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Inge Elfferich

Miss Inge Elfferich

Teams and roles for Inge Elfferich


I have a background in earth and environmental sciences and I graduated in 2020 from Wageningen University (The Netherlands) with a MSc specialisation in biology and chemistry of soil and water. I did both my BSc and MSc thesis at the department of aquatic ecology and water quality management with a focus on cyanobacteria and their related concerns in waterbodies being used for recreation or drinking water production. I also did an internship at the drinking water company Dwr Cymru Welsh Water looking into the potential of in situ sensors for the prediction of cyanobacteria related water quality concerns.

For my PhD research, I work with an interdisciplinary team of supervisors from Cardiff and Bristol University and I am working together with Dwr Cymru Welsh Water to apply my research to the real world directly. I'm investigating which in situ sensors and frequency of measurement is required in a real-time monitoring program to predict issues with taste and odour compounds in drinking water reservoirs.  


    Research interests

    • Water quality
    • Cyanobacteria
    • Biogeochemical cycles
    • Nutrients
    • Eutrophication
    • In situ sensors

    Presentations & conferences

    I have presented some of my work to date for CIWEM Welsh Branch, Institute of Water and at various conferences (EGU, AQUA360 etc.). Please have a look at my abstract for EGU 2021 and attached poster, CO Meeting Organizer EGU21 (, if you're interested to learn more about my work on eDNA analysis for detection of taste and odour producing cyanobacteria.


    Using in situ sensors to monitor ecosystem health in freshwater catchments


    Contact Details


    Campuses Main Building, Room Room 2.28, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT