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Charlie Griffin

Miss Charlie Griffin

Research student


In October of 2020, I began my doctoral research with Cardiff University. Under the supervision of Dr. Georgina Powell, my research focuses on the applications of smart technology in social care. I'm particularly interested in how smart speakers, with their speech-based interfaces, can offer an accessible and intuitive means of reducing digital exclusion amongst older adults and allow them to reap the benefits of digital connectivity. Alongside this, I'm co-developing a proactive smart speaker/companion robot to trial with older adults in care settings.

In addition to my doctoral research, I'm also the lead graduate teaching assistant for the MSc Psychology Conversion course. As part of this, I lead multiple seminar groups, design course content and organise a team of other teaching assistants.

I've co-supervised placement students, intercalated medical students, and a team of computer science undergraduates in their final year project.


So far, my work has involved conducting a large scale scoping review on the uses, benefits and limitations of smart speakers in the home environment. This review offers a summary of 51 papers in the literature and is currently under submission. I have also sent out a mixed-methods survey to 3300 respondents across South Wales to understand how technology use relates to social and wellbeing factors. I am currently in the process of analysing this rich dataset. Moving forwards, I will be testing "off the shelf" smart speaker devices against a specially designed "companion robot" device in local social housing associations to understand the social and wellbeing effects on the residents. I jointly oversaw a team of computer science undergraduates in the development of the companion robot with a focus on proactive social interactions. Our hope is that the device will allow older adults to benefit from digital connectedness, as with standard smart speakers, but also offer more social benefits and support a greater level of independence. I'm excited to begin this research.


The application of smart technology in social care settings


My role as the lead graduate teaching assistant for the MSc Psychology involved developing course content and materials from a high-level brief in line with learning objectives for the course. I lead seminars and have delivered online, in-person and blended teaching to small groups of 6-10 postgraduate students over the past few years. I assess formative and summative work and offer constructive feedback. Additionally, I organized seminar evaluations and work with the module team to act on this feedback. I organise and lead all of the GTAs teaching on the MSc course. Furthermore, my teaching was graded "excellent" at internal audits in 2020 and 2021.

Contact Details


Campuses Tower Building, Room 2.03, 70 Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT