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Linda Adara

Dr Linda Adara

Research Associate – Trial Manager


I am a Research Associate and Trial Manager in the Centre for Trials Research, College of Biomedical and Life Sciences, Cardiff University.

I have a background in early years education, youth and community work, and public engagement. My research work aims to improve the health and well-being of children and young people and to reduce health inequalities.

I am currently managing Test & Learn: Outreach services with a health specialism for people rough sleeping - optimisation and pilot cluster randomised controlled trial.

My research interests include:

  • Qualitative and creative methodologies.
  • School-based interventions.
  • Imagination, communication, and collaboration.













Recent collaborative projects

Test & Learn: Outreach services with a health specialism for people rough sleeping - optimisation and pilot cluster randomised controlled trial 

The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) is investing £15 million to improve the evidence-base and understanding of what works to end rough sleeping. Test and Learn is the first programme of trial-based evaluation in homelessness in the UK, rigorously testing eight interventions which can make a difference in ending rough sleeping and preventing homelessness. Cardiff University is leading the evaluation of homelessness outreach with a health specialism intervention, which will be optimised and then evaluated through a pilot cluster randomised controlled trial. 

3P: Optimisation and feasibility of Triple P parenting programme for remote delivery

This study aims to assess the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled trial of remote Group Triple P, an intervention designed to help parents develop strategies to build relationships and confidently manage their children’s behaviour.

Social Workers in Schools (SWIS)

Following on from three pilot studies of school based social work. The SWIS trial is evaluating the programme on a larger scale to establish the impact it has on some important social care and educational outcomes.

Research Inspires ME (RIME)

To mark World Cancer Day (4th February), the RIME project launched an education resource pack for key stage three pupils (age 11 – 14). The pack aims to improve literacy, digital competency and inspire career pathways by bringing the arts and sciences together. Two powerful films were created by renowned poets Ifor ap Glyn and Owen Sheers.

FRANK friends Study

This study is evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of the FRANK friends intervention to prevent and reduce illicit drug use with a cluster randomised controlled trial design. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the cancellation of all intervention delivery sessions and the study was formally closed in May 2022.

The Jack Trial

This cluster randomised controlled trial aims to determine the effectiveness of an intervention designed to reduce rates of unintended teenage pregnancy and to better understand the contextual conditions through a process evaluation.

Physical Activity Monitors in an Exercise Referral Setting (PACERS)

The PACERS study seeks to assess the feasibility of adding a motivational component to an existing intervention to enhance the effects of the National Exercise Referral Scheme and support longer-term maintenance of physical activity.

School Holiday Enrichment Programme (SHEP)

Working with families across Wales, this project evaluates SHEP, a school-based programme that provides nutrition education, physical activity, enrichment sessions and healthy meals to children in areas of social deprivation during the school summer holidays.


Education and qualifications

  • PhD Creativity in Education, 2014 University of Exeter (ESRC Scholarship)
  • MSc Educational Research Methods with Distinction, 2010 University of Exeter
  • BSc Early Childhood Studies, First Class Honours, 2009 Swansea University

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