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Fahad Alharbi

Mr Fahad Alharbi

Research student

Welsh School of Architecture

Bute Building, Floor First, Room Room: 1.51, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB


I'm an architect and urbanist. I have been working as a teaching assistant since 2015 and then as a lecturer since 2020 in the department of Architecture at Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. I earned my bachelor's degree in Architecture from Qassim University and my MSc in Urban design from the University of Manchester. 
Now, I'm working on my PhD studies at the Welsh School of Architecture, in which I am investigating the influence of the built environment and outdoor thermal comfort on walking behaviour. The main themes I'm working on are urbanism, walkability, outdoor thermal comfort, microclimate, healthy urbanism, healthy behaviour, and walking behaviour.


Welcome to my research profile! I am passionately engaged in exploring the intersection of urban planning and public health, with a specific focus on enhancing walkability in hot-arid climates. My current research delves into the integration of outdoor thermal comfort into neighbourhood walkability assessments, a crucial but often overlooked aspect in previous studies.

In the context of the hot-arid climate prevalent in Saudi Arabia, I am investigating the intricate relationship between walking behavior, neighbourhood walkability, and outdoor thermal comfort. This research is of paramount importance given the pressing global concerns related to physical inactivity and the escalating challenges posed by climate change.

The significance of my work lies in its potential to provide actionable insights and design strategies. By identifying ways to simultaneously improve walkability and outdoor thermal comfort, I aim to contribute practical solutions for urban planners, policymakers, and community stakeholders. This research not only addresses a critical gap in existing literature but also aligns with broader goals of sustainable urban development and creating environments that promote healthy lifestyles.

As I continue to delve into these themes, I am driven by a commitment to making meaningful contributions to the field and fostering positive changes in urban environments. Stay tuned for updates on my ongoing research endeavors and the valuable insights they may bring to the forefront of urban planning and public health discussions.


An investigation of the influence of neighbourhood walkability and outdoor thermal comfort on walking behaviour

My thesis explores the underexplored link between outdoor thermal comfort, neighbourhood walkability, and walking behaviour in the hot-arid climate of Saudi Arabia. With a focus on addressing global concerns of physical inactivity and climate change, the study aims to identify design strategies that simultaneously improve walkability and outdoor thermal comfort. The goal is to provide practical recommendations for urban planners to create environments that promote walking and contribute to sustainable urban development.


Affiliated with Qassim University since 2015, I transitioned from a Teaching Assistant to a Lecturer in 2021. Ongoing training ensures my continuous growth and relevance in the dynamic fields of architecture and urban design.
Subjects Taught:

  • Urban Design Studio: Engaging students in real-world urban challenges, fostering creativity and critical thinking.
  • Housing Studio: Exploring residential architecture, guiding students in designing functional and aesthetically pleasing living spaces.
  • Land-Mix Uses: Equipping students with skills to harmoniously integrate various land uses sustainably.
  • Green Architecture & Environmental Design: Addressing the intersection of architecture and sustainability, promoting environmentally friendly design practices.

Roles Undertaken:

  • Mentorship and Guidance: Actively mentoring students, providing both academic and professional guidance.
  • Research and Publications: Contributing to the scholarly community through research and publications.
  • Continuous Professional Development: Staying connected with industry advancements, ensuring up-to-date insights in both architecture and urban design.

In conclusion, my journey at Qassim University reflects a commitment to excellence in teaching and research. Through diverse courses and multifaceted roles, I aim to inspire and equip the next generation of architects and urbanists for impactful contributions to the field.


Shibu Raman

Shibu Raman

Lecturer in Architecture and Urban Design, Director of International

Simon Lannon

Simon Lannon

Senior Research Fellow


  • urbansim
  • Urban design
  • Urban planning and health
  • Urban morphology
  • Behaviour Change