have a social importance for particular people (e.g. present arms)
- are memorised or repeated,
- and/or are non-compositional in form or meaning (e.g. by and large; woe betide).
Drawing on observations of formulaic language in a variety of contexts, I have developed models of how language is learned, processed and stored, and have applied them, through experiments and other investigations, to issues in first and second language acquisition, language disability and the evolution of language. I have written about the role of formulaic language in translation, the capacity for formulaic language materially to improve the quality of a non-native speaker's interaction, and the nature of formulaic language in language disorders including Alzheimer’s Disease.
Current research
The Communicative Impact model: In 2014, I began work on a new model of how the act of communication interfaces with language processing. It draws together socio-interactional and pragmatic theory with models of cognition, to demonstrate how forms of language are shaped by what we need to achieve through communication, and how language is used to make good shortfalls in communication when the speaker is under cognitive pressure. The model combines my previous work on formulaic language, Alzheimer’s Disease and second language acquisition, and it is designed to offer opportunities for experimental interventions in situations where communication is typically undermined by reduced cognitive capacity and/or lexical access problems, including Alzheimer’s and post-childhood foreign language learning. The model is described in most detail in my 2020 book The Dynamics of Dementia Communication (Oxford University Press),
Based on the model, I've scripted three animated films about aspects of dementia communication ( the challenges of dementia communication (2017, 16min) presents key ideas from my research in layman’s terms. Dementia: the ‘communication disease’ (2018, 18min) offers practical ideas for approaching communication in new ways. The focus of Dementia communication across language boundaries (2020, 31min) is when carer and client aren’t fluent in the same language. Funded by the Norwegian Research Council, this film also has a Norwegian version. The English versions are all voiced by British actor Sir Tony Robinson.
With my collaboration, Six Degrees Social Enterprise in Salford, UK, has developed workshops to support professional and family carers of people with dementia that use my ideas to address the causes and help alleviate the stress of being a carer in this context.
Linguistic theory at the boundaries: The development of macro-theory that relates linguistic form and function to the cognitive and social aspects of language behaviour. Rooted in the models of formulaic language acquisition and use (see above) more recently they have broadened to examine the ‘word’ as an inherently vague phenomenon, language as a fundamentally hybrid system, and a new theory of how cognitive and social pressures on language production are managed into a steady state of fluency using options in form selection.
Predicting dementia: Supported by funding from Alzheimer’s BRACE and the British Academy/Leverhulme, I am PI on a project exploring early linguistic markers of risk for future Alzheimer’s disease. The study participants are part of a parent project called PREVENT, funded by the Alzheimer’s Society (PI Prof Craig Ritchie, University of Edinburgh).
Reconstructing pronunciation: In the past I have researched historical pronunciation, reconstructing English and other languages for performances and recordings of early music. In this capacity I have advised on over 80 commercial CD recordings (including some international award winners), BBC broadcasts and major public concerts.
Research expertise in the social sciences: In a separate strand of research and training, I have explored the nature of research expertise in the social sciences, particularly ‘thinking like an expert’. This work, with Mike Wallace as co-I, was supported by a three-year ESRC Researcher Development Initiative Award (see Wray & Wallace 2011 for an account of the principles). Mike and I are also co-authors of Critical Reading and Writing for Postgraduates and conduct workshops for PhD and early career researchers on this topic. In 2010 I gained two coaching qualifications and developed a brand of coaching suitable for the university research context.
Current and past funded projects
- 2023: £4855 UKRI Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account to initiate dementia communication collaborative work with the Māori community, New Zealand
- 2023: £3000 from ESRC Impact Accelerator fund to create DVDs of animated films about dementia communication
- 2018-21: £10000 from the British Academy/Leverhulme Small Grants Fund, for work on the predicting future Alzheimer's through language patterns
- 2017: £6000 from the ESRC Impact Accelerator fund to develop an animation 'Dementia: the Communication Disease', released 2018
- 2016: £15000 for Cardiff University Research Leave Fellowship
- 2016: £15,500 from IELTS (transferred from UC Dublin). A comparison study of students’ strategy use in reading texts for the IELTS test and those for academic study. Researcher: Jie Liu
- 2016 Research Council of Norway, £11,000 (Cardiff portion of a larger grant). Collaboration with University of Oslo and Tess Fitzpatrick, Language and Communication in Multilingual Speakers with Dementia in Norway.
