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Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia  BEng M.Arch

Muhammad Heru Arie Edytia


BEng M.Arch

Research student


Research Interest

  • Ageing in Architecture
  • Building Science
  • Architectural Design
  • Health in Architecture,
  • Architectural Pedagogy, Design Methods, and Design Theory.

Past Research

My previous thesis research was developing a design method from a scientific movie, Inception (2010), directed by Christopher Nolan, to be an Inception space. This mental space has five design mechanisms for a specific user as an object who will be unconsciously implanted with new ideas. In this case, a new idea of wayfinding was planted in a user with dementia with memory and visuospatial deficit. The result is a new design and some features of a pathway from and to the subject's house as a base and meunasah, a small mosque, as the center of the labyrinth.


Housing and Care Culture for Older People in Aceh, Indonesia: The Building Design Implication

Funding sources

The Indonesia Endowment Funds for Education (LPDP) from the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia


I obtained a Bachelor of Engineering (S.T.) from the Architecture Study Programme of Universitas Syiah Kuala in 2012. I completed a Master of Architecture (M.Ars.) in Architectural Design from the Department of Architecture Universitas Indonesia in 2015, with my master's thesis focusing on the idea of inception and space for dementia. My research, workshops, and publications take place in architectural design, health in architecture, ageing in architecture, pedagogy, building science, design methods, and design theory.


Sam Clark

Sam Clark

Reader, Director of Recruitment and Admissions

Satish Bk

Satish Bk

Senior Lecturer in Architectural Tectonics

Contact Details


Campuses Bute Building, Room 1.40, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB

Research themes