Empowering Young People’s Voices: An Analysis of Racialised Young People's Participation in Neighbourhood Governance
To empower young people’s voices and analyse their participation in neighbourhood governance under the UNCRC and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, by understanding the methods used to engage racialised young people in Cardiff neighbourhoods, and involve them in shaping their neighbourhood.
I have an undergraduate degree in Law and Politics and a master’s in Politics and Public Policy from Cardiff university. I have worked in Victim Support, Ofgem and Tenovus Cancer Care. Currently, I work with young people and children in Cardiff particularly in leading the Grange Pavilion Youth Forum CIC and Ffair Jobs CIC both operating as a social enterprise to engage, listen, platform and champion young people, fair work and ensuring young people can strategically play a more central role in what happens in the city. I also sit on the trustee boards of Grange Pavilion CIO, Welsh Centre for Internation Affairs. Cynnal Cymru, Youth Cymru, Asylum Justice, Home4U and Asylum Justice.
Neil Harris
Senior Lecturer in Statutory Planning
Thomas Smith
Reader in Human Geography
Matluba Khan
Senior Lecturer