- 2015: £3000 from the ESRC Impact Accelerator fund. This project focusses on developing training materials to support those who care for people with dementia. These materials are the ‘impact’ dimension of my current research into ‘communicative impact’, which examines the unaccustomed pragmatic spaces that are created in conversations with a person with dementia
2014-15: £40,000 grant from Alzheimer’s BRACE to look for early linguistic markers of future Alzheimer’s disease. Co-investigators and researchers: Dr Andreas Buerki, Prof Tess Fitzpatrick, Dr Michael Willett, Dr Katy Jones. Poster from the 2015 Brace Annual meeting
2014: £5000 from the Cardiff University College for Arts and Social Sciences Pilot project fund, to test the research instruments for the Alzheimer’s BRACE project. The pilot was conducted in collaboration with members of the Monmouth University of the Third Age
2010-14: £100,000 from the ESRC Researcher Development Initiative scheme, to develop training materials for enhancing expert thinking and problem solving in the social sciences. Co-I: Professor Mike Wallace, Cardiff University. Publications: 2014a, 2015a
2010-12: £303,000 from the Welsh Assembly Government. I was academic director of a project exploring how to improve the teaching of Welsh to adults. Collaborators were from the Cardiff Welsh for Adults Centre and School of Welsh and Oxford and Swansea Universities
2010-11: £76,000 from the ESRC, for psycholinguistic phenotyping of lexical retrieval preferences through an analysis of word association behaviour. PI: Dr Tess Fitzpatrick, Swansea University. Researcher: Dr David Playfoot. In collaboration with genetic epidemiologists at the Queensland Institute for Medical Research, Brisbane. This work compared teenage and >65 yr old twins, to identify patterns of difference in word retrieval. Publications so far: 2013f
2007-08: £100,000 from the AHRC to develop new analytic techniques for profiling language phenotypes in genetic research. Co-I: Dr Tess Fitzpatrick; researcher: Eugene Mollet. In collaboration with genetic epidemiologists at the Queensland Institute for Medical Research, Brisbane. This work entailed a multifaceted programme of profiles of written data by native speaker twins, in order to explore the relative roles of genetics and environment on patterns in linguistic performance. Publications: 2010c, 2011e
2006-07: £13,000 from IELTS to develop a practical approach to the accurate evaluation of linguistic knowledge when memorised material is reproduced in language tests. Co-I Dr Christine Pegg, Cardiff University and IELTS. Publications: 2009e
2002-03: £51,000 from the AHRB for research into how unintentional changes during the reproduction of memorised material indicate both the linguistic knowledge of language learners, and their attitude to risk. Project researcher: Tess Fitzpatrick. Publications: 2006e, 2008e, 2010b
1999-2000: £5,000 from the Nuffield Foundation for analysis of data from TALK, a conversation aid for people with cerebral palsy, based on formulaic language. Publications: 2002b, 2010b
1988-91: £61,000 from the Leverhulme Trust for practical and theoretical work on pronunciation in singing. Publications: 1988, 1989, 1990a, 1992b,c, 1995a,b, 1999a, 2000a, 2002e-g, 2003a,b.
Student support and capacity building
In 2002 I founded an informal association of researchers called the Formulaic Language Research Network (FLaRN), which has more than 200 members. It is primarily aimed at PhD students but also has many members in academic posts. If you are interested in joining, please email for information. Since 2004, FLaRN has had several biennial conferences, the most recent being hosted by the Dept of English Philology, University of Vilnius, Lithuania, June 28-30th 2016.
I supervise PhD students on aspects of formulaic language in first and second language contexts, and dementia communication.For more information on topics I would particularly like to supervise, see the 'Supervision' tab.
Current PhD students
- Axel Bergstrom: Understanding the linguistic, pragmatic and relational determinants of effective communication in dementia care in Wales: implications for training
- Hossein Rezaie: How do linguistic choices signal the market position of HE institutions in their prospectuses?
Past successful PhD students
- Helen Emery: Spelling in Arab learners of English. Awarded 2005
- Iain McGee: Formulaic Language and Second Language Learning/Teaching. Awarded 2006.
- Kazuhiko Namba: Bilingual children’s code-switching: a structural approach and formulaic language. Awarded May 2008.
- Yanling Su: Formulaic language acquisition and individual differences. Awarded December 2008.
- Amjad Saleem: Memorising in a language you don’t speak. Awarded 2015.
- Mark Maby: Second language learners’ acquisition of polysemous words. Awarded 2017
- Dale Brown: Japanese learners' productive knowledge of English collocations. Awarded 2018
- John Racine: Second language word association: processes, methodologies and models. Awarded 2019
- Peter Thwaites: Why do linguistic aspects of cue words constrain word association responses? Awarded 2019
- Stephen Cutler: The role of formulaic language in speech memorisation and production in L2 speakers of English. Awarded 2020
- Rowan Campbell: Levelling in the Cardiff accent of English. Awarded 2021
- Mike Green: The role of phonological patterns and etymology in the acquisition of formulaic sequence. Awarded 2022
I have a BA and D.Phil in linguistics from the University of York and did a 3 year postdoc in the Music Department of the same university. After working as a linguistics lecturer at what is now York St John University in York, I became Assistant Director of the Wales Applied Language Research Unit, Swansea University. In 1999 I was made a senior research fellow at Cardiff University, and subsequently a Reader, Professor and Research Professor.
I was Director of Research for the School of English Communication and Philosophy from 2004 to 2016.
Formulaic language: In particular, I'd be interested to have someone look at:
- the processes by which art song words are memorised in one's first language and other languages. This topic would suit someone with training in linguistics or psychology and a strong interest in western art song.
- ways of answering the following question: Why don’t second language learners more proactively target formulaic sequences? which I posed and discussed in the concluding chapter of Siyanova-Chanturia, A and Pellicer-Sanchez, A. (eds.) Understanding Formulaic Language: A Second Language Acquisition Perspective. Routledge, p.248-269. This research would transcend pure classroom observation and experimentatio and also teacher and student surveying, to engage at a much deeper theoretical level about the nature of language, communication and learning.
Dementia communication: projects focussing, for instance:
- applying communication theory to our understanding of why communication is challenging when one of the speakers is living with a dementia;
- comparing the challenges of dementia communication with those of using a second language
Current supervision
Axel Bergstrom
Contact Details
+44 29208 74762
John Percival Building, Room 3.38, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Psycholinguistics