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Zahi Alqarni  BSc MSc

Mr Zahi Alqarni



Teams and roles for Zahi Alqarni


Zahi Alqarni is a PhD student in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University and a lecturer at the College of Computer Science at King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from King Khalid University in 2016 and his Master's degree in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering from the University of Sheffield in 2020.

Zahi has a strong background in teaching, having instructed modules such as Engineering Drawing, Automatic Control Systems, C++, and Introduction to Computer Science at King Khalid University. Additionally, he has served as a demonstrator for the C++ course at Cardiff University.








My current research project focuses on enhancing indoor air quality in office environments while simultaneously minimizing the risk of viral infections, with a special emphasis on energy consumption considerations.



Professor Yacine Rezgui
Ioan Petri



  • Engineering Drawing at King Khalid university.
  • Automatic Control Systems at King Khalid university.
  • C++ at King Khalid university.
  • Introduction to Computer Science at King Khalid university.
  • C++ at Cardiff University.


Zahi Alqarni is a PhD student in the School of Engineering at Cardiff University and a lecturer at the College of Computer Science at King Khalid University in Saudi Arabia. He earned his Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering from King Khalid University in 2016 and his Master's degree in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering from the University of Sheffield in 2020.

Zahi has a strong background in teaching, having instructed modules such as Engineering Drawing, Automatic Control Systems, C++, and Introduction to Computer Science at King Khalid University. Additionally, he has served as a demonstrator for the C++ course at Cardiff University.


Academic positions

Teaching assesstent from 2017-2021 at King Khalid University.

A lecturer from 2021- peresent at King Khalid university.

A demonstrator from 2022-2023 at Cardiff University

Contact Details


  • 3D Geometry
  • Air pollution modelling and control
  • Air pollution processes and air quality measurement
  • CFD
  • Building information modelling and management