Empowering Young People’s Voices: An Analysis of Racialised Young People's Participation in Neighbourhood Governance
To empower young people’s voices and analyse their participation in neighbourhood governance under the UNCRC and the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015, by understanding the methods used to engage racialised young people in Cardiff neighbourhoods, and involve them in shaping their neighbourhood.
I have an undergraduate degree in Law and Politics and a master’s in Politics and Public Policy from Cardiff university. I have worked in Victim Support, Ofgem and Tenovus Cancer Care. Currently, I work with young people and children in Cardiff particularly in leading the Grange Pavilion Youth Forum CIC and Ffair Jobs CIC both operating as a social enterprise to engage, listen, platform and champion young people, fair work and ensuring young people can strategically play a more central role in what happens in the city. I also sit on the trustee boards of Grange Pavilion CIO, Welsh Centre for Internation Affairs. Cynnal Cymru, Youth Cymru, Asylum Justice, Home4U and Asylum Justice